Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1920, p. 1

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^rasenm .I^.^ai HULL JUL, zCZ^iji~^Lâ€"zziirjL»j. fkBhcxim Vol 40, N«. 41 FIcsherton, Ont., March la 1920 SPRINGHILL Reference was m^de la«t week to a presentation made Mr. Mnd Mrs. Herb. Corbett before their removal from Spring Hill. FoIlowiDj; is a copy of the address: To Mr. *nd Mrs. Herb. Carboit. Dear Friends, â€" We, your friends and neighbors, are assembled here this •Teniag to bid you fsrewell 'nd spend one more eveninK with you before you tsika your departure from us. You have cot been long among us, but locg enough for us to know and appreciate your kind and cheerful di^posiiiona and honorable and upright principles. Wa. regret very much that you are leaving us â-  ] soon, but such is the wry uf life. As you go fruir us wo want you to know that ihe best wishes and prayers of tbi^ neighborhood will follow you wherever duty leads you. We feel that we csnuoi allow the present opportunity to pass without an eipres»iun of our appreciation of you and your family. So we wish you to accept this lit'le lokeii, uo: for i's value, but for the best withes that accompany it. Signed un behalf of your friends iind neiiihbors â€" Mildred Ciswell, Jim Harrison, Hu^h Moore. We are sorry lo report that Mrs. Caesar, who is staying at Mr. Porter Bea!Cl"s, fell and dislocated h;;r .â- shoulder. We hope for a speedy recovery. Ml. W. J. Custvell has moved his family to town. Misi Mabel Irwin and brother. Will, attended the Croft â€" Ueid weddiuj; on Wednesday list. Mr. Nat Casweli has taken po:^ses<iou of his father's farm at the Durhaai C orners. We »<-e glad lo report that Mrs. Wni. Shirp is imp ?v:i^ uicely ;»iier her recent fall. The people of this community syni- pa!-hiza with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wyatt auj family iu thi* loss of their daughter, Ida May. Osprey Council Osprey Couno'l met at Siughiinp'oii on March 6. All the members except Dcp. Reevu Ariiott were present, and the U eve presided. The minutes of last meeting were riad an 1 contirmeJ, after which orders were issued fur tho follow iij.- accounts : Muaicipil World, stationery for Cieik, So3 ; H, W. Kornahaii, stamps ui;d envelopes, §5.15 ; E. C. Vance & C.>., d >g ta^s, $12 4:$ ; J. A. Keruahan, tank chai'ae on drafts, $0 ; Diii.d.ilk lLr:ill, printing acciunr, ?3it ; J'.>hu WiK-io-j, arcliitfct, plaus for memorial hall, §100 ; M. iMcVueen, t-iow plowing road, $5 '. O.U. Municipal Association, atfiliatiun fv'C, $5 ; David Wood, snow plowing roads, §.'» : Irwin Morrison, espensoi ot t.vo trips to Toronto, attending convc- tious of I'rov. Highways System, $'60 ; J. A. Aruott, expenses attending Hiili- ways convention at Toronto, §10. Byliw 070 was read the reiiuiredsii um- ber of times and passed, appointing the following as overseers of Highways, -- J Jackson, R Grummet, J Mc.\uley, H r Stiver, A Foster, R Grey, S Wood. W Sprott, E Sprott, A McKinnon, W H Russell, D Seeley, T Ferris, W Jamieson J Saudiland, B Patterson, D Briggs, J McLennan, W' J Winters, E Winters, U UaiUy, J J Jamicsim, U Stepheusju, W Muirhoad, J F White, J J Biyc, E Hillock, D Winteis, .John Seeley, Hector Molnnes, J"McKinuon, N Mclutyre, 1' Sonaers, H Fenwick, H Coulthatd, .1 Speucor, W Thompson, Chris Moniihsii, S Osborne, L Poole. J Tlij,impsoii, Wm Davidson, Hugh Mclnues, A Ad.iir, .