Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1920, p. 4

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•««>MI«IM«M«HM* March i8 lUiiO THE FIIvSFIF-liTOX ADVANCE Borrow to Buy Cattle "Mixed Farming" is the big money- maker today. Of course, grain and fruit and vegetiibles pay wellâ€" but beef .".nd bacon, butter t,nd cheese, are piling up the profits for the farmer. Milk more cowsâ€" fatten more callloâ€" raise moi-e hogs. If you need money to do it, corao to The Merchants Bank. Wo are glad to assist all up-to-date farmers. TH€ A.^iiClf1AN rs BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CA.NADA established 1864. FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. A. NORSVVORTHY, . . . . ' . . Manager. â- SiiliAjiency nl Ceylon open Tuodnyj. Thursday* and Silurdny». WE SELL FASM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New.Tul)u]iU' Siiarples Separators JOHN HEARD, M?L"iMH>4T AGENT FLESHERTON. furniture"^^! Alljkinds of fiirnittire^in "our showrooms.f;3Call and see | our (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large '^ range of prices to suit your'pocket book •-•«••••••••*•â€"••••.•( UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W.:H. BUNT FIcsKerton, r Phone 30 r 11 I I 1 r Flesherton Tin 8hop .^=.^=i=rr I have )U.st. p!a(;o(l on the sludvcs a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Aga'ewaie lor donicstic use. ( 'jill on me and get your supplies. F^a vet roughing, Stovejjipes and Stovt^ Furnish- ings. Repairing ot'all kinds pimiipt ly atteiulcd to. I'ipeiitting, including pump work. l'"uinaecs inslalleil. Agent, for ('l;n(! Bros. Fu!'i\aces. Ill I i II ! ! Same Old Arithmetic. Some iiiilv'>rsii.\ |.iiilc.-.sois n\t\ tn'if- Inic about Kt^UliiK mil a new iii-lt!iitif:lc. However, our micHs Is tlmt It will bother the boys Jiint im inucli to dis- cover tiow loiii; It will tnke owe iiinn lo build H Willi IS fM'( loIlK IHIll six feet high iiml V2 iiiclii's thick, if ciKlit men can hulld n wall llirce tiim-H tli.if size iu lour (lays. Arlthinetle bus ul- wuys been the castor oil of kcIiooI life; they iimy fool with It iis iiinch ns they will but they'll never lltid a wny (o make It pleiisniit to lalcc. Tti* Potato. In lts^natlv« couiio-y, on *be inntin- tuinn of Chile aiul I't-ru, writt-s .fean U' nrl f^abre, In l-'ield, V(ivf*\ and Fiirin, the potato In lis wild -il.ile is n poor dlndnutlve tuber about iis liir^e BS a hazoltuit. .Man takes tlif, worth- less wild Ktock Into his pirdiii, iilanf.i It In rich soil, tends If, wators It ; and t>ebold, from year to yenr the poiato thrives more and more. Kibil"" I" â- ''zp un<l In nutritlv(- properties, and liniilly heo.mes a farinaceous tuber as l:ir;;e lis yotir twri lists. Learned Her Lesson. A friend of ours was a collector for B lodge. His little daughter was in the habit of accepting pennies from the members. Her mother chastised her and told her she must not accept pennies any more. So tlie next day. when one of the nienilicrs offered h^ a penny, she ."nld : "I ea;i't take pen- nies; I can only take nickels and dimes." â€" Erchange. The Sowing. Every harvest looks hack to a sow- ing, every fruit to a seed. Encli Kold- en-wheated October pre-supposes a grain-sowlfli; May: logic, common- place and inpvitable. in conditions nia- torlal. Hut humanity is not so Inclined to recognize the fact, or to appreciate the meaning of the fact In conditions InteUectual, moral, human. â€" Charles F. Tliwlng. Next Morning the Loaves Had Two, A baker of raisin bread whose prod- uct got shyer and shyer or raisins one day received (his sarcastic letter: "Herewith I hasten to return a raisir. wiilch I found In a loal' lioutiht on your premises this morning'. Trustiii;; that you have not been imoiivenieiiced In - any wny by Us tempoiary loss, r re niniii, etc." The Whale as an Eater. The whale rarely, if ever, swallows aiiyihlng laifjer than ii liorrin«. Al- lliougb the head Is of enormous size,, from one-<iuarter to one-third leiijjtli of the body, and the mouth, lifteen to twenty feel long and six to elKhl feet wide, the uiienin,:; of the fjuilet is not hir.iier liian a man's list. Hidden Hand Whispers. .\ correspomlent of nii i;m;lish paper recently Indulifed in tills bull : "Lest a whisper of the hidden hand be heard â€" ." Was It an Kn^lish clerjry- imiii who said to his con,:,'regiilioii : "Itrethren, the iimddy pool of politiis was the rock on which I spilt"?â€" Out- look. ii\ I D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK - FLESHERTON OS ONTARIO. \$ iBl i Gold's Great Power. One of the funny things al)out hu- man nature is the tender afl'ectlon we all have for iiiont>y, the way we work to get It, and then, the wny \Ve talk iiliout everyone who has succeeded In getting a lot of It. II II VJA Torchon Laces, 'rorchon laces, popiilur in .-Vmeriia, were first made in (^liefoo,* China IweiUy-five years ago when ndsslon- arles tauglit the Chinese lare-iiiaking Chinese now compete with l>elj;iaiir- in making laces. n «i â-  l^i H â-  I â-  » i| «ii»i«i « i » â-  « i » ii«i n i.» «..«-«.(.,<>-»,«..f..a..«..».«. •♦•♦.â- .â- â- ..«.ilii«ii« n i n » I â-  â- !»- GOLD SEAL FLOUR An all western wlieiU lloiir lliat, niikl<es llio bent nf broiitl. AIho BnnwHake pastry flour, (Jralmm flour, buokwhcal ami pancake llourK. PllUlTSâ€" Uaidins iu bulk or imckotx, t'tnf, priinns, orauKOH and leinona. CANNKD (JOOD.S â€" A full lino of canned fruits including straw- berried, raHpberries, poaiH, peaches, (.l.trries ami pluii\g. AIbo toiuatoea, peas, com and wa\|bcanp. City Dairy Ice tlienni I'lics. We will buy Ihilter, K.Kgs and Cream. mm Bellamy's Grocery PKone 37 FLE5HERT0N, ONTARIO »^?»««>*"***"*'»'*â€"^-»**â€" '♦»*♦#â-  » « »» «. »â-  I »«»â- Â»Â» 1 1 »â- Â» » â-  » â-  ' (ri«»»i«i«i«« Mystery Solved. Iler eyes were red, and she explain- ed that she had been to a wedding. "I always cry more at a weildlng than I do at a funeral â€" it's so inucli more tm- eertoln."â€" Boston Transcript. Most Elephants Are Cowards. Only about twenty-five out of ever.v l.CXK) elephants In India can pass the testa for euuragft which are put to them before they are H.sed In tiger hunting. WiM Indesdl lie Is a wise man who ran on oc- caalun put up or shut up â€" but hs la a wiser man who can put np and shut up. â€" Savanuah Morning News. M«nac« to Locuats. Locusts In Algeria have found a dangerous enemy In a tty wliieli ful- lowH them and lays Its ecgs where they lay theirs. Qeod Roasona for Optimism. The Utile world of ours is not i;rt)w- Ing worne to the men ami women who are tloln^ ilieir best to laiike It better. First Mirror Was Water. r>ruslies were prolmbly Invented tnuili later than the comb, but tho mirror, the one toilet article without which woiiiiiii <'ould not exist, must date from a very early period. I'or- haps a dear pool allowed curious wom- an a first view of her face, though we must say that she Is not the only vain creature to e.\ist, for a certain gentle- man named Narcissus gazed at his re- flection in the still water, and gazing fell so in love with bis beauty that he pined away and died. Sea-Island Cotton. Practically ail of tin; sea-island cot- ton Is )>roduced in the states of Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, the finest coming from the chain of Isl- ands off the Carolina coast. It l.s well iiamed .sea-island cotton, as when grown away from the coast the fiber rapidly degenerates Into upland cot- ton unless seed grown in the Islands I.s obtained for planting successive crops. Ancestors of Sheep. .\ll the present breeds of .•^liOfp are piobiddy descended from the Mouf- lion, the European wild breed. The • i>llier leading wild breeds are the Ar- •-'iili of central Asia, iuid the Highorn â-  f the Itocky mountains In America; Mit it Is doubtful if any domesticaied iiirieties have been evolved from lipse. All the recently opened coiin- irles have been stocked from Europe, ind nearly all from English breeds, ivith the exception of the Spanish me- rino. Met Fate of the Weak. It seems that there can be no doubt tJiat the clIIT dwellers were extermi- nated by their more savage and wat^ tike neighbors, the men being killed and the women being adopted into the tribe of the conquerors, though in some cases migratloQS may have become necessary as a result of drought or pressure from outside tribes. Great Care Taken of Silk. Silk is the ;iiost costly of all tibers, luid In the raw state represents a lalue so great as to be guarded in its transportation like a shipment of bul- lion. It is shipped from coast to coast in special, solid express trains, \mder stroll}: Kiiard. the shipments rangius In value from S,"i,000,O0O to $'2r),0O().(K>O. Fruits of Old. .Many of the fruits and vegilablcs now eaten in England were almost un- known to our foiefatliors. Not until lUviry VIIl's time were rasjiberries or I strawberries or cherries grown in Ens- j land, and we <lo not read of the turnip, caulillower and nuincc being cultivated before the sisteeiiih century. Big Man in His Day. Gollaili, the I'liillstine giant, must have caused a lot of troulde for the army iiuartermasters of bis liw. How did they get a regulation unilorm to fit him, for he stood tdevon feet three inches In bis stocking feet ; if, indeed, Philistines of those times wore stock- ings.â€" Boston Post. Bends, but Cuts Glass. An American steel company, uiakiug all grades of elwtric tool steels, an- nouuces that it has produced an alloy chisel steel wbleli can be made so hard that It will cut glass, yet mny be bent by being iinmiiiered over the edge of an anvil. Deserving of Reward. Wo are to l.e rewarded, not only for work done, but for burdens borne, and I am not sure but that the brightest rewards will lie for those who have borne burdens without murmuring. â€" Andrew Bonar. Capitalist Reflections. The pronoun "1" and the Inter- jection "O" are better written without using a capital. Let "U" be added and It signifies that the writer has no capital ut all.