Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1919, p. 1

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^:£Z^. (â-  y. 'A •i /lesli^rtxrn Vol 40, No. 27 Fleslierton, Ont., Decernber 11 1919 KIMBERLEY iuiH specimen liuliow \oi in Beautiful weather. Gurdun Kisk captured a of the raecoon family in h the bin swamp recent'y. Albert Smith of Ciaiksl.urg visited at the parental home one day last week. Mrs. D'lvid Grahaniand little dauj>h'er visited last week with frieinis here. Wellingtun Fawcett and lady fiici d Miss Akit', ol Owen Sound, c-iUrd on Mr. and Mrs. lid^jar GourUy of Epping recenely. The municipal pot is beginning to boil in the good old ti^hting tDwnahip of Euphrasia. Our young Councilor, Mr. Andrew Wallace, ha.s proven him.self an Al man for the job but he has bought a farm in .A.rterae3ia townaTiip and we Wtll L-kre to run a new m\a R, L:iwrence, we beliere, wou'd be a good mm for the position . We want at least one man OD this tide of thg township. Dan Leitch of cleshertoii ivm a ca'ler in our village one day la^t week Burton Wickens has bought the Albert Rear furm in Egyp', paying $40>)O for the same. Edith Usrr's of Oranseville spent a souple of day* under (he pirental >nof recently. , Mr, Price Teetei and son Wilfred (-1 Flesherton visited Mr. and Mr!*. Irwin at th» " Traveller's Home " one day la.st week. Mri. James Liwrence visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. John T>ylor, of Rocklyn. FEVERSHAM DUNDALK A moTement ii under way for the e^tabliibm«nt of a Consolidated ISchool in the south west side of Proton. A meeting was held recently at Cedarville of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 7 and 8 , K^temout, No. 15, Conn, Cgerten, 3, 4 and 11, west, Protoa. Marriedâ€" At St. Jamei Church Rect cry, Daadalk, on Thursday, Morember 27ih, 191», by R»v. VT. G Black well. R. D., Mils Sarah A Whyte to Jauiea C. White, both of Saui;een Juuciou. Jaanes Arnott of this place h«s pur- ch.%«ed the brick dwelling of Uso. Guheen at the east side of the village. Wm. ()rr, the Britcoe agent, has puichased the implemeat buildiag on Proton St., near the Queen's Hotel, belonging lo S Egeiton, for bis garage business. â€" Heralii. Address and Presentation C)u Thursday evening of last w>M;k the friends and ueiL''>bors of Mr. and Mr>. Webley Brecn gathered at iheir home and presented the former with a very fine signet ring and the letter with a beautiful casserole, fitted with pycax transpirent gbsa lining. The addiess was read by Mr. Frank Chsrd and ibu presentation made by Mr. Robert Be^t. The following is a copy of the address : Deir Mr. and Mrs. Breen , â€" We your fr'OHds and neighbors h»ve met in your home to apeud the evening with ydu, rea^xing that soon you are to leave your home wheie you have spent many happy years. We shall misi you very much, your kindly dispos'tion and sterling ii - tegrity and genial i ature has won for you many friends who deplore th« loss of you and yiiur esteemed family ffom our m:d.st. But we hope that cur \u<» will be your nain and our prayer is that where ever jour lot iiiay be cast your exeiiip'ary life and chrielian spirit iiiny be an influence for the betterment I'f tliise with wh.im you may omo ia eon- tact. As frienils and neighbors «» feel we CMUuot let this I'pp'iriuoty pas^ without expressing in some way the ekt^am in which you are held. We ask you lo accept tb'se gifts, and our sin. ere wish is ihal ytiu may be ."paret inauy years lo