Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 3

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1.1 ' ^« fa£« of I'regBaiit Ev.'e«. j The P/lantLng of shrubs ia ci>nier» 'ihe chief item^ of propuv manage- 1 improves the apr.earanuo of the farm- liitnt to be i-enietnbereil and put inta'^^^^'^- - practise by the ^^oung slienherd are ^^0""^ uiicas art tu bu advocated, that pregnant eives must havo plentv! -^'' builih;gs aad fences should be of exercise, must be kept rfry, and^-^^pt painted and in t-'O'? â- â- eparr at must have such' fj-d that tht-ir Wvelil ''1' times, v.illt be' aotiive. i Concrete waik,= fi..... .\...l ;o house Ewes ca.T not stand wet or damp ^nd frcrc the barns to th? house will beds, anil sofar as Dossibia shourd be'^li'=2"'ate th.? tracking of tiirt into protc-ted agair.it -wetting bv' i-aiii or the hou=i'. lu ma'.;inif walk?, it is wi-se Enow. They reed not have hot. rlose ''-' exe.'.avat'j from eight to ten inches ClOEKiy wateh and cater :c iha appe- ;i:ei rf fowN. Just wiiat wouUr be i-igiit for cue flov-U might hi wvciii; for another. It ij always vvcli to hu . e the fowls parti'a!'y hungry. This will iaciuce thern to scratch, s^.'a-atchingr is the Iwst ^^-ereise for h»ns. To be'^iidi'iially rh.,ii'^i;;a; tho biil of fai-e hurts egg production instead of benefitting: it. Have one system of feeding, but let that" system contain a.s much variety as po:iib!c. Parity of food is important. Overfeeding is not leading well. \V hat a he»i is able to digest and as sirailate, and not what she ^^^/; Xâ€" ix w^ f :VTER\ .VTION .VL LE.S.SON' Kebruary l^. Pe!er ^Vrileii About Cliristiaii Living. 1 Peter 2: I .». II. 12. \^-t^. Goideii Text â€" 1 .Joha 2: «. !.-.">. Layinif .\!>ide A.U Malice. Peter is exhorting Xx> pure and hon- orable living, stich as is becoming to the fo!Iov,-ers of Jesus Christ. Malice toward thsir enemies or persecute rs. deceit, envy, false pretence, evil eals, speaking â€" all are to be put away by scabKng, but must be prote;;ted and fill in witii from four to six against cold windis driving hard over incliea of cinders or rimiia.i- material, snov.-. Such winds may blind aa en-'^^-^ tamped to mak- a good base. t.re flock in a single d.'^v. j On top Cl this pkico tiirep and one- â-  To insure e.xsrcise when the sno.v '>^'^ inches of concreto tamped in 13 daey, use a snow -plow and open ! P'^*^"'- 'i"'' '^ ^^P "^""'^ <^^ one-ha"if inch a patii to a (ji^tant field to which the "*' ''c-ment mixed in the proportions sheep mav walk. There furnish them' "*' "^"^ P^'"-- ^^ csment to two of sanil. witli hay ill racks, or "if the snow isi'^'-'*^ ="a^e' foi" concrete shouid be well, not deep scaUer it over a wide area. g'^'a<ied 1 1 size.> from one-fourth-inch as that encourages exercise by in- ""^ one-Iccn, and for this matoria! the crca.siBg the wa-.king'. When cregnant P'"-'?"^'"*-'^'"* '^-^-â- ' ^^''^'^ -^ one part ewes have to walk, thay stimulate "^'"letK, th^ree of sand and six of heukhy circulation of their blood, and ?''ava!. Pocrcr materials should havo thus keep their excretory organ? in a rk-iier mi.xturs. The top coai should active eandrtiou. SljjrgisJi livers and ^'^ i,i-owe!ed »-> drive it into th» con-, kidneys cause absorption into the ^''-^ h^-.e. ^ \ bloo<i o; poir-ouGUS matters called It- will uo- be nofjlLle to iu;lude all toxin?. aiK! thsse readily kjli sheep. '>^' *^^'^°'' °'-"-'^^*-°''^ 'â- '^ ""^ f*""**«^'5'' *" ' 10-sMp shouM be makes both egg.s and flesh. The prin- cipal requirement of a h^n is a bal- arcod