Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1920, p. 1

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-mr* rrwmm nm« fk^\\ttitsxK Tol 40. No. 50 ~ --^ Flestierton, Ont., May ^ 1920 EUGENIA P(fRLAW Held Oyer L»8- Week Held Over Last Week The concert held in the Orange HulH Mi.s E^gleof Sault St. Marie is visit- on April 30 under the auspices of the I '"« ^^^ brother, Uev. Eagle. Women's Institute waa a succeet> in every > Miss Pearl Watson returned last week wny. A good prf'gram waa ^ven and j to Toionto after spending some weeks at local talent, hoinn. Wis a great rredit to our Wo really had no idea â- any Oiaiden ladies in Still the wedding bells keep ringin:;, ko while there is life there is bope. Cheer u^, ladies. Every number on the pro- gram was a good one, and with Mr. McVicar of London with his witty juke; the evening passed alone pleasantly. After the proaram the quilt, which has been contested fur by four rf our ladiea, fell to Mrij. BaHgerow, who is one of our best workers. The quilt brought §28. There was also soma boxes of candy and a dozen or more bottles of horse radi.'ih donated by Mrs. Bidgerow which brought 115.50. The total proceeds for the evening amount cd to 8146, and a part of the proceeds of the quilt were taken in â- t cur last social. Motherb' Diiy services were well attended in our churches here. Rev. Mr. Fowler has taken his charge here in the Presbyterian church and gave a fine addreis. We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and family. The music was well rendered ty the choir at the morniug service. Our union •faoir is quite a help in the churches, acd we hope to see the interest kept up. Service iu the Methodist church in iho erenioi; was well attended. Mi. Eagle giving a much appreciated address, and; the music was also [.apprupnats. The ^uien's chorus was spleudidand a great treat. The song service adds to th** service and does everyone good. Mr. E zer J.irge of Leamiuyton visited his brother, J. E., for a few di<ys the past week. Card Graham and Russell Mc Mullen made a business trip to the city last week Id* Haney's many friends were pleased to see her out for a walk last week for the first time after 10 mcnths' illue.-^. Our stores will close two uigbt.s a week for the summerâ€" Tuesday and Friday at 6 o'clock. there were so) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, who last our burg, but | ypar sold their farm in Manitoba, and have spent the winter in Owen Sound, are visitiig wiih their many relatives of this part, where Mr. Taylor spent his lioyhood. They expect to remove anon to California to make their home. Mr. Wm, Taylor, wife and family, are ttijoyiog the pleasure of a new Brisco. Will Taylor of Toronto is visiting at home. Very interealing mothsrs' Day service was cnnducted last Sunday by the pastor Rev. Eagle. Special music was provided by the choir, and many beautiful flowars were in evid»uce. So far we have heard nothi«» of Fathers' Day. Many of us have had fathers that have passed beyond the shadows. They left us that treasured legacy, the record of their virtuous ives, unsullied by any stain of dishonor. Would it not be titting to their memory, which we revere, to occasionally at least, set apart a day in their honor, as wp rightly do in commemoration of the cherished name of mother. The Epworth League recently elected their new officers for the next twelve months as follows : Pre-'^ident. Clarence Watsan ; 1st Vice, Mri,. Thomas Taylor : •Jnd Vice, .Mrs. E«Ble ; Zci Vice, Miss -May Coiuheld ; 4: h Vice, R..y White; Organisr, Miss Vina Watson ; Secratsry, Robert r»ylor ; Treasurer, Miss Violet Taylor. VAJSTDELEUR Wickens of Eugenia »nd Mrs. R. Genue PRICEVILLE Some people say that there 's no growth in the ground yet, but we noticed a new field of oats last Saturday that sloped facing the sun and looked quite green above the ground. Two hydro engiueeis were iu town < n Monday and Tuesd»y cf last week sur- veying out the seveiiil lines where light will be used. Stakes were driven uiaik. ing where poles .;id guys will be erected The gravel, or c< uuty ruad through lur town IS very crooked, hence niauy guys will be required and will add much to the expense accouut. The fall fair directors ate organizing to hold a great drawing contest with teanij on show day, with several good sizad prizts oBcred, and theie will likely be a livaly Unxd that day. Krook and Stuihart have purchased a very 'fine percheron stallion and will put him on tho road in a few days. Alex. B. McDonald uf the I'Jih en. of Priiton has arranged to purchase the corner block where tho Standard Bank is locited, fu'Ui V. F. Mc.