Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 4

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'.witeiiaKii-- February 26 l»20 THE FI ESIIERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance An in lepiMid.'iit in-i-iupT pnl>li«iii!il uvory ThurmUy «* :lif cllie.-, l,\illing*()ii(l Stiortl. Kl(.'Hlitii°(iiii Siiliicripiiut) prio« $1 50 pur uiiriuiii wli.Mi p.i I in :t<lvniiu<i ; 4-3.U0 when not mi ptiil. $2.0i) lo UuituU ^Mtos. Alv'ort'sint; rHte< on -ippUsik'iull. Cc<Mr«-iiri (iv.T 1100 ^^^^ weeHy. >.. ^ ~ "H \\. 11. 'riiriTs3>fo;. '^ i:Mi"'i An Interesting Epic In Crude Petroleum Th.' C.in.iuinn Oil Fi -lils, l.iniitoti, luiid olMcv T(iii)i.t'), L (j. Fiiicli Vice I'rfsiilenI (iinl ^'cuiuil in.in'>i{i'i', lias jiiuuicil tho euriusity of lliu ^helliiunc Ec'unoniiNt imui. Well, ours wa« arou'od > l<fn<; ttino Kgii :iiiil luis boon s-itislied. Mr. Finch 1ms licuu u .suininor vis lur to I'lc'-liortiin for t'lc )).i*t tliiec yws. Ho i.s n very affnbli', pleiisai.t <,'entluni:in to moel. His uiiiu|uuiy stiki-loil diilling a wfll hoio four yoiiiK ago, liud c|iiit aft^r ^^oing (IdWn a liundro I fm-t or soâ€" s:iid l!iey h>i<l Kl/iic-k :i rodk on n slant .\n d tlio drill i-ould nit penetnite it, T!ie Jrill was moved to tin L2vof fftr.ii, li miles north of this villnijo, and has hi-m drilling there intcrmiltiMitly cvi-r since until last f»ll. whi-n work cea.Hud entirely, prciiunialily for H-.int of fnnd.s Scleral farniors in the xicinitywere induced t.i. take stock ill this concern . A year ago their driller moved over to Mcaford where he i>. Iiiiii'elf arousing consideiahle curio-ity, according to d«.'<p itches lr>\i\ the scene of opcr!ition.s. Mr. Finch, general inan.igi-r, claims to be ageologi.st ami can ia"k learnedly • f â- sincline.'*, incline-*, anticliiius, »l)r.'i- Kions, cictaceous format it)n.s, pluiocine and niiooine strata, post tertiary and <|uaterny epodn, oolite's and all tlie rust of the funny thing.-i found in the gizaird of old Mi..tlier earth. This is g.iud am- niuiiitiin for .in oil campaign. He claims to have the well here down so nething over 2000 feetâ€" ju.s-. on tho iioini of penetrating a hu'.<j oil reservoir. In fact he ainiounced cne evening la-t .sum- mer that two h.)iirs' drilling the next day would do the trick. Hut the cr^vd f bonoheiids did not sit up all that night clamoring for stock and chilling \try curiously ajipearod to languish about lint time, probably to give Ihe ])0or outside public .in opporlunily to get in in a good thug while the gotling wits good before the anticipated huoin iind boosting of the price. Mr. Kiucli is at jire.st-nt eiiga^^td in confiding iu the ]mblie, according (o. .-â- ome of our local exchanges. Wlielher he intends opening sonic more oil reser- voirs near the suriouiidiug loivm we do not know, but if it is for the | iirpose -.if â- (;'iiitinuirig drilling ojifniti ns here we wikh him all kind, of HUcce.sM. He he'd lueetings in Owen !jou/id, Orangevillo and .Shelburiie lasl-*-«ek and i( was his adverli.sdmcnts which have again arll«^ed our curiosity after a 1 tig spell of dor- luaiicy. \V.' i|uole t'le adveiti.sciii! ill, whi.-li was thu .-aine in each ciwo. 'J'he altein|>t to raise loyal Caiiadiai;s to a tense of tboir duty is good. Here it k : '• A meeting will be h Id in tlieci>in cd cWnmlier on the evening of Fiiday, February 201 h, to which ore iuvitdl .ill people interested in the doveli.|)mcii( (,f a g rial iiidiislry v liich has a iiialcrial ettect upon the welf.iio of Ciiiad', but more largirly to the town of Owen Sound ;Shelburii« or (.)raiigeville, to lit the oa-se) t'l which this development is close by It is common to liear |ieo('Ie stale that it is their belief that there i.s a largi! Vi.l- unie of od 111 Ills country. We haie been working at tbi.s for the paiit tliroo years and we hr.u some developiiicnlH that it would be inttttcsting fur you to hoar. It is the propoity of ('aiiiidian citizens, and it i-- our duty to tell this to tile t'anadian citi/. lis in onler that they may liaie the liist oppoitunity of bene fitting in this productionâ€" L. <». Finch, Viw I'lesident and Oonoral M .i.iiger Canadian (til Fields, Limited " The 0*en Soun I meotiug was called •ir on ac.'Kiint of la> k of loi icni, mily one or two turning up. Joseph Watso.i Dead Jo*vph Watson, Sr., nl .Saiigcon Inn ton paseoil away I n 'I'ue^dny, Fd . 17. ufler at. illii"NS cx^i tiding i/ver uluul a year, at tlej age if TH years and 11 iii< s. Air. Whikoii w, s boiii at Altadotl vale and cauiu to Arteiiiuiia Hhon a mere hoy, (>artioipsliiig in all Iko I nrdshijis of l^ionear bfo. Ho iiitrriod M-irgirei .bmu Faiki, d.iii^hler o! tho latu TlioriniH i'«ik>, wliii survives him. He also 'eivis behind llircu sonsâ€" Kobort of I'roion and Thotnia and Joseph on th < liumu- stead â€" ind ono dnughlerâ€" Mrs. Lou Fuller of Fleslitrtui. Tho 'uncial, which was Inigoly attended, t- ok place lo I'ricetille cenieliry on Tbursday lust. The A'tvaicu i xtends Kyinpalhy to the a pirow^ti j ones The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a snug bank account, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside Bomething for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account today -and take your first step along the road to Independence. TH€ M€RCHANT5 BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADj^ FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. A. NORSWORTilY, ..... Sub.Ai{(;nr> ;0 Ceylon open Tuef.fl.iys. Tliiirsthiys and S.Tlurda â- â- â- â- ^â- â- HHBIi^KMiaaaHIMaHMiBHHBMKaMaaM «â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  established 1864. Manager. W£ SELL FARM IMi*LEMENTS WAGONS, HAKROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New ful Hilar Siiarples vSeparators i HORSES WANTED Dancing &4.1 JOHN HEARD, MP LEMEN7 AG ENT FLESHERTON. it your own home _ any time witli the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victroia W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ON r FURNITURE All kinds'offui-nituK! in our sbowioouis. Call and sec <)iu' (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites. I range of piicos tc .suit vour jiockct liook. A large ..»..*..« ..••.f..*.^*.. A..^ UNDERTAKING jJH Calls an.swcriHl ni;.flit oi day Phono .">0 r 1 Oat. W. H. RUNT i flesherton, ''"^SSSm^^^i K M.^RKDALE, Wednesday, Feb. 25ih Ff.ESHERTON, Thursday, Fell. 26lh DUNDALK, Fri. .\t S»t , Feb. 27 & 28 (Up to 2 o'clack p. m. on Saturday) To purcliaHe good conditioned liorsea from ll'OO to 1700 Ib.s, Also a .'ew aged blocky marea. Wii.i.iAM.soy it Mp.nniUDH I'hone W r 3i. Dundali:, Out. Strike atMeaford !{J! Fleshnrton Tin Shop^^ i I % % M ^\ !M I n I iiave jiLst placod on llu; shelves a full line td Tinware, IS'icdvolwarc aiid .VpiU'Ware for doincstic ii.se. Call on iik; and get your .supplies. Eiivctroughin^', Stovepipes and iSto\'e F4.u'nish- IDjr.S. llepairiuj^ ufall Uin<ls promptly atUiiidcd lo. V\ [iclitliiig, iiicl "iirnaees iM.stallcd 'iirnacci mliug piiiii] Aj.'1'iit, \vod{. for (!laie lilO.S. D. McKILLOP n i 1 %\ I! i I % I % SATISFIED ! THAT I.s what over IUlJ users say about 1900 Gravity \vasher;r, stipplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 'y'!i 1900 Gravity wisli'M'.sjand wringers tillejtric and sjasoliiie power washers . i Jlills 5 \\ ALSO fill' .Mot_'i)iiiiick Riiult'is, Mowers, H ly R.tkis, I|:iy I.oi.U'is, Dri Ix, Cil ivnt .r, l'low.s. Steel S'lalls, Haiiiiws, Gasiiline Eujjines, UniiifMnl P il aiblo yoir.d a;id au'i oiled 'ju-motor Wimi Heii'ty Hay Carriers, Huy Forks, SlingSi Manure Civtriers,. Water I'onl , Wner ri'iTi,><, Pu up iid I'lji n^'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS <)iu' tliiiii iiKir" wool cut with ssiiiio power when litod wiili my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Small Ads. Monaghanâ€" Porteous FoK salk; Kiir Sile â€" Ten \^\,>.