Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1920, p. 5

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W ' "•'*.! February 19 1924 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE PROGRESS can only be assured by looking ahead and preparing for it. Farmers â€" by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattle, hogs and other readily sale- able products â€" can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. 290 THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL - Manager CANADIAN p. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Trains oUows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are «8 Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Fleslieiton ai follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Miaa Rene Cargoe of Owen Sound, spent the weeic end at h ir homa here. n^v. McViojr moved his family and effeota oii Monday to their new home at 1 1 wood, W« mike a charge of lOu a lino for all church announcements, concerts etc., up to .'> lines. Over that iiura'ier 5c v line. No ceadirtg nuiices irsened under Me Count six words €o the line. Mr, Geo. Lawler ivill hoM A credit auut on sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 40, cincessiDn 0, Artemi'sia, on Wednesday, March 3rtf„ 1920. For particulars see advertisement elsewhere and large poiter:*. Wm. KaittiiiJ: auctioneer. • .Mr. Abercrimbie, the energetic Kun beriey mail carrier, is evidently a vari- ety of anowbiid. He came thriiugh on tiiTie Tuesday morning -if'er thu by» storm by way of the Valley, when not another rig was siirriu:{ on the roads, Anniver.s-.ry services wi'l be hell in the Rock Mills Bai.tist. church on Sun- diy. March 2i). Rev. Wm. Watson of McVIaacr Univsrairy, a returned soli; ier, will preach both niornini; and evening and gve a talk on his experience o\er- seaq. Dundalk high school h'ckey team cam* up Friday evening and played the Flesh- erton high sckool team on the rlnl» here, the score being 5 to 4 in favor of Flesh eitou. The Kame was a hoily contested one from beginning to end and was .i !£ond exhibition of hockey. Umpire Wilson of Dundalk gave general satis faction. A. JT, Royd and wifa of Radisnn,. Sisk., and Gsorge Boyd and wife, of North liattleford, are visiting friends in On'ario. Th« latter, with h's brother, Reeve Boyd of Markdale, gave The Advaaco a pleasant call on Friday last. At a meeting of the B irrie Prpsbytery last week a call to ths Rev. J. Thurburn Conn of Markdale, from tho congrcga' tion if Tottenham and Bt'elon, w*h "U'taineJ and hai been received by the Clt-rk of Owen i>ound Presbyery. II I will be dealt with at the reeular quarterly meetine to be held on March 2 Mrs. H. V. Gau'lin ot Torjnto visited her parents here last week Mts. W. Dixon cf Toronto ii visiting friends here. Premier Diurywas elected in Halton on Monirty by a majyiiy of 1400. J. Let.Jardof The Advanca staff spen« JJaturOay and Sunday with hiajparents in Toronto. ' '•.' '*â-  Mr. Charley McTavish "of tire Chevro- let Company, Oihawn. spetTr Sunday with I, is parents in town. Miss Maud Bjyd of Torotsto. 8p jn t Saturday and Sundiy w'ih h«r parents kere. Mr. E. D Uentham ot I h's Centi.il Technical School, Toronto, is vi.'^iting li!» parental home hiire this week. B rn â€" .\t Oienella, Manitoba, • n Feb. S, tM .Mr. a-d Mrs il^.Ttje Citrus, a son Mr. A. S. Thurston ot thd Farniei^ Sun, and little dau!