Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1920, p. 5

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Aogiut 12 ]9a« THIS FLESHEHTON ADVANCE I EARN TO SAVE.- Every man, woman "^ and child can save. Every one should save. Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of the Standani Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. n THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH < GEO. MITCHeLL Manascr ANADIAJN li? C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave FUsherton Station as allows : Going South Going North 7.5Sa. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.37 p.m. 9.30p. m. The uaile are osed at Flesherton a follov* : Foe the north at 10.40 a.(n.and 7 p.m. ; aid the afternoon mail sonth at S»40 a'^oelc. For morning train sooth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mri. Jane Morrow of Winnipeg is Tisiting a host of fciends in this vicinity. We are agents for the Toronto dailies Leave your orders at The Advance ofice Mr. W. L. Pattisott spent the past week in the N'agara District. Miss Marguerite Runstadtler is visit- ing friends at Kitchonei. Mrs. T. Brady of Toronto visited her parents hare during the pist week. Mr. Joe LeGard of The .Advance staff spent the weeii end in Toronto. Miss Izet Asbenhurst of Toronto is the guest uf Miss Lulu Mitchell. Artemesia voters' list is now in the hands of the Clerk. Miss Maria Ganiey and the two Missts Clinton of Toronto called ou friends here Saturday.' Mr. A. T Hutchinson of Strongfield, Sask.. gave The Advaucu a call on Friday last. Mr. Hutchinson and family are visiting old soeaea and friends here. Church of Eugltnd serrice will be held iu the Town Hall, Fleshertnn, every Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. J. Blickwell, pastor. All welcome. Mrs. Harry Wilson of town, who has been ailinn; for a long time with some- thio; of a cancerous nature, has been io Toronto taking the new netum treatment. She writes that shs has had two treat- iBunts and expects that only una more will be naotssary. She ia now able to lie ou hei right side, something she has been unable to do for the last thrse years. Ic ii anDaoaDCi>d by the Imperial War Graves Commissiiu that relatives of Caaadian soldiers who wish to procai* the temporary woodeu crosses above the graves of oficers and mem buried abroad, â- tuit apply for sain* to the Secretary of tHe C"em«ission, Winchsster Uouie. St. Jamsa Stinare, S.W.. London. beK're Septeabrt 1. Full particulars o( where the crosses nhoald bs eent and the usu^l particular? of the daad soldier should te given. The \V. M. S. of the Methodist clwrch will celebrate their 28th birhday in the church en Thursday (today) at 3 o'clock, when a pood missiosary program will b« given. Not only the members but all ladies of the church and vicinity are in- vited to attend. After consulting with the Secretary of Special Objects, it is expected the money will be used to sup- port a cot in the Chentu hospilai, Chins, viith th9 privilege of naming it. S.i a liberal contribution is asked for " In. asniumuch as ye did it unto the least of these y* hav's done it unto me." Mr. Kdwavd VaiiDuseu, who has for many years been a member of the t^hi- c»go polife force.'now lapsraonuated, arrived here Frid\y last and will remain with his mother until aext •pring Mr VanBusen says he only w»nt.H to net aw.'iy where .it is quiet and from the (tebanchery and erloi* of the Windy City. Be say* lots of whiskey is sold iu ; that •' bone dry ' city at 75o an ounce aud the moneyed people are goinij ab-solutely orazy over pleasure. Road heuies tlout- ish and crime is on tb« increase. Miss Ethel Dudgeon of Toltssham is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Bentham. Mr. Kendall 5fitchsll uf Chicago is visiting his parents here. Miss Clara Duncm is visiting friends at St. Thomas. Miss Florenc* and Frank Baot of ToroDto are visiting the parental horn*. Kimbsrley Wcmtn's Institute iatead holding a garden paity Thursday, Aug, 19. Two baseball games are expocted. Rev. Cpbam and family are apendiag a fortnight oampiag en the 3h^>re of Lake Huron at Southampton. Born â€" In Artemesia, on Monday, -August 2nd, to Mr. ana Mrs. Ge«. Fisher, a daughterâ€" Elsie Marie. Misi Dall Thurston is with a camping party on the shores of Lake Huron this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTaviafa of Oshawa ^pant the week end with his parents here. All of last week was ideal weather for tinishing up the haying. The fall wheal harvest is now on. Mr. Henry Holman and his daughter. Miss Nellie.ot West Toronto, are visiting relatives here. Be sure and see "The Honor Syatsai," the Fox super produciioa to be shown at the