â- â- a»-/iyiihw iiiHiiiaBiiinWfc' â- . /leslicrtxrti T»l 4«, No. 37 Fleslierton. Ont, February lO 19-20| EAST MOUNTAIN Logging is the order of the day. Misa AtchesoD, leacbei on the 8ih li>ie, visi'ed a few days with Misa Mae Cirrutherg. We are sorry to report Miss Eva Allen laid up with coDijesiiun of ^he luDss, at Collingwood. Her mother ia assiatine at her bed side. Both are expelled home this week ns £va ia improviog. A party was held at the lianie of Mr. Rrjbt. McMuUen in honour of Mr. Fred Smith, who baa sold his farm and stock and is leaving our vicinity. Miss Gladys L^-ver of Flesherton spcut tha padt wetk with her sister, Mrs. jy^artio. A number froiii here attended the box social at Eaiteuia and report a tjOoi program. A dial<.^gue eoliled " Deaf Uucie Zen," given by tome of aur younr people, proved an interesting fe»tUL-e. Miss Florence McGowan uf Rivtuna visited a few days wi h Mrs. Lewis Genoe. Wessi-s. Jvh:\ and H. \Vel»h have retuimed home afier spending a couple i>f months at Sudbury. Mr. John Syinons of Heatbcote epent a few dny.s in our -locality. Kemeiubei* this is Leap Year, Jack, so beware of the pretty g!rl.«. CEYLON Egremont Wins Suit HiS-Houor, .Juige Suiheiland, reserved bis decision in tka<e cases tried at last Division Court in Durham. After ctire â- ful consideration hi.s decision h:i.s besn given in favur of the uiunicipality with coti s in each case. The pUiintiB'i, It vv:Jl bo lemcniLiereJ, *ere thrown from a buegy last Ausjuest ty their horse sliieiug at a big log at \he side uf the roud. they aeceiving injuries andcUiming that the corporaUou wa.s liable for not having tha obstruction removed. Judge SulherNiid puts the case con- ciicly, thus : Does the ex'stence of an •object calculated to frighten horses lying to the side of the travelUd road iii passing which a horse shies, withuul coming in contact with it, thera beii g noevidenca that the highway was othei- wite out of capair or in a detective cm- ditiou. render the Corporation liable for ii'ijuries bustaine^i in an iiccidenc that eusut-t? Ho then quotes many precedents of Bimilur cases,, lindiu!; t special coriob ira- •tiiu ill a E'jillarton vs Cohfulioun ii.iik. BtHud case tried before Judge .Hiddoll in which it was shown that if the " ob^truc- tion " was on the roadside away froniTIie" •-TJa trita (travelled pare uf llie ruad) and uo contact liability could not be esliib- lishtd. Ue conc'udes: "The ratio dicendi of the casps seems to bo"~thal it is u, t requisite thai a highway, in its whole width as located, should be litted fur travel. It la suliicient if it ba of suiiabb width' and in good cor«lition for the n,"ed» of the public and the rifle of a horae taking Ir ght was one of those risks t) which Dorsons going upon a hiahway are subject and the consqueiices of which ti'iey iiiu.st sutler. " UjtU. plaiiitttl's fail and judgment must be entered in each case disuiissii g tlie action. I see no rea.son why the defendant) corporation should not have Ita costs in each case. The Clerk wil. Kiter judgment m each east as above and t_ix the plaiiititt's costs. " â€" Review. In Memoriatn Mr J. Gibson was in ToronUi last week. Mr. Edward Sargent spent a coujjie of days in Owen Sound last week. His son Jamea of (Jwun Suuud came down on Saturday for a few days here. Mr. Stewart Nixon of Mono Road is visiting bis aunt, Mra. D. MoLeod, and other relative!. Mr. Wes. Gooey of foronto visited his 8i.