Flesherton Advance, 15 Jan 1920, p. 7

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/• AN IDEAL TONIC FOR WEAK PEOPLE Dr. Williams' Fink Fills Act Di- rectly On the Blood ;ind Nerves. Do the Hard Things First. If you have Komeliiing lirird to do. Just go to work and dt it. If you conclude to put It off You're pretty sure to rue it. Tho task that's hard to do's the one That npods your first attortlon. And, doing it, you may esc?pe A lot of reprehension. Food iB as Important to the alck per- son as medicine, more 'so in most caseH. A badly chosen diet may re- tard recovery. In health the natural appetite 1? the best guide to follow; In sickness the appetite Is often fickle and del)raved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most people in good health. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are the most popular tonic medicine in the world, harmless and certain In their action, which is to build up the blooU and re- »tore the vitality to the run-down sys- tem. For growing girls who become thin and pale, for pale, tired women, and for old people who fail in strength Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. Thousands of people have testified to the health-giving qualities of Dr. William.^' Pink PiUs, and in many homes they are the only medi- cine used. Among the homes in which the benefit of this m.edlclne has been proved is that of Mr E. A. Un- derwood, Kingston, Ont., who says: â€" •i have used Dr. WiUianis' Pink Pills with the mosi: benelicia! results. As the result of hard work 1 was very much nin down, and ray appetite was very poor. I got a supply of the pills which I used r_egularly for soma weeks â- with the resuTt that they restored me to my old time strength. They also Pitch in, and do the hanl ihinsri tirst. Let easy ones come after. Make this your rule, and life will mean A lot of Joy and idug'nter. But if you let the hard things go, Yiwr enemies will taunt you With serious duties unperform<"d. And all your life they'll haunt yoii. A President's Shadow. Wherever he goes on Slate business the French President Is shadowed, not like President Wilson, by secret ser- vice men, but by his 'Chef du Protc- cole," or Master of Ceremoales. \l. William Martin, a geutleniau of Bri- tish ancestry, occupies this all impor- tant post. His business, when at the Elysee, is to instruct foreign visitors in the How CP.R. Engineer Won ! Victoria Cross. It fell to the Itt of a C.PM. englat-n- Pte. John Peter Hobortr.bn, to win th" much covel<>d Victoria Cross at Pas- a<'Uendaele. Hobertaon enlisted at Lethbriiige with the 175th and wjs an ' engineer on that division. He was better known as "Pete" to his Leth- brldge friends. He was born In Ptc- \ tou. Nova Scotia, but lived mosf of his life in Medicine Hat with his | mother, Mrs Alex. Itobertson. j Robertson was aged thirty-four, won ! his /distinction in connection with operations at Pa.sschendaele, Noveni- i ber 8, 1917. Details fame through ! authoritative channels that during his battalion's attack Robfatson's rrtatooa .-was held up by uncut wire two hun- dred yards from the liiipl objective. Our guns were still busy cutting a way through the wire when a German ma- chine gun opened Are and inflicted ', very heavy losses on the Canadians. I Robertson, without waiting for orders] and enlirely on his own initiative.! rushed towards the German gun, defy- ! ing llie machine gun's withering fire. 1 French^ and I •^l0'''2o\ or. oiir artillery barrage was; complicated j so inren.-ie tliiit death seemed almost j RHEUMATISM T'nis (» Jii.^t lh» «ea«on *h<Ti rheumallftm with it* jrrtniltrK I>aln an'J slirfenins of joints gr.tn hold of you Fight U with Ter/ipleton*s Rheumatic Capsules Templetons I'.h«umatlc Cap- sules bring immediate relief and permanent reauUs. They ara r«- oommended by dortora. and aoM by reliable drugslats overywhej-B for tl 04 M boi, or wrlta lo TEMPLETON'S 142 King St. We«t Toronto Mulled unywliere for }1 04 ASTHMA r«mpleto:.s RAZ-M.AII rap.^ules are guarftiitee'l io r«li«\e A.