Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1920, p. 4

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March *J"» lyJO THE fip:8Iiekton advance "â- â-  Fires Break Out * and thieves break in. Don't risk the first, or invite the second, by keeping money in the house. Put it in The Merchants Bank, where it will be safe from lossâ€" always availableâ€" and eara interest ' at highest current rates. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA, Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. M IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tnliular Slmrples .Separators JOHN HEARD, MOL=MEMT AQENT FLESHERTON. FURNITURE All^kiiids Jot" furniture in our showrooms. Call and see our dinin;^ room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices to suit your pocket book. •«••••"•••••••.••«# -.»â- Â«â- .»..»..».â- % UNDERTAKING Calls answ(!red night oi day W. H. BUNT FIcsherton, IMione 00 r 1 1 Ont. zjr^zJr=j £ z ^ s~} r^:=jp=jh==Jn=O r:^ m^ Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, NickehvaVo and Agateware for domestic u5;e. Call on me and get your .supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stovi- Furnisli ings. i 1 % % Repairing nfall kimls promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Etu-naces installed. Agent for Clare Hros, Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOB BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. i» »â- â-  l^"^ " * â- â- â- Â» " » " » "» -» " >-»'^-»»»- •"•'•' >l »^ll«..»..>..«..«..».^ \ Spring Announcement We wii<li to announce to the public tliU Wd cany a full line of GiocericH and C'onfostioncry. Also Gold Seal Flour. We will buy Butter. Ejjgs anil Crouni. fCieain cane supplied). W# are liaufllinK City Dairy IcCifam. Try oue of om Bricks, Your bufliDCR'^ Boi'iitod. Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLE5HERT0N, ONTARIO I » â-  1 1 1 11 J JCW t I 1 1 â-  I â-  » I » 1 I » » â-  »ii An Eye Opener For Flesherton Folk (OwfUiSouod Sun-Tlnios) A iiieiMiiii; til (lificu.ss the < il b^tuntioli in Flettht'id II Hr«n u:ill«(l for llie tciWD hall, Owen Sound, on Friday ni^liI, liut it W.1K nf)t v('iy lA''gcly fttt<?ud(!ii iiiid ovonltiiilly llii.vu who did ^d went to >he council chiiiiilier where tlie Board of Trado well! in Kcfsiiiii mid Ht the i.":i- cUisiyii'of iho na'uting of that b'ljy ihu speukurs un tlie <|U08tion of oil ^we b faw factb mid C};uru.'< Hint were of ex- eeplionul interest. Mayor PnUerson introduced the spenkers of the ovening, C'tpt. SiCiud anil Mi'ssr*. Finch nnd U^ugh. Mr. Finch whs the lirst speaker ar.d he told .^f the wunderful proRpects thiit the Flufherlon field hold cut. The Ciiiiadian (Jil Fields I.imitLd hud l.".,UOI) itcn;s uudi-r ItiiSK uiid hud n wuU diiwn '23(iU ftet, penetriitin;,' sands unkncwn anywhere but in tlie IUlin:tuiiin lioUls. lie ^c!iBV^'d thut i urea oil disnovciy wan iiiiiiiinent. Mr. John l'!ul<(r iiilioduccd ('H]ilttin Seoord, whom \w. had known fur ."fO yum.'!. He did aot know anything iibout the proiinBitii;!!, liut he know that ('apt. Socoid WU5 all lisjlit. ','apt. .Seoord was atked to slmw in whit way Owen Sound would bcnttit by the discovery of oil iu large (luantitieb ut Fleiherton. He said he wai a 8tock holder and a director in the company but was net a |>:iid odicer. He eariie»liy believed lliat the proposi- tion meant a yieat deal t<i Canada and lo Owen Sound. He l)elieved that the re urns from iho Flesherioii oil KeIdH would go f'lrthei' to pay I he national debt than all the pow^r developed ou the St liawrence would. At [jitsent only one per cent- of the ^a.soline uset' ill Cauida wa.s produced here, the reel beins imporU-d. Today tlOO.ODO.OOO goes out of the country each year for oil and yasiiline. More waa Hpent in Canada ua gasoline than ou coal. Speaking of thij benifit Owen Sound would receive should his expcctationa become realities. Capt. Seord said that Owen Sound had a wonderful harbor. I', was the last to freeTie up in the winter and the tirat to be open in the spring. It would make an ideal tt-rminus for s pipe line, and it wa9 not wiihout the bounds of reaaon that a reliiiery might be located here. Cheap oil niemt cheap power and houiei would be heated and mual.stooked with the cheap oil. He told of how to become connected with the company aril so sure was hC of the .sticcasa of llio field H.s an oil producer thai ho had lar^e'y increased Ins original holding of stock on two occaaion.i. lie had »een the well Kever.il trues nnd hnr tested llin u«s, Il had biirned liii!»litly and waa of .such purity as coull only euiiie from oil. Ho liul ii'hiled II r.nd lud not been incon- venicnced. Giia other than oil would be verv aickenii.t.'