raricn and regular feeding. ".A. feast to-day and a famine to-morrov.' ' will upset the best of layers. If tiie stock is dcing weil under one system of deeding;, it is a mistake to make a change. - - ^ Careful calculations show that a fov.i will eat,_on an averagi . three • ounces of the morning ~mash, two ounces of giain at noon and four those w^ho have tasted of tiie grace and loving-kindness of Jesus. They are as babes growing up in the fam- ily of God, desiring "'the sincere milk cf the word,"' that is th'..' pure gospel of the life and teaching of the Lord. by which their own life will bo nour- ished anife will grow strong. By a change of figure th.;y arc represented as being built with Christ into the walls of "'a spiritual house,"' or. as St. Paul puts it. "an habitation of God in the spirit" (Eph. 1: 20-22). The ideal is Chat of a house or temple ounces of grain at night. However, ^f humanity, ordered and perfect !n there can be no set piles for feeding, all its parts, in the midst of which Like human beings, fowl:, very in ' God will dwell â€" a redeemed and glori- appetite. We must anproximate the ' tied humanity. Jesus Christ, the amount. The quancity'must be deter- i torner-stone of this house, thou-'- mined according to cht object in view, Some fowls can exist and be prolific on almost half for others. When this i? noticet' m' priesthood. a pen. it is advisable to cut down the! chief, offering the sacrifice and ser- I patience is the Christian's duty; it i is imleed to this he is called; fee so j did Christ Himself suffer. • I Who his own self bear our sins. It i was as though He, the sinless one, h.vl taken uppn Himself I'm guih c: , our iin > ami suffered fcr cs, or as i though I-fe fiad <• arered into the midst of our corrupt ami sii ful life, endur- ing all the paitt that it could inflict upon Him, that He mijfb'. lift us to His o'.vn purity iinj fi;rhlneis of liv- ing, ''thatSre bei.ig dead ta oin shooIJ iive untj rigli'eousness." j- Thi.; whole passage is reminiscent ot the ;fi"-at pr-'plitcy of the strffjr- ine i-ervarit tf Jchovali in T-a. 53, which shoulil be read in â€".••-,:â- â-  â- .vith'chis lesson. Veniilation of barns ia caver more important than when tliey are closed during i:o!d weather. • Try tt few speeial'.ies when order- 'n% i'STTn. and giirden s«cd. Try cne new vegetable each year. To., remove the cc::t'ng from stove- pipes and chimneys, c e to buniing green -siood, dissolve a.r~laked lime in water until the water will tuke up no more. Then apply it with a v/hite- wash brush to the i.".;:ide of the heal- er flues and smoke-pipe. Remove the smoke-pipe and apply it to the base of the cL'mney. Put back the pipe arsd start a fire. The tat-like substance v.'ill drop off the flues, or. can easily be scraped uff. EVIDENCE tfi-.it pay^to FERTILIZE A'.«razt of •95 tmx%' Ma- saltii OB Wii«a( Xnnlts on Pa- *I>ca|r TUBS Scsrma ou Com 96 Y«a.-s t.'-t .la^ Xn ;>:, 5-ii-B on Sn»«r Be«'. I .rtJBsiJ. Sl>t r«f.. . Insula. . .-.i-ia and Vir«inia. averngtd. Soil auic *Test» of 0'- !av.-a and Oii'.i, a^eraenl. T t'est iit ileno- Tiiiee 5)<;booi of -â- 'CTIc Mi h. Crop Improvement Bureau Of t*:; Cs'S'iian rer':!i:er Aas'n 1111 Temple 'ii'.i^. ^ -irzv.z-i, Oni. -w-e Vapis-;.;^a:- u:cn;:ls ip will soon be dripping. Seed corn tested â- ! i not tn' a.vay. Planting timi: I rejected of men. is chosen of God, and . - „_^ ,.,. .,,.