Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1919, p. 8

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December 2i3 1910 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE Police Village Of Pricevilie KyUw No. lit, 1919, <if the TowiiHliip iif ArlouiCdiik To tHke the vote nf tlio ;ittcptyorii of the Piilicc Villato I'? I'rii'eville eiiliilfd 10 vote en iiionuy l>ylii«», on a tiueali'in to be subniitti'.l ulnMlu'r tho tald rttti- ptyers .^tn in favor of itiupply of ul'iclric poirer from the Hydro Klrctric Power Cuinniicdion of Ontario. WUIDUEAS, thu 51iiiiici|Ml CVnincil of ibe CorporMion of ihi Township of Arterueiia deem it Ailviwblo to suhiiilt to tho latepayert of the said Police VilUre of Pricevilie entitled to vot« on money byUwa * question as to whelhur the Mkid I'ltiepAjer* mc iu favor of a fiupply of electric power from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of <)nt<trio, TUEUKFUUE, the Council of iho Corporation af tho Township ot Arlo- mesi* enacti as fullowi : 1 â€" That the following iiuestionH he Bjbmitttrd to the ratepayers of the MuaieipiU .Corporation of tho Police Vijla((0 of I'riccvillo entitled to vote on money bvlaws : Are you in favor of oblaining from the Hydro Electric Power Cmtitnission of (intario a supply < f electric power / 2 â€" That the vot* of thcs'iidratcpiyi'rs t\\M )>• taken on this <|iiestion at the f'tllon lUg times mkI placei) and by the Depv.rv UeluiiiiriK Ultioerii and foil C'iuj., '..tmalter mentioned, limt i-i io •''3'. "" .JMcpdiy, till' P'ifih L>»y of JifiUaiy, T?b, iyyo, a! \V,itspn'8 Hall m thu P-i.ce Vil!M','e of a'^ic-ville, com- uitii..: :• ill Hie hour of nine o'liJock io iliu f .'â- noon and conliuunig ur.til livu o cIncV in tti» M»«»^u. \if V«(ar F. McArthui, Dipuly fti-turniiig ofHcev.Mia ttilliani G. Watson, Poll U ark. :5â€" A true coj y of thii li^lniv shill be pnblioliwl in the follow ui« neiVKp.ipers on the dayn hereinnfti-r mtnlioned, that i" to Bay : InThe Fli-beit ,D Advaii;-' . newspriper imbiihlr.-.i Mt iho Vi*, "' t ArteincsU in tho is«u>-r- """.t'"'' '.' -- -'â- ( Decern V 7 of the H.,d .-fill 1(11!), rt'Speetively. Ijyiaw shall be pii»ted 'c.Vic.ir'a Hotel, Kar- !au'8 Store. )f Df'ceniber AD, n the Villntjo of 1 the forenoon, >igned by him 'â-  't the liual ♦Jierk of sTTTOM- 7 _..Ji tho per- I 8 rti.a desirous of the .1 lUe eaid (|ue8tiou in the .•e, and a lik-; number on behalf I 11 tiie persons int«reKtud in and tlcsirous 12 of tho anewcrinc i>f tho kaid ([ueistion in' 13 the ni-Kative, respectively. 14 5 â€" The tilh day I'f Januiry, A. D, 11)20, at the eaid Wagon's Hall in the Village of Pricevilie. at 2 o'clock, p.in,, is hereby appointed for the .sumtniiiu up by the Clerk of thia Township of I he number of volen Kiveii in thu :ttlirin:iilvc and in the negative reipectively. Made, paaied and enacted this 4th day of October, A.D. 1!>19. T. R. McKP:NZIK, Ueeve W.J. HKLLAMV. Clerk assented to by tlie ratepayers of the said Police viUugc entitled to vote oil money by-lawi. AND WHKREAS it is desirable to issue the aaiti debentures at one time and to mukc the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums dur- ing the period of twenty years being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly .sums bein;; of such ro- 8|>ective amounts that the utrprregato amount payable fach your for prin- cipal and interest in respect of the said debt shall bo as nearly as pos- sible equal to the amount payable in each of the other years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised unnually by sjjecial rate for paying the said debt and/ interest as hereinafter provided is ?.523.10, the same to be levied upon the rateable property in the said Police Villauo. AND WHEREAS the .amount of the whole rateable property of the saiil Township of Arteniesia accord- intr to the lust Revised Assessment Roll thereof is $1,01(5,327.00. AND WHEREA.S the amount of the existing debenture debt which is leviable upon the said Police Village is the sum of $1500.00. THERKKORE the Council of the Corpornliun of the Township of Ar- temesia enacts as follows: 1 . That for the purposes afore- said it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township to borrow the sum of $0000.00 and to issue and dispose of Debentures of the said Township Corporation to the amount in all of $6000.00, such De- bentures to be for tho amounts and payable as hereinafter .set forth, such debentures shall be issued at one time and dated en the date of issue arid shall be r«yable in accordance â- with the next<'^uccecding clause here- of and shaM."bv Lssued in sums of not l^s than fi'Oo.OO each, and all shall ?