\rthur. Mrs. K. McKinnoii, CoUingwood St., has been \i.<iiing friend.s iu Holstein. Mr. Jones, father of the pastor of the Pre.^byterian church, came up on the evenmi! tram v>ii Saturday of last week. Mrs. George Patterson nf the 5th Hue, 2i miles north of the village, who has been very ill for some time, passed away Satuid'iy eveuini? of las; week. The funeral takes place Tuesday afternoon, May IS, to the new Priceville cemetery. We may be able to give more particulars next week. -Mr. and Mrs. F visited with Mr. recrntly Miss M. Smith of Barkaway spent a few days with her friend. Miss Delia McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan and Miss Lillian, Mr.and Mrs Wm. Buchanan als) Mrs. Wm. Buchanan Sr., motiTed to Meaford and spent aday wiih frienr's. Miss Ferguson of Kimberley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker for a few dtys recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Warling aud son, also Mr. and Mrs. Sam GilL-ert, motored to Priceville and visited the laiter's brother, Mr. .â- Vlex. Carson. Mrs. Robert Graham is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Porter Beard, at Spriughill. The west half of the roof cf Mr. John Warling'a house was destroyed by tiie. which started fiom_ the stovepipe on Bridayof last week, and but for the tiuieiy icssiatanc- of tne school children and neighbors the building most likely would have been destroyed. As soon as the dre was extinguished the m^u made a bee and put on a new roof. CEYLOiN Mr. Siauley VVhite returned to Toronto last week after spending several week? at h.\S home here. Born â€" In Ton iito, on May K!, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher (nee Kato McLeod) a daughter- Congratulations. Miss M. Stone is visiting with friends in Holland Centre. Mr. Will Patti.^on of lorouto spent the week end with his parencs here. Mr. and Mrs. Paiitiet and ludy friend of Toronto and Mi.-»9 McDoimld of Cree- inoro motored up and visited at Mr. Ricbard Wbittaker'a a couple of days last week. Mrs. A. McMullen, who ha.>< Ijeen viaiiing hor oau^htor in T.>rou:o, has ber hltle letunied home accompanied b Frank Irwin of (he Durham CJhrouicle gran .'son waj 111 town on Thursil.iy of la>l week. Court of Revision The Muii'cipal Couuiil of thg Town- ship ot (>siiri'y will meet in the Orange Uh ; a- MaxHell on Saturdsy. .June 5th. at 111 a. Ill , !is aC'urt of Revision on the Assessai^nt Roll of l»eO. H. W. KEKNAll.VX, Cleik O.spiey Township. ROCK MILLS w Mr. and Mrs. Carruthera and family of Avening visited recently with Mr. W. T. Pedlar and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Ciofr visited with frim.ds at. Proton. We are pleased to know that Mrs. G. Johnson is improving after being laid up with pleurisy. Will Kobertson and siatsr, Nellie, visited over the week end with their uncle, Levi Betts. Mr°andMrs. J. Hcliey i f V.iiideleur spent .Sunday with the former's sister Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. VVill Xawell and Miss Marg-iret I Newell of Durham visiied recently nilh their broihers here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warliug attend- ed the funeral of a relative in Proton last weak. Miai Peirl Stiddart of Markdaie visitad with friends here recently. Ja(. Dargavel made a business trip to Owan Sound I»st week. Wa are pleased ti> see Sam Croft around again after beint- laid up with quinsy. PROTON EAST MOUiNTx\IN Seeding and house clciinitsg are the order of the day. We lire pleased to repc^r; little Miss Dorothy Genoe almost better .again after her recent illtiess. She was waited on by Dr. McKee of Heathcoie and Is-.;rie Kenny of Hauiiltim. Mr. John McKenzie and sisters, Mis.