Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1920, p. 5

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February 26 1920 THE FLESH EKTON ADVANCE I EARN TO S A VE.- Every man, woman â- ^ and child can save. Bvery one should save. Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada aliords every facility for aid- ing you to save. 29i THE STAHDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL Manageh CANADIAN C. p. R. Time Table. Txains. leave Flesharcon Statioa as allows : Going South 7.53 a.m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are follows r For the 7 p.m. ; aad the S.40o'c1ocK:. Fo mail close at 9 p. Going North 12.01 p.m- 9.18p. m. osed at •Fleaherton aa north at 10.40 a.m.and ixfternoon mail south at r morning train south ra. the previous evg. Mrs, DeCudraore of Montreal is visit- ins her mother, Mrs. Armstrong. Stewart MoTavish visited over the week end with frieuJs !l^ Owen Scund . Di edâ€".\t Maxwell, on Monday. Ftb It;, 1920, Gertrude May Seeley, »ged 18. years 9 mou'.hs. ' Mr. Au'.ph of Leamington has taken the place in the Merchants' Banii.Viiciiied by Mr. Patterson. Mrs. D. aicT»»ish, who has sp..nt tlie -pa?t fortnight with h»r dauglUer at; Windsor, returned home Saturday. Misses Alada Mitci.cll and Lilian Bunt spent the 'veak end with frieiul.s ai Owen Sound. Dundalk and Klesherton high »i;h.>ol« jl.iy lKick>-y on thu link hero touighf, (Wednesday).; Kev-. J. Jones of Prioeville, ex-Mud*r- ator o( br»'iaeville PieshyterT, will preac'.i Ihi) pulpit vacmt in Cimlmei'a •hurch, Flesharioi), on SuuJay'nexf Mi.ss Uertba Doles, supervisor Of physicid education, »t' New Yc rk, *a9 the guest of her cousin, Mrs, W. A. Arm- strong, Miss Boles S9tv«d as recou- stiuctiun worker wich the Anitticiin »rniy in France. Seventeen candidates united «iih the Methodi.^L church on Sabbath hit- six- teen on profession of faiih and oi;8 by letter, all over 18 ysarj of ase. This was followed by the saeramcut of the Lord's supper. Anniversary Seivioesat Rock Mil B^iptist ChurcU on Sunday. February 2i*!h. N. t Msrch Mas staled iu last weok's ii.iper. Diedâ€" At the rsiidence of her ann-iu- Uw, W. H, Hall, mar Maxwell, in Tuesd.iy, Feb. 2-t, Uuih Hodgson. The decoasLd lady-iras a sister (>f Mrs. F. G . Karst. dl»u.i Mr. II. Down ot F.esher- toii. An unreserved auction sale i>f good hrusehuld fuinitute will le held at the home of Mrs. Ani.ie Seeley, neir Ms.i- w»>ll, on Tuesday March 2ud at 1 ocl'ck. See bills. VV. Kaiiting auctioneer. The FIsshertiui ISihlo D-poaito-y I'.a^ just plaeol in stock the largest selection of Billies and Testaments over shown hcie. r«»giu>( iu price fruui a few cents i > five dollars. Ther* are gome veiy fine jjifl books and f»inily Bibles in thij lof . Tl»e Depository ia kept .\t The .Advance Ofliou. Rev. Wm Gitudiu died at Mimico last week after »n illness of a couple of years' daratien. The deceased gentlemsn wes born near UeatKcote and entered th« ^ae»llodi9lmim»try about fitteen ysar.s a»o. He was •latioued at Woodford aad Eugenia io this county and wa^ located at Uppington io Muskoka when be took ill. Ha leaves hia wife (Margaie* Little of Wareh»ni) and iwolitile sons â€" Murray and Stanley- to mourn a loving husband and father. The romaimi were interred in Thornbury cemetery on Sat- urday lait. Wm. Gaudin was one of nature's noble<nen, wh > lived only to do g«od to bis fellow men uncil the Dialadjr develope.l which - caurtl a cessation tf hia labors. Miss Lillian Dudgeon of Tottenham a'toiided rhe \Vood-15enth im nuptials here on Saiu.day last. Don't forget Rick Mills Aaiiiversary Services next Su.dny, February 29th. Eidv, W. Waison, gold niijdal elocutionist, will preach morning and evouin;;. The Ladies) Mission Circle of the Flesh i ritju Baptist church will hold tluir