Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1920, p. 1

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gks^hctim ^hmnu. Vol 41, No. 9 Flesherton. Ont, Aurrust o 1920 PORTLAW During a reepnt thundar storm Mr. Cbarles McCutckeon's house. South line, wan struck by llghtniDg. The occupHntg forcuDately eacnped irijgry, bu» the building w»s considerably dain&^ed. Mr. Wm. -Buchonan end sister, of V»ndeleur, visited lately in this neiijh- borhood. Mr Andrew Carr was taken suddenly ill on Sunday last, but is 1'i.covering' Miss Sadie Shiera of St. Catharines is visi'ioe at booie. Will Taylor wa8„ home from Toronto OD a short risit. Harold Thompson suffered an attack of apendicitis last week, but we »re glad to hear that he is lai proving. Lewis Sheardown went tn Collingwood recently to consult a specialist. F. H. Tbompaon has sold hta hundred acre farm to Thomas Black. Another little girl brighten.s the bume of Mr. and Mrs. Janaes Pedlar. Mrs. Edward Watson and three chil- dren of Toronto are visiiinsi lelatires here. Robert and Viola Cornfield of Toronto holidayed at the paternal home. Miss Eagle of Holland Centra is risit- ing with friends in this part. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haney of To- ronto are visitinij at Wm. Taylor's. Mrs. D. J. Jamieso.i of Toronto is TisUing at W. G. J^mieson's, Barry Thompson, who has been in Detroit for some months, was home for a few dsys and left ou Saturday last fur Saskatchewan. laiatioge [League responded m full force to an invitation from Mount Zion League. The program was eivt^n by the visitors arid lunch sei ved by the home Leaguers. A spirited debate, "Resolved that the automobile is more valuable to mankind than the horse," in which vis- ited and visitors took part, was very interesting. This time the horse got there ahead of hia rival. VANDELEUR Toronto Line North H.aying and berry picking are the ordtr of ih« day between showers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and f;imily of Michigan are visiting Mr. and Mr^. B. Richardson, Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Lush of Kocklyn visited at F, Mathewson'a recently. Mrs. Ab. Stewart has returned home »;ier speodiar; a few days with Fever ahtra friends. , Mr. H. Manning, wife and three children of Wakon, metered over and spent a few days with his sisters, Mrs. y. Mathewsonand Mrs. J, Lover. Mr. Don Mujiutyre of Toronto is Tisitin^ his uncle, Mr. R. Uichardaou. Miss Vera Lever has returned hoine from her holiday at Kitchener. She wm accompanied by her cousin, Mis* Irene Patrick . Mr. Rod Bell of Toronto is visiting his uncle, Mr. B. McKenzle. Miss Bernics Martin of Toronto aud Miss Irene Wiley ot Markdala visited their friend. Miss Freeda Mathewson. Mitster Harold Richardson motored to Hainittuu with friends aud spent » few days there. Miss Olive Mathewson is holidayintt with friends at Palmerscon, Brussels and Walton. Mr. Jas. Clark has returned to his home in I'tiited States afttr visiHoij r«latives here. Tenders Wanted OSPBEY TELEPHONE The undersigned will receive tenders fur the operating, furnishin| of room, light, heat, ete,, for the switchboard for the Osprey Telephone system at Kaver" sham, for the term of five years. Ail tenduis to be in the hind* of the Secre- tary by 12 o'clock, iioou, on August 10. A copy of the agreement may be seen at the ottico of the Secretary. Duties to commence October Ist. The lowest Oj any Iciidfr not necessarily accepted. By order of the Buatd of Commission. Feversham, July :>0, lO^iO. - THCtS. \V CON RON, Sec. Try us for your next job printing. Mrs. R. Genoe and Howard McGee visited the former's daughter. Mrs. Will Burrell, of Sligo, recently. Mrs. Ab. Ellis of Kimberley is spend- ir.ga few day.s with bar lister, Mrs. Ed. Baker. Mrs. Joe Buchanan and Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Will Buchanan are spend- ing a few days with frienca -at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and babe of Meiford visited with friends here recent- ^Ir, and Mrs. Jim Cochrane and two children of Colbourne motored up and are spending a few days with Mrs. Davis and fam'ly. Mes.'irs. Howard, Wilfred and Russell, aad Misaes May and Annie Graham vis.ted friends in Meafurd recently. Mr. and Mrs. Burritt of Kimberley spent a few day.s with their daughter, Mrs Dave (Jraham. Mr. Wm. Summers is ill at present. Mrs. J. 1. Graham, May and .A.nnie, and Mrs. David Graham and babe visited with Mr. and Mrs Porter Beard of Springhill. Miss L. Buchanan and Mr. Albert Buchanan visiced recently with Mr. and Mrs. Tayljr of Mount Zion. PROTON Mrs. Culvert and daughters, Maud and Mte, are visiting at the home of Mr. J. C. Wright. Married â€" In Durham jn July 1!6, Miss Edyb Carbon to Mr. Robert Wilson of S^u't Ste. Marie. Cungra' ulaticni!. Visitors lieio over civic holiday were. Ml-, itiid Mrs. Duncan McNicol, Misees Uat)ei, Clara and Millie Binnie and • friend, 51r. and Mrs. James Bar;un and babe, and Ura Guest, Toronto. Mr. and Mie.