<hler, Betty, spent a couple of days last vtrtrfck with his parents .ksre. Mr. Georga Tarks, «ho his b«eii vi-siliug old fiiouds here for tl-.e past two mouth?, le'uriied to his home in Maui- tcdja i-u Ftiday last. HMr. and Mrs. UichsiJ Bentliam of the •uburl 8 aunounco the eni,agem»nt ^of kheir eUUst daughter, /sila, to Mr. Oiiutou K Wood of Cad lac, Sask., the â- iirriage to t.iko |.Uctf this week. ill. and Mis. Geo. Stawait jmd two ilau;{hters, Kileen and Eleanor, h t; for llieir homo in Weyburn alter visiling the lattei's piients, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, at Rjb Uoy . The 49 Chevrolet car goes up in price to ?1005 on the first day of March Those wauling to g«t in on the old priee will have to '' shove on the juice " in ordir to get there in time. Mr Dwier of Toronto Whsin toAii lU Sa'urday last and completed the purchase of the old Scully e«g warnhouse which ho has reuied to Mr. Uuusiadtler or the .summer. Markdale Creamery is now open for business. II ighest prices paid for cream Phono or write for can. A s(|uarH deal i» our motto. Give us your patronauo. â- atisfactiou suuanteed. Markdale Dreamery Co., phone 44. Tenders will be leceived for paiutiog papering, varnishing, c'eauinir and repair- lag the Court llouae and surrouudinR M 88 Adda Wright, f-.eacher rear Bolton, was home for a few days last week- Mrs. Micklejr)hn of Canipbellford spent the paat foitoighc ui h bez daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Stuart. Pfeauier 1>! ury i.s said to be an idvo- aato of a flat r«te fcr hydro over the whole province. But then Crowu Hill is quite h dis'aiicj from tba source 'of power. Candidly, though, it is the only fair attituila to take if I ha who'e country is to bii eipially uenelittud. Owini! to rei|aesi of iho Presbytery Rev, Mr. Mo Vicar did nor prench his f irewell Her.ucn i.n Sunday last, but will do so next Sunday, At the cervice on Siind.iy afternoon liino uieiiUiers wore tiken into the church on profession of faith and one by letter fmin a ."ister chureh. * ' .After two wtieks' of ideal winter weather another wind and snow Rlorm arrived on Sunday, but a ttorni can a.:arcHly make the roads any worse than tliey are tt the urtaent lime. Church a'teadiDC* on Sund-ty was slim, Tke triiiiK on Mouitay.huwever.oama throU(»h p-a$iica!ly on lime. Later â€" lie nday the storm ci:nttuued and ou Mintiry night another foot of snow fell, reidering all roails temporarily impassable. No coun- try mails oamo in on Tuesday and there was no morning Iriiin frTm the north, all eiieines being eimoged with snow plows tleariuL' the track. Auction Sales Mr. John Beecroft will hold a credit auction sale of farm stock, iinplomenls, etc.. on lot 152, 2 N. E., Arteiuesia. one mile from Flesherton, on Monday, March l.st, l!)2d. See large bilU. D. MePhail, auctioneer. A ciedit auction sale cf farm stock iraplemants, etc., will be he'd on lot 24, 2 N. P. IL. Art , near Six Corners, on Friday, February 27ih. For [larticulars see largo posters. And. M. Gilchrist, proprietor. D. Mcl'hail, auc;ioaeer. /=^!:gsg«?:>;K>--gi;g^i;;??^^^?gwr S:^r<iTZr^!^:>:Zr:^>:^>f:>J9i7':^^ i OVERALLS AND SMOCKS A dependable Overall is au essential to 4he farmerâ€" he uaea it every day aud uses it bardâ€" to yive aatist'action it must stand up well under bard usage. Our " Snag Pioot " Jkand Overalld anil Smneks will do this â€" they are roomy, full sized, well cat and well made. Tbc sewing is re- inforced every wl^re it is subject! to strain They come in blue and white stripes, also lu black. The cloth is heavy, free froaailrcssiiig aud keeps its color remarkabiy well. Prices $2.M aud il.Io per garment. You will pay 25 percent, more for a similar quality at most places. Horse Hide Mitts and Gloves Mule Mitts and Gloves, wool lined for cold weather aud made to give satisfaction under heavy wear. Some early buying gives us the chance to offer values less than they can be nAuufaciured for today. â-  "Come in. and see them. Prices from 50c, to $1.75. New Four Yard Wide Linoleums Ten new patterns in this width to choose from, Canadian and British made, floral and block designs, new colorings and effects, well seasoned qualities. The ** Delineator " for one year $L20 By arrangement with the publishers we can offer this popular magazine for a few days at this special price. Phone or leave your order today. t, ' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO The Durham Review announces the death fn Turon'o of .lnhn .