-4ter, Mrs. John Kennedy, here the pastwee k. Mr. A. Sinclair spent Saturday evening with Dundalk friends. Mr. Fred Martin aHQ son spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Lyiiess on the 4ih line. * Mr HoUey i)f Lauristim has taken a p;sttion with- Mr. McWhinney. Mr M C Bec!<ett of Owen Sound was in town last week. This village wjis shocked on Frid*y afternoon when word was received that Mr. Isaac Sargent, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Sirgent, had passed aivay at his home near Kew Liska«rd, from the etfocts of ihe ilu uhich is raging in that district. Another sad feature is his «ife (nee Ethel- Carson) and eldest diughier uf Jamea Carson, formerly of Eugenia, was lyitju ill in ho.spital giving birih 'o a babe on Friday and was unable to be told of her husband's death. She, w.th two other children, his father ar.d mother and three brother" are left ij mourn his less and to whom much syiu- piiliy Is e.tpros.sed- At lime d^ writing u is not known where the body will be buried. A telettr.iin was received Sa'urday aftei-njon lh;it Will Sargen', wife and two children, wor^ lying very til at Ne.v Lisl-oarJ. (Jo Monday they were re- poitcd euiiie betterT Victoria Corners Mr.s. Ui>rb Corbett receirnd the sad news (if tlte d.-ath of her sister-in-law, Mrs. McKeP, o^ Kort William. Inter- mant took place at Peterboro on Saturday last. Mr. Corbett went to Peterboro to attand the funeral. Mrs Corbett is staying with her mother, Mrs. McKee. of Maple, who is very ill with pleurisy. Jas. Harrison is b'oking after ibe stock and premises. Mr. Jas. Laiulaw received word on Sunday of thu deaih of his mother, Mrs. John Laidlaw, at Primrose. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw went to Shelburiie on Monday. Mrs. Leppurd of Markdale visited her cousin, Mrs. !\lilton Bannou. Laws' 11 LocUhart was worse again last week but is doing nicely now. Mi.-s Turner, Misslonarj-, was to have cccupisd the pulpit un Sunday at Inis- tioi,'e but weather and roada hindered ker getting' all the way through. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Eagle in Uie loss by death of her Irother- in-Iaw. Her mrth»r, who was visiting her, wa.s suddenly called home last week. PROTON Buy Clovjr Seed Early Prlmo red duTer eecd .was quoted at ?C;153 on the Toledo market of the Ijih instant. Torr.nto prices then ranged about §3 per bushel in advance of IVilcf o prices. Clover seed that would grade " prinie '' un the Toledo market could be bought in Toronto at $38.50 and, bectiuee of exchaiige eoi.ditions. Jelivui-ad to L'nited States points at approximately $'Jo per bu^h»l, or about ?2.50 less than t1»e Toledo price. The money situ-vlieu, short supplies and sn earlmr deuiand in the Uuitei\ States, will axuiain the heavy exports of clover seed. The prct) of rod clover seed has idvanueJ almost $1-1 per bushel on the Toledo n;;vrlief bince May I.-wst. The vTDv'id suoply will not bo sufficient to meet; iiiiraal rtquiremonts. In these circuni.rtances, Canadian farmers wh-j delay the purchase of their red clover seed requirements until seeding time may he unable to obtain supplies a!; any price. â€"Geo H. "Clark. O.tawa, Feb. 10. Seed Commissioner Ferrisâ€" In loving menuny of Kdua May Kerrii (nee Howard) ;vho died on February 18th, 1U19. We loved her, yes we loved her, But J;'8us loved hir more. And He has sweetly called her , To yonder shining shore. - Falhir, mother, brothers and sisters. I Farm For Sale •L it N i 5 and lot G, con. 1(>, Proton, Containing 180 acres. Well wa^.ered, good barn and houxe, 80 acres undvr cultivation, r«8t mostly (utsiuie with about five HcreH good bush, estate of the Hie U.J. .MoCiiriuick. l<or (wtrticulars apply to WM. MoCORMlCK. Ex cut ir .