^ Jamieson of Mclntyre viMteJ at Mr. Goualsys *nd wore acL'om- panied ho|iie by Miss Muriel Wilson- Mrs. Still has returned from visitins; at Mt. Forest. rvirs. Cade and family hare returned bocne from their holiday. Wo are sorry to read of the death at Winnipeg of Mrs. E. VVellwood. >Va extend our syiiipathy to the bereaved family. Shooting at Chesley Chesley, July 29â€" Bert Cavill, a .Iray man, was probably fatally shoe by J.)slin Green, au employee of the bedstead factory here, about nine o'clock this uiKruiu^. Four shota were tired, two of which took effect, fne entering the mouth, carrying away a couple of teeth and lodging lu the back of the neck, the other piercini; the lungs and lodging in the tipinal column . The atl^ray resulted from a dispute over ihe removal of a pian.i, on which there was a lien, frcui Green's houte. Latest reports state that tbero is no hope for the victim's recnery. Green has bean comaiitted to the Walk- ertou Jail^ou a charge of shcuciu^ with inteot. Ou Wednesday night, acting under the instructions of the holders of the lieu, Cavill removed a piano from Green's house, and left two planks on the latter'* lawn, tie retursed this moruii.g for the planks a.'id was met by Green, who wanted to know when h<> had bcui;ht the hour^e. .An atgumen' ensuet), in which Green, who is a lar^e man, threatened to attack Cavill, who is of very stisjlu butld . Cavill threatened to have Green arrested, whereupon the latter whipped out a revolver from his hip pocket and tired four .shots in rapid succesjiion- Two were misses, but the others found their mark . Dr. H. A. Sinclair wis called to Ches- ley to opirato, by*; little hope is held out for Cavill's recovery Green was taken before Magisiraie Bell, who conuni'ttd him to Walkerton Jail. When arrested Green stated th^t the shots had been tired in self defence. Cavill has since died. CEYLON Mr. Percy McLeod and bride of Re- gina arrived Mc nday night to vis'.t their parems, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Mr. McWhinney of Hanover is visiting his dauuhter, Mrs. N. Archibald. James Adams and lady friend of To- ronto spent the civic holiday with the former's paicuts. Miss Sellers, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Efiie Cbiele<.t, returned to the city Monday. Mr. J. C. McLaughlanof Port Credit spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Archer sod family, who have been visiting ths iatter's sister, Mrs. Wm. White, have returned home. Miss Brown and friend ot Toronto were civic holiday visitors at S. Hemp- hill's. Several Sia^hampton visitors spent civic holiday at D. D. MoLaughlan's. Mrs. Hisiock of Toront.) is visitinp with her daughter, Mrs Rcyden Gibsi.o. Miss Annia Muir, who has been visit- ing her brother for a fortniijht, returned Monday to her home in Toronto. Mrs. John Irwin of the West is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. J. j. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Hill and little dau;;hfer who spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. G Collinson, returned to the city Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred McMullen and Austin McMuilen m</<ored up from To- ronto and spe.it the week end with their parenta.' The Sunday school picnic held in Mr. Genoes bush on Friday afternoon was much enjoyed by the little folks. Miss Whitlock of Toronto is visiting Miss Ella Whittaker. Protest Over Hydro A meeting of hydro users in various Simcoe munici^ialities was held at Cooks- t )wn recetiily <nd a resolution passed defliaodirg a fl'»t rate for Ontario. Re- garding the recent enormtus increase ia rates the Allistnn Herald says : â- ' The increase in the tairs ro the smaller of these munioipaiities is a matter of grave concern to those who are carry- ing the load. Cookstowu, though the pecpU there know they are liot .so hard hit a» Bradford, Beeton or Tottenham, bitterlv* resents htinc saddled with a big additional obligation. Cookstown s rate per hnrsepower has beon raised from f3fi to ♦«50. but when the town men heard what bad been done to Bradford they groaned in sympathy for the GwiUimbury village which is to be forced to pay 585 per horse power instead of faO. Beetoo jumps fr' ni ^45 to f}«0 aud some jf the delegates ^taled that Tottenham bad been dealt with similarly to Bradford. Not a man present coiild eive any reason for the increase. From evtry town the representatives .