Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1919, p. 8

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December 11 1910 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a tnug bank account, is fortified against the "alinifs and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account today -and take your first step along the road to Independence. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office :MontreaU OF CANADA Established 1864. FLESHERTON BRANCH, •C. A. NORSWORTHY, • Manager. Sub-Agency al Ceylon open Tiieidnyj. Thur»Jny» iind Salurdayi. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Soparator.s I JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN1 AGENT FLESHERTON. FLEET FOOT White, Black and Tan. For men, women and r children. All sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. GRAHAM BROS.. EUGENIA, ONT. aiiitt* â- â- â- â€¢!â- â- â- â- â-  >i # <^«.i â-  > â-  » â- â- â- â- â- !â- * SOLID :LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Jii.st the kind lor liai'd wcarniid solid comfort ioi' .spiiii;^ wear. Ti.V mil suninier TlIlvM. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call and got want .siipplicil. S; THOS. CLAYTON â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ i FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO .ISX*«»«««******i«««-*** ****** *********)/ J' ••••••••••••••••• >*«*t :::: S::: •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• ::r •••• •••• •••• •••â-  •••â-  • ••< """"••••••••••••a ^2iiâ€"i[=^r=^r=^m'^^r=:Jim FURNITURE \ 1 All kind.s of furnitiiri! in our >-lio\vioom.H. Call and sec }|1 our (lining room, parlor and licdronm suites. A huge I range of piices to suit yoiu- pockel book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W. H. BUNT L" FIcshcrton, Phone 30 r 1 1 Ont. lumimmi sss. ^^'^'â- â-  â-  i mnIKi" ^jqpiwg Hig ^ •^hfhltrilii' USg^ r. 1VI:RY event of in- terest â€" in every part of the world â€" is "cov- ered" by a Toronto Star man The Star's- own exclusive cor- respondents cable the news from Europe, and their reports are supplement- ed by a leased wire service of the United Press .Associations, one of the great news-gathering organ izations of the world. THE STAR also has e.xclusive arrangements with leading newspapers In America to receive from them their complete cable services. Over The Star's seventeen wires comes this news â€" to be received by a staff of skilled writers â€" and by them presented to Star readers in that ciisp and sparkling style in which The Star excels. HE TORONTO STAR Within an hour of the closing of the markets The Star presses are delivering papers with the day's com- plete range of prices and the "closing" figures for the day on Cattle Markets, Grain Boards, and all Stock Exchanges. The Star is delivered to your iiome that same evening â€" containing as complete Market Reports as you could get in the Toronto morning papers of the following day. I3y subscribing to The Star yor. get these reports of I he Market :>.l least twelve hours earlier than vou would learn of them through the morning papers. This, in a fluctuating market, means much to the business man and the investor. You need The Star because it is Canada's Greatest Newspaper â€" always in the forefront of progressive movementsâ€" always full of news â€" always entertain- ing and stimulating. The subscription rate is 50c for a month's trialâ€" SI. :55 for 3 months â€" S2.00 for 6 months â€" S3. 00 per year. To f^ublifliers: Toronto Star, Toronto: Dear Sirs: Please enter mc as a subscriber to The Toronto stamps or money order for %â-  â-  Name and address in full Star for ••.. months â€" for which please find enclosed Please write plainly, and say whether Mr., Mrs, Miss or Rev. Police Village Of Priceville ByUw No. Ki, lOl'J, of the Townshii) of Arleiiiesia i 'I'd tako the v<ite nf tlio ratepiiyi'iii of the I'wlico ViilaKi- nf rrcevillo entitlid to voto (111 money hylii».s, <iii ii qui'hli( ii to l)eaulmitted wholhcr tho mid mlo- piyeiH",!!!' Ill fiivor of it supply of il"ctiic powtT ''iini iho Hydro K'ccl no Power Coniiiiisdiiiii of Onlntio. VVilKllKAS, the .Municipal Council of iho (-III pill at Kn of lliB Township of A> ti KH'tiu deem It ndvisalilc to Kiihiiiit Ml ihe i:iip»yei8(f the Kind I'olico ^ Villni'C lit Piiccvillu entilli'tl to vote on nioiifv lyl.iws A (lucBtion «» to whether itio •^iiicl nili'piijor* Kiii in