\ Jdhosoii, A MdX'V'slI, J lzz«rd, M Douj;- lii«, E MuUin, H Bristow, J Crawford, JSiyies, J Tyson, M SimnJons, Sinn P.iVks, E SyUcs, A Bell, J Louaheed, W Nvff, U Edwards, W Service, J McQueen Poiitid Koejeis â€" Rich Davidson, M D'>u\{laas, J McKinnon, E Uarbottle, J Tyson, lin Wluteoak, E Edwards, S Clayton, W P. Guy. Fenccviewers â€" 1[ Mclnlyre, R Met- riain, r> Mooro, A McLoi d, W H .Vrnolt KOibson, W NVflf, W MuUiii. E Buck- ingham, T Beatly, Geo McDonald, F Htwlon, A Hutohiusoii, J II Seeley, R Edward". Un luotion Uih council adjourned to m.ot al Fovorsham ou M ly 29 as an a,a('.s«mc-i>t committee and at MhxhcU on Juno r> :il 10 a. m. as a Csurt if RsN ision. -II. SV. Ketnahan, Clerk. DURHAM The chair used by Hon. Dr. Jamieson when speaker of the last Ontario Legia- lalnra arrived in town thii morning and is now one of his moit valued pieces of furniture. In prssentiug the chair 10 Dr Jainiii'.nn the Leeislaturs has but followed the usual custom that the Speaker of the House becoiaes the possaasor of the chair occupied by him when his term of othce explrss. It ia a handsomi piece of furniture and it is to bi! hupea ihe genial Jectnr w'll live long to enjoy it. A.lbert Noble's livery stable had a narrow eocapa from destruction by fire on Fridity morning of last week. On returning a horse to the barn eirly that morning a couple af customers, on open- ing the door, found the place tilled with smoke, and after a hasty search located it iu the office. On opening the dior ihey found the proprietor's fur coat smoulder- ing and almost immediately the door was opened it burst into dames, Lul wa« quickly excinuuisbec*, but not before its usefulness as a piece oi wearing appaiel had been destroyed. Wc. Nobie .s loss will be iu the neighborhood ot SiiO. Ou Sunday morning about niu« o'clock Wm. NiciJol, caretaker of the Methodise church here was on hand in time to prevent a serious tire loss. He detected smoke iu the church basement, and on investigating discovered the tijor under the turiiaca was on tire, which had evi- dently bern smouldering for some time. Soon R. E. Richardion, John Wh:ttaksr and Dr. Wofe were on hand and on moving Ihe furnace found the Hour and joists had been burned to charcoil, and only lUtJtd a supply of air to cause a geaeriil coiiHigration, U was fortunate tho diiiuov^iy was made jn.'!*; in time, au-.l the damage will be light. The servico for the day had to be dispensed with â€" Chronicle. Victoria Corners Too Late Last Week A number of the neighncrs met at ih;- home of Mj. and Mrs. John Corbett las* Friday evening on the eve of their de- parture for their new home near Swiolon P'lrk and presented tbom with a cabinet of silver. Miss Stella Irelind was vi^itiug wi.h h-.r aunt, Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. Tucker ot Droiuore v'isited at Mr, .Jame'» Boat's.] Mrs Milton Bannon visited a few days with her mother. Mis. Robinson, of WiJeiwake Land. E mo Slovens has been laiJ up with .•ciatici. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Will Ta'boi. March otii, a son. Address and Presentation Previous to leiving the faiin for their new home at Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler were waited on by thi'ir neigh- bors and presented wi'h a handsome chair .-icconipaiiied by tbo follow ins; address : To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler : Dcvr Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor â€" We, your frieiiQS and i.oighbours, hiiv>) assembled here tonis-ht to bid you f(«rowell before you take your departure to your new home. Wo fcsl we wouM bo missing a grand op|;ortuu!ty had wt> not accepted this evening lo bestow our good wi^he8 upon you. You will be sreatly missed ie-our conimunity as you were always ready with a helpii.g hand for those in need> a sympalh ziig and coiuFo.-tiiig word fi r the ittHicted and a ntigbboi' K'yond recall. 80, as a token of reward, we ask you to accept this gift, uot for its value, I ut to show the high esteem in which you were hel.l. .