. He had tuliuiitied (â- ainples to a Jirilish expert mid the tutor lud pronouiic id siroii^ly his hel ef thai the lield was a rich oiio aiil advised every stock huli'er to incieaso liie amount of lo.s StOCt. Mr. M. A. Oough, secretary treasurer ot the c.'iiip\iiy, was the last speaker and he went into ilie hijioiy of ihe company. Ho was ipiite positive in his belief in the wonderful poasibilitieu of \\\q tiehl nnd expected that the oil when struck would Miak« the well one i.'f the ureatesi in the continMit. It was an ideal situation, nnd there was little doubt but that tba oil lields of I'ctrolia and district were fid frnin the height of land around Flrshor- ton. He explained Iho aLtimdo of Toronto Saturday Niijht. Thxt paj er h.id called liiin up and asked fur a stateni.>nt and ho had oiiered to iipen the bnoks III any repreaentativo of the paper, aiu' Hhkcil ulso thai thn paper wou'd ei'her send an oil expeit to the well or secure tlio best '.hat could be hail, and the company wi uKl p:iy for an exauiina tiun of tlio well, and if things wore not found 1 1 be promising, the paper wouKl be at liberty to knnek jill it wanted to. " Satjiday Ni^ht " did not, accept the ollrtr but in I ho next issue appeared a very Hovere ciiiicisin of the company without any investitjatioi.. The Inst two speakeis werp particularly ciiivincinn. They evidently, as well as Mr. Finch, believe that thero ii ml in larf^e luanlitiea where they nrn diilliiiK and hope to to.'iire one of the wonder wells of America when they get down a little lartlier and shoot the well. Mr. •John Mc<.,)uaker said he was proliably the only stockholder iu iho company who resided in Owen So«iid, nnd told of how he ciline to bo interested. He had mat Mr. Fiiich when the latter was fire chiaf at Sliaitord and later when the oil com- pany had been Hotted he had beau approached and had purchised aome stook. 7'beie are many people who beliete that oil in Urge i|uaiilities lies under the l-»nd of Grey County and there is ei^eiy rctsou to believe that the ((uesiion vill he decided one way or Ihe othei within a few months. Oil in Fleseerton would mean a wonderful boom for Owen Sound aad here'a hoping I li.^t the greaiett oil ! wells in .'\nicrica will be brj'rd there. (..'hopping Tuebdays, 'I'huisdays and Saturdays on'yâ€" Orabmii Bros.Eogi ni» THR llesherton Advance A I independent lu'wepxper published a< ery Thursday at the oHie-*, Collingwood St uoS Flislierlon. Subscription price 91 â- ''') per annum wlion paid in advanco ; «2 (JO when not so paid. 82.00 to United States. Advertising rales on apj'licatioii. Ciicuhttion over IIUO weekly. \V. II. TllLUSTON, Ki-iTOK Ai'ohy Davidson, of Meufard, a wid ower, will) lived aloiiu, was fousd dead in his bed by bis «oii ab 10. SO Satuiday morning. Howas72y««rt of niie and had lived there about 18 years. It is impcusihU to say how I ma Mrr Davidson hid beeu dead before lii< body was dis- cover 'd, as Lis son was the last oiui to .^eo him alive on Thursday evening, Ueath was due to heart failure. One sou and three daugbter.<) survive. Farm For Sale Lom I't. I(i7. (-'oi; L' N K, and Hi?, .S N E, Arteinesia, OOacies, are ollere 1 for sale. On tlio lands aie a brick clad dwellint' and a good frania barn and other outbuildiiiiis. For particulars apiily to - JOHN IJKOWN, Or \V. ,J. Bellamy, Fleiherton. Mrll Farm For Sale Lot N .', 5 and lot <i, con. 19, Proton, containing 180 acres. Well wa'ored, good barn and house, 80 acres under ulti vatiun, rest mDitly (laituio With bout five acres good busii, estate of the ale U.J. McCormiok. For pirticular apply to VVM. MoCORMICK. Executor of the estate- - Proton P. O Phone Dundalk52-4. The Iflasherton Bible Depository has just placed in stock the largest selection of Bibles and Ti.