Urst meetiuii at 2 45 p.m. oo Tiie-sday, March 3rd, at the home of Mrs Roy. .Another raise m the 4'JO Chevrolet car places thi4 price a* from March 1st at illUD, including war tax . Asunls have received instructions to sell no mure at the old pric. Miss Irene Gaudin, who hss been studying nursing in Philidelphia for some time, visited her aunt here, Mrs. \V. H. Thurston, during the past week". S'le leaves th s week for her parenial home at Norway House, Man. An^unreservad credit auction sale of fum stock and implements will be held nil lot 171, r it S R. Arlemesia, on Frid.iy, March 5, the property of W. J. O'lswell. Mr. Caswell ia leaving the faun and moving to town* Sea tiilu. At a meeting < f the Public Library Board on Friday evening last Mr. Geo. Mitchell was reappointed President, H. S. White Treasurer and C. N. Richardson Secretary. The Boiird innv rcnuetts the cilizt'OS t ) otMue up to a man wiih their dolUts and assist in the good work. The Sunday school class of which Miss Zella Bentham was a nie"mber, and the lidiea of the town gave her a miscelliii - eous shower at the home of Mrs. VV. A. Armstrong, one evening last week, when 1 much merriaaent and good wishes pro- vided. Markdale Creamery is now open for business. Highest prices paid for cream Phone or writ'o fur can. A square deal Ls our motto. Give us your patronage. â- Satisfaction gmranteed. Markdale Creamery Co., phone 44. The Fleaherton W. I. will h. Id their next meeting and 10c. tea at the home of Mrs. O. W. Phillips, on Wednesday, March 3rd. Mrs. D. McTavish wilj )/ive a paper on " Value ol Sympathy,'' aui Mrs. Clin on on " Bible Study." All are welcome. The proceeds from tli3 tea held at the homo of Mrs. El. Best amounted to $4 35, With an objective before tiieiu of $1700 the Priceville Presbyterian Can- vassers ill ihe Fotyvard Moxenieur Cam- piign tegan their work nn Monday, February 9;h. On Saturday evening, Febiuary 14ih, au the clo-'^o of the can- vass, they repiirted having gooo over the top with the iii*ignifioent suto i^f $20D6 The reiurii hickiy luatcli bei woen Fleaherton and Dundnlk high schools was played «ai iho Utter a link on Friday eveniu;;. The score was 9 l;o 4 in fiJvrr of Dundalk. This time the Fleshertoo I earn was wtakeuod by tho abieuce of soma of its best players and tha Dundalk teim sireiigtheiied by the addition of 8 line of the Intermedinte h ckey team, which accounts for the above rosul.. Dr. Guy of Max«eli has had li case ot the niynterious sleeping, sickness under treatment. l>ittle Barton Smith, 'the grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. E J. Parsons of the 8^h line, .Arieraesia, was tho sutt'era-:. The child was only 4 yeais of age. Tho skrango disease followed a casi) of the flu, and the little fellow was seven days in a comatose state before he began to ciiiiu areund. Mo has now recovered. The Fleaherton h'gh school hockey tatin journeyed to Markdale on Friday aight last to play a return match with the high schoil th.rc. The tiist period was close and exciliuK but Markdale wss more lucky than the locals and managed tu bulge the nets 3 times to Flesheiton's once. The second period was also good and uur boys, working like IrojiiiH, tied the score, the period ending 4-t. The final period was a humdinger and bot"h ts.iiiis tried their best to win, Flesher- ton were with.-ut subs, and were tireing but the good work (if .Jack Duw in goal saved them However both teams managed to score one each ai.d the i.eriod ended 5-5. It was then agreed to ylay ten minutes overtime and although preEly tired they went at it a.s hard is ever. Fleslierton scortd the liist goal in the overti'iie and with less than a minute to play li olied tu h.