Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1920, p. 4

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"T- May «J 1 020 THE FI E8HRRTON ADVANCE War Bond Interest Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for tlie service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with 61 This Bank ? TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK HttdOffica: Montreal. OF CA.NADA. Established 1884, CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMi^LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS -^^^ SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubuliir Snarplos Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. mi^Sir Jvl! FURNITURE All kiadsjof fiimitui'c]in our .showrooms. Call and see | our dioing room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r 1 1 i W. H. BUNT FIcshcrton, 'll^^ca^arG^^.: "^"ii 11 •fj Flesherton Tn Shop ==:3:==-- I have |tist plac(!(l on ciio shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your sujjplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds proiu|)Lly attended to. Pipelitting, including |)unip work. Furnaces installed. Agent for (Mare Bros, Furnaoes. I i'y D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. ' ?1 ^.â- <fe^. '.-KV>^T ^y^»^,^^â- '^^^-^^'^»^> -^ 'Jt m m m I 1 B i i I i I 1(1 H|l I THE Flesherton Advance An independent newtpip-r nuliM^d every ThurHiUy »t the ntliff, ('..Uni^ >ood St rent, FltiMherioii. Sub-icripiiHH price SI 00 per anriuui when (>ai 1 in iiHvaiicrt ; i when not bi> paid. S2.00 to St.ites AdvertiHing r»ii)K on caliiiii. Circnliitiori oviT 1100 weekly. W. II. I'lHRSTON.ni Kditok School Reports 2 FliiHhert .11 1'. S. Report for April! C1h»« 4 - L Caryo, K Moore, P Diiw, O Kiaher, W M»itin, B Stewart, A. Teeter, C LuucUs, IJ Heard, K White. Sr ;)â€" W Oould, E Ferris, K Bantham. T WiUon, K Ttiouismi, T McDonald, \V Carriiiytoii, E McMuUen, J Colgaii. Jr. :iâ€" G Fiwhi-r. M Fnlon, L B')yd, V Thisllethwailo, H Bichordson.L Lever Clasa 2â€" J Nuhn. M Sled, E McOil- luni, U Thistlethwaite, J Cirsjo, M Teeier. Sr 1 â€" Helen Welton, .) Stuart. H Heard, A Cirrinj;tun, M Stuait, E McKee, E Feiiwick. •Jr. 1â€" L Ferris, B Pattou, fJ Teeter. Primer A G. Sled, A Heard, B Phillipa and W U oleaa equal, Charlotte CarRoe, B Patten. Small Ads. FOR SALE Straw Fur Saleâ€" ?C per laadâ€" J. S. McMillan, Cevlon. Horse For Saleâ€" Apply to Dr. Bibby. Flesherton. Horsea For Sale â€" Team ot aoui wi)rk horkes. .lohn Heard, Flesherton. For Saleâ€" Cheat of carpenters' tnols also a complete picture framing outfit. Plioiiu or write â€" Win. Sloan, Kiuiherley. Straw For Sa!e--8l) per loadâ€" J. S. McMullen, Ceylon. For Saleâ€" Team of good work horses, aged o and 6 years, sound and In jjood condition. Mrs, ,1. Fenwick, Fleshirinn Wlii e Rock egiis persettinj^ S2, lurrcit U icka pi'r Hfttiiii; $1 â- '1O, Rhode Island Hedss. r. per settini; ^l.Til). XUo duck euns SI. 00 per dozen.â€" Mrs. John Dand, Feversh'ira. For SaU â€" While blossom sweet clover §20abuahHl. Buy d-.n'ot from tlie f -tr.ii and savu the niidiil-mnti't. Iprotit. Hon . McKiaizic, 11. R. 1, Ceylon. For SileYdieaii and on easy toruis, Liit K'>, 0011. U, O.Drjv, 110S»cre.s. This isi a tirit .d.ist f.irm !ind in h ijood state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new fraino dwidliiij^. Apply co R. J. Sproule KlHKlierton ForS*le â€" Shorthorn hull, 8 months old, color roi!. Dim Lustres Pride :ii-.i i;!8'JL';{. Sire-- Royal Edward 10:!7fi3. Wni. McLouahry ifc Sons, R. R No. 4, Markdalu. Phono line ;fn, iiiiK 2 2. Ki4i;s For Hacohinn â€" Whit* Lejjhorna. Sicilian Buttnrcup*, Silver Pencilled Wyaiidoltfs and Kosh Comb Brown Lfg- l.orns. .Ml bred to lay stock. 91 JO per .setting. John Plewes, Kiinberley. For Sale--Grod farm or working horse or would exchanco for i>ood roadster iii> li'HX iliaii nino hundred in weight. 11. .1. Sproiilo, Flesherton. MISCKLLANEOUS 'I'ly Fevernha.n Pmtry Flour, tl.a bent or your cook, .\II 0nr«rio wheat Hiiliesl' iifo-ii)- 111) ',,11 aud (luijo at (irahani Brcs. Kueenia. June 2(i »ii«ii«« â- ' GOLD SEAL FLOUR Fur bread tl'is lldiir naimot bo hoiiL' 11. It i^ 1111 'ill w(>:<t<rn wheat product. We also liandio Snow Flake pastry llour, (Jraiiatii (lour, Btiokwiieat tlntir and Paiicakis (lour. Kellot?t''8 (JcnuiiK^ (Nirii I'kkes, s|,i(h1i1i'(1 Whcit, Wlitial Kernels ,l!olled Wlieiit, Uolled OuIh, I'liffed Wlieat, PulTcd Uic«, (!rrn Mea aiiJ luuuiblc..'). IGK qUEAM PAIiLOHllS -Wo liandl.