*^ 'ijuiuoie within Twenty years thereafter as hereinafter stated, at the office of the Treasurer of the said Township. 2. The .said Debentures shall be payable in twenty annual instalments diiring the twenty years next after the, issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable during each of the said years shall be as follows: Principal. Intefest. $l(i:j.lo ...172.89 ...18.3.26 . ..194.2G ...20.').Ol ...218.27 . ,^231.37 T. .24.'').2.''> 2.')9.!.'7 10 ....275.57 . . .292.10 . ..309.63 ...328.21 ...347.90 15 . IC . 17 . 18 . 1» . 20 . 3. shall $360.00 350.21 339.84 328.84 317.19 304.8:5 291.7.'} 277.85 263.1. S 247.53 231.00 213.47 194.89 175.20 154.33 1 32.20 108.75 83.88 57.53 29.60 the said Total. $523.10 523.10 523.10 .'â- ,23.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 523.10 Debentures NOTICE TAKE NOTICE the itove i.s a true copy of a bylaw pasaed by the Municipal Council of tho fowniJiip of Artuiiiesia on the 4th day of October, A. I>. 1919. AND KIRTHEH TAKE NOTICE that at the hour, d.iy and j>laco.s tlierelD tiled fur taking the votes of (he cluototu the polN will be held. F'tfat publication the eleventh day df December, 1919. -W. J. BEr.LAMY,.CUrl.. Townahip Hall, (hia 4(h day of October. I'Jl'J The Corporation of the Township of Artemesia BYLAW NO. 20 OF 1919. To authoriie tho borrowing of $6,- OOO.OO by the issue and sale of Debentures, to provide for the cott ..368.77 ..390.90 ..414.35 ..439.22 ..465.57 ..493.50 Each of bo signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Township and the Clerk of the said Township shall attach thereto the Corporation Seal of the said Township and the said Debentures shall bear iTiterest at the rate of Six Per Cent per annum, pay- able yearly at the Office of the Town- ship Treasurer on the first day of March in each and every year dur- ing the currency thereof. 4. The proceeds of the said De- bentures sliall be paid by the Town- ship Treasurer to the Corporation of the Board of Police Trustees for the said Police Village of Pricevilie to be applied for the purpose afore- said and for no other purpose. .5. During the Currency of the said Debentures there shall be raised, levied and collected annually by spe- cial rate on all the rateable property of the said Police Village of Price- vilie the said sum of $523.10 in each of the said- twenty years for the pay- ment of the principal money and in- terest payable in each year upon the said Debentures. 0. That the votes of the said rate- payers of the said' Police Village shall be taken on this by-law on the fifth (lay of .lanuary 1920, at Watson's Hall in the said Police Village of Pricevilie, commencing at the hour of Nine A. M. and continuing until Eive P. M. by Peter P. Mc.\rthur as Dep - .. ., 1 . . 1 uty Returning GfTicer and W. G. Wat- of m. plant to distribute •'••»"« i son. Poll Clerk. power to be supplied by the Hydro- 1 7 q,, ^^^, twenty second day of Electric Power Commiision of On- . jj^cember, 1911), the Reeve shall at- Urio for the Police Village of[tp„,, ^j Watson's Hall in the Police Priceyille. Village of Pricevilie at 11 o'clock in the forfrnoon to appoint persons to attend at the polling place aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this by- law respectively. -«. The sixth day of January, U'20, at the said Watson's Hall, Pricevilie, at the hour of eleven o'- clock in the forenoon, is hereby ap- pointed for the summing up by the Clerk of thi* Corporation of the number of votes given for and u- gainst this by-law respectively. 