Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1920, p. 4

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April 29 1920 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE War Bond Interest Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with ev This Bank ? TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: MontreaL OF CANADA. Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMi^LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tulmhir Sharpies vScparators JOHN HEARD, MPLGMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. FURNITURE All kiad.s]of furniturejin our .showrooms. Call antl see our dining room, jjurlorand bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered sight or day Phone .30 r 1 1 W. H. BUNT FIcshcrton, - Ont (SV^ Flesherton Tin Shop 1 have |iust placed on tlio shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickclware and A^aU'ware for domestic use. Call on me and ^'ot your supplies. Kavetronghin<^, Stovepipes and Stove Fuirdsh- uig.s. Repairin;.! of all kinds promptly attended to. I'ipcfitting, includinj,' pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. 'Hi I D. iWcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON M ONTARIO. I ! h\ I i $ II f^l $1 I' sip. 'tSS I I Small Ads. FUR SALE Far Hiticâ€" 12 and 14 ft. hemlock pUok ftDd 8uin« of B. 0. Fir. Apply [i^o Ed. .Sargeot, Cuylon. Kor Sale â€" A limited •(Uaiitity of sweet ol'iver ef wood puriiplo at reduced priceH. UrderH left nt .Tninus Pattiaoii, Cuylon, will betilii'd. K-i. FeiKUHon, ring 'J 1-75J Dundalk, U. R. No. 1, liupRvilli). Hay For S.ile â€" A few tons iiiHt class hay. Apply to John Oliver, Old Durham Road. 4 Year ()ld Colt For Sale and tenyouoK pigs four weeks »ld â€" Wm. IlodKHon, R R No 1, FevershaiD, (Jot. White Rock egi^s per sett ing 92, barred Rocka pur setting |1..?0, Rhode Island Reds H. c. per sett inn 61.50- Mrs. John Dand, Fevershnm. For Saleâ€" Chest of carpenters' tools also a complete picture frainini; outfit. PhoDe nr write â€" Win. Sloan, Kiinberley. For S<le â€" White blossom swiet clover $20 a bushel. 15uy direct from the farni and savo the iniddlenmn'h proBt. â€" Beu. McKenzio, R. R 1, Ceylon. 5 or Sale â€" Quantity of hay, $25 per ton. Good bi)/ ro»d horse, 7 yrs old. Sett Massey HnrriH discs in good «hape Will bi< sold at » bnrj;ain â€" Herb Cmbett. CloverbriiH fiiroi, I'liitoti, For Sale cheau and en easy terms. Lot 13, oou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This ie a first class form and in a i;ood state of cultivation. Ouod bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co K. J. Sproule Flesherton MISCKLLANEOUS Try Feventliam Faitry Flour, the beat or lour cook, All (>ut«rio wheat H "iliBrtl prici for butter and eagi at Orabaoi Bros. Euiieni*. June 26 PriT*l«kfundH to loan ou real estate security at reaaoimble rate uf in'erest. Apply ic R. J. Sproule, Fiejherton wpt 2817 Chopping every Saturday ooly â€" Qra- ham Bro«., Eug»nit. A team of horses ran iway at Meaford and plunged to their death ofl" the duck into the lake. Meaford citizen* want the Kovernmeot to build them a new postcffice. Mrs. Henry Buelow of Walkertoii died suddenly at the C. P. R. station as a result of heart failure. She was about 30 years of age and leaves a husband and two little sons. Samuel Huff of Meaford, Inspector of schools for East Grey, has been success- ful in the Science of Education examina- tion in the course for Doctor of Peda- gogy at Queen's University. Mr. Wes. Gibson has sold the Mark- dale dray busine.ss and equipment to Mr. A. Gntlith who will add a Ford truck to the eiiuipment. Mr. H. C. Dufl', ih9 AgiicuUural RtDreseutativefor Grey Co., will leave Markdale on May l^t, and will be succeeded by a Mr. Cooper. For Sale â€" Driving horse (about 1100 lbs.), also bugsty, set single white rubber mounted harness, thoroughbred Jersey cow and calf. Must be sold at onee. Fred Gralinai, KuKenia. For Sale â€" Shorthorn ball, 8 months old, ciilnr red . Dam â€" Luslrs'a Pride 3rd i;t6'.t2:j. Sire -Royal Edward 1037i3. Wm. McLouubry & Sons, R. H No. ->, Markdale. Phone line 30, ring 2 2. EnifS For Hatching â€" White Leghorns, Sicilian Buttercupi, Silver Pencilled Wyandottes and Kose Comb Brown Leg- horns. All bri-d 111 lay .stock. SL.jO per setting, alohii Plewes, Kimberley. For Sale â€" Qrodfarm or working horse or Would oxolmnco for good roadster no less ituin niim buiidred in weight. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. ' The Flesherton Bible Depository has just placed in stock the largest selection of Bibles and Trstamenls ever shown hcie, ranging in price from a few cents to five dollars. There are some very fine gift books and family Bibles in this lot. The Depository is kept at The Advance Office. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newsp.par published •very Thuriday at the offiee, CoUingwood Street, FUaherton. Subscription price $1.50 per annum whan paid in advance ; * when not so paid. $2.0i) to nited States. Advertising rates on apj*' cation. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. H. THURSTON, Editor T COLD SEAL f LOUR For biTad tbislloiir iiamioi 1m- ho it ii. It, \tt an til weHtcrii wheat product. W'l- Clao handle Siiow Klsko [laHtiy llotir, (Iraliam flour, Btickwliea;, Horn- and Pikiicake Hour. Kellogg's (leimiiio (vorn l'"l«iie:i, shrt'ildcd Wheat, Wheat Ketiiola , Hulled VViieat, Itollcd Oat", {'ullcd Wheat, riitlVd Rice, ('orn Mral ant' Kruiiiblos. ICE CRE.\M ?Al!I,OI'HS-\Vii li.ii).ll.> >()ity Dairy li-.u (Jrnain Had kie pi'(.'|iaitd to rater to ibe piihlic. [cc (?roam sapplied in hulk lor pii'uics iiikI |iai'tieH. (UrdRTi and flDwei hooJs on hand. i I Bi^jhest prictiB phvl t tr hull i, t^^'^-i and oroain. cream caua. We Kiipi'ly Bellamy's Grocery Pkot\c 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO â-  â- â- l » »ll 1 liiii»l »iiS i tuj i j lii»lltl«lil»liiillll , '««litii« MAXWELL Extra Fine in Metals Extra Fine in Mileage A MAXWELL car weighs 2130 pounds. It is niade of the finest materials that may be obtained. You cannot find in any ear a better crank- shaft, better bearings, better axles or better gears. Ncitlier science nor money can produce them better. Do you know why .such fine materials are used in a car like Maxwell i* We had to. Kcc[iing its weight down and yet maintaining strength mean the use of only those extra line steels and metals. For a metal that is light in weight and yet strong, as any user of metals knows, is a high priced metal. The use of tlicse fine grades of steel has been the foundation of the business. Maxwell has grown in itumbers and friends. The latter countless; the former well on the road to 400,000. We invite you t6 make your critical test of the Maxwell to-day. E. E. WATSON, Dealer Priceville, Otvt. Mart milei per galhrn if art miUt on tirti m ps m I i ' a V'lctroU J.'Vli Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a^ Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT jN ONT r_ rto'l dO SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Electric antl jj;asoline power washers . ALSO for McCormiok Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brant ford double gearod and auto oiled -ainnotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tiiiks, Pump and Piping. . SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ:SAWS One third more wool out with same power when fitted wiih my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. NECESSARIES FOR SPRING HOUSE FURNISHINGS New Wall Papers in stook. Also we take special orders Liuoleuu;. 4 yards wide, block designs ; Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth ; Stair Oilcloth and Carpet; Wool Carpet by the yard ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares in all sues ; small Floor lUigb. Scrim Curtains made up in ecru or ivoryâ€" oreams, white and ecru curtaiu mateiiil of different prices ; Manitii.sette and Bungalow Nets ; Cretonnes ; Curtain Poles and Window Shades. PAINTSâ€" Martin fcenour Paint, Wood Lac, Floor and Linoleem Varniihes, Stove Pipe Enatiiel, Floor Paints, Porch Paints. OILS â€" Raw and Boiled, Turpentine aud Separator Oil BRUSllHSâ€" Pamtaiid Varniah Brushes. SPECIALâ€" Men's Tau aud Ox blood Boots and Oxfords at Sl.uO per pair. A oar load of CFMENT will arrive ou May lat. !iH!I3iHai<W!i;nil»WjaB99E9Biia F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario .\LL BUvSINESa SCrtOOLS AR NUT THK .S.\MK. K.aturo 4. Watch for the others. ;W YKARSâ€" t)ur 3!) xuccessful yearc not only uunrantens the tliornuijhiieHs ip the coiuse.s, but haa oatabhsheU a wonderful couneulion with ihtt ht-.st hualnubS con- cerna in Aincirirt. The demand fur (.'raduates is 5 tiine.s the' supply. Knter any day. | tiol (he best. It pay, i Ohui SmuihI, Out . C. A. KLKMl.Nti, K. C. A., l'iinoii« j O. 1). KLEVtlNt?. Sgoistary. (Mention Ihi.s pa|)er whtn writiiivj) Street Closing Notice Nooice is hereby given that the Couuoil of the Village of Flesherton will after one month frona the tirst publication o£ this notice (being tiie 29th d.iy of April, 1!'20) proceed to pasi a lylaw to cloM up and dispose of that part of Beechill St. Iyint( between lota 1 and S in block M, according to Beechill's plan of the said village to the couKivgation of the Baptist Cliuroh. D»ted tho 29ch day of April,;i920. W. J. liKLl.AMY, Clerk. Try us for your next job printing. i-wti

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