<tated that they h.ad been led to believe when tkeir service was installed that in the course of a jear or two the rate would drop. Just abou" the time 1 he drop was coming due au increasH su';h as the staggering oi,e just imposed was so unexpected ^hat the citizen» of the varirus towns had rot ytt recover>'d fnui the shock. In discussing what action should be take<i ii was suggesleii that a deputation consistini; c»f a represmtative from e^ch municipality affected go down to Toronto uni lay the whole nutter before the Premier with the reque.st thai we havj the whole Ujdro administration systim thoroughly invesiigattd wiiha vit-w to uiacovering where lios the inconi pe t ei" ce le.'ipoDsible tor grave enors uiakini; necessary sucli material advances in rates as had leecLt- ly been made, and this after a .supposed paving basi.t had been established ar the inception of Hydro service. .\ motion to thisitftct nas cirried. ;i I Th« frame bouve nn the farm inicupied | j by George Looby, lot oO, 8th Iioe, Aina- j ! tanth. wastota'lv destroyed by tire. M Looby was in the hay held when he BOticod thx smoke and upon reaching the place was unable to recover any of the . content.*, which lere destroyed, tcgptler i with aK'Ut H'o in b'Us from the sale it j woul tb« previous day. A Mildinay grouch predicts that there will be many rotten potatoes this year. The great profusion of potato blossoirs is usually followed by rot, ha miintains. Possibly a proper system o'" spraying might avert the disaster. WESTERN CROP It isest iu»tad '.hat about 30,'KO men will bo rniuired to work as farm labourers to a.s«i8t in harvesting'^the orops in Uaiiitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Canadian t'iciQo ha.s arranired and i< advertising usual special fare* of 810 00 to V*'iiinipei and will run special tmns froui TurcDtu on August 9, 11, 10 and 18. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Tucker of Durham and Miss Gladys Tucker ff Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs Johii Hargrave. Boruâ€" On Tuesday, Ju'y 27lb, to Mr. and Mrs. Cbas McEichn.e, a sun. Mrs. Kd. Fisher and children of Toronto are visiting the former a sister, Mrs. A. Partridge We ex'eud a hear'y welcome tii Capt. Edwin ."Smith and his oride, who arrived home from England on Fiiday evening train. His many friends are pleased to bee him home again. Miss Nelhe l{obertsoo of Maxwell spent the past week with Mr. and .Mrs. Levi Betts. Mrs. Sharp and children of Duudas are (".olidayma with the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tweed luotored over trom Detroit and spent thi p^.-t week with the firmer s sister, Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Everett Lyons of Toronto la holiilaying with bis cousins, Marall and Ciayt. n Bet's. Miss Irene Julian spent a { -w days the past week with her sister. .Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. McCaffrey High Constable Grey County will have Mr. John .Mc- Caffrey, Depu y Fire Chief of Uwen Sound, as its High Ouastable,',temp'>rar' ily at least. The temporary appointment will be ratified by the proper authorities immediately, and Mr. .MoCaffrry has already acted iu his new position by arrestini; Hugh MctJlean. It: will tie remembered that the County Council at their last session authorized the appointment of Thomas Carsio as High Constable at a salary "f $15i'0 a year. Mr. Carson was atfere'l a much better thing by the city council to keap him an the police force here, and conse quentiy turned do*n ihe olfcr of the county. In the meantime it has l»eoiue essential that a county constai ' be employed and the choice has fa..i u on Mr. McCaffrey. I', is essential that the county officer live in (Twan Sound so as 10 be where the Crown Atti'rney can rtach him easily. Jai.k McCaffrey was on the local police fcr some time and was one of i:s most capable and efticienc officer'!. Previous to that he wai