Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1920, p. 7

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r IPHV T LOSS OF mimm THROUGH lHIDIOEmOili The stomach Can Only Do Its Work When the Blood is Rich and Red. Indigestion means loss as well as suffering to many people. boss of strength, loss of time and losB of money follows Indigestion and debili- ty continues as long as the Indiges- tion remains. Workers suffer from iudigestlon because their hours are long, and often they cannot give pro- per time to meals. Then the appetite becomes fickle, digestion becomes feeble and the blood becomes im- poverished. So the general health suffers; langour, nervous troubles end often sleeplessness follows. It is well to remember that the whole sys- tem relies upon good blood and that good blood is impossible unless the digestion is good. The stomach cannot do Its work un- less the blood is made rich and red, and so new blood alone can cure indi- gestion. It is for this reason that a remedy like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which makes new, rich blood, cures indigestion and builds up the whole system. The great value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind is proven by the statement of Mr. R. E. Small, Wingham, Ont, who says: â€" "The truthfulness of my statement can be proven by scores of my friends and acquaintances. I am a glove cutter by trade and for six long years, have at times been a great sufferer from complication of ills chiefly due to in- digestion. Gas would accumulate on the stomai.'h, causing me gruat pain. I would bloat up at times and almost suffocate, and often when at work would be overcome by a drowsy op- pression which was almost indescrib- able. Finally I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking seven boxes I feel like a new man. The, transformation they have made in me is simply remarkiible, and while using them I gained thirteen pounds in weiglvt I may add that I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a result of what they did for a niece, who underwent a critical operation, and who did not regain her strength until she started using the pills. In her case tliey fully restored her health, and this encouraged me to begin th.oir use, with, as I have already suid, a complete restoration of health in my own case." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for ^2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Why the Great Britain Thomas is Respected. The British Tommy is cheery, cour- ageous and dependable. He also adapts himself successfully, in his own peculiar fashion, to strange coun- tries, comrades and responsibilities. In Georgia-not that which Sherman marched through, but Transcaucasian Georgia, neighbor to unhappy Armenia â€"Mr. Melville Chater, a recent Ameri- can visitor, found him very much on the Job. He was, indeed, the one en- livening element amid tragedy and confusion. The American first learn- ed of his activities from a British colonel, his travelling companion on a Georgian train. There had been, the colonel related, trouble between the Armenians and the Georgians over a boundary dis- pute, when along came a party of twelve British soldiers. The Georgian and Armenian armies lay on either side of a railway Hue. They were about to attack, when the Briton in command Jumped on a pile of railway ties and addressed them. "Commanders of the Georgian and Armenian armies in being," he said politely. "Since you can't carry on without killing some of His Majesty's forces, I propose an armistice." There- upon the British army of twelve sat down between the firing lines and comfortably made and enjoyed its tea while the surprised commanders ar- ranged terms. •^ It was an amusing anecdote, and scarcely had the colonel finished tell- ing It when the brakes began grinding and a fusilade of musketry rang out from the near-by town. Presently a Georgian official, very scared, came aboard and appealed to the colonel for assistance against a crowd of convival fellow citizens who were shooting up the countryside. "Is It war or mere play?" coldly in- quired th« colosel, who knew the Georgian temperament. "It is revolutionary enthusiasm," replied the official in broken