^rrowmilh, a printer tiy trade, at the age of 52 years. Job'i was well known to the editor of The .Advance, who worked wi'h him Qver 35 years ago. We are extrnme'y sorry to hear of his demise, which was haused by hemorrh»je. A meetin'i of the memb?r« of" Flesfccr- ton public library was held in the lilirary roonron Friday evening laat, when very satisfactory reports were read. The treasurer's report showed a balance o'l hand of over fortj dollars The old board was re-elected, with the ex«epti''ii "f Mi. Mc Vicar, who is removing. Th<« Durham Chronicle has been laboriui; under greit dfliculties for the paat two weeksi owinz to illness on the st«ff. The week of Feb. 5 lli«yr did nob i'sue a papar at all, and last we k wtro late and not up to the mark. We sympathise with Bre'r Irwin and tiust this condition of attairs will not become chronic with the Chronicle. A show marl put on a bum picture show in the town hall Thursday night of last week. He did not carry off all the silver in town, in fact we have nok noticed any diminuetioa in specie since his exit from town with his picture be x. U is a conundrum to us why pe^-pla will put up 3.") or 50 cents to U olc at a picture and then t;o home and kick becausu they have to pay 35 cants for a beefsteak. Bruce County appears lo btj goiiijj into the road making buiineas on a proper .scale. The good roads crtmoiittee for that; county will have this soring over li>0 men working on the Kincsrditio to H*nover road, with a monthly expenli- ture of §40,000 for wages and_ina'.eria!. Tliat seen)s~to us a mnie practical plaa than placing three or four jangs of men on as many difl'erent roads, ai was done in this County last summer. Georgina Rawliu^on, wife of R. A. Rawlinson, 45 Cavell avenue, Toronto, died at the General Hospital, ou Satur- day, February 7ih, in her 2o:h year. She was boru ill ( '.iprey township, near Fevershani, Out. She was a daushter of the late Mr an 1 Mrs. Geo. Graham. The late Mrs Rawliuson's sjiaiidfather died recently in his 8dth year. He was known as one of the eldest inhabitants ot Osprey township. She is survived by bar mother aud her husbnud. It is lather aiuus'ng than otherwise to rUihortoniani to read the oil naws from ROAD CLOSING Notic* is here^iy given that the Coun- cil i.f. the T-iwubhip .•( Arteiuesia wjH after one month trom the first publica- tion luroi'y,â€" pucecil to pass a bylaw closing the uudennentioued original alliwance for road, viz , all that part of Mill street: lyiiiJ between Ijueen street and the town line of Gleualg, First pu'>lisli*J on. the Ifl.h d.iy of February, l'J2tJ. Dated Feb. 13. lOiO. W. ,;, PKLLAMY Automobile Instructions (I'DIl LADIES A>^DGE.N"1S Now is the lime, to take alvnntago of | the winter in.nths to obtain a iliorT.i-jli knowledge of the Au'omobile. The •nun : who owns or expec's to own an Au:"- ; mobile will tin. I thi.s c 'Urse linancii:.y[ pntiiable, or the young ni'tn who wishes j to become ,iii expeit "ch iiiff ur will be | prepared for a iiond piying pi'sition with eiifiy work. 'I h's cour^o consists of over haulini; of iiiv'tors, limitiis- of valviw and ignition systems, slartius and lii(htiui^ systems, troublis, etc. Write for booklet, or be' ler SI ill visit- our school and be convinced. { A'e have sp^ial cliis>es for laJicb). OrantSevilieAutomoblie School Kist Broadway, Uraiigeville, t»nt. ALL BUSINESS SCHOOLS ARE NOT THE SAME. Fialure2. Watcli for the oiheis. The auihority iu all Puiincss Sjstenis, Accounts, etc , is. the Chartered Account- ant. Iho Noithcrii Business Cullege is the oiily School in Jaiiada iu cliaige of a bellow if thu IiKsliiutc of Chartered AooountaiU;'.""' Get the bcbt. Magnet Cream Separators fuu TO soars â€" ne tictlon ; double pyj.pocted bowlâ€" cannot rock;- feet ^inimerâ€" one piece ; easy turn â€" a cliild can opor.vte; cipacilj cbauiie â€" saves the buyer SoO.OO ; p.iienr. brake â€" "Mi.-'ul,' patent ; t,U- â- â€¢,:. riuiid eousti ucLion â€" mochani.