come, and that the Giver of all good iu<y lestomr upon you health and happi ness iu your new home. Signed ou behalf of your friends and neighbors â€" Fiauk Chard, Robert BestT Beautiful winter weather and tine sleighing, though U't eiiou\<h snow to [irevent jutoa ruiuiini:. Mrs. R. Hendirso-i has returned home atler a visit with friends in Owen Sound. Hugh Davidson, of Cullingwood, is vIsiiiiiK with his graudpare:i(s in th s village at present. MiHS Kiancie Alexander haij lakiu a j position in our telephone centmi as assistant t'lephonu operator. Mr. and Mi!>. .). A. Kernaban ^peiit Sunday with ilieir daughter, Mrs. Ia». L-'gale at Gibralter. Mr. Ro'it. UnUaniy. our penial bank manaiier, was o.i a busine<s trip to Bad' j>.'ros one d»y la<t week. The bank is a Sreat ci nveniencrs to Feversham and surrounding cuuniiy and tills a lung felt want. The Hceouimoialin)> genial man- ner of both m.kuitger Bellamy and accouotiut Ho.iiby is sure to gam for '.his brancii i full .share of the buukii.g busiiies.s of this district. Our young people art busy preparing the program for the school concert on Dec ^*2ud. Don'i iiiips it ! Claienee Alexande-- is busy flooding lie rink in the agricultural ball and hope* to hive it ready fur skating on Saturday night neii. Bt ture and pitionizi the niik, boys, ai Clart-nce has an e.xhorbitant rent to pay for the hall and only is running it so that the young people may enjoy ihemselves. as he ctn't possibly make any iiiuiiey i.ut of it. There is a good demand for wood now, as wc understand that A. Uoliing^bead sold over ICO cord* last week, which he had cu' last winter. The I'lcsVjter-.an church has been occup ed fur the past two Sundays by !)• Ill I'nsbyterian and Methodist congre- gate ns. The church looks tine in its new oott of ptper and puiuc. CEYLON PROTON Mr. .AndreV Gilrhrist spent a couple of '.'ayo ill the city Ihii week. Mr. K'lward Surg, at, I, .if Ow.-n Sound, • isitad liis |i»r»nti here last week. Mi»ia Minnie Mc.Attbur returned from the ciiy on Saturday after spendini; a coup.s of weeks viait n$ friend.-i there. Mrs T. Cliis'ett relurneii Monday evening after spending a er.uple of weeks with her dau.:hter m Owen Sound. Miss Ethel Bennett, of Shelburne, ».id Mi« Eiiiih WelUoni!, cf Dundaik, attended ihe funeral if Jh". Whiitsker on Thiirsd-iy 'as*. The bazaar, which was t.) have bien' last Wrdnenday but wa< pofilpuned owing to the death in the village, i- beini; I e'd lh;."i Wednfifdrfy afternnoii and evt-ning when the ladies are hi-ping for a gcod crowd and the fund for lh« new building swelled. The 'ad:ea haveminy dainty and us( ful artic'es, ami Mr. lient i;eed not Bu wi'h colJ li ndt or f aet if they attend thisb»7.ai,. Even i|U!lis for the bachelois and a warm cup of tea if you have the price. MILS A. WHI-n-AKliR On Tuesday tveuiug of last w«ek this community was sh.icked when it wa» learusd that .Mis. Arthi,r Wbit^nker had passed aw.y after ouly a few days tllneis at hjr homo h.Ti at ihea;e 78 years. Deceased who was born in Scotland Cinii to ihi.s count y m euly girlhi d, and thi greater part of her life was spent in this Tillage. She was of a very kind dispo.sitiou. The ciskei was ccveied with beiuliiul Hmal I fferiiigs from the family and frirndi. Rev. L'pham con- ducted the service at the house and grave. She leaves l.