Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1919, p. 7

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X '•~~'^3Zr*"^!roO'^ â„¢N BLOOD I Th.h BRINGS INDIGESnON Buying Newspapers With Seals. It j8 announced by a Parlaiaa paper â€" L'Avenlr' â€" that all aobacribers will b« allowed to purchase tea pounds of Make the Blood Rich and Red by i sugar at coat price, and siace sugar llainir Dr Williams' Pink '* *''°"' **" scarcest commodity at using ur. Williams rmK present in Paris, it is llliely that the Pills. proprietors will do well. ,, . Papers have resorted to all aorta of Thin-blooded people generally have ^^^i^^^ devices In order to increase stomach trouble They seldom recog- , ^^^^^^ drrulation. At one time the nize the fact th«i ihlff" blood is the | p^^^ .p^^.^ g,^^ . ^^^^ .„ ,^^ ^^^^^ cause of Indigestion, but It la. Thin blood, weak, watery blood, is one of the most common causes of stomach trouble. The glands that fumiali the digestive fluids are diminished in | their activity, the stomach muscles ! are weakened and there is a loss of i was purchased by M. Henri Deutsch, who announced that he would give away 100.000 copies a day â€" so many to members of various professions. 2,000 to dress-makers, 1,000 to butchers. 500 to dentists, and so on. Editors in less civilized lands have LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Chedc ugly dandrufFl Stop hair coming out and double its beauty. 0177-9138 «174-5157 No. 9174â€" Ladies' Waist. nerve force. In this state nothing wiU ^^^ ^^^.^ ^^ announce that they more quickly restore appeUte, dlges- , ^^^^ ^^^^ subscriptions in kind, tlon and a normal autriton than good, , ^^^^ ,^^ instance, the following an rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles, and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. Price, 25 The first sign of returning health is cents. Pleated front panel, two styles an improved appetite, and soon the of sleeva. Cut in 9 sizes, 34, 36, 38,' effect of these blood improving -pitis 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 ins. bust' is felt throughout the whole system. measure. Size 36 requires, with dart sleeves, 2\i yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins. wide; with bell ileeves, 2J« yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1?* yds. 45 ins. wide. No. 9157 â€" Ladies' Two-Piece Skirt. Price, 25 cents. Pane! front wth two- piece "canght-under" tunic; 39 or 37- inch length. Cut in 6 sizes, 24, 26, 28, SO, 32 and 34 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, without tunic, 39-inch length, 2^a vds. 36 or 45 ins. wide; with tunic, ^-inch length, 5^« yds. 36 or 45 ins. wide. 1% yds. You find that what you eat does not distress you and that you are daily growing stronger and more vigorous. .Mr. J. J. Murray, Regent Street, To- ronto, bears testimony to the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind. He says; â€" "During the lat- ter part of 1918 I was a sick man. My stomach seemed simply down and out. i I had no desire for food, and when I ate it distressed me. I was pale, did not sleep well, naturally got up in the nouncement from a far-Western jour- nal: "Have you paid your subscrip- tion yet? Remember that even an editor must live. If the hard times have struck your shebang, don't for- get turnips, potatoes and com in the shock are most as welcome as Tiard cash at the 'Gem' oSice. Also hard- wood. Our latch-string is always out, or the goods can be delivered to our wife, who will give receipt in our ab- , ..,,,. ^ â-  ,_ sence." Imagine buying a paper for > '"^ every hair n the head, thus stop- three or four turnips! i P,^?« ''^ ^"^ '^'"°« °"^' °'" S«*'^°« Greenland has a newspaper publish- ^'V^'- '^^ f'"''"f- . . „„ , ed at God Haabt, called the 'Kalorlk- ^^'" » "* applications of "Dander- f Jne you seldom find a fallen hair or a particle of dandruff, besides every A little "Danderine" cools, cleanses and makes the feverish. Itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimulat- ing tonic penetrates to the famished hair roots, reviialiaing and Invigorat- Earn $4 Par Hen. KlaTen boyt of Go«|mo. Coniu, â- U>C> •d oat NoTOBiber 1, 1911, to «ura $1,000 profit In one year from'thetr flock ot hens. They flniahad the ex- periment November 1 of thla year and after checking up results find that tbey paased that mark oooslderablr. eamlnc $1,750.43 above feed costs. The number of bens In the elevea flocks varied somewhat, durtog the year, but the average total each month of the year was 434'hen8 This means that the boys made a profit ot a little more than $4 above feed cost par hen. At the same time the Goshen boys laanched their experiment nine boya of West Hartford entered Into a •Iml- lar venture. As some of these boys lived in suburban homes with limited facilities for keeping cliickena they owned fewer hens than CUa«tf«a AchnertiMBM0l% > « ' â- i.ii»..,..< «ii«,M>^â€" »'.JM»W Sri Si Toroot4L Co . rs?S; rune' PrS^ Ave.. CO»OMIT ^»oa.. ,. ., ATTHKJICr-V: ALBBRT DOWNI.N'i. Canadafs most sucuMnful t<mof •DMat; fuppUcs joaceritaiunt for wholn or OBrt_preCT«mmML Be iinow* all Um beet Write rjjw for terms. NordhelSl «'•«. Toronto. FlRSt CI.AS Retd Broa. OARAOa nd wi Out M •sp«rl«noe and waffM want«i Bothwrtl. " MXBCKTJUlMMOVU. TMpaOVE TOCR BKSJlD: JUST AT-? tea«uconfal ot Ko-MaTDE BRE.\t IMPROv 2R to your regular baidnr ^ „ ^ . SBi » l«r«er. Oner, and aweeter the Goshen ; whli!li wlli not dry out mo aulckjy. P« boys. The average total for each i il^H-'«^t^*l*'°'?r /^^ your rrocer »!. n„., .. . , 1. ,- ..t i ""° a t«Bn centB for a Dacka«& Ha month was 200 hens, .'\lthough their Mayl^ Produota Ca. Toronto total proflta were but $784.53, their I ^a.ncbk iViioRs. lumps, KTO^ profits per bird were $3.92, but little V/ lDi«rruil and Mtem&l. cured wltbout leas than that nf th<. ('.^„h^n hn^^ ' ''•^° *'' °"" hom* treatment. Writd uS less tnan tnat or tne OoBUen boys. | fton tco lata. Dr. B.Umaa ICedlcal Now the boys think they can beat j Co Um!t«d. CoUingrrood. ont, their own record and both clubs plan to continue their work another year. Send Order. MONEY ORDERS, a Dominion Express Money Five Dollars costs three cents. morning feeling grouchy. Aly wife ' Width around bottom, i 'was worried over my condition and ' urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills, reminding me ot the good they milt.' It is a monthly periodical printed n the Eskimo language. The j subscription is one seal for a year, 1 two cider duck for three months. I while single copies cost a dab-chick | apiece, the latter being a small, eat- I able sea-bird. j Even in Europe subiscriptions in kind have been received. In 1S37 the editor of the "Eilbote.' a paper pub- Valuable Dead. A horse when deud has by no means ceased to be useful. His hide, being extremely tough. Is the best of all materials for covering baseballs. His 'Trousers Hint Save all the stocking tops and xxmf^ them to line the knees and seats oi boys' trousers where they are thin; Being elastic, the stocking tops adjusi themselves smoothly, and yet can bt stretched If necessary. Mlaaru<a Ualmeat Cozwi Oar*at la Cow^, _____ The London buses run over a qua|tt hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, ' aiane and tall are incomparable stuff- *«r of a million miles every <la^, Thj|| means that e%'ery day tfaey compleM a journey as far as from the earth t9 the moon ; and every year the journey^ equal the distance to the sun. more color and thickness. A few cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine " at any drug or toilet counter. -, „,__ - .. I ... . ^ ^ . lished in Munich, offered to receive No. 9177â€" Ladies' Overdress. Price.! PlUs. reminaing me ot the good they subscriptions to his periodical at the 2o cents. Cut in 8 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, bad done our eldest daughter when ^^^^ ^j 42, 44, 46 and 48 ins. bust measure. : ^^^ ^'^^ '^ ^ somewhat similar condi- tion. I decided to follow her advice and got a supply and here is the story in a nutshell: I have got my appetite back, sleep soundly at night, enjoy my meals and am so gratided with what the pilis have done for me that I dvlse their use tor all pale, Size 36 requires 3 '4 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54 ins. wide. 9138~Skirt. Sizes 22 to 38. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be o'otaJned from your local McCal! dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,' strongly six gallons of beer per year. WELL SATISFIED WITH Toronto, Dept. W. Mrs. Emlle Malette, Montpelier. Que., writes: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for some time and am A new white enameled steel kitchen! mail at 50 cents_a box or six boxes ^or ^ ::^,^T^!,:Z^S:r^ J^ltZ little onei." What Mrj. Malette savs sick people." ' You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by ! cabinet is made in units to fit any de-' ?2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine sired space. ' Co., Brockville. Ont. Cur AM/rong Calendar ! There are many defect ; in our pre- 1 The "extra" day will fall each year sent rlmnuac. At the projent moment 1 betv.eea the last day of June and the for example. Britons are living in the . first day of July. It will bear some year 1319, Egyptians iu I'.ie yo.'.r 1636. | specal name â€" that is to say. it will Jews in the year .i.riSO. and the Mo- 1 not be a Monday or a Tuesday cr a Still, It Furnished the Place. Bock education had small place in Phelan^s hard lite as a miner. When he was nearing forty, he made a strike in a certain claim he had taken up and became a millionaire several times over. Having been obscure all his life, he was most susceptible to flattery, and I>1D1''0 AU'V TSni rV'i ^'^ friends soon learned the trick of b.-ll>l S U1I.I I ABLL I Si ^®"'^^ money from him. A miners' I Club was organized, and in considera- tion of having his name lettered over the entrance Phelan was enticed into paying for the furnlshi:;gs. ^\1len every tiling was ready for the openia?, he was invited to inspect the quarters. "You fellows ought to feel pretty proud of this layout." he remarked. "We should," answered one of ihe only had a j ing for curied-halr mattresses, or may be utilized for haircloth and fishing lines. His bones furnish excellent buttons and from his hoofs are ob- tained glue, the beautiful pigment called "Prussian blue." and a particu- larly fine gardener's wrtilizer rich In ammonia and known as "hoof meal." MInard'B Unlmcat Corea Siatentpen Sings to Her Cows. A Swiss milkmaid with a musical singing voice obtains better wages than one who cannot sing, as the cow that is soothed with a pleasing melody i during milking, it is siiiJ, yields one- I fifth more milk. SNCE 1 1870 ILO 30§?8^COUGHS , â-  â-  *â-  bammedan calendar hus just entered the i,33Sth year of H«j;rn. In Russia, to-day is thirteen days behind our own date. There are some people who, for rea- sons hard to determine, object to al- â- tering the calendar or the clock on principle. I wonder whether Julius Csesar was criticised when he intro- duced his calendar reforms? likely. The alterations which are now pro- posed come from France, and in the main they are admirable. Originally, when all the nations, excepting Hol- land, Italy, and Denmark, had agreed to consider a new scheme whicli could be universally adopted, the task of preparinK a solution was given to the Berlin .Vcaderay ot Science. But the war interferd with this plan, and Prance undertook to try her hand at the puzzle, with the result that she has now prepared a scheme for considera- ton. Symnjetry in form and simplicity in operation are the golden niles she has followed. This is how France stig- gests the reconstructed year should bo formed: There will be 364 ordinary days and one "extra" day. Each quarter will Friday, as the case might be. It is banished from the usual sequence in order that the days of the week may remain perpetual in their arrange- ment. January 1st will always tali on Mon- day. So will Christmas. Dominion Day will also come on Monday. The day of your birthday will never ^ ^'"y ] change. Monotonous, perhaps, but delightfully simple. After a while, we shall know which weekdays attach to wJiich dates automatically, and many mistakes and perplexing calculations will be saved. Each year will begin on a Monday. Each quarter will contain exactly thir- teen weeks â€" one suit in the pack. Each quarter will begin on a Monday. The "extra" day is proposed as an international holiday. Few will grumble at that. I hardly like the sug- gestion to call it Peace Day. however. Peace Day is November 11th, and al- ways will be, and. anyway, why should the war, with all its bitterness and tragic memories, be dragged in? This is about the only objection I have per- sonally against tho French proposals. In regard to leap years, these will have two "extra" days instead of one thousands ot other mother; say Once they have used the Tablets for â-  committee-men, "if we their children they would use uothing | chandelier for this hall.' else. The Tablets are a mUd but ' thorough laxative; are absolutely free from opiates, narcotics or other harm- ful drugs and may be given to the youngest baby wit'j perfect safety and good results. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Good Warfare. Ljve or die, E'er fight shy Of all sin. Out or in. It will kill. Or make nil. All that you Try to do. Cast it out. There's no doubt Of its power. Ev'ry hour. Seek God's grace In Life's race â€" \ He will give Strength to live. â€" Fred Scott Shepard. I was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S LlNlMENT. REV. WM. BROWN. I was cured of a bad case of ear- Phelau considered for a moment. "Well, ho asked, "whafU it cost?" "Three hundred dollars," was the ready reply. "I'll get it," the millioaaire an- nounced, "but I'll bet there ain't a blame one of you can play it!" .> CARBON! Rid System of Clogged -up Waste and Pcisons 'Cascarets." witn Ad^rlca'a Ptonccr Oo? 5«Bi»dl»a £ooii oa D06 DISEASES «3d How to T9ed M«:;e>>Free to a::y .\*.- drpss by the .V'.;thor. • i K. Clay eiovct Co., Sns. ' lib V.-;s'. Jlst sU-vJt •1 • I Sergeant: "Did you ever do picket duty before?" Recruit: "Sure! When- ever they killed a chicken at home I had to pick it." â-  « SUFFERING CATSI GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD medal:: Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo- ' tor, so the excess bile in liver, and the constipated waste in the bowels, pro- duce foggy brains, headache, sour, acid stomach, indigestion, sallow skin, sleepless nights, and bad colds. Let gentle, harmless "Cas :arets" rid the system ot the toxins, acids, gases, , and poisons which are keeping you up- i set. I Take Cascarets and enjoy the | nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ' ever experienced. Cascarets never ; gripe, sicken, or cause incom"enience. They work while you sleep. .A. box j ot Cascarets cost? so little too. Yes, Cold AUJ^^ Gone-NotA ,^ -^ Bit of Cough Left Feel great diis mcming. .As scon as I fdt it coming on yeitcrdiv I used Gray's Synip and nipped it in the bud- Just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we are so busy and shcrt-handcd. Gray's Syrup is a habil in our family, the fo'ifts have used :t fcr si-xty years. 1 Always buy ttw LArg« &ik* Oi GRm RED SP _ ^ comprise three "months, the first two i â€"the first between June and July, as ! ache by MINARD'S, LINIMEN-T. of which win contain thirty days, a-.d already mentioned, and the second oe the last thirty-one. Thus. March, \ tween December and January. As we June, September, and Doocmber v,iU 1 err at present on the side ot lavish- he tlie four long ones, with thirty-one ness, it is proposed to reduce the pre- davs each, and the remaining eight : sent number ot leap years by one in wiil be the short ones, with thirty ' every four thousand years, days each. i J^"* t*"*' ^â- '" ""' cause us any Xoto that February is at last to be , trouble iu calculations in our genera- ria::od from its ignominous position, I tlon. which it has borne since tho Ei^ipsror I These suggestons are. in my opinion, Auaiustus stole a day from It In order j excellent. Hut perhaps I am one of that his own mouth, .\ugust, migjit be those adventurous souls who grasp Increased to the length of Julius rashly at new things! Wh.it do you Ca-sar's mouth, July! How is the ! think ot them? Shall you back them "extra" day to be dealt with? Hore ' up when th* time comes, or cling to we come to tho really pretty point In j evils that you know rather thim fly to the scheme. ' others that you know not of. MRS. S. K.\ULB.\CK. I was cured of sensitive lungs by MI.VARD'S LiNIMENT. MKS. S. MASTERS. Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a slie smaller If you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through yoit, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone. applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soretiess, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug Is a sticky ether com- pound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without Inflaming ' or even irritating thd surrounding tissue. I It Is claimed that a. quarter of an ' ounce of freezone obtained at any drug | store will cost vo-y little but Is suffl- I clent to remove every hard or soft com i or cbHus from one's feet. Cut this out, ' especially it you are a woman reader who wears high heels. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort- ing relief "SYRUP OF FiGS" CHILD'S LAX,ATIVE Once yon've tried it on that stiff Joint, sore musdc, sciatic pain, rheu- matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never tliousrht a lin;:r.cnt could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wattes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. .\ large bottle means economy. Your own or any other dnigeist has it. Made :u Can- ada. Get it tc-day. 35c. TOO., S«^ r,tn^j vSmSlbmmxSLs 9 r ^ \ >*>^-:- :!~. BiY mm When 4 Days Old. Crcr>s and Cried. Cuticura Heals. "My baby brother had c-2er=a which begaa wben hs "â- â€¢or- about four day« old. It; ccma in little pimple? and then ^ „ a r-.si and bo was ccr- * ^'J irrd. He '.VBO so crcia thai Uc cculJ not slrcp, and he cried. *,.-'y\ mc.-5th;- Ic.-ra wo ',:scd Cuticuis. It helped h:.' JC >.vi; bcur^ht more, and he was ol'. healed af?w we had used iwc cakes of Scap and v.vo boxes of Oi.nment." (Sl^'ied) Miss Almeda V»i!liams, Youngs C-s, N. B.. May 22. 1918. Use C-.:t'icura Soap, Ointtnent sad Talcum for ail toi'-t ?y9rrv:<-s. Soop nSc. C: t-.-.eCi. 2.-^ i -.vi ?7c. " Id Uirovi's;: â- â- â- .'â-  â-  . . r.io.i. C3aE..ir.r.Dcf>t; mn-.is, 1 'â-  • ^. ; I. TR-ilSt, ili it-.- .!. C-..' â- â-  .c- 'x ;si-N,tp -Kk" jfi w^ili rut ^ .^s. es If your tea or coifee does make you re&iless or nervous, I'r?" This delip'htful cereal drink is not only wholesome and economi- cal but is truly satisfying in its rich coffee-like flavour. It can be .served to the yoim^est as well as oldest, for it leaves absolute^'' no harm- ful after- efiects. Mouth as Piano Player. A writer who lost his right arm when he wns a youth, sends an In- teresting account of the ingenious '. manner in which he carries on In spite of his haudlcnp. "I get up nt seven o'clock," be says, "wash, shave, scrtib my ilnger-ualls by holding a small uuithrush between my teeth, .ind dres.-i myself without any help. To llli a pipe and strike a match Is an easy matter, while years ago I learned to write with my left hand. "t often phiy whist, and cuu place my cards together as quickly as anyone. But I find my chief delght and enjoy- ment iu paying the piano or organ. 1 love both, 1 do not play with my loft hand only, but pluy the lower notes with a stick In my mouth. 'I can open i< boiled egg and eat it as quickly us anyone with their two bands, while In regard to wrapping;^ up a parcel and securing the same with string, I challeii.ve any grocer to do the job more neatly. "Peolin::( an cpple is jyi^e simple. I can open a peiikiiifo In kti Instant. Look at tongfue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver aud L-owels I Accept "California" Syrup of Mss : onlyâ€" look tor the narae California on •the piickugo, then you are sure your j child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the •No one need despair who has lost 1 jitu, jumach. liver and bv^weU. Child one it their spins, It is i>â„¢i"-»-> ..» i **" â€" . .. first, but after a few weel, prising what or.o can do ONLY TABLETS mm) "BAYER" JRE_ ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" It is awkward at ; it i.s sur- fer them- 1 ren love its delicious ;i,i:ty taste Ftill I directions foj^ chi'ds dose on each ; bottle. Olvo it witu.'ut fear. | j selves. 80 to ull who have lo^t an j jj^rher" You i;.tu I .*;>y California." 1 I arm I say. 'Cheerio! It might have -! bt-en worse'.' '* | ISSUE No. 40- vx For Cdds, Pain, HoaJnche, Neural- l)acki^ge whicb contains comploi - ."i- jria. Toothache. Kjira^hi?. and for i rccti-inn. Then v'mi are irottinjj • tl Rhoi.nialism. lAimb«xo. .Siiatica. Neu- Ajpirin â€" tho ^nuiiia Aspirin , - rvtis, take Aspirin n<arkcd with tho :;cr!bed by phvr.ifianj for over i' - nime "Bayer' or yoa are not tukin^x toon years. Xow made in Cr.i , Aspirin at all. Ilandy tin boxes toiitaini;'*' ' ' â-  /lOfjit only "Bavor Tablets of lots cost bnt a fow i-ont«i, 1 Aspirin'' in an uubrvikon "I'ayer" also sell Ijrjjer "Bayor" ]•. , ,.• , There Is oaly ono Aspirinâ€" "Bayer"â€" Yon mcst say "Sayer" A»p!r'.n l3 tha trid,, m.Trk • rvsiftorci' In CanRda) rf l;avi>r ManufBcnre n' Mon i- nirtKiK idcator of Sa:t''yneaci«!. V.'Mlo It *9 v/ol! known ihai Aaririn r.ii-anj Fa: or Tnanuf:iiluro, ta «ii»i«l ih,> p-ibUc n.'iwinst Imltallor's, th« T-it'-^ia '.t i;a;.-cr Ccmpauy will b« ttampcd witb Uicir g«i)<r«l irada mark, tb» "Mt7t;r Croaa." »

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