â- >f the estate. Proton P. O. Phone l>uiidaik52~4. Remembers Scenes of Youth i'ostniaster R P.irk of Eugenia ha.-) received Lhe fidlowing letter from Middle Kivor, Minn., from an old Eugenia boy who has i^t kept ill touch "vith his old neighbors fur 35 ytiâ- ^rs and wants to be leiiiembered to them. Many have gone liver lo the other world, but some are still around Eugenia and will nn doubt be pleased to r»ad what the writer has to Shy : Til I he postm-i s'er, Eugenia,' Ont. Dear Sir, â€" A ni.ti.>n camo to ffie to write to some one in the old homo of my biiyhiiod, and no- kiiowinn if any of my old acquaintances are alive, or residing there now, I wri'e to you. 1 was born nu the 8th line, south of Eugenia. There was a stone house Iniilt on our old place near a spring. I am just J7 years aid t >day. 1 left Eugenia in the year 1878 in Aprd. I oftou think of my boyhood homo in Eugenia and of the Beaver river and lloyite water and Black Creak, whore I used to fith, and the falls and thw mouulaius. Mr. Hobt. Pnrdy kept the po>ti (ticc then. 1 will nisiiiion a few of luv o'd friends. If you see any of them plesse greet them i fer meâ€" Akiit'>-, Sli'an's, VVilliani'n, Pedlar's, Bradhnry's, Ducket t's, Peter Munshaw (a c u.sin of iniiu-), NValkei's. Lane (miller). Fell wick's. Wnuld yoii please send me a paper if there is one printed in Eugenia. Oi'lige yourH truly, -J hu J. Sanders. Artemesia Council Artcmesia Cuuncil met <iD Feb, 7, the menibes all present, tha Reeve in the ohair. Minuses read and contirmed. Communicationsâ€" Tb'e Clerk, report of voting on Prioeville Hydro Dylaw ; Breus KnoX"n, re debentures : Hydro Com. re power for Proton Station ; C P R Co., notice of assessment ; Massrs. McKenzie and Burnett, report re thu Treasurer's securities ;,Thos While, claim for sheep killed by dc'gi', lai<..ver. The following aecounts were ordered to be paid : M Wilsou, wood. $25.00 ; J P Beard, gravel. 510.-10 : C Moore, gravel $5.-l((. The auditi't's report was pie- seuted. Bylaw No. 20 ef 101!) ro i',.erv,lie Hydro system debentures was read a third time, passed, signed and sealed. The ftilowiug coininissi"ne:s were appolntjil : Div 1 J, Burnett, Div. > F Malhe«boii. Div 3^ Baichelor, Div I A. Cimerun, \'alley_Road the Ree.e. Matlia«H,.«â€" Burnettâ€" That the bank- ijj J aceciunt remain with the Stand u-d Baiik and the Uueve and Clerk sign the certiticate of this resoJul innâ€" Carried. Cameron â€" Batchelorâ€"Thiit iha lati of wages to be paidjor woik this joar be a.s follo.r3 : Man aud te-.ni Â¥5, m.ui S-2..W-Cirri*d.. Cameron-- Batchelm-Thac S1700 is hereliy a[ pi opi fated # bo exp.nded on roads an^i brid-ios, §41)0 in each division aud $200 on Vality Road, the same to cover all work on roads oi; on bridges cosuna over f'25, the Reeve and C 'Uii- ojllor in each divisior. in which a bridge is to bv' buiit be a comi))il.t«o to attend to the saiBri>, and no uaw bridge shill be built without a resolution of Council â€" Cirned. Tile lieove and Deputy U eve were appointed to confer with Flesheilon Cojricii icgar ling repairs to town hali â€" Cirrted. Cameron â€" Batohe'or-^Thit S. Heuip- hill is hereby nppointeu School ai'.enuance otiicar fur the township, aud a liylaw be passed cuufir.ning this appointment â€" Carried, Cameronâ€" B.itchcbirâ€" That tha Clerk advertise the olosii g of ihat part of Mil! street, I'ricovilh, lying between Queio street and To.vnline street â€" Can icd. Council adj.uriied. Last Week'^s Items Our little village ia beginning to bestir itself a bit. Mr. Cbas. Davie has bought Mr. Widenian's house acd Mr. and Mrs. Wideinan will move to their new hums in Hanover. Mr. J. Ru me has puri:hased the village property belonging to Robert .