Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1920, p. 5

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July 22 1920 THjfi FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Retired THE money you spend during the long years of toil will not help you to live comfortably in retirement, in old age. It is only the money you are saving now that will bring ultimate independence. Our Savings Department nukes saving easy for you. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 341 Capital. Sorpliu and UndiTUcd FnAta t8.]S0,S37.as. FUESHERTON BRANCH < GEO. MITCHELL NiANAecR ANADIAN PiOiCIFIC C. p. R. Time Table. Iraina leave Flaaherton Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7 62 a. lu. 1«.05 D.m. 4.37 p.m. 9-30p. m. The maila are osed at Flesherton aa follows : For the norbh at 10.40 a.m.and 7 f.m. ; aad the afternoon mail south at 3.40 •'oloalt. For moming tram south mail cUse at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Misa Lulu Mitchell of Welland is home for the holidays. We are agents for the Toronto dailies ieave your orders at The Advance office Bornâ€" In Toronto, on July IT, to Mr. and Mrs. Sterlioe Whyte, a son. Miss Miimie Sullivan of Montreal is visiting her mother bore. Miss Clar* Duncan of Grand Valley la holidaying at her home hare. Mr. Albert Gillespie of Stroma, AlU. is visitiuj; friends hf re. Reeve Boyd of M»rkdale and Mrs. Boyd left on Saturday last for an extend- ed visit in the North Aest provinces. Mrs, Gordon Laird of Kepigon visited with tho Misses Mitchell during the past eek . Mr. Ben Wilstn and family of St. Catharines are speudius; the week wit h relatives in this vicinity. Frank Pattou and ludy fr'.eni, of Walkertou, speut the week end at the former's ^larental horaa here. Botnâ€" At Wayland, Sask., on Jane 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Best (uee Ida Fisher), a sonâ€" Thomas Robert. Mr. J . II, Carapaigu of Chicago visited with friends here for Ja couple of days [his week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Blackburn and two ckildren of Toronto spent the past week with relatives here. Hornâ€" AtKenorn, Ont., in the Ko^al Jubilee Hospital, on July 14th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Guy, a son. The heavy thunder storms of Sundiy last did cousidorable dacnaa;a to standing grain, more especially throughout the township of Osprey. Our mailing list his been corrected up to Thursday of last week. If you have paid us money previous to that date aud It has not been credited, please notify us at once so that correction can be made . Ifr. George Trueinan, an ex-resident of Artemesia township, died Suddenly at l^homa ill Toronto, where he has lived for several years past, on Saturday last The remain'" were brought to Flosherton on Monday and interment took placs Tu«ad.»y to Meaford [i')ad cemeteiy A bad accident, and one that might •asily have resulted fatally to two men, occurred at Priceville on Thursday last. Mr. Win Large "f Eugenia is erecting a bungalow for a Priceville citizen and had Mf. Herman McLean assisting him. The men were on a scaffolding at the peak of the buildini;. This .scatl'old was attached to a window j»nib which it appears h»d not been fastened to its place. The jamb came out and allowed the scaffold to tall. Mr. McLean fell on a roof and rolled to the ground, breaking his c«llar bone. Mr. Large was thrown clear of the roof to the ground and was flicked up unconscious, in which condi- tion he remained f jr some time. Fortu nately he had no boues broken. The shook was a severe one, and he wa-i pretty badly bruised and shal;en up by the full, lut it is I xpetted that he will be all right iu a few days. Rev. and Mrs. Belfry and aon, (Ralpb, visited with friends In Guelph last week. All addresses accumpanyini{ presenta* ttoas sent to us for publication should be accompanied by a dollar bill. M(s. W. J. Tracsy and little daughter of West Toronto visited orar the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Phillips. Pasture â€" 300 acres of the beat of pasture, well fenced. Cattle taken by the month. Herb Corbett, Cloverbrae Farm, Proion. Coancillor Fred Matbewson handed in several stalks of swaec clover one day lasi week that measured 7 feet 6 inches in length. Mr. and Mrs. Guelzlar (pee Florence Down) and little daughter, Kuth, of Cleveland, are the guests of her cousin, Mrs. Georica McTavah. Church of England seririce will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, every Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. J. Blackwell, pastor. All welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKechnia and Mrs. Hatt and two children of Liona Head were guests ot Mr, and Mrs. D. Dow last week. Dundalk defeated Ceylon in a good same ot ba.soball on the grounds here on Friday last by the score ot 12 4 Errors in Iha field were mainly responsible for the defeat. Mr. 0. M. Whittan, who recently Sraduatad from the Ontario College of Pharmacy with first class honors, has ufjain been successful at Toronto univer- sity, receiving the degree of P.tl.M.B. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Upham of Guelph attended the ordination service of their son, Rev. Upham of the Baptist church, en Thursday last. Mrs. Upham remains here faJ a visit. Mr. iind Mrs. Ilarvey Grifiin of Alton are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. W, Wilcock, and other friends. Mr. Gritfln has accepted a school at Toronto, where he will teach after the holidays. Tile Flssherton Bible Depository has just placed in stock the largest selection of Bibles and Testaments ever shown hcte, ranging in price from a few cents t3 live dollars. There are 'gome very 6ne gift books and fiimily Bibles in this lot. The Depository is kept at The Advance Office. The following parties left on Saturday last to camp for a couple of weeks in summer cottages at Wasag,-i Beach : Mrs W. Boyil, Miss B<jyd, and four children; Mrs. W. L. Wright, Mia. Mark WiUon Sr. and daughter, Miss Irene, and M'ss Lilian Bunt. Mr. .-V. S. Thurston of the Farmers Sun was in town for a couple of days last week, and attended a big fanners' con- vention at Walkerton to nominate a candidate to content South Bruce for the Federal House. Walter J. Fiudlay was the man selected. J -l.-V young Hanover man named Arnold wa.s rcughiy handled by Mr. and Mrs. .T.iinos R.)83 of Traverston while fishing, aud had ihem both up for assault, the latter with intent to do bodily injury Rosa WHS sent to Owen Sound for trial and the beligerent lady was lined S2 and costs. The fullowini; ex pupils of Flesherton High School havo passed their Nsrmal examination : Hamilton Normal â€" Elsie Caswell, Pearl Allen, Mina Heard, Viola Lewis, Lillian Lever. Victoria McMillan, Willa Paltersou, Duncan McMillan, Winnie SciUey. Toronto Normal â€" Jean Wrisht, Mabel Swift. North Bay Nor- mal â€" Bessie McVicar, Emily Aeheson, Eld a I'arslow. The new Ontario auti glare head light law was given the assent of the lieulanaut eovernor May 19. It will therefore come into etfect automatically July 19. The motor vehicles of the province must have the head lights equipped with approved auti glare lenses or devices by that date. Hon. F. C. Bigi28, minister ol public works aud highways, assures us that the law will be vigorously enforced. A ponalty of from ten to fifty dollars is provided iu case of iion compliance. The government i» determined that within a short period (rf~time every motor vehicle :<haU be equipped with approved non- glarinc devices. Wm. Davis Dead gg ?^^rgi ^o ?gwdF^g:tf:MtSaggt^ /^'^% /^'/% /-%/>/>'/*./-< â- '. Wm. Davis, a highly respected citizen ef Artemesia, died very suddsniy at the home of one of hij dauiihtsrs In Toronto, whsre he had been viaitin.', >in Sunday last. Mr. Divis lud not been feolin^ welt for some tune liut was notcoosidered to be in ImmiDeni dinger. He was for a aumbar of years trustee of Flesherton public school, belonged to the Orange order, was a Metbodut in religion and a . CoDSarvative in politics. The remaioallri were brought home from Toronta onjl'i Monday and interment took place to | Fleshertbn cemetery ou Wednesday afternoon of this week after an impressive service in the Methodist church. The deosaaed ^enclemau leaves behind, be- sides his sorrowing widow, seven children ! and one brother, the sola survivor ot his ''^/, faoaily, to all of whom much syaapathy is ,^, extended. The children are Wesley and ^, Ern., of Castor, Alta., Thomas of Torou- ^ to. Glen and Will ae home ; Winnie y (Mrs. Gordon Badgerow) and Laura ;.= (Mrs. Clinton Kennedy) of Toronto. ' Mr. Davis was born in Leeds Co., Ont., â-  ' aud Uiarriad Miss I.elitia Emma Smith; i* of the same county, together moving ^^ bare about 45 years ago. His age was ^^ 71 years, 4 months I \y\ - I y Forced Assignments Now! ^l^ By the esw Insolvency Act which came into force on Thursday last, July 1st. all assignuieuts must be made to tiusttes whom the Government is uppoiiiting in every county. Just whem the Legisla- ture has picked on for this job In Grey has not yet been announced, but hereto- fore a man could bust up and assign to whoever he liked. In future the bustina ?Z must be done iu a retined manner and to I *- a specified agent. Under the old order a business man could run along evading his debts and dodging his creditors for a considerable bpell and still keep his sign up, his piano tuned and looking and sounding all right. Ue might be sued aud judguiens euough to paper a house recorded agam.sC him, without interrupting greatly his oper- Two Big Specials in Ladies' White Footwear I 5 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, leather soles, Cuban and French heels, full range sizes, regular $2.25 and $2.50, special $1.95. 