Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1920, p. 7

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MUCH SUFFERING DUE TO THIN BtOOD Rkh, Red iUood Necessary to Health and Strength. If more peuple kiieii how iiiiiny ilia and palna are caused by tbin, watery blood a great deal of -^ufferini; would be avoldad. Men and women often iijffer for long periods from stomai'h Canada's Exports of Pulp suid Paper. VVtrh tlie preseni high rule of ex- chaago between Cana^ and the United States, ro unfavorable to this country, aiithorities are eidfUaaizing tUe great importance not only of de- creasing our purcha.ses abroail but of inrreaslng Canadian production and exiwrt trade. Th^ important role being played in this connection by the pulp and paper industry of ('-.aiada ia inadequately realized. This great Industry now of the greatest problems now befor^ an important portlffn of the pulp and paper industry l.oublw headache, palpitation of the r.mk.s third in volume and value with haart, and nervous complaints such as respect to its products p.xported neuralgia, without suspecting that | abroad# and second in the amount of ariaemla or bloodlessness is the cause. ; capital invested. During the liscai year The blood goes to practically every I ending March 31, 1919, the total value part ot the bo :ly, carrying oxygen and ^if pulpwood, pulp and paper exported nouilshnieat. The eflicient action of 'abroad was nearly $100,000,000, of evory organ is directly dependent up- ' on the quality of the nourishment it -4 Prison Poets. The rei;enr publication of a voliiui». of verse by a member of the Kast , Vurks ReginieEl, of England, written during Uiree years' weary captivity In j a Turkislv pris(* camp, is a reminder of the beautiful poems which many ^ ta&ous l^nglishmeu have written in prison. I It will be remembcre;! that Oscar Wilde wrote 'The Ballad of Heading Gaol" while incarcerated in that pris- , on, as wall as his wonderful prone ' piece, "Ue Profundis." ! One of thv> most fdnioua of prison poets was John Hunyan. who during the twelve years he was an Jhmate of S*is from the blood. If the blood Is ^ thin it becomes weok in nourishment ^ and health fails. The best way to ' keep the blood rivh and -ed and thus ! enjoy good health is through the use ' of Dr. Williams' Pink 1-ill*. At the | first .sigp of weaknes.i these pills : should be taken and gond robust ' health will soon foHow. The stale- i mcnt of Mrs. .1. J. Murray, t?orbetlon, ; Ont.. sliows the value of Dr. WiUlnms" ; Pink Pills in cases of this kind. She . says: â€" "A few years ago uiy daugli- | ler, JLillie, was in a very badly run ^ down condition. She was pale, tliiii, : and scarcely able to go about. The i least exertion made ber heart palpi- ; iate so violently that we were actual- j ly arraid one of these spells might I can-y her off. She slept so badly that I often she would He awake until morn- j log. Trcitpient did not seem to help [ her and v,e were olniost in despair j when a friend advised the use cf Dr. j Williams' Pink Pills. \ fLW weeks' [ use of this medioine shov.od a decided j improveqient, and a further use of the 1 pills fully restored her lo health, and j the has since been a" rtrong, uealthy j â- girl. Some time later i was taken ill j myoelf, being badly ntu-dowii from i uoiisehuld care. A doctor was cullod j in but his â- oiedlfius did not seem to i bring back my sfi-engih. and reuieiu- 1 , . Beilford .Jail v/rote "The Pilgrrtn a i which upwards of 80 per cent, went lo i Progress" and other works. 1 the United States.