«THlf A. <loh t suffer another day. Write Templetcn's. 143 Kliie rfu W., Toionto. for fr^i> aampte. R«llaM« drUKglats eell tticm at 11.04 a box. LONG FACES ^ Classified Adhrertiserricnts. \ AOE»T« WA« TBD POKTUAir AGENTri WANTTNO gcod printa and flnlshebâ€" ;pwe«t prices United 'Cascarets" for Liver and Eioweis bring back Smiles c n f ramaa â€" aak for catalom^ ' Art Col, 4 Brunswick Av*.. T»> ' J POB SAX.Z rites and customs of Republican eti- ! fertair.. Working his way to the quette. When abroad, his duty is to ! fanS, he eventually found an opening advise the President as to the man- j 'n the wire, got through and crawled ners of the country whose honored ; "i'til the end of the emplacement was guest he happens to be, and the for- j reacht-d. Risi:ig suddenly to his feet inal practices of its Court. For "la ' 'le charged down on the astonished politesse francaise'; is such that it es- 1 Germans, and killed four of the guo before they says when in Rome to conform to Roman habits, and when in London to those of White's, or Brooks's, or the Marlborough! crew before they could recover from their surprise. The remainder fled in terror, but IliPir flight tvas .soon cut short when Robertson seized the It will be readily grasped that the abandoned gun. screwed it around and "Chef du Protocole" requires tq be a : Poured a ha:l of bullets upon the walking encyclopaedia of knowledge, hacks of the f,i»t disappearing enemy. proved a blessing to my daughter, who j a scholar, antiquarian and philosopher ', Sevei-al of tlicm fell victims to their was in a very anaemic condition, and ^ withal, "with a delicious sense of the who seemed not to get more than ] relativity of human vanities, temporary relief from any medicine \ m. Martin, who br's served as such until she took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ! under half a dozen Presidents, is as She took the pills for about three j discreet as he is efficient and as graci- moiiths, and is now enjoying the best ; ous as he is learned and wise, of health. For these reasor.s I can [ strongly recommend Dr. Vv'illiams' : • ~ Pink Pills' [ urUTU Ka'» Tl".' V\\*\ At the first sign that the blood is; IlL-ilJill rUll 1 kSti I»Jl»I out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and note the speedy improve- ment they make in the appetite, health and spirits. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for S2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. The baby of to-do-y is the man or woman of to-morrow. Jhus the Suc- cess of the future man or woman div peuds upon the baby's present wel- fare. If the baby is sickly and iU nourished it is uot to be e.\pet;ted that OT;\n weapon rnd others ,were caught by our sh'-'l*. WTien tfie remainder: of the platooa arrived Robertson was i still tiring the captured gun. It wa.5 ' entirely due to bis heroic action that; the whole line was enabled to adviuce , and capture the final objective. Rob- ertson went forward with the first \ ware, taking a gun with him. He ' \ used it verj effectively to keep dcwn j the fire of Oi^rman machine guns and â-  I snipers, while his platoon <K)nscl!- I dated the new position. Later in the day, when two of our snipers who i ventured in front of our lines were j wonnrjed, Robertson volunteered to i I bring them In. He wnat into the open. â-  although exrosed to a heavy enemy • ai'i , "Heart Talks!" All sorts of guesses are made by people regarding the time It takes the blood to circulate round the body. Some say an hotir. some a week I I It has been found, however, that I thirty seconds proves ample time for ; blood to taake a complete circul.iticn 1 through a human being. '' The jouniey includes a traverse I through the four chambers of the ! heart, then to the greater and smaller } arteries through the millions of min- j ute capillaries (liner than cobwebs, by I the way): then a visit is made to the Turn the â- kill-Joys" out the head- ache, biliouHuesR, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and misery-making gases â€" turn them out to-night and keep tbeoi out with Cascareis. Mllliun:> of men and womea take a CeiBcaret now and then and naver know the misery cau:«ed by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Doa't put in auother day of distraaa. Let (-'a,scarets ileause your Htomach: I remove the sour, fermenting food; I take the excess bile from your liver I and carry out all tlie constipated j waste matter