a member ot the London police force. He has been Deputy Fire chief for the pa.st three years, and the city is losini; on,- of its besc servants when it loses Jfck Mc(?atfrev â€" Sun Tmes. The Sugar Hold Up From the Toronto World Sugar at twenty cents a pound is -'n outrage ou the people of Canada, if there were any justification for «u<'h prices no one w.uld object, but when ii.o enhanced price is due very largely to the avaricious mauul'aclurers and proli'e<Ts the peopio riahtly raise a howl «nd demand that steps be takeu by Ihe .i>ivifrumenc to stoo the vicions sys'em if bluedinj; the public who have no rseourse The Uteit exicn^ie of orotits in sucar ohu be seen iu the annual siatemeiiC of the Atlantic Susjar Company, puolikhcd on -Monday last . For the year this oompsi y made over i 2,800,1100. against ?!»»<t5,;i4o in the previous year. The capital of llie concern consists of outstanding boi.ds, ^l.420,(i0<> : prcferr-d stock p.iid up, *.' .=>OO,00O ; and comjiou, $3,oOO,OtiO. The lat' er was probably all water, as in the dotation in I!US general subscribers were i;iven ;'>o shares of common stotk wi'h each 100 < f preferied purcha.srvl. The real money pui. lu tlie tnn-r prise appeals to be less than i?4,iJt.K\O0O, ui.l Last yetr protis of nearly 5;i,000,(JtiM were taken out- No woDu,;r the common stock, which h«d httle or no vaiue in 1912, IS uow scliing on the stock market at above $lo(j a shiire. Is the government blind to th'S. or is it helpless to prote-t thu people of Cana<1a from this raetbed of extortion ? And this comp«ny is only one of many doing similar business in this and other food essdutials. Card of Thanks ♦ „ Mr». Wfti. L">avis and family desire to express their thanks to neighlairs and friends for iheir kindness ani sympathy in the hour of iheir ^Ui'den bereavemeu', aud al.-'o f.'r the beautiful dotal tributes prcsanted by them. FINE JEWELERVBatesBurialCo. I« Come in and see our tine large stock of Jewelry, 'Watches, Clocks, etc. and when yon Lave seen them jon will be sure to buy. Watch re- paii-inga specialty. A full line n Photographic anpclies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and films. I BUSINESS AS USUAL ; Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENf J. VV. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* Phone or writeâ€" GEO. \V. KOSS. FLESHERTON, - ONT Osprey Tel. systena Maxwell P. O. f^ lour. Feed and Seed FLOUR â€" Royal Household, Eclipse and _ Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Wh.^at. Buckwheat. Barley, Chop, Grofast anJ. Kennies Calf Meals, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. SEEDS â€" Dwarf Eseex Rape, Flax, Corn, Buckwheat, Tares, Siberian and Hungarian Millett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil, Coal Oil. Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectant Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, Ontario ./-,S^s^?;:>^^>:^^^o7£\?.s;?:^^ pring Announcement V\ . L WRIGHT wishes to announce to the public tlut be hss just reoeireU «, spring eonsignaient of Men's and Lsdies Boots »Dd Shoes, Rubbers to tit *ny shape boot, Loui; Rubber B. ots. Fleet Fo u White Wire in all styles for men, ladies, misses, boys and youths. Peiibodys aud Bull Dog t'veralls »Dd Suiccks. Work Shirts. new line of Men's Shirl-s and Balbriugan Underwear, Ties. ColUrs, Belts, Silk Scarfs aud Gloves. A (rekh stock of Groceries always on hand. All kinds of Canned Goods. Iu the Milhnery Deprirtinent you will tiud .Mrs. Wright with a compie-e stcck of Ladies Hats Ribbons. Licas and Veils. C.«U and inspect our lines. Siitisfac'.ion cuaranteed. fliijhest prices paic for Butter and Eijzs. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ^^ Eft Faim For Sale JPleslienon ^^ Tonsoria! '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Saiisfaction L.\I">'L1KYâ€" Risket d ses Mondfc> loO aoie». lots 17* IS an J 19, 3nd odd. S. D. R . .Artcinesia. over 100 acres cl-ired, (bsUnce timbered. Two never fai^ini; well?, new brick house. Urge bank b>irn with sisbles unJe^ieiith, new drivinii "bsd. This farm is nearly aa,'*''S'". delivery Finkty ev seedt'd down and will be sold with a' ^~~~' saiiU piyment down. Apply on the ^'LE.XMNG an.i DYEING- vVe an- pr.^n.is.i to â€" Wni. P.\TuN jjsen's for Parker's Dye Wo*8â€" Clothe, f hone R R o. Price ville •''^'•»"*<^ ••>'^ ^J^' feathe»i rejuvenated IJ1>« TFISHEV- -PROPRIETOR

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