Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1920, p. 4

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-',^»a.. .iiVilii ' I'liwiâ€" wjw Fgbiiiary nri»20 THE FIEStmiTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance An in lipmid.'iit iio*-|)'i)-r publmlieil every Thurml.iy a* tlif ••Hi â-  •â- , Ciilliny*i)uii Struo.t, Fli!slji>rinM .Siili<cii(jiii)n (iiica 91 &U por unuuin w'l.iii p'i I in H<lv>inoi< ; t'i.OO when not , h.) |)ii(i. 8:.'. 01) to Wnited Sr.itel. Aivcrt.ising nitos >in ttpiiliftitiou. , Ciicii'n'ioii ' ovi!!' 1100 weekly. • ""~"J6l ' wril^Tm iV-^TO'f. "' Ki7m.li Small Ads. Prompt Returns From Shipments When you ship Grain, Butter, Cheese or Fruit, put through The Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer. This is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactoiy settlement. It saves time and possible loss. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CiA.NA.DA Established 1864. von salk; , For S^le â€" Ten i{0(h1 uwes. FruJ Grahnin, KiiHr-niH. CK il.s Apply to H nnl vii llci.^' 1". r ^.l!^•. ils^ ton 120 egv Inculalnr iinn luooiliM, good as new. â€" G. VV. Graliino, Engcni'i. For Sale or Exchrtngeâ€" ForJ car (1915 laodel) Wdulil exchaiii;c for gooJ diiving oullii. Car Oi»n lie lejn i»i lot 20, con M. Proton. \V. L. F.y"". I^ '< ^o. l^Dundalk. Phone 55 r 22 For Sale chenu and en easy terms, Lot 13, cnn. 11, Ospruy, lie «creH. This is a first-class farm and in a Kond BUte of cultivation. (lood l.ank liarn and new frame dwollinj;. .Apply fo R. J. Sproule lesherton ' For Sajt - " youni^ piK?, 3 naonths'olj ; abo one cow, due to calf Jnne 1st. G. B. Welton, fleiihtit >n. MISCELLANEOUS Foundâ€" I'l Kiinherley, a g.ild locket. Apply at The Advanoi! uljice. A car of flour and feud will arrive in a few days for F. G. Karstedt. Try Fo"er.sli«.n Pastry Flour, the best or your CO ik. All Oniv.rio wheat Kii'iMt p-iC'toL- hit'.ei atil Oraham Urcs. EuL'enia . ei.'i,'s »i Jinie 20 Private funds to loin on real estate • -curity at reasonable rate of iii'erest. Apply to (I J. S|iioiiU', Fieiherton sept 2;U7 Ghoppint; Tuesdays, Thntwlays ai.d Baturdays onlyâ€" Giahani I'.-d.s ,Eii2i nia. BUSINESSCARDS Societies OlilNOB .MITUUU I'OUlil., ; ..\.V.\ A a, liiouta II) tht Masoiilc hall. Ann i. roup's HlooK Fl.i«liorioti. ovuri' l-'ruKy oi or bafore tlie luO luoon, T. i' nioi il., A. K. Holl&uiy, SeLfo?ary FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. A. NORSWORTMY, . . . . Sub-Agency at Ceylon open Tuesd.sys. Thursd.tys ;tnd Saturdays. Manager. IHBUi WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tnliiilar 8li:if[)k'.s yep;ir;itoi'.=; JOHN HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON. (^^ I Agony Column | '^ of ^The Times'' I x FURNITURE M All kiiuls onurniture in our .showiooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom .suite.*. A larj^e range" of prices tc suit your pocket liook.__ UNDERTAKING Calls answered niglit oi day riioner.Or 1 w. i W. H. BUNT Flesherton,; Ont. SATISFIED ! 'j^mi^' l)i:.sTi,sTRy / vr li. C MlJkKAV 1'. D. 8 , rtental Hurs" 1. 