< mourn her loss her sorrow- ing husband, four SODS and an adopted daughter, John at Duiham, Grant ai West Toronto, Arthur in the West, and Angus and MiM Ella at home. The rsmaius were laid to res in Flesherton cemetery. Much tympalhy ia eipre»)ed tor I he sorrowing ones. The election of ofhcers of the W.M.S. took p'ace at the home of Mrs. Cade. President, Mrs. R. Acliason; Vice Pres., Mrs. Coiisley; Sec.-Trea«., Miss Marie SheraoD. Tiio meet in? will be held on Dec. 16 h, at Mrs. Hugh CopeUcd's home. Thrre wa.s a good aitendtnce at the annual meeting of the L' F.O. The following othcers were elected : â€" Pres., Will. Slinitt ; Vice Pres., Cliaa. Moure ; Scc.-Treas.. Stanley Achesou ; Director?, John Winters, Kobt Walson, J J Litil.', •John Jforval ; Shipper, U G Achtsou, N^eigher, Geo tSiuiiid. Two car Uad.s of cinders ha^e been left at the itatioii ly ibe C.P.R. to be ussd lo improve the driveway aud yard surrouudieg the .sti uk scales. Wo are p'eased to repvil Mr. John Dezell able to be jiround a liiils on Clutches, after a long te'i wseks iu bed with a brok<.Q hip bone. Mr. Uubt. .IcheaoD ia uttendiig ou the Grand Jury at Owen Sound ih's week. The ladies of Trinity church are ho'diug a sale of work suitable foi Chiistina8 gift), hoiudiiaJe baking, etc.. in ihs bassmeiit of their church on DlC. 20 h. Pte Walter tv>u^gn, of Edinonten, is visiting his grundinolber, Mrs. Shoison. Mr. Duucitu Mcliiohol is erg-iged as ;^ cUrk III Bsjcker's busy store. H0U8& and Lots or Sale \ veiy conveniently located frame bouse on s'ooe wall, wi:h six rooms ; two lot(i, good water in wood.»hed, barn. 4rivinii (bed. currant bushes and some fruit trees. Jitt.'i 5 and 10, block D, Flesherton Apply to lURVlON R\ULKY, Fl.sherton, or Vt2 Deverley St, Toronto. Mrs. Dune. McDonald After a brief iiliios.s, following a para- lytic seizure, Mih. Janet S. McDonald, passed nviay Tuesday morning at ihe boine of her son, Mr. Alox N. McDonald, with whom f^he his been liv 1 g for sonu years. She liad been in her u^ual good health until Fiiday.wheu kh^ was stricken and fioai the tiist little hope w«v enter- tainrd for her rtcovery. She was born iu Urackville in September 1S47, a daugh- er of th-4 laie Alexander McLetn. and came with her parents to (,2uei:D's Valley, when still young. She was married Ihsre ; and after living for a few years in Meaferd, they moved to Sault Ste. Marie, Out. Uer husband died there ten years ttiO \ and iu 1911 she came with her bod, who had also been living in the Sault, to Owen Sound. Anotl^er son, William, is al Missoula. Montana ; and the leave* ROCK MILLS Miss Leil\ Pedlar of .Markd:ile is visit- ing with her ui cle, Mr. \V, P, diar. Bob Crc'fi of Thorntiury has moved into the boarding houae here and Cha». AIcEichnie has moved into the house rfcently vacated by .las. Park Cliaa. Newell made a businrss trip to Durham on Monday. Mise Aunie Bells gave a party to her frieni'.s on Tuesday niyht la<r. I'he eveniiii; was spent 111 music and giines' aud crerynoe present, had an enjoyable titue, Mrs. 1. .luliaii if Feversham spent a day ihe p\>l week with her d-u^btcr, .Mr». Lewis Pedlar. The y< ung ycoj le lavu a granite shower to Mr. and Mrs. Dave .'ainieson on Friday nit;ht. A large crowd h;is picseut and iiijoyed themselves wr.h music ai.d d'tnc:ii;>;. Mr. Lew Newe'l of Durham is lisitina his brother here. Mr. and .Mis. Fii>iik 'I'lylor vi.-i'.ed Willi llie lalter's parents, Mr. and .Mr . I»:isc Smith. DURHAM .\ii unusual bird appearing at an un- uau.i! lime of yjar was a largj crime, which Ml. David .