\iid our best wishes for a prosperous and hsppy lifo go with ; you to your new houie, and may God's i pivseuce be with you whvrever you ! loam. j Signed on bihslf ot tliv fiionds and j Dei^hbois â€" Cliaiies Hanlex and Garnet Msgee. . CEYLON Miss Jean Collinaon, who has been visiting in the ci'y for a fortnight, has returned home, aeeumpanied by her sister, Miss Sybil. Mr. Johnston. Inland JSevenue Otticer, was in town un Wednesday last Messrs. John Gibson and son, Royden, ware in Hamilton last Wiek. Mrs. Hill of Osprey fpent ihe week and with her sister, Mrs. Bolton, here. Mrs. W. J. Cook and son. Cliff, of Ebordale, were visitors at R. Cook's laat week. Mrs. Henasie of near Oianweville is visiting her sisle-. Mis. John Gib.son Mrs BaKour of Pore Dalhousie is visiting her motlie, Mrs, G Cdlinson. "" Mr. and Mrs J. Gibson and .sons, Royden and William, went to Tor-.into on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McLean 1 { Markdale have taken a pthi:i<'n with Mr. F. Coliinson for the summer months. Mr. .H. Cook wen* to theciiy on Mon- day on a business trip. Messrs. John anr' Dan Muir and Uunh McPbersoii left Mond.-jv to .•spi nd a few days in Toronto. CARD OF THANKS Ml' and .Vrs. Wm Wyatt d«.«"re to expros.'> ibei' npprc lati n ft sympathy and '.»• s .ice i>c>- v â- ) f'uni kind -eigh- hois ill ihe.r ucfi" • mow ciuno' by tt e iHnis't Mid devl' '-f â-  â- Â«!! hi lnv di'HU'.!h- t :, U<. .M.y. Artemesia Council Arteniesia Council met on March 6. Members all presi^nt, the Ilecvo in the chair. The minutes if last meeting wore reid and approvetl . T. L Mercer and o'hers nailed on ;he C' uncil in reg-.rd to chiiigiug road beat at Iru-ih Lake, and Mesfrs. J. T. Graham and Geo. Warling presented a peJilion of 57 1 r d owner-i askln;j for esia'iist'iuent of a telephone system in the township. Bylaws No. 7. to authoiizj loan fit high school ; No 8, to appoint otti.-ers, and No. !), to establish a municipal tele- phone aysteni, Wtre iiiti"o"3u:ed and •»nd passed. Claims fi r sheep killed by dogs were ordered lo bo paid -Thomas White ?18, W. II. Duckett Sll. BaLcheler â€" Buruett â€" Thut in reference t >ihe matter of the C. P. R. rco.ssing at sideroad 30 aud Duiham R lad, complain- id of by Jos. Oliver and o'iier-:, jhis Council exiniiiio ihe ground and if fuuinl necessary Ihe matter bo rtfirred to the solicitor with a view uf brioMing it to the attention of the Railway Board to have tho condiliLins remediedâ€" tarried. Cimeron â€" Batcheiorâ€" That this CouO- cil order frcni tho Sawyer Mastey Cj. a new road grader and -ilso have iho old Krader put in propr-r vcpnir, and t!ie Reeve ai.d Mr. Ba'cliolor be a cummi tee to order such repairsâ€" Carritd. Council adjourned. UglD (IVtiRSKKK.Si Fred Sargtut, .V S Irwin, John Gibsoa Wm .Alo I, R Swoi.ton, Geo best, Roy Thistleihwaite, Thos Baunon, W Voxire, Ednar Dune in, Jas Foster, Hairy Sh,»w, C W Koster, Go Ch'ipinan, Geo Cl.irke, Wm. T.il'oo', Fred McVlulKn, Rouiird .Mien, Robert Wlii:e. J C McNevin, 'I' Taylor, H Nichels. Sila.s Uill, Edward Littlej.ilui, J E McKee, F Cairns, D MeL.'od, A Sie-virt, E Doup?, J T Best, R While, J C Wriaht, A B McDona'd, W J Mead-., J Wi.linmson. ,1 U iver, W Tiyior, J Fciiis, C Hiiddy, G lluddy, R Vau>e. H McLean, I) IJinl-s, P Muii, W G Jamieioii, A S Hia-srd, MclJruin L Ohard, Geo Fi.her. S Pedlar, D S m.'?. J I'orloou.-*, Tlio.^ Fisher, G liuchaiian, W J .Macer, W C Smith, O Turner. D Graham, W Hutehiu>on, J Campbell, W Gruliim, W Seinp'e, T Freeman, W H Sewel, Johii Welsh, A Ciriuther-^, Jos Sherwood, .1 I Grul-.ain, G ILicl.inson, .-Vlex McKa.ldon, S Hemphill, L J 'hn.-^tnn J N Pii:ch\rd, CHan'oy. D McMilUn, H Biker, J Fie'i', W A Wel.or, S Phillips. Foiicevie*ersâ€" J Willlanison, R Whit- taktr, D .MivMi la-.i, B \' bite, K lUker. J HnryG Waring, J Lockhai!, R Boft, J. 8 Mc<lilla", A Carruthers, J W Lyons, J Parsons, R S«nnt.in. Poundkeepors - A McVicir, D D MoLauehli"', .J Uea'if, J .A Thomt so-', M G 0:i-, T Gillilai'd, R Richards >n. G T Wiight. Farm For Sale LotsPt. 