faror uf a Kopiily of electric jiiiwor from the Hydro E ect lie Power CiiiumisHion of Ont.irio. THiatKFOUK, IhB Com oil of tho Corpoiiitiin iif the 'rownsliip ot Arlo- muHU enncts as followi : 1 - That ilie foUiwitid iiucstioiiR be Niiliiiiitted to Ihu riktrpityerii uf the Mu,)i.'i|iiil Oi.rporaliDM of Iho Pol ce VillnK" of Pricovillii eulitleit to vote on iiKiiuy brlawK : Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Eectrio Power Coinuiissuiii of Ontario a supply of olectrie power ( 2 â€" That tile vote of tho said ratepayers Nhiill he taken on thiH ijUe.Htioii nl tho foKowiug tinioH nuJ pUcc» and liy tlitt Deputy Ketiuiiin)! Ollicers and I'oll t'I<u-kH hereinafter iiienlioned, that in to ' ^ay. ell Monday, the Fifth l)»y of .lai.uary, A.D. lOliO, nt WatHon'H lUU 111 tho Police Villiigo of Piioeville, com - moiicii'g at Ihu liour of nino o'clock in' thti forenoon and ooMliiiiiiiiK ui.til live o'clock in the afierndoii, tiy Peter K. lvic.A"tliur, Deputy Retui'iiin){ otlieer.uiid | William U. WatHon. Poll Ceik. | ;{â€" A true coj y of this Bylaw shsU be pulilidhed III the following iiewMp.ipirH on | the days hereiimfter mentioned, llint iji ' to say : In The It'ioslnrtoii .Advanoe, A| newHpApir puliiihhed at ilio Villnun of' FU'Mhorton in the NKid Towiiahip of' .41 ri tMiivNia in the i.HHuea of the h*id , newspaper of Deoeiiilier eleventh; eight- ee-iih Mild twenty-tiflh lUU*. rcapectivuly. And acofy of iliis jlyliiw sfiall be pmted ' at tho Po^t OHioe. MoVioar'a Hotel, K»r- j Ktodi, sKtore and iMel4iairH Store 4â€" Oil the T2r\\ d«y of D. camber A D. i liUU, ai VVatsoii'a llii!! in tho Villnno of 1 l'ri,!0villeat ten o'clock in thf fotnioon, I till' Kiovii *ill ill M'ritiiig a'gned by him j «ppc)i<it two pf rnoiiH to alteiul at tlie tiiial ', Kuiiiiiiiin/ H|( of t l-ie Villi's ly the Clerk of ih H T-iHiiship am one [.rinun to aiteud : each pilli.ii; plar'> on Khalf of the per- i auos intereKted in and de!iir> UH (if iho Upon Your "To-day" Depends Your **To-morrow ff w HAT you can save to-day is the foundation upon which you will lay your life-work. The man with capital, even be it small, who is ready when opportunity arises. the man R. p. Managei , BELLAMY, Fevershatn The savings habit is not as easy to acquire as the spending habit, but most things worth while require an effort to attain, and the capital for your day of opportunity can only be obtained by hard work, economy and saving. Open a Sayings Account with the Bank of Toronto. Your Savings are protected by a strong national institirtion, and earn a fair rate of interest without risk of loss. 2« TMEBAN KoTORONTO : Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,625,623 aiiswerni)! of Iho faid ipiefilion in the > Mirinntive, and a like nimilior on behalf of tlie poraons iiiterialod in »nd de-itoua if Ihu anN#erini{ of thii said i|uestiou in tho negative, rcBpeotively. " | 6-Tlio fith day of January, A. D. H)20, at the Kiid Walson'M Hall in the Village of I'rieoville. bI a o'clock, p.m., is hereby .tppointed for ho aumiuingup by tho Clerk of this To*ii-ibip of the ijuniber of volea ifiven in Iho altirinalive and in tho negative retpectively. j M^do, paNso'1 and enacted thin 4th diy of October, A U. IIMH. T. It. MeKK.N/li;, Reeve ' W. J. HKl.LAMY. OUrk â-  NOTICK ( TAKK NOTICK tho fcV.ovo is » iruo copy uf a bylaw ptnst^l by tho Mmilji|ial C'oumil of the rownshii) of Artemeaja ' on Iho 4 h day of October, \. D, IJUt*. I AND flRTHEU TAKE NOTICK that at tho hour, i:ay and plaiea ttierem fixed for taking tlie votes of ihu electors the pol a mil lie held. First pulilieation the eleventh d»y of December, 191U -W. I. BELLAMY, Ci.rk. Towndiip HhII, thi* 4 h da/ of tiotolier. 1919 School Reports Farm For Sale I7t'' ai^roe with gond bank barn and (olid brick houne, witii good well and windmill, orchard hn\ p'euly of store woi>l1. ],- nd In good ••.ate o' cultiv ' ion Three mile* from FleOie:!in. .\pp'y |o MUS. W. J. LF.VER, R. 11. No. e, FIash«tto«. Urport of S. S. No, 7, ArtemMia, fo» N ivemUer. Sr4 -E Wstteti. F J Vauw. Jr 4â€" A Hincks G OliTer. C Hintsii, T Currie. Sr 3-J M*»("f. M McDonsld u'r;i -M Wattors, 1 Turnw, 1^ Par- plow, A Miiir. i CI 2-8 Muir, 8 Oli»»r. [ CI IM Turn >r, D Taylor. ^ VaaM» M O'^trander. j Ci U-R Hic'if, D Pa s^ow. 01 A -0 Muir, A Muir. A. Kojx, Tuolw. r*- w-' "" i'j>t<ISlllUiiJllf^^:.«-^;-9- ,--i

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