Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1920, p. 5

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January 15 l',i'20 THE F L E S H E K T N » A D V A N C E SUCCESS and Inde- pendence. â€" Do not depend on what you earn but on what yoii save. The Standard Bank of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. S9i THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL - Manager 1 rains oUow3 : Going South 7.53 a. 111. 4.27 p.m. The m.-4i!s are follows " p.m. C. p. R. Time Table. eavB Flesherton Station as Ooing North 12.01 o.m. i>.18p. m. oseri at Flesherton B3 For the north at 10.40 a.m. and and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For mornin;; train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Markdale and Fleshertcn play hockey hereon Monday niqht. Bre»d in Flesherton has gone up to 13 cents for a small loaf. Mr. Joseph Clinton has assumed <he duties of ciretaker at the high school. Wardie Harrison is supplying in S. S. Iko. 3, as no qualifi«d teacher has been secured for th»t school. Gordon McKiiinon left on Monday lo resume his poiition with the Bell Tele- phone Company at Piekering, Elijali B^nthaiii left last week to attend the Central Technical school in Toronto. Frank Thurston left this week to take a position with the Canadiab Kodak Co., Toronto. Miss. Rene Cargo has gone to Owen Sound to take a cuurse in the Buaincss College. In the absence of Rev. Mr. Bolfiy on »ccouut of sickness, Mr. Win. Dinwoodle teok charge of the services in the Metho- dist church on Sunday. 8 mething like auto the old grippe is quite prevalent in town, a large nuBib;.'r, and some whole families, being laid up with the peat. Born â€" At Burnside Hospital, Toronto, on Dictiub«r 20;h, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilter Marr, a daughter. â€" Wilms Evelyn. The Presbyterian Lidies' Aid drove out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Vause uu Tuesday of last week and spent a very enjoyable afternoon. Misd Vera I'hillip.s went to Toronto to attend the funeral of her uncle, Mr. T. A. Gunoy, who died vety suddenly on Friday uight last. Three we«ks ago Mrs. Martin Phillip* fell and injured her arm. The member turned black and was badly swollen, and is still carried in -j sling, but is improving. The Advance had a pleaJant call from Mr. George Park of Kmerson, Man., who is renewing ac<juaintauc«s here and reviewing the scenes of his boyhood. It Is thirty years since George left here to seek his fortune in the West. Mr. Jamas Genoe of the Colllngwood gr avil wa.s up before the county judijcat Oiveu Sound on Wednesday otlaet week, ehargcd by Mr. Oliver Turner of Hugeui* with stealing a sheep. There was no direct evidence that the accused was guilty of the offsnce and he was honorably acquitted. Thomas Gan.ey, a returned veterart of the war, died very Kuddenly at his home, 25 Christie street, Toronti', I'n Friday night of last week. Mr. Gsniey was a ion of the late Thoinaa Gamcy, M.P.P., of Uaprey. He leaves a widow and t«o ions, Olto and Thomas. Mre. Gamey is a sister of Mr. Robert Olark of Kork Mills and Mrs. Martin Phillips of town. When war broke out the deceased gen- tleman aud hii two sous enlisted. The father was captured and made a prisoner in Germany, afterwards being sent ti< Switzerland and oventually sent home before the war closed. Mr. Gamey was apparently in the tMst of health and werked at his usual occupation the day bafore his death. The remains were interred in Prospect cemetery, Torooto, on Monday. Rob. Richardson ->f (he suburbs caught a fox in a I lap on Moniiay. The various luun^cipul councils met un Monday lo organize for the year's work. Mr. John McGrulher of Mont Clair, N. J., is renewing Hcqnaintancert here II is 21 years since .) lick loft Flesheiton and at.irled paying taxes (.<> Uncle S^un. The manatrement of Feversham ska'- in.' rink will hold a carnival on the nii:ht o^Jauuary 20th. Seu bills for particu- lars. Mr. Ellwond Geno;!, teacher o' elocution in the Toronto Conservatory uf â- Music and De La Sille Institute, and little daughtei, visited friends here last week ind we were plcaEec* to have a visit from hira at The Advance Office. One of Durham's returntd soldier boys. Ml . Geo. Banks, has deciied to comm- eiice f.irming and has purchased Mr. .K. Gilchrist's line 100 asro farm at the six orners, a little south west of Ceylon. With his wife and pireuts, they exptct to remove and take possession early in March. â€" Review. At a meeting of Centre Grey Board of Agriculture Institute Branch Miss B. Gilholm will address a separate iiieetini; for the ladies on Thursday, January 15ih, at 2.30 p. m., in the high school, also a lint evening meetint; in the town hall. .Ml are invited to attend. At a business meeting of the Women's Institute held January 7th, it was de- ciued to hold mojithly 10c. teas to hel( the memorial fund. AW enjoyed th- very excellent paper4 given by Mrs Mitchell and Mrs. Hawken. Reeve McKenzie of Arteniesia is a Oiiididate for the Wardenship of '.hi- county this year, ind surely he is en titled thereto, having beau a member o! the county council for the p.ist thirteen years. Uis claim lo the nonjr i.s there fore a good, substantial one and thould be rticoguized by our county fathers. Centre Grey Board of AtrricuUure will hold nifetiiiits as follows : Hopeville, January 13 ; Proton, January 14 ; Flesh- erton. January 15 ; Maxwell, January IC ; Kimberley, January 17 ; Uavenna, January 11) ; CUrksburg. Janu-iry 20 ; Heathcote, Jar.uary 21 ; Uocklyn, Janu- ary 22 ; Walters Fails, January 23. The sp.