«es Barbara and Kna, of Duncan, spent a lay with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. John Welsh, jr., hai purchased the Prjctor farm near Duhcau. Success John. Miss GUdys Lever has reiurned home to Fleshertoii after spinJiii!; a fortnight with^her sister here. Master Gordon McMjilen vi-ited with friends in Kimberley. Xurse Kenny has gone to nurse a ease of ilijihtheria al Rob Roy. She is a person possessing kind, cheerful and winning qualities, thus making: a patient feel belter in her presence. We hi'pe sha has success. Mr and Mrs A. Faweett. Kimberley, visited al R. McMullen's. S^rry to report Mrs. Geo. Allen on the sick list. * Married â€" At the parsonage. Maxwell, on M,ay 12. by Rev. Forth. Mr. Wm. Harbottle, second son of Mr. George Harbottle, of this pla'-e, lo Miss L»ura Young, of Lady Bank. We wish the young couple a happy and prospercus journey through life. Old Durham Road Our ttfacher. Miss Annie Ku'^x, his been in ill health for some time and hss taken a week or more rest at her hmue in Swint-m Piirk. She sent hor fister. Miss Mar:;:ire', to take her place diirini.' Iier alisence. We wish her suoce.ss m lier Work. Saedinit has come very lu- ir a cloie. and we hope f'T the best ot luck the co.nins; season. Miss Louisi Huddy spent a few .lays with relitivos in our vicinity roetiitly . Mr. D.ivc .Ml Donald lost a I orse last week. .\ number nf resiient-< attended a meeting held in Priceville on Wednesday evening and appear interested in towt: hff lir'). "<C^''-*^- ^^r MAIL CONTRACT SKAl.KI) TKM>I:K.S acMivsstd t.- ihe i PoBti.ii»ster Ciencral will Iw receive I at â-  (Ittawa until noon an Kridav. the i"nli nf I Mr. McWhinney of Hanover is vi.-iting -'"ne, Wai. f..r the o<<uvevTiiice oi His j ,. J ,. VI v- I 1 1 1 1 1. Majerty's .Mjiils •>».â- Â» i)r»|iiw>d Contract for his dau.di'er, Mrs. >. Archibald, here, t\.ur years, .»ix times t*r w«k ..a the route | this week. . PROTON STATION' K R. No. 1 j Mr. and Mrs. L.slio Maish-iil of j f^nn tlie 1st of OotoKT. l!)2l). I T-ronto spent the weekend with the' Printed notices cntainiug further informa- ' * tioa as to t.i'ndili'«i;s of ;'roiH.se"l c»»atir.icr itniy â-  bo ••en and bl:H)k forms of Trnder ni.iy he Mr. and Mrs. WiUon latter » patents McMuIleu. Mr. and Mrs. L. Totrey and son of Lauiistoii, Mr. and Mrs Will Hill and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Ilili, sr., and soil, .\«o. of Markdaie, spent Ist of Week ai, Mr. H. Pii.et'*. ubCftinsd at the Post 0(tii"«< of Proton St,itloii I and at the othce uf the Post Ultice Inspector, I T»r»>uto. A. Sl'THKRLANn. 'â-  Post Oitioe Insjwclor Post Office Inspector's t)tfii», I Tjivnto, Mmv Torh, 182U. An interesting meeting of the W. L war held in thn Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon last, at which the President, Mrs. H. Copeland, presided. Mis. Down, Mrs. Uawkeii and Mrs.Best of Fleshtrton were present, and each spoke helpful and encouraging words to the Branch here. Mrs. Down conducted the election of officers for the ensuing year, as follows : Preaidenr, Mrs. H Copeli.id ; Vice Preaident, .Mrs. Stevens : Sec.-Treas. , Mi.-s Sherson ; District D.rectoi, Mrs. Bates. The retiring Sec, | Mrs. Wil.s.m, was presented with a small token of money in acknowledgment of faithful and efficient serTice during the past >ii years. Lunchev u was served nt the close, Mrs. Brown of Mt. Fi-resr, who has been itayiOi! with her daughter. Mr.--. Stiil, has returned home. In the absence of our teacher. Miss Rundle, Miss Wriijht, B, A., of Dundalk, is supplying. FINE JEWELER y'BatesBurialCo Come ia auti see our fine large stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clock.«. etc. and when you Lave seen them joti will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A fall Hue n FJiotographic snpplies Incladmg developing powders, MOTOR printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kcdaeks and lilms. Bl'SIXESS AS USUAL I Funeral Directors and Embalmer- Phone Hillcrest 26 ts 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddock», President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES DURHAM W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GE<''. W. KOSS, FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. system Maxwell P. O At one time there were si.xteen bote's between W.