Kegent theatre, Markdale, on Friday and Saturday of this week Mr. H. Down aud Mrs. F. G. Karstadt left Tuesnay to visit their brother, Alfred Down, who is seriously ill at his home iu Cleveland. W, Boyd saw a nice deer on Sun- day morning at the back of his lot within the village cerporation. Some- body's collie dog was trying to chase it. Ml. and Mrs, Buntz cf Detroit spent the past week wi'h the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips. Miss Vera Phillips returned with them. Be sure and see "The Honor System J' the Fox super produotion to be shown aC the Regsut Theatre, Markdale, Friday and^Stturday of this week. Mr. K. Purvis of Eugsni'^ has some wooderful drst year sweet clover. He brought ia the other day several stalks which measured i feet 6 inehea in length. Beef bides are now down to pre-war prices, bne boot and shoe manufacturers have not yet learned of the reduction. Someone ought to telegraph the good news to them. Mrs. J. W. Henderson, who has been visiting hero since early in July, has returned to her home in Toronto. Dr. T. Henderson and wife have als'^ returned to Toronto. Ilev. John Bailey, Field Secretary for the Dominien Alliance, will occupy the Baptist pulpit on Sunday next. He has just returned from Scotland, where he his been taking part in the present temperance movement campaign. Satisfaction ''is whir yon get iuHjbber- tin Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LoGard's Gents' Furnish ings, Flesherton. Dr. aud Mrs. Murriy returned on Thursday last from a motor trip to the Niagara district. Little Miss Helen Kaymer, a niece uf Mrs. Murray, re- turned with them. The little girl is an invalid from hip di.^ease and it is hoped the chanse will beuetib her. Vandeleur Women's Institute will hold a gardenjparty at the school grounds, Vandeleur, on Thursday, August 12th Tea served at 5.00 o'clock. Baseball match at 0.30. Markdale Citizen's Band n atten dauce. A good programme is beiug prepared. Admission DO and 15c Wary Ann Mctjuaker of Holland Cen- tre was drowned in the Ssugeeu river at that place. No one saw the fatality and it Ik supposes to have beeai accidental. The victin was an elderly woman aud hitfhly respected. She had been a resi- dent of Holland Centre for some years. The Flaaberton Bible Depository has just placed in stock the largest selection of Bibles aud Testamenls ever shown hcie, ranging in pru:e from a few cents o Sve dollars^ There are isome veiy hne gtft books and family Bibles iu^this lot. Ths Depository is kept at The Advance Office . Mr. James Turner, South Line.haDded in the champicm sweet clover " tree' ' on Monday We call it; a tree advisedly, because it measured niue feet nine inchrs from tip »•> root and 2.^ feet more of root. If this is not a tree, what is .' Wo do not envy Mr. Turner his Labor of clearing ths forest ou hiM ten acre tield, but we trust hi^ will get it properly done aud make a lot of money out of his venture. Garden Party There will he a garden party at Mr. John tiibson's, Ceylon, on Thursday afternoon and eveniny;, August ISth. Supper from 6,.'^0 lo 8. Ball game Ik) tween Flesherton and Ceylon at ti.SO. Program at S o'clock eonsisting of music, sposrhes, songs, readings and a good erchestra. Ice crtkm tent on ttrounds. Aiiuistioit to groundsâ€" adults 50c., children 15c. NOTICB â€" Trespassing ""trictly prohibit- ed on part lot Xi and lot 34, cuacessioa 12, Artemesia. Bert Magce. NUTICEâ€" Any cows found in the Presbyterian church shed, Flesherton, after this notice will be Impounded. By order of the Chuica Board, Child Strangled .A. little son of James Breadner, eleven months old, of the 11th liiie^ Euphrasia, met ita death in a mott peculiar and heartreadiag manner on July 38th. The parents had gone out for a few mint utes, leaving the infant on ths bed. I- U supposed that it worked its way to the foot of the bed where it slipped through between the iron frame, where it£ head was caueh', with the feet not touching the flour. When the parents cams in it was har.irine by the head but life was not extinct. The babe Wds extricated and a doctor sent for, but it died of convulsions shortly afterward, blood vessels ic the neck having been ruptured in the struggle. Fox Raids Wholesale Jam -'8 Thompson, who moved last winter trona Carrick to a farm on the 9th eon. of Brant, had a tine flock of 24 ducks which wandered ud' to a nearby pond ai: au eurly hour one Uiorning and on their failure to return at the usual time a search was made for them, wi'h the result that a fox wa-t discovered to have TBiJed the flick and to have killed noles.sTh«n 22 if the birJs. Twelve carcasses were lying near the sceie of slaughter, while 10 of the ducks had been carried off or devoured by reynard. The remaining two were located in a badly disabled state. A» the ducks were full ijrown and »bout ready for the larder, their wholesale destruction rep« resenta ijuite a loss to the farmer, who little recked that ha was rai.oing them to fattt-n a common red haired four footed mongrel thief â€" Br'jce Herald and Times. BOAR for SERVICE PussHrod Tani worth Boar for serWoe on lot 167. 