Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1920, p. 4

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July 'Is 19'JO THE FIJiiSHlRTON ADVANCE 1.^. The Farmer-Banker Alliance You go to your lawyer for legal advice ; to the doctor for medical advice ; why not to The Merchants Bank for financial advice? If you want a loan to buy cattle, hogs or equipment â€" if you want information as to how to invest moneyâ€" come to those who make a business of financial matters, and are in a position to give you sound and impartial advice. TH€ M€RCHANTS BANK H««d Office rMontreaU OF CANADA. Established 1864» CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Stuirples SL'panitor.s JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. 111 â- ^ Flesherton Tri Shop* 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all Uiml.s promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Kuinaces in.stalle<I, Agent f.)r (Jlare liros. Furnace.s. D, McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. i i % % li % •I II ft THE Flesherton Advance Ad iii(le|inndent iiewap'per pulilli<lie4l every TliiirsilHy at the oUien, Culliii(!"Ood Sbfoet, FIfcNherldii. Sulncripiioii piice 81.r)0 pur annum when \y\\<\ in advauoe ; when not so) paid. S2.00 lo Slates. Advertiaing rates on ap_)u*lii)4i. Circulalion over llOO weekly. W. H. THUKSTON, Editok Artemesia Council The Cnuncil met at the town hall on .July 3, with the inenibeis ali preuent, the Heeve in the chair. Minutex of laKt meutiag were load and ligned. Corrue- pundenco wau presented from the Minis- tor i)f Interior re migratsry Ijirdo ; the Municipal .\ssuciaMon, date of meeting and prui;r»m. The following payments were ordered to be made : Sherp cUiiiis â€" K. Neilsoii $2, .1. NeilBnu 816, C. Lyonn ^14, (J. Atkin«on ?8 ; repair! for gjader ^10 70 ; for gravel- J Hill 80.90, 1>. Hiuckfl $4.70. K. CairuH $40.8C, .J. Gibson $9.50, D. Leitoh 85 ; VV. H. Thurston, siationery, $11 75. | Sawyer Mussey, repairs fur grader, $40.40. Mathewion â€" Burnett â€" Ttat $1)0 be granted and expended on town line .^rteineHi^ and (>lenel{4 -Carried. Cxiiiaron â€" MatLewson - That when bylaw iif the county iiiakin;{ the road from Kugenii to the town line of Eu- phrsHta a towiixhip road receives approval of the Lieut. Governor, the Keeve be authorized to expend $200 towards mak- ing said road in a reasonable state uf repair â€" Carried. Batchelorâ€" Cameron- That $150 be expended in '^ravellinj; at lot» 17.1 to 175 we.st back line, alto $50 on 1,~>0 sideruad in 3rd ranne N. E. â€" Carried. Reports Wire filed by Mr. Mathowson for Div. 8, $177-75 expended, overseeing and cociiinission 853.05 ; by .Mr. Jiurnett for Div. 1, expended ?272.75, overseeing and commission $50 40 ; Mr. Balchelor Div. 3, expended $270.35. overseeing ai^d cuinmi.ssion §40. Ordination Service lieplying to the requeak of Kockvtle, Ofy'on and Flesherton Baptist churches, the ehurrhea of Owen Sound Association sent lepresentativos to Klesherton to Ci>u8ider the ordaining of their paator, (ieor<;e G. L'phani, tn the work of the Gospel ministry. The Aasuciation was wile represented. lUv. Wui. McDonald of Owen Sound and I'astor Emmons of Wivrton were ai]pointed Moderator and (y'lerk respec- tively. The Council was ffjrined, being accepted by the churches calling it, and procetded in its examination of the candidate. Mr. Uphani nairated his eliristun experience, told why he bolieved liiiiiaell lo be called of God to the minis- try, and stated his views of Christian doctrine. He gave the Council a state- ment that revealed a deep and peiional christian experience, that left no doubt as to \\\» being called of God to the Christian