\ ewes, Krod Cii'iilniin, Eui(i-iiia. CHRISTOE Bl.OCK III FLESHERTON jl^ ONTARIO. Sj .•..•»«..«-»..«..*..«*.i i"fl<.i.'a.....»..*..«»f.«.....k .•..••••..â- .'â- ..•.....••••"• A nriicii ciunty ftriiitr • II IIMHi kuaheU ut tuiii pH t<i one l>ii)i'r. In be •hipped III Toronto, where ihey will feed th« inuliilndf, H^id inut iiuilii li«virg mritcbail troni [uUttrea to turnipa on •coouDt of the high puce of the furm»r. \GOLD SEAL FLOUR \ Fnr j^ooil broad ti3P Gold boil, a pure Wostcni l''l(ini-. \V(( also, carry n bloluled (lour, pastry Il )ur, biiuk wheat, pa ucako and bisduit Hours, Try our Uullcd OalH. VISIIâ€"Tliis wcftk'H .stock ronsiata of Halibut, Salinoii, Trout and Horrinf». (ilU»t'l'iltIKS, (Joiifi'ctionery, Oiaiiges, Lemons, (iraiic b'luit, I'ruiies and FigH. L'o C'reiiin llricka nlwayp on hand. Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I A very pielty wedding «;ia snleuinized at the home of Mr. tiiid Mrs. Ji.im Poi- Apply to teou.<at fuuf ihiily (.'clock, on SVodne.s ,d>y, .January ' 2H:h, when tlitir only For Sale or Exchange- Ford car {ini5 J-'"!?'-!'''. l'«»l l''IJ>-"l> was united in mndol) would exchiin«o for good driving "'" ''"'' ^""'â- '' "' """'""ony to, Mr. o.itlir. CVo.n I.H.e.M, at lot Jl), eon ^>cil MounKlian, youn«e»t son of Mr. It, I'loloii. W, L. Fiynn. 1{. U. No. '^'l'"'"*" Moii«nhan of S.i.t'hinii.ton. 1, boiid.ilk. n.,.ne 55 i 22 *'-'' ^'' ^'"'"' ^ ^ >l"Xvvoll otliciatfu. To the stiiiins of ihe bridal chorus. Fur S,L, cluiiii litiil on easy tiiiiii-., liot piayi^d I'y Mi'.s J^nol Hoy, the bride and lo, Ctiii. II, O.sproy, lie acres. This in crooin, who weie uimticuded, the bride a liril ol.m firm and in ti â- .â- ood Kl-ito of boino ^;iven away by Imr eldtst brulher, oultivrttion. Hood bank biirn Mid new Ailliur, of M'JX.vbIi, i nleiod tho pnlour firvino dwollin};. .\t.;ily .o U. .1. Sproule nnd tcok their place bi'iie.a li a [irettily loahorton Iriiinned arch if cvernrems and s'lver tiii(.ol and wliito bell>, wl.ero the core- For Salt --5 youii.<|p Hf, o iiioutliii olu ; niony wan p. ifornieil in lliu presouow of also oni! cow, dui' to caif Jnne Ut. O. about lil'ty muv-ttn, inc'iidioj; leUlives of B VVelton, D'loBlierton. the biido and i»rooiii. Muitford, Feb, 19.â€" The Seaman Kent factory here, employing about 100 men, is lyini{ idle, and the men ate walking the ^lrjet>i. Last April the men w<.re given a nine hour day with pjiy for ten hours. List week Mr. F. Kent, tha inaniger, notilied tha men that it would be n«fcaa- Biiy for thum to work ten h.'urs a day ai;d srary Saturday aflernuoli until the company caught up with its orders. H« set the rate of p>y at time and a quarter fur overtime, which the men refused !• acoept, deinaudipg ti.iie and a half. VVheo the men wont to work thin morn- ing tlioy found a notice posted up that if they were not pr»pareil to work ten hours at the company's offer they might I Juk for other trnploynient. All the m-iD accordiiiiily walked out. The union meu state that they are undfr obligation not to work fur less than time and a half for ovartitne. As A result of the Crossley ani Leonard revival meetiDgs in Walkerton there were ninety canverts Ths Meiford miyorality pijuabble has been settled out of court. Mayor Gray retaining the teat. A man named McFadgen charged Deputy Reeve McLean of Colliogwaod to>\iiship with i<tealing a sheep. The caso WHS tritd in Thorubury before two J P's. and dismissed. Several farmers