3 W T and S E., Artemesia,. Terms â€" Jjl.St). Feb 15 -T. J. STtNSON, Prup FALL TERVI OPENS AUGCST 30th Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto The salaries ctfered our graduates during the la>>t two years have been gie.iter than ever before. It is no trouble for our graduates to get positions beciiuae they are properly trained. Write for Catalogue, \V. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIP4I, Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values -Ageii's for Hobherlin madeto measure clothing. We have just received the Hobbar- lin Fall and Winter Catalogue vrith e.xcellent lines iti Men's Suitings aud Overcoats. Call at onoe aud get the tirst choice. Cleanins atid Pressing doite on shortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario (t THE ELDRIDGE" Depf ndable Sevrini; Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESH lilvroN, nNl". Men's Panama Hats Reduced 25 Per Cent. All our Men's GenaiQe Toyo Panamas, all this seasoo's goods, stylish shapes, iacluding sereral styles of sailors. Also young men's shapes in Fedoras, some plain, s«me fancy bands, all sizes from 6| to 7^, all less 2.5 p«M- cent. Every Requisite For Preserving Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. Jem Jarsâ€" half gallons, quarts and pints. Perfect Seal Jarsâ€" quarts and pints. Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles, big range ef sizes,* Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, CuHenders, Long Spoons, Trait Presses, Mea.sures. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ^ ^j^^u: ' jJ ^^^ g^^Sg^^ g> ' ^l' ^^.^ S fi8^ ^ ONTARIO ^ifS^:<-y. THE ! Flesherton Advance An indepeodeut nowsp«p«r pahlishsi every Thursday at the oHiee, CoUiagwood Street, Flesherton. Sabacripiion price , $1.M per aanuiu when paid in advance ; whcD not so; paid. $2.t)0 to ' States. Adverkisieg rates •• ; appcatioa. Circulation, over 11(H weekly. W. H. THURSTON', H»rrom ' Small Ads. FOR SALE For Sale â€" Good t> octave organ. Mrs. U. Pedlar, Flesherton. Coit For Sale â€" Heavy bay 3 yr old, can be rejiistered, ri.{ht ey^ry «*y â€" P- Muir, Ceylon, Ont. Car of shingles jutt arrived â€" J. C. ) Wright, Proton Station. For Sale â€" Nice driver and rubber tired buggy with top, also haruets. , Apply at this othce. Jalyltf For S>deâ€" Chests ef carpenters' tool also a complete picture fraiuiuK outht. Phone or write â€" Wm. Sloan, Kimberley. 50 ft hay track and car for sale, in good order and cheap. Also one >;ood , working mare. Apply to H. C. Kadley, { Fleshsttou. W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" M ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and player:pianos. phono. GRAPHS and RECORDS, aad SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instruaieHts /////. mm AT IK ^T Hivrken'a Photo Gallery andl jMaaic Sbor FLESHERTON Fer Sale â€" Kew Adams' « mbinatii'n bay aud stock rack. A barijaia. G. B. W'elton, FlsKhertuQ. For Saleâ€" 2 good young calres. Mrs. Jos. Oroft, M.MweIl P. O. MISCRLLANEOUS ^ liishest prue fer butter and esgo at Graham Bk». Etiseais. June 36 i Tcy Fe<rershaji Fastry flour, the Wt Of your couk. All OuCvriu wheat PriT«£e funds to loen on real estace ssmiifey at raitseiwble rate of interest, .tpply to R, J. Spreule, Kieiherton sept 2317 Cargoe's Grocery SPECIALâ€" While they last we will give 3 bars of Polar White Soap for "iiJo. If you \sant good, clean, fresh Grooertes or Coofeotioiierf gi^e us a call. We carry nothiag hat Vbe l»e»t. We have also a full lioe of all the luadiog ToWteces. All kinds of Fruits in season . Come in and visit our ice cream parlor. We handk Ntilstn's ice cream. Try a tin of Elkhorn Cheese for year next picnic. We have 8 different flavors. Highest prices paid for aU kinels •fPrvduae. Phone in yoo; order. We will deliver it to aay p«r( sf kke village. W. E. CARGOE. PboBeSOi. FLESHERTON, ONT. Ohuppio( every Saturday only â€" Gr* J liani Bros., Eu^nib. > Strayed â€" Came to my premises, tot 4, con. 10, Osprey, one yearling heifer. Owner please ciiinmunicate with John Coole, Eugenia P. O. »*â€"•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢*â- â-  a***^ â- â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€"<â€"*••• â- Â«Â«Â» w »Wii»ewi< i BOOTS & SHOES Strayedâ€" From lot 16, con. 14, