June 10 l«)'>0 THE FIliSHEKTON ADVANCE â- ap" The Road to Independence Trouble comes to all of us at one time or another. The man with a snufr bank account, is fortified against the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". It is the duty of every man to lay aside Bomething for the inevitable rainy day. Open a Savings Account todayâ€" and take your first step along the road to Independence. tH€ MCRCHANTS BANK HMdOfficB: Montreal OF CAN;A.DA. Established 1864. CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES THE Flesherton Advance An iudependent iiew«p«per puMistifd etery Thuradny at the offiei-, Collingwood 9tMel, Fltmherton. Huliicriptiun price 91. &0 per annum vrhdii piil in ndvitnce ; when not so p»id. 82.0) to Slated. Advertising rates on fti,>cilio.i. Circula'.io'i ovur HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON. Ei>itoh C A NORSWORTHY, Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tiiliular Sli.irplt's Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLF.MENT AGENT FLESHERTON. 2^ i2s.-^5^^^^^3^'^ FURNITURE n All kindsjot'turnitiire^in our .showrooni.s. Call and see | our (lining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large m range of prices to suit yoiu- j)ocket book. | I UNDERTAKING Calls an.swered night or day Phone 30 r 1 1 I W. H. BUNT FIcshertoiY, Out k Flesherton Tii Shop ^^r^xz^^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tliiw.ire, Nickelware and Ajtrateware Tor doniostic; uao. i'all on me and gctyoui- supplies. Eiivetrougliiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Fiiini.sh- iiigs. Repaifinj^ ofall kinds [)roniptly attended lo. ripetitting, includin-,' pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent fjr Clare liros. Furnaces. •i^lll I ! % II I ) Igl i I [ I Record Celebration On King's Birthday .Mtliiiuuli (he weiilluT W49 fioii)ewh»t clully Mil ThucHday la-t, a laru'O and tiappy crowd turiiad oil to see I lie ciOcliration put on )>y the dasoball club here, whicli was one of the best over held in Hih villiinK of Fli-short The fun Ih'^ki in the forenoon witli aqaatic nporta and a large conciurHO of sightsesre linfcd the hanks of Flt-KheiV pond to witness the cuiitests, which provid 1)110 (if the bi'Ht atliactions of the day. Tlie yreasy polo proved too greahy III walk and ihu tta.n was at laKt secured by Harry I'ation slidinK out the pole wh ill! hmi^'int; under it by feet and hands. Tht 100 yard awiainiiiig race wa.s won by Frank Stowait after u very close rare Roy Patton caniii second iind will Stew- art third. The duck contest nutted a lot of fun. There were seven or eight awimmera after the bird and it took HOmo time lo corril the bird, but it was finally cap- luied by Frank Thursion. Tlie Udie.s' nwinmiini; race whs wou by Mrs. (Dr.) Henry, with Miss Aleda Mitchell second. The.SB two ladies ijave a tine exhitiitiim of swimming. The next event w:m the parade of cnlithuiiipianN,djcoratid autos and gclioel children. The parade, headed by our old friend, Nuhi Hunderson of Winni- peg, although not ;is larj^e as u«:ae we have had, wiia very gnin\ indeed, and the fnnny fellows created coDaidaruble aniusenienr. Bert Spark.s and W. Lever won tirst priz.' for calilhumpisn outfit, with Mark Wilson, Jr., and Jim Wilson second. Charley Richardson cot tint for best decorated Chevrolet and Dr. Heniy tirst for beat decorated Ford. Tb» school childieii's parade was a pleasing feature. The children inarched well and inucii credit must bo given tlieni for their appearance. The prizo wns won by Flesherton school with Ceylon second, liert Sparks w^h successful in captur- ing the Kroa.sy pii; wilhout much tiouhle. The afternoon sports op.ued with a slow auto race, which was won by J. Sievensou of Matkdale, with a Chevrolet Baby Grand. \V. .Stewart succeede 1 iu capturing 1st iniiiey lor the best decorated car on the grounds, and Mi.ss AIuioiIh LaGard w;i8 cnnsidoi^d by the judges to be the best lonkiiii; lady on the (»i"""''8. UiirliHin iiiid Markdale put on au excoleot tjanio'of lacrosse, which wti won liy I ho latter, hcore-7 4. l)*eii .Sound baseball team faiUd to put iu an appeuranuu and the county road leatn took their place, but v/eia defeated by iho local uine by a large tC( re Tlie trnck even's wore )>m'd and well conlested. Following were the [irize- wiiiiier.s : Men's third mile r\ce, l»t D. McKILLOP I CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. li i '^S i ♦â- »â- » » i».