9. This by-law shall take effect upun, from and after the final passing thereof, and after the ratepayers of the Police Village of Pricevilie havt> declared' in favor of obtaining a sup- ply of electric power from the Hydro- Electric Commission of Ontario. Clerk. WHEREAS a by-law is being sub- mitted to the vote of the ratepayers of the Police Village of Pricevilie who arc entitled to vote on money By-Laws to ascertain if the said rate- payers arc in favor of obtaining from the Hydro-Electric Power Commin- sion of Ontario a supply of Electric I»ower for the Bai<l Police Village, un- der the provisions of the Power Com- mission Act and it is deemed advis- able to submit this by-law, which is to come into effect in case the said ratepayers declare that they are in favor of the proposal to obtain the laid supply of Electric power. AND WHEREAS the board of TrtwteeB for the said Police Village have requested the Council of the "rvwHship of Artemesia in which the mid Police Village is situated, to is- sue debentures as provided in the Power Commission Act and to levy and collect a s|)ecial rate upon the rateable proserty in the said Police % Villaf?e for the payment thereof, such h debentures to be for the sum of 16000.00 in all, repayable with in- terest as hereinafter set forth, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created hereby, beinpr the a- mount required to provide for the cost of the works, plant, machinery aild appliances necessary for the dis- tribution of Electric Power in the said Village to be supplied by the llydTw-Elcctric Power Commission of Ontario. •AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporstion of the Township of Artemesia dcenra it advisable to sub- mit to the ratepayer! of the said police village, entitled to v<»tc on money by-laws, this by-law to pro- vide for the i«sue of the saitl deben- tures, and to issue the aaid Deben- tures, if thii by-law shall be duly .Ree\ NOTICE I TAKE NOTICE that the above ia a true copy of a proposedi by-law which has Dcen taken into considera- tion, ant! which will be finally -passed by the Council of the To'wn.'ihip of Artemesia in the event of the assent of the Electors of the Police Village of Pricevilie being obtained thereto, after one month from the first pub- lication in the "FIcsherton Advance" said first publication beinR on the Kleventh day of December, 1019, and at the hour, day and place therein fixed for the taking \tt the votes of the electors, the poll will be held. W. J. BELlJVMY, Township Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICE TO LEASE- HOLDERS. A lease holder who is entitled to vote on this by-law is one who has a lease of property in the Police Vil- lage of Pricevilie which extends over the ensuing twenty years, who is en- titled to vote on money by-laws and for which property he or she is rated on the last revised Assessment Roll to the amount of at least $100.00 and who under his or her own lease has covenanted to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of property leased (other than for local improvements) provid- ed however that every leaseholder who desires to vote on the said) by-law must file at the office of the Town- ship Clerk at least ten days prior to the date of voting a statutory declar- ation stating that his or her lease meets the above requirements. The names of the leaseholders ne- glecting to file such Declaration will not be placed on the Voters' List for such voting. W. J. BELLAMY, Township Clerk. NOTICE If you want anything in the iaiple- ' nv^nt line. Call on Q. Knott, Markdnle, jas be sells all tells all Deeiiog imple- meuls. Gasoline Engines, Singer Setting .Machine, DeLival Cream Separ<>tor*. In fact aiiytbiug and everything in the line of Implements at reasonable prices, Ratisfaction guaianteed. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale, Ont Farm For Sale ] A 00 Hcre farm for sale on the East Back Line, Aitemoaia, 3rd grange, north half of lot 132. On 'the premises there I is a Kood frame barn 40 x 50 feet ; a I small frame houee ; a good drilled well jhen liouae. for particulars apply on I premiaes, J H HOlilJEY, Fleshorton I "boar f^7SERVICE~ The underHigned has a thorough jred I Purebrnd Tamworth Boir for service Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. Ion lot 167, S W T and S E., Artemesia,. 