^tarnenls ever shown hcie, ranging in price from a few cents ca live dollars. There arn some veiy tine gift books and family Bibles in this lot. The Depository is kept .it The .Vdvanco Ofhoe. Markdale Creamery is now open for busines.i. Highest pricoi; piid for cream Plione or write fir can. A si|Uare deal i.s our uliitto. Give us your patronage. Sittisfaction guiianteed. Markdile Creamery Co., phoue 44. Small Ads. FOR SALE Young lieifer cdl' for saleâ€" T. Fonwick, Kugenia. Fur .Sale -Massey Harris tu'elvo hoe seed drill i;i good ivoiking order. Also some Mar<|um wheat far seed, and one sow due to farrow April 25, lor sale. .J. F. Collinson, (./eylon. For Sale â€" Team young liorsj?, stiff tooth cnliivatiir. ten foot horse rake ard two Bocund hand wagniis. .f. 11. Htiiid, Flchhoitoii. Hay For 5>aKi â€" About twen'y tivei ton of Well saved hay, two and a liilf miles south of Flesherton, iJ25 00 per ton. Write Herb C.irhett, Oloverbrao Farm, It. It No. 1, Proton. For S.ile cheiu and en easy lunus. Lot Li, Clin. 11, Ospiey, 110 acres. This is a first diss farm and in a good Htato of cultivation. Good bank barn and new fiame dwelling. Apply co U. J. Spr.iulo lesherlon For Saleâ€" 2 Registered Shorthorn Bulb. 10 and 11 monlh.s old, onj red anl Olio roiii, holli choicsf animals lames Fiudlny, pho.ie HO r 1-4, Markdalu. Fur Sale â€" Brick dwelling ou north side of Collmsiwool Ktreet - bard and Foft water inside -two lots and a'able â€" T. J. Fisher, Fleaherion. Hay For Sainâ€" A fdw tons of hay b r snle at the barnâ€" W. Paton, South Line, Artemesia. For Sab â€" Heavy brood mare in foal, heavy colt riting two year old, heavy mare rising six year old. Emeraon Wicltens,' Flesherton. Phone. | MISCELLANEOUS Try Feversha.u Pastry Flour, the Im-s* or your co ik, AH Onisrio wheat Hi{h>3st prioi For butter and eugs st Graham Bros. Euaania . June £6 Private funds to loan on real estate security at renstinable rate of interest. .\pply tc U, J. Sproule, Kteihertnn sept 2317 A .« i. m t> m ♦ ♦ • * '^ Vicuoli XVI. ancmg at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT ^â- ^ SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over !0C users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity wa.«hers and wrino'ers dllectric and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiok Binders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drill.s, Culiivator, Plows, Steel i^lalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airuiotor Wind Mill", Heal ty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water liovNl.i, WaterTaiiks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ:SAWS (Jne third more woo;! out with s.inie power wlioii tiUcd with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. SEEDS! Maminolh Clover ( onimoii Ked Clover Alfalfa Alsike finiothy Sweilc Turnips Sui^ar Mangle Seeds Garden Seeds of all kinds Five Rose Flour Middlings Low Grade Flour Chopped IJarley Crushed Oats 9BKfflBffiaB»a)S»S3SfflKS»3BS Bran Shorts Now is the time for Long Rubber Boots. AH sizes in stock. Ladies' llubbers, also Children's. neasaBSiinaaiissjiiniiaenan F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario '^ vC Thn sanding horn* ol a scholar from I ono %\ (he Ouelph public ichools by a lady tsaoher cauted a roildank .of St. P.t> rick's Ward to anil*, althouyk he wtaj rather rextd at tirat, Tha tsicker heard that (ha pupil'a another wai sick, and i consequently took tha precaution of •ending the child hoaia te make cartain i (hat there wag nothing of a contagious ' character about tha molhai's sickness. ' The cause ot the Utter waa due to an I addition to the family, and (he (srents be'ng cunvinccd that there was nothing ' lik ely to ba contaeioua to others from 'â-  inch a source they notifisd tha teacher a id have sinca been enjoying tha I'l'RK BUB;D SHORTHORN Bull For Service ' "ARTEfttESU" PRIDE, (10374O) Terms -J,1, payable at time of service, $6 for purebreds. JOHN DOW, , April Prop For Service One pure twtd Shorthorn Bull on lob 36, con. "J, Artemesia. Terms 11.60 for eradea. Mwtbe paid within 9 mcmtba from date of Burvine. ' 19. .Ian. -R. (». TURNER. BOAR for SERVICE Purebrpd Tainworth Bo'\r for seMrioe on lot 1C>7, S W T and S E., Arleoaeaw,. ♦ humorous side of the incident.â€" Quelph* Termsâ€"tl. 50. Herald. 1 FeblS -T. J. 8TtNS(JN,Pr(v

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