The Farmer-Banker Alliance You go to your lawyer for legal advice ; to the doctor for medical advice ; why not to The Merchants Bank for financial advice ? If you want a loan to buy cattle, hogs or equipmentâ€" if you want information as to how to invest moneyâ€" come to those who make a business of financial matters, and are in a position to give you sound and impartial advice. THC MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH, Established 1864, C.A. NORSWORTHY, Sub-Agency al Ceylon open Tuetd«y». Thursd»y» and Salurday». Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiihular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN7 AGENT FLESHERTON. ,^ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••••••• •SS55J»SJi;i5iS;^ •••• •••• •••• •••• RUBBERS! ••• •••• ^•* •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Ixubbers for good solid wear in Men's Women's and Children's Kubbers. •••• •••• •••• »:. •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• • ••• • ••• • ••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• • *•• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ••• • •• ••• ••• :::n?n???????::::????f:::::t:::::::ui^???????:::??t?:??jp ONTARIO •••• •••• FURNITURE All^kinds'of i'urniture in oiir showrooms. Call and sec our (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of priees to suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W. H. BUNT Plesherton, Pg^ i^ff==Jf=Jr=J f=Jf=.r=Jf=Jr=r,S Police Village Of Pricevi4le Bylaw No. Iti, 191U, of the Township of Ai'leinesia To Inke the vuto uf thu /atepayors of ihu Piilice Villaxe of Priceville entitled lo Tote on money bylaws, on a question to be suhiiiilled wliHlher the said rate- ptyci'8 .'krit in favor of a supply of eUctrio power {(oni the Hydro Elrctno Power Cumniiision of Ontario. WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the OorporalitiD of llie Towiisliip of Artemesia deem it advisable to suhtiiit to the rnlepayers of the said Police Villiiffe of Priceville entitled to vote on money bylaws a ijuestion as to whether the «aid r.itopayeri are in favor of a supply of electric power from the Hydro Electric Power Couimisslon of Ont<>rio. THEREFOUE, the Council of the Corporation af the Township ot Arte- inesia enacts as follows : 1 â€" That the followinf; questions be submitted to the ratepavers of the Muaicipal Corporation of iho Police Villatje of Pricovillo entitled to vote on money bylaws : Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro E'ectric Power Commission of Untiirio » supply of electric power ? 2â€" That the vote of the said ratepayers xliall bu taken on thJR (juestlon at the following times auJ places and by the Deputy KeturninK Otticers and Poll Clerks heieuiafter mentioned, that is to .say, on Mond-iy, the Fifth Day of Jai.uary, A.D. 1920, al Watj^on's Hall III llio Police Village of Priceville, com- mencing at thu hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afterimon, by Peter F. fltcArlhur, Deputy Returning o(}icor,and William G. Walson, Poll Clerk. li â€" A true cof y of (his Bylaw shill be publiHlioil in the following newspapers on the days hereinafter uipiilioiied, that is to say : In Tho Fleshcrton Advanee, a newspaper |iubiished at the Village of Fleeherlon in the said Township of Artemesia in the issues of the snid newspaper of December rleventli, eight- eenlli and twenty-fifth 1919, respectively, And a copy of this Bylaw shall be posted at the Post Oftice, McViciir's Hotel, Kar- «ledts. Store and McLonii's Store. 4â€" On the 22nd day of December A D. j j 19U), at Watson's Hall in the Village of '> Priceville at ten o'clock in the for8iio',,n, 3 the Keore will in writing signed by him 4 appoint two persons to attend at tho tiii»l 5 suuimini/ up of the votes by the Clerk of G th:s Township an( one person lo attend 7 e%ch polling place on brhalf of the per- 8 sons interested in and desirous of the 9 answcriii;; of tho laid <|uostion In the 10 sHirinativc, and a like number on behalf 11 of lite peisouH interested in and desirous 12 of thu anH*ering of tho said (juestion in 13 the iit'gatiw, reepcclivoly. 14 5 â€" The Clh day of January, A. D. jg 1920, at the said Watson's Hall in the j7 Villa<;e of Priceville. at 2 o'clock, p.m., is ig hereby -ippointed for the KummioB up by iq the Clerk of this Township of the 20 number of voles given in the alhrnmlive 3. and in the negative respactively. shall Made, pasted and enacted this 4th day of Oclober, .A.D. IDl'.l. T. R. McKENZlE, Reeve W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk NOTICE TAKE NOTICE the ihove i.-* a true copy of a l)>l«w passed by the Munisipsl Council of the Township of .Viteiiiesia on tho 4'h day of <)ct(,ber, A. D. I'.Ml). AND I'l RTHEU TAKE NOTICE thiti ut the hour, ij.iy and places therein fixed f(ii- taking the vole.s of the electors the pol s mil be held. First publieation the eleventh day of December, I'.tlO. -W. J. BELLAMY, Cleik. Townsbip Hull, ih'K 4tli diy of Octobtr. I'Jli) assented to by the ratepayers of the ^ said Police Village entitled to vote on money by-laws. AND WHEREAS it is d«8irable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums dur- ing the period of twenty years being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such re- spective amounts that the agjrregate amount payable each year for prin- cipal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as pos- sible equal to the amount payable in each of the other years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said' debt and) interest as hereinafter provided is $523.10, the same to be levied upon the rateable property in the said Police Village. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Township of Artemesia accord- ing to the last Revised Assessment Roll thereof is $1,016,327.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the exigtifVR debenture debt which is leviable upon the said Police Village is the sum of $1500.00. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ar- temesia enacts as follows: 1. That for the purposes afore- said it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to borrow the sum of $6000.00 and to issue and dispose of Debentures of the said Township Corporation to the amount in all of $6000.00, such De- bentures to be for the amounts and payable as hereinafter set forth, such debentures shall be issued at one time and dated on the date of issue and shall be payable in, accordance with the next succeeding clause here- of and shall be issued in sums of not less than $100.00 each, and all shall be payable within "Twenty years thereafter as hereinafter stated, at the office of the Treasurer of the said Township. 2. The'said Debentures shall be payable in twenty annual instalments during the twenty years next after the issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable during each of the said years shall be as follows: vote OR this by-law is one who has a lease of property in the Police Vil- lage of Priceville which extends over the ensuing twenty years, 'who is en- titled- to vote on money by-laws and for which property he or she is rated on the last revised Assessment Roll to the amount of at least $10'0.00 and who under his op her own . lease has covenanted to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of property leased (other than for local improvements) provid- ed however that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said by-law must file at the office of the Town- ship Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting a statutory declar- ation stating that his or her lease meets the above requirements. The names of the leaseholders ne- glecting to file such Declaration will not be placed on the Voters' List for such voting. W. J. BELLAMY, Township Clerk. LATEST INFARM FENCES Posts of Wood, Iron or Cement Can Be Used. Principal .$163.10 . .172.89 . .183.26 . .194.26 . .205.91 . .218.27 . .231.37 . .245.25 . .259.97 .>275.57 . .292.10 . .309.63 , . .328.21 , . .347.90 . ..368.77 . . .390.90 . . .414.35 . . .439.22 . . .465.57 . . .493.50 Each of be signed Interest. $360.00 350.21 339.84 328.84 317.19 304.83 291.73 277.85 263.13 247.53 231.00 213.47 194.89 175.20 154.33 132.20 108.75 83.88 57.53 29.60 the said by the Total. $523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 Debentures Reeve and The Corporation of the-, Township of Artemesia BY-LA W NO. 20 OF 1919. To authorize the borrowing of $6,- 000.00 by the i**ue and aale of Debenture*, to provide for the coat of a plant to distribute electric power to be supplied by the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of On- tario for the Police Village of Priceville. Better Stables for Bigger Profits Cleanliness and order pay in any stiible. Pay in healthy cattle. Pay in work done twice as quickly. Toronto Stable Rquipinent lightens chores, takes a lot of the Hastiness out of .stable work. Kec|>s cattle contented and in good shape. _ Lasts longer, too, because m.idc properly. Toronto Utter Carriers areofspccialimportancc. They m^ike stable clean- ing an easy, cvery-day job. Do the work in a fraction of the time, too. Our t>ook on stable cqiiipmcat glvei the ct)rrcct idcnn on stuble fittings. C.overs every phase of the subject completely. Yuu will lind both tcit and illustrations valu- able. Write (ur tbii (rci- Imok. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlaatic Ave., Toronto Moatraal Wlanipca Ratiaa C*l(»r ONTARIO WIND LNGINE & PUMP CO â- MMlTH) OROIM? F: E. SOMERS Fevers ha 111, Ont. ^;p WHEREAS a by-law is being sub- itled to the vote of the ratepayers of tho Police Village of Priceville who are entitle<l' to vote on money By-Laws to ascertain if the said rate- payers are in favor of obtaining from the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario a supply of Electric Power for the said Police Village, un- der the provisions of the Power Com- mission Act and it is deemed advis- able to submit this by-law, which is to come into effect in case the said ratepayers declare that they are in favor of the proposal to obtain the said supply of Electric power. AND WHEREAS the board of Trustees for the said Police Village have requested the Council of the Township of Artemesia in which the said Police Village is situated, to is sue debentures as provided in the Power Commission Act and to levy and collect a special rate upon the rateable property in the said Police Village for the payment thereof, such Debentures to be for the sum of $6000.00 in all, repayable with in- terest as hereinafter set forth, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created hereby, being the a- mount required to provid* for the cost of the works, plant, machinery and appliances necessary for the dis- tribution of Electric Power in the Eaid Village to be supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Towaiship of Artemesia deems it advisable to sub- mit to the ratepayers of the said police village, entitled to vote on money by-laws, this by-law to pro- vide for the issue of the said deben- tures, and to issue the said Deben- tures, if this by-law shall be duly Treasurer of the said Township and the Clerk of the said Township shall attach thereto the Corporation Seal of the said Township and the said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of Six Per Cent per annum, pay- able yearly at the Office of the Town- ship Treasurer on the tirst day of March in each and every year dur- ing the currency thereof. 