Â¥*^».i«t<#«<<«*V»»*4<-^''''''**'''"-'*''' â- â- - *â- •â- N-l ^ /lesh^rtun %inmu Vol 4«. No.38 Flestierton, Ont., February '^G 1920 KIMBERLEY (Last Week's Items) Misses £dith Camsck and Marion Fawcett are visitisf; friends in the ci'y at present. ' Mr. Rob Chard and sister, Miss Susie, of FleahertoD, viaited at the hoona uf Mrs. W. T. ElIU over Suuday. . MisaLulu Ellii is very ill at present Hope she will soon be out ag^iii. Little Mable Flood, the six ye^ir old daughter of our blackfruith Here, was severely burned one day last wcuk. While she and her little brother wtre playing upstiirs, she found a match and lighted it. In some manner her cloihts caught fire and htr left aim is severely Liarned. She has suffered great pain and has been unable to either eat or sleep well Dr. Henry of Klesherttn dressed the wounds and 'he little girl is getting along finr, but it will be souie tiiae before f>he is like herself agaio. Mrs. Ferguson and Dalton viaittd Rocklyn friends du Satuiday. Sorry t'> receive word from Ctimpbell- ford hospital that Stanley Liwrtnce i« very sick. Hope to hear of hii >p;edy recovery. Mr. Myers, who has bouzbt Ja«ptr Stuari'a grorery business, is bu»y draw- ing down seme wood. Our pastor eave us a euod sermon (n Sunday evenin:i. on " Gud is the »»me yesterday, today and fornver." We were p'eased to see the choir chairs »ll tilled up. The church is grea'ly improv- ed since baing redecorated. The tea n-.eeting and concert held en Monday evening was quite a success. The church was well tilled in spite of the stormy ni^ht. The program mis good. Mrs. Jasper Siaiirt v'sited Fiesherton friends a few days Use week. ~ Miss Souie of Duncan is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. Miss Viola Madill visited the parental- home at Duncan over the week end. Wedding bdls aie ringing. Has any one a house to let soon/ , JRWIN MO.HRIrfOy \\ ii'.'eu Ii*iii .\!niri-on, the luw Warden oi (jrey tJounly wa» Derti in the T(v»i !.bf) (if I) [>ri y 0;i ye,irs agi . He married M^ss Bowe?, also a native of that ti»oshp, and tbey have three diughters' all aL I.I me. He is on l>is fouttecinh y.'iir in li'e O.f.rcy Oi uncil, seven years in c unciilor. lie xm out uf the cuuiieil tcnjr^^aâ„¢ •ii" J h is beuu back bs Uftve now for tlid ibirii t:tno>- Be was »lsu R eve of ihe township in 189'), when the C'lUuty C.) unci! WHS co.iipoaed of com- missioners. Ui.s boiuu is not far from t'lVei.-haui. He is a strong supporter i>? g'lod loads and can I'e coeu'.et t-u Co rush ttj work 1 n Vroviiieial and C( ur ty roads during lOaO " VANDELEUR le (This Week's Items) Sunday was an ideal day after the stormy weather of the past week. Little Mibel Flood is slowly progress- ing tincc her accident. "Sir. Ernie Proctor of Jsepison and M iss Jf an McGowan of Durham, nre vihitlrg the former's parental home heie. Our ciimwuuity was ifieatly shocdtd to . heir of the death of Mrs. Will Hill < f Mat'iidale. Wo extend our sympathy to Mr.. Hill and l-.ttle family. Mr. Stxuley Lawrence is home fi< iti > Caiuplellfurd recuperating aftur a seveie iitlui'k of the tlu. Miss Lottie Stuirc left this week for her home in Buiks Falls. W^B ;^re' sorry to report Miss D..'l Aberero>»bie on ihn sick list. .