Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1920, p. 1

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fk^htxton %imme. Vol 40, Ko. 47 Flcsl^ertoii. Ont, April »'0 1920 / '1 5 CEYLON Dr, Hall of Walkerton paid a prc- fessiooal visit lo Mr, N. Archibald on Friday laat. Mr. R. Neilsou of Owen Souod was in towD Ist of weeic visiting his biacer, Mrs. J. McDonald. Mrs. J. Snell left Saturday for the bed side oF her lister, who ij very ill, at King. Born â€" On April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy, li son. U. Ciiok accompanied Mr. N. Archi- bald to .the hospital at Hamilton on Tuesday. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley of Duihtm vixiied with lh« Utters brother, Mr. T. Chialett. J. C. McLaughlaa returned last week to Brampton. 5Irs. Bryant of Toronto spent the past week visiting her brother, Mr. 2h. Aroki- bald, who is ill. j R. Cook attended the funeral of a cousin at Hanover ou Friday. Mr. A. Archibald of St. Thomas spent the week end with his brother hero, re- turninj; Tuesday to his homeiccotup^nied by his 5 children. Mrs. E. Sari^eot and son James return- ed last week to Uwen Sound, Mrs. Bishup of Woodbridge was a visitor at Mr. George Siiell's last week. Mr, Clarence Muir paid a business trip to Toronto last week. PROTON Our aection foreman, Mr. Robt. Bates h'is treated bi-jiself to a new Maxwell eir. Mr.'Smilh iind (he Mi.<ses Murray of Corbeiton spent Sunday at Mr. Davie's. Mrs. McCartney of Cheltenham is visiting Mrs. Siill. Mrs. Guest and children of Toronto are at Mr. Roonie's. Mr. Coon of Toronto was lUo a visitor at Mr. Rooine'8 last week. Miss Wideiiian of Hanover visited .it Mrs. Hergoti's and renewed acquain- ac<(uaiutances in the village- James Meddaugh attended the funeral of his brothers; Owen Sound last week, and James Hodgson attended fiis sister'a funeral at OrilUa. Mrs. Hodi;in is staying with her brother. H. Nicholls, at luistioge. Hou«e rieitning and amateur paper hanging is the order of the day. Mr. R. J. Woods cf Corbetton very ably tilled the Prasbyterian pulpit [on Sund>iy evening. Mr. Hugh Hodgson is recoveriog after an illness of several weeks' duration. Owen Sound Must Play a Square Game I. B. Lucas, representing the county of Grey, nad Hon. F. C Biggs, Minister of Public Work*, vigorously opposed an act CO incorporate ihe oi*y of Owen Sound before the Paivste Bills Commit- tee of ihe Legislature Thursday of last week. The committee finally decided 'o pasR the measure providing the appli. cants made an agreement satisfactory to ihe Minister of Public. " The C'lunty is not particularly con- cerned about Owe« Sound becoming a city,'' s'jid Mr. Luc»3. The main object of the town, however, is to eet out of the g'od roads payment. Having got the county of Grey irrevecably pledged to a .system of 480 .iiiles of gond roads, and having got all the road.-s, the town is practically saying to the county, " Now you gii ahead and pay for them." XV. H. Wright, K. C, the solicitor for the town, denisd that 'hey were trying to escape the good road b-krgain. EUGENIA Don't forget the concert April 30â€" not May W and admission 25 and S5c. Isabella McKce had a birthday parly recently. About ten littlo girls enji.yed the afteru 'Oil with games, after which a dainty lunch wa.^ served ro them by her sister. Wary, AH report a jolly good time. Mrs. Loddered and ilauj:hier are en- gtged at the MuiiShaw House. Wedding bells are ringing. We are 9or*y to report Mrs. Leonaid L"»tinier, Mr. Jake Williams aod Master Fied Large on the sick list. A joliy Vunch of iibout '.'3 gathered at the home of Mr. »nd Mrs. A. Hoy last Friday night. They enjoyetl theni.'ielves by daticuig and ^;aiues till midnitlu. Kriuicis and Sandy were in full dress for the bail. Miss Millie Cainpliell i.s vis.t'i^Bter brotller in Toronto. PRICEVILLE The ground was frozen quite bard last Sunday morning and the maple sap ran quite freely during the day. The farmers in this vicinity are doing the pl'/wing that remained undnisbed last fall. Ray McLean had a taisinc l>fiC Satur- day etening and erected the frame of his garaee building. Elmer Wats<>n made the sale a few days -jgo of a Miixwell car to Mi . James Vause. Mrs. (Uev.) Matheson of Alono Mills his been visitini; in the vilUgi* and vicnity for a few days. Mrs. D. Campbell ha.s taken a trip to Bufl'al I to visit relatives. Real estate deals â€" G, VV. Tryon has purchased the live acre park lot south of (he public school grounds, from Miss J. Wright. Louis Frook, real estate broker, bought the bve acre park lot west of the public school from John Livingstone,aud sold it next day lo A. J. McVicar. P. F. JIcArthur. notary e'c, has been fairly busy lately writina deeds, etc iraiisferring properly iu the vicinity. The values contained in the numerous docuiiiencs passing through his hacds alone, totals over $80,000 during the ;ast two months. > Hon. A. G. McKay Dies at Edmonton Hon. Alexander Grant MacKay, VI. A., K. C, m, P. P., Minister of Municipal ASiirs in the Alberta Provincial Govern- ment, and former member and leader of the Liberal Opposicion of the Ontario Ldgislalure, died last Sunday from pneumonia at Edmonton, a despatch received from that city states. Hon. A. G. MacKay was a native of Grey County, luviug been born of Scottish parents in the TowLship of Sydenham on March 7. 18C0. He was elected to represent the north riding of Grey in the Ontario House in 1902, and C'intinued as memiier tor that constitu- ency until l'.)i;5. He held the portfolio of Minister of Crown Lands in 1904-5 in the Ross administration, and was leader of the Liberal Opposition from 1907 until the selection of Hon. N. W. Rowell for that ofB-^e in I'Jll. In 1913 he removed to the Wesr, and in the same year was elected to represent the Athabasca Dis- trict in the .\lberta Government, holding his seat continuously uijtil his death. Victoria Corners Mr and Mrs. VA'iii. Maitiii and family of Flesherton have moved into the house o»ned by Mr. Jas. .Rest. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ludlow have moved into their new home at the corner. Mr, Ludlow has torn dow a the barn and is lebuiUlini! it. We are sorry Mrs. K^gle is on ibe sick list We iaope she soon willpecover again. Miss Ritchie, our teacher, i*M^Ie to resume riuiics after her illness. M's, Geoige Moore had a narrow escape frcm what might have been a serious accident last week. On opeuiiiii a fri'.sh box of niHti'hes one of them must have lighted and started the whole buucli. Itistead of throwiug them aw ly she tried to put Qiit tha^Ce. She was burned about thu face aiul hands, her h tir singed and eye lir>'ws are luissing but it was cot neatly as serious as it niicht have been. DUNDALK Mr. acd Mrs. Herb Claridge received the sad news on Sunday of the dealh of 'th-!ir dauehter-u.-law, Mrs. Percy Clar idire, at Woolsley, Sa.sk. The sorrowing husbanc' and five young children are left to mourn their loss. One of the Diindalk potato dealers has handled this spring about 3000 bags of this favorite table luiuiy. Other local buyers have also shipped large ([uantities. Tue money distributed locally anion*? the farineis for spuds iu ihe list lew weeks is a considerable amount. The tire alarm tt about ten o'clock on Wednesday eveuiu;; List brought out the ci'.izens in a hurry to the frame building next the Grand Ceuiial Hotel, owned by â-  '. B. Egau of Toronto, and occupied by Miss Wallace,, milhner. Miss Morgan, grocery, on the main tioor, and Stanley Miius, dwelling, on the second storey. The house cat awoke Mr. Mims and it WHS then that the odor of su.oke was detected and the alarm given . Xo doubt the cat saved a serious tire. I'be tireni»u were soon on the job but it was some time before the tire could be located, although the smoke was vary dense. The blaze wa.s tiualiy located in a small closet under the sWirw;iy and w»s sooU under control. The premises were damaged C'lisiderably with smoke and water, but * serious ci'nti igrariiiu was fortunately averted. â€" Herald. ^£Wi PORLAW Congratulations to our I^^Hkhoir. ^issfs Lillie and M^orie Park made • trip to Marl # ''"§" •WTlvuI leek. nauitd Madill, mot a humble wmill. He was lier from a rail A Thornbiiiy About r>o yi'aisikf dealh »t the Kol engaged in taki saw ami by some inenns the saw eaught • board he was handling w<lh such force that he was thrown ou4nH sa^ and bis body was cut ill two. The unforluna'e man had only been working the.e a!.liort time and hailtd from CollingW(<<.ia and had recently moved his family tc» Tho.n- bury with a view to working at 'h!! sawuiiM . ;ular monthly meeting of the (1 society was held lately at the parsonage. The election of officers resultfd as follows ; President, Mrs J. H. Watson ; Secretary, Miss May Corn- held ;Trpas. , Mrs. J. W. Lyons. The Treasurer's statement showed that during the last tifleen months, or since organi- zalioB, the society had receitcd the hatulsome amount of 1441.63. The yonng men's Sunday "chool class met at ibc home of W H. McNally and organized, with Kev. Kagle President, Roy While Secretary and Clarence Wat- Ron Treasurer Mr. and Mrs. U. Hannah attended the fnnpial last week of a relative at Rerk-ley Harry IMi' mps.n arrived home from Detroit It.si -ttk. Mios V'»a W^igoii is visiting frienda ill l ion o Killed By Elevator Crukhed under a falling elevator ar the Ht;;iworth Furniture Faotorj , Charles Fritter, nn employee of the factory, was Insiantly killed Tuesilay iiiorouig. When the accident happeted Fitter and the suueriutendeut, Mr. Stock tish, were miking some adjustments about the e eva'or. and Filter was in the pit under the plattiirm. lu some unknown way the brake s'ipped and the elevator fell. Filter tried to get out of the pic but fii'ed, and the heavy plalfurm struck liiui. ) leaking his neck ami causing instant dealh. The young mm, who w:is «l>our eighteen years (if age, was born in Hepworth and was vei'y popular. Advertiser. Letter of Thanks To the Editor of The Advance. Dear Sir, â€" Will ycu, through the medium of yuur valuable p»>per, express our appreciation of, and gratitude to all who have shown their sympathy with us in such a practical way. The tokens received have been so numerou.s and varied as Ij make a peis>'Ual answer impossible. This w«8 as unexpected as the 111 e which gave opporlupi.y fi r ir, and cf course ii tinitely more welcome. Theie are two things that must remali. a inysteiy to us. The first is the origin of tne tire, and hs to this we have not even a suspicion. The second, 'he almosr miraculous way In which the buildings were saved. It is very evident to us all that the boys who did their hit during war tunes have lost none of their bravery or spirit of self sacrifice, and that those wh<i he'.i on at heme are a» capable as ever. We dasire as a church to thank them every one for their efforts on our behalf, aud you. Sir, for this space. I arn yours tryly. â€" Geo. S. t phain. Term Report Flesherton H. S. Report of Flaahertou high school for term ending April ."I), Class 1, honors over "j. Class 2, pass 6U to 7o. Class 3, f lilure under (!0 per cent. Names iu order of merit. Nnnibers after name signify the number ot subjects upon which less than 40 per cent, was ob- tained. Form in, Xormal Entrance Class 1 â€" K. Boyd. F Stewart, F j W'hiie, R Belfry, K Cameron. Class 2 â€" Ntfllie Spencer, W Stewart, Irwin Sprott. Class 3â€" Edna Ferris (1), E Consley (1), A Murphy (2). Form II, Lower School Class 2 â€" K. MtcDonald, A Parslow, A Buchanan, U B.'yd. M Aehesou, K, Orr, R McGirr, J Dow, A Stephens. Class 3 â€" M McLa:hlan, J Karsteo", E Muir, G Lever, V Moere, E WiU •â- , G Irwin |3\ G Large (2). W' McKenz..- i,!)' Form 111, Matriculation Class 1 â€" K Boyd, W Stawart (1). Class 3 â€" VV Stewart (2), I Sprott (2) MifS Hope Corbeau of Penetang is dead and a son of Mr, Alex Scott "f N Ottawa is in a critical condition as the result of an auto accident in the vill.ige of .>ort»w» last Sunday. .\n automo'tnle driven by Win. Brown and containing Miss Corbeau, Mrs. Stephens and Mr Weeds, collided with a buggy occupied by S. Galloway. Miss Corbeau »• is thrown through the wind shield :ii d instantly killed when her head strucn % stone iu the river. The cir tuned cletn over and finally rested ou its sde in llie river. The Scott boy was walking ah i g the road with his parents and was slrui -t by the skidding auto, receivug a frsctiir- ed skull. All the other members of the party were more or less cut up. Tlie auto and buggy were both badly sinasbt-d u J- Fl N E J E W E LE R Y Bates BurialCo. Come in and see our fine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. and when you Lave seen them }uu