« " »-* " »-«">- " »â- â- »â- <â- â- • " •â- m ^^ >.^->.^.^..^. -♦"•">â- â- â€" -♦• â- >»«*«â- »«•»• â- » " •'â- • â€" ••4 Ice Cream & Chocolates Our Icfi CroBin Parlours are open day and evening. We handle tlie best Ico Creum oiiiniimbln (City Dairy.) Try us for bulk Ice ('ream for parties and socials. Willard's Cliocolates to Kiiti.sfy nil lastos GROCERIES Our (Jrociry Def artiiini' IS t'lilly sloclicd with clean and up to dale jjoods. ! lligiicat pticej laid for Uiilti v ]',,!,'gn and Crc-'ain. Buchleii, 2nd /iuiiiieiinan ; 100 yaid I race, G Keiney ; fat nmn's race, M. ' VVilsiin, sr. ; boys' race under J4, B. Heitul, '\\i\ MeUoiiald ; women's fifty yard race, Mrs, Goldsmitk 1st, Mrs. (I)r) lleiiiy 2nd ; hij»h jump, B. Heard ; niiiiiing broad jump Mr. M K. I'eter.ion I'll, M. W'iison jr. "iiid ; woman driving the mil. Mrs. C. Be.-4l Ist, Mr.. Oidd- auiith '2ud. The concert at nlghl w«8 also a most Hucce.s»fiil feature of the dny. Har»ey l,loyd and hli coiiipaiiy d.ilii»hied the lari^ii aiict eiice with their well selected numbers, but space foi bids an extended notice of » ctincert that thoroughly plotsed everybody present. The pri oecdi of iho day aniouuted to about. ^iSKi'i, divided $o24 at )jatu and fl'lil at the concert. The li.iseb'ill buys fa-^\ that ihey had one ot the most nuueetitful dtya in the liisduy cif sport here and are very grate- ful to the coiiiniuniiy at, lar){e for their support. Markdale Citiituna' Band en- livoned 'be proceedings the day with I well rendered selections. i*i:^H': Bellamy^s Grocery Phone 37 FLESH HRTON, ONTARIO ^#4 111 t }' <J ' • * » "* '' * * * > t I t f t â- â- ! â- â- â- I I , Wool ! Wool ! Wool ! The market i.s bad hut wo have arrani(ail with one of the big mills to handle our supply. VVe are prepaied to buy liny ipiantity and piy the hikhest pos->ih|t. prices. Brini.; in your clip. Becker'.- lieliah'o General Stcre, Proton. .laineH Warniick of Ea.st (farafraxa had hi" Idp bone frsoiured last Wipk in a very simple way. While liilchini! the I leim to the waBon the horses suddenly pluiiL'ed forward just as he fastened the i'liide lu|;{. The young n an was knock- el down bv th« w:iniiti, two wheiN pasa- iiiu' over bis bodv, and brstkng the edge off his hip bine. Jackson-McLeod On Wednesday, Juno 2, in Christ's Anv;lican church, Toronto, the mtrriuge Cook place of Miss Willa McLeod, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- L«id, Ceylon, to Mr. (Jordon O. Jack- bon, only ion of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jackson of Toronto. Tli» coienmny was coiioiioted by Rov. Ernest Roland, The bri ii! wore a becomint; ault. i/f iiiivy blue Iricolette with leghorn hat and white f mX fur, and carried lilly of the vsiley and orchid* Mias Mary Jackson ansisted the 1 ride and Mr. li. H. GiljMin was be.st man. Immediately after the cere- moiiv the happy couple left un a honey- moon trip to Muskoka. The Alliaton Uerild says : " Here aru the returns two youn^ farmsrs of ill's district reueirud for the potatoes they raised on 28 seres of land last (t)*son. The cash receired mounted up t , between |15 000 and $16,000. Th« liiweat price received was ^1.00 »^ bag, and the highest SO 20. Had they kept not) bans, which wore sold in the fie'd last fall, till .sprii g their returns would have bfen over 320,000. There wora siill .'iOU bags left for seeij . The pntatoea wore Go'd Coin sad Davies Warrior."*, the latter being the best known variety to withstand rot. The farmnrfl makin|{ this nice liltl« pi'e of money ware J. O. and K McKenzia." In IVlemoriam In lovinfj memory of Mr. and Mrs. H chard Brackeubury, wl o dtparted this life June the hrst, 1918. Ttiay have gone, but not forgotten The dear ones wo loved so well ; Their gentle ways and lovins; smiles Ari' pleasan' to recall. A iiarty -<f Uverelt men ti^hinc tt tk« Nottawasiign fishery a couole ot weeks a_'o had an excitini; tiuie when Wni. F. Stevens sjot a sturircoii. With the assistance of hi-t friends Mr. Stevens landed the tish and a few blows on the hea 1 d;spatohod it. The sturgeon was 5 feel 2 inches in lun^jih. There «afl no moans of weighiuj^ it, but meKibers of the party tsiiinated that ic weuld weigh