^.,r, j ««ch life of faith is joir.ad with Him n e.v:st ana t^ P'^'^'V'^: in the growing wails. Again the fi- what would Le needed tg^^^ changes to that of an "holv ruen this i? noticed m' priesthood," of which Christ is the All Ehe?p ii<:€d exercise -in winter; ^'^'- "' liit keen pregiuint ev.as out; cf brush ^'-^d. and we;J patclies. ' Ma.iy cf our readers, uo doubt, are v.ell awavet'r.ata horie is liable to an attack of asoturia. characteriued by dark-l>ro-.vn urine, sveilin^? and hTvu- ening of the ii!U..l-!c3 of the loins, hip»- and thighs and paralysis cf the hind legs, w-'ncn he go3s to woik ffcer hav- ing; beeti kept in for a ;;ay i â- â-  two ai.d^ fed heavily on ost.^. VVe ar? con' vir.oed that many cas3s cf par- slyfis in hogs are caused iij ex- actly the same way; and many pregnatil ewe way. ^ l-'ruit Trees Along She Highway. Why not plant fruit trees instead 01 maples, elders, jwp'ais and oaks along the highways? Of course, you will raise the objec- alfowance to meet the demaiKi. More fowls are overfed than un-! derfed. While ovcrfewUng has its bad effects, underfeeding is enually bad. .A.n underfed hen may receive sufficient food to sustain the body. b',!t there is a lack of material for vice of good lives upon the altar of consecration. 11-12. .Viistain from Fleshly Lusts Which War Against the Soul. Thc-ie is no teaching here of unnatural ab- stinence or iijoetic self-denial, but only an earnest exhortation against such indulgences as are distinctly egg making. The first food a fowl hurtful to mind and huart, and sui. ii takes goes toward the building up of as either militate against a man's t.ion that if fruit trees gi-ew , along wast^ tissues, and the surplus to tiie v^n best life or uiiiit him for service are pci'^oned in the highway, the fruit -i\-ou!d be stolen. But what of tiie fanners' fields oi' corn, melons, potatoes, other vsgetakles and fruits? Joint ownership, eon m'-.r.ity inter- that *^''' Pi'olic ouinioT and a little healthy â-  fear of the law. all combined, wcv.ld making^ of «gg's or the (viality of food. fat. according to Timothy iiay is migiity p'ocr stuff /^V;?"^'' '^°''=*%-' Pwie'^t'-f 'â- ToPs fcr a pregnant ewe. So is swale asid slough cr marsh hay. It only bluffs the belly cf a beast and, by distend- Ligr the puiinch, overworks the liver «-ud tends to catise ccnstipatioa and breaking down cf tiia liver. Feed sheep ou good clover hay, or uii'aij'r. hay and clover hay. and add two pounds per sheep each day of The trees should be planted a:id^ kept under t'aie jurisdicnon of the' Pvov'ncial Agrieukural Departm.ent. In cities, town.? cr villages, the jur- isciiction could be vested in the ioca] council, the fruit within its bouiidar-' ies then being vesei'ved for its. iniiabi- tants. 1 ^^^ ell- Xrransied Fields Lessen Crop Costs. Investigations show that well-ar- ranged fields and farms generally produce crops at a lower cost price than where no particular system of lield management is carried out. Weil-arranged farnis also br'ng a 'ffigher price upon ^he market, par- ticularly where the fields have easy access to the farm buildings or to highways. The arningenient of many to others. The high ideal of thi Christlike character is set bi'fi>re tiu eyes of the followei-s cf Christ. Peter addresses them as strangers an-d pilgrims, people who live only for a little while here upon the earth, who have htre "no continuing city but seek one to come." The goal of a'! good life lies on before, and it is wortii a little present self-denial to make sure of tt:e eternal and erioriou*" trea:siire of the city cf God. Moreover >hey. who are Jewi- Curiscians. live among (jenciles who speak against thtm and regard then as evildoers.