1 1|. uoi Kittilunt" <)( Toronto Uiiivuraity kuh ,>(il CollcHH ol Di-utal .Smi;'!oiib of Oiilaiio, Lian aJuiinluiBtuioil for lonth oXti'attioii tliou at roaidaoce Torouto Street. Flosiiertou . .Mkdicai, â- â- -»> \V. J. Iloinv, M! H., gr(l'Uia(oof Knciiltv -Ui-. Liittle B I i ( I' OTTKWl.i.l. ' Vutoriiiary 8ttrgfton 'lariiiate of OulHrit Vi-terlnai •â- aiileiicu â€" Sf. oi.'l il.irtir Kontli -> ", ii-v Ptrmii 1 •;:,â-  stiimt riii.e 1 . i.Hbyti-rlHii (Jiiioc.li. • l..E(-..M, , IJi'AB, ic IiI';NRYâ€" llSrilst^ri. fiolinltora, '' eio.â€" I. n. liOciiH, K. C; \V. l>. Uoiiry, 1). A. Ollluos, Wiiil.tlalo I.jcia Ulook, Plio^io !JA, >.a'icii oOioi a at OiiudaU aa<l Uu lis r. w UtHFIT. & T1';IjI''011D, Hairlator, Koliol. tora, Ac. O'liccc (iruy i liriicn lliock, Owoii Hollli'l. Stainlaiil Hank i;l<.;b'li'i-hel- toii.(Satiir<;ft>B). W.ll. Wrifilit. '.V. V. lulroid Jr. hlMNL.-^.S.CAKI'H WM. KAITTINd. Icoiiiinrt Aiictiouei-r foi tho coii!iil'.» [jf (iroy ami Hliiinon. l-arm niul Kloi.k Baloii a H|ioclalty. Tui iiia Qioderato. BatiBtaulloii (luaraiittcil- ArmiiKH- uipiitn for llama iiiav in. niarli. at^lia. AilvHiire Ofllre, or Crulml Ifli rli"li.. uDico H (ivii>llalll or IjyadilriisBliiK ma at KnvurBliam. Out. II i>l II i I i»l IBI Flesherton Tin Shop -vi^r:!::^^: |j|j; I liave |iist placed on ihc slielve.s a (nil line of ?!! i Tiinvare, Nickelwaro and Agattw.ire for ilomestic icii j ii.st!. Call on 7ne ami get your .'iiipplie.s. ' \Vi\\ li^l0^3C THAT Is what ovfer tOC] users say about 1 001) (xivvvitv w. I slier;?', supplied -by - S. HEMPHILL, Agent For ' 1 9 : ) ! ) ( } r a V 1 1: y w I s 1 1 u'.s 'a li f I w r i n gi^r s tille.;tric ami gasoline power -wjushers. ., ALSO for .MiC.inuick Uindorii. Miiwevi, Hay Rakes, Hay Liwlfrs, Dri l-, Oul'ivitir, Plow*, Steel S-ialU, llarrown, G.tsolilie Ini;ine8, Bnnlford d.-uWe eoarod and aii-ii oiled air«otor Wind JlilU, Beatly Hay Ciirriars, Hay Porks, S:iii<.!», Maiuisa Garrisrs, W.^tcr * l;.irtl-, W'lcrTiuka, Pu up and Piiriiv'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS '>iii' ihini iiiDio \v<Ki I o It wiih »vno |>oHror wlian ti'iad with my pitont S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. / # IvtvclruM^'liinir, Stovepipes .iml .Stove Furiusli- lll^i.S. Ke|)airinL; oral! kiml.s promptly altt'iiikul it). Osprey Council The (• CREDIT AUCTION SALE «iii ripclitl iiiLj;, iiicliidin^' pmii| l'"iini;vces in.slallcil l'"iirnaee:i. A}{t>iit I wo loi' rk. Clan hros. D. McKILLOP i I !f<l r\ MoPHAIf'. McPiiBoJ Anntfonee for ttio Oounty of fiioy. Tnriiia iiKilerato ainl •alia aciinti niiai'iiiteo't. 1 Im arraiuoninut < ailrt dateH'f HalcHunii Im niarlc iit I'liK Aiiva'1.-.i off* -11. Hdfi'luiiCHuuii r.o.. ( I'jliii!. Ti. iiihoMo ««ilMi»Mrtioil. Dim, ii, 7-1 CHRISTOH BLOCK [Jl £LESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. m For Sale Driver, f.iarli f-a of nulos ; iolies,lni5,'i;y, cu'ter*c ml â€" raMKH and furnai'e ; wood, •oms cut and stiindiii)/ .iii I i hard farm ; potaloef, gome veuetalile^, oh ckena, ete. â€" A. McVicar.jThe M tn<ii, Fli-shor'on if^ New Bakery For Flesherton Haviii); piiiclia.so(l llio hake nliop in Flp»horl()ii 1 have litte] np the Faiuo and nm nw pre- pared to enter to the pnbiie. in first olaSB Itieud. \M\w, Uincnils and Piislry. My f;,rcatc8t ilTurt will bo to pleanu tlm pnlilic, ni.d yonr cualotn is rcBprclhiHv solicited. F. Finder, Prop i' St^^S???.??^/^^^?^^^^^*^^ 1 .«-•..•.â- â€¢Â»Â«â€¢ !â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€"*"•••«•••• ••••••â- â€¢.