Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1920, p. 5

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fwf^^ mm mmmm ^f^mmmmmi^^i^mi^mim wm^m m^ffm^ ^i^^^^^^^^mmmmm May 6 1999 THE FLESHEKTON ABVANCE SAVINGS, Thrift, Independence â€" all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same objec- tiveâ€" PROSPERITY. The Standard Bank of Canada <:an help you to attain it. an THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GBO. MITCHELL Manascii ANADIAN P/VCiric^ C. p. R. Time Tabic. Trains leave Flesbercon Station as allows : Going South 7.53 a. rn. 4.27 p.m. The mails are follows : For the 7 p.m. ; and the 3.40 o'clock. Fo: mail close at 9 p, Going North 12.01 p.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesherton aa I north at 10.40 a.m. and afternoon mail south at or morning train south the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Flesherton will celebrate June 3rd. We are agents for tha Toronto dailies. Leave your orders at The Advauce office Mr. Herb LeOard visited friends in Toronto over the week end. Mr. H. C. LeGard of Toronto has Biuved to his residence De»r the village. Mr. R. Irwin of Windsor vi-^ited with friends here last week. Mr. Wes. Armstroni;, who has been in Detroit during the past winter, is home for a few weeks. HMrs. VV. H. Thurston returned Satur- day after a three weeks' visit at Mitchell atJ Toronto. Mr S. DeCudmore of Montreal has taUen a position in W, A. Armstrong's jewellery store. Rev. W. Sinclair of Sharon visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sitieliiir, here, last week. Miss Nioh^lsan is still liviusj at her own residence and prepared to accept all «rdsrs foi dressmaking. The small gasoline fuck is becominsj very popular as a me«n8 of transport. Mr. Julian of Fevershaiu has been shipp ing a lot of potatoes recently and can make three and four trips nut here each day. He carries a lot of merchandise both ways. Mrs. P. Quigu will hold a cash auction sale of housshold furuuure, and house aad lot at her residence, Toronto St., Flesherton, at 2.00 o'clock, on Saturday, May 8r,h, 1920. On the property is a good 6 rocined rou«h cast house, stable, hen house and about, \ aero of laud. Terms for house and lot will be arranged. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Rav. Mr. Belfrey has treated himself to a new ChevreleC cur, as also has P. Somets, W. Fawcett, South Line, and Geo. Warling, Vandoleur. Geo. White, Toronto Line, has invested lu a Ford. It seem.s ditticult this year to secure enough cars 'o supply the demand. At the morning service on Sunday, Ai.nl 11, at Humbercrosctiit Methodi.'*t chuieh, 'forouto, Mrs. F. W. Nicholson, formerly of the Kleshtirtuu W. M. S., was presented with a Life Membership certibcale and pin by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Rideout, on behalf of the member- ship of the church. Mrs. Alex. Henry, formerly of this dislvict, is president of the Auxiliarv. Mr. Bentley, the "dynamite king," has been shaking thiuiis up around the town during the past week, and his ex- plosions have been getting onto ihe nerves of some people. The barber shop has especially suffered. Lou and George will become nervous wrecks it :his thing keeps up much longer. A Mgh schnul lad nearly had a chunk taken I'Ut of his tiar while gulling his hair Irimiued, as a particularly Inud explofiou sent the air vibrating. We have also heard of some windows being broken. l?ut then big boulders are beiiii; demolished o.i the farms around and a' larger area maiU^ ready for cultivation, so wo suppose it is worth all the jumps we are subjected to. Meet rae in Flesherton June 3rd> White Blossom Sweet Clover t20 par bushel at Kurs'edt's. Mr. Wjll Wllcocll returned last week from Toronto, where he has completed liis course in mining engineering. The manager of the Standard Bank at Harrlston ha.s dunned overalls. JNow, Bre'r Mitchellâ€" one, two, three, go ! There was a total eclipse of the moon Sunday night and conditions of obierva- kion were very favorable. Mrs. G. W. Kennedy (nee H»«»l Henry) of Toronto is visiting her parents here. The Kimberley W. I will hold a gar- den party in the village en June 3rd. Particulars later. Mrs. H, Holman, who has been living with her son in Michigan during the past winter, returned to har hime here on Tuesday. The moving picture entertainment in the town hall Saturday night was largely attended and was considered very good for its line. The Flesherton Baseball Club will h lid a monster celebration here on June 3rd . Keep that date open and be here. Watch for particulars. May Day wasn't a p'trticularly desir- able sort of May Day for those who wished to fish or plant onions. It; wag cold and there were snow flurries in the air. U^gh â-  Wrt make a charge of 10c a line for sll church announcements, concerts etc., up to '} lines. Over that num'oer 5c a line. No reading notices inserted under 50c. Count six words to the line. Mrs. .Runstadtler and daughter, Mi.ss Marguerite, c»me up from Toronto last week to spend the summer. The family will reside in Mr. Armstrong's rssidence next the furniture store. Mr. D. McArthur of Dauphin, Man., Mr». M. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur from near Durham, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. C. 1/eGard. The Oaprey Agricultural Society will continue to hold their popular Standitg Field Crop Competition in oats for the year 1920. All parties wishing to enter will kindly communicate with the Secre- tary, J. A. Kernahan, Maxwell. Tenders Wanted â€" The Durham Furni- ture Co. Ltd. will receite tenders for hauling logs out of the Ceylon naiU yard and loading thenn on cars. 1'enders received up tiil the first day of June, 1920. Address all tenders to D Kinnee, Durham. U 20 Rev. F, G. Kowler, the new pastor of the Presbyterian church here.Jhas arrived and the induction service takes place lo day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock p.m., with Rev. C. S. Jones as interim niouerator. The new pastor will occupy his (.iilpit ou Sunday next. Mr. Joseph Fenwiok of the east back lino died on Wednesday morning of last week at the age of 70 years. The de' ceased gentleman was a resident of Arte mesia for many years and was highly esteemed as a citizen. He married la'e in life and leaves a widow and three small children, who are the recipients of much sympathy. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Friday after noon last. At a meeting held here on Thursday uight of last week it was decided to hold a monster all day celebration in Flesher ton on June 3rd, A committee was appointed to arrange a program of sports for the whole day and they will report at a public meeting in the Munshaw House at 8 o'clock, on Thursday evouing. Every citizen of the village is urged to be present at this meeting. The late Arthur Johnston, whose de- mise we announced last week, was birn in Caledou township in the year 1847, and came to Artemesia township in the year 1873. In that year he was msiried to Isabella Sinclair of Ssrnia, who sur- vives him. Ths children are, Mrs. Hare of Markdale, Mrs. Fred Boland of Vau- deleur, Lundy and Will on the home- stead A brother, John, live* at Alton. and sitters are Mrs, Nesbitt of Credit Forks, Mrs. I. Sinclair of Flesherton, and Mrs. Martin of Wainwright, Alta. The county cr>nami8sioner8 are starting this week on the gojd toads work tor the summer. Mr. Purvis, who had charge of the work down near Dundslk last sum- mer, will have a gang working in this vicinity, and the proposal at present is to start at Rock Mills and *ork west to- wards town, but a petition has been circulated asking ths committee (o tirst do the piece of road between Flesherton and Ceylon, and this petition, which was largely signed, has been placed before the committeu and we hope it wilt bear fruit. This piece of rond is probably more travelled, and is in worse condition than any piece of trunk rond in the county. It was in a terrible coudilicn all spring and inip,\'saWe for trunk traftic. TrafKc fr<>m all directions con- verges here and pasfcs over this road to the (station, and if not gone on with now will probably remain a bane to tr.ivel for a couple of years luoro. We hope the committee will se^; its way cleiir to start the work ou the pece of road mentioned. The directors of East Grey Agric'l. Society has decided to take up the field crop competition with oat« and turnips -All those interested kindiy make their entries at onrd with the secretary, who will be pleased t J supijly tha rules and regulations â€" W. A. Hawkeu, Secretary, Flesherton. ^B^^K l^?stfpS5aifri!tfWte>^^^ VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of Meaford speat the week end with friends here. Harry Baker spent a few days with friends in Musitoka. The funeral of Mr. Arthur Johnston, who died on Monday of last weak, took place to the Yandsleur cemetery ob Wedneadiy afternoon and was largely attended. Mr. Johnston was 84 years of age and spent the yreater part of his life in this community. Mr. Qeorge Warling hag purohased • new Chevrolet car from Geo. McTavish- Married â€" In Toronto ou Wednesday, April 28, Mr. Will Buchanan, jr., to Miss Hazel Coleman of Toronto, Messrs. George and Albert Buchanan, arid It'.zz '^.Dian, mouired to Toronto on Wednesday of last week and attended the Buchanan-Coleman wedding. Following are the newly elected oflBcers for the Vandeleur Sunday school for the ensuing year : Supt., Wra. Buchanan ; See., H. McGee ; Teachers, Miss Tillie Buchanan, Will Buchanan, George Bu- chanan, L. .lohnston ; Organist, Miss Lillian Buchanan. Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values I I House Furnishings No-w is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention -will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescota, an improved w^all finish , Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints ; Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yards -wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths ; Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 l-2x 3, Scrim Curtains, ready to hang, new designs ; Bungalow Nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chintzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Covers ; Curtain Poles ; Curtain Rods ; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with Ready Cut Borders. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^ ^ â-  j^ASV^ ' A ' A^^^^^^iJ;;^^ : ^^ 1 CORRECT a,id SMART These two styles are especially favoured by men who like to be considered well dressed. Tailored to your own measure by the House of Hobherlin Ltd. We have a good line of Men's Felt Hits and Caps. Call and inspect our goods. They are the bos':. Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Boar For Service Pure bred Uegisterea Y'Tk-ihire Boa. for seivico â€" Ma.vwell .lack (52903 â€" ou lot lti7, S W. T. A S. R., Ariemesia. Terms §1.00. 10,-l,ia T.J. STINSON. The Country School From the Toronto Star Waekly " Our school house wae erected,' writes a rural correspondent of the Fleshoiton Advance, ' for the purpose of giving the children of thp section an education . Now it ia used for public mee'ings after 4 o'clock." One rathur infers that the correspond- ent who wrote this does not ciuite approve of what is going on ; he fancies, perhaps, that there is a violation of the statutes, or even the e institution, in these after scho'il meetings. It has taken us as a people altogethnr too long a time to leaiu that the school- house has many idle hours, and that its doors should not be krpt locked while the coimnunity suffers for the lack of a place in which to htdd meetings. In , .iiany rural sections the sohoolhouse is j becoming a community centre â€" for the holding of public meetings, eoinmitfee meetings and ouncerts. Instead of a room with four walls serving hs a .shelti r ill which children Jo sums by day, the rural school will soon be a ditl'erant structure, with cooking and clubhouse accommodation where in the evenings old and young may assemble and enjoy snmetliing in the way of social existanco. This will be possible, especially in dis- tricts th.it are closely settled. W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MEMDSLSSOHN PIANOS and player:pianos, phono- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call an.l see these high grade instruments ,;^mm AT W^^ Hawke;i'3 Photo Gallery ami Music Stor FLESHERTON ESTABLISHED 1872 JtSS"' it-jjoiv-s ' -- tsi m '-.f >B^i t^ \tt:i'f S ;es ? ??3S.. if r fi S:i ,HEAD OFFICE • HAIVIILTOIsl Possibly you are saving money today, but are you saving all you might? Many could double their savings deposits qdite easily. The road to fortune lies through sav- ing. Take stock of your savings possibilities today . You will be surprised to find how many small amounts might have gone into the bank instead of being lost sight of in other directions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK^RANCHâ€" A. M. Carthew. Manager SLB-BRiNCH PROTONâ€"C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Cargoe's Grocery If you vani good, clean, fresh Groceries or Coufeotiouery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. We have also a full line of all the leading Tobacces. All kinds of Fruits in season. Come iu and get your Soaps and othei necessities for your spring cleaning . We have a full line of garden and flower seeds,] Highest prices paid for all kinds of Preiluce. Phone iu your order. We will deliver it to any pirt •ftJ»e village. W. E. CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. ••••••••• , Hillside Creamery, Markdale There will be a man at the following places on the follo\ving days to test any cream which may come in any pay cash for same : Monday Morning, Eugenia, Graham Bros. Monday Afternoon, Rock Mills, R. Croft Wednesday Morning, Maxwell, S. Osborne Wednesday Afternoon, Portlaw, Hannah & Dever Call and get your cans at above places and give us a trial. We are paying 76c. per pound for butter fat at present. BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear v/e have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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