\s u result the junior room of our public school is closed this week. Mr. Wui. Harris of Georgetown spent I'ho week end at his hoa>e here. '" Do.i'c fi^rnet the pravfr meeting at the 'oouie of Mrs, Rutk'dgo Stafford this Wednesday evening. Mr. Elmer Ellis and Miss L. Campbell spent Suuday at Eu^enis. < Mr. E mer Ellis, our new butcher for the summer, is busy putting in his ice. The ice isn't a very good nuality iliis year. , Mr. Jasper StUKCt c>)ptured two more f ,xes tne day las' week. We. I, till' .vii'- r itoes uo? seeui t .pe it.-!.'- UiUch yet . Jli». Lun-ly -Johnsfon is under the ucctar's caie at preseiit. Miis Leli.'i Wariing'Ras returned home after visiiiu^ tnendsat Traverston for a couule of we^'lis. j1?. Will RatclitFe h-\3 putchas-id a ntw driver. -There wag no serrice ~ti» I lie 3hurch here ou Sunday of la^t week on. r.ccoun^ of the very severe siorni. Mr. John Uiohurdson and Mrs. Rush were the gues's of Mrs. J. Ricb\rdsou .->ne day recently. The youivg people of thi« vicinity spent a lery [ilea»Mnl evenTTTiis Ht the h 'tne of Miss Nellie BjIh: d ou Friday t»'eninL', Fe\ l:?, A iarjo number in ihis vicinity are laid up with colds aid crlpp*. iMr. Shsijiei e^'angelisf. who wa? re- cently ill Flesh'ertnn, condijpied 3 service ill the ehuich heie Usl Wednesday i affftio n, Fe'j 11. The .'yinpathy of tho community if extended to the many friends of the la'e Wui. Hutchinson, s.ou of ihe la'e Geo. Hutchinson, whT p^.'sed awny recently at his Uoiiie '11 Mirkd<-lrf. Mia. Shui Gilbert is reovoriiig from her recent illness. PORTLAW The uewo of tb« death <f Uev. Wui. G ludin cast a and gloom i.ver^this com- munity. He was pas!(M' of this circuit a few years a.;<i at.d Ms kiiidn''ss of heart and fiiitbful, eaineisi niii stry won the esteetta of nil who were privileged to come within the scupo of his preaching and iiitluuiico. His wife, who is a sister of Messrs. J. J. and W. H. Li 1 tie, has, with lier twi sons, the deep sympathy of all in their g eat loss Mr. und Mrs. W. J. Jamieson are boll- recuveiiug from <iuile a setious i;l!ies», â- Mr. Thonm Phillips is impri'ving after undeigoin^ treatuiei't at Collinij- woo't hesp'lal. Wo uiulersland thnt Mrs. PbiHi|Ki and two of the family »i'd now her traveling suit and was given away by J aUlictid with scarlet fe>er. Surely th^ y her father, while little Miss Eixibeth , ij.,va iijii- f^n ^haro of trouble. B,n.ham pl.yed the Wedding March. I m„. j^^.g Upward of Rock.yn and The ceremony was perf,.r«cd by Rev. C. I j,j^^ ^, j ,j,„, ,.„ ,f Harkaway visrod A. Belf.y, the Methodist, pastor. After | ^.^,^ »i,h.A.r». Robert Hannah, congratulations all sat down to a dainty Wood- •Ben tham Ou Saturday, Feb. 21, at hiith noon; the homo of Mr. and Mis. Richard Ben- tham WIS the scene of a happy event, 'when their daughter, ZelU J , wav^united jn mairinijeto Mr. C R. Wood of Cad- illac, Sask. The briJs was dressed in Terribly Sudden Death Mrs Will HiU Passes Away At Owen Sound Hospital Terribly sudden and lad was the death of Mrs. Will Bill of Markdale. which took place in the maternity section of Owen Sound hospital on Sunday morning last. Mrg. Hill was laken to the hos- p tal on Thursday last and on Suuday moi ning an operation was lound necessity and this the patient was unable to sur- vive. The bat)e, a l>oy, is livii.g. Mrs Hil; wa4 the second daughter of.the late Aaron Munshaw of Fiesherton, and in her youth was one of the brightest and most loveable ):irln in the village Her death is a terrible shock to her many very warm friends here. She Uaves, bes:dea her sorrowing husband, two little g rls, one an invalid from spinal trouble, and tte newly born infant ; also one sister, Mrs. B. Wdton of Fleslierton. Mrs. Hill was 25 years of aae. The funeral took place to Markdale cemetery on Tue.