-* Oily Dairy loo Ornain and are prepared 10 oati-r to ilio piiliHi!. Ico Cream Hiipplied ill bulk (or pIciiicH iiud partirB. Garden and Hower secdH on liund. Hiyhesi prices paid for Imttfir, c^'y^ niul oiciiiii. Wo supply i-rnam ciiii^. i ied â- 'f-Ji-i*-. Bellamy's Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO « » , li| , l » i« â-  •'% «iiti H ii«i H « III lil-ji-t- -•-*.♦• .#- * • â- â€¢-J Privile(fim is to lo<n 011 real e..tate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleiherton sept 2;U7 Chopping every Saturday only â€" Ora- liani Bros., Eu>;»nia. Tenders Wanted Tho undersinned ^will receive sealed leii.b'rs up to ;) p. m. of the loth inst for the purchase of the windmill and pump at th 3 hii.'h school. Tho hiiiheat or Any tender not necessarily arcepted . \V. ,1. BKLli.vMY, May a' 1020. 8eoietary. Por Service One pure r>red Slioitborn Bull on lot 'ili, COM, i>, .\rt«iuo»ia. Tonus 81.50 f.ir itriidos. Miwt lie paid within it inonihs fr.rin liato of Hervicre. Ill dao -15. (I ri'iiv; I Tho H'iusherto'i lliblti I) 'posiioiy h^s | jint |pi,ii!.id ill stook lhel«ige~t selection of Billies and Testtmenis ever shown h ;io, rung nu in p,- ce from a few cents tj tivH dollars. There are soinn veiy fiii« i-ift book'^.iiid fi'iiiiy Iblibs in ihi'i I 1' . I'lie Oi'poi.iiory ia kept at The Advance Oflfioa. PREVENT APPLE SCAB Much of the Loss Through This Disease Is Needless. Careful Spraying Will Do the Trick â€" Three Spray iiig.s Necessiiry â€" KIther lilme Sulphur or Boril<'aii.\ Mixture May Be Used. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) THIS Is the most common and most serious disease of ap- ples In Ontario. It occurs wherever apples are grown, and the scab spots on the fruit and loaves are familiar to almost every fruit grower. In wet seasons It causes a financial los.s of many thou- s.inds of dollars to the fruit growers uf the Province. This Is to a largo extent a needless loss, for Apple Scab can almost always be prevented no matter how wet the season may be, by thorough, timely and intelli- gent spraying, in combinatioa with the proper pruning of the trees. The scab only develops and spreads dur- ing wet weather. The times of the year therefore when we get our wet weather are the times we have to spray If we, are going to prevent scab. One spraying with either lime sulphur or Bordeaux mixture Is not sufficient to prevent scab, as the rain gradually washes the spray oft, ami as the leaves and fruits by growing larger develop more surface to cover. In order to be sure of preventing the disease we must spray from three to six times during the season, the nuiii- bcr of sprayings depending upon whe- ther the weather is wept or dry. The first spraying should be done just us or soon after the leaf buds burst. For this application use commercial lime- sulphur, strength 1 gallon commer- cial to 7 gallons of water. If the grower is certain that there is no San Jose Scale in the orchard and â- veiy little Oyster Shell Scale, a weak- er solution may be used, 1 gallon 10 about 2 gallons of water, or Bor- deaux mixture 4.4.4 formula may be substituted. The second spraying should be given just before the blossoms open, that is, just when they are showing pink, using coiumerciul limc-stilphur strength 1 gallon to 35 gallons of water, or Bordeaux mixture â- !.4.40 formula. In average seasons the third appli- cation should be given immediately after the blossoms have all or nearly all fallen, with lime-sulphur strength, 1 gallon to 40 gallons of water. This is generally the most important t-pray for the control ot Apple Scab and al- ways for Codling Moth, and it must bo promptly applied, as a delay' of a (lay or two may make all tlie differ- ence between success and failure, liordeau mixture should not be used at this time, as it is almost sure to cause the fruit to be russetcd. Ars' n- ato of load should ba added for liie second and third sprayings to control Codling Moth and other bitin.i; insects. In seasons ot normal weather con- ditions these first three sprayings .iluiiild control the scab cotiiplotely. In some seasons, however, additional applications are absolutely necessary it' the scab is to bo prevented. Tho time of those will depend upon wiicn we got our cold, wet weather. In some seasons there is a Ion,!? period ot cold, wet v.'eatlier between the date when the blossoms begin to burst and when they fall. Someiimos the length of this period is three or four weeks. In such cases it is neces- sary to give an intermediate sjiray- ing between the second and third. Hence, if Ww grower finds at tho end of twelve days or two v.ceks after he has applied the second spray that the weather is still cold and -.vet and development of tho blossoms iw very slow, another spraying should be given at once to