^ In total value, this -The King's Quair" was written by I represents an increase cf 31 per cent, j james 1. of Scotland while he was im- 1 over the precoiinfl y.-:u-. and 87 per p;-is!;nea v.illiin iha Towe.-; while' ce-jt. over ospcrt i for the year ending j christoph.-r Hnnrfs celehriiied '•Bgng t March 31. 1917. _ ^ lof Davii" v:i3 written behind prison i During ihe past yenr, over 1.5 mil- 1 bars. .An.l at loast part of Thomas , lion (â- nnls of raw pulpwood was es- ' Malory's 'IMr.rte d'-'\rrliur" was in- ported to the United State-, valued at dlted. In captivity. » j upwards of $l..'OO,000. Wood pulp ox- i ports for the year are valued at around $.1.') .000,000. of which most w?nt to the L'tiited States. â€"â€" ! With exhaustion cf United Stato* ' supplies of pulpwood in the eistevn states already In sight, and with the : industry growing by Ivaps and bounds i '^'la >'"eU cU:M is always a happy in Canada, the question of futur'- aiip- | child- It ;s a buby's nature l.> be hap- plles become^ of tho -aioj'. pressin;? NEURITIS So many have Neuritis, tbat pamful, paralyi^lng Intlammatlon of tha nerves. Oo not suffer an- other day. If you are a victim, try Tempieton's Rheumatic Capsules Nothing else brings relief so qutcklyand so surely. Send for free sample to Temnletons, 142 Slut; St. W.. Toronto. For sale at reliable drue- elata fur (1.04 a box. BIT5 OP HUMOR Classified Adrertisemcnta. AOBMTa WAVTSO. ASTHMA Templeton's RAZ-MAfl Cep- sa'.^o arc guaranteed xo roUovo ASTHMA. Don't suffer an- cLlier day. 'CVrltfT inoletons. l»2Klng8t-. V.'., Tcronto, for Ireesamnae. n^Jlsble druSBists sell vheni a,"; il.Ci a box. HEALTHY CHILDREN 'ARE HAPPY CHILDREN Aid to the Blind, \u invan'cr h-j.'s mou:'.t«;l .i wheel cu the end cf an ••ar-.e intended to !>_' n>,ed by bli.ul pevsous ;o guide them- selves abcHi stvoft: vvificiit tunpin.ij on paveme.it". 'Death-Bed Worries of a Scot. The Solicitorâ€" "1 undefstand, .Mr. -McGraw, that ye wish tae see me abool the will ye nlBde ye'sterdby." Mr. McGraw â€" '.Xye, man ; It's kep' me wahin' a nicht. No* I come tae think o' t, I hav'na left maFel" a chair to sit on 1 " Well on the Way. It was iheir first trip alone in their new and expensive c:;r, and they'd lost th»fr way. "There's a signpost, dear," sirtd tlft lady ill the fur coat to her husband, who got out of ihe car and i trncd hi;; flashlight on the heard. "Are we on ihe right road?" sUo asltdd presently, as be didni speak. â- â-  'To the workhouse,' " he read aioud. Then he added sadly: "Yes: we're on the right road and" we didn't know' it. " P'>nTiiAi'r AdKN'ra wanting Cuod pilnta.^iul flnlshss â€" lowest prtcrs un fiaoivs â€" ash for uataloKO*. United .\. t Co.. 4 Urunswlck Ava.. T*- rooto. ' 4 Uv.VTS W.V.NTKU FOR WONDER- ! .£\. 'ItT'ful inventinnH. viz. : â€" ; 1. araBSamATOBa for FokIii. Stopii i Htailiiii;. buckin)?. (^n^iiie riti-liiK. Sell* ; I6>.';. , a. FOBS XBASIiZOXT BHaC&ATOB I po»tti\*fJy fKivf-ti bnifht ifrl't ut ull •â- nglne ap.-trtd S.-Jl.-' $::.T;>. 3. IPABX VZ.ITO TBAWBrOBXIIBa tnr j nJl rars. Firm an.v i<liiB wUtj two I pointH ivft. in>Ki»i. '.,'.l*. •; <}{ 'â- ra'^kod por- i»Iain. rar).i*n. trt<-. St-Un 86 «;ents. ; 4. rOBS BTXBBIva OOlTTBOXi. No j more nui- titinK and jerkliiff titeerlnii I whm-1. .Saves Kus(.<liii« and tires, i Sells $3.76. All si'Ifl on money hack guarann^' BOTB'VrBZ.Z.'S AUTO SFECIJUiTXBS. :i:ifl Hi* hriioiui .S*. \v . T-^ronto FABMS FOR SAXX. 8M.V!.lv I'WKil.S. FIFTEE.V MIN iitvrt' I idp from Toronto on Metro- ! iHilitan KatliHl. from 5 to twenty acres, t3n" an :uTe. with small payment down I Prrsioii. 71)5 llro:ulvi.-w. Turnnto. , I \Xr II I T IC !