•••.••'••.••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢-* .»..»«♦-«..•-♦. .#.•#..♦••#"1 GOLD SEAL FLOUR I'or (^ood bread use Gold Seal, a pure We.itoni Flour. Wo" also eairy a blended llotir, pastry Il )ur,-biickwheat, pancake and biscuit Hours, Try our Uolled Oala. iiiiieil III the i;.>wiisliii) iif O.iiuey ;, v.- u . ,j. i â-  , <r, . , f u u. 1 - I I, , Gtt.iim6tock, Implements, E Tiiet at Fuviish.m Fi-h. 7, wh.ii all the i . ,, • I ,„, . OJ held on nieml>erH wele pre.-ent. I ho niinutt-s o: la.sc uice'.lni; were rendund cnliinied. (Jidi-rs wore is.siied for th; follo>viii!» aiii.'unis : MuTiicipal World SlS.Cij, -uiililies for Cleik, and ?(i for six Mih- setiiitions l» .Munici))Hl World ; H. W. Kt-rnHlian ()l)e, cspr. as and p isMnii fur Minij'ii-.s ; Enierpnso f'riniinu (T'o. $8.35 pniilinj,' linllots and expnss ; Ha.'jjeiiiw I'liMie hhr-iiy, Kr^mi, §10 ; T. N, Sjotl !? U 75, sulary for uionlh of January ; U. N. I'"u-ld ^I'l, audiiiiii,' towns-hip hooku ; .\ .1. Oomun $15, audiliiij; ; A. Browu- rulLje S!l 117, wint :v work on 'Jo sideroad, Utputy I'jeve Arnoil was auth.iized til |iay til the treasurer S2.J r«ceivril hy him frjin llie lownslnii ij MeUnuili'm, being half cost of culvert in loBiiline liuiweun Ospri-y a. id Melanilh.in, i LOT 10, CtlX. U, AUTEMESIV, (u ! \rE!)i\ESDAY. MAUCH 3, iy:iO, when, 1 the foIUiwins; aitiules will bo so'd ; ' ("ATTLE, Ere -Red cw 7 years , ii'd, «()Oite(l CDiv 7 years ohl suppo.sed to â-  lie III ivilf, HoUliiiii i; 'W 5 yea's old due to f.i>li. 11 ill A|) il, lilack c .w 5 yfar- old sippoietl to lie ill ok'f, whitti vow H j yearn old due to fre.sh-u Ap-il 12, r.'d cow 5 years id Idiui to fro.shen in April, ' 11 l»(iye>r olds, 11 calve,-*,, p.i.iinrtii'.l Shoitho n iiow S you.i old. {avio Much 27ih, BOW 8 years old duu April 1 t, sow Willi pi^s ten days o'd. I IMl'bKMKNTS- McConiiifk li fo. t biiuler iie.irly lu'Wciif, abmu HJ acres, ! L'tchliold iiiamiru spreader used one j soasoii, I\;ter HamiUnn l;! cliso di-iU nearly new, Maasey Harrin 17 tooth eulliv,it»r, Massey Hurii.n 10 hioC .sleel horiO take, Bisiel !> fool steel roller, KriHl A Wood uiOA-er 5i foot cut, Frost The HUihtii the (\iuiK'il am) was adupttd. VISIlâ€" Tliis week's stock consists of Kalinon, Trout and Honing. Halibut, (il!(»CFilUKS, Ooiifectioneiy, Oiauges, Lemotis, Orape Fruit, Prunes and FigH. I CO Oroain Uricks always on hand. mm Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO M report w.ta subniittinl to * ^^'"'"* '''â- ''^- harrow, ael: 12 hull iron hanowj, Chatham fiiiniiii; null and ,, , „ ,,... 1 â-  1 J !'»K5"f. t'hath im 200t) lb sot'ej. No 21 Itylaw (no w»a pasacd. siKiicd "'â- d Kleuiy plo*, si-ck lick, Chaihaui brood- sjalod, appiiiuting Uio folljwmu road er, ("hathani ii.cuhaMr, v;ah«n z.'d steel coniiiiiss oiicts for iha envuing ye»r : dniikitii; tank 2.\2ixS. Di». 1 Alliurl Ariii.it, Uiv. 2 Geo. W, ' 110l'.-*KU01,n' FTRNITUUK â€" ti U.I.SS, IJiv, ;* SVm. Kailluig, Uiv. 4 '^'"'"K •â- Â»"» ^llii*'''. "riling desk, liwin Muitison, l>i». 5 Joi. lUnduiaon. f'''_* '" couiniencj at o le o'clock. On moliuH of Council each couimis- ' TKRVISâ€" All sinin of $10.00 and under cash ; over that amount HI inoniln approved joint otT for cash ui tiiuner will of receive an appropriUnni "V cred:c wilH.o i-ivan or. 9 «0(. for «ork ID his divlaion. „„^^^_ ^^.