and poison in the bowels. ; Then you will ieel great. j A Cascaret tc-night siraigliteas you I out by morning, sleep. NKWSPAPIJIi Coui-.ty ipl. Box T \Vil.si-n r ; Cj 73 Adelui-.lfl St. V,'.. T.,ioi:;o. IN BRL'oi lunit.v Wrlta LiKiltad. WELL Egt'IPPBD NEWSPAPmt and Job prlntltair plant In Eaataim Ontario In^uranc.? carried J! 501. Wla ro for IMOn or. quick .j.le. Bo». •£ Wllfon Publl.ihing Co . Ltd.. Toronto. They wurk while you lungs for an "airing." after which the | blpod returns to the heart, prepared | for a further similar Journey. Square-topped fingers are said to be a sign of 'heart tnmble," whilst the ( primary conditions of longevity are j that the heart, lungs, and diije^iive or- gans, as well as the brain, should "be large. Whcu a person is lying down, the heart makes aljout ten strokes fewer a minute than when one is upright. When a person sneezes, the heart is said to stop beating during that act. Foils Auto Thievaa. T.i thwart automobi!'; thievos an Englishman has patented an alarm bell, enclosed in a locked box, which rings as long as a ear is in motion un less ehnf off by the car's owner. Miaard'g I.lnimea; Cases Olitemgar. "For what is Romance but color? It is Romance when you see the mist of blue on the distant liiUs. It is Romance w'nen you see shadows of purple beneath the far-off trees. All this is Romance, because If you climb up to the distant hills they are green; and if you stroll in tlie shade of the trees, all is green there, too."â€" E. Temple Thurston. MONEY ORDERS. ^ It is always safe to send a Dominion j Express Slouey Ordei- "i-.u io'.in-s ' costs three cents. iiz3csx.x.AjnaovB. HBXS WAMTiSD ailve Ig o«nt4i i a pound, any alze. f.o.b your at|k- Uon If within 300 nilles of Toronto. BU» C.O.D. In cratea or boxes Albert Lewla, <6< Pandas Weat. Toronto hOICE fllLVER BLA.TK BREEDIN'd FoiAO. .^lao, we are buyers of Rav Furs. "iVhat have you â€" what price? Raid Brvs.. Bothwell. Ont. TOO -....- -- _ . ^i w» ; will pay thn hlgliaat prtc*i>. dry or ffreeft from the saw. Keenan Bros , Limited. Ow»n .Suuiid. Ont. C1ANCER. Tt-TUORa. LUMPS, ETC., , Inte:-nal and 6Xt«rnaJ. cured wltUoui pain by our ham« treatm«r.t. Wrlt« u» befor-^ too lat« Dr. BelliEin M»<Uoal Co., Limited. Collii:«wood. Ont. C10FFIN STOCK WANTED, tif / ar« able to supply, advUa ua, D06 DISEASES and Bow to Tt* Kaiied Frc» to any \i^ dress by tlis Author. ! S. Olar Olavar Oo., tBa> 113 '.V(»«t 31H Sa-aat New York. V 3. A. 'SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at lon^ue: Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bo-Acls be! he will grow into a strong, active man who will hold his own in the business ] fire, lifted oue raah on'his bacit world a few years hence. Mothers, it ; carriocl biin sgfely to the trench acd is a duty you owe the future to keep ! Immediately returned to Uie second It has been discovered that living ! your little ones well now. This c;in ' nian. sf.iggering b-ick with isis an- Blushing and temporary paleness are said, by one authority, to caused by an affection of tho smaller vessels In the heart. The Grocer â€" Yes'm, the high pr,ic«| of mustard is cue to the scarcity oi\ fuel. You see. people are buying' up! I mustard and are keening: then'>«e!ve9 I warm and poutice.-I Living Trees As Receivers. trees can be used as receivers and be easily done if Baby's Own- Tablets . ccnscioas burden w,iiile the bullets transmittei-s of wireless messages for . are kept Jn the house. The Tablets \ whistled arcund him. But as if cntel laxative fate weiv awaiting tvntil the '.vst po.--- ! Icng-Jibtance telegraphy or short-dls- ] are a mild but thorough simple appliance is attached to tho trees concerned, w'lereas the masts it present in use are coinplicatod and costly. Now they can be dono away with \\here trees are available. There ire infinite possibilities in this new in- i'ention, and we shall no doubt be aiore careful of trees in future if they ure to carry our messages. Kliutra's Xiinlment Cures Qarffet In Oowa. tauco telephony. A comparatively i which regulate the bowcis and .sweet- j sible momciu to overtake him. he was ; killed on the very p.irripet cf the trench. Ills mi.ssion alnjcst accomp- ; lislied. His splondWly heroic end. i;i;o , his dashing