167. Con 2 N E, and 167, 3 i N E. Aiteoiesm, 90 acie-s are offere i for < aale. Oi< tl;v laiids hih a brick u'ud I dwelliutt ai.d w gm.d frHm'j bam Hid •ifhor oii'buildinit^s. For variiciihtrs lai-olyti. â- - -JOHN BROWN. Or W.J. B.l.'amy, Fio.hcitou. Mrll PRICEVILLE Our 6r!t thaw in 11)20 took effcc laat Thursday and Friday, March 11 aud 12, and rendered many ruads impassable fur teitins until Saturday, when frost hard- ened '.he roads op agani. Mr. James McD maid, wh-i lived hal a mile south of the Tillage, passed away Friday morning. March PJ, after a life of about 00 ) eais. He w;u the eldest of a family of six brothers and one sister and outlived them all by several years. 5IcDoiiald was a tine plowman, and m hi« younger days used tu • in priises at plowing matches down ihe oounliy. Mr. Anderson, a soniidaw, of Owen Sound, was at ;he home for a few days and (00k charge of the funeral arrangements Pecea.sfd leaves a widow, one son,JameF, in the far west, and ore daught*.', Mrs. Anderson, Owtn Sound. Rev. C. S. Jones, Presbyterian Pastor, conducted the fuiier.il services at the humo and at t'le c'nKtery . Real estate deals â€" Mr. .It.iits, father of the Presbyterian p4St(jr,h!is purchased th'-' BiptLst church aud loc .ind will build a dwelling tiouie iitxt tiiniii.cr Hir.'d V. SIcDeruiid has purchaf-ed Gord »• McDiiiii.ld'a f irai of T't acres a shirt distance enst of the viliaue, and >Yi:l take possession this i-priug. Don. .McKiniioD has been .^iippiyiim a I. umber of farmers in this v.cini'y with fcr il z r for their crops ihis spriog PROTON The citizani of Proton were very sun y ta beiir uf the death o; Mr. Louis Becker which took pUce at bis l^te h-ime, :'>!> M-ilton .-VvB., Toronto, oti Siturday afternoon, March K5. The deceased was born in New Unmbur.;, Out., 6!) yoars ago aud did business as a general mer- chant in sever,tl part.s uf the (ro.ince. He was fir sevcra. years a much re- sp cled luerch.iut of Proton. .Miout four y^ars ago ho, with hia esiiiuahle wife and daughter, Alyda, retired to tie city, leaiin-j the busimss ii tho bands of hi* .son, 11. L. Becker. Hi-, ud vv, threj Sons .Old twe daughters, >,iouin his loss. Proiou friends exteio- their «.yiupa;hy te ihe tereaved faiudi . The L.O.L., of which he was a membir, sent a tiortil wreath as a tribute of respect Mrs. Coiisley li-us reiuruud home from Toronto. J Tho V . b\ O. unloaded a cii- load of Slit ( n Monday. We are pleased to report that .^:rs. Meddaugh, who li.-is^beeii sutl'enua v.iih sciatica, is iinp(i<viiig. Mr. and »rs. .John Uodgins of Own Sound weiucalleis iu this vill.igu l.^st week. Mr. and Mis. G«o. Binuie are spe., d- ing.-i few dayi? in Toroitlo. Mii^s Mildred Biunie is nt her !â- > me heie Weekly Report Flesherton H. S. FORM 2 Spelling K Boyd 5K, M McLaililiin i)L'. .\ Stephen 01, A Parslow !?t5. R Mc- Girr S4, K Orr 7», J Dow 7S, A Buelanim 0;t, .M Achceoii 6S, E WiIroii 08, K Mc- Donald 07, G Akius l".2. V M.i.^roCI, J Kirsiedt 00, K Muir 50, G Lever -Jl, G liwin 20, G Large 0. FORM a Compositionâ€" F White 7S, F Stewart 71, E Ferr s70, R Beifry 00, K I'.oyd 60, W StewRi: O-t, K Cameron 0!', I Sprott 53, N Speucer ri2, X Murphy '!•<. FORM '^ Brit sh and OanadiHii History â- - l<" Whit^ 81, K Boyd 77. F Stewart 77. I Sprotr 73, E Coii>Iey 73, K Camero.i 71. NiSpencer Cy, R Belii-y (;», A iV!urj,ly t}8. E Ferris O.'j, W Stewart 84, Tenders Wanted S. aled reoders, niBrkod " Tondor ' will be received up to March 31s', for ihe folb>«iii« s"ppl>e» tor tlie Hou.«e of Bcfugo l.r 1920 . CO\L MEAT BKE.