English. "If you have a Thomas -a Great Bri- tain Thomas â€" or so to lend us â€" " " 'Kraid not," said the colonel. "I have Just four men with me." "It is enough!" exclaimed the official Joyfully. "The Great UrlUln Thomas is much respected by my country- men!" Perhaps it might have been enough, but the colonel could not spare his four and closed the interview with a rather curt, "So sorry!" A few days later, Mr. Chater and a medical friend learned a little more of the ways of Thomas with the Geor- gians. They had been puzzled by the sight of a Tommy on a street corner, apparently carrying on a fluent con- versation with a Georgian soldier, and found an opportunity afterwards to question him. "You don't speak Georgian?" asked the doctor. "No, sir," answered Tommy. "And that Georgian doesn't under- stand English?" "No, sir." "How on earth, then, do you man. age to understand each other?" "Well, you see, It's this way, sir,' replied Thomas with the utmost solemnity. "One of these 'ere foreign chaps'll come up and say to me, 'Nitchy villa, nitchyvilla?' And I'll Bay to 'Im, 'Don't mind if I do 'ave one.' And then maybe 'e'il say to me, 'Bltt sky, ittsky, boo!' And then I biffs 'Im one on the jaw." "But why? Why knock him down?" "Because, sir," answered Thomas with simplicity, "for ail I know, sir, 'e may be making insulting remarks about me." It is perhaps not for his logic that the Great Britain Thomas is respected in Georgia; but respected he is. The Real Good. "What is the real good?" I asked in musing mood. Order, said the law court. Knowledge, said the school. Truth, said the wise man. Pleasure, said the fool. Love, said the maiden. Beauty, said the page, Freedom, said the dreamer. Home, said the sage. Fame, said the soldier, Equity, the seer. Spake my heart full sadly, "The answer is not here," Then within my bosom, Softly this I heard: "Each lieart holds the secret; Kindness is the word." ,..MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Order? are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. ""^ .J A Strike in the Congo. A novel method of breaking a strike Is described by Mr. E. Torday, who tells about some of the curious cus- toms of the Central African tribes In the Congo. I crossed tho river in a canoe, he says, and then my luggage was carted to a place above the tails where another boat was waiting for me. The boat was only a dugout, but it was so large that it required a crew of forty paddlers, which was changed at every village so that the men should not be taken far from Iheir homes. In one place the men refused to work, and for a time I was unable to proceed. Leaving the women In the village, they withdrew to a distance and mocked me. I instructed my boy to put a number of paddles into the boat; then I in- vited the savage ladles to come aboard and sell me food. I relied upon the universal eagerness of the negroes in that region to trade, and soon thirty women were in the boat bargaining. Without attracting their attention, my boy unfastened the rope by which t*ie boat was secured to a tree, and before the saleswomen were aware of what was happening they found them- selves floating downstream. The effect of this manoeuvre was immediate. The men set out in their little canoes and demanded their wo- men. I offered to surrender one host- age for every man who would come aboard and take his place with a pad- dle, and In half an hour I continued my Journey triumphantly. All the ladies had been redeemed from pawn. O Regrularity in feeding is one of tlie essentials for producing winter eggs. YouU Enjoy 'the Flav^or of INSTANT POSTUM and this table drinlsL Is easy to make Just, right. One can vary tlie cup strength as desired, maldni it stxc'hsL 5r mild to suit ta9t#, ^ ^«e^ i^t^d of coffee . its- BetterRrYou More Econonical "Stately Homes** Going. Boom days In the land buiineBg have struck Britain, and many ances- tral estates have gone under the auc- tioneer's hammer. The reason for sell- ing Is mainly that rents for farms are low and that ownerB of estates can more profitably Invest their money elsewhere. There are also many newly-rich looking for fine country homes. But in the main, it is smull j farmers who are buying up the big â-  estates In portions. The agricultural depression of the eighties and early ! nineties ruined many an English far- ! mer, but the war with its consequent | demand for every scrap of food that i could be produced in the British Isles | gave a tremendous stimulus to agri- I culture. Practically all the lYirge area of i land offered for sale in Kent has been sold amid keen competition at satis- 1 factory prices. Fruit farms have been j in great demand. With many of the big estates being sut-Jivided those re- maining as such will naturally become more valuable. There is an unsatiable demand for houses In both London and the small towns. HAVE YOU ASTHMA? Do you endure the misery of AseKma wltt> .ileeptoss algbta, difficult brasthlne utdloesofstrenatb? Bow- ever bad your caae. qulelc Teller l8 guaranteed by the use of TEMPLETON'S RAZ-MAH CAPSULES This preparation Is tbe re- sult of yearsof experlment- 'rhousands f ye Ing and study have derived tbe sr beneSt through ita uee. have derived tbe greatsgt Write for free sample to Templetons, 1*2 King St. W.. 'foronto. Sold by reliable druggists every wbere tor tl.Oi » box. fiF BITS OP HUMOR Clauifled A^ertisemenlfc AOKKTS XJORTHAJT AQKNTH WANTINO Mr good prlnta and Onisbes â€" lowest frlcMt on rromea â€" <uk fur catalogue, 'lilted Art Co., 4 BruniwlcU Ave., Tor- onto. {TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULESl For ll'teen years tbe standard] â- peciflc tor Rhaumatltm, NaurlUs, Gout Sclatloa, Lumbago, Neuralgia Many doctors prezcrlbe tbem. Wrtt» to TempUtoni, 1*3 ling 8t. W.. Toronto, tot I flM umple. Sold br nlliUe diugi;lcta crcTTwUn fur I |t.Mpct box. WHEN BABY IS CROSS Mothers, when your baby is cross â€" when he cries a great deal and no amount of attention or petting cheers him â€" something i.? the matter. It Is not the nature of little ones to be cross and peevish â€" the well ihlld is a happy child. Give him a dose of BabJ^'s Own Tablets and he will soon be v,eU again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and .'itomach ; banish cons- tipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and relieve the other minor ills of little ones. Con- cerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for constipation. They relieved my little one when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to all mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2'> cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. Dubious Prospect. "That psychic expert says there are trees and animals in the spirit world." "Mebbe there are," said Farmer Corntossel. "Only I must say that choppin' wood an drlvin' bosses are among the things of this life that I was hopin' to get away from." A Form of Worehlp. Cyril: "That young bride worships her husband, doesn't she?" Celia: "Weil, she places burnt of- ferings before him three times a day." â- â- SMr Soldi -â- vlolher was \ery fond of teasing Ethel, her three-year-old daughter. It amused her to see those little eyes flash with rage. But It wasn't having a good effect on Ethel. It was making her very sharp and bitter tongued. One day mother picked up the new puppy, cuddling It in her arms like an infant, and asked: "Look, Ethel, how do you like my new baby?" But she didn't smile at the smalt girl's quick retort: "It's 'zackly like its muvver!" ^1 Aak for Mlaaxd'a aad tmka bo athae SMART. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAW wanted to handle mining stooka, bonda and debenturea, to represent To- ronto House. Liberal commission. Ap- ply Uox e. WiUon Publishing Co.. To- ronto. FAJUK rOB SAZ.B 1/\/\ACRE FARM FOR BALE AS \l\f gclnu concern with stock and equipment )4,G00, or farm alone 12,600, two miles from Brooklyn Station, im- mediate poBsesslon Robert Walker. Newport, Nova .Scotia. VAMMm BOPOKT. THAVB CASH BUYERS FOR 8AL- able farms. Give description, lo- i-atlon and cash price. James P. White. Box 99. New Frank lin. Mo. TOM â- AI.H WELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPEB and lob printing plant in Blaatara Ontario. Insurance carried tl.600. WIU o for tl,200 on quick sal« Box t%. "Uson rubllBhlng Co., Ltd.. Toronto. f? Beloved Books. For many friends I've found in books I thankful am; Among them Dorothea Brooks, And Pickwick's Sam. From many a page they smiling look In prose or song, And in ray heart they fill a nook, That friendsome throng. They offer fair and happy haven. In which I find Wisdom, and cheer, and love, free given. And comrades kind. Marlon Bridge, C.B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year. It Is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FEnoUSON. Norwegians Live Long. The average length of life of the Norvi-egian is greater than that of any other nationality of which there is any record. Ameiica'a Pioneer Oog Bsmedie* Soo^ on DOG DISEASES and Kow to FMd Mailed Freo to, any Ad- draEs by the Author. H. Clay dloTer Co., Xns. 113 West 31st Street . Ner.- York. U.S.A "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE G>ughs and Colds Mean Restless Nights Look at tongue [ Remove poi- jsons from little stomach,. liver and bowels which sap the vit^li^A Danger .lurks in every hour a cold Is allowed to run. Assist nature tobring your children quicidy back to health anilstrength and avoid serious complications by tlie prompt use of Cray's S)tud â€" over 60 years in use. Always buy lh« Lars* S' {Alwayi Lars.! Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only â€" look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Motherl Tou must say "California." RED SPRUgI CUir WHEN NEURALGIA AHACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain Maxims of a Successful Man. The less we think of our own good qualities and the more we make of those of our friends and associates the better for everyone. . The moot successful selfishness is unselfishness. ' Don't talk about your own good qualitiesâ€" give your friends a chance. It is good to both think and act, but , do the first anyway. More men have talked themselves out of a job than into one. Conservation is a valuable thing; save it. I When you criticise your own organi- i eation remember you are a part of it. I When you find something to criti- cise in the organization tell me. 1 am interested â€" the public is not. | It is better to get a headache chas- 1 ing an idea than a ecre head nursing 1 a grouch. I A little idea may make a big noise. ; but a big noise never made even a lit- j tie Idea. Don't chase .a customer too hard. | "Vou may be out of breath and Ideas when you catch him. Don't let George think fur you. Give yourself a chance. A little, applied zvifliout lubb'mi;, will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strain?, bruises,' aches, stitiE joints, sore mus- cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu- matic twinges. Keep a big bottle always on hand for family use. Made • in Canada. Druggists everywhere. sec,, 70c., $1.10. SloaiVs Cuticura WOlHelp YoaHare HairLikeThis Touch spots of dandruff and itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointment. Shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. â- Mip*l«,Cliitmit IB uul lOo. Sold throiuhout C.« potzilnTon. Citill* dlon pppot; Ly- i,ttif..Bt.Paul lt.,Maiitrt<d. -♦- Makinjc things go as far a.? possible doesn't mean sti-etching the truth. | â- Â» 1 XM9 MlMiA'* Uslamt is tkt batui^ rEBTSJZES. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR Let "Danderine" save youg hair and douSIjg its beauty STEVENS' COMPLETE FBKTIL- Izer win pay you. Write for prices. SHIP YOUR EMPTY BAGSâ€" SUQ-AJl, flour, bran sacks to Stevens. Hlgh- 'â- â€¢Et prices. Guo. Stevens. 364 Mark St, Peterboro. tl â- K'SXTTVSQt TASIfS KNlTTi.NO lAH.Xa, BEACTIl^.'Li soft lambs' wool four-ply. flnser- 1 Ing yarns In sixteen colors. Juat thti thing for sweater.'), pullovers, toquea and children's wear. Made In Canada by Canadians from pure Lambs' Wool, ana T!o!h!ng els« and somewhat resembleB tlio high (SJisa English yarns, but so iiiuoh cheaper, as you buy direct from the Kplnners. Price twenty cents pel* .slielii or threo dollars per pound. SmaJl sample skein, twenty cents, postage free. Also heavier jaina In homespun stylo, all wool to wash at home. In iJrey, Black, and White at one dollar, fifty per* pound. Larg« sample skein. thirty cents, postage <!ee. Postage extra on all orders under ten dollars. George- town Woollen Mills. Georgetown, On- t.'irio. Note â€" t'ardors and Spinners Want- ed. u«ed to <<."untry Hie. tVOOS ASHES. F YOU H.VVE A CAR FOR fSALEl write nie. Geo. .Stevens. 