work done earln. . I { dny. hHd .i ramt inaplring of en the stomach and thus make buby healthy and strong. Coneerr.ing them ] Mrs. W. Orser. Elginburg. Ont., writes: â€" "I have a fine he.nlthy boy 1 three years and have used Bai>y's Own ' \ Huirali! How's This C'rc;tir>.ttl authority says corn* dry up and lift out with f.n;srs. WHEN YOO SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief Tablets for him ever since he v,-ur, a small baby. I certainly think them a splendid medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail cents a box from The Dr. Wil- Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. Winter's Message. at 25 liiims For Winter Sports ITo?p!'.a' TPC.OT-^s show that every t!:ne vou cut a cjrn you Invite lock- jiiw or blood poison,, which is neediesj. j 8;iy3 a Cincinnati authority, who teUs â-  you that a quarter ounce of a 'drug | .-jiUed fre'-zone can be ob'^alned at lit- 1 The ice-bomid lake reposes 'neath the ; jj^ ^ost from the Orug store but Is snf- ] snow â-  flcJent to rid en"'? feet of every hard , Caltnly awaitiitg Spring's reviving • cr «oft com or calltss. j breath i "Vcu si-uply apply a few drops of The 'stea.tfa-t hill- .„; fre^zouo cii .1 tenJer. aching corn asj ine steadfast uiii- "'*_If!!^ I goreiic-^s is instantly relieved. Short- I. "" ^°^- ^ i ly th» entire cora can ba lifted out. I Xobly patient, resigned to seeming j fQ,-,t or.d all. without pain. i death. Tb^ strength to S1B«) 9214 9048 No. 9199â€" Boy's Mackinaw Coat.? No. 9048â€" Boy's Double-Breasted Price. 25 cents. " Convertible collar; | Overcoat- Price, '20 cents. In two inverted pleat at center-bacJi; straight: lengths. Cut in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years, lower edge. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10,! Size 8. with belt, longer length, 2% naked trees >yi)erc iit»ger year's nest.s Oppose their passivi Winter's blast. Under the frosty stars, bowing t".i.?;r crests, . They Ureaui i>i joy ti cim,^ »â- ;.•»,) storms are p;. â-  Thi' heart of man aloue siiows liiscou- tout, Cursing wit.'i angry i-Iamor adverse fate. Base itching greed in frenzied hate seeks rent, Wliilo rich and poor alike of juistlce prate. This drug Is sticky but dries nt onca ' ' and ts c'.aiined to Jii3t shrivel up any | ; corn without InOaniing or even Irrl- [ I tating the surrounding tissue or skiti. ! ' If yciur wifa wears hi^h heels t-bs ' will be sl.'il to kiiOw of this . ' For practically every ninn ha= used it who has suSercd frorn rheumatic aches, soreness of mu.scles, stiffness of joints, the results of wi;ather ex- posure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieviiie neur- itif, lame backs, neuralgia, sick 'ncad- ache. Clean, reircihins, _ soothing; economical, quickly eiiective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druegist. Mai> in Canada. Get it today. S6c, 70c. «1.40. Accept "C'.iliforni.a' Syrup of Figs oalyâ€" look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the be.-^t and most harmless lax.itive or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child'? Jose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Siother! You must say "California." OH! EACH DAY A LiTlLE Mur.t Huny! Let "DanJerine"' save your hair and double its beauty How to Piirlfy I the Blood I 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requirer. 1% yds. 42 ins. wide, or 1*^ yds. 64 ins. wine; lining, l"^ yds. 36 ins. wide. No. 9214â€" Girl's Coat. Price. 25 cento. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, 6, 8. 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2\i yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide; lioiivtr, \% yds. 36 ins. -vndx. yds. 48 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 54 ins. wide; without belt, shorter length. 1% yds. 48 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide. Those patterns may be obtained from your local McCall detiler, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,! Dept. W. I Minard's Linimeot Co.. Limited. Gentlemen. -Last winter I received great beneiit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LIM.MENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and 1 have frequently proved it to be very effective in Ca.se3 of Inflammation. Yours. W. A. HUTCHINSON. "RfteeB to thirty drops o' Extract of Roctn, commonly celled Kotbei' S€;<;e!'s CordUvc Syrap. ir..