Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1920, p. 8

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^^::3Ri .j5._j s.s;ia Pi^ June 10 192* THE FLESHERTSN ADVANCE -.reea R. P. BELLAMY (• Manager FEVERSHAM Paying by Cheque is the simple way â€" ^the easy way â€" the safe way. You can fill in a cheque in a few minutes, send it safely by messenger or through the mail, and have no further care in the matter. It is not necessary to obtain a receipt, the cheque is the receipt. Paying by cheque lends a dignity and system to p>ersonal treinsactions. You will be accorded checking privileges on a personal account with any Branch of this Bank. 31 BANKo'^Tr-^ AJtjU ti«!J»' Capital $5,000,000 r.escrve S6,7i»-.!)S3 THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Statement of Liabilities and Assets at 30th April, 1920. 1. To the Shareholders LIADILITIED Capital Stock paid in Kcst or Reserve I'uiul Dividemls dcclarcil and unpaid lialaucu of Prulits as per Profit au J I/)ss Account submiltcd lierewilh 2. To the Public Notes of tlie Hank in Circulation IX'jxjsits not lK-arin}{ interest Deiiosits l)c:iriii^ interest (including interest accrued to date of Statcimiitl i Balances due to otlier Hanks in Canada Balances due to lianks and llankinjj Correspondents in the United Kingdom and foreign countries. Bills payable ,. Acceptances iiuiler I,ettcrs of Credit Iviabililics not included in the loreuoiug 1020 $ s. Kxvoon.oo i>, l(K),(MK).0O ;t;;s,ir)S).'.ii 1919 $ 7,n(iO,(llX).fiO 7,oo(),()(K).()a lii!,l!H.(K) r)7i,(>!:;.:'.ii .$ I7,;;u.s,i*.il.20 s iJ,7(i8,i:;;7.o:i It. 701 ,027.00 •!o,atj>s,is7(>.(!:) ll!.l.'?i!,17o.79 2,717,402.!iO S.",l,0n7."0 ' iijiViii.-ii ir),.'!ifi,n;r..oo •l:i,r,r)i;,'jM.(U l)l,f)0l,nn.">..".7 u.uii.oyu.e-i 10r),07G.nO ""â- i(l\,io:i.i)o ASSETS Sl!l7,:i'<7.S.V).ll .Mi.ii,7^"i.liU.'.i.'> Current Coin lX']X)sit in the Central Cold Reserves Dominion Notes Notes of otlier lianks Cheques on otlier Itanks I'.alaiices due by other Hanks in Can.ula Balances due by Ikuiks and Hanking Corresjxjudents ill the Uniteil Kingdom ;... Balances due by I'.anks and Banking Corretjxjndcuts elsewhere than in Canada and the United Kingdom Dominion and Provincial Governuieut Securities, not exceeding market value ^ Railway anil other Bonds, Dcbeatttres and Stocks, not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal Securities aJii^British, Toreign and Colonial Public S<-curities other than CanaJInn C.iU Loans in Canada on UoudBT D'henturcs and Stocks Call Loans clsewhei e than iu Canada Current Loans and Discount*. in Canada (le:;:; Ucliate cf Interest) 5113,10:1,0:;! fi;) Loans to Cities, Tov.us, Mnuicipalilies and School Districts â- "..r,S7.i;)l .r.) Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than iu Canaila (less Rob-.'.e cf Interest) Liabilities of Cnstoniers under Letters of Credit as per contra Real Estate other than bank preniisos Overdue IX-bls, estimated loss provided for Hank premises at not more than cost (less nuioinits written of.') l)e[X)Sit with the Miui.ster for the purposes of the Circulation I'luid. Other Assets not included iu the foregoiug ' Altcroreilltlm; nmount reeclwii In fsixet of I'ri'mlseH tmnsterrcd to The Mercliuiitt I'.eiilty ('oriKjratiuii, UmituU. II. MO.NTAGU ALLAN, " /'ifiii/fii/. •i.io.'?.n7,r.o 7. â- ')! 10,(1(10 (10 K,lU7,00;!.i> i,no,t.s2.oo ll,ui);!,i!ir>.77 9,!00.o0 â- lio,0?A.-,0 l,.J^l,i:,7.S7 ",r.9;!,i^'9.!)o •i,r,c7,c;a.io ];!.2.',9,2oi.r)0 (i,-i7i.-i!M.;;i (;.'j')(i.r.;;7.7.s •l.nio.nin.;!;; 7,()l)(l,OlK).(lO 8,l()."),fiUi:..".(J !)K.-),(lt|.IH) C,OS-,(il().!W 8,:ilo.H0 123,496.60 l,908,ai0.10 C,005,.'i7:!.C5 4,119.705.32 l.'>,2.'lS,.'^n9..'!2 .'â- ),i;'.l,(iilo.71 2.siii.s.-,7.7-.: '-,ii'j~i,l>\().M $ G2,7;)0,lbti.01 110,7.';0,405.5D 95,87 l.ll.'G.O-l i.n7,2n«..oi 2,117,111.21 «04,;!25.;!;{ !!.-.2,7;i7.2rj *2,.-.7(),<);W.21 .;77,OIH).(H) • 7'i.s,.')iiO.(l8 M!l7,;;s7,Vw.1 1 S^l'ilv.T .1.'i2,91S.12 'IK 1,1. -J,!.!).-. '.'â- ;2,.;2f).(; i .•iK(),<»7;!..5ti r>,2.'..'!,2<iil.lS .â- ;(W),()i)().oo .'â- )ir>J_liU2 .IOt.!».-. D. C. MACAROW, OfKcriil Mannf^e) . Report ol the Auditors ta the Shareholders of The Merchants Bank ol Canada In accordaiKX' witli the provUlonx of suti^cUons 19 and 20 of Section M o( the Itank Act. wo re]H>rt to the slmrcboldera as foUows :â€" Wo hnvn oxitiTihi''*! lb.; ii;m)V(; liiilnneoPhcct with the Bonk.sof Aooountfnul other recorflMiit th(» Chirf OfTtennf the Tlnuk and with Ww ^Knl^i\ ri'tiinis (rruii ilii- lira tiehes mid AneniM. snii.l liuvi. ehefkod tin- .'n;.!! iiml vitHIimI tliii si'iMiritli'...<if ihe liKiik nt tlH'CliUf niun.. ui;ain»t the cnlriis iti p'^jurd IlKTiKiiii th<? t«K.k.s ..( tlio Hunt iil ;|.iili A|.ril. V.K». iitid iil ii ilHTeriMil lime diiriiiB the year niid found tlieiii to aKtvi wllh siudi entrl.-s. We itl.stiaUoiuK-d at sunie .»f the Itniiiches during the .vetir and ehi-ckcl liic riuli ami \ crirled thi' nucurltles licld al tho dates ol our iitteiidauces and fouud them to Uiiroo wllh thu iiitrlea In retjaril thereto iu thu1xj<jkHof till! Hank. We haveohtiiltied nil the information mid rxpInniitlonR wo hfti'o re.iuiretl, Tn our opitilon, the tniuwartlons of the Tlnnk which have eonie under our notle*; have Immmi within the [.owithoI the UauK. and the k1io\ r Hnlanei' Sh.'et Is |>ro|>erly drawn ui» ft.jHn t/jexhltiit u tfueAii.l eorreetvli-vvof th.!tttat(MiUhu Itank'tiatlnlrK, uecorillii^t.jlhi;he.siof niiriiifonnallouaud thoexi'taiiatioua given to us, aud a« thowii hy thu huuka uf the llunk, VIVIAN llAUCoriiT. 1 .,„,„„_ (iOltl)ON TA.VKI.KY. ( â- ^udltoni. MoKTiXAL, 25th May, 1!0) (ul the Urui of IieLillti'. I'leuder, Orimtlis .Ic Co.) ^'oii'll he siirpiisfd lunv lill Ic it co.sls to oiHiniti.! tlii.s C'lifvioict " luiiir Ninety " Tomiiifjj Car. 'J'vveuty five miles on m {^'allon of ^Msolino i.s nor an unusual record. Tiics hiKl, an uiiusiially long tinio. J.'i'|iairs are i(*\v ami far hctwecn. Carivfrcf^, rcf^iilar porfoniuinct^ i.s the Clievroit't rule. Vet willi all it.s et'onoiiiy and low ])ii(;o, ('hevroter " Ftinr-Niiuify " Touriiii,' ("ar is a Iwindsoiiio, roomy, comfortable cnr â€" a car yoii can bo pi'ond to own. tVlhde in Cannda IC iiinrc a man knows alioiil .â- lUlo D. McTAVlSH & SON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO niobili's, I lie luort) experieiurc lit- hiins(!lriins bud wil.li Lhcni, tlic inon; cril'lcal lie Im apl. lo lie id their lisscn- lial fwiturt'.s. 'i'c sati.sly Miis ela.ss of motoriNls i.s tlic chief motive of IJIiovml.'t constiiiiiion and e(|iiip- tnent. Ir. is to llii.s element, thiMe- f'ore that the convenience of optMM- tion, !iiu-c.s.