«day afiernOon. CEYLON PROTON (^toruil>ettnd Last Week) Our school is closed foz« few days on account of the illness of the teacher, Miss Uundle. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .\cheson visited their daughter, Marjorie. at Brewster's Like. Mr.s. J. C._iVright and Mrs. H. G. Becker have been til and Miss Ada Aoheson was unable tu resume her duties at W'areham. The youDi.' bank here is doing a tlouri'iliing business u.ider the competent mauagement of Mr. Forstei, The new furnishiugs, which have lately bee'i in- stalled, add greatly to its comfort and attractiveness. We predict for it a pros^erou-s future. The severe storm of last Sunday caused a disappointment to the Presbyterians, wheu Mr. McVicar's farewell service bad to b.i cancelled. Mr. Harold ^Thompson went to the c.ty last week. ,His wife intends to join h'm lateiu- The Forward Movement canvassers of the Presbyterian church hive surpassed their objective. MAXWELL A sha jow uf gloi'Ui has been east over the viltoKe and comrauuicy by the sudden death of one of our l<righto.st i«nS mo3t prepossessing ; ouni; resideiits, in the person of Miss GertruJe Seeky, especi- ally in th' p..rwh of St. Maty's .Anglican church, where the has been a msmbec since chihihooJ, and for the past five or six years ?lie has been an ar.^eut and brilliant worker, where hir remains have been laid to xest m the shadow of Mut editiee most sacred to her, and where last VVedn.'sd.iy the l.f.le white casket \v»». most teiiderly bi-riie mid a lor'^e gathering of lereavtU fiieuds and ac- quaiuiaiices and occupied a position before the chancel and »> close- to the one where she had been such a familiar figure at tha organ or in ihe choir, and where she w.U be s«> sidly missed by all. The church was full ai d the service, which was ci-n lucted here and at the gmve by her rector, the Rev. Wm. BlackweU, was most touching, and one long to le le- ineiiiberoJ, aud in which the highest tnbuUi Was piid to h^r striking :\ua!itiea, bright aud oliauifa' c luuienauce aud ibe good uirtuence evidenced thereby. .Among the H <ral tributes wa.>» a beaut ful wfeath from the youn,' pe >ple "t this pari>h. wNKlding dinner. Among the numerous gifts was a tea set of china from Mr. K. ti. W. Hickliog, and an all linen table clotn and fcrvieites from the staff, wih whoni she bsj been identified for some t,iuie. Mr ai d Mrs. Wo' d left on 'he 4 20 train for their home, near Cadillac, nmidsl confetti and nd'A wishes for u lurg, h'tppy and useful life. Mr T.J. Dev.tsis visi ins friend? at Mirkdale. MAIL CONTRACT SE.XLKO TKNOKKS addresseil to the I'listiijaBter lleneral will tw receive! a« Dttawa until noon on Friday, tiie .''th of March, 1920, for the eouveyanco of Ui.s Majes'.y's Mails, ou a proposed Contract for four years, six times i>er week on t'oo n>ute PK'iTON STATION R. K. X.>. 2 ^ from the -Postuioster (.ienerol 8 pleasure next-, ,,,,,, ,, J .1 V ! Prhited notices containing further iiifomia- Hi'^s turner addressed Mount Zmn , ,j„„;^, j,,,^,,,^;,.;,,,,, ^f prot<o»e<i eo-itract oi»y ! Sunday schol a week ago Sunday »rd l)» seen aud Wank forms of Tender ni.iy be I , \, , • J ,, tbt.ain».l at the PosiOBics of I'n.ton .Stafi.m I als> i,aT=v a much apprecraed t»lk at , ami at the oHiee of the Post Olfico Iusp«.tor, I L'sgne last Tniirs'lay o'ght. She is the jTroroiito. _. i «n.»