-ily correct; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy lo clean â€" a child ctems it In 'i few 'Vl'nules. G. B. Welton Flesherton^ Ont. "W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANGS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade iiicstrumeuts mm i^ mm lJawlv.;i i P.iJio G.iUery aiul AEusic Stor FLE5H ERTON I; pays. -/ t ^v-en Sound, t)nt. , A. FLEMINC., F. C. A., Prinoipa G. D. FLKVIINLi. Secretary. (Mention this paper when writing) I Gents' Furnishings ** huildinga at Owen Sound. Sp^citicatioiiM Meaford â€" reported " tinda " and o| lions «f work may be had from C.H.Thompson ' keiug taken up, We have been ihrougk Shairman Speceial Committee, County of Grey, Box »56, t>weu Sound, Ontario. Tender* will be opended Feb. 20, 1920. The new auto liesnae ahiogle for 1920 it an improvement en what haa gone before. The Uttering fcnd nunbers are n dark gteen on* white ground The Owen Sou«d police force will appreciate this, as they will not bo liable to niaks miatakea and put the wrong m.in to considerable trouble and expense. The wrong m»u(Reeto McTavish for instance) will also appreciate an improTed immuni- ty from pro.teculioii from iho aforesaid police force. all this twe or three ycari ag) and two oompantea are (till searchlDg tor oil here. One oMttit is "ilenk at preseot, but tko otker, a private corporal ion. is .still driUiug aw'ay. A large How of itas was struek in th'( well la|t fall and ra»y yet amount lu something if oil >s nut fi^uud in paying iiuautitie*. If any coiipany ever de^krved sueceu this latter one does, for it ii not a stook selling propo- skion and is tiuanced by priva'e capital. The .\dvance feeli like taking otf lis hat to these per.sovering pe iple who ar« sinking a biic sum of money. We hope I hey may be rewarded. We li ivt> now on hand a full line of Fine Shiits Khaki Shirt-x, Work Shi'it«, OveralU, Smocks and I'anta . A aood a.ssortment of ties, collars, gloves, Trt'tt'*, Socks, braces, arm bands, eartar*. handkerchiefs, biiy.-i Wind stockiiiK". *ool and tteece lined underwear and sweater coats. >f the HARDWARE! Axes and Uandles, Hiuk Sawp, Ham mors, CroiscuC Saws aud dandles, H <rse Blankelf, Mills and Gloves, H.aliers and Tie.", Tails an 1 Tubs, Stewait Horse Clippers, Curry Conihs and Brushts, Electric Bulbs, Lamps and Lanterns, Red Star Wish ins Machines. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Vlesherton, Ontario Cargoes Grocery It you N\aut good, c letiii, I'lec-l) GroceiiLs or Coufccnouei ^ give us a call. We carry uothiug but the best. Wa liave also a full lino of all the leading Tobaccos . kW !.:''i<U >!" b'ru its ill season. Come iu aud got one oi ti^^sj Fish. Wo liavc Luke Trout aud Dtitish Coliimbia Salmon. Highest price.'? paid foi- all liiiuls ofProJuco. Phoue iu your order. Wc will deliver it ta aiiv part ot'tli Wc will deliver villase. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. •••ft •••• •••• RUBBERS! All our goods are new and very best quality. Sole agents for the Hobberlm Tailoring. H. J. LEGARD. 1^ Flesherton, Ont. i_ Jt .Ml Business (.'oUeces are not all alike SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY ELLIOTT %^y Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Invites the patronage of all who desire 'uherior Iraning. Get our CatslpKue, redd ui lecurds. then decide. Enter NOW. W. J. ELLIOTT. Pws^iPAi â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •• •••• • ••• •••• •••• • •• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• -••• •••• •••• ::« •••• -:: 1^: We have the celebrated Maltese Cross Kubbers for good soliil wear iu Men's Women's and Children's liubbors. For Service One pure ored Stiort>horu Bttll oiilot !•••• kj, coo. 9, Artemesia. Temis •! 50 'or •;;• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO s. grade Must be paid within 9 months I-**} date fromof service 1-||^...„. ...^ 19. Jan. -R. O.TURNER. â- .•3''*?*:!t*??*Jt:;"****?TJ?*?""t?5L^5iJi;

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