Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1920, p. 4

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Jn nil a IV 1.") lU-JO THE FI ESIII7,KT0N ADV^ANCE THB 1 Flesherton Advance An ind^ijiiridi-iit iiHwi>pip>-r pulilihiied every Tliur»>l»y a* tlio ..lli-.-, CollmgwouJ Stiert*, KJixhi'it 'M .SulxciipiiuH prio« i 91 50 por aiiiiuiii v\ Iimi ])ii I in (I'lvmicx ; â-  t2.U0 when nut w ptid. 9:2.00 tuj (TniteJ States. A'lveitisiii!; rules on â-  â- . [iplic.itioii. C.rcii'ii'iiiii • . II'" weekly. VV. H. THIII-^TmN. Ki.lToK! The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at (aje time or another. The man with a snug bank account, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside something for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account todayâ€" and take your first step along the road to Independence. Small Ads. th€ MCRCHANTS BANK i-'uii salk; For S*l«â€"nfi'cory, Flour and Feed,' Saed and (irain bu«iiie84 f»i' kiIu. R?*?on for Helliin/ â€" jjciiiij; iiitd the U'lrane business. Apply at once to II. Down & Sjn, Ujx(i.i, Flesherton. For Sile chuai> and on ensy terms, Lot ' 13, coil. 11, Osproy, 110 acres. This is | a tint cUs4 furm and in n f{nod state of cultivation. Good hank laru and new frame dwelling, .\pply o> H. -i. ."^pr.iule Fliwherlon L<JST and FOIND ( LOSTâ€" Plush robe with roses on Dec. I 23rd, 11(19, between Ceylon and Rocli | Mills or in Duiicaii'fi shvd. Finder It'iive ! at Thoii . AtliliisoiiV, Uoek Mills, audi receive §5.00 reward. Head Office: Montreal. OF CA.NADi^ Established 1864. x'^'LESHERTON BRANCH, C. A. NORSWORTHY, ...... Manager. Sub-Agency «l Ceylon open Tucidays. Thursdays and Saturdays. WE SELL MISCELLANEOUS Chopping 81 !t d»y.s in the* week â€" Graham Bron., Eugenia. Try Pe«ei-s!ia.n Paltry Clour, the best I oryourcoik. -Ml ()rit«rio wheat 1 FARM IMPlJLHt.m:S WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New rtil)ti!;ir Slirij'plt'.s Separators Rt»'iesl pr,C!fi)r lia'tui ;ind ol'; Gra)i!iin Urea. Eueenis. June 26 77 t JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN7 AGENT FLESHERTON. Private funds to loan ou real eiitate security fit rciisoiHible rule nf interest. Apply to R, J. Sproule, Kfeiherton sept 2317 ; n Wantedâ€" ExperieTiced m.in and wife |! to toke charue of fiiriiiâ€" good furnishid ' '1| bouse, use of cow and. hens â€" siilury •= $400. Apply to Ilormon Ridley Flcfherion. fenders Wanted For Wood â€" 10 cords 22 inclies long, to hn delivered at Rock Mills school by Februiry l»f. Must Ic j{ood grci'U inapU, be.ich or birch. -Vliply to .luhii llargrave. Sec, FIcsliorton. BUSINESSCARDS yoClKTlE.S ??^5=^c =7^Jf=J rz 3^^£7, FURNITURE All kin(J.s"('n\unituro in our .showrooms. Call and see our dinini^ room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of f)ric(!.s to suit your pocket book. DBINCK .MtTHUH LOllOK. No. :)3:t, A.P.& , ||| C^ A .M. laeote in 'ht Masouic ball. Arm lU. B^roDK'H UlooK Fl<!!ihortou. overv Krulay on || or hofore tlio lull niocn. T. (' avion, W. M., A. E. Uollamy. Sotretary. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi day Phone IJO r 1 1 W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. . 'l^!^^ '?SS^=//^J g5fes ^:^r=lf=3r=J-^_ â- Jrr^r=lr== > :~) r=Jr=J/=Jr= Jc==Jr=ii Dhntistkv - Ur B. C MURRAY I., n. H , dental Burgeon I â-  ' h' uoiKrH+luato ol Toronto UuivurHity anil • Oaaaduilalniiitiiruct loi' toutU e.Xtractlou ' \^\\-:X.'i'X.'^^^^^^-'-^^^^^'' '^'^'^^ 'y^^ tOou at rwidvuce ToiouU) blicot. Flaatiertou . Medical j.^' X>r W. .1 Ilonry. .Mi H., sraliiateof Fnciilt) ' Uh\ •*^ of Mii'liciuo, roroiito L'l.iviiimty. OiUco ; |y|| â€"Ur. ijittla's latu rciilitugu. KICHliorton. .Jj! I P OTTBWKLI., I^jj ' Veterinary Suri;*?oii ^.1 Jradoato ol Untaiio Vuliirinary CoIIc'kc {|i| renifleocu â€" Hecoiiil iloor Hoiith west. on j^^j k«ry utreet. This street raoe ouMi â- . Ilfl HreBbyteriao Clinroli. ' ^ael Legal I UCAH, KANKY A IlKNIlV-llarMHtoij, '-' fjollcltoro.eic.