will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full line n Fhotographic snpplies InciadiGg developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks atid tiJmi. j BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, On MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manage r ISSUER OF ftSvRRiAGE LICENSES Yorkshires T amworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P.O. Seed and Feed 10 per cent, off Salt hy barrel and KtO and LO lb bags F. O. B. Ceylon. Phone or drop us your order on a postcard. We have our Seed CocL in. Also still have a full line of Clover and rimorhy Seeds, Flax, Peas, Essex Rape and Barley. FEED â€" Oats. International and Rennie's Calf Meals Groceries We test your cream while you wait. Call and get a can. Highest prices paid for all farm produce. Special attention given to phone orders. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prizes For Boys and Girls S|>('i.'i'i! prizes will b'> atvoii Viy tlie Banker.*' .-^ssoeiiliiiii at Klcslierloii Fall P.ir, Sop-. 2:'. aiivl -24. ll>lM. to ih-» Inrys »iu' s;trl9 who havo not attaiiieH their IT'.h tiirchday leforu the oponinu tl»y of the fnir, for the toliowiiii; : C! iss 1 - Cnlf, pur> breil or crarie. pv Z0-* 1st S5, ?2ud *4, 3ra 83, 4th $2. 5r.h $1 . 01 u>9 2 â€" Two pii:s, pure brovl or i^rnite, prizes l»t. 3.'), •-'ikI ?4. ;!rd $:), 4lh §2, 5th SI. No 'ei.try fee will b<? charged. No exbibi'or shall make more than one eiitrv in a i-la«s. No; uuue than one nieiiilur of a family shall be allowed to ci niporo ill a class. Kxhibirors must feed and c»r« for the aui'uals they exhibit for at lea.st six weeks. CaUts and piiis entered miKt have been bv>rn on '>r after Miroh l.'iih, 102O, and must be the pn^peny of exhibitor or exhibitor's parent or guar- j (lian. For full particu'ais enquire of I matia.'{er of local bank ur W. .\. Haw ken, I Sec. .Ak'1 S*ocietv. Sher-Wili-Lac For St»iiiinK and Vsrnishiog in one opeiationâ€" a tran»paivnt stain and varni.shâ€" one coat of which will re.itore tho orii;iniil (^nl^h on d. <irs, floors, f.irnjture and iiiteri'T wood work of evi'ry ilesvripticn . Dries hard over niuhr. Will nvit crack, iic^le or wiish away and any- b-idy can apply it. Made in lo dirttieut shades. Also Sherwiii Williams other Iin<she4 for iiiDide and outside h >use cleaNitiJ includiiii; rl»- Tone, .\uto Kiianiel mul Floor I'aiiit and Varnish. Wf will lie pleased to ijive you any inforinatiot. or a^ustance lu selectini; your sprini; jmhiIs. Uishest pnoes paid fnr pi>du«e. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 24 r 1 1 Fle»herton, Ontario Spring Announcement \V. L. WRIGHT wishes to announce to the public tb»t he has just received a spring consignment of Mjn'a and Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Rubbers to tit loy shape boot. Long Rubber Boots. Fleet Fo^t White W*re in all styles for man, ladieis, misses, boys and youths. Teabody's and Bull Dog Overalls «i)d Suiocks, Work Shirts, new line of Men's Shins and Bnlbriagan I'nderwear, Tiea, Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs and Gloves. .\ fiesh s'ook of Groceries always on hand. .All kinds of Cauued Goois. In the Milliiorv Depanmerit yoii will tind .Mrs. Wneht with a coiup'e'e strck of lindies Hats, Ribbon.*, Ljcos and V.'ils, Call and inspect our lines . Siitisf.iction guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. F I, >, , I I W. L. W R I G H T, tj Corner Store, Flesherton I f - »â-  r . I .' I I > For Service i One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot ! 2S and 29, Concession S, .Arteinesin. I Tt-rms â€" #1.50 for wrades if o«id inside of I 9 mcntha â€" if not $2. Pure breds $3.00. I I oct â€"ROBERT OSBORNE. FLOYD H. BENTLEY Biasli-r. Dynamite and Blasliug iiuppiies for sitle. U'<ck and Ktuuip hlastioi(. • Call Fh .ne 41 r 14. Wri'* P. O Box ' 4:5, B'leshetton. Ont. Fie sinep-con. "^^ Tonsoritil '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Kntire ^atiafactt â- > LAU>ORY-Ba.ske« -se n.i.. niijht. delivery Kiioat ev CLt^ANI.NG and DYEINC- sn^ ^. bgents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Olotl e«ne<l lUid uwd. tcmthet-* reruvennti i •V r T FlSdfeK- â- PPOPIHETOi: .*•--. -.* ^

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