minintry, and his statement of Christian duclriiie made perfectly clear his beliefs. The Ccuncil unanimously decided to fellowship Pastor Upham in his christian experience, his call to the ministry and his views of christian doctrine, and to proceed with the ordi- nstiwii. Uev. McDonald led the devotional exercises, and conducted the (jrdinatiou servi( I) at the evenin>.' session. Mr. Sc^Mltielil iif Leith lU'erel the ordination prnyer as the candidal e's breihreii laid their hands upun his head' The ch'trije to the candidate was given by Pastor EiiimoiiH Ui)v. Bowman of Koady extended the riijht hand of fellowship, and Rev. Ai'rd gave the charge to the church. The benediction was pronounced by Uev. Georsje G. Upham. Newspaper Suspensions 1^^ Our First Gigantic Ten Day Sale Beginning Saturday, July ITtli, H»1'0, and lasting for ten day.s oidy, we are featuring a Special Footwtyir Sale ot' broken Jine.s and odd lot.s in oi'der to .stimulate business and ii(|uidate our now very heavy stock. It, has not been our !)oIicy ro advertist; "{)li(niy " sales wliich actually do not ofVeet a saving tor the public, but by thft prices quoted below you will see that thet-e are / Real Bargains." Some will say that, these are old " pointed toe " liiuis, but I say to you, " (.!oine out and judge ior yourself. They're no suoJi thing. It's a real legitimate sale." No. 1376 Child's Btir 4 pairs, siz-s K an. I to sell for $1 1<> 1510 Youth's fl-«vy BiU, 5 piirs, sv.es 12 and 13, to sill for 1 35 1626 Buys' whole aio^k |<la n toe, 5 ptirs, sizes 2, .'{ and 4. lo sell for I '.(H 215 B'lys' fine split calf, 13 pur^. sizi's 2, 4 ami h, to sell for 1 ti5 23'.) It â- y>. line .-ilf i'.li,.-iier, 4 pairs, s 7. â-  4. lo sell for 2 US ItiDO 15 )yn hill d .1114 ila BUi :h.-r. 5 pans, sizes 3 i«iid 5, to sod for . . 2 35 Fine Kid Oxfords No. 5IK1 B lys' back kid oxfordi-, 5 pairs, siz (s 1 ami 2, lo sell for I 50 640 Mihsea' black kid uxf.ini.H, 7 pura, h â- /.â- :* \, \\ and 2, to sell lor 1 5ll f)3« Misses' black kid oxfonU, 5 p^irs, sizs 11. if.', iiiid 12, to sell for 1 "iK 575 MlHtei' black ki i b'tln, <> ptirs. ni/.'S II, 17 and 13 lo sell for. . I 35 4.T Men's black unit calf, <i pairs, siz -s (J, 7 and S, lo sell for 5 OO ft22 Men's bliuk urus i^alf, pliin toe, S pairs, sizes 7, 8, 10 and 11 1 1 sell for ... 6 00 S» I One packagt! to a cnst.oiner, we'll give ") pCC12ll""p()unds ( Jr.niulatcd Sugar for !}<'.(M) and 4 lbs. Cleaned (liirrant.s fir $l.<»<>, ami lO bard Comfort or Polar White Soap loi $I.(KJ. Iligliest prici^s paid for all Icinds cflMriii Products (Jive ii.s a call and we II tiy to till your wants. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, ONT. A Question of Fertilizer At the last Division Cuurt held at (Thatswoith W. K. Mujre sued William i;iark fcir §60 damages for taking posses- sion of a (juantiiy of pig manure under the following circuinsiances : Mr. Moore had leased a stabU from Mrs. Downey on a fctriii for the purpose of fiiltening piiji. Tlu) farm land was leased to another pel so. 1. Mr. Moore's tenancy i-xpirnl on the first of May, 1920, but he had reiuovi-il his hogs and not his manure some time before \.\wK date. In Apiil Mi.tJIark took pos.'ei.sion of the farm land and the buildings and under [tli.) imure?