48 pairs Ladies' High Cut Lace Canvas Boots, leather soles, v^hite enamel heels, Cuban and French styles, some toe caps, some plain vamps, sizes from 2 1-2 to 6 1-2, regular $3.75, $4.00 and $4.50, special $2.95. GROCERY SPECIAL Choice California Seedless Raisins, put up by first class packers, under their best brands, new stock, perfect goods, 1 5 ounce packages, special 25c. package. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTx\RIO Talk about profiteering ! We sent the " devil " up to a local Jew's the other day for fifty cents worth of rays for every '°§ . jiganing presses with. The bau he took alorg was only in the way, for what he g»t w^eighed eX;iotly one and three quarter pounds. Just keep thit in mind '3 hen the ne.xt Jew comes around and wants to pound. - atinylcapacity. But under the new order > , . â- . tr -' ^ ' .».»,>•.. buy your rags at half a cents an Interested creditor who .cannot get â-  t . i n .„ ° ' Ltsiowel L*auner settlement can force him to a showdown, by applying to tho trustee for an ordet Co wmd up the estate. The result will be that the deadbeat debtor will be eliminated before he stings all on the voters list. The tendency will be to put things more on a cash basis, a thiug tha ih<use, frame barns most busines.H men will welcome and.'^'' l-'-I- Apply to aomething that only the slowpays andj ISAAC SINCLAIR, Flesherton deadbeats need no into mourning overâ€" I ^r R?'- W. A. Sinclair, Lemonville, Meaford Express. Farm For Sale 100 acres. 70 under cultivation ; bush has some nood timber. Good stock or grain farm, well wttered. lars/e brick Possession Maich ^r\ 220ct20 Ont. Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values SUMMER WEAR SPECIA),S Men's Panamas t3.00 Boyi' Bloomers f2.95 Raincoats reduced 10 i. THIS WEEK ONLV. Felts andctps selling at a low margin above cost. Men's and Boys' Summer Under- wear, Bathing Suits. Socks \ and Stockinsis. Cleaning and Pressing clone on shortest notices. .\gen*8 for Hobberlin inado-to-ines.«ure clothing. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Call and see these high .,^^^11 AT tiivijii'* Phr.o Gillory and: jMusic FLESH ERTO W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER.PIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC instruments grade Sior N J B-H Paint will v/ithstand the severe "climate test" of many hard Canadian winters. Speaking more definitely still, tliere is one paint that carries a 100 ',"0 guarantee en every can. *'ENei3SH ** 70%Purtintitetetl (DtMiiMm'* C«num« B.B.) SOaPurtWJteZtBC 100% Ptn I^iiat Famous for its covering capacity and durability. It has a base lOO'^^-. pure, to which is added a fine turpentine and an exceptional linseed oil from the B-H mills. Some dealers can sell you paint which costs less per gallon than B-H, but it will not have the B-H- guarantee of quality and permanence â€" neither will you have the certainty that a gallon will show the greatest covering capacity. Even at the slightly higher cost of B-H you will find when the job is done that the ultimate cost is lower â€" very much lower. Another thing, just look at any house that was painted, maybe years ago, with B-H and see the "finish" that still remains. For Sale by F. H. W. Hickling, Flesherton MOMTNKAl. flAUrAX St.WOMN TQnoMTO WtMNIVC* â- -* MCOICINCMAT CALOARV CDMOWTOH VANCOUVKN Cargoe's Grocery BPECI-^Lâ€" While they last we will give 3 bars of Polar White Soap for "250. If you \\ant good, clean, fresh Grooeiies or Coufectionerv give 'us a call. We carry uotbinij; but Uie best. We have also a full liue of ail the leading Tobacces. All kinds of Fruits iu season. Come iu aud visit our ice cream parlor. We baud!* Neilson's ice cream . Tiy a tiu of Elkharn Cheese for* your nest picuic. We bavo 8 different davors. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce. Phone iu your order. We will deliver it to any part village. of tko W. E. CARCOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. 1 BOOTS & SHOES ••• ••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ***** K^^^^S^ â- â€¢â- ^••••••r •••••• |i««**BaC**» •»

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