Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1920, p. 1

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%tmmice. V»l 41.N..10 Fleslierton. Ont., August 1'^ 1920 I ' 5 ;â-  CEYLON Mr. M. Barter of Collingwood motor- ad over the 1st of the week and was â- ecumpanied botne by hix mother, who hai been vieitm^ relatives here. Mr. H. Fisbar returned Muod.-iy to the city after speoding a couple of weeka here. Mrs. V/ic. Nealey of Markdale was a gaes*: of lliite M. Cook last week. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson and little sob _ of Toronto are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mn. D. McLeod. Mrs. Oolacnia of Owen Sound in vi»it. ing her daunhter, Mrs. F. G. Collinsor. . Mrs. (Dri) Holmes of Owen Soun<l is â-¼iaitiog her father, Mr. T. Chislett. R. Cook paid a business trip to Ham- ilton on Friday hist. Mrs. Shiers and deughtor, Doris, of TuroDbo, ->penb the week end with her aintec, Mrs. Wm. White. Mr. Ross McMiilleD of Huiailtaii is holidaying under the parental ruof- Mrs. Will Oliver and babe reteroed on Monday to Toionto, after a pieakunc holiday at Mr. Joe Oliver's. We are pleased to see Miss EJna Mc- Leod, who has been ill and undnr the care of fiurse Morrison of Durhaei.ablo to be out again. Mrs. Tedlow of Hamilton and Mias Kate Baxter of Detroit are Tisitin4;foiends her a. Mr. D. Whittaker attended tberaces atOr%ngeville on Thursday last Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hemphill au4l three children of Toronto are Tisi:orK i>t Mr. S. Jtieniphill's. Mrs. Cole of Cleveland is visitiiij^ her !2tau<^parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. M-elia. Mr. Archibald of St. Thoimis c^tjiit » couple of days last week visitit^; h s mother here. Miss Hawthorn, who has been ^^nt^iiing her friend, Miss Ella Whittaker, return- ed to the city on Mouday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson, Mc. und Mrs. D. Stewart, Miss MayStew*r:, Mr. Archie Btewart, Mr. M. Fersjusim, Mrs. Tedlow., Miss Baxter. Messrs. Dan and John Muir all attended the funeral df Mrs. Ferguson at Mono Road oh Mon- day. The W. .1. intend holdiua; a 5a:-den party on Thursc'ay of this week at Mr. J. Gibson's. Supper iroiu 5,36 io^ 8. Baseball between Flesherton anc Ceylun at 6.M. Good program. Misses May Muir and Annie McM-iliau,, who have been taking a course at G-uoich, have returned home. Mr. Will Pattison. who has besn holidaying ait bis hnme here, returut^i on Mouday to lasonto. Toront© Line Nortb Messrs. R. Swanton, F. Browo, F. Mathewson attd ^W. Burnett atiesdod the races held in UraB^u villa last week. Miss Freeda Mathewson entertained a nuuibur of her friends at a party o>i Friday evening last. The evening was spent in music, dancing and games. The guests departed :>hortly after mid- night and all ceport an enjoyable time. Mr. T. Sled and ^family motored to Durham where they treated themselves to a new Briscoe. Mr. and Mis. Fred Mathews'iu and 4aui;hter,' Miss Freeda and Misa Irui.e 'Patrick motored ta BrvuMels on Wedne.?- 4ay. Miss Olive Mathewson, who liaa been v'siliiig friends tfaere, returntd home with them. Master Don Mclntyro r^'turued to his faoiue it! the city on Mouday. Miss Arleno Beecroft of (.)wen Sound viaited b«:r sunt, Mrs. £. Q. Wickens. Alarriedâ€" On Wednesday, August 4th, Mr. Will Dttvis to Miss Dorothea Mc- Faddon of Markdale. Cjngratulations. Mrs. Will Stewart visited her sister, Mrs. K. Smith, of Markdale. Surry to report Mrs. Smith ill. EUGENIA LitDie Iva Graham gave a birthday partj- to her little girl friends one day last week. Kiss Georgina Smith, Mrs. Morgan and daughter, Patty, aVe visitino their jparsntH. Charles Williams has returned home RttHt spending the past six weeks in the 1 West. Mrs. tl. Sloan and little daughter •visued Mrs. Gorley aud other friends. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Large js still cunhned to his home sutferiug from the results of his fall at Priceville a few weeks ago, but hope aeon to haarr of his recovery. Mr and Mrs R. Malddrum of Toronto visited with his sister, Mrs T. McKee. Miss Marjoria Park is visiting her friend. Miss Ackland, Chataworth. Miss F. Parliament, accompanied by Mr and Mis J. Bellamy aud Mrs >'orriH and daughter, AUie, of Flesherton, mot- ored to Collingwood and spent the week end with Mr B's son, Fred, »ad wi'fe. Mrs. Will MaKee of F lesherten vis- ited with her brother, R. Podlar. Miss Clinton acd Miss Griffin «f To- ronto are guests of Mrs. A. Tuohy. Dr. Brown, wife and son, i)i Sew York, are guests at the Munshaw House Miss Spencer is visitini; with Mr and Mrs. R. Purvis. Some of our young folks attended tl>e picture show at MarkdaUj Fridiiy nigh', others a party near MaKw<'ll. Miss May Park of Toronto Is •visiting her parents here. Garnii! McGee hai purchased k new Chevrolet Car EAST MOUNTAIN WESTERN CROP It is estlmatad that atout 30,000 men will bo rt'<iuired to work as farm labourers to assist in hurvesting'^the crops iu Alanitob.i, Saskatchewan and Alberts. The Canadian Pacific has arranesd and is advertising usual special fares of ^15 00 to Winnipeg and will run special trnins from Tui'ODta on August 9, 11, 1(5 and PRICEVILLE At the betiiniiing of thi.s week there were several delds of bay la this vi-jiniiy to be cu' aud harvested. D. Mclniies if Windermere Ave., Toroutii. was ui> here uu busiiie^is last week and remained a few duya calliog on old friends. A. W. aud Mrs. Watson uf College street, Toronto, and two sons, motored up to Shelburne, Priceville aud other pliices, while visiCinit fiientie last week and until Tuesday of this wee4c. iMr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Ferau«on of Beresford Avo., Toronto., have been spending a few holidays at the fomnar's parental boras here. Donald Mclntyre, who west from here to western Canada 28 yeara age, died in the hospital at Medicine Uat uu Friday, July 30, from pneumonia. He was about 33 years of age. The remaiiMs arrived here on Wednesday evening of Ust week anil the fuueial took place the' Ilex,, day fnom the residence «rf Mr. Cso'uian Mclntyre, a brother, wiio lives oBi the'old hoiiiestrad, Sou'h Line. fiev. H. Borry conducted the .service *t the residence and at the grave iu the new cemetery here. A. B. McLellau of Durham had an expert from Allan Park setting up a ue<w Massey Harris binder for Louis Frook •uu Friday of lusfc week. We noticed a tine Mason & Itiafii pian« placi-d in the residenca of Mr. and Mrs. JIarold Karstedt a fpw days a(-o. Mr. Wilson of Holland Cei.tia wastho tuesti-cf the Patterson faniilies ov;r on the 4lib con. over the week end anii attended service iu ttio Methodist church list Sunday mi^rning. Victoria Corners Mr. and Mrs. Le.ilie Brooks and chil- dren of Toronto are s^ieiiduig a couple of weeks with fi-ionds and relative,-. Mr. and Mrs. .Kirch :ind children of Toronto called on Saturday at Mr. Luck- han's, taking Otilla to Wasaga Beach for a >uple of weeis" camping. Wilfred Gallagher has purchased a car. I We are iufiTmed that one of our young men is about to add another nickel la his fortune. Particulars latar. Deld Over Lnst Week. Jacob Holley of