\!!en ob ei v d tlvinir east ward above Ihe river whii^ at his son's blacksmith shop M.ulay ir.oming. Where It uinie from at ihi.s heason 1 nd its desnnation is a mystery. Friends here hav.- recei-ed. w nd of the do.ith caNov. l^ih if ^^ul. M.Grr, the younuest Hon of a well I no < n Gleuelg f'lniily aud brother of the late Thomas McGirr. lie died at h's hum ; 111 Van- c luvor. his uife, four s 'in aid four daughters beiii:i chi f inourii- r«. O.ily one I'lother is 11 w living, James of lUlg^iiie. Si*k. Dr. J. II. Tucker, sou of the late H. Tucker, Ceylon, has purchased Ihe property and piaclicc of Dr. Ilou.ston, Paisley, III d will tie; tin ii tha" vilUie. Sine-.' returning from overseas Dr. Tucker h-a got mnrritd. The Comeut W(>rks are gridaally cIok- also one bralhtir, Mr. Aiohibatd McLean, ' ingdown for the winer, and opL-r.tious Flesbeitou ; aud two sisters, Mrs. Moore 1 *'" end on the Iti h inst. There are and Mis Judson, both irsiding in the | l"^^-°*>"'-i>i>c tumoia ih^it ihey may never S.ato <f Washiugtiii, U S'.A. The body 1 leopeu again, but we lope next spiiug was Lakei'i to Sault Si;e, Marie f ir iutet ' under ihe new management way )ee them nient - O S, Adreitisir. ! Koinsj full h.\.f\ - Revie*. EUGENIA D Jilt forget the Sunday School Xm.as. tiee and concert iu Ihe Melhudi't church on De-tcmber 19 h. The nmiy friends of Mr R. Plantt uiel «t Ihe home if Air. L. Latimer one evening ai: week and presented him With an aodiRSS, a Bible and n .>ieihodist hymn I 00k -before leaving ua. Mr. I'lanlt will be much iiiiHjrd a.s he was always ready lo give a hel,,ing hand at any time. Tha iveni.u was >pent .n gemes aud singing. Messrs. Chas. Park, Riy Genoo and E win Paivis h.ive gon; to tie ci'y for the w liter. \\ bat liappeded the daiic â-  List «eek^ Never uiinti, there's a i;cod time coniitig. Tlw VV. I. are niakini; arrHnoemi-n s to hold a box ^ocial 1 n Tre-"! ay, Dec. 30ll", Watch f r bills. Oil Sunday ereoiD>! Rev. Ea-jle gave a splend.d report of the Lieat conveplitiB- held in Missey Hall last week. .>'IK W. Nixon (nee Gertie Paul) and fnmily of S».sk., is visilii g her ptrenl.s, Mr. and Mrs, Paul . FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. Come in and see our tiue larfje stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. aud when you have seen them \ uii will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line of F);otograpljic snpirlies Inc!udin<^ developing powders, prinliii!,' frames, dark lauteins, all sizes of kouacks and fi'ms. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone HiUcrest 26 8 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES What'a wrong with EuL'ioia having a skating riuk? I\!r. Ed. Graham of Clarksburg spent a few days wiih old friends here. Miss Jlillio McVIulleii has returned to her home after spending a couple of wieks with friends in Toronto. We welcome Mr and Mrs. J. W;i!kir from Jleaford io the faim bought from Mr. Plantt. Mrs. McMullen has got settled tn her new home, which she purcbasetl fioni .Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Carr is .spending a few Jays in Toronto. Mr. Cook of Ceylon ma(?e a businesn trip here last week. Clinton Magee spent a week w!>h his little cousins. Mr. Ed. Rowbotti m and family have moved fioiii Toronto to their new home hers. Mrs. Ed. Hillock, of Maxw.-'. who has been in a Toronto hospital onj.r- going treatment, is visiting with her father, Mr. Jamicson. Mr. and Mts. Ja.s. Rusaell and family of Idaho, are vi»iliiii( the latter's parents Mr. and Mis. John Williams. Mr. an! Mrs. Tom Tayljr and two cliil iren of Manitoba visited Mrs. Win. Dockett recently. Mr. Will Walker an! Mr. Luiher Duckatt both had wood bees last week. Mrs. Will Walker and Miss U. WhIIj^i- of Caledon are ap.