<ibility and ctjiiipnient. the. dcpciidability and economy of the Chcvioh't makes its greatest, appeal. >*iy: ^-l/; ^IL!^! "f-.'^: ^^ll^: ^' ROBINSON CRUSOE'S OCN.. Utui Been Going Hounds u( MuHeiimit, and Is Insured fur $10,0»U. London tnuseuius ai'e full of the weapons of kinKS. generals and fam- ous men, but Ilobinson Cruso^'K nun Is still in private hands. It has just returned to Liondon to the custody of il.s owner, Mr. Borens, after a tour of tho museums of the lirili.sh Isie.s. It Is true that Robinson Crusoe is a action character, and that Uefbe invented hlin, but any school room in the kingdom can tell you iu one breatbles.s phrast! that Crusoe is founded on fact and really was a liv- ing person. The original Robin.son Criisoo was Alexander Selkirk, and this is the gun with which he was put ashore on the desert island ot Ivan Fernandez, 400 miles from the Chili coast. Life al sea in the days of William of Orange and Good Queen Anne was iio smoother than it is now. Alex- ander Selkirk behaved as badly to his ship's captain as he did to liin father, and was put ashore on the desert island as a reward for wiek- eiiiK'ss. He Was landed with a bag (it bullels, a pound of powder, and a liint-lock luuskul. Mr. Kaudol jh Berens has his nius- kri lo-itay. Ho came by it by pure ( ..li.'etor's luck. He was visitinj! Ox- ford and liie Ashinolean Museum in l;'i82. Tue porter of the museum showed him round. Mr. Berens re- inarkod that there were few antiques to be bought in Oxford then, and the iiorter agreed, but mentioned that he bad been offered an old flintlock ;; an which was still in his lodge. Mr. Borens examined the piece, and was surprised to hnd that lotigh- ly chip curved on the stock was the name A. Selkirk, and in smaller let- ters. Largo, N.B. On the other side was the date Anna R. 1701. Accord- ing to our history books of to-day tlii.s date is wrong, but according to the old calendar it is correct. On the wooden heel of the butt is the legend: "With three drains powther, three ounce haile, Uame me well and prymo me; To kill I will not fail." Mr. Berens bought the gun for 25s., and did his best to trace its history. He found that tho piece came from near Clapham, and it is known (hat Alexand*!r Selkirk owned a tavern there, but died at sea, aged 47. as lieutenant aboard liis Majes- ty's ship Weymouth in 1723. The weapon has been exhibited at the city ot Bristol and other exhibi- tions, and is insured for no less than £2,000. Cnss Worils In Print. The London Briti.sh public is not so sensitive about a cuss word or two these days. Lately some of the reformers and reeonstiuclionists have been sowing their wild oaths all over their spei.>che;;. and they're being reprinl- ed in. the press Just exactly as they fell froiii the orator's lips. "Hell" in the newspapers of to-day is "hell," not "h-1," which was an anaemic rciidoring of a lino exple- tive, considerate of the feoliugs of old-tiiuo naders. (len. Ironside came back from KiiKsia and told every reporter who approached him. "I lliink a damn sight too iinuh has boon said about Russia already," and nobody thinks any the v.or?e of Gen. Ironside nor of the newspaper for writing damn instead of dâ€" n. ESTABLISHED 1672 lit.. s EEflf I rrSE B i'head office ' hamilton Now that tlio grain shipments liuvo started, tbere are a number of transactions to be taken care of for you. The Bank of Ham- ilton is particularly well equipped to lock after all tins detail in a thoroughly efficient manner. BANK OF HAMILTON l)UNDALK;BRAiNCllâ€" A. M. Carthew, .Manaser SL'B-BkxNCH I'ROTO.; -C. ,1. Forster, Sub-.Manager ^@@@!3^SS€5^5®€II Speedy-r New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Touch a match to the burner and it is eady for use instantly, ju.st as speedy as a gas stove. Q I J Set the Hauie where you want ir. You OlcdUy'ean always see it through the mica door and it stays where you sat it. PI Does uot blacken pot.sand pan.s. The V/lvJdM'lonij; blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. None of it escapes in smoke or soot or ilisagreeable odor. 11 X For every cooking purpose there is always nUI'an abunihince of steady, clean, intense cook- ing;- heat directly against the utensil. Oi/nn ^''^'•^^^ door, will not steam or break. UVcll'Three point lock device saves heat. Scien- titic heal circulation, all steam and moisture carried away. No soggy food. Call antl let us sliow them ro yo-.i. JNIado in 2, o ami 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON They .All Have It. Kvoiybody al our house Has I he world unrest: Ought to hear 'em start to grouse Soon as up and dressed. Father won't go near his store, 'Phones his orders down: Tells his cloiks lo charKe 'eui more Now ho owns the town. .Mother runs a lot of olubs, lloadsi tho Anti-Hoors: Fills tho house with lons-huired dubs With long-haired ideas. Sister's nerves are In her feet, I'owdor's on hor nose: Slio says shimmying is sweet, .\iid she needs new clothes. lirolbor plays the idle snob. Surely (loi'S know liow: Swears he will not take a job Under ten good thou'. Me-unresI? Hack to tho farm! I drove army plu;;s: Had six shots thrown in my anusâ€" I'm immuno from Iuiks. â€" William Warren. Tlu> Dockeiti' M.l*. John Ward, "tho dockers' M.P." of Kiisland. is also known as the "Huffalo Hill" of Parliament. Ho was one of till' many pictiiio.squo llgures that oulorod (he llouso ot Comiiioua afior the groat Liber.il victory in tho goiioial election of 1!)06. lie stood out from I'ven the tall men of the House â€" there were many â€" by his iioiKht. something like six feel two or throe. His dross was poctiliiir; he wore I ho short osl of short saoqiio :'oal8, rather bait.'Jy trousers; but the most rouiaikabh- thiiii': was a tall aotl whilo hilt -tho tallest soft white hat that had «wer been soen in West- minster. It was this hut that led to his nlcknauM. . Pays to Advertise in The AdvanCg The World Do Move With the hotels sellirg snft drinks, chocolaiB I ai> Hiid chewini! jjum over the ba'K, where fciiurrly high explosives Imn^od like toippdofs every tiuio n cork School Reports S S No 4, 0.<prsy Sr 4â€" G Pedler. Jr 4-K Findhiy, N. PedUr, C Fiud- WHS pulltd, »ud iho sizzlion Buds were i l«y. Cameron. A Wilton, shoved to tluisty 'I'uls I'y die bartendcis'l .Jr â€" U Willou, G I'hompsou, M. union, deinunstra'cs how times have Findlny, M Mcli:iie». ch»ui{«d siucf two per cent, was Drist put Sr 2 â€" B PeJIer, M Kendall, on till) umrket. Sport» with their hsts, Jr 2â€" .H Thompson, W Fiiidlay nud L tilted over ure eye hiuI bi|; bluek cikiars piiitiudiui' fnim I heir faced iia longer loan their manly chests agauisi tho rail and chII on the twr keeps lo do thoir worst. Soda. waters and ice cream ly cool the spivits down that k nuia don'i ioel like paintmi; th» town red »fter p*riakiug geufiously of thisJopo. With his clothes loaded dowu with ctiocolate bar.-;, children greet, rather lh»ii shun, d»d when he ciime.s fr .m ih« ban, »iid even wifey, who has* sweet looth, isn't «dvevs< to seeiHg hubby drip lu with all he can oary of tha bar uiulers' warei'. ' Toll iiights 111 a barroom his lost all its i;li.i.ni "lid ia now 8U(;ge»tive of » iQUg I Doris Taylor, lieth Hinclis, Myrtle (.)3- Cameron t'(|ual Firstâ€" C Sullivan. Primer- .\ Kiudlny, M Findlay, V Sullivan, (j Wiiton. - -.^ V\'iutt'r«, Teacher. S S N'o 7, Arteruesia Kourth-Klfurd Walters, CbtTord Hincks, AUred Hiuclkg. Sr 3 Malcolm Mucl>onald, J Meadi. Jr 3 Hub Patslow, Mable Watiera, Ivan Turner, Alice Muir. Sr '2~ Stewart Muir. .Jr 'J â€" Mavktaret Turner, Sadie Oliver. Jr 1-Dick Partlow, Sadio Vanse, J Only the .\iilhor. Conoerning the reheat sals of hor first play, "'riie Scarlet Pimpernol." the IJaroness Orczy, who has Just •olobraled her silver wedding, tells this amusing story: A new call-boy was engaged nt tho theatre. (loins I'P lo the Iwironess 3ne day. ho said: "Kxciise mo, miss, but are you one of the company?" "No." she replied, with a smile, "not exactly; in fact, I inn only the mlhoress." "Oh, is that all?" ivpli.'d the boy. "Very well, then, you sit down over there out ot the way," and ho turned iway Willi a anlff ot contempt. In Norlhorn Mongolia the dowries )f uiairiageablo girls are paid iu loi.'s. H:e.p near; the suaar barrel. The old trander red no.so brii;ade ihat UJed lo loiter anuiid the bar wailiix for siiiio i>i)« to givo thi'iii tile siigii to iiiovo forward, have: .\ K Knox, Teacher. d'sbauded, and even tlm hotel keepois While giiiug d'jwn cellar at hit horn* ; near Arnott Win, Lambert fed and broke a rill. are not •oiiowiiie for the departure ot those bums and loafers, cithnr. It's lilce| ~ "^ a pink tea around a iiiuiieru bar, and j Summer Session cuinraence.s .hily L'nd men lire now chewini; yvuii «iui (Niuyhuii' in their handkeichief.- whore ouce they were too wobbly to hjuI sti.Mnht at the cutpidor. ' Kxchange. NOTICE T'.) INTKNOKD liUKKDliUS Tho .Inipoited ClyJii«ol»le Stallion, lloriKou, will lo at tho Muiiahaw House,! FicHhorloii. every Thursday loght durui>; C the season of l!»2l). People ii.toiidlliu breeding mares siiould come and see lhi» horse, as ho is a premium horso and [haii proven himself one of tho lust l.reediog! huites ill the i'io\ioco. WM. FOSTKU, Priip. and Maiiaijer at the Owen Sound, Oot. Train ynurseil f.ir a Rood pitsitiou. Wo wi'^h wo cuuld supply one fifth the demand for oiKce help. Catalogue Free. A. Fl.KMlNtJ, F. C. A., Princip* O. l>. KI.KMlNt!, Secrataiy. Mention thia p.iper when wtiting) II[ififtl[[S I'lrohiHy t'oriocted KmbI. Week tSuttor r.S i.. 40 Kiifs 44 to 44 Wheat 2 W to 2 10 Th.. undeisii^iicd has a lIu.r.Kiish.Hcd ; p^^^j, 1 40 to 1 50 Yiirksldrt IS-arfor.sovvipoonU.t 11. eon. 1^^^^^ • ,„, , ^^ H Oaiirev. Tor ms SI-o'V i Boar tor Service to ao k\ 'if. , ll

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