Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1919, p. 5

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V December 25 1919 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE « 4 ir-t * ft » » -*V IEARNTOSAVE.- Every man, woman "^ and child can save. Every one should save. Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. an THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . - Manager C. p. R. ^ime Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as oUowa : Going South Goiim North 7.53 a. ai. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Fleaheiton ai • follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoou mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Th» b*rwr on Baturday «ft«rn»on rietttd the W. I. $15. Mri. H. S. White is »p»ndin|j; Chritt- maa wikh her pareati at Blenhaim. T. Chard of Toronto is holidaying with bit tnothar and other ralatlreihtr*. Mri. Uvrktr of Hamilton \a ipending Cbriitmaa with her sister, Mrs Bsltry. Mr. and Mrs. Tlarman QjUnd of Toronto are spanding Christinas in town MiiS Bessis McVicar of North Pay Normal school is home tor the holidays. Mr. George Roy of Pilot Uoaad, Manitoba, la vis 1 hig his mother, Mrs. S. Roy, in town. Get your sale bills printed here. We will make dates with any auctioneer you wish. Mr. Elijah Bi^uthim, who hat been in the West during the v»»t sumnisr, returnad to his home hera last week. Mr. Weslay Armstrong, who has been attending an automobile school iu De troit, is hooie for Christmas holidays. On and after January Tst, 1920, The Advance will be 51.50 per annum, 82.00 to United States. Miss Wilda Martin was auccosstul in winning the book giran fcy the principal of the public school for nater having iniaaad a day at school. W. Wiloock, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrey GrIttiQ of Alton, are spend- ing Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Wm, WUaock. Toichers home for holidays ; Maud Boyd of Toronto, Beatrice Thiselfthwsite from Otprey, and Adda Wrighk of Maple. Ttie staffs of our public and high schools are spending the holidays at their several homes us follows : H. S, White at Port Hope, Miss Crows at Ouelph, Miss Holmes at Winchester, Mr. Holland and Mias Buut at their homes hero. The Adrancc has once more to thank the ladies of the Women's Institute for their annua' gift of a good fat goo.se May their socisty prosper and every member have a hsppy • and prosperou.'s New Year. For the past live years the W. I. have been doing a spleLdid work. first in war assLstance and now in the endeavor to raise money for a msiuorial park. They are worthy of every a.s9i.i- tance. The workmen sii(!aR«d in Uying the cement floor iu Mr. Down'a new garage made a very close acquaintanee with death on Saturday afternoon last, from a dasa of the deadly gasollBe gis. The building was closed up tight and heated by a wood stove and coal furnace, while a gatolina cngipe ran the utixer. Along in the afternoon the six workaaen began to feel " queer " and lose airength. Two of them (^uit work and went home. The three remaining worked fur some time longer until they were stagjeriug and un6t to do any more. It was with difficalty that they were able to get to the door and to their homes. Mr. Dowa himself, Maloolm McDoaatd and' Joseph Blakely were the unfortunate ones and a doolor'a services were required. They were all able to go to work again on Menday, bat you ean wager that it was not under the same conditions. Mr. jVm. Nixon, of Amulet, Saek , ia Hpending a few weeks with his wife hera. Miss Pearl Kadluy of Toronto visited her father over iha week end. Mrs. A. J?histlethwaite left on the 17lh for Toronto to stsy with her son, Jetf' under the care of Dr. Robb. Duii't forget the entertainment in the Presbyterian church on Cbristoias niaht. Tea will be served followed by a good entertainment. A delightful time iraa spent iu the public school Friday afternoon, when a Christmas tree waa unloaded aad a neat program given. Master MeWin Sled made an ideal Utile chairman. All subsoriptions sent in by mail and postmarked not later than December 2U, 1919, will be received at the dollar rate- After December 29th the rate will bo §1.50. Mr. Andrew Gilchriat has sold hie farm near Ceylon and purposes, wa understand, to live in Flasherton. Mr. W. Caswell of the Toronto line has handed the homestead over to his ton, Nat, and will also move to town. Both families will be heartily welcooiisd. The English astronomer who predicted the end of the world or some other great disaster last weak has failed in his fore- cast, as so matiy have before him. Nothlne out of the ordinary happened because of the conjunction of six planets, unless the cold weather could be called extraordinary, but neither bad storma, earthquake or ether phenomena occurred. Therefore we will aot print the letter provisionally promised last week. The Owen Sound Sun-Timss publinhai a photo of