<â-  I) H INl^OH ' T» about the new. modem I selling real estate. Sell your . yourself with our help. Our ; only eospj yon $12.00. Why I large cominission? Write for i large oonimlaaloni Write for : tKular.>i . Real Elstate Buyers 78i Dui.Ja-i S«.. London. Ont. iI.\TION way of property mell^od pay a full par- full par- ilonlhls "SYRUP OF FIbT CHILD'S LAXATIVE FOB SAl.a urgency, that invested capital may be protettej and coinmunities foimdej upon this btisicoss muy r.ot. after a lime, be cjinpelled tj isinrale, as "aaj so I'reciuently been the case in the United .'<ta^e.^. The ihrit essoutial is luuch ir.jie adi'qnafe prctscilon of our fore:;cs fruni destruction by lire. While si-eut ' py and cuntaateU. iIo'ha;'3.-ii: your ' little ones ere oross and poevlsli aad ' cry a great deal thoy are not well â€" ' they are in ue3i -jf msd'lcfiie â€" .scnic- thi:;S that t.;;1 set tUair b-.-.vels and ' : tcraai'Ii ia orja.% for Dln'.-citUs of I all childhood ailmsuts ar:!:e from a j â-  dii.i.do.aJ s:: t3 cf the bcvoi.? and i stomai'h. Sucli a meJlc.'ne is r.abvs i Own TabUt:. TUcy are a -mild but IZlrarcl'B X.lutacat Ziom<if:ns-a'E Fr'.eail. \Vli2r. poor fftiit is pruduesi there is a rez.cn. Aim to tinj out 'ny a care- ful itudy ol the troy- and 'TDaditions whiit the rsa^Bn is arj try and re.niove ' ths cai;M, ' i The giving of cider ^r beiir as part liaymeut of ^agez to ajpicjlturr.'. wc'-'kf.r3 i3 now iiiej^iil in Bvitaln. Look at tongu^! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver a;-..,: bov.-cls >rEW.SPAPETl. WEEKLY. IN BRUCH I County. Splendid opportunity. Writ* box T Wilson Publishing Co., Umitftd. 73 Adelaide .St. W.. TTonto. W'lil-L EQriPPED .\EWSPAPKR TT and job priacingr plant in E^teiarn Ontario. Insuiance oarrled tl.aOO. Will CO for 11.200 on quick sala Box 61. Wilson r-jblitliir.;; Co.. Lli. Toronto. XIB(;i!I>X>ABB0t7a progress has been made in r^-crn: 'â-  ">y""g'» laxatlv; which regulate the I bTTweis, sweeten the Eicm:;ch, aad thus drive i*ut rcn^tii'atiou, cn.ic, indige.-- »^ « â€" • -«- ! Laugli Wiicn People years ln'~this direction, much jtiJl VC' mains • to be accomplished, as evi- 'â-  . . Uencedby the de.stitictiTe are- of 'U3^'"''= '''â- â€¢-â- ^'^'•P*''^'''^^''^''^''-'-''^*^'''''^ . ,. ,. _ = pa.n season. ^and make the baby healthy and happy, j ? -Slrn {\[\ \ i)[]V pL^lti "'"-â- â€¢'' Pierreville. Q;.e., wrltjs: ' Baby â- ) The next groat requisite nioJitication of existin-; luothoda of 'opsins as will leave the cut-over berlng what l~-r. WiUianis' Pink I'i!;.- j had done for my da'jghter. I dcoidel I lauds in better condition lo produce a to drop the doctor's medicine and ir> j c.-op of the more valuable species. them. The results that followed were i 'I'his iiivolve.-j a careful Ltudy, In ;>.''.- like ibobe in ray daughter'3 case, and ' through the u.se cf ihe pills 1 was ' lioon a well woman. 1 am glad to give my experience in the hope that nome other sufftrer intiy lind the way to health" vance of logginji.-vbv priicciial tor.^st-' ei')?. in ord--;- that the uietliods besr adapted to the pariicular loculity may be adopted. Kor the mixed pulpwood forcKt.? <.f hardwoods and t'lnifer,-. seme plan of You can pioeur»> l)r Williams' Pink j transporting and utili::inK the b.aia- t'fUs through any dealer in medicine, j wood specico must be lievi^ed, other- or they will be .^ont you by mail at r.(»> wise th^se forest:; will continue the cents a box or six boies for $2.50 by ; present prccess of rapid i-or.versicn writing direct «n The Dr. WilliHrns" .Vledlcine (^-0., BrockTllle, Ort. BoiJing hay in water in iron kettbs will remove rust frcm then. into hardwood species alone, rcndci- i!:g ihem le.