- .sion that a tenant could not remove the manure from a leased firm ho spread some fifteen loads of uianureon the land. H'or tins Mr. Moore sued. At the trial Mr. Ibiuy, on buhilf of Mr. (Jliirk, eiiiiieiiil>-(J lli;it a tenant could not remove m.'iiiure mid ih.it It must remain on the land. Mr. Tucker, for the plaintiff, argued tli.'it this was not a 'ease of farm land, but of the farm buililiugs, and that ill any event the tenant of a farm could ii'it le forced to leave the manure on the land preinitos usloss there was a comii. tion in the li-ase proving that that Hhi.ulil bo done. .Judge .Sutherland has now j given jiulMiiient for the £)l«inli8' for $tJ0 ' and costs, and ho holds that in the absence of a lease compelling Mr. Moore to It-avu the manure on the preniiees, it was Mr. Moore's manure and he ImJ a riuht to reiiove it. Small Ads. FOR SALE For Sile- (lood (i octave or^^an. Mia. II. I'eillar, Klesherton. For Sale â€" Nice driver and lubber tired bunnv with lop, also harnesp. .\|iply at th's nllice. .lulyltf For Sale â€" A iguaniity of good barley Albert Blackburn, Maxwell B. O. For Stleâ€" Ohest of carpenters' tmol alao a coinplelo piclure fraiiiiii|{ otiilit. I'hoiie or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kimberley For Salo.^Sinall blacksmith outfit, includini; for^e, anvil, hammers, wrenches vise, drill, taps and dies, and other Hiiiall tools ; also a number of horseshoes and toe calks, bolls, etc. A lari<e number of C'lrpuuturs toid{i also for shIo and lioHio cobbler's ouUit as well. Write Arnel liove, I'rioeville K It 3. The Free Press, Forest, Ontario, refeis to the passini; out, because of increased coats within the last few years, of eight of the fifteen newspapers published in Ijaiiibton County. This will be regretted by those who know country life in Can- aria. K rural weekly and small city diily is more uf a public institution than a iiiouoy iui»king enterprise. There are few editors of rural and smaller diily papers who are not undeipaid, self hiicriUciug public servants. I'hey give moie to than they get from thair com- munities, and when they are leaders, as so many are, cominanding respect and confidence, their papers are a great power. The P'lnmcial Post Is in cordial sympathy with the action of Parliament ill continuing to â€" in spite of the opposi- tion of the big ciiy dnilies for whom K. L liiclmrdsiin^ M. P., spoke â€" to trana- pi.rl rur^tl wei.kiies free of clmrg« in llieir local d.stiicls. .Another phase of i;ood work these b>cil papers do is to keep those who go out into the world, to the big eoutres and foreign parts, in touch with their old homes. For that reason we wuuid ;il.-.o fav.ir c irrying copies of rural paper.t going to tluso subsoribers free of postage. This is really n great lotiioual service, a good investment for ihe outitiy. Tlieio sre few men or women whi do not hupn to go b.ick to and do something f<ir the old home. If the world treats them well they want lo fhare the go'd things with the schools, churches and ins^.itutions in their old homes. M'liiy of them do. These generous tluimhts en be best retained by keeping llieiii constantly in touch with the doings at home. There is only one way â€" the local eewspape--. No matter how busy we are wo niike lime to read that, if It ciMiies t.i IIS. .\t one time tlieau papeis were carried free to any subscriber in Cniiada cr in the L'nited Slates, but Dr Coulter dropped this very soon after his advonl lo ilie Depoly I'ostiiiaMter (jeneralsliip. It was a very xerious mistake. Tluvu^aiids of Cniiadi- aiis were cut 1 If wh,) have never aiiice regained touch. VV« submit these facts to Parliament with the autigestiou that they, the M.P's, seriously consider whether as a gonol business propositionâ€" we should nut permit these rural weekly and siiiiller dailies an unliiniied free postal area. The investment will bo trilling and the rolurii to the nation very profitable- Financial I'osi. MISCKLI.ANKOl'S Ui/liest p'-u: • for Imtr.er and eBj»» at (irahain Urcs. Eugenia. .lune 2ti Try Feversha.n P.ittry Flour, Iha tiest or V'ur cook. All Oiiitirio wheat PrivH^! funds to Iimu ou real estate security at reasonable rale uf inioroni. .Apply 10 K. .1. Sproiile, bieiherton sept 2817 Chopping «>iiy Saturdtty only ham Bros., Eu>;eiiia. Gra VOTERS* LIST 1920 VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Notice is hereby given that I have Iransinitted ur delivered to llie persons nientioned in sections 8 and *.