-icheson, Mr EJ. Rutheifuri' naying sold the farm on the hill to Mr. Mc- Keehoie. Mr. and Mrs. Weddall of Sharon are visitors at Mr. H. \}. Becker's. ..Mis. Munro of Owen Suu"d spent a ciiuple of days with her friend, Mrs. Copeland. Mr. Win. Ludlow has sold ki^ farm un the hill to .Mr. Ed. Stinson. * We are very sorry to roporl the resii;- mrtion of our Presbyterian minister, Mr. -Mc'V icar. who fi.r alnn st seven years has laboied earnestly and acceptably Rinoni! as. We wish h-m and Mrs. McVicar and family every succ''>s and happinoFt en their new charije at In wood. J Mr. and ilt.s.Sam Beamish are vis. ting ihe f'jrmer's sister, Mrs. Ba'O'. Oue of our genial mail camera has impruwd ? his appearance ty fhavthg off his moustacoe. Now if he wLmo ynun" and siiig'o we would say the reason ho did it was beciius* if this 1 eini; Leap Year but FINE JE WE LERY Bales Burial Co. BUSINESS iTS^ USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in aud see our fine !arge stock ' Embalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clock.s, etc, r>L,^ wjit ^ j- ^ and when you Itave seen them j on '^"^^^ 'HlllCreSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re- ' pairing a specialty. * A full line-. FJiotogiaphic supplies! Toronto, Ont. Including developing powders. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager 124 Avenue Road, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks aud Sims. ISSUER OF ' MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG ^"""^ ^'°''' ^°' ^"^" For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, i , •• Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. ROSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system . Maxwell P. < . Fur Flew At Dundalk Sam Gcldman of this place deals (juite largely in furs during rhe wintei- and this season that coiuinodily is so high in price that it's worth it.s weiyht in gold, dia- monds or other precious stones. A gentleman called at Sam i house vn Friday afternoon represeniug him«elf to be the game waidea and wishing to inspect the stock of furs on the'piaiuises and ill search of furs supposed tu bj pp-'0|.ui of season. Mrs. Goldman was al.'ue in the houFe as S.im wa.s di wn town at ihe time. The lady objiCted to his coming into, the bouse then but the man iniiaied and he got a v, inn r. cjption. E.xcitemcnt WHS higk ai . the residents of that lical.ty knew well .l.at the war was on. The visitor got hoUl on a grip whit:h was supposed to cuutaiii valViabl* furs and got out on ihe stctec with it fodowed by Mrs. uloodiniii. Thus ended 'lI.c liint round in favo. of L!ie game warden. The next spa.i<in began when Goudnian coming home, wa.. attrac'ed by the ala;;jiis of his wife aud the slight of i!e visitor meeting him with, iho grip of valuables. Sam aid tUe visitor tinbrae^ <\ eacU other aud thu grip was dropped. Mts.,Goidmau was- ndt;__ slow to la'-^- possession and, Ieuvln!