^s and less valuable icr the product:!. u of pu!pwi od. This is one A;.Jc for Mlnard's and ta°,^a no o^l2?T. Charming Styles for Children Own Tabh U ar» the b.-sf i.:o;:cin« I ijjiow of I'cr lH;!fi onaj. They -.'e'-ieve.; my little girl from cou;t:p:;t on when ' nothing el.'rc wculd and I cm strong'.? ^reccmmend ihent to other mcthars." . The Tab'ets are sold by mrdlc:::.-. ' dealers ct by raaii at '.in ce;;t3 a bos • frcm The Dr. Williams' UeJicine C'o., i ' B'orlivrile. Ont. I What t!ic Sun Gives Us. • The I'osl c' 1 rhi nor ci'.nee u:is re- i ( ?atly beir.i ivi;v!:rd c^ by !Jr. 1 harlcj Davidson, of Orn.inwicii Obic ."at-ry. : It t:-ke» an aopiUin.E: cincu-t.cf Cgh". • to welsh tn <.u::':c, he 3;iy«, and the , cc!:t. as suppr.eT^by g^s a;.i clcc-'x j ilsht ccmpar.^c* wsrl;<? cr.t v.t sorus- ihin^ 1 !:e ?oy,000,oCO. *: Tha > an £hor,'ei-3 down on »:.3 ISO I tans ci" t'.-.:s va.'i'..b:c rlt-jf cvsry day.' say. the doctor, vet ve ofle.i negle.-jt I the free gift and prefer to pay $Eo,- i (jno.Ot'O iin cunce for a vary mnch in- i f^rior nuality. I If iho oun c'.i3:cc3 ^ tar hia mas- iiiilcent light at tha same rate as the ^ sa5 au J electr'o li.arht ccnipauies, v.e ' sh;i!!.i have to pay S2Sij.Ti'U.000 000,COO a day, or about 105,000 inMlion r-all!cn dollars a yesr; but the ^nn decs net ch:'i'ge he gives it to us all w;thci:'i â-  inonejj and withoi-.t pri;'c. t : ry this ' > cuiself Ihetl 11 iloi-.j to otheri. It WDrksI P.-SJ Ourh • ? : ' ; 1 Ihi? iiind of rough :8ik »iil be heard less iiere i;i town if reo;i;e •'.•)iib!>-d with corns will follow tl.eBlmiNe advice of this Cincinnati lUlhorit." «!n claims th;;t .1 few drop? cf a dv'ii' r.illed freeznn? when applied i'.; a lender aching Corn stops so.-enos? hi 'nee. mid soon fU»ro!n drios up hi>.! if 1.1,1. gill o!!t Without paia. jfiiv sar.» fieezoQS in an •'iher com- Touii'i mlijch drie!* immediately and til v«sr ):i:tii:i>(>^ or evea irritates th» »iMr<'i:uii;iiu tissue ^or «k.a. A quarter i.( nil iinsco of rree7tm» w'll cost vary !.;!!f! ill aiiv drug store, b<1l it sufll- f!t>!»t 'i> "â- emin a every hard or soft torn or callus from ones leel. Miilioui of Aiiicrica:! wonit'ii will uelooMs thii i»i,ln;i.u^f:ue;it siuco lUo iiiaii^iuv.itio.T Of the nizli heols. Accept "California" Syiup of F-igs only â€" look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the l)«st and most linvmless lasatlve or physio for the httle stomach, liver and boweln. Child- ren love Its dellclooB fruity t.i8te. Full directions for child's do?e on each bottle. Give it wltliout fear. M-ther! You must say "California." C'HOIOE SILVER BLACK BHaBDINCJ ' Foxes. *Al8o, W8 ar» buyers of Raw Furj. ^'^hat have vou â€" what prlcal Rsirt Rros . Bothwell. Ont '•ji'l-IN .STOCK W.VNTED. IF YOD are a'ola to eupply. advise us. as wa »ill pay the hlcUjac prices, dry or Hrreea froia iho s.-iw. Kaenaa Broa, Limited. Owen Sound. Ont C.\NCER. TLMOP.S. 1-I;MP8. ETTC.. internal and external, uured without gain by our home treatment A^rlte u« efore too iate Dr. Bellman Madloal Co., Limited, Coll lnirwood. Gnu. Habit? are like porus p'asters, easy to actjuire and bard to get rid of. GIRLS! A MASS OF WAVY, GLEAMY BEAUTIFUL HAIR UPASINGIN'! â- lor.'.errLV,- v,-;:i be >-\cxr â- .vr.'i bri'-lit, if you talie "Cuscarcis" tor^'sjht â-²meilcft'v Plo3ft*«r Hog S«mo^es 006 DISEASES aad Kow to Petfl Mailed Free (oary .\d- drefis by the Author. a. Clay aiorcr Co., las. lis WV-st 'ilii Sy:«st i Now Yorli. U..S..\. as?6 9014 No. 8876â€" B«>y*s Suit. Price. Vi'ents. Knee trousers. Cut in 3 sizes, 'Z, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 requires, one material, without vest, 2 yards 3(i inches Vii^e, or I'.i yards 50 inches 89Z2 eit-C 0158 20, wide; trousers, cellar, cuff facing, !