â€" Uoston Transcript. Net Flattering. "Vou must have .said something dreadful to Mr. Bestseller." "I merely suggested that he hire the fellow who got up his udvertlsemeuta to write his books for him." Tip for Cmpleyera. There are no strikes lo the plant where the old man calla his employees Dick and BUI and asks about tb« baby's new teeth.â€" Wichita Beacon. Msdiclne From Stag Hems. Stags are bred la China fur tbeir horuf, the borna being cut while aoft each year and used lo the manufacture of medicine. The Almighty Dollar. Bribery has Iwen the downfall nt many public men during the course of history. Francis Bacon, the greatest tiiinker of liis age, was ruined by his cupidity. Lord Chancellor Macclesfield and Waterbury were destroyed by the same vice. Benedict .\rnold sold a fort in New York to tlie enemy for $31,575. For this same sin Gorgel betrayed Austria, Ahlthopel forsook David and ,Tudas delivered up Christ. The Egyptian Barber. The ordinary village barber of Egypt bears a certain res"mblance, in so far as his profession goes, to the barber-surgeon of ancient times in England. He Is authorized by law. af- ter having passed an examination, to perform Tacclnation. application of leeches, capping, simple dressings, bnt Is fort>ldden to order or prescribe raed- ieines. ._J -*c-; VictioU XVI. Dancing at your own home any lime with the best dance music and without expense if you have a ^ W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over !0C users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers _ Electric and gasohiie power washers. ^«-r ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Mowers, Hiy Rakes, Hny Loaders, DrilN, Cultivator, V'lows, Steel 'v\ ^ Stalls. Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Urantford i^ d;'ub!e geuvd and'auto oiled •iuuiotor Wind MHU, Bea'ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, SHugs, Manure Carriers, Water Bowl.--, Water Tanks, Pump .-ind Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One thiiii more wooj o.U wirii tsiiiie po.vor when ti".;ed wuli my patent S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. ( f r 1 Small Ads. FOR SALE i Youyg lieifcr c*lf for sale â€" T. Fenwick, Kegenia. For Sale cheali and en easy teems. Lot lo, Bon. 11. Osprey, 110 acres. This is a tii'st clivss farm and in a good state of cultivation, flood bank barn &iid new frame dwelling. Apply io R. ,1. Sproule lesherton For Saleâ€" 2 Registered Shorthorn Bulh, 10 and 11 months old, on) red and one loan, both choice animals James Findlay, phoje 30 r 1 4, Markdile. B'or Saleâ€" Brick dwellini; on north side i>f CoUlngwool iitrestâ€" hard and soft water insideâ€" two lots and stable â€" T. J. Either, FlesherJcu. Hay For Sale .\ fiw tons of hay for sale Mt the barn W. I'aton. Seu hLine. Artenieaia. r 1 1 THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspip,<r published »Mi«iy Thursday af the ottiee, Collingwood Stieot, Fltshertou. Sub^criptiou price $1 50 per annum wh<.in ^wi 1 in advanca ; S2.1H.) when not so paid. $2.00 to • uited !;<tates. -Adverkisiug rates on applioatiou. Circulation over IKHJ weekly. W. H. THURSTON, Ki-iron Auction Sales A credit auction sale of farm stock, iinplemenis, etc, will be held on lot 7, con. o, Artemesia, on Monday. March 2?, the projiorly of J. K. McLeod. See bills. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mr Georao White, lot 127, eon. 8, S W T and S R, Ait«mew», will hold a ! credit auction sale id farm stock, imple- uienls, «lo.. . n Thursday, March 25. See : .advritiseuient and larjje bilh. P. Mc Phail, auetiLineer. â- â€¢ t . • » » . • » • % WhyT , Into the end of the handle i/f n new I toothbrush can be inserted a eard with its owaer's name. tVir Saleâ€" H«a«y brood mare, heavy celt rising two year old, heavy inare riainx six year old. Kmsrson Wickenr, Flethrrton. Phoue. MI30KLLANEOl'S Try Foversha.n Pastry Flour, the best oryuuroook, AH Ont»rio wheat Ri^heet prioifor butter and R«f{« at Grthani Brca. Kucenia. June 8<S Private funds to loan on rical ettele â- eourity at reanonable rate of interest. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fieiherton sept Kn Chopping Tusedaya, Thuia^ays and t^aturdays onlyâ€" Graham Bros.,Kugfnia, New Bakery For Fledierton Having pucohased the hake Hbop in FtcsberUMi I hive fitUd np the aame and am nw pre- pared to cater to tfae public ia first elasa Bread. Bans, Biaooike and Paati7. My f^rentest effort will bo to please the pnblie, and your custom is respectfully aotioited . F. Finder, Prop » ♦

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