^,^ . ^^,^ ^.^,^^, .\ Hyhtw was passed uppuinttuj the lieu iif nutui. followiny siihool atteiidaiioe ofl o.-n lor ^^^f^y [^^wLKlJ W KAITTIMP the year 102O : Andre* McJirr, Wni. „ ,' " â-  "^^y il-''^'. ' ' , Proprietor, »....;..„ Inks'.er, (Jam Hob^rts, and L jUis Moore. ^^b,i^^__^_^_^ A lyNw was |tassed appoloti:ig J. J, Auctioneer. Kaittin^i tu oo'.leot arctars of 191U. Udevu Moiriton waa inatruo ed to puiehase a teuoiid rotd gradui fot ute la thiu township. On inoliuii Council adjuurnud lo iiiiet at SinKhHiiipton in 8atuiday, March ii. axea for CARD OF THANKS Boar Uyr Service â-  a I â-  â-  « i H ' » " < mn 1 1» » II 'I'he niulorsi)|iiied Ikag a thoiouijlured Yorkshire Kuarfoi aorvicuin lot 11, con, 8, Osproy. Tor lus f l.Sd. FKKDSPDFFAUD Fo .16 U Ml-. John MeWhinnay .'nd family '<•€• sire to thank their friends and neighbors i for their kindnesa and sympathy ehor n kh 'V. in ,hrir •uddtiii bereavement. BOAR for SERVICE I'lirehred Tamworlh Hoar for .service rni\ lot 107, S W T and S E , Avteniewia,. j Terms-- fl ,50. T.J. STlNgON.Prop NE of the most interesting new.spaper features in the â- world is the personal column of the London Times, chris- tened the "agony" column by Thack- eray. It was never more interesting than at present, H is, perhaps the best of alijiiin'ors of after-war con- ditions in England. Things are to be learned Iherelhat are not to be found in the news columns nor in any other department ot the Times or any other newspaper." With the identity of the advertiser screened from the public, he can lay bare his i-nenuost heart in the firm knowl- edge that his appeal will come to the ittenlion of thousands of people who might help, and that his distress can- not be known by anyone from whom he desires It kppt secret. The •agony" advertisements are always anonymous. Nevertheless, the Times, like other English papers which fea- ture such departments, always satis- ties itself of the genuineness of the appeal before publishing it, and has the name and address of every advertiser. It is only this guarantee that would cause us to accept as genuine the following: "£1,000,000 will be paid for an English estate with commen- surate income. Any estate with rent roll of from £20,000 to £50.000 a year considered, being required for investment of surplus capital. Re- plies, which will be treated in strict- est confidence, to Croesus, Box X 184, the Times." It is plain enough that this is the call of a profiteer, of somebody whom the war has made fabulously rich so swiftly that he has not been able to invest his surplus. It is also plain that the million pounds is a mere surplus, since no sane person would now think of in- vesting his entire fortune or even tho greater part of it in an English estate, with a view of present and future taxation. Indeed, the sanity of the advertiser, even as it .is, cannot be regarded as beyond sus- picion. A man who buys a million pound estate at once advertises -Uio fact that he is tremendously weal- thy, and apart from the taxation of the land he "may expect Government experts • to ' be extremely curious about his other sources 'of income. It is certain tiaat there exists in Eng- land some desperate proTiteers