^akers wi'i be J. A. Failis of Mill' brook and Miss Gilholm of Bright, Ont. HOCKEY Dl'NDALK 8, FLESHERTON ."J The second game of Group 10 O.U.A. in'.erinediute seriu:i was pUy>d in the Fieslierioa rink on Friday oveiiinK of Ins- week botwecu the Dundallc and the oc<tl teams and re&ultfd in a wm f jr the furiiier with the score 8-3. It was a fast and excitinu game right from start to finish and the Iccrtls showed up tine, a much better aggrogation than the team which played in Markilale the Monduy night previous. Within two minutes of play the-kciis bulged ihit Dundulk nets fur a counter, Dundalk comiust back in short order with two counts, Flesherton scoring again. Period eudiug 2-2. In the second period Flesherton started scoring a^ain a.id led by one goal, Uundalk came back and slipped four more counters in the Flesherton i;oal. Period ended with Dundalk in the lead, score 0-3. In the last period Flesherton fii od CO tally, Dundalk scoring twice. I'he game ended, Dundalk winning with :ho score 8-3. The locals should be given great credit for the gocd shj*ing ihey put up. At times rough w.jrk on the part of both team.s canie to the surface, but referee Ward kept good hold on the playing and many penalties were given to eacli team. The following is the liot of players ; H'lesherton Duodalk WcKinnon Goal Ueimbecker r Brady R Defence Ridley Piper L Defence Russell H Brsdy Centre Farrell Patton R Wing Wilson VIcTaviah L Wing Heimbecker Wriunt Substitute Claridgo Uefereeâ€" Dick Ward, Harriston. ) ?jga^=gg^^ ?>-^'??g>:gfegi!;^!?^g^fe^=g=g=^^^^ Cold Weather Requisites The next game of Group 10 series will ie played on the Flesherton rink on Monday next, January 10, th between Flesherton and Markdale. Thiols sure ro be a fast game as the locals are con- <idei'ibly strengthened from Iha lust 'sncounter with the Mtrkdala sextette. Let everyone turn out and cheer the purple and gold to victory. Sweater Coats Wool Mackinaws Overcoats Moccassins Four Buckle Overshoes Flannel Shirts â€" Heavy Lined Mitts Wool Toques Pull over Sweaters Wool Mufflers Hockey Boots Leather Top Rubbers Stan field's Underwear Cloth Caps Lined Gloves Wool Caps and Scarfs ALL REASONABLY PRICED. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, . - ONTARIO ' • e .. » ; â-  ^ ' ^':^ ' .L '- i- -::. ^> i g g!^ r ^ ' ^ ' ^'^V. |^ ^ ' ^ ' J ^' _^ ' ^ ' .. ' ^ \ • . ' . V - • .' v*^. ' ' ' '' i fll High Class Concert Coming Two gentlemen, natives of Arteniesia, from widely different localities on this little earth, met at Tho Advance otlice one day last week and exchaii);ed experiences â€" Mr. Charles Pedlar of Nerawa, Man., and Mr. J. E. Russell of Parma, Idaho. Mr. Pedlar is a very succe.'sful business m*n of Nepawa. and Sir. Russell a succe.ssful farmer of Idaho. The latter is takiuif a big holiday and will spend the summer here, while the firmer is visiting his mother, Mrs. liaunah Pedlar in towu. A despatch from St. Catharines on Saturday announced the death of Mrs. Goodall, who at one time livod in Fleth- ertoii and has relatives here and at Kimberley. A man nsmed Tempiain shot and killed Mrs. Goodall because she refused to elope with him. He then turned the revolver on himself and died in the hospital from tho eti'ects of the wound. He was a boarder with the Goodalls. Messrs David and Jacob Thompson, brothers of deceased, left iiuimediately for the scene if the tragedy. Conditions are all favorable for a railway blockade this winter. Continued snow etorms have .