Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1920, p. 4

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May 13 M)20 THE FIKSHERTON ADVANCE Fires Break Out and thieves break in. Don't risk the first, or invite the second, by keeping money in the house. Put it in The Merchants Bank, where it will be safe from lossâ€" always availableâ€" and earn interest (at highest current rates. THe M€RCHANTS BANK H«*d Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1884* CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMi^LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Piihuliir Sliarplos Sopurator-s JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. f^lir^,i ^/f==Jr=zlrz± n^7fSTr=JfSlf^r=Jrz=}r^=} â- - FURNITURE All kindsjof furniture^in our .showrooms. Call and see our diiiiip.^ room, parlor and Ijedroom siiite.s, A large | range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Pbone 30 r 11 ^1 I W. H. BUNT Flcshcrton, Oi\t le^se^^^^^s^^^ % Flesherton Tn Shop 1 liave jn.st placed on the .shelves a full line o\ Tiuwai'o, Nickelware and Ajjatewaro for (lonie.stic: use. ( "all on me and get your siippHes. Eavetroiighing, Stovepipes and Stove Fnrni.sh- mgs. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pip(ditting, including pump work. \i Furnaces in.stallud. Agent for (^iare Hros. ifc Furnaces. Small Ads. FOR SALE Straw K<ir Kalo â€" $6 per la»d â€" J. S McMillan, C'evlon. Hor8« Kiir .S»1b â€" Apply lo Dr. Bitihv KIi'kIi"! 'on Induction Service I Tho iuducticn of Uev. F. O. Fowler ko ' tl.H luBlurnte jf Kle:herlon, Proton and I K(i^euii» l'rehbyturi<ti) Churchea took V plaot; in tliu Pmsbyieriau Church here oo J Thursday afteriiu(jn, May 6. I Uuv. K. (''. Uarper uf llillsburg pi'uach' f.r BHlc-Eleveu jdiihh p'K-, lix | rd the iuuucliun Hernion to a largo and wwUh (lid. Kaynmiiii WnllHr, Msx«>ll.i appreciative conuregatioii. At the close K„i .Sv^â€" Good Mcli«uiihlin Im^^jâ€" "^ '''>* "Cimou filling reference wis in*de A(ply lu ^V. A. Hawkuii, Fleaberion. HurBea F' r ijaie â€" One bUuk niaru and two black i;elilini>« â€" Apply to VV. Moore, FleHhertoD. by liim to I he uiemory of four former iiieiiibera of the church hern who lost their lives in the ^reat war, ^ter which a handsome shield oontainiDg the names of the fallen, namely : Gnr. Ch»s. Mc For Sale- Bell organ, 9 octave, in tine Mullen, Pte. Ira Perigo, Pie. Ohas. coiidiiioi), for eale chejpâ€" John Ueaid, ! Thistlethwaite and Pte. Mai Bmnon, Flesherto n. ) ^^ unveiled by Lieut. J. A. Legard. Rev. C. S. Jones of Pricaville, interim moderator, premided and inducted the tiew minister to hii charge. Mr. T. (). Goldsmith favored the con- gregation with an excellently rendered solo, which was highly appreciated. I After the induction Rev. 0. W. Ruse of Corbelton preached lo the new I milliliter and R«v. A. K. Thornlry I'f For Sale-Team of good work horse-), i Shelburne pteachtd a strong and able For Saleâ€" Chest of carpenters' tools ' also a coinplote picture framing uuttit. Phono or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kimberley. j Straw Fnr .Saleâ€" $0 per loadâ€" J. S. I McMulloii, Ceylon. ' For Saleâ€" A number of black and white loshorn hen<i. G. B. Wello i, ! Fieshertiiii. aged 5 and 6 yearc, sound and in gooj coiiditioii. MrH, .1. Fanwic!