G. M. Leeson. M.P.P., last week, and announced him as the membsr elect for Centra Gray. If it were not f )r Bre'r Fleming's well known temper- an(!e principles one would be tempted to believe thac he had been sampling some of the swampy variety of wet goods recently unearthed up around Owen Sound. Mr. Leeson is member for SOUTH Grey aad It is iu order for Lieut.' Col. Csrmichasl, who carried cff such an astounding victory in Centre Grey, to enter a protest. ** Mr. R^Benthans of the suburbs cap- tured two foxes ia his traps one day last week, for the pelts of whiah he received $44 â€" a good day's work. Dick has received $99 for the fur eaptursd within the past month right on his own farm and within a few rods of bis own build- ings. The captures comprised four foxes and three raccoons. Dick scams to hare a fur farm run at a minimum cost and he knows how to ssearc the pelts. These who hunt the wary animal with Jogs have not been so 'fortunate by a long way. Dr. Mearns of HanoTer, in a recent address iu his home town, criticized the Grey County Road Commission very strongly. AnioBj! other things ho said, " This rotten committee ought to be turned out." His uncalled fur charges brought forth a hot reply from Mr. Boyd in last week's Sun Times. Now Dr. Mearna says ho did not know he was speaking for pablieation. It would seem that the Dr. has one variety of facts for the public and anothei for homo coii- sumptioj. The knowledge of this fact ought to pretty near shove the Dr. out of public life. Courting At Markdale Mr. Bruce Burnett, of the subutkr, was given a fair warning in court here last week and Uuuhk that interfering with a Constable iu the discharge of his duties can't be done. It appears that on Saturday night, December 6th, u number of youn^ men, tome of whom were intoxicated, became very troublesome ou eur streets, which resulted in Chief Hartley attempting to. make an arrest. Oup, Ranee Teeter, was the man pursued, but somehow, it is understood, that Mr. Brucs' Buraetb attempted to prevent the arrest Conse- quently ha appeared before Magietrate Armstrong on this charge. M» Arm- strong and Lawyers Henry and McCullough pointed out the serioueness of the offeaceâ€" a hue of $100 could have been imposed, or six months in jail. After gi-ave deliberation- Magistrate Armstrong dismissed the case, with costs. We might mention here that it is de- clared that the Court will support Constable Hartley in the discharge of his duties, and all sach public nuisances are to be dealt with to the limis hereafter. Arthihr Wrightman, who appeared on a charge of "drunk and disorderly" was lined $5 and coats for being disorderly and making use of profanity ; $10 was imposed for being intoxicated. Ranca Teeter did not appear, having "aklppsd the country." However the Court declared "we'll gel him yet," so he will probably sufTdr moat keverely, he having real y been the chief cause of the disturbance.â€" Stitndard Announcement I wish to ainicunca to the people of Flesherton and surrounding country that I sin opening a Gents' Furnishing Store en Jan. 2nd, 1920, in the building recently vacated by J. H. Hales, music dealer. 1 have secured the sole agency for Hobberlia ready-made suits and overcoats. My ambition will be to please ray customers to the best of my ability, hoping to receive your patronage in return. Wishing you all the compli- ments of Tho Season, I remain, yours faithfully, H. J. LeGard, Gents' Furni- shings, Flesherlon, Ont. Raised Sub. Rate After atjckiog ,to the old subscriptien rate for alueost tbiee years after all the other other Grey County papers had laUed, the Flesherton Adyance In its last week's issue announced that its rate after Jan. 1st, I920,wiiroe $1.50 per annum. By sticking to the old rate tho AdTance says it has lust money ; and no doubb i' has. Iu fact, the paper situation is such that eeveral pablishers of weekliea and semi-weeklies are sartoasly considering a further imcrsase per annum. â€" Owen Sound Advertiser. Tree FeU On Him tfT!yiZr!^;r^Sf^Zr^^jrjr^Zk^f^Zr^?5^Z^ Hamilton McFadden, aged 55, who resides about three miles north of Mark- dale, was brought to Owen Sound Hospital on Satarday morning, suffering from a 'oad frsctara of the uppav end ot the thigh buns. Ha was felling a tres at his home, and when it fall, it pinned him to the ground, where he lay for several hours, knowing that his family weuld be on the spot sooner or later. Dr. Brown was called in and had the unfortuuate man brought to Owen Sound where he is now recoveriag. Dr. Mid- dlebro is atteading Mr. MeFadden here. OUR thoughts go out at this Holiday Season to each of our friends, to wish them Prosperity in their undertakings, wisdom for their work, peace for their pathway, friends for their fireside and strength to the last. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO 'â- â-  • u-. m f m y m jfi m< ^ m y w\ \y i y Mr. "Cam" Peppier, ot Hanover, met with a most unfortunate and distressing aceident while at work in the Kneehtel jaciory on Friday afternoon of last week, when ha had the two middle fingers of his left hand severed and the index bouer and thumb badly eu>^ by getting it in contact with a saw. "Cam" is one of the town's wjll known hockey players and the accident will keep him sul of the game this year. I^s many friends regret his misfortune. Fleslneirton aS^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Butlre isatisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket )se M(,nday night, delivery Friday ev CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers re'uvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Farm For Sale 300 acres, being lots 1, con. 8, and lot 1, con. 9, Ospri'y. Good buildinys on each fann, a good well ou each with windmill on one, water in barn and house, a yood orchard on eacli farm, well fenced with wire anu rails, in good state of cultiv.ition. For terms and particulars apply to KJ W. CLINTON, 31 Biiiidilo Ave., Toronto. «3arefully Corrected Each Wee Bntter 52 to 54 Kggs TOioO 70 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Pe8s_^._ 1 40 to 1 50 Oats"; 90 to 91 Barley 78 to 80 -â- â-  ^ â-  â-  â€" â€" â€" Auto For Sale Ford car at a bargain, in p^ood repair, 2 extra tires in wrappers, 2 extra tubes, car retired throughout in August, 60 gallon U.S. gas tiink like new, two tool boxes on runniui! board, all Ford tools with c«r, Stewart speedometer with noard, new dell'ereniial gear and stub axles iu .Juno. Appraisal duty paid on the car S128 ;W, sellini; price S35O.0O. Also one largo size Hercules slump puller, factory mounted, portable, complete with 200 feet inch steel c.iblo and grubbing plow, cost S2(i5. A reni money maker for man with team. Apply to F BENTLEY, Flesherton . McTavish's f.irni, south p.irt of village Cream S ;nct icparators are goars â€" ne fiction : double -supported bowl â€" cannot rock; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy t:o turn â€" a child can oper.ite; cipacit} change â€" saves the buyer §50.00 ; patent brake â€" "Magnet,' patent ; atronj;, rigid constiuction â€" mechanically correct ; sanitary slraiiiL'r â€" germ proof ; easy to clean- a child cleans it in u few minutes. G. B. Weltoft Flesherton, Ont. W. A.HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO^^"" GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC Call and see these high grade instruments .^^i AT Hawken'3 Plioto Gallery and ilusio 9tor FLESH ERTON New Bakery For Flesherton Haviug purchased the bako shop iu Flesherton I have fitted up the same and am nw pre- pared to cater to the public iu first class Bread, Duns, BiBcuit« and Pastry. My greatest effort will 'be to picaso the public, and |your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop HARDWARE! Buy something useful for Christmas. Suggestion listâ€" Be.U7 Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Casseroles, Silver Knives and Forks. Tea Spoons and Dessert Spoons, Cheese Dishes, Berry Sets, Q^rush Trays, Biscuit Jars, Pie Sets, Calio Plates and a line of Japanese Dishes at a low price. KiddieKars, Graniteware, Skates, Mitt.s and Gloves, Rizois, Pocket Knives, Ammunitiou,GameTiapr, Tools; Horse Blankets, Whips, Ranges and Heat- ers, Washing Machines, Sharpies Separators. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24> 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Cargo's Grocery I have opened up a grocery and con~ feQcionery stooe In the building recently vacated by C. J. Bellamy and am pre pared to cater to the public with n full assortment of groceries, fruit and con- fectionary. Prompt attention to phone orders and ifooda delivered to any part of the towu W. E. Cargoe, Flesherton J , ********* •i«i.»iis;iiWa**aeeaaaa«a*aeaaa*«*saeeaa»*asieeaeaw>**«**ae«Wee*S* ? r ? M ! ; ! ; â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢r«*«*«*«*****««««a*****«* •••*•â- *•••••••••••»*â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â»â€¢*••••• IrubbersiI All Business t'olleiies are not all alike : SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Invites the patronage of all who desire •;uherior training. Get our Catalogue, read our records, then decide. Enter NOW. \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull onlot 36, con. 9, Artemesia. Terms »l.oO for B. grade Must be paid within 9 mouths date froTUof service. le.an. â€" R. 0. Tl•R^'ER. • •• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ • •• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • *• •••• •••• •••• •••• •â- â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: ns ;:8 ::s: â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Kubbers for good solid wear iu Men's Women's and Children's Kubbers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I '**s SSt: I ~::;t;;::::»!u::x::::{!:::;::;:::: 2^;^^ t!ttKmt:!i:tnsKK:x;H|iiiiii

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