Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1920, p. 5

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<Ti : ? t » •/' \/ *••» I March 25 1 92* THli FLESH EKTON ADVANCE SERVICE.-Our highly-developed service is available at all times f orthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded biisiuess man appreciates the importance of theco-operation, (guidance and information on financialmattersof his Banker. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH OeO. MITCHELL Manassr CANADIAN H. K. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station Trains oUows : Going South 7.53 a. iQ. 4.27 p.m. The mails are Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at *.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Qood bye old winter. Mi. Bert Arrastrnnir of Maaford visited his sister, Mrs. HickUni;, on Mondny. Mrs. Emerson Bellamy is iu Toronto narsing her brother, who is ill. Mrs. 8. C. F.dmnnda of Scarboro is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. VV, Trimble. Born- Ac Priceville^ o" Thursday, March 19, lo Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Olivei, a son â€" John .Joseph. Mips Breese of Chi'sworth was the g«est of Mrs. A. S. VanDusen during the past w8Fk. Mr. H^irry Thistlelhwaite of Ningani Falls visited tlia past week wiih his parents here. Burn â€" In Flesherton, on M<inday, March 22, to Mr. and Mrs. \V. Mill.r, n daughter. F. T. Hill & Co. have purchased a business block in Meufurd and will start a branch score thore. Potatoes Wanted â€" Highest market prices. Phone r 12 on 31. Clarence Muir, Ceylon, M>Ri> Moore nf Hespnler is spondiiig a few <vceks with h«r uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mcoro. Miss May DeaTttt of Meaford, who waa a nurse orerseiti dn^ing the war, has ieen appointed as night supervisor in Oweu Sound hoipilal. One day last week a freiuht car jumped the truck near Amaranth Station and the ^ssenger train from Teeswater waa held up and thii passengtrs h;»d to be trans- ferred. It caused a delay of nearly thrt e hcurs. Wh make a charge of lOc a line for all cburch announcements, concerts etc., up U S lines. 0»«r that number ijc i line. Mo reading notices inserted under 50c. 0sunt six words to the lino. Mr. Johnston Cullen, nho has beea ••nliued to the house all winter, w.i3 iu tawn Monday looking up some of his «ld friends, to aee how they had stood kbe siege of cold and storm. Mr. Oulleo himself appears to have wettherad it iu piett) good form, and many friends were {leased to see him again. Two detectives came up frpm Toronto Friday and took VV, Thompson of Dun- 4»lk 10 Owen Sound on « charge of assaulting Conductor Soanlon. The accused came kefor* a magistrate on Saturday and the case was set for hear. lag ou Tuesday of this week, but up to ftime of going to preti (he result is not known. Mr. and Mrs. James Tkonipion of Hamilton were Tisitors In town (or â- â€¢veral days duriog tha past week. Jim i« an exporienaed niirbla uao, haTing had many yaara' expatinnoe wikhsome o( the Urgest firms in Caaada, and ha wjs hero looking over the ground with the yossihie view of establishing • marlVe hasineaa here this cimiDg sumiasr. We hope the opinion formed is favorable, Mr. Thonipann worked here yetrs ago with S. VanZanl and knows the territory thoroughly. The boyt and girls bad their last skate for the season on Saturday niuhl last. Mesms. II. B. Smith and J. M. Kil- liouinof Owen Sound have presented Mr. Trout of the Children'* Aid Saoiety with a new Chevrolet car. Mr. Price Teeter returned Mondiy after visiting his brother, Lewis Teeler, who IS ill athii home, Krin, and is not e.>cpected to recover. C.E. Jennet of Windsor has been loc-i'ed in the Srandiird Bank here, tak- ! iug the placj of Mr. Herb Sullivan, who goes to Harriston. Housekeeper Wantedâ€" Geed home and steady situation ;for riijht person. Apply to Geo. Watson, Box 109, Prica- vilie, Ut Particulars. Amaetiogof Coylon U.F.O. will bo held in the Orange hall, Ceylon, on Fri- day, April 2, at 8 p.m. Mombars wish- ing to obtain clovet seeds will send in their orders to the Sea.â€" Roy Piper. A special meeting of Qrev County Council has been sailed for Thursday of this week to deal with Owen Sound'« desire lo become a city, the road (jues- . tion and general business. We are pleased to know thab little I .Vlilbourne Martin ia recovering from hi.s sickness of painless pneumonia. The ladies of the Methodist church have their thanks for the generous treat sent tn tba little fellow in his illness. Rev. K J. Jewitt, of Chatham Pres- bytery, occupied the pulpit in iha Presbyterian church on Sumlay last. Rev. D. J. Campbell of Russeltowi), Quebec, is expected lo preach this Sunday. Mrs. John Brown mat with a severe accident on Sunday which will keep her fro.n household labor for some time. Whilt standing on a chaic the chair lipped and allowed her to fall. In alighting on th6 floor one bono in her wrist was broken and another dislocated. She was brought to town and the injured member was attended to by Dr. Henry. Mr. Alfred Dawn returned last week from Detroit, whera he has been taking a three months' course in the big auu>- mokils school thkra. Alf. is now versed in all makes of cars and will be able to take care of any automobile basintss that may come kii way this summer. A cora[rany is being formed in Oweu Sound to run a tlying raacklne route between that town and IPeronto this comiag sumojer. The crmpany will start with one machine, which could make four or five trips a day. We Tincy it will bo some time before business would warrant the pissing of more than raio machine on the proposed route. The time tables for the various de- partmental examinations are to hand. They occur as follows : â€" Lower School June 9lh to 18ih, Pass 'Miitr'culilioii Ju'ie 14 t-j 28th, Normal Schonl Entranco June 21sb to 28'.b, Junior High School Entrance Juno 2Sth to .'iOlh. Thusu e.ttmiu.itions are considerably earlier than last year, tiuisliiuj^ on June 30 h Those who are entitled to pay a govern- ment income tax will do well to na!uh our advertising columns for tlio next few weeks. Tha government is pulili^hin;; a series of advertiaemonts explaining the Uw on the matter and the way to find out if you come under the t.ix is o care fully read these advertisements, tha first of which appears on our back pago thus week. Mr. \V Caswell of town received word lait week that his daughtHr.Miss Myrtle, who has been training for a nurse iu Kitchener hospital, had contracted .ininU- pox from narsiDg a smallpox patient, and was in the isolation hospital there. Before the iiuturo of the disease was known hei siiter, Flo-, a trained uur.<ie, cair.e from Detroit to nurss Mine Myrtle and now she, toe, is in quarantine. Ou Tuesday evening, March 2iid, a number of friends and neighbnrs met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .John B-ecroft to bid them adieu before their depirture •or Owen Sound. Duriui( iha availing a neatly worded address was tend by Mi.ss Jfetlie Teeter, while Lloyd Talboli pro- seuted a handsome !>ilver tea service. The recipients expresced thtir thanha fnr kibdness shown and hoped to have old friends call on thoin in their new home in Owen Sound. The W. I. will meet at tha homo of Mrs. D. McTavish at 2 iiO p.m. ou Wednejday, March 31. Rev. C. A. Belfry will address the Institute ou " Conditions as we find them and wha to da !o improve them." Mis. Thurston will give a paper ou " Getting the best out of life." Mrs. George McTavish will give a reading. Tea will be served at the close and a social time spent. Come iu lime to answer to the roll call, with •omeihiuf( more than the " present." St. Patrick's Day In the Evening The Ladia.n' Aid uf the Methodist church always puts up a go d ente»tain- meut on St. P.il rick's Dny, and last Wednesday eveniiit; was no exception to tha rule. Rev. Q. A . Bdlfry acted as chairman and gave a short history of the life of St. P.iuick, who was born iu 3':otlnud, althnui;h ho is a patron aaint of Ireland. The ladies' and the gsutle- nen's chorus ner« loudly applaodnJ, the former (iving an encore and the latter 8in«ing the choriia of tliu " Balila Hymn of Iha Ropublic " "hiickwards." Viola Tblstlsthwaits, Laura Boyd and Marie Pilton gave a dialogue which was illus- trated with a pie plate, rolling pin aad large spoon. These young ladies will duubtlei^s become fsaous bakers in the future. Miss Maheo, Mr. Dinwoodie and Mrs. Thurston each gava»ppropri»t(> recitations, and Mrs. Down s reading Mr. Dinwoodie also gave a jewshnrp selection. Miia Aledk Mitchell and Master Gerald Urge K:iva a duet which was much apprsciated. Keu. »nd Kfg. Boyd gave a piano duet, and tkese young gentleman are clever n.usioiaas. Mrs. Will Moore and Mrs. Murray gave a diaiogae, ehowina how easy a ma? tar it is to fall into unkind criticism and nossip An orahastta of about ten asaortid pieces gave two laughnble selections under the leadership of Dr. Murray. Mr. F. 0. Karstedt, Mr. Hiokling and Mr. George Mitchell wero called upon for impromptu speeches. Mr. Karstedt was absent, and Mr. Hickling being too modsst Mr. Mitchell wis the only one that raspoaded. Mrs. Joseph Clinton w«s called upon to make the closing speetth, which she did in her uaual witty manner. Before sba left the platform Mra. W. Armstrong, on bekalf of tha Lsdies' Aid, pressuted h«r with a largs bouiiuat of carnatioas, it being Mrs. Clinton's 75th birthday. Tha ladies had provided a bountiful lunch, which was passed aroaad to the largs audieoce that packed the sakoulroom of tho church. The coUaetion taken at the door ameunted to 330. >i EtUOTT^ Youge and Charles