<, Fle.sherlon. White Rock egxs per getting 82, barred R'>cks pur setting il.iiO, Rhode Island Reds 8. c. per settinit tl.aO. Also duck ei(i;H SI. 00 per dozen. - Mrs. John Dand, Fevershniii. For S»lu cheau and en eany loriiiH, Lot l.'j, oiiii. II, O^orjy, llOjicres. This is a lirsl oUsi farm ami in a i^nnd state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new sermon to the congregation. The service closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The ladies of the oongregation lived up to their tine reputation uud served a sumptuous repast in the baeemeot at the clc)8e. ftighe*! prica for buct«i and ejigi at Orahain Brcs. Kuuenie. June 26 frame dwelling. Flesherton Apply to R. J. Sproule ; D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK I FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. i m I II 1^1 1(^1 % \^\ 1^1 1 1^1 i^i II School Reports S S No 14. Osprey Sr 4â€" G Pedlar. Jr4â€" K Findlay, N Pedler,C Cameron C Findlay, A W.lion. Jr ;iâ€" M Kindlay, B Wilton. G Thomp- S0.-1, M Mclnnes (absent). Sr2â€" B PedUr, M Kendall. Jr 2 â€" L Cameron, R Thompson, VV Findlay. Firstâ€" C Sullivan. Primer- Ada Findlay, M Findlay, V Sullivan, G Wilton. â€" A. Winters, Teacher. S a No 7 Artemesia Sr 4-Elford Walters, Cliffoid Hinds. A!bo Uliicks, T.iniinie Currle. Sr 3â€" Joe Meads, Malcolm McDonald. Jr 3 â€" Alice Muir, Mabel Watterp, Bob Parslow. Ivan Turner. ', Sr 2 -Stowart .Muir. Th« H'l.shciloii Bible Ueposit-ry Mas ,Ir 2â€" Mari,-iiret Turner, S.die Oliver, just placed in Ktook I liM largest selecti'in g^dja Vause of Bibles and TiKtamenls ever shown For Saleâ€" Shorthorn ball, 8 months I old, color rei?. Dam â€"Lustre's Pride 3rd 138il2;j. Sire --Royal Edward j 103(53. V\ni. McLouuhry & Sons, R. ' R No. 4, Markdalo. Phone line 30, I ring 2 2. ' E/j{S For Hacchint! â€" White Leghorns, | Sicilian Butttrcupi, Silver Pencilled : Wyandottes and K'ise Comb Brown Leg- ; horns. All bred to lay stock. SL-jOperj setting. John Piewes, Kimberley. j Mr8CKLLANB0U« j Try Fevewha.n Paitry Flour, the besti or your coik. .All Outwio wheal j PrivHts funis to loin on real estate' security at reasonable rate of interest. ' Apply to R. ,T. Sproule, Fjeiherton i eept 2317 I Chopping every Saturday only â€" Ora-I ham Bros , Eui;"nia. , hcie, r«nnini; in pricrt from a few cents fj live iliilliirs. There are some very fine i;ift boiiks liiiil fiimily Itibli-s in this lot. TliB Depiisitiiry is kept .it The Advance Otiioo. Istâ€" Dick Parslow, Doris Taylor, Both Hincks, Myrtle O'Sirander. Pr B -Gordon Muir, Alan Muir. Pr A â€" Mary MscD.inald, E R O'Stran- der. â€" Annie Knox, Teacher. Gigantic Celebration MARKDALE, MAY 24th l^^i GOLD SEAL FLOUR For bread iMs llour iiuniiot be liriitin. It is lui all wcstiTii wliest prodiici. Wi! also liandlo Snow Kialio pnatiy lloiif, Graliatn dour, Backwlieal flutir ami Pancake lluiir. â-  Keliofjj^'s" (jeiiniiie (Join FUko^. sjucldcil Wlicit, Wliriit Keniels .Kolled Wlioiit, Ki.ll.'d Ual^ Piiir.^d Wlioal, bulled Rice, Corn A ea hik' Krtiinliles. ICK CriE.\M PAItF.Oni:S-\Vo lian.Ue City D.iliy lo.r Ci-rain and are iin'i>arid to cater tu ilin piiblic. Icn ('roaiii fiiipplioU in bulk for piciiicH aid paitii's. Qai'dpit and llowcr 8oed.