\D liROCERlES The lowest or any tender not accep'ed unltiw Mt'sfactory I.' the Hoaw ot RLiugo Committee Addrusa all tendera to Alex. S.uiih. the Maii.i)(er, Maikdale. FINE J E WE LERY Bates Burial Co. I BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Cofflc in aud see our tiue large stock Elmbalmers of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, Du^-, U'li ... 1^ A andwhenyouLavescentLemjouP^lOne HlllcreSt26 8 will be sine to buy. Watch re-' 124 Avenue RoacL pairing a specialty. A full Hue ^ FJiotograpb.c supplies Toronto, Ont Incluaing developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all . .17 d .. d m< j j i sizes of kodacks and films. ^- ^' ^**«»' ^ Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MA RRIAGE LICEN SES Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Phpue or writeâ€" CEO. \V. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Seed and Feed We l-ui\(.' the follnwiug ill sttK-k. Pnccs gu.iraiiteeti until March 01 St only. .C.ill cuid get your seed. It i.-; scarce. Shetiield Scandajd seed oats Swe?t Clover white •?1 '20 per I ui. b'ossom 28.C0 per bus. Timothy No 1 . . . 10 CO " Alfalfa No I n^rlh- 1 nm.i by No J ....!) 50 " era M 00 - Red Clover No 1 . . 4(i 00 " Br.an 2 70 per cwt. Ktd Ciovir No 2. . 44 50 >• Ont. Shorts 3 00 " liedMammoiLNo 1 4(i.C0 - Perfec. ion feed. . . 15 CO Red Mainmo'h Chop oats 3 .")0 Dove No a... 44.,")0 •• Buckwheat, seed. . 2.00 Ahiko No I 43 00 '• Keed oats 1.10 Groceries Bananas, rer doz.ju (iOc CampbeHs Soup, per can. . ISc LfliuQ^is, per dozen 40c Royal Household Flour OranKes, per di-<ten. COc per cwt 87 15 Prunes in t.ulk, per lb. 25o Five Ruse Flour per cwt. 7 15 Figs in bulk, p^-r Ih I'Oc Eclipse Flour per cwt . . 6 85 Dates m bulk, per lb 23; White Li'y (pastrv) per cwt 7 00 Mmce Moat, per lb 20j lioUod t),its per cwt (i ijO Eiwardsburo Can Syrup 5 lb tiOo Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks. . :V)s Edwiirdsburo Cm Sprup Christies Biscuiu, per lb :!5c 1" ">8 §1 25 Corn, Pea-S and Pumpkin Lipti.ii .s Tea, 2 lb 1 .:i5 per can 20c tiiiik Tea, per lb (iOc T. matoes. per can ". 22c hi .\ Piire LarJ, per lb .-{tfc Tapioca, p>r lb ' 18c J. R. PATTISON & SON Successors to H. Down & Son Flesherton, - Ontario < < s' â- -Ar.VSKr-.:^ -"^ . .'^-^ "^ . .â- ^.-.'*' ^~y Spring Announcement VV. I, WRhlllT wishes lo announce lo il;e public ih^ he Has just received a tpring consignment of .Miu's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, Kubbers to hr my bhiipe boot, Lonn Kubbor Boots, Fleet Fo >t White VV^iro in all styles for men, hkdiesoj^is&es, boys and you'hs. PeaDody's ai.d Bull Do« t)veralls i.nd Ssmocks, W'oik Shirt.*, new line of .Men '.s Shirts ami Balbriagaii Underwear, Ties, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarf.s and Gloves. A fi-tffh s'ock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. In the Millinery Department- yon will find .Mrs. Wriglit with a coinp'e'e st; ok of Ladies' Hats, Uibboi.s, L»cea and Veils, t'all and iLspect our lines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hit^hest prices paiii for Butter and Eggs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton NOTICE If you want anything in tho imple-j in-.oit line. Call on H. Knott, Markdale,; an he sells all sells all Dcorin^i iaiple- UKii'9, Gastdine £ngiue9, Siniior Sowing: Michine, D.-Liva! Cieam Separatois' III f Id anytbiui; and everything in thej lino of Iinpleinonts at reiisouable prices. Salisfitoliou guaiftntecd. HUGH KNOTT, .igont, \ Mtrkdale, Ont, \P' Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give iSiitiro SWUisfMticn LAUNDUYâ€" B,isket >«« ^nday night, deiivt-rv Friday ov CLEANING and UlfKlNt;- We are ageuts for Parktr'.* Dye W..rk»â€" Clothes •aned and dyed, fcfathern ro;uvonafed T FISHER. -PROPRIETOR

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