> of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1887, and the Mnendmo.iiB thereto, the copies required to be tranaiiiittod or delivered of Ihe List, made pursuant to the said .\i'l, of all [ler.soiis appearing by the laht revised Assessment Hull of the said inunioipalily to be entilird lo vote in the miinici. ality at ebelu.ns fur members ot the Leeis' Utivo .\ssembly and at municipal elic- tions, and that said list was first posit d up 111 my eltiee at Flesherton on the loth (lay of .Inly, I!l2l). ami ninains there for inspection. Electors are railed upun to tXHiiitpit said list, and if any uniissum or other errors me pel eeived ItiiTeiii.to take imniedi.ite prueeeiiings tu hsve ihe naicl jrrois toriectid accordiiiL' tu law. â€" VV. .1. IIKI.LaMY, Clerk of V le.slurlon Flesherton, Jii'y lU. 11)21). Try us for your next job printing. Vict^dAjnoj Dancing at your own home^ any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have aj Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERT JN ONT r SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers tillectric and gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCurtuick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakss, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel .Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantfnrd double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind MUla, Boatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, iManuce Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BU2ZJSAWS One third more wood out with same power whan tiMed «ich my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. 1 CLEARING SUMMER SALE Come early and see our table ot real values lasting ONE WEfeK only. There are muslins, ginghams, waists, lathes' sweaters, all at hall price. Ladies' high cut lace canvas boots, leather and rub- ber soles, white enamel and rubber heels, Cuban and French styles, regular from $2.50 to $4.15, clearing at $1.98 and $-_>.y5 Specials in White Footwear Indies' white oxfords, leather solo, cuban heels, regular $3.75, special $2 50. Men's summer muleskin boots with a heavy leather sole for $2.50. Men's suits going at a special price of ten per cent. otV retail price. Grocery Special Kellogg'a Toasted Corn flakes 2 packages for 25c. J () ounce Cirirtin Brand Needed I'aisins 20c a pkg. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario DR. F. C. NIXON Oplometrist and Optical Specialist Uuroutario Street, near Third Street. Collini;«ooil, Ontario Appointments : â€" Dailyâ€" !t a. ra. to 5 p. m. Kvetiin^s and Holidays arranged. Tolejihoue (U 1- W. Box 10C6 lJlv20 NOTICE As it is Cream Separator saaion and you waat the best and moat reliable Separator on Ihe market terusnibiir the Dtf Laval was the Krst invented and stil the leading stparntor. More <> them in use than all uthsr machine-) Sold by HIKJH KNOTT, Agent, MarkdaU.Ont, Boar For Service Pure bled UeLj'Steiea Y'irli«liire Bt a for seivice â€" Maxwell .lack ti2S)(1o--on lot K;:, S \V. 'I', itt 8. U., Arremosia, Teniis Jjl.Cil). 10.4, lil T, J. STINS tN. Boar For Service lU^jijtered Cheater White hj«; for srvice at U >ek Mills The fanher wjii. lirst at Chicago Fiur. Tarms ll.W. dec01» â€"I. SMITH Prop.

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