-\y be udcen £a water with meai» and at bedtime, for the cure of indigffslioc, consti- pation and bad blood. Persiit- ence in this trealracnl will effect a cure in nearly ever;' case." Get the genuine at dniggisfs. .- #"^*<3>-'^>e'^.'9'«>«'^>e-^e-^^i SINCE CIMORAflElE - 'â- â-  » CnHead. Cress a.nd Fretful. Ha!r Fell Out. " Wbinmy baby was three ttcntlia olj bcr head brcts cut In li le red ritrrp'»;s nad thc^ in a vTtei: it brciic out m riagwonuo. TIjb ringwonna were voy large and thare wc-e Gc-sTal on ber besti, esc! bcr sc&ip WDuM bleed. She v«is voy crooa and fretiul at tirca!, and ber badx was falling om. "I osed Ccticnra Scsp and Oint- ment, and after I had luwd one cake of Cottana Soot? as J two bores of Cutlcura Oiniiccat ehc wt-S healed." (Siraed) ^a:^. LeUdi Oorgeot, Mbib> pa, Idaho. Feb. M, 1 Jlv. Use Cuticuiat Soap, Otetmeos Kad Talcum for all toilet porpoaes. Scsp 33c, Orntiant 2S 93d SCc Sold ttir^u^jhcut :t'.ercn-;i:iiLTl. C moi^ nu D«v JC Lrmons. liinit*%i, 5t. Pnoi SL, Montreal, IMW ' II li iii'a Soap shsv-a witJuat VKJX-JI^X^i^kVAKJ}.\JjL^.X^-%KJii^L^Jt^X^ i ^ Ai ^' i ^ GrapeNuts supplies vhat many breakfast cereals lack â€"solid nourishment including the vital mineral salts so necessary to encourage normal growth in children. A body-building food that tastes real §ood 'There's a Reason" \ i - . •••/»«'»â- *«â-  .-Jv-l* -« •»'*"«^'» â-  - â- >;â-  1^^ l K ^l ^^^»^^ â-  ^ ^m^ l' !fc ' « â-  A Matter of Spelling. A capital story In "The Dover Pa- trol," Admiral Bacon's mucb-talked-ot book, eonoerns a sailor who was taken ill with a bad attack of rheu- matism wl: '>? mmc-sweepiug on a trawler. The sick man was pn)uiptly ordered to hospital, but later on the doctor funnd out, Quite by aocideut, that he was still on board ship. .\ugrily he asktd .vhy his order had not been obeyed. _ "Well," replied the captain, "we tried to send him ashore, but a ser- geant of police bailed us and said thai on no account was lie tj b^ '.i.nded or we'd be fined i^lOO. so ne just kept him on board." "But did you not signal to the depot as 1 said?" "Yes. we did; but neither me nor the sinnalniBn knew how to spell rheu- matism, so we i>«I!ed It uniallpos. ' Health, not years, measures > uth. "See the point?" said the doctor as he vaccinated Sandy; but the victim, being Scotch, it didn't pet to him for I. o or three days. To stop fiUliug hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub It into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually sitops coming out and you can't And any dan<'.ruff. Help your hair grow long, thick and strong and be- come soft, glossy and abundant. Tet, Cold All Gone Not A Bit of Cough Left Fc»l great th'S morning. As soon as I 1«U it coniiiig oi> \«!crday I U'^fd Gray's Syrup and nipped it in die ln;d. Jxist couldn't miaa an hour at tha ofnct, Mve art so busy and short-handrd. Gray's 5!>Tup is a habit in our fiiiiily, the folk* lave used it for sixty years. I aiwair* ku> Mm L«ra* •!«• <M GRAY'S^SYRUP l?ED SPRUCE GUM M»'>'»al D WATSON' CO Vt-.^Voot ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross*' ISSUE N«. -'2e» For Cold^, Pain. Lnmbago. Stiff- ness. Rhcuniatism, Sciatica. N'euritle, and for Headache. Neuralgin. Tooth- ache. Earache, take Acwrin marked with the name â- Baver'' or you arc net taking Aspirin at all .\coept only '•Bayer Tablets of .\spiTin'" ia an unbroUi'n "Bayer" Tk«Te ia only o«e Aspirinâ€" ' AnplHn !» th« trade marU .rorlntcrca I t.fti. aoldMter of SalK. li.a.l.l w miuiofactur*. to usist tt»« pul.:.c »«aluft «iU b« itanpeil irltb Uiilr t«B«fM package which contains corapUt* 4lr rectiona. Then you are ijottitig r««l .\»pirln â€" tho germioe .\9pirin pre- scribed by phTsicians for or»T nm«- tfcn years. 'Sov m«ii» in Canada. Handr tin boxes containing 1-3 tab- lets cost but a fi>w contt. l3ruggists also sell briier "Bayer packages. fcyer"â€" Yom awat say "Bayer" In Canada"* of UiTf^r Manufat'ur* of Mono- is IV â- '. knoT. 11 i..at .\»plrin no-an» B«y«r Imitnt'.LRa, the T«bl»t» of Bayer Co .ipany â- Vk, vb« "rayrr-

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