«t of Mrs. Eai! 3 at the parsonage. A. SUTHKRL.VNIX ' XI I till- . k I PosHMfice Insptctor Mis JaoK's U II n v sit'ut' nerdiu^ , , . ,,a.^ ' I .. iM^, lu«i>ector» Otnce, ttr, Mrs J»iu><8on. i'oMnto, Jan. 23id, l!fi!0. ' A bad accident occurred here Wedncs day afternoon of last week, when the snow plow was clearing the snow from the .'tock switch. A window on the ensine cab blew open and the fireman, Mr. Price, hearing the noise stuck his head out to se>> what was the matter. Bavin<j reached ou-': too far, while passing the cattle ::hut^ he was stiuck on the head, knocking him senseless and cutting a g'jsh about two and a half inches long on the side of the bead, causing a heavy hemorrhage .4 doctor was ca led aud on his ai rival the super- intendent and road master, whc boib happened to be present, ordered the train men to rush him to Owtn Suund hospital, which was done. Ho did Ui t regain conscjousness until ariival tbere. Latest reports are that he is doitg fine. Mr Angus Foibe.°, who was conductor en the triiiii, says this is the first accident to happen any of his men while cut on Ivis lun in 21 year.---, which ia a Hiie record. Mrs. Archie McMulI; u visited. Proton Station fiienrls last week. Mrs. Jotin Mellvetn ;.nd babe of Owen Sound visited her untie and auul here, A, Hazard and Mrs Corrigan, la4it week. Mrs. Thomas Irwin spent the week er.d witti Markdale frienos. Mrs. Crarlcs Hodc'^tn and two chil- dren of- Tory t. to ate visiters at T. Chis- leti's. R. Cook was nut in Collingwood T«p the tirst of the week on c^ustubutary business, Mr. Edward Sargent went to tlwm Sound on Satuiday nights train lo attend the funeral of bis son, Isaac, who passt'd away at; New Liskeard on 'he 10th inst. The remains wt^re brought to Owen Sound ju Monday noon ttain and interred in ihe cemetery ihere. Royden Gi'uson spent the wce't ecd with Toronto friends. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cargo of S'.-:rLdale visited with the lattet's parents, ;â- . and Mrs. Uobt. Fisher. Miss Belle Howard spent the [.mst week wi.h her sister, Mrs. Bob Croft. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Sam Croft aud Sir. aud Mrs Ned Croft visited with relatives on the 4lh line. Miss .\nnie Qctts visited a day the past weeTi with friends in Flesheitou. Mr. aud Mrs.^ecil MoDiighan vis ttd last week wit\ the la'.ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous. Mrs. .11m Russell visited ^ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, at Eui;enia. We are sorry to report J!r. Th< .<. Fisher under the doctor's ere, but hopu for a speedy recovery. Mf E. Kennedy of the west visited the uast week with his sisters, M <. Dave White lud Mis, Isaac Smith. Ontario Rural School Fairs During tlio year 1911) ilie Oii'ir.o Deptr'.iuent of Agriculture, throuah its ai;ricul'ural lepreser.tatives, distributed seeds aud eggs to TS,"J4»> pupils in .â- J,'i"8 rural schools of the province. R S. Duncan, B. S. A., writing in the -Auii- cul'ural Gazette fur January states that the folliiwiiig ijuantities were d;stril u'eii: LS90 bushels (>f potatoes, 402 lushels of grain, 12,075 packages of toot sirde, ;3lJ,7lJO pai kagea of vftget.-ible seed.*, 21,1H)0 pickhiiss f rtowcr Sutds md 11,U4''< dozens if eg,;8 of a breed-to-lay strain of Barred Ptymouih R icks.