4. The proceeds of tho said De- bentures shall bo paid by the Town- ship Treasurer to the Corporation of the Board of Police Trustees for the said Police Village of Priceville to be applied for the purpose afore- said and for no other purpose. 5. During the Currency of the said Debentures there shall be raised, levied and collected annually by spe- cial rate on all the rateable property of the said Police Village of Price- ville the .said sum of $523.10 in each of the said twenty years for the pay- ment of the principal money and in- terest payable in each year upon the said Debentures. 6. That the votes of the said rate- payers of the said' Police Village shall be taken on this by^larw on the fifth day of January 1920, at Watson's Hall in the sai<l Police Village of Priceville, commencing at the hour of Nine A. M. and continuing until Five P. M. by Peten F. McArthur as Dep- uty Heturniiig OfFicer and W. tJ. Wat- son, Poll Clerk. 7. On the twenty second day of December, 1919, the Reeve shall at- tend at Watson's Hall in the Police Village of Priceville at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the polling place aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by ^the Clerk oiv behalf of the persons interested in and' promoting or opposing the passing of this by- law respectively. 8. The sixth day of January, 1920, at the said Watson's Hall, Priceville, at the hour of eleven o'- clock in the forenoon, is hereby ap- pointed for the summing up by the Clerk of this Corporation of the number of votes given for and a- gainst this by-law respectively. 9. This by-law shall take effect upon, from and after the final passing thereof, and after the ratepayers of the Police Village of Priceville have declared' in favor of obtaining a sup- ply of electric power from the Hydro- Electric Commission of Ontario. Clerk. Reeve. HARDWARE! Buy Bomethiog useful for Christmas. Suggestion list â€" BeJry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cjisseroles, Silver Knives and Forks, Tea Spoons and Dessert Spoons, Cheese Dishes, Berry Sets, Brush Trays, Biscuit Jars, Pie Seta, Cake Plates and a line of Japanese Dishes at a low price. KiddicKars, Grauiteirare, Skates, Mitts and Gloves, Razors, Pocke; Knives, Ammunition, Game Tiaps, Tools; Horse Blankets, Whips, Rangua and Heat- ers, Washing Maohtnes, Sharpies Separators. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, .^ Ontario B New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the bake shop in Flesherton I have fitted up the same and am nw pre- pared to cater to the public in tirst dass Dread, Buns, Biscuit? and Pastry. My Rientest effort will bo to please tlio public, and vyour custom is respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop Farm For Sale 17c acres with J'gi'od bank barn and solid brick house, with good well and windmill, orchmd and plenty of .stove wood- L^nd In ^ood state of cultivation Three miles from Flesherton. Apply to MRS. W. .). LEVER, R. R. No. 2. Flesherton. Farm For Sale A 90 Hcie farm for sale on the Eas! Back Line, A) temauia, 3rd grange, north half of lot 13:2. On 'the premises there is n good fr:tine turn 40 \ 50 feet ; a small frnmu huuye ; a good drilled weil hen house, for particulars apply on premise.^, J H HOLLEY, Flesherton BOAR for SERVICE Piirehrod Tamworth Boir for service on lot 167, S \V T and S E., Artemesia,. Torm-iâ€" »1.50 Fobl5 9 -T. J. STINSON.Prop. Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorougbored Yorkshire fioar for service on lot ll,oon. 8, Osprey. Terms SI. 60. FRED SPOFFARD NOTICE 1 TAKE NOTICE that the above is ' a true copy of a propoaedl by-law which has been taken into considera- tion, and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Township of Artemesia in the event of the assent of the Electors of the Police Village of Priceville being obtained thereto, after one month from the first pub- lication in the "Flesherton Advance" said first publication, being on the Eleventh day of December, 1919, and at the hour, day and place therein fixed for the taking of the votes of the electors, the poll will be held. W. J. BELLAMY, * Township Clerk. NOTICE If you want anything in the imple- mtnt line. Call on H. Knott, Mnrkdale, as he sells all sella all Deering imple- ments, Gasoline Engines, Siniier Sewing Machine, DeLaval Cream Separators, In fact anythinx and everything in tho line of Implements ut reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Markilale, Ont House and Lots or Sale SPECIAL NOTICE TO LEASE- HOLDERS. A lease holder who is entitled t;> A veiy conveniently lociitcd frame house on stone wnl', wiih six room? : two lots, good wnter in woodshe.l, biirii, dnvinc shed, nurranf bimhes and sonie fruit troe.s. Lots 5 'Viid 10, block l>, ' Klcshertoii A|)ply lo I HAUMON UADLEY, Flsherton, I or 02 Boverley St., Toronto. 