protect the young ^lo.ssoms and foliage. This should be of the same strength as tor the third regular spraying, but poison shouUl be omitted because of the bees. It is very important to observe care- fully the weather conililions and apply this spray when necessary. Spraying early in August is an insurance against late inl'ectiou of Apple Scab and Sooty Fungus. In wot autumns such spraying is neces- sary to prevent late attacks of scab, especially with varieties such as .Mc- intosh Ked and Snows, which are very susceptible to scab. For this application use a weak lime-sulphur solution, 1 gallon to 4U or 4 5 gallons ot water, or llordeaiix mixture. No poison should be used at this time. Often if the spraying is done lutcr than the first or second week in August there is a chance ot the fruit being discolored at picking time. Should the dust method prove satis- factory it could be used at any time in the fall without danger of siuinins the fruit. If the early sprayings ate thoroughly done, and the tall is act extremely wet, usually tho crop will remain clean without this last appli- cation. Thoroughness In Spraying.. â€" Very few men spray thoroughly enough to get the beat results. The object ot spraying is to cover tho surfaces of the leaves and fruits with a good fungicide (a substance which destroys the spores of fungi), such as liine- sulphur or Bordeaux mixture, so that when a spore reaches leaf or fruit it is destroyed and cannot grow and cause scab. We see, therefore, that if spraying is lu accomplish it's object it must be very thoroughly done; every fruit and leaf must bo com- pletely covered with the fungicide so (hat there is not the hast space on which a spore can germinate. Thor- ough spraying necessitates the lib- eial use of lh«spra.v mixture. A large apple tree will require from six to ten gallons or more to cover it [iropcrly. Care ii.ust be taken to reach every side of the young forming fruit or (In other words) of the calyces or flower cup which develop into the fruits. â€" Prof. J, K. Howilt, 0. A. Col- lege, Giielpb. Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a â-  Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers ^let;tric and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McComiiek Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakeg, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Flows, Steel i:<talls, Harrows, Gasoline Eiijjines, Brantford doulilo nearcd and auto oiled airoiotor Wind Mills, Beatty Uay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Wat«r Bowls, WaierTanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One third more woo 1 cut with same power vvlien tirted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. NECESSARIES FOR SPRING HOUSE FURNISHINGS New Wall Papers in 8took. Also we take special orders Linoleum, 4 yards wide, block designs ; Cougoleum Art Squares; Floor Qilclotli ; Stiiir Oilcloth and Carpet ; Wool Carpet by tbe yard ; Seamless Tape.stry Carpet Squares in all sizes ; small Floor riui»s. Scrim Curtains made up m ecru or ivoryâ€" ort^ams, white and ecru curtam matenal of dilTereut prices ; Marquisette and lUnigalow Is'els ; Cretonnes; Curtain Poles and Window Shades. PAINTS â€" Martiu benour Paint, Wood Lac, Floor and Liuoleem Varnishes, Stove Pipe Enamel, Floor Paints, Porch Paints. OILS â€" Haw and r>oiled, Turpeulino and Separator Oil lUJUSllESâ€" Paint and Varnish Brushes. SPECIAL â€" Men's Tau and Oxblood Boots and Oxfords at 81.50 per pair. A car load of CEJIENT will arrive ou May lat. F. G. KARSTEDT, | Flesherton, - Ontario ALL Bl'SlNKSS SCHOOLS AU KUT THE SAME. F. at lire. 4. Watch for tlie others. Ii'.t YKAKSâ€" Our 3!t .successful years not only liUarantfea tho llinroiinhness in the courses, tuit has estaiilished i» wonderful I coniiecllon with ili'i Hrsl lui.sliHbS con- 1 cerns in Amoricn. ' The demand for I'laiUnli's is 5 times the! 8U[.'(ily. F.iitfr any day . ; 0,.| the liet-t. It [lays , Owi« Sound, Ont. C. A. Kl.KMlNt!. K. C.A., Priiicipa G. 1). FLKMlNti, Sec»3lary. ' (Mention this paper «heu writini;) j I Street Closing Notice Noeico is hereby uiven that the Council ol ihe Village of Fle»hertoo will after one month from the first publication of this notice (being tho 29th d.ay of April, 1'.I20) proceed to pass a bylaw to cloae up and dispose iif that part of Bseohill St. lyinx between lots 1 and 2 in block M, according to Beechill's plan of the said village to the counrcijalion of the Baptiat Church. Dated the 29th day of April,;i920. W. J. BELLAMY* Clerk. (/ Try us for your next job printing.

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