8. Osprey. Terms 81.50. JTermsâ€" *1.50. KUED SPOFFAUD Yehl5 >.) -T. J. STINSON.Prop. Nomination, 1919 Notice ia hereby given that a Public Meeting of the Electors of thu Villai^e of Flefherfon will b* held- at the Town Hall, at seven o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 29th day of Decemt>er, 1919, for t'oe purpose of nominating candidates f )r the oUioes of Ileeve, Councillors aud School Trustees foi 1920. If more than the necessary number for any particular ofhce are proposed, a Poll will be opened lu too Town Hall, at 9 o'clock a. ni., ou Monday, the otb.day of January, 1920, fur thti election of such ofticers. Dec, 16, 1919. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Boar for Service House and Lots or Sale .\ veiy conveniently located frame house on stone wall, ^iih six rooms ; two lots, good water in woodshed, barn, driving shed, currant buabes and some fruit trees. Lota 5 and 10, block D, Fleshertoii Apply to HARMON RADLEY.Flesherton, «or 92 Beverley St., Toronto. Nomination, 1919 Notice is hereby given that a Public Meeiine of the Electors of the Township of Artemesia will bj held at the Town Hall, at one o'clock p. ni., on Mondar, the 29ih day of December, 1919, for tbs purpose of uuminaring candidates for 'he ofMces of Reiive, Deputy KeevS aifti- Councillors for 1920. If mora than the uecstsary number for any particular othoe are proposed. Poll* will be opened' lu the several poUing sub-diviiions at 9 o'clock a. m., on Monday, '.be .5th day of .January, 1920, for the election of such otticers, Dec. 10^ 1»19 W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Farm For Sale 170 acres with 'good bank bam and solid brick house, with good well and windmill, orchard and plenty of stove wood- Land In good state of cultivation (Three miles from Flesherton. Apply ts MR^. VV. J. LEVER, R. R. No. 2, FleshertOH. !. ONCE our newspapers were divided into three classes â€" "Grit," Tory," and "Inde- pendent." In the case of "Grit" and "Tory" papers, if you knew what the party policy was, you alv/ays knew^ vvRat they were go- ing to say. The "Independent" paper usually died. Then came ^ The Toronto Star v.ith it.s slogan. "A Xewspaper, Not All Or-iaii.'' TItat .sloLrnn used to cuusc smiles. Hut, as the years passed, its sij^iiificiiiu'o was appre- ciated. The Star does not cart; nuicli nboui vho wins plcctions. It cafos a frrcat ileal about winning causes. And it is n noteworthy thing aboiit the eaii.ses advocated by The Star, that most of them have been adopted aud ineorporated into the laws of the eommnntty. Here is a paper tliat, if it is giv- ing a riovermiieiit general support, does not wait to see what that Cioveriiment is going to ^ay or do on any partieular isstie, before ex- pressing itself. The anxiety is sometimes on the part of flie Gov- ernment, to know what The Star is going to say. In buying The Star you may be sure you are gettiug exactly what the phrase says â€" "A Newspaper, Not An Organ." Yon are getting a live paper full of news, full of ideas, entertaining, informing, stimulating â€" in shot* you are get- ting ' _;-^ CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER Wlicrc other i)apci"s are content with merely recording the news, Tho St^ir chronicles that news in brilliant style, so that the reader sets the luunf^n-intere.st side of every .story and iinderstaiuls the iniUM- moaning of things that would otherwise be obscure. i " - , The Star is as mueh a "Woman's" paper as a man's. Women like it, not merely for the Departmcuts\vhieh are devoted exclusively to women's interests, but also for its bright and entertaining way of presenting all tlie newn. The Star is always in the forefront of progressive movements â€" supreme iu sports â€" a believer in the' saving grace of humorâ€" a live newspaper full of news and full of interesting illustration.s. Three months' trial subseripliim will put you on friendly terms with this great- est of daily papersâ€" and will cost you only $1.26; $2.00 for 6 month»' â- lybscript ionâ€" $3.00 for a year. To PuWIshenv Toronto Stsr. Toron*o: rn^ar Sirs: Flci.xo (Mtter ine as a subscrlbw to Tho Toronto Siar for luonUis -for which please Wnij enclosed stamiw or money onler for % Num« and address In (till: ' ••• â- > • • .•••• ••' ••« \^- ' ' ^,.i*i (Pleatt writs plainly, and cay wh»th«r Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Rsv.) I < -1) A II X- - I; )>., {).:: )) » â- -♦ ,*â- â- 'â-  ad M -mrri

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