then took up a subscription and present- ed McLeau with $25 toward hs costs in the case. S. Haines, who lives on the ttJi con. of List Garafrax.1, had his hr.xw distroy- e 1 I'y tiro. Mr. Hai-ios was in the mow puttiiii; oonn siiiio feed, when the lantiTii was upset or fell lo the tloor. In a moment or two tho placa wao a r. aring furnace, but Mr. Haiass managed to cscap'j and ^'ci out lliu stock. Win. yharpe of Huttin Hill has i-j- o>ovod-» let.er ffoni a ci.'iisiu in Owen Sound slating- that a friend in Monaghan County, Leland, -tas advoriisad in the Sun Tains, 0*en Soun"', for the hoirs of Gi-trgj Sharp.', .M.P., who died leaving an cst.ite of over lif200,0OO, to bo di»idtd among the Sharpu family. Ueo. Sbarpe is an uncle of Wni Sbarpj of Hulton Hill â€" Durham Rfviftw. In Memoriatn 111 loving muiuory of Jainea Mngee, who diid February 25tb. 1918. ^ I ivatchod bim sulDr day by day, lt~c.iused uie bitti.r grief To see him sadly pine away. And could not giv» relief. â€" Daii><hler Euiina. iiiiiii»i â- Â« 111 i O b- â-  «»llll« H tll»i' Driving hoiM, bt."g.fy and (•',-- ir for The bride luok.id eharininj; it, a ^own sale. Apply loWm. Wyal', F.,-sheiiou. "'. «ll'l«- s''k crepe, de chene trimmed '. ^ with white s. till and btads, while hor "For S lie- Carriage horse, bioke to all tr.ivulliig suit wan navy hue str^o with kinds of f trill work. Would I e .sole* on hit to maiili. The many beautiful time. Win r.a'un, I'li'st vd'e. Phone, presents .sliowid the hii^h isteeui in â- ~^"~"" which the young couple .veie held MISCKLLANEOUS K car of Hour and feed will arrive in a few dava for F G. Karstedt. Try Feverahft.n Pastry Flour, tha best or your co >k, AH Onl«rto wheat Aflor couijratnl it.oiis the guests enter- ed tho dining I'OiMu where a dainty weikhiig dinner was served. The best wishes of a Urge circle if ftie"ds go ' with the youn.^ eouplu to thoir new home near S nghampton. Hi^h'Mt p'io'for buftor and Qraham Brca. Bugenia. ei!gs at I June 20 ! I Farm For Sale Private funda to lo\n on real eotaie security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply (0 11, J. Sproule, Fleiherton sept S{317 Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and tiaturdays only - Orahani IVoa.Kugpnia. Wantedâ€" A uander to buy, or would tiVe goose and gander. Apply lo J. J. Little, 11. \\. 2, Proton, phot.e Dundalk 71 r 24. I Lot N J 6 and lot fi, con . 1!), Proton, containing 180 acrea. Well watered, 1 good barn and house, 80 acres undi r cultivation, rnst mostly pasuiie with about five seres good bush, estate of ihe atu 1). J. McCormick. For particulatn apply to WM. McCt)RMICK, Ex" outer of the estate. Proton P. (.). Phone Dandalk 52-4. Old Stuff. Now York Kvciiiiii; I'ost lleadliiie â€" "Traces Uasehall to Creek Sports." Wh.v, wo'vp known nil iilong that (Jrceco proiliKoiI the Hrst Homer. â€" T'osion Trnnscrlpt. Candlestick for Campers. The biiickot of it caiiillosiick do- .*<igned for campers toriirimites in barbed points to grip h tree trunk or ollu'f uprijilit sup|port. Table F>leasure3 Not for Them. Te:!. with fruit in .summer and iheeso in winter, cou.'^titutes the nour- i-hmoiii of the poori-r classes in Per- Make Bells. 'I'iie science of hell casting has been pnullcod in one Knglish foundry for Miurlj 350 years. Boar For Service BUegiitered Che.iter White b >i? for srvico at Rock Mills The father won. first at Chicago Fair. Terms $1.60. dec 519 _I. SMITH Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamworlh Boar for senlM on lot lti7, S W T and S B , ArtemeMSt. Termsâ€" f 1.50. FoblS it -T, J. STINS()N.P»op Boar tor Service The nnderaigiud has \ thorough ored Yorkshire Poarfoi service ou lot 11, con.. 8. Osprey. Ter ms $1.60. FnWDSPOFFAUD ui^

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