<) on hand. BiglifcSl priccB paid for buttpr. <>kks and nri-ain. Wc supply cream cans. I « I Bellamy^s Grocery Phone 37 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO â-  â- â- â- â- â-  » •â- â€¢ â- â- <tll81 m ^^Kjtil •• •%% > H i» » ^- â- i«iHii>w â- â- Â»â- Â» *•*»'•"• '♦*« " »^ I Baseball Match, 2 o'clock Flesherton Whirlwinds vs. Power House Cyclones Lacrosse Match, 3 o'clock Durham 1920 Intermediates vs. Markdale 1920 Intermediates Tug-o'-War Consisting of four townships â€" Holland vs. Glenelg and Euphrasia vs. Artemesia. The winners will pull off. Field Sports Consisting of Men's Contests, Boys' Contests, Ladies' Contests, Children's Contests and Pole Vaulting Contests. Markdale Citizens' Band in attendance all day and evening, GRAND CONCERT IN THE EVENING by the Owen Sound Concert Company. The day is being held under the auspices of the Markdale Aberdeen Lacrosse Club. F. T. Hill, Manager. A. E. Piewes, Secretary Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT »•_ _ SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers Electric and gasoline power wasliers . ALSO for McConiiick Bindars. Mower.i, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drill.', CultivHtor, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engiim.'i, Brantford double uenred and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mill.i, Bcaity Uay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Howls, Water T^iiks, Pump and Pipin>;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One third more wool cut with same power when fitted with my patont. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. NECESSARIES FOR SPRING HOUSE FURNISHINGS New Wall Papers in stock. Also we take special orders Liuolpum. l yards wide, block designs ; Cougoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth ; Stair Oilcloth and Carpet; Wool Carpet by the yard ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares iu all sizes ; small Floor Kugfe, Scrim Curtains made up iu ocru or ivoryâ€" creams, white and corn curtain material of different prices ; Marquisette and Bungalow Nets ; Cretonnes ; Curtain Poles and Window Shades. PAINTSâ€" Martin benour Paint, Wood Lac, Floor and Linoleem Varnishes, Stove Pipe Enamel, Floor Paints, Porch Paints. OILS â€" Eaw and Boiled, Turpentiue and Separator Oil BRUSHESâ€" Paint and Varnish Brushes. SPECI.\Lâ€" Men's Tan and Oxblood Boots and Oxfords at 84-00 per pair. A car load of CEMENT will arrive on May Ist. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario ALL BUSINESS SCHOOl. 8\ AR C^^^o* r^i ^„:«m tvt^*:^^ NUT THE SAME. "latfeet Closing Notice F.ature 4. WhIcIi for tlie olheia. ."ii> YKAK.S-Our ;?9 siiecea.sful years not' only ttUarantem the tli iroimhiicss ii> itipj onnieew, Init lm» ostaiillahed a wonderful' eimii«cluiii Willi ih.! hehl Imaines.H con- ci^iiis 111 Aiiinricn. The Ueiiiaiid foi t'ladimti's is 5 tliiiex the Hi4i>ly. Milter any day. j GoMhf l>eht. It |i„y, i i liv.ii .'^lU'il, Hcit, C. A. KLKMIN(}, K. C. A., Principa O. I). KLKMINO, Siicrjtary. i I.VIeuiioti this p.Hpor when writing) i NoeicB is hereby uiven that the Council of the Village of Flesherton will after one (iioutli from the tiist publicatinu of this notice (being thel'lKh d;»y of April, 1920) proceed lo pass a bylaw to close up and UisposH of that part of Baechill St. lyin>{ between lutM 1 Kiid 2 in block M, accoulin^ lo Ucoch ill's plan nf the said villaKo toihe oonmoKalion of the Baptist Church. Dated th» 29th day of Aprll,;i920. w. J. Bellamy" cierk. Try us for your next job printing. (

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