^'.kerton and Kincardine. The last of them went out of business a couple uf weeks a^o. In an effort to curb tirts in the muni;;:- pality snd otherwise belter protect the town, Lstowel town cjuiicil has decided to advertise 'n the Toronto papers for a night watch-nan. An outside man is preferred. The Owen Sound Advertiser is calling for a (uitable name for the new city to be, and already has announced .several namfs that have been put forth- the Valley City, Harbor City, Georgian Bay City. Liverp:iol of the N^rth, eic Wnh a record of oce boat a week during the season of navigation, this latter title seems like a joke. Why not. then, call ir tte Joke City i. Other names that inighi suggest themselves are : the Pass the-Buck City, the Dodge- the-I.ssue City, or Hgain one iui«ht Dame it the Bound- less Seashore Ciiy, which in tini' ould be shortened down to thd B. S. •' y. Chronicle. DUNDALK Thursday .iCternnoii h«i been adopted as a half holiday by the business men of Dundslk for May, June, July and Au.jus;. Some cf the drovert bad an al'ercaii'.n at the C P. R. stock pens on Tuesd-iy. shippiui; day, over the ownership of a bunch of hoKs. Blood dowed freely and the atTnir waa a disgrace to the cmuinun- ity. Foul lanauagc, which has beonii' a habit about the stick pens on shipping days, is another ifferce which is not goinj: to be tolerated by the auihuritii s. The Herald wishes to congratul-'te Miss Jennie Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs D. T. Wright of this place,'w!.o pa-ssed her riii.«l e.xamination at McMastet- University, Toronto, )taiL>ini( the decree «'f B A. The graduating e.\»rcises and the conferring of degrees took p)ace . n Tuesday evening at MoMnsterâ€" Her-ld. Sher-Will-Lac For Staining and VarnisliiPv: in one opeiatloiiâ€" a traiie parent stain and varnishâ€" one cost of which will restore the original fini.sh on d.iors, floors fdniiture Hod interior woodwork of every description. Dries hard over niiht. Will not crack, sc»le or »ash an-»y and anv- budy ciii apply it. Made in 13 dll'erent shades. -ANo Slier'vin Williams oiber •fini.vhei ft-r inside and outside house c'eaiiintl' including flat Tone, Auto Kuomel and Kloor Paint and Vajrnish. Wf will |,e pieas-d to give you any intoriiialioi. or itsaislaiire iii si'iectini: your spring piints. Hishes; prices pii.i t T pr- liiKv F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 24 r 11 Fleshtrton, Ontario Seed ^nd Feed 10 percent, off Salt hy barrel arwi 100 antl 10 lb. bags F. 0. B. Ceylon. Phone or drop us your order on a post card. We have our Seed Corn in. Also still have a iull line of Clover and riniohy Seeds, Flax, Peas, Essex liape, Barh y and Mangie. FEtD-Oats. International and RennieVCalf Meals Groceries We test your cream while you wait. Call and get a can. Highest prices paid for all farm produce. SpecicU attention given to phone orders. Farmers having seed ordered and not paid for will please call and arrange as we do not wish to carrv over a large stock of seed. J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario % 'A % L i 1^. Spring Announcement \\. I,. WRIGHT wishes to announce to the public that be has just received .•« spring consignment of Man's and I.adies' Boots and Shoes, Rubbers to (it ^ny shape boot. Long Rubber Boots. Fleet Foit White W^ire in all styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. PeaDodys and Bull Dog Overalls snd ijuiccks. Work Shirts, new line of Men's Shirts and Balbri>:gan Underwear, Ties! Collars, Belts. Silk Scarfs and Gloves. .\ fie»h stock of Giocerit's alway.-i on hand. All kind.* of- C.»nued Goods. In the Millniery Depaninen!: you will find Mrs. Wrisjit with a coiup'e-e stt ck of Ladies Hats, Ribbons, Lices and Veils. Call and inspect our lines. Satisfaction guaranteed. Histhest prices paic for Butter and Eggs. W. L. WRJQHT, Corner Store, Flesherton For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot ;;S and 2!>, Concesj»ion S, .\rteuie8ia. T"rin»- #1 ."lO for urados if paid inside of 1' ninths â€" if not $2. Pure bred •« ?3 CO. lott - ROBERT OSBOHXi:. ^^ Tonson "^ Parlors ;We Aim to Give Entire Satisf, â-  L.\UNDRY-B,vAe6 i.se ninht, delivery FtiOAy ev FLOYD H. BENTLEY I{.i«»t(>r. Dyiamite and r>lastin>{ sujiplies CLEANING and DYEINllâ€" W f-ir â- .lie R'ckand stump hiasti on. |*gents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" C^ Call Pbone 41 r U. Write P. O Boxi Mne-i Mid dyed, feathers rejuven ,.. - -... „_ o„j^ ^ FISHER. -PROPRIEK ' ^ . -i^ "

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