( ih<i two nun lo'lingiu ihe snow,' it iniahl be said il.i.t " the fur Mew." .At lea.st it. diaa;jpeart d as if by inigic. It was a cise of " now you see It and now yju don't." Whiii the aforesaid embrace was of 6ut1ic'ei.t duratiuii S-im released his hold. TJhu- ended looud two i'l favor of Go'dii>aiis. The missing grip could not be fourd although very diligent search was made ofterwards under the authority of asi-iuli warrant. We ui.doistanJ there was no search warrant ns^d in the first p!a-je. There the m,\lter rests after an excilii g .'HUibble of a Couple of hours. â€" Herald. ROCK MILLS Wr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor v sited the past week with the laiter's paients. Mr. and Mrs. I. 5>ini h. We are pleased to have Mrs. Robert Claik back with us agiiu afer epending the past four months wi'h hr daughter, Mrs. F. Leavell, at, Paniia, Idaho. Jim Uu-sell visited with his biother. Will, at Waifchaiu. Mr. Lou Newel! aid .Mr. C. Newell ' visited last week with the foriuer'sipar- euU St Durham. Mrs. James Dtrgavel returned home after spending a wm-k with fnemls at ' Bath Mrs^ John Wickens aud children of Kiin'ierley spent a week with hit parents Mr. .and Mr?. W . T. Pedlar. The Urangeville Banner and Sun have announced that after .March Ist the priio of subicripiiiii wiil brt SI 50 per aiinun. These ate the last papers in this part of Unlario to advance to the $1 50 rate, iiecesiiated by -, he rapidly increased cost uf living and necessaries in the piintin^ Inisincs.i. House of Quality We carry a full at-^ortment o FrBsli FIsb, Salt Fis!: and Ovsters. Laro;L' stock. as6u|tiuctit i)f vhnstiiias Candy now in that box «^'ow is the time of Cht eolates to get FLOrK-WecaiTva laige'supplv of Koval Hou.seholcUiveL'oses. Puriry zmd Eclipse Flour. All kiml.s ofCirain Chop haml. and Tig Feetl fon Highest Prices Paid f»r Prints.' Eggs and Pound H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario GENTLEHEN! What abotit your overalls and smocks. We cany a full Hue of the Pi;aboJy Overalls and smccks-the best make in the Domiuioii â€" gnarautco with every pair. Work Shirts, -Mitts and Gloves, Winter Caps, Dotniurryn Rubbersâ€" they weiir longer than any otlier make, Four Buckle Overshoes, Heavy Bool-j aud Itilesi m-*kes in Jlon's" Fine Bcots all have goiio up from 20 to 23 percent. We have not raised tlitm yet. Get your otittit while they last ^ ^â- i'^l^i-.^. 5»^"l'^ MAIL CONTRACT W. L WRIGHTS^ Corner Store, Flesherton NOTICE SK.VLKl) TKMil-;KSi a.tdre«..-eil i.. the Vosti.mster (.ivmnd will be receive t at Ottawa until nuon on Friday, the .")th nf March. I!t20, fur the conveyann) i>f lli« Majesty's Miuls, i>u a |»n>p(»?ed Cnntract for f'liir years, .hi.x tiuien per week iin the route PROTON ST.VTION R. R. No. 3 from the Pn»tniaet<>r (Jeueral » |ilea.'<iirc next. Piinteil niiiicpH containing further inforina- tinnaa til emulitium nf jiriipnned «i)'itrBct may ' w â- • n I ... i /-i o bo 9«mi au. I '..l«i.k f Drills of Tender mav Ij- ' "'"•'""*• t).LtV»l Cream Separstoig If yon want anything in the imple- ni'MU line. Call on H. Knott, IVIarkdale, as he .sells all pells all men $1, C>a.soline Kiigmea, ^^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors Deering imple- â- », . â- .. .r^ _ o u W« Ann to Give Entire iSatisfactioB oiDi'er oewing , .i-vi\i»»r ,, , LAINDKYâ€" B,isket xie ondaj ••Ijtaiuwl atiho V<.MOflie.ii..f I'mton Su:i,.i, ; In fact anvtbmg and everything in (^ '"«'"• '1«'""''"V t'lidayov j and at the otKct! uf the Post Office Inai>aetvr, I r i i "i , . ,, â€" â€" vTiironto. line .f Implement, at reiuonal.lopricea.^ CLEANING and DYEiyO- We an» Sal isf.iclion glial antecd. . i « , . r, .., , ^. . • |agents for Parkers Dye Worksâ€" Clothes Ul'GU KNi^TT, Aiiont, ; t,aned ajid dyod. feathers reju' enatied Markdale, Out., T FISHER - -PRaPRlETOK A. St'TIIKKLANtX I'lwt t.lttice limp* ctiT Vii«t OHiee Iiispoeter'ii Office, T.'rnto, .luv. 23id. I'.ia).