whom the' Govera«ient has not been a^e to reach,. „- - Side by side with the conscience- less Croesus are,-the appeal? of those who helped 'aniiisis his fortune. Here is" one" ''"VVould anyoffe'like to subscribe to my wetWing? I have the girl and nothing else, I work hard. but. unless miracles happen marriage- is hoiieless. Will anyone help a 'buste^' warrior? â€" Box X ,5618, the Times. "^ There is a breeziuess about this appeal that, one would think, would have enabled the "bust- ed" warrior lo get married before this. Here is another: ' "Pseudo - gentleman - lieutenant, having been segregated from H. M. Forces, emerges with five years' in- tellectual stagnalioii, jobless. ^ Will soon be tinancially abashed as gi'a- luily is smitten witli a wasiing sickness. No qualification beyond general clerical work, hut would accept anything from slioeblack to manager of picture house. Good military record. â€" Box 10,072,380, Oxford street, W." Two more specimens: 'Will anyone help aged officer ot very good birth, demobilized, about middle November, to earn his liviug? Experienced motor driver, ride and drive, traveled and motored in nuiny countries; would invest gratuity and small savings in motor it regular em- ployment cotdd be got or would act as chauffeur-companion to elderly Ijersou. â€" Box R. oi, the Times, Lou- don. E.C.4." "An ex-officer (age 40, family), who came (5,000 miles to join up (France, 1915), has for months past sought appointment in vain. Earned £7-800 p. a. pre-war. No^ nearly 'broke.' Qualifications: Served prac- tical apprenticeship shipbuilding (twice won National Competition for original designs of steam yachts), subsequently many years' experience both shipbuilding and general con- struction ot big buildings, including various ferro-coucrete work; lapidtil quantities, estimates and calcula- tions; engineer in charge of largo construction work and organizatioji and control of labor. Advertise* of- fers services in practical capacity to anyone who will endeavor to make use of same, â€" Box .179, the Times." There is not an issue of the Times in which simildr advertisements do not appear. Many of them are in- spired by the ditHculty of getting homes. One man advertises his willin.miess to give £100 to anyone who will bring him tlu> key to a cottage or house ttial rents for £60 a year. Another offers a bonus for whal he calls a "while elephant," a house that is large, in disrepair, in- accessible or haunted. Another wants three rooms in a stable for whieli ho is ready to pay handsome- •4j'. This is a demobilized Canadian, who describes himself as an artist craftsman. There are, of course, the old pre-war advertisements of men struck with a pretty appearance and desiring the name and address ot the young lady who was seen step- ping off a bus at the Charing Cross station. There are the tnysteriotis messages which are daily scanned by Scotland yard and whi(;h ere now have le.sulted in the discovery of serious crimes, and there are the touching in menioriatn cards which arc likely to appear before the eyes of readers for at least a generation lo come. A moderate trickle of water fromi an ordinary tap will waste 150 gal- lons a day, or 54,7 30 gallons in a your. , !

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