- It is only by upright and blameless life. Lj- "good worses which they shall behold." that t'ney. A.^ for li'sposing of the fruit when roots cr .s-umd silage to regulate the "â- '!"â- â€¢ *^''* =^ '^* easiest part of the bowels. I^ou't feed old. weathered' *''"''''' P'*"- "^"^i and I «»u!d cer-' fjddtr ci- CJjarse straw. Do no- allow' '^'^'^^â- ^' '"^ °'^ ^""•'' "'' ^''® -''"'^''^' ^'â- '<^"' the ewes "to yst ,mto a fat. flabbv con- ^. cition. laiey should he kept muscu- ' ^°'-''^ *"'^ ^"'' tion to bid in somo of tiie best trees, mine, your children farms is due to accident, a field here can be i.onv'noed. and may them.jclves and there being laid out as the for- ''c le<l to glorify Gcd when their time ests were cleared away. Many were la'"d out when farm woric was iaxis with hand implements ' and small hr a! ail tiiiws. a.-td with bowel"' »"«'' >- '^'-'' ''"'^'^ "'^h his or her own active; to this end it usually ii neccs- i '"*'^''^-'^°' ''* ^^ J«s"'lie--- preserves, pies sary to supply some few! other than! °*' *^*-"'^^' '«'«'"•'' ^'-^o ^« on hand to roi-ghag'^ and roots cr sila.ge thatj^'^^P "'*'^^ *^® proper selection. nnik may be plentiful for the svs-l ''^ certain per cent of the fruit Itnance of Iambs. For tiiat purposf! ^^^"^"^ ^'^ to the provincial an.! city nothing is better than a mixture of j <^''=**'^'*^''' '"^''"^"*''°"^- "^"^^ »'«*' ^--iVLVK whtlo or crushed oats, ^vheat-brani ?* ^'^''''°"*'' "^'^ '^'* ^*^^ ^'S*'*''t bidder.! of trial .-"id temptation ccni3S. l9-'25. I'or Conscience Toward Uud. - If a man for coiiscience sake suffer. ,. , , , ii is "a creditable and honorable thirg. fielus were no disadvant.'.ge at that â-  acceptable aa a stcjice re.idered tuj time. \ God. To bear such sufferiv.g with and oilmeal, and some shelled corn may be adde<i in co-Id v.eatbt-r. Keep pregnant ewes quiet and free from alai-m. Only use a dog that th.o ewes know and trust; he should not TiTe householdf especially where; there are children, would be given ' first c'noice. If one family could not afford to purchase tiie whole crop on ' one tree, or would like a part of scv- be a heel-nipper or loud barker. AUJ^''*' •^'â- ff«"-"P"t frwit, treesrthen several worii with ewes should be very gently ^amriies could clu\ together and poo! done. The sheuheitd will have to lose '''^'^' ''"•'«»*==• -^f^e'' f^e householder^ some sleep every night during lamb-'''"" ^^^ choice, the f.^rmers who wish! ing time, so that no ewe sliall die or' '"^ market the fruit, would be given; have lamUs die from iadi of timely'*'" opportunity to bid for tht.'r share' attention. . j •" the crop. \ _1 I The price would be so regulated by, Location of Farm Buildings j '^"^ committee in charge of the auc-i Location of farm buildings is of tl.e' """ «'"**'»«'« could be no profiteer- \ greatest importance. Manv steps are' "'^ ^^''^ *''° property of the commun. . wasted daily because of poorly locat-^ '^^\ P^ ,"""1^^ reaVzed snould be, ed buildings. A different problem'"*^'' '°^''f '«"-', ""^^^ ^^'^ "^'^ is present en different farms, so tha' '>.''^'-'- ""'' ^''^ salaries of tn* provm-f it is impossible to lav down hard and '"^' *''" ^?''" ofticvals who have the; fast rules for locating farm buildings '-'l^ 'V'l^""*^' , . i Local conditions, such as natural , V"-' ""^-"^ ''â- *^^'' '*^ P^^"'^ *'*>«« *•»«! drainage or slope, will affect the lo- "â- 8^'^^'''?y' m^teacl of shade tree.s. are. ' cation to a ?reat extent. Here are *??!