arouad 100 pounds â€" Alliiton Herald. Have you renewad yu'ir sub-icriptioa yet? Farm For Sale Lot loo and l.'JG, con. 2, W.T. itS.R , Artemosia, containing about 110 acres, over !)0 acres cleared, good buildings, Ismail orchaid, well,watercd. -'\|'p'y to IU)U. .ST i: WART, •T 2-1 Froton II. U. .J. MAIL CONTRACT "Sealeil TeiifliTs ailiiri-KM'il t.itho I'lntinaxtei- llenenil, will herei'eivi-il at ( litawa until Mimn on Kiiday.the l.Stb of .Iiiiie, IIIJD. fnrllie e..ii. veyanee i)f His .Majest.v's Mail.s, on a iirnpi.s- edCintraetfiirfiiur years, six timo-s per week, on the nmte â€" MA.WVKLL R. U. No. 1 from the Pnsmiaster (leneral's pleasure next. I'rinted nntiers cuntaiiiinu' further inf"rma- tiiinii.s tncHuditiiin.s ,,f iimposed I "â- •iitructMiny be seen ami blank furiiis nf Tender tn:iy lie obtained at the I'list Oltlces of Maxwell ami at; theiilfi;(! of the I'ost Office liis|ieotor, Toronto. A. 8UT)1KI{I,.\\I), I'oiij OHice Itisiictiir. I'ost Ollice liispeptiir's Otficn, Torontii, May f.th, 1!I2IJ. Small Ads. FOR SALE Very hiyk bred Shorthorn Oiiw fur sale. Apply to J. MeOrade, Feversham. For Saleâ€" Cow 7 years old, due Juno 12 ; (Jrade Bull 1 year old, and a tpisn- tity of s' od potatoesâ€" B. McKenzie- Ceylon. For Saleâ€" Chest of carpenters' tool also a complete pic'iire fratiiitig oullit. Phone or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kiiiiberley Piauo For Sato â€" HeintZinikU Piano and lieiicb, iinhiii.oiiiv satin liii'sli iipriglit case. For further particulars write Mi.ss C. G. Biunie, 483 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, Ont., or phono 44 ring .'i, Proton, Ont. MrsCKLIi.ANKOUS Hi'j'iest pi- a > for but'-oi and ejg.i at Graham Brcs. Eugenia. June 26 Watch and fob lost in town evening of the ibd. Finder please letvo at this "IHco. Lostâ€" A pair of glasses on the fair gmundi day of the sports. Finder pleaso leave at this office. 'I'ry Fevernha,!! Paltry Klmir, tho best ir your^co il;, ,\ll OnOirio wheat Private fun.N to loin on real eataie security at reasoiiiblo rate of in'ereat. Apply to U, J. Sproule, Kieiber mi si.pi -;i7 Chopping Bviiy S.tur>'.ay oidyâ€" -Qra- hain Bios , Eu<;oni^. !•'• Victtola XVlj Dancing at your own home^ any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERT jN ONT FIED! THAT Is what over IOC users 8ay about U)00 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1000 Gravity washers and wringers tilleotiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Driil.'^, Cnliivator, Plows, Stt-el Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Bea'ly Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water lio«ls. Water T inks, Pu:up :iiid Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One thirii more woo I cut with >;iine pmver when tirted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agcat, - Ceylon, Ont. Specialties in Men's Clothing A large collection of Men's JSummer Suits just arrived comprising worsteds, tweeds and serges in blue, grey and Ijrown colors hizes 35 to 42. Men's Shoes in black and mahogany wilh the Neolin or leather soles. Ties in shades of blue, black, red and grey with their corresponding shades. Caps and Hats in felt ami straw. Summer Underwear â€" ct)inbinations or in separate pieces iu the Halbriggan and very fine wool. Kaineoats in brown and grey tweeds from $!5 to 32. Bovs'"PulIover Sweaters in blue and irrey, from 50c. . to $:3.()0 each HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoves in two, three and four burner with the ovens. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario Hog For Service Pure lired Yoikshiro Boar for service. Terms -§1.00 a> time of seryice. J. F. C(»M,lNSO\, 1 mar Ceylon. Yongemil Ohulcs Streetti, Toronto \ lanoied throuijhout Canada for b'gh grade work. Great demand tor our graduates. Open all year. Knier now. Write for C«l>.lo:;un, ! NOTICE I As it is Cream Separator season and yiiu want the best and most reliable I Separator on the market lemember the j D.) Laval was iho tirst invented and jstil the leading sepirator. More o ithein in use than all other machines 'Sold by HUGH KNOTT, Agent, Marl<rtale,(>nt, Boar For Service W. J. ELLIOT r.PuwoiPAL j Kevist e>red Chester White hoi? for srvico ai Rock Mills The f*rhor won. tirst at Chicago Fair. T. rms %V iiO. deo 619 â€"I. SMITH Pr,c.p»