>vo the L'unio won, but ttie puck gJancod off one of the Fhsharlun player's into tha net and the game ended O.li. After the grime Mr Moriisun, principal of Markdale high school, invited tlie boys and ihcir few supporters to his home where a lunch Wis served and a very pleaianl social hour spent. The boy.s are grateful lo Mr. imd Mrs. Morrison for their kind- ness and hospitality. Anniversary services will he hell in tho Rock Mills Bii[ii.sr church oh Sun- day. February 29. Rev. Wm. Watson of MoMaaier Univsrsily, a returned soldier, will preach both mornlni; and evening and give ,1 talk on h.^ experieuoa over- seas. Wo make a charge t,{ 10c a line for all church anm<uuc«iiieuts,''conuerttt etc., up to 5 linos. Over that nuiu'^er 5a i Hue. No roadins notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to tho lino. .- Auction Salee Mr. John Beecnft will hold a credit luclion sale of farm stock, implements, etc.. on lot IC'2, 2 N. E., Artemesia, one mile from Fleshertun, on Monday, March l.sr, 1920. See large-bilU. D. McPhail, auctioneer. A CI edit aucliiiu sule tf farm stock implements, etc., will be hald>on lot 24, 2 N. D. R , Art , near Six Corners, on F.'iday, ^I'ebruary 27th. For particulars see large posters. -And. M. Gilchrist, proprietor. D. McPhail, auciionecr. Mr, Geo. Lawler will hold a credit aucton sale of faun stock, implements, etc., on lot 40, c mcessimi 9, Artemesia, on Wednesday, March 3rd, 1920. For piinicuhirs sae adveitisement elsewhere iiiid larsje posters. Wm. Kaitting auctioneer. ) ?igeg:g!?;fe;!« ^^^^g««^^ In Memoriam Iu sad and loving memory of my little grandson, Ambrose Findley, of Fo»t William, who departed this life Feb. 28, lOlfl. Short and sudden was the call Of on« »o dearly loved by all. The blow was great, the shock sever*. We little thought hii« death ko Bear. Jast only those who loved Cim tell The pain of saying a wad farewell. â€" Grandiiiothcr, ROAD CLOSING Notice ia hereby given that the Coun- cil of the 'Tiiwnship .jf Artemesia will after one month from the first publica- tion hereby, proceed to pass a bylaw closing the undermeutiuned original iilliiwaiice for road, viz , all thit part of Mill street; lyinii between (Jueen street nid the town line of Glenela, First pulilished on Ihe i'.>th diy of February, 1920. Dated Feb. 12, 1920. W. J. BELLAMY. Automobile Instructions (FOR LADIES AND GENTS) Now is tho linio to take advantage of the winter ni'iiths to obtain a thorouyh knowledge uf ihe .Automobile. The man who owns or expecis to nwu an. Auto- mobile will find this ciur.se fiinncially profitable, or ihe young mm who wishes to become .ni expeit chiuffeur will bo prepared for a uood piying p^isitioii svith easy work. This course cousiHts of over hauing of motors, itminii of valves anrl igiiitinn sysienis, startius and lighting '•ysleins, troubles, etc. Write for booklet, or 'ue'Cer still visit our school and bo convinced. ( vVo hiive special classes for ladies.). . Orangeville^ Automobile School Eist Broadwsy, Orangeville, Cot. ^ Gents' Ffirnishings We Imvt; just received onr Elobberhu Catalogue sbowiug the smartest and ucwcsfc styles for sp'-iug aud sutnuior cloth- iug. Call atid see rhcm. «/%<«'«/%^ Wo hive now on hand a lull line of Fine Shirts, Kh'ki Shirts, i i Work Shirts, Overalh, Smocks and Pants. '«/«^'«'^'% A good a.-isoitment of ties, collar?, gloves, IU tt-, sock.