364 MarU .nvect. Petcrl'oro. â-  SCBAP EROy. IF rOU HA-> E A FIHE AND HAVH a car or more of scrap Iron I will 1 come and quote you where It lays. Geo. I Stevens, 364 Mark Street. Peterboi'O. I 2aiSC£I.XiAn£Oi;S. Oh, girls, such an abundance of thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per- fect mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious- ly fluffy, bright and so easy to manage. Just nioiKten u cloth with a little ; "Danderine " and carefully draw it Ihi'uugh your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically re- moves all dirt, excels oil and grease, but your hair is not left brittle, dry. stringy or faded, but charmingly soft, with glossy, gokleu gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again in your hair. "Danderine" is a tonic beautlfler. Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, It checks dandruff and stops falling hair. Get delightful Dan- derine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use it as a dressing and invlgorator as told on bottle. LADIES V/ANTED TO DO PLAIM light sewing at home whola at. ' spare time. gocJ pay, work sent any dls- ! tance. charges paid. Send stamp tor par- \ tlculars. National Manufacturinir Conf I pany. Montreal. OFFIN STOCK WA.NTED. IB" TOU are able to supply, advise ua. a9 wn I will pay the hlshest prices, dry or greea I from tho saw. Keenao Eros., Limited. j Owen Sound. Ont CA.NCElt, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETU.. liiieniul aniX external, cured without j paJn l)y our home treatment Write ua I before ton lata Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Colllngwood. Ooi. W .ANTED â€" RELT.-VBI.E, E.NER- getlc men, fttrniera' sons, farmt ers or others who can devote some oi their spaie time to represent us as Salesmen for Nursery Stock. We sup-* ply up-to-date canvassing outfits free at charge and offer liberal remuneration. Apply Immediately to Maple Qrov« Nurseries. Winona, Ont. •-•.••"••. 6' 'S"*. CALOMEL! \ , Cause o! . Early Old Age iThe celebrated Dr. Michcnhotf, . an autho.ily on early old age, aaya thai it i* "caused fc? poiiona generated in the inle«tine." ?" When your stomach siigeets food properly it U absorbed without _ forming poisonous matter. Poi- ~ son* bring on early old age and \ premature death. 15to30drop» f of "Seigci's Synip" after meal* » _ makea your digestion sound, to f SINCE jg 1870 ILOH 30S?§?ICOUGH^ It's Mercury! Quick- silver I Shocks the Liverâ€" Danger I â- ..«..«..•..»•.•"••.*•â-  ..*..»..K..9«».., You're bilious, but take "Cascarets"! Tou have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes bum, your s):ln is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parched, your bowels are ixnibtlpated. No wonder you feel foggy, mean and Ill-tempered. You need Cascarets to-night. Don't con- tinue being a bilious nuisance to youi^ self and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that Irrltato and Injure. Remember that most dis- orders of the stomach, liver and bowels are endeil by morning wltli gentle, harmless Cascarets â€" they work while you sleep, never gripe, shoclt, sicken or inconvenience you. They're grand! ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" ISSUE No. 12.â€" '20. The name "Bayer" stamped on lab-' ••'ontains proper directions for ColJ»» 3et» positively ideniiflc!! tho only Ren- 1 Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu- iiino Aspiring â€" tho .\Bphla pre«;nbe<l i ralgin, Lumbaj;o, Khetunatism, Netiri- by physicians for over nineteen years â-  tig. Joist Pains, and Pain generallr. nud now- made in C*nada. ' Handy tin boxes containingia tftb- Alwnvs buy an unbroken package l^ts cost but a few cents. vrofi^iaXA cf '-Bayer Tablets of Aspirin which also soli larger "Bayer" packages. TKero !• only one Aaplrimâ€" "Bayer"â€" Yo« mtast ws "Bayer" Aspirin Is 'ho irado mark i rcelstered In CHnadpl of Bayer Msnufacture of Mono- acetlcaridcster cf So!icyllca< Id. While It i* well known that Aspirin means na;. ir iiianufatture. t j assist Iho rubllo afslnst IrnKat'oi-.s. the Tal)l«ts of Bajcr Compaaa .\illl b* stampea wllh tUtlr general trade mark, tl>» "Barer CroH."

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