Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1920, p. 8

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May 20 192§ THE FLESHEKTCN ADVANCE I 98% Metal AMAXWF.LL is 98% metal, and the very • best metal that metallurgists can specify. Pound for pound it equals the metal in any car built. The Maxwell is made of light-weight but strong metals. They had to be light because the mission of the Maxwell is economical transportation. They had to be strong because the Maxwell Is built to carry just as heavy a passenger load over the same roads and at the same speed as apy car, despite its price or size. Any engineer will tell you that in getting that rare coniDination of strength with lightness high prices must be paid for the metals. Their use, however, repays the makers of the Maxwell in many ways because each car each day is winning friends. To-day these friendships, expressed in terms of cars, are well on the road to 400,000. You cannot go back of these numbers any more than you can go back of the fact that the sun rises in the morning. They tell the story; and it's largely a story of what the Maxwell is made of â€" tine metals. The Maxwell is waiting for you in our show- rooms. Come round and get behind the wheel. To-day. m E.E.WATSON, Dealer Priceville, Ont. K', ADVERTISE !N THE ADVANCE •ecial Notice I Spi A War Romance Shattered A pitiable nfteriniklh of > war lime marriage in KriKlHiid Imx heoii brouKht to li|{ht 111 Wittitoii, ikcu'irding to h deopatcli fioiii that pUce to llit) Turouto Globe. Ettrly in the war Laurence Keexhig, a iiiuniber of thti Ciipo CroKer Tiidiau band, iMilititud, wviit ovurtuaBaud wan wounded while on active rervice. While couvslea- ciiii{ he became acquaiiiled with a tieau- titui Engl nh iiiaideii, uud later, it is ^ Kaid, hucceejed in having her go throuab ! a fcrni of niarciaije with hiiu. I Kcuxhig, who is a well edticated Indian, bavins graduHted from the local hl){h tichool, speaks KngliHh tluonlly and is posaexaad of a petNunality that wonld iiiako a favorable iniprcitHiou. Late Saturday u\euiiii; the Gngliah (<irl arrived hisro with a babe sevtral luunthsiild. The latter in a boautitui, happy child, and apparently shows no trace of Lidian aucestry, beiiiK of a very hlondi) typo. Kneshiy met the c()U(;ln a' the train, and they remained at the local hotel, not bting taken to his homo uii <the Lidian reserve for the ruaBon, it in aUi'LH-d, that at that point resides > n Indian wife with two or threii chilflr.,n, whom ho left behind when !u> went ovtrseait. .JuHt wbrt will be the outcome of the • situation cannot yet bo conjocturoti, i the Kni;libh uirl ia kecpine her own I ctuiiNel and Buys little or nothing 'o nny ' tnwiispeo])le. Her pliyht has aroused j the sympathy of all, and any assistance I that can be given her will bo rendered ! with di.spaicli. So far aa can be nscer ; taiued no LtliclalH of ilie law have lieen j notified or received any InatruclionB I regardiiu^ the case. It is rumored that 1 the Knglish jjirl has cabled to her family, who are said to be very <vell to do, and it is deemed probable that stio may slip quietly away without chusIuk any trouble to her erring Indian lover. Another scene has been enacted in cinnectron with ihs romince, when Willis Keeshi};, a brother of Lome, was married in (J»en yound by Rev. ']'. G. McAteer, at the parcoDaite, to Miss Edith Mary Engall, who yavc the in- formation that â-ºhe was a fpiiister and I that her address was London, Ko^'land. i She waa iiccompanied ty a beautiful I little six months old baby wliich showed I absolutely no characteristics that would j suggest Indian blood. Willis Keeshig ; Havo the infoiciHlidii that the child was adopted by Mms Knuall. Hub that is nut all. T/orno Keeshig waa .^rrestod hi, Capo Croker on Jriday , by the Wiaiton ptdtce, charged with bmaiiiy an I wife beatioj.'. His prdinii. nary trial will be held w-.th;ii a few days. .lust jth-.xt will be the outcome of the whole atl'air is very hard ti> say. Mrs. [ Kceshin is evidently not veiy well oiiu- |caled, but of exceptionally i;ood family, I and may tiiid it latl.er diflicult to acc-.ni- ! moda'e licr,i)f |., the life on the Indian j ierervai,.(wi. 4 %K»ffi»l.«.'* ELLIOTT, JAKE ZENE!R lia.s contracted IWr 2(M'<"» IKs of ia<,rs, and I will pay tlit; lii^dicst market ^ prico^oiiijr. I al.so want niLihci-.s hor.si! hair •^ and metal. ^ 1 have no a^'ciit.s wtii'kiii;,' for me. > You will realize a wholo lor, hy Ueepini;' your scrap lor the right man. IMionc to- wriie j ToDgo and Charles fciueetH, Toronto Is noted tliioiiyholil (Jinadt for bi^'li U-rnde wo;k (iieat diiiiand for our (,Kraduivtes. Open all yeiir. Enier lu.w. Wriie for ('atHloi;m), \V. .1 KJ.l.L)TT.l'i,iN(ii..M, K9i:9E9i]£afiKEK9li.WVqii Jake Zener, a rkdal aie Boar For Service Pure bied |{eL;:Ntereu Yorkshire 15o;i I for service- Maxwell .lack O2'.l0;iâ€" on .lot IC.r. S. W. T. .t S. U., Ar-emeaia. I 'IVrins $1.0(1. ' 10,4,1'.) T. .1. STINc)N. Yoti'Il 1)0 .surprised how little it eo.st.s to operate this O'hcviolct '• lM)ur - Ninety " Touring Car. 