F!T»^ W jPll-^«l-,|iJ4^»J I Jli« JW JiP ^Ufajt lyigg^ - ^ . ^ ^ . ^1 /lesb^rtun ajrtmnc^* Vol 40, N©. 49 Flestiertoii, Ont, May 1 i 1920 ^V ..II MAXWELL Mi«3 Bessie Wright of Toronto is spending a couple uf weeks at her parentiki home. Dr. and Mrs. Rofzell of Caledonia and diuging right in FEVERSHAM The weather h'is been tine this week I hank you. Everyone is taking ihn advice in the " Farnier'a Spring Song " visited la.st week at the latiet's home here. Mrs. Usliorne returned home with them for a short visit. Miss Myrtle Winters of the 4lh line spent Sunday at W. H. Guy'.s. Miss AUie Lawler visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Les Chaid. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mr*. CLas. Fen- wick, on May 9th, a daughter. The regular monthly meeiing of the Methodist Ladies' Aid met at the home Mrs, J. L. Morrison la.st Thursday when election of olficers 'ook place as follows : Pres., Mrs. E. Buckingham ; Vice Pree., Mrs. Robt. Morrison ; Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Morrison ; Treasurer, Miss Binnington. Mr. and Mrs. John Poole spent a couple ot days last week with their son, Wilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Dundalk spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. E. Buokiugham. Mrs. Down of Fleshertoii is spending a few days with her danghter, Mrs. W. Poole. Mrs. Tom Beatty visited last week with her mother. Mrs.' Fisher uf .Hock Mills spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Marshall Kerton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loni; and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Wright of Wareham. Mr. Harold Morrison of Toronto is home laid up with blood poisoning. Quite » few of our farmers have treated ihemssivea lu new cars. Mr. Levi Palliater, Mr. Wni. Morrison and Mr. Chas. Jjopg have purchased Fords and Mr. L. Brownridgo and Koy Fenwick have eiich purchased a Gray Dort, Mr. and Mrs. McC'utcheon of Wartham spent Sunday at Mr. Raymond Wellar'i<. Mr. George Madden, an old resident The temporary brid'jH is now open to all traffic. Now we'll go far the new one eh : We ui.derstand ihat Mr. C. Hornby of the Bank of Toronto here has received notice of a move. Won't the tears flow when Charlie uoe.s. Mr. and Mrs. McEwen and daughter Leila of Duncan visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kail ting on Saturday last. MiHsct; Francie Alexander and Queenie Kaitiing returnea to Duncan with them. We'ire glad to report Mrs. George Julian in better heukh af>or pruetically a wliulfl winter of sickness. Her sister of Sault Ste Marie is visiting with her at present. Jim says that if George Julian is going to run a jitney to CoUingwood any more he should have cushions in the rear of the car. Well, you had good company, Jim. What are you kicking about '. Mr. George Brackenborough went to Toronto on Friday last. Wb understand George has purchased a Clievrolet and and will bring it home this week. VVill the Chev. do the same stunts the old Ford did Geo.aeV Mrs. Win. Conn and Miss Tena Moore visited with Mrs. Tom Lanktree of Ravenna one day last week. DURHAM Durhx Ill's population is now 14,53, a decrraf-e i^f 32 frcm Ust year, according to .^.'.Ki'.'isi'r Elviilgc's (iffioiil rinun-s. The drop is wholly accounted fur by the clos- iiiir iliiwii of the cement plant, otherwise a nmteri'il increase would probably have been shown. Though the population is down, housts are exceedingly scarce, very few vacant and one to rent la now pr.kcticaliy inipost-Hile to i-ecure. The new industries comine will boost the population, bnt afford no relief in the of Oaprey, who has been failing in health housing situatii.ii. At least a dozen for some time, passed away at his home on the 8th line on Monday, May ."i. He leave* to mourn their loss five brothers : John of Orr Lake, James on the home- stead, Edward, Mark and Michael of Chicago. The ieniains were takee to Chicago for interment. Mr. Madden was born in Pickering township sixty years ago and has spent all his life in Osprey, except about live years iu tbo I'nited States, three of which he spent in the American Army. He was aliVHys cheerful and ready with a helping hand and will ba greatly missed by his mmy friends and neighbors. Old Durham Road Hubdisntial moderate priced homes should bo built this summer. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good, for since the town runains below the 1500 mark in population it is relieved of the provincial highway expense in construction, except- ing the propoition paid by rural inunici- palities. At. a meeting on Friday last citizeua heard from Mr. Moore of Toronto, a proprietor for a new Mantel industry. He !isked that the ti^wii buy or furnish the building iiectssaiy, also meet cost of machinery f'T which he would pay interest i or renwl till such time as payments reached the ori>;iiial outl»y when the property would bo his. He would begin by employing 20 to 'M) hands and befoie a year expected to increa.SH to 75. The propi'Bition afi presented did not seem to appeal to citizens nnd a.i will be seen the Council turned it iluwn. We believe inure consideration and a better presenla. tiou of the proposal might have reveakd benetits unthonght of. The S. Grey Fish nnd Giinie Protective Association on Tuesday night received a shipment of 10.000 speckled trout, fry from the t)niario i-oveniineiit. They were shipped from the MohawK hiitcheiy a.- Brant ford and Stc'y. Elvidjje accom- panied the gentleman who came along with Iheui. out that evening to seveial simll streams in this ireigliborhnod whcio the fry were deposited. â€" Review. dlThe !e-iping brook trout p.iint.'d '" naturiil colors on the cover of the May issue of Kod and Gun in Canada wi 1 (luicKfii the pulse of ivery nature lover. This issue of Can.-ula'a leading »p irts- iiien's iiiiinthly conliiMis the first iiist:ill inont of Harry M. Moire's I briHina .'tory of adventure entitled, " The Silver King." " The Kaiianaskis Lakes " is the title of an interesting tithing story from the Eiln.w lliver Yalley. It has The fishing season is here again. Some of the boys have already had good catches . Mrs. Ddd Whyte of'Tor3Dt3 has been visiting with friends in our turg for the past week. Mr. Wilfrud Parslcw has returned from the city for the cuniiner months. Mr. Wm. Reid has puicliased a fine manure spreader. We are glad to report Mrs. John Oliver improving in health. We are sorry the readers of The Advance misunderstood our item of public meetings iu the school house after four. The correspondent has no objec- tions whatever to meeling-i, concerts, socials, etc., held in the sehool- We usea ^to have them seveial years iigo, but owing to the scarcity of young people in our scclion, the meetings have stopped. I myself would like to see these nieetings started agnin so the people cou'd meet touether to spend the evening in a social way. My reason for writing the item was far from the meaning interpreted by the reaoers. If the young man who j ,j^.y^„ ^,1^,^,. j,^,^ photos to illusiiato it. caused the trouble had been u gentleman, I J3j„„j.c„^,|„ Oalo tells In his own giipping and had any respect for himeelf and for the other pirty contcrned, he would m.t h-ivc come to the schoolliom-e to .icttle diiputes. CARD OF THANKS 1 »i h til hereby thank the many f.i"ids who renierid kii.dues" and ayinp it hy luring mother's illnons and. d .1.. Mrs. N ii (i 'vei , L'.o.)u, i manner the story of the wild eat, its ri;ng>) and habits throUL'hout Canada. 8 0. Cain liuinuiously relates tho story of four lislioiiueu on a week end trip to Lake bcu^og afier trisa. The Guns :iiid Auiniunilioii and Fishing Notts Depart- menis are up to their usual high siindard in this number. A valiiablo addition to tin- fi^h^'iman is the inc-usion of llio open lislimg seisunh for the Uoininiun. Ki'd and tiuii ill tJanada is published moinhly by V i iayfor Limiled at; Wondstocl', Dnt. PRICEVILLE A number of persons planted acme potatoes last week^ Wo notice several bUck lambs on th^ grassy hill sides lately, which causes us lo remenilier our eiily school days. One morning we were told that after 4 00 o'clock we must (jo up the creek (Old Durham Road) with a message to Stone- wall Jackson, colored, who lived m a log cabin with Dutch stoop, on on.i of the lots now included in the John WillianiHoii farm. Wo trudged along beside our genial teacher, Mr. George HarriBOD. and when we got up to Fair- view Corners wo met