\lreatly uiven us more than two feet; of snow and it still comes. Un'esi we have a thaw the possibilitiea are for three or four feet of snew in l('ol)ruaiy, and you know what that means. Tho railways are even now lindiug difficulty with derailed snow plows and delayed trains. The mornit:g train on Monday was delayed at thi" station owiug to a snow plow being off ihe trick at Saugeon. Let us hope for a 'haw before wo are entirely snowed under. THE FARMER'S PAPER TWICE A WEEK The Farmtrt Sua is to bo enlarged and niproved ai d to be publ'shcd as a semi- weekly. This move to supply the Ontario fanners with a paper of their own more freqaently thau weekly, will" bo appreciated not only by readers of the F«rmer»' Sun but by the farmers generally. This is a move in the right direction and will enable Sun subscribers to keep batter posted oti the live st> ck and ot'vr markets which are of great iutportnace to all having stock or preJuce to sell, as wallas to those desiring to purchase feid • r other commodities. In additiou, each Issue will contaia accurate aad full in- formation, political and general, up to the hour of going lo press. No other ftrna paper will equal the Farmers' Sun in the service rendered to its readers, Wken jy>u subscribe tor a farm paper, S'ibsoribe for The Farmers' Sun, owned by the farmers and published iu )he interests of the Ontario farmers. The subaeription price of the twice-a-week San is only f 1,50 per year or three years for $4.00. No well wither pf tha farmeia' movement ahoQld be without The Sun. The Lyric Lycsum Co. are to give a saries if high riass entertainments in Ontario. Care has been taken in the selection of artists and each company under the direc.icn of tho Lyric Lyceum IS composed of tho very best talent to bo found la Canada. Miss Florence Galbraith is a distin- guished elocutionist and has the advant- age of unlimited experience, having filiiid over 6iM engagemedts during her last to'ir. Her well chosen repertoire of i classic, dramatic aud humorous selections prove a great furore wherever sue per- form". aiiss Ada Riehardson is a young coloraturc soprano with great dramatic and musical ability, combined with a carefully and well trained voice which wins inmy friends among her audiences. Miss Arlene Jackson, just returned from a mosi successful tour on one of our large vaudeville circuits, entertains at the piano and her attractive appear- *nce combined with artistic temperament is pleasing the audiences everywhere. Sandy McDot.ald, tha Scotch comedian ciuUributes much to the humorous side • if tho programme. His subtle Scutch jokes are some of the wisest and tuuuiest heard of Isto, As a Scotch comedian he has no equal in Canadian Concert Plat- form aud his rich Scotch voice is just what is required in some of his original s'lngs aud melodies. This organization will give an evening concert on Wednesday uight in the High School Auditorium, Flesherton and tho prices of admission ate 3.5 and oOe. Keserved scat tickets at Richardson's Drug Store. Magnet Cream Separators suu ""^"^ sjoiirs â€" no fiction ; double ^g^liorted bowl â€" cannot rock; y feet skimmerâ€" one piece ; easy turn" â€" a child can operate; capacity changeâ€" saves the buyer SoO.OO ; patent brake â€" "Magnet,' pntent ; strong, rigid construction â€" mechanically correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to cleanâ€" a child cleans it in a few minutes. G. B. Wclton Flesherton, CTnt. and Hawken's Photo Gallery FLESHERTO W. A, HAWKEN â€" • dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. these high grade instruments. AT i^f?:-^ Stof N ^ HARDWARE! r. Gents' Furnishings Our store is uow open with a full li|jc of Gouts' Ftiruishings and Boys' Wintet Wear. Call aud inspect our goods aud see for yourself %/^'^^,^^ Sole ageuts for the Hobberlin Tailoriug. Buy something useful for Christmas. Suagestion li»: â€" Beary Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Casseroles, Silver Knives and Forks, Tea Spoons and Dessert Spoons, Cheese Dishes, Berry Sets, Brush Trays, Biscuit Jars, Pie Sets, Cake Plates and a line of Japauese Dishes at a low price . KiddieKars, Granitoware, Skates, Mitts and Gloves, Rizois, Pucke: Knives, Atuinunitiou, Game' Traps, Tools; Horse Blaukets, Whips, Ranges and Heat- ers, Washing Blachines, Sh.irple.s Separators. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 11 Flesherton, Ontario Store opeu from 8.30 to 6,00. Opeu Wednesday and Saturday evenings. H. J. LEGARD, Flesherton, Ont. IL J- CarjSo's Grocery I have opened up a grocery and con- fectionery stooe In the building recently vacated by C. J. Bellamy an d am pre pared to cater to the public with a full assortment of groceries, fruit and con- fectionary. Prompt attention to phone orders and sroods delivered to any part of the town W . E. Cargoe, Flesherton -- -- »•••••••#•••#••••••••••«• R U B B ERS ! I ••• All Business Colleges are not all alike SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY J >v ELLIOTT >^^, Youge and Charles Streets, Torotito Invites the patronage of all who desire ••.uhorior training Get our Catalogue, read our records, then decide. Enter ••;• NOW. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Kubbers for good soli«l wear iu Men's Women's autl Children's Rubbers. For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull onlot ;J6, con, 9, Arteniesia. Terms $1.S0 for s. grade Munt bj paid within 9 months date fromof servioe. 19. an. ~R. O. TURifER. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ••• ... â- .*• â-  .«• i'.*e I..M

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