â€" I. H. I.llcaii, K. C: W. K. lUuey, K. C.; W. I). Ilcnry, H. A. OlilooH, \ii\ Toronto, HtD-O Tta(li:r» Hank HMh., |ih'>nij lljl luain HI2;Marh<lale l.iicia IINick, Pliurio 'i A. ||il Hraticb uUkcw at Duuilulk upun evury SaturJav. \^f{ m WKIUKT, & TRLFOno, llarrUter, Rolloi. lii] torn, Ao. Olllcen. (Ircy t llriice niock, ^" Owou Hound, HtaiKliinl Mank cIt.'Kii-sljur' l||l ton.CSaturrtayB). W. II. WrlKht, W. l>'. rolford \\J\ m Flesherton Tin Shop I havc.jii.st placed on iho .shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwarc and Agateware for domestic use. Call on )iie and get your supplies. Eavetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Fmiiish- Repairiiig of all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipelilling, including pump work. Mirnaces installed. Agent for Clare Mirnaccs, Bros. Business Cards WM. Kl the lie coiiiiticB of (jrtiy ftu<l Blinooe. j |P| farm aud hlock anluB a Hpooialty. Tornia ' ^^ aio'lt rHt*> »<atiKfuctiou f/iiarnntcofl' ArratiKo- { <^\ metitH for (lalea may hn iiiadn at the A'lVHiicti t^^ odUcc. dr ( eiitrtil tult!) hone oflluo 1- uvt^rriliaiii | \f% or by Addrubmue m« at Fovomhaoi. Ont. . jjj ., _^ _,,,«_____â€"_â€"__â€"â€".â€"_____ [ ^^ DUoPHAtr. l.i^ouBod Auotlonoe for tlin |)^| • <;ounty of Oroy, ToriiiB ino'turate nwl [ |^^| â- atlft action ({(inriiitood, 'iho arrRtiBMinciit-i j â- .nd dAte»^ of Halfficaii lifl maduat ThK AirVAiico ' offio«. Ht'Hldoucofaud P,0**Ceylou«Tnln}jlii)ii» ' conouctioii. Deo. 6, 70 D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. An Inestimable Convenience tJY a very simple arrangement you can •*-' transfer to The Bank of Toronto, the irksome task of paying your house- hold accounts. Paying by cheque relieves you of carrying money about, making change, and obtaining receipts. It puts your household transactions on a dignified systematic basis. Any Branch of this Bank will be pleased to open a checking account for R. P. BELLAMY Manager FEVERSHAM you. 23 THEBAN Ko'^TORONTO Capital $»tOOO,flOO Resierve $6,625,623 II y Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT A Merry Xmas. Wedding t â- â- ^-iMAMikivotrf (tjgoiiia Times) All event of interest to a very wide circle of friends took plice in the home of Mr. niid Mrs. Thos Guy on Xnias. Day when Sajie In'ibcl Uidley wa« married to WilliHin John Yearly. The parlor had been lAStefulIy decorated for the occasion nncl the bri<Iu becomingly attired in a drcs« ,pf navy blue taffeta silk. The ceremony was coiidutted liy tlio Rev. F. Passinore, the witnesses being Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Class. Both the bride and (ii'oom were' the recipients of many beaBtiCul and usi'ful preseats. J,ater in the day tiie bridal couple left for Ontario. TlKit nearly half the townsfolk should pause in the midst cf their Cliriittaias f.'stivilies to bid them farewell was in ii.sjif ii line tribute to both the re>pect and esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Yearly are held by all who know them. Jack will be greatly missed by the mem- bers of the G. W. V. A. nni I. O. O. F. and Shdie by the Eabpkaks anJ by the boys and girls of the entire district. Their removal is a disiinot loss to the (.'tiurch and coiumunisl life of Ogema, but everyonfj will rejoice in ihs happi- ness and I he mahiiei of tke farewell at the depot will doubtless serve to remind them for many days to come that though they miy hnve gone Ihey are not for- gotten by those ihey left behind^ The bride is a daughter of Mrs. James Radley, and tha.young couplt will reside iu Toronto. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over !0C users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For "3.i)d 1900 Gravity washers and wringers dllectiic and gasoline power washers. ALSO /T I for McCoiniick liiiideis. Mowi-is, Il^y Rnkus, liny Loaders, Drills, Culiiv.itor, Plows, Steel totalis, Harrows, Gusoline Engines, Urantfurd double yeiiruU and auto oiled airiaotor Wind MWls, Realty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manuce Can-iers, W.iter RowN, Wi'or Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when titled with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Ageat, - Ceylon, Ont. Bellamy's Grocery I'TSIIâ€" Wo carry in .stock a lino lino of I'icldcd aiul Froecu Ueniii^', [I'iiibut, Kaiinou iiud Wliitciisii. I GRuCERIBSâ€" Out- oroecncs are till fresh. Try us for all ! kitul.