titreets, Toronto Gives superior training for positions as bt!Uographers, acoountiots, commeicial teachers, piivate secretarict', office assist- auta. Demand for our graduates more than I en limes our supply. Open all yesr. Enter any time. Write fijr Catalogue, W. J. ELLlOTT.FawciPAL. New Bakery For Flesherton Waving piu'chased tlie bake shop iu li'lesherion I Lave fitted up the aaine and am nw pre- pared to cater to the public iu tii-st class Bread, Buns, Uiscuits and Pastry. My gve/itest effort will bo to please tl;o public, and your custom \i icspecti'ully solicited. ^=r y-y ^-*^~^- F. Finder, Prop MAIL CONTRACT .SEALKD TENDI'^lii! addres.sed to the I'lWtniaBtur General will bi' ruotrivoi at Ottawa until nmin on Friday, the Kkli of April, 1!)2U, fur tho conveyanoo of Ui« Maje.^ty's Mails, on a pi-nposod Contract fur tuur yours, six times per week on the rmibe FLESHERTOH K. R. Mo. 3 from the Pustmaster General e pleasure next. Printed notices containing fnrther inforina- ticHias to conditiiins of proim.wd ton tract nwy Ijo seen and blank ft.riim »f Tender may be ubtaiueil at the Pn.«c Oftiufn of Flesliertun ami at the oftice uf the I'ost Office Inspector, Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND. Posti Office Iiisi)tctur Vunt Office Inspector's Office, Toi onto. March -Itli, 1!»2«. Gents' Furnishings H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Spring Millinery Ready For Business We are pleased t» announce that Miss Collver, ftrnierly of this department, is again in charge this season after hor vacation last fall. Advance orders will have her prompt and careful attention. NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK Fancy Dress Voiles, lovely designs and colorings, 75c. to 11.75 pof yard Natural PoiiRee Silks 90c to >1.50 per yard. Fancy Plaid Taflfeta Silks in iudividual skirt lengths. Qalateas and Nurse's Cloth, light and dark blue patterns, 33c to 50c per yard. New Cratous iu novelty designs, special 75c and 95c a yard, Si^ort Floss for kuilling sweaters, in teu new shades, 2 ounce ball 65o. SPECIALS IN DRIED FRUITS COOKING FIGSâ€" Splcudid far pies at this season wheu fruits are getting scarce, A special purcliase enables us to oli'ef a special price â€" loc. per pound. SEEDLESS IIAISINSâ€"Thompsoa'a Seedless Raisins, re-cleaned, new stock, now very scarce in the wholesale market. Special 25c, per pouud. Thompsou's and Del Monte Seedless Eaisins, new stock, 15 ounce packages. Special 25c per package. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ir . .l.^^ ' ^ T ^.-2 :'l'«^^'^i;!^ii^5^;^;^i^Sfe ^ ^ .\LL BUSINESS SCHOOLS ARE NUT TBE SAME. Feature -', Watch for the others. The authority in all Business Systems, Accounts, etc , is the Chartered Account- ant. The Noi-thern~BuhinesH Oollege is tho otily School in Canada in charge of a Bellow.i of the Institute uf Chartered B si ^^Z:'- Accountants. Getlhe best. " '- It pays. yprm %^ Owen Sound, Onr. C. "a.. FLEMING. F. C. A., Piincipa G.D.FLEMING, Secratary. (Mention this paper nh-'n writinu) iS\agnet Cream Separators •-i33 supure ijoar.s â€" ne fiction ; double perported bowl â€" ciiniKjt rocli; feet skimmerâ€" one piece ; easy turn â€" a child can operate; capncitj cliaiigoâ€" saves the buyer SGO.OO ; p.itont brake â€" "Magnet,' patent ; strontf, rigid constiuction â€" nioohanisaliy correct ; sanitary straiuar â€" ijerin proof ; easy to cli3an~a child cleans it in a few iiiinuteH. G. B. Wclton Flesherton, Ont. W. A.HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANGS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instrumeats .Mmm AT ^i^m Llawko'i's Piioto Gallery and Music Stor FLESH ERTON -ra HARDWARE! .Axes and Handles, Buck Sawi>, Uamiiiei's, Croa«cut Saw« and Handles, tlorse Blankoli*. Mitfa and Glovoe, Halters and Ties, Pails w\A Tubs, Stewart Horse Clippers, Curry Combs and Brushes, Electric Bulbs, Lamps and Lanterns, Red Star Washin); Machines. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Cargoes Grocery If you ^^ant good, clean, frosh Cirocerics or Conf8«kienery glVe us a call. We carry iiothiug but the beat. We bavo also a full lino of all tho leading Tobaeees. All kinds of Fruits iu season . Come ia antt get oneoflboso Fisb. We have Lak« Troufc and British Columbia Salmon. Kigbcst prices paid for all kinds •£ Produce. Phone iu your order. We will deliver it to any pift •ftko village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. ::h ••• •••• ••• ••• •fl â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• -3 •••• ft: • •*::::::::; :u::::::::: :::::::::::;::i!u:::tummmisi:uu:Mihs RUBBERS!! Wo kav* the eelcbrated^MikllftSfi •i»s« Enbbers for g««il s*>ni wear in Men's Women's and Children's RubWdrs. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. ^ 0NTARi@ fe

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