««• chenies. pears and nut-bear-; some suggestion for the location and '"^ *^*''**' '^'^^'^ *^*" ^® planted in: arrangement of farm buildings: ! '^^'â- t»"> "umbers, or alternated as the; The farmstead should be convcni. ^^'''n^''? -"""i ^'c^'^'hlions are favorable.! Yc» RiQ'.iire a Gurd-rn to Rta\'^ th4 Hiik Cost o/Lif'nS RUCE'S SEEDS unll do ihj /at. They .lot only (Jrow, 'rut also produce ihs lar^e^t a.id bc>t crops. Free for the a?;. 1::?. Cvir li'-jviine c t.itcet'.e of Pluut^ Bulbs, PiMiltry Siipptic c;c.. Uready. Write to-Jay. *.'.ard?u Imi)Iemcut», JOHN A. BRUCE & CO. UJfllTED Hamilton OnL. t>.t^ Lli.AO.ALL QUAUTtt with respect to th-a ciitiv located fields. The . f armstetid sliouid be nc.ir improved road. an .Notes on Various Subjects. Probably die best too! protector and| This planting should be left entirely i to the discretiort of foe provincial, agiiicultural experts who have the| necessary knowledge aiid are the pro-! Tlw barnvard and loU should be' P**" ?«"'>"* 'o exercise authority, to- 1 well draineil. either by natural dfain- B«t|ier with a local committee â- 'â- .•om' acre or tiles. ^ | f«^*^ commu: -y. Eave troughs eniptyiit?: into drains * i or cisterns will eliminate much mud in barnjf.rds. .'Vn expose;! hill is iindesira'ble, but a south slope is to be desired. , i'af*>"ing-fase fcr a small kit may bej A timber windbreak is valuable oji ^^^^ Jn the shape of a roll from a!. the north and west of the farmstead.' P'^'* of leather or leather s«:>stitute| The buildings should be grouped having a napptvi or fleecy hack. i around a central courtvard. ( ^*®t '^e sharpness of the tool by| The corn-crib and g»-anaiy should drawing it across the thick of tho| be convenient to the barn and hog- thumb, to see if it takes hold of thej houses. i *1""_. ^i ^o^- then it is not sharp; but A water supply must be av'ailable. '^ sharp, it will take hold enough tOj Running water in house, barns and c^tch the skin, and care nuist be yards is a great convenience. .__ j taken or a deep cut will result. | Barnyards should not face the When a tool has been hs;ned, draw! liouse or road. - ] th? corners across the hone once or The l«arn and yards should be front ^^^'i^''" to round the svpiare corners.; 150 to 200 feet "from the house, and ^'* â- ^^''" rr«''"<- nt the corners makiiigl not ill tuie direction of the prevailing * scene or mark on, the surface of the' winds. j ^^"ood when it is cut o;- planed. j The hou.3e .-houUl be set well back N^^^t time you have a job of put-j from the road to avoid the dust. ; t''>*t in a wioiiow-iight. make your The house should comnumd a wew' own putty. .Mix Portland cement with of the bai-n d.'or, the fi-ont ciitrnnce' J'^^l encisrh linseed oil so it will be i isiL_|p #^ â- #ii t&: PRETTY good milking you will admit! Yet it is by no mean? unusual fcr one man with a Macartney double unit to milk a herd of this size in less than an hoar. What this means in dollars and cents is easily illustrated. The average person milks about S cows ia an hour, '^y hand. Figur- ing wages and Ixv.id at 25 cents an hour, handmilking one cow costs about 3 cents or 73 cents for the cntiie herd. Twice .1 day for 365 d.ays means a wage cx;>cr:sc of S547.50. At 25 rent* r..» hour the labor cost rer cow witii the Macartney Milker wx>rks out at 1 cent, or '2o cents per day. Twice a day the year 'round this would mean a milking c»3t of $182..50, or a jfarly saving ot" $30,1.00 through t'.ie l:^e of Cie Macaitney Machine Milker. Simple tijitim liUi very txprewive Ajsd rtmem". tT t^iat Macartnt^y n:«ii-» proht in tH''er viays. U ir.euns cio.