old Stonewall and his little nephew, Ephraim, goinii to- wards the beaver meadow for his cow. While wo were giving our message .md receiving some very explicit answers, the boy was intently watching some sheep and lambs among the stumps and logs at the rear ot the old log church and grave- yard it the corners and suddenly called out, " Hey uncle Jackson, whose young sler is that," and looking in the direction indicated we saw the f.ice of o jut black lamb peeking around the end of a big elm log, A frown spread over the old man's face and with a long arm and index tin;;er pointing toward his cabin home, he said in a stern tone, " Eph, you young niggah, go 'long home dar, and ((uit asliin' sich un cunsta-toosli-nal qneshunt," Theschind children had a merry time last Friday putting rooms and grounds in tilv order and then a half holiday in the afteriiciou. Eimer Watson ar.d brother arrived home from Windsor beginning of this week with two new 51a\weil cars, which he has scdil in the viciiuly. G. (J.s'rander gHis one and I he other is purchaHcd by someone in Fiesherton. t)n Friday. April .'?0, after a lingering illness of several years, Sarah Mcltinis, wife iif Angus McDouga'd, passtd away in her G5th year. Mis. McDougald whs a good wife and mother. She was « mnniber of Swinton Park Preubytenan Church until reining i.) Pricevillo four years ago. She leaves as muuineis ho,- husband and her sun, John, who lives on tie old homestead at Sackelt's Corners, a'so one daughter, Mrs. J. Webster, O; Winnipeg. Her pastor. Rev. C. S. Jiiiies, conducted the funeral services at the residence and at the grave in the new Priceville cemetery on Tuesday, May 4th. Tenders Wanted The undersigned "will receive aeabd teiiJers up to 3 p. in. of the l.'dh inst for tlio piirchasio of the windmill and pump at thj hiuh school. The highest or any lender not necessarily aeoppted . W. J. BELLAMY, May3, 1!>20. .Seciolary. Have you renewnd your subscription yet? SHINGLES B- C. shingles now on hand- Phone or call. Pries s Right . J. C. WRIGHT, Frotun St/u REGENT MARRDALE p Wed. and Thursday, H May, 12 and 13 " Be a Little Sport " M':.\!i. uim; Albert Ray T IV5utt & Jeff Cartoon Friday and Saturday, May, 14 and 15 P " Let's Elope " FEATlRlNt; L Marguerite Clark " The Fireman " A FK ATI- KING Charlie Chaplin Y Prices 15c aii.l 2oc. War tax. S (â- K. WALDBN, MANAGEU KIMBERLEY Gardening. Mesi-rs. Tmi Gilrny and Ken Donnelly were pleasant callers here recently. Mrs. Mansell Cook and son, Woodrow of Walteis Falls have returned home after spending a eon,. lo of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ferguson. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Hammond and family spent Sunday with friends in Priceville. Mrs. Charles Wickens is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Plewes. Vernon Bishop is spending a few weeks with his parents here. Wedding hells are still ringing in our vicinity. * We are sorry ') report Mrs. VViUiam Fawcett on the sick list. Mr. and Mi.s. Andrew Fawcett visited the latler's parents. Mi. and Sirs. R McMullen. Ml', and Mis Ed. Baker of Vandeleur spent a day with the laitoi's sister, Mrs. Wm. Fawcett. Mis. F, Marshall visited her brotlier. D. L. Weber, for a few days. U. J. Stuart (if Thornbury made a business trip hero last week. PROTON Bornâ€" On May !)th, to Mr. and Mrs. Cade, a daughter. We are pleased to report that Mr. Herman Becker is recovering from his recent illness. Myrtle Irene, the ten mcinths' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. L. Badgerow, passed away on May Dili from an uttaek of pneumonia. The funeral took place Monday to Mt. /ion cemetery. Service was conducted at the house by Rev. Mr, Eagle. The pallbearers were Cliristena Wodehousp, .Alma Copeland, Gertnuio Wyvillo and Muriel Wilson. Many friends synipaihikc with the son owing parents in the loss of their sweet little ululd. .â- V largo representation of the InistMce ciingregatioii met at the home of .Mi-.;;U. 0. Acheson on the evening of Ap. i lilst and presented Mr. and Mrs. iJ'.nio Stevens with a handsome Singer sewing maaliine, .Bccouipanied by a neat ao;lee,is, which was read by Mrc. Eagle, l.iscar Ritters<in and Ren .-Vcheson inado llie pre.sentHtioii. An en joyabls evening was spent. Miss Mabel Binnie of Toronto si-ent the week end at the parental home. Mr. S. Wright of Kiii'^ardino is vi.sit- ing his brother, Mr. J. C. Wrmht. The vV. I. will meet Friday afternnoii in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. 11. Down and Mrs. Hawken will be pros nt to give addresses. Born -May Ijih, to Mr. ami Mr?. Still, a daughter. NOTICE New cut shingles for sale. I will be doing custom .sawing it Ma.xwoll. iJet your tiiiiher in early. I want shiojie timber-will pay good price for gmid timber. fmsl wiro fur sale. - MARSHALL KKRTON â- M-ivKitf Maxwell, On'. Sher-Wil!-Lac For Staining and Viiriiishii'g in Olio opeiation â€" a tiansparent stain and varnish â€" one coat of whicb will ri store the original finish on iliwjrs, lloois fiP-nilure and iiitori'i Wiiiid work oj every desciiptioii . Dries hard over night. Will n.it crack, scde or wash away and any- l)ui'y caii^ apply it. Made in J:'. diU'i-renl shades. .Vl-ii Shenvin * W^illinnis nilu-r liii^sluM for inside and outside house c'eaniiill' inchuling ^ lat Tone, Auto Enaiiiol and Klimr Paint and Varni.'-h. Wi> will ho pleased to give you any informalioi. or H.ssistHnro in sivictiiig yniir fpiing p.iiiits. Illsln-i piiei's piid fur pri'diu-o. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 24r 11 Fiesherton, Ontario FINE .1 E WE LERY Bates BurialCo- BUSINKSS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come iu and see our line largo stock! Embalmer.'S of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, !T>|,^,„ rr-il ^ "% ^ c^ audwhetiyouLavoseettthemjou P*10ne HlIlCFeSt 268 w.llbesnre to buy. Watch re- 124 AvenUC Road, pairing a specialty. A full line n Piiotograplnc snpFlies ! Toronto, On Including developing powders, MOTOR EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanternH, all , ,,, o ^ d »« j i , si.es of kodacks u.id lihn.. «'• ^- ^^*««' ^- haddocks. President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose: Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. BOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O Seed and Feed 10 per cent, off Salt by barrel .md 100 and £0 lb, bags F. O. B. Ceylon. Phone or rlrop ns your order on;t postcard. We have our Seed Corn in. Also still have a full line of Clover and rimcrhy See(l.«, Flax, Pea.s, Essex Rape, Barley and Mangie. FEEDâ€" Oats, Internatic nal and Eennie's'Calf Meals Groceries We test your cream while yon wait. Call and get a can. Highest prices paid for all iarm produce. Special attention given to phone orders, Farnicr.s having seed ordered and not paid for will please call and arrange as we do not wish to carry over a large stock of seed. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fiesherton, - Ontario Spring Announcement W. L. WRIGHT wishes to iiniioiinco to the publii; tlint lie his ju.st lecoivoa h spring consignment of .Man's and Udies' B.iots und^Shoes, Uubbeis lo lit any slinpe boot, Loni{ Uul)b.T Biiots, Fleet Foit White Ware in all styles for men, btdies, misses, boys find yonihs. I'uHtioJy's mid Bull DiiK tiveralls nnd Smocks, Woik Shirts, iiuiv lino of Men's Shirts nnd Biilbriugftn Undeiwear, Ties, Cullais, Belts, Silk Scarfs nnd Gloves. .â- \ fresh stock of Groceries dlwny.s on hand. All l;inds uf Canned Goods. In the Millinery Doimrtini'n? ycm will lind Mrs. Wrii;lil Willi li eoinp'o'e stick of Ladies Hat-, Uibboii.s, I/.-ces ann Veils, C'iill mid inspeoi <Mir lines. SiiliBfaction guaranteed. lliubest prices paid f(»r Butter .uid Ki;t;s. 4: ^ 1 1 W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Fiesherton For Service \ One pur*> bred Shorthorn bull nn Lot ' L'S nnd 2!l, Conci'ssion S. Artoin<\';m. I 'I'triii'" â€" SI .50 for Krados if paid inside of I !> mjnths- if not 82. Pure hreds $;{ Ct). U . ct llOBIiUT OSBOKNK. FLOYD H. BENTLEY BlMBior. Dy laniileiind B!Ik^tlu^ supplies for fsle R'ick tiid stump i^lasling. Call Ph'.i.e 41 r 14. Write P. 0. Box •', •â- â- ' .' n, f>nt. I Fleslienon #- Tonsori '^ Parlors I Wo Aim to Give Kutiro Satisfiti'' 1 LAUNDRYâ€" Basko* >so i, night, delivery Fnaay ev j CLEANING and DYKINGâ€" W. jlsgeuts for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Gh' eaned mid dymi. fait hers lojuvoi^ T FISHER -PROPRItTO