«, braces, arm bands, t'artai-s, handkerchiefs, boys wool stockings, wool and tteeco lined underwear aqd sweater coai. !. H, J. LEGARD, Flcsherton, Ont. Everything You Need For Spring Sewing New prints, full range of colors New ginghams, in large and small checks New galateas, iu light ami dark patterns New shirting.s, fast black.s ami colors White flannelettes, all widths ."Stripe Hannelettes, new patterns White cottons, >'ainsook,s Sheetings, pillow cottons Lawns, lingerie cottons Fancy (quilting .sateens New cretonnes, swell designs Swiss embroideries Valenciennes Laces Torchon laces LAUNDRY SOAP SPECIAL Dingman's Electric Scap, an old favorite for the laundry, and Dincman's Pearl White Naphthtx Soap, excellent for all purposes, regular size bar, special' thia week .") bars for 40c, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Magnet Cream Separators sup are <;oaisâ€" no fiction ; Juubio perported bowlâ€" caiinoL-rocU ; feet ."kimmcrâ€" one piece ; easy '** turn â€" a child can operate; c'pacity changeâ€" saves the buyer SOO.OO ; p.iteut brakeâ€" "M'lgnet,' pitents-f stroDj;, rigid coiistiuctiou --mechanically correct-^ sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a child cleans it in a few niinutes. G. B. Welton Fleshertou^ Ont. | W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERPIANOS, PHONO- \^ GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruments â-  .^i^m AT i^m- lhx\y'iy\'s Piiob G.iUery and Music Stor FLESHERTON k Hog For Service Pure bred Yoik^hiio Boar for . service. Terms -Sl.ol) a' tiino of service. J. F. Ct>LI,lNSON, 1 mar Ceylon. Boar For Service Pure bicd Ueg .iloieu V^okshire Boar for 8.-tvic.?â€" .Vla.vwidl ,).iek (52903 -on lit 167. S W. T. iV- S. R., Artemesia. Teriiis $1.50. 10,4.19 T. .1. STINS'.)N. Ar the auouni meeting of the Bruce Printers and Publishers Association held in Walkerton on Thursday la.st it ws definitely decided to raise the subscrip- tion price of all weekly papers in the County I o $2.00 » year in advance, the uew rate to come into force B:ato time nexi. summer. In the meantime sub- scriptions will bo received at Ihe old price of $1.50 per year. Owiurx to the iBoreased cost of everything iu tha. pub- lishing business the $1.50 weekly is no longer it paying proposition, and the oOo. rsiso ill subscriptions will hardly take care of the ndvsnco in white papsr, etc . which the publishers are obliged to meet. Id many places in Canada aud in mos.. of the United Stall s tho $2.00 subscrip- tion rale ha.s biou in force for some time. â€" Uetatd and Times. HARDWARE! -Axes and Handles, Buck Saws, Uanimers, Crosscut Saws and Handles, Horse Blankets. Mitts and Gloves, Halters and Tie-', ' Pails and Tubs. Stewart Horse Clippers, Curiy i-'oiiiV's and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, Lamps aihd Lantcrn.o, Red Star Wiisiiing Machines. Cargoes Grocery If you waut go«d, cleau, fresh Groceries or Confectionery give us a call. We caiTv nothing but the best. We Jiiive also a full line of all tlie leading Tobacces. All kinds of Fruits iu season. Como iu and get one of those Fish. We have Lak« Trout and British Columbia Salmon. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phouc ii) your order. We will deliver it to auy p.Tift ofth e village. VV. E. CARCOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario '•'•••7". !£•••• •*•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . .... ••••••••#••«••«•••••••«••««••••«â- Â«Â»â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*«•â- Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ I R U B B E R S ! All Business Colleges are nut all alike SELECT A SCHOOL CAREFULLY ELLIOTT, i^^mjd^^m^,£y Yoiige and Charles Streets, Toronto Invites the patronage of all who desire •'uberior tri'iiing. Get our Cat»loi;ue, read or records, then decide. Enter NOW. VV. .J. ELLIOTT. Priwipai. For Service One pure ored Shorthorn Bull onlot :?U, con. 9. Artemesia. T irnis 91.50 for s. grade Must be paid within 9 months date troraof service. 19. Jau, -R. O.TVttWElt. We have the celebrated Maltese Uross Eubbers for good solid wear iu Men's Womeu's and Children's Rubbers. THOS. CLAYTON i FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •«e â- â€¢â€¢â€¢

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