-i of canucd goods, rai.'iiiis, ciurants, spices, * toa.s (bulk Of paok.ige), rolled oats, corn meal and syrups. KcUogg's oouuiue Corn Flakes 2 for 25o CONFECTIONERY k ICE CUEAM-A good assortraerit of Cliristios' and Tclfi'r'H Fancy anti Soda Discuits. Candy and Chocolates in bulk or in packages and Ico Cream Bricks in assorted flavors. FRUITSâ€" Oranges, letnons and jjrapo fruit. Also canned clierrie.'^, pears, poaches, plums, strawberries and raspborrios. Emerson Bellamy C, J. Bellamy FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I I I > »l D i» I « â- ! H H « â-  H I â-  â-  â-  I « â-  M â-  I I li ' House and Lots or Sale .\ vtuy conveniently located frafne house on stone wall, wiih six rooms ; two lots, good wator in woodshed, barn, j drivinc shod, currant liushes and some fruit trees. Lnts 5 and 10, block U, Flesherton Apply to ^ ' HARMON RADLKY, Flesherton, or W2 Uoverloy St , Toronto. 1 Came Astray Came to the premises of (hu under- signed, lot 2;i, con. 10. Artemoais, tno yearlings, a steer and a heifer. Owner please prove propeny, pay expenses and take the lame away. â€" rRKD WICKKNS Eugenia, Jan. 3, 1920. CANADIAN Temporary Reduction IN Passenger ~ Train Service WILL BE MADE Effective Jan. 4, 1920 Exti-aTagant Use of Straits The use of at least a limited amount of bedding for beef cattle Is adrisable, but the extravagant use of straTf, coarse hays, etc., for this pur- pose should be discouraged. All such roughages that are to be used for bedding, either for fattening or breeding aninwils, should first be of- fered them in the hay rack and that which is refused used for bedding. If stover Is fed the stalks, while somewhat difficult to handle, make satisfactory bedding material and should be used for this pnrposo rather than burned or otherwise dl*- poeed of. Thomas and Wesley Gibson of West Lu-.her were tiued ?6 and costs each for shooting a hound belonging to T, Hunter. Gibson's sheep had Irfen worried by dogs, the fathtr telling the son to shoot ev»ry dog hi,' SiW running them. He apparent- ly csrried out initruclions for Hunter found his dog hrlple-ss in a diich and took it away for treatment but its usefulness as a hunter is pissed. Gibson Slid he thought the animal was dead. The tine was imposed on the charge that the doL' had been cruelly treated. NOTICE If you want anything in the imple- moiit line. Call on U. Knott, Markdale, as be sells all sells all Deering imple- ments, Gasoline Kngines, Singer Sewing Machine, DeL»val Cream Separatotg In fact anythmg and everything in the line of Implemuuts at reasonable prises. Satisfaction guaranteed. HIXSH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale, Ont, BOAR for SERVICE Piirehr«d Tauiworth Boir for service on lot 167, S W T and S E., Arteraesia,. Termsâ€" ei, 00. Feblo -T.J. .STINSON.Prop Boar lor Service The undyrsigiud has a thoroughbred Yorkshire Roarfor service on lot 11, eon. 8, Oivrey, Ter ms 81.50. FRIED SPOFFARD Boar For Service Rtgistered Cho.ner Whito h >i{ for srvice at Rock iMills. The fatJier won first at Chicago Fair. Terms iJl.oO. docDl'J -I. S.MITH Prop. Boar For Service I'liic bred Registorea Y'orkshire Bo.ir for servicoâ€" Maxwell J.ick 62903â€" on lot 1C7, S W. T. & S. R., Aitemeaia. Terms 81.i)0. « 10,4, la T. J. STINSON. FOR FVLL PARTICULARS TICKET AGENTS. APPLY NOTE-The " Trans-Canada " will be teuipurarlly withdiawn Jan. Ist, 1920. New Bakery For Flesherton Having purchased the bake Hhop iu Flesherton I have fitted up the same and am nw pre- pared to cater to the public in lirst class Bread, Buns, Bistuitv and Paatrjr. My greatest effort will bo to please the public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. F. Finder, Prop

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