1 Important Factors to Be Consfdere* Are Cost, Durability and Servlc* â€" How to Lengthen Life of Fence- WIU) Undae Costs. (Contributed by Ontario Department ot Agriculture, Toronto.) LESSED Is the farmer who, conscious In the security ol his fences, can leave home on a day's business, or retire to- rest at night, without anxiety as to possible depredation committed by straying cattle, or his own stock, to corn, roots, or grain, during his ab- sence or rest. Brush, stump, and stone fences â€" relics of bygone days â€" can still be seen here and there, but are rapidly disappearing, and are being replaced with modem up-to- date woven wire fences that are built, not with the Idea of the small- est possible Initial cost, but with- forethought for the future, remem- bering that quality and material as well as the design and constructloa of post fences are elements that de- termine Its life and service. The prime factors in a fence are fair cost, durability and service. Tho annual up-keep ot fences is consider- able, and to the farmer a material that will do away with the expense of repairing, replacing, painting, or other form of maintenance, should strongly appeal to him as represent- ing true economy, almost regardles* of first cost. The opportunity for economy is found, first, in using the kind of posts which, taking into ac- count both cost and durability are cheapest in the long run. In setting a post which will have comparative- ly short life, be loses not only- through having to buy new posts, but also because of the additional labor involved in removing the old and set- ting the new one. There is, how- ever, great difference in the lasting properties of different woods. The average lifS of a fence constructed of wood posts cannot be safely fig- ured as greater than 8 or 9 years. For length of service cedar and! white oak outlast all other woods. By treating the posts with creosote-, coal tar or charing them, the cost of tip-keep might be materially lessened. That the end or corner posts bear all the strain, and arc the founda- tion of the fence, is common knowl- edge to every experienced fence builder. They must, be well anchor- ed, rigid and strong, and so con- structed that they can be depended upon to give proper service at all times, and under all conditions. The foundation carries the strain and must, therefore, be absolutely solid and permanent, so as not to permit the fence to sag. The setting of wood posts in ce- ment as commonly practiced is not conducive to the longevity of the post, because a water-tight union between the post and the concrete i» not secured, and ultimately decay se.ts in. By far the most effective way is shown In diagram (Fig. 1). The post is first notched as shown In sketch, and the concrete worked well into the notch. This sheds the water trickling down the post, and cannot possibly get between the post and concrete, and the life of the post is considerably lengthened. A post concreted in this way, and kept painted, is practically immune from decay. However, every locality differs In the material used for fence posts â€" wood, steel and cement are all used. The supply of farm timber available, or the prices and condition of the local market for the other commodi- ties determines largely the fence- post used. One of the most Import- ant factor in the construction of steel posts Is the anchorage. The end and . corner posts and their braces should be set In concrete whenever possible^ as In that way best results and maxi- mum efficiency and service will be secured (Fig. 2). A steel post cannot possibly give complete satisfactioi^ no matter how lasting the material itself may be, II it is not str-ong enough to withstand the use to which the average fence is subjected. It must be capable of resisting and sustaining shocks wltb- oUt bending or breaking. Concrete fence posts properly le* enforced and made from suitable ma« terlals, carefully selected and pro- portioned, should last indefinitely, and aire, therefore, a good invest- ment. Considerable variety of sur- face finish and ornament, limited only by the skill of the indlvl'duak worker, can be given te the concrete corner, gate, and line posts (Fig. 3.> Large heavy wires'not lighter than .. No. 9 in woven wire fence are much more durable than finer wire, and a lasting improveiuent for the farm. Ulnged joints in the stays make the uosi substantial uulou, so that un- der pressure, the stays forced ouC ot alignment will spring back when re- leased. Triple tension curves In the wire fabric will not be pulled out by the stretching process, and will allow tor sufficient contraction and expan- sion. Sound and rigid posts and pro- per stretching of woven wire feaoe are the first considerations in fence building. P.egardless of the type of posts, or the height or make of a wire, the farm which is fenced stock-tight ia a valuable and money making farm In any section of the country. â€" Prof. John Evans, O. A. College, Guelph. Ctiltivatiou and Draina^v Pays. Loosening up a soil by oultlvation increases the pure space, and with luama, mucks and clays this increases their power to absorb and retain water while at the stime time allow- ing more free air space. Drainage also uiakes a soil more porous, there- by vi'oducing the same results. CoafSc sauds retain less water when IdoBV than when compact. wt^UTeiyw^"-. '--