-uding the winter wlh friends I. ere. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Address and Presentaton Mr. Kobe t Pliirt, I n 1 of Eu.;eiiiis mo â- ! highly respec'ed citz ns, whi. I: ,s recently so d his vro] eity there and gone to live with his eons, was wa ted on by a number of his fiieiiis on the evcniiii; of Novemb r 2Ulh aud prtaentod willi an address aud Bible and hymn book. Mr. I'lanf l.as »Uayj been a worker in cl.ucli and Sunday ScLoo! for over l r'y He has boon a stew.trd* iu ihe Methodist church for forty ye-trs niiJ a delegate to conference eighteen limes. Ha wniding wis the hisl one folemi 'Uvd in F.csher~on Methodibt cl urch and he 3- ill u tains the Bible [ir SI ntcd to h in on that oicusioii by ihei (Kcia's. Follow- ing is ilie iddicKS : To our friend and highly ie?pe»led neighbor, Mr. PUnH : It IK wit 1 in u^'led feeliuga of pletisnre and regret thai we have gatlertd heie this ev.uiu,; ; plea.xure, beciuso we cm iiaain spend a p easaiit evening with \oU : ri^gie', bcciuic we lealize ihil ^nch will tie r<rely pusjible in the fulun You h.ive pel formed your tasks faithfully both 111 the church and in the conimuoi'y and when any new scheme fur Ihe wel- fare of humauily was underl»keii you were d ways ready to devote both your energy and lime uii.spiriuglv. Wd shall miss you fr im our iii:d.''t but hope you will not be so far distant but that we can see jou from time to time. As a slight tiki'ii of our appreciation of yout praise w rlhy chaiacter we ask you to ac.;cpt. this Bible and with it go the btsl w shes of all proson: that ycu may bo spared for many yoirs to enj ly the c-'Uiforl that is t > be g'tteii from [wrus ii g its pives. Signed -H FosaU'r, C. Grahim W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT OspreyTd. system Maxwell P. </. House of Quality 1 Al! kinds of Fresli Fiuit season. in FLOLRâ€" We carry a lurjre .supply of Roval Ho.j.sehoUl, Five Rcscs. Parity ind Eclipse llour. Wehavca (luautity of First Class Machine Oil. All kinds of Grain Chop hand. and Pitr Feed on Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. W e are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario '/^.- r^-;i^ ^j^ J^T /^ 'rNT/-» '^<^'/^T>\ j:&.:k;i2.::;i^.i:i;:k^ ^ For Fall & Winter We have just opened up a fine assortment of Men's Felt Hats, Fall and Winter Caps, Sweater Coats, Wool and Fleece Lined L^nderwear for men and hoys, Ladies' Mantles and Sweaters and AVoollcn Setts. Linoleums â€" four and two yards Get our prices before you buy wide. W. L WRIGHTS' I Corner Store, Flesherton Boar For Service Farm For Sale I Pure bred Ucgisterea Y'orishire Bb«r â€" 'for service â€" Ma.xwell Jack 62^03 on 'lot 167, S. W. T. & S. R., ArtemeeiiK. Lot di!, con. 4, .Vrlemoaia, contaiuing Terms ?1. 50. fifty acres, in good ^hape. There is a|W,4,l!) T.J. Sl'lNSON. Hood fiaine hous' with stone touudstion, | barn with stone foundation and driving shed. There is a good drilled well at house For particulars apply to J. A. LKG.\RD, Floiher'on, or MK>i A. MscGL.VSHAN. o t:s '.'?< Dupout St., T rono. Farm Wanted Oiv« location, acrease, oonditioa of land aud uuti uildinK9, mortK«K<> â- ' anw and cah j>r ce. Send replies to Thu .\dvanee, K esherton.

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