-? milic per cow. Ioniser lactaucn period*. KM hired t'.c^p and more time tor o'hrr important uork la the fieltls. from the read, and the central court- yanl. The shop ai:d implement shed t-houlj be h;ir..ly to botli hru-^c and barn;:. The voiiUry house may be nearer i crumbly under the kaife. This mix- ture sticks to g'ass and wooil, stay* wliere you put it arid never dries out s^ h.i.vd as regular putty. "9 -- ,If the silo is empty, refill with the ho.;se than the other buildings,' shock fuddc* run through the silatrv but sh. fid 'i>e so placed, if iwsslWc,! cutter. The operaiion ia the same asl ""•'"^0 chJvkcns will not ovemm the filling from the field, except that I yav.l. water is add«d. ' the ^iaca^tncy Machine MHleef '^ a rf'jt niooey making iBveacmeiit. You are losing mofMy xvitiiout it. You gain !n e'-'crv- way tthen yoa adorl it. Fr«« Particular! FLKlter infonnaf'i-,n c..^tK-entint the M.i-ort- ney Mac^!ne W^IWer wiU te mailed >au po receipt of iJ'e at;acli«i coupon tilled iu aa indicated. Ikfs Inrorir.. *ioa will not ohltgate \"0t4 in any w»y. Even li you are t>ot cott- teinplatiiiie an immediate pui\''.a»o ovir Lie.-atiite w '.l pro-'c helpf'.il an I vntetesUag. The Macartney Milking Machine Co. Limited SI« CATHERINE ST. OTT-VUfA / ^^, (B V The Macartney Milklni Machine Co. I imlted OTr.\w.V I'leuaaaenJ Die full porticulara about th* .Ma.-axtnay Mactaina f i MllkM E-very Crop Cjred for Farm prodacis wili fefcji good prices in 1920- -fertilize freely! Gii;:!i3 liisu-graiie SHl'H-GALN r'ci-ulii Jis w. to eash ia on. Grow more uoUars and -cscw. no^-. : g;vo vou ijcjiuper crops Order your SHUr^-GAlN Don't Delay â€" Ou: Stock is Going Fa^t SHL'RijAlN usars oiteu re- port $3 or $4 gain for every $1 spent on it. Why not ge: rlifi! yourself? Cs»^ riHUR-G-UN -a formula for every cr.^p. Interesting literature s'ad': ^«nr i"i • - quest. GUNNS LIMITED We>*t To.-ontu t''so-e3t-it:i» ,»3 '.Vi r- .J r»T't? MARCH ALONG RUSH YOUR RAW FURS March 1st is Last Beceiving Date lor the Great March Sale When on. the morning of March 22 this first great Canadian sale begins, as hundreds of buyers from the United btates, Great Britain, France and Canada, eagerly outbid one another for the finest average furs ever assembled at any sale â€" then you'll be glad you have your furs on our floor. And as, day by day, lot after lot is sold and you realize yen are getting more for your furs than ever before, you will resolve always to send afl of your furs to the GREAT PUBLIC â€" to t!v>s great, big, Hotttc market specializing in fresh, original, ur.culled Canadian furs, unmi.\ed with inferior southern varieties. Do not hold a package or a bale another day. Ship aU your furs now! They must be sorted, listed and fut into shape in good time for the buyer's inspectioru iberal advances wili be made, gladly, to any shipper, large or «rrall on request. SM.ALL SHIPPERSâ€" Any qy.AntJty is ttxeptivble. Honeat, expert grndiiig carefully »upervi»ed y .»lda the best poiaibla rsjulti. You will nev»r knotf hour much your {urs aie rsally wctth until yoa ship to u». Our 3»!es truly t«»l the wcrid'a buv'ing •tjeiigih, .AN INVITAT'ON â€"Every thipper, every dealer, ovety n-'anu. fi.tfrer, EVERYONE i.'.teiestiKl i" rsv fu:» is cordiclly ir.v;ta4 to attend this e;roch-m(r!ung •ale. Canadian Fur Auction Sales CompAixy, Limit'ed MAIN OFriCS ANI> W^HEHOUSC 150 Lalauchftier* Str«ct West Temporary OMico : Windsor Hotel, .MoatreAli m

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