'J'weiity-livo miles on a ^'alloii ol j^'asoline is not an iiniisiial reeord. Tiiti.s la«t an unusually long time. I.'opairs are few ami far Ijetwecn. ('are free, regular |)erfoniiaiie(! is the CMiavroloL rule. Y^et with all it.s econouiy and low price, Ihtivrotet " Four Nine'.y " 'JVauing ( 'ar is a handsome, rooinv, conifoitable cjir â€" a car you can be proud to own. Mbde in Canada The more a u)an know.s ahout auto- nmhile.s, the more e.\j)erienee he himself has had with them, the more critical hv. is apt to lie ot their es.seii- tial features. To sar.i.sfy l his cla.ss of uiotiin.si ; i.s the elii(>f motive of Chevrol. t constiaiction and etpiip- n:eiu. It, is to this element tht re- fort! that tin; convenience ot opera- tion, acccssihility and e(|uipment, the (lep(!iidal)ilil"y and economy of the L'hovrolet makes its greatest appeal. D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Upon Your "To-day''' Depends Your **To-morrow*' WHAT you can save to-day is the foundation upon which you will liy your life-work. The man with capital, even be it small, is the man who is ready when opportunity arises. The savings habit is not as easy to acquire as the spending habit, but most things worth while require an effort to attain, and the capital for your day of opportunity can only be obtained by hard work, economy and saving. Open a Savings Account with the Bank of Toronto. Your Savings are protected by a strong national institution, and earn a fair rate of interest without risk of loss. R. P. BELLAMY Manager . FEVERSHAM 35 BANKoFTORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserves $6,793,983 Township Put To [ An Expense of $800 i ! A de.'ipMt'ih fioni M^afurd says : A | Cihe tliat probab'y is without precedent m the uniiaU of CanadiHn law court.s has , just been disposed of by Judge Sutlier- j land in the Division Court lure. II. J. \ Oir, a farii.er re.siQiiig at h'airmount, i about I'ight luileH from Meafoid, sued the i townsbip of Eophiasia for the recovery i of 71 cent*, which bo claimed to have overpaid the 'lowiiNliip collecior ii. the way iif laxt.s. The plaiiilill', in lii» testiiliuiiy, stated tliat he had been at » joa.'s of §r)8.ti7 ill trvmi; lo hswo the] aliened error curr. c ei. In the iiieautiine Orr h'nl a petition circulated alleviiiL' . that 'he township Ireasuiei was heumd ' ill bi.s accounts, and askiiu that, his | liooks I).; Hu^liied by a clianered accodn- I tint. TiiiK was done, and iho re.'iult was i tliac the books were found to be c irroct, ^ with tile I .xception of a fewceuiM. The' audit eost the townshi|i S800. The jUQuu dtsiiiiHSed the action with c.ists to the plaint tr. It iti liuid the tutMisliip council w ill briiiK lanioii sgainst 0;r for; the ricovery of tliu aiiKHim piii.1 lur the' audit. ; NOTICE ; IHf Mljllf As it ia Cream Separator season and • '• •- •'• " •' '' '' you want the best and most reliable Mt3arefully Corrected Each Separator on the markiit remember the ' gntter 48 De Laval was the first irTrented and i Rung Q 45 still the leading separator. More oj Wheat 2 0() them in use than all other machines, | Peag. .. . x 40 ^<'l'i by jOats." 90 HUGH KNOTT, Agent, | Barley 78 Markdale,Ont, ' IS VVeek to 50 to 4.'. to 2 10 to 1 5t1 to 91 to 80 ESTABLISHED 1872 s ,H£AD OFFICE. ca«_^^^ HAIVtlLTOOJ â€" The young mun ^ho plans to .save one dollar every week aiul will deposit it in tiie bank, very soon tinds himself depowiting two, three or live dollars a week. Before he started to save ho did not realiee how easily he could spare a few dollars regularly as a pro- tection for the future. Cbatsv/orth liusiiiess places will have a Wednesday half holi-i.iy Un the next I fuur nionihs. • ' BANK OF HANILTC l)UNDALK-BKAiNCH-A. M. Carthcw, Manager SUB-BI^NCH PROTO\-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Now Is The Time To Paint If you have delayed painting, your property has suffered. Do not put off any longer. Save the surface and you Save all. Look around and you will find many places, both inside and out that call for a coat of paint. Now is the time. Nature is re-decorating, get in line and do the same. The most economical method is to use (jiuarantec We jjuaraiitec the Martln-Senour 100',; Pure Paipt (except inside White and a few dark shades that cannot In- prepared from lead ami zinc), to lip made from pure while lead, pure oxide of zinc, with coloring mat- ter in proportionate quaiii itics ncces- s.iry to make their respective i^luiiles and tints, with pure linseed oil and tur- pentine tlryer, and to be erttirely.l-Kt'i-: from \»atcr, ben- zine, wJiitinK and other adulterations, and SOLI) suiijKcr TO CHEMICAL AN- ALYSIS. MARTIN -SENOUR 1009c PURE PAINT AND VARNi3EiES Their covering power and lasting qualities arc very great. It will pav you to insist on pelting this popular brand. Kor wli.itcver paint iiii; or variiishinj; voii do, there is a special MARTlN-SENOlTt Product, e.ich one guaranteed to best st-rve the purpose for which it is made Consult us as to your requirements. VA'e have a full stock and complete information as lo decorative schemes. Let us advise you.

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