^ These figure* give sciui' i'!ea of lie niagiii'uJe of the school fiur muvenieiit in Ou'aiio. The fii.sc school fair was organ'zed in 1009 wi'h three scho'ls taking par,. Pen years later o.i" rural .'chool fair.s were held in the province aud the pupi!.s ha.i «!).S48home plots and made lll.tj2:i eniiies. It is esMuiatcd tl a' about 250 people siw the first school fair in which 5A. pupils took ' part, while last fall 92,000 children and 107,51K) adults attended ihe SL-hool fairs in Ontario. This is truly a wonderful growth. In Memoriam Mrs Anoie Seeley and family are desirous of expressing their heartfelt itriktitude to their many fi'e.ids for their deep sympathy and loviutt kindness rendered in their trouble aud sal hs- teavemonf^ccisii nod by llio loss of their loved one, Geitrude May Seeley. FINE JEWELERYBatesBurialCo. BL'SINESS AS USCAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stock Embalmers of .Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. t>u^_ ifii ... -^ z: o and when you Lave see., them 3 utt P^OIie HlllCfeSt 268 will be sure to buy. Watch re- 1.24 AvcnUC Road, pairing !i specialty. A fall line ^ F.hotographic snpflies Toronto, Ont Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, ail t \\r o ,. d km jj i -, , f K , , , c, J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, sizes of kcdacks and films. . ' President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworth s W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FIESHERTON, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone Of wiiteâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, ONT Ospi-ey Tcl. system Maxwell P. <>. The Fiesherton Grocery Flour & Feedâ€" Koy 1 Hoj.-.^ehold and White Lily Hour. Oats, Wheat, Chop and Bran. Seedâ€" Order yonr Tiniothy, Clover iseed, stc, now. We e.xpect our seed to arrive the first week in March . Groceries â€" Mince ^Nleat-. Prunes, Figs and Dates in bulk. We are continuing the profit sluuing system. 'Confectioneryâ€" Xeilson's Ice Cream in bricks. Maraschino Cherry Chocolates. Also a good a!-.-:ortuient of other Candies. J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down SI Son Fiesherton, Ontario L^â€" ,â- â- ^â- l/.v^riS^^^^v^v^^rsv,';;^1l^â- '7i^t1;;-y£^ ^ Spring Announcement \V. L WRIGHT wishes lo announce ti) the public tb^t he b:i£ just lecetvtfil a tpring consigumetit i.f Mju's »nd Ladieh' Biiots aiiit Shovs, Rubbers lo tit iny shape bcot, Lon^ Kubbtr B lotb. Fleet Fo">t White W^ire in all styles for men, luJios, mis.teg, boys and youths. Peabody's And Bull Dof; Over&lU and Saiccks. Woik Shirts, new liue of Men's Shirts and Bulbriiiiiaii Underwear, Ties, Callars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. A freth stock ofOroceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goois. lu the Millinery Deportment yon will-find Mrs. Wright with a coinp'e'e stock of Ladies' Huts Kibboiis, L-.-cos and Vmls. Call and inspect our lines. SiU;i'»faction guaranteed. Hlyhest prices p»ic f"r Butter and Egi;s. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fiesherton NOTICE If you want anything in the iniple-i munt line. Call ou H. Knott, .VIarkdale,i as he sells all (ells all Deeiius iinple-^ men s, Gasoline Engines. Sini;er Sonint; Mschine, D. L-ival Cream Sepantortt In tHct a'.ytbiug and everything in the line i>f linpleineuttat reasvu.ible prices. ! Satisfiiction guatanteed. Hl'GH KNOTT, Agent, Markdale, Ont,| Flesl:ier»t;on #^ Tonsorial V- Parlors We .Aim to QtT« Kiitire Satmfactiuo LAUyURYâ€" B.»,*Uet >oe widny nixht, delivery Friday ev CLEANING and DYEING- We «r» .agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C!othe* e-\n<»<l and dyed. fpHthers reTU"en«ted T FISHER. -PROPRIETOR