Markdale visited with friends in this vicinity fur a few days. Gsatge Nace nf Toronto was a caller at C. Usriin'b one day recently. Fred Jaffrey and little dautthler Heltn, of Toroutii, visited a few dayi with the foriner'a bister, Mr.s. Robert MuMulleii. CuDgrstuiations to tiie Misbea Viola Lewis and Pearl Aden, who have passed the examinations at Normal. We wish them success in their ti-achiiig profession. Mrs. Martin attended the luneial of Ml. VVm, Divia, Toronto Line, who was a highly respucted neighbor. Sympathy 'iaej^tended to the bereaved ones. R. McMullen and family, accimp.inied by A. Fawcett aud family cf K'niOerlay, -visited Feversham frieuJs recently, Mrs. David Geuos aud daughter, Dorothy, spaut a few d.iy.s with ih.-- former's sister, Mrs. Kd. Hillock, at Maxwell. \ Miss Geraldine Smith of Toronto, teacher in oue of the schools there, spent a couple of days with Airs. C. Martin. John O'Brien, niiuager of the L'nion Bank at FisberviUe, visited the O'Btiou and Humberstone families for ^ few days. Wa muit congratulate Miss Amy Hall on passing her examinations ac the Co - lingwood business college. Miss UaJ' was the only one of the student:) eulering the school iu January who received her d.ploma. Our teacher. Miss Dell Wilson hira resinned here and wiil .aka charge ^tf Eppiug school after l)ie Itoltdays. Wn hear that Mins Florence Paiiiaiuent of Eu^'enia will wieid the ^rch lu tMjr school. Mifses Martha aud Le«>i WrighfC of Detroit visited the Misses SuCford. W. Uumberstone and -son, Carrol, have tho contract of sidio^ aiid pai-iKing the schoul here. Wo are sorry to say tha* the ihreo Entrance candidates fri>ni <'Ur .school failed ill their ex iiuinatioBs. Try ayam. This Week's lr«m8 Haying is nearly CiaMh^'d i^u our locality. Miss M. A. Thurston of Chic«(.K> is lilie guest of her friDnd, Miss L. Walton, for â-  a, few days. Mrs. T. Lever of Fli-«liertoB aud brother, Mr. Jas. Clarke, af uncle Simu^ domain visited at C. Martin's recently. Mr. Cl.trke has not been iii our ci«*iulry for seventeen years and wilaeases a yreat chaiiue. He has returned home agaia. Miss Viola Lewis has .secuved Wode- house school aud Miss V. Pailiauietit of r-Eugenia wields the rod iu our scbi>ol here. Wo wish them Iwth success. .Mrs C has. Martin aud baby and Mrs .^'at Caswell and babe .saent a day with •the Mis.se8 McKenzte at Duncan. Mr. Herb Genoe niotoreu to Redwing with his new Chevrolet and v.isited with ftietuls there. Mr. Win, Martin and xon <•( Victoria Coi'iiets visited relatives here l^leaaed to repirt Mr. Win. Sloan able to be ari>uud again after an attack of lumbago. Messrs. Rubt. auc Leslie McMullen attended the horse ,r>ici.s ii< Colliiigwucd lant week. Entrance to Normal The following pupils from Flesherton I Hitfh i>cliool have successfully pasted the £ntr>tDc« to Normal examination : R. S. Belfry (Hon.), W . K. Boyd, K. I. Cameron. E. B. Coiisley, («up), E. M. Ferris, N. K. Sp««cer, I. L. Sprott K. •/. Stewart (hon.), and F. L. White. Only one pupil failed. Whittenâ€" VViiese The homo ..f Mr. aiid Mrs. O. B. Wtie^v, 131 Mavely stret-t, Ti'rooto, was the scene of a preltv wedding Monday, AuKUst ~, wlicn their only daughter, Gladys Aii'euu, was united in niarriiige to Mr. Alfred K. Whitten, youngest smi <if Mr. aud Mr>. ^•â- hr. Whilten. Toronto. Tlie bride, who was fivoii away by her father, wore a navy biun travailing suit with hat tumatfli^ and cariied a bouquet of Sweetheart loses and sweet pesK. Miss Hi/. >l {''ullcirt II, wlm attondi^i iha bride, wore a n .vy tulK'ia fiock and carried Ophelia rosi'S. Mr. G. Gould of Mimico supported the groom. After the wedding breakfiMt the hippy couple left j for a motor trip IhuULjh Now York stati VANDELEUR Miss G'aasford of Caleduu is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Uagee and family. Mr. S. H. Buchanan of Owen Sound IS holidaying at his home here. Miss Dora boland spent a few days wi;h Mr. and Mrs. Will Burrell of Sligo. Mrs. Hare aud two childreu of Mark dale ale visiting with the foimer's mother Mrs. Johnston. .Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Ueid and two children of Oxford, Michigan, returned home alter speudiui; a couple of weeks with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard accompanied them home ind v?ill remaiu fcr some time. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Mitchell, abo .Mias Coitendeii, of Toron'o, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston recently Miss Tillie Buchanan i% visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. aud Mi-s. J. Gilbert of Toronto are spending a few days with frieuds liere. Mrs. Gordon McGee and babe, also Mrs. Brock, L't Toronto, iirc visiting with Mr. and Mi-«. Genoe and family. Mr. and M-ra. Mei. Davison of Paisley returned home after spenciiiJg a couple ot weeks with the latter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jitn Cochrane of Colborne and Miss Julia Davis accompanied them and spent a coKple of days with frienas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Burrell t,f Slit-o viMted with the lutter's mother, Mrs. R. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs T. Bioughton, Robert and Lillian, motored up from Corbettoa and visited with George Shannon. Mrs. Broughton nemained to wait ou her aunt, who is verydll. Miss .^liiia JohiLston of Markdale s| ent the week end with Mr. and Mrs .). K G-raham aud family. Rev. Mr. Uideout of Toronto vi-^ited witli Mr and Mrs Will Buchanan reciully and oucupied the pulpit in the church here on Sunday afternnon last. Miss Mo»re of Lindsay is spending a couple of we«ks with Joseph Bucli man iMid f.^mily. The young people of the Ej 'orth XiSague had a picnic to Eugenia uii Fri- t!»y of last week. A very eujojable 'time was spent by all prehont. Mrs Diivitt and family entertained the youiig people of ihe neighborhoinl at their home Monday evening of last week Will Logan of Toronto visited with Mr and MiTS ii'red Bolaud recently. The Farmers Club unloaded a car tf salt last weelc. Will Douglass ot Toronto wai the 'jjiiost «f Mr and .Miij £d Baker a short tune ago. The W I w.iU hold a garden party I'n lIiu school xrouiius August V2 Mr and Mrs Geo Warliiii; aud Elmer motored to Travoi'stan and Durham ai.d spent a coupla of dH.ys with frieuds. Naughty Boys At Kimberley Constable Cook haviuj; received not.cu from Kiiulierley that some boys worn oisiurbinti meetings in the church and Leai'.un nieeliiigs. Cook went to Kiui'i. r ley a:id Kot the names of several young buys who had been thu cause of ln« trouble. The boys, aftef buino iniei* TiewcU promised that there would te no more dislui batice. Till* law 8'iys that wli-iever wilfully disturbs, interrupts or diaquiets any liKsciiiblaee of'persoiis met for a religious Worship or for any ui<<iital, social or benevolent (.ur^ose by makiin; a ooi^o either within (ho pliice of Mich iiieBi;iig, or so near as to di-'lurb tho order or solemnity of the iiieoting may ba brought before the justice nf the peiico and fined U'lt more thin $C0. and in <iefault of payment one month in prison. Bo\s, take warninu. FINE JEWELERVBatesBurialCo. I BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Come in and see our fine large stock ' of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc. and when you have seen them ) ou will be sure to buy. Wakch re- pairing a specialty . A full line n Photographic snpplies Including developing powders. MOTOR Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. EQUIPMENT printing frames, dark lanterns, all j^ y^ ^ r Maddocks, sizes ol kodacKs aud iilms. r. i « President. Manager Farm For Sale Lots 11-', a:! and IU, S W T «nd S R, Artemesia, well known us tlie II. D. Irwia homeiitiiad : liK) acres, well fenced, ttrst elats buildings, 1 1^ miles from MarkdaU-'-.'Vppiy to H. D. Irwin, Marnda!*. In Memoriam In moiiiory of .\. K. Kinvcett, editir of the Burks Falls .-Vrro* aoa founder of the Flesherton .\dvanco, who died ((nite a iddenly at his home, Burks Fills, on August 2, 1'.)19. Mr. Faivoett was a man of hii;h i b a'p, strong convictions and a writer of mvch aoility. His integrity and kindlintss if spirit wer» uncinestiined hy thooe who knew him. His death whs a distiocl loss to tho J 'urnnlistio worid as well as to tha immediik'e members of the family. â€"Editor Advance. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths W. A. AR.MSTRONG ^°""' ^*°''' ^" ^"•" For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTON, 'Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. KOSS, ONT 0.--piey Tel. system Maxwell P. O. Flour, Peed and Seed FLOURâ€" Royal Household, Eclipse and Perfection. FEEDâ€" Oats, Wheat, Buckwheat, Barley, Chop, Grofast and Rennies Calf Meals, Salt by barrel, or 50 and 100 lb. bags. SEEDSâ€" Dwarf Es.-ex Rape, Flax, Corn, tsuckwheat, 1 ares, Siberian and Hungarian Millett. Groceries Cream tested while you wait. Call and get a can. We have a full line of Groceries and Con- fectionery. Also Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Axle Grease, Lice Powder & Disinfectant Special attention given to phone orders. Phone 46 J. R. PATTISON & SON lou.', e ed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Spring Announcement W. L. WRIGHT wishes to announce to the public that he has just received a (.prinj; consignment of Men's and Ladies- Boots Hurt Shoes, Rubber, to fit. any shape boot. Long Rubber Boots, Fleet Fo .t White W^ro in all styles for mo, ladies, misses, boys and youihs. Peahody'.. and Bull Di^ Overalls and Smocks, Work Shirts ne*- line of Meu'.s Shirls and Balbriagan fnderw.ar. Ties,' Collars, Belts, Silk Scarfs snJ Glove.«. A frWi stock of Groceries always on hand. M] kinds of Canned Goods. Li tho Millinery Deparimentyou will ii„d .Mrs. Wright with acomp'e-e^tock of Ladies Hats, Ribbons, Laces and Vflils Call and inspect our lines. Sati.ifaotion guaranteed. HiKhest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. I W. L. WRIGHT, ;j Corner Store, Flesherton Faun For Sale 150 avicp, lots 17. 18 and 19, 2nd eon. S. I). R , .Vrtemetia, over 100 acres ol -ared, [baUuce timbered. Two never f.iiliui; wells. Hew brick house, hnup bank barn with . stables uudeinuath, new driving .shed, riiis farm im nearly all aeadc'd down .nnd will be sold with a sniiill piynu'Dt down. Apply on the premise? to - Wm. PAToX I hiJne B R 3, Priceville IJIytf jFleslnei^ton ^^ TonsoriaV '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Bntire Satisfacti. LAUNDRY- Basket closes Mond.., ni^ht. delivery Fiicwy ov : CLIANTNG and DYEDJO- We ar • Mgonts for Parker's Dy« WoAs-CSoth- cl.-anod and d,y«d. feathern reiuvenatr t T FlSflBR •PROPRIETOR

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