*« ! yards 27 inches wide, or 1 yard 36 inchea wide; one material, 2 U 'yards, | 27 indies \vi:de, or Iti yards 36 inches' wide. j .\o, 9190â€" Child's Dre.ss, Price. 20 Kairvllio. Sept. 30. U)02. Minanrs l.in!nie:-.l Co.. Limited. Dcsr Sirs. We wish to inform you that v.-e cosiiev your .MINARD'S LINI.VIIONT a very supericr article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore tlircat and chest. When I tcU you I would not be without it if the price w:is onVdollar a bottle. 1 mean it. Ymirs truly, Cll.VS.'F. TIL'VOX. Black Opals in Australia. V !io<l lit black opal at Tinteiibar, rear Balliua, Nov. South Wales, has FeelinK half-sick, bilious, consti- pated? Ambition way below zero'? Ue'.-e is help! 'I'l'ko Cascarets tc-:iight for your liver and bowels. You'll v.'ake up clear, rosy, and full of liTe. Ciscaiets act without griping or in- ccnvenieace. Tliey ue\ â- â€¢v sicken you like Calomel, Salts, O'l m- iiasty>harsh pills. They cosit so ii.ti^i tooâ€" Cas- carc'.-! work while yen sleep. ri â- ! Willi ' The Melbourne .\Ke stati; c'alms have alre.tdy been wide; with contrastitiif vest, 1% yards cents. Cut in sizes, t5 months. 1. 2, j caused nnich o.\cite;;ieut at Melbourne. " " • -" • • J ^jjj J. y^gfg gj.^^p .J i-oq;,ires, with j says a despatch. There has been a longr or short sleeitcs, l^ yards, 32 rush of applicants for miner's rights inches w.-de. or l'-^ yai-ds. 42 inches ; .,„,) permission to enter private lands. ^^v' ni-.j /•• 1. S-w ... „„' Thy Melbourne .\Ke states that nearly No. 91aH â€" (iirls Dress. Price, 20 , . , cents. To be slipped on over the '' """f ^" head; with shield; straijfht pleated j I'^Sged. skirt. Cut in ^ s.Ties, to 14 years. I " ^" Size 8, with long sleeves. 2% yards 36 1 MONEY ORDERS. inches wide; with short sleeves, 2% ! The safe»*ay to send money by m:iil yards 3t> inches wide. I is by Dominion Kxpress Mouey'Order. â- These patterns may be obtoinod j^eep sciaard's iiinimant la tbe %ousa. from vour local McCall dealer, or from **" the ivicCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, j Cured by Suggestion. 36 inches wiide. or Hi yards 50 inches wide; vest, % yard 27 or 3d inches wide. Nov 9014 â€" Girl's Dress. Price, 20 cents: Smocked or shirred. Cut in 6 si:ies. 2 to 12 years. SHe 8, wiith short sleeves, I'^-s yards 42 inches wide; contrasting, % yarii 36 inches â- wide; one material, long sleevea, 2''^ yards 42 inches -wid^ McCall Trans- fer Desiign No. 690. /Price, 16 cents. No. 8922â€" Litle Bi»y's Suit. Price. 15 cents. Cut in 4 sizes, 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. Sine 4 reijuires, waist, 1 yard 27 inches wide, or 'a yard 32 linches Mother's Coughs -and 'Colds Go Quickly She cannot afford to be sick and iicg'cct her housthcki duties. At tlie first 5\n:p- :oms she ;;;cparcs the way for quiclj rccovciy by tlic ^(r V _\ immediate iise^ of Gray's L-'rt'}y\ OS S>Tup-»a household preparation of si.\ty ^eais standing. Ihtt Lam* Sit* RED SPRUCE GUM , Let ''"Diinderine" save and glorify vour hair I In a few moments c*n t."an«- Use Cudcura to Keep Your Hair From Falimg How many liines have barbers given this advice to men who arc losine their hair because of dandruff and scalp irritatijaj. At night nib Cuti- cura Ointmeiif into the scalp. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Scap and hot water. A clean, healthy scalt means good hair. Iio*v 2Sc OinHnaal 2S aBd SOc. Sold throughout the Donn.iicjn. Canadian Depot Lirmana. Limitad, St, P«ul St., McatramL Si^Cuticur* Soup •hava* wtthout Bias. form your plain, dull, flat hair. \'ou iL'.n have it abundant, soft, glossy and fjl! o£ life. Ju.st gel at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Daa- derine" tor a few cents. Then moist- en a soft cloth with the Danderine and draw this through your hair taking one small strand at a time. lnstant» ly, yes, immediately, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will be a ma.'ts, so soft, lustcous, fluSy and 10 easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex- cessive oil is removed. Lei Danderine put more lit«, color, vigor and brightness i;i yonr hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair, and help your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beau'ilul. Dcpt. \V. F6r your table drink the safest, satisfying beverage is Instant Postum When tea or coffee disa^rees- ^'h&\ fussed-up nerves tell you "" that either is harmful - ' "^ order a tin of this ricK whole- some, sgtisfyin^ drink. Youli flf^d it both economical and pleasing. ^ Iheres a Reason' j>jatx--^i&. 'Ttgst3C3Eai}- ?t* ' -^'^^ *^g Can a iliuub iiiati be made to siieal; merely by being told that he must speak? Impossible though it may seem, cures have been effected by this means. • Lieiit.-Colonel Sir Frederick Mott, one of the foremost specialists in nei- vous diseases, claitns to have cured several dumb soldiers by suggestion. Five men who were mutes were sent to hlin after they bad been treated previouslv, and it had been suggested to them iSat they wei-e not going to get well. He took the fli'st ui.iii Into a room and told hiiu that ho never left a patient until ite bad cured him, "even If it took him a couple of hours." 'The doctor had recourse to a little galvanism on the man't throat, and asked him to count ten. At first he indicated that he could not. but after coughing his lips began to move. Then he was a.sked to name the days of the week and to sing "God save the King." Eventually he spoke; and the other four were also cured by this methoA. SAWYINC RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warnith-^iviiiK, congestioii- icattering circulation-stimulating rem- edy penttratcs nithoiit rubbing ri^ht to the aching spot and brings quick TcUef, surely, cleanly. .\ wonderful help tor external pains, sprains, strains, stifTncss. headache, lunibago, bruises. Get your bottle today â€" cost* little, means much. Ask your drugorist for it bv name. Keep it handy ior the whole family. Made in Canada. The big bottle is economy. 36c., 70c., Jl.lO. Sloan's 4SSUE No. 1 '-20 ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not .\spirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Th« name "Bsyer" «h Aspirin Is, of "E*vcr Tablets of .Aspirto" whIoK Uke (Kterliiig on silver. It positlvelT | c->nt*in» proper .iirrotion-i for Cold^ id«Btifle(i th« only ^|«niiln« A«pWn,â€" ! Headnrhc, Toothmohe Vurauhe, N««« th« Aspirin proscribed ky physkiaos | ralgi^ . liimbH^R, Fhcviiii". iain, NtnnV lor ov«r ninstosu years m^ Bowjtis. Joiul Pains, and Pa a generallj-, lukd* in Caoad*. j "^^ boxes of 12 tabli t« cost buft Alwaiys bujr aa unbroken pfkagt a few cents. Larger "Bay' r " j nckages, TWve Is oalf mm» AspiHak-^Vayoc'*â€" To« aa«st *%j ' Barer'' Aspi'tn 'a tlie trade .-nuiV (rc»l»i«r?fl tti Oi-ia^J.-i^ of H;i: or Mftnufa^ n* of Mono* â- oettonnltlMiw at Sfilir>'ll>:aaia WfeU* li la wall kprr n I'.im Atplrlii -nvan* nay*^ Bi«ui<i/*otarv, >« aw.st tb* *«bila •c^nat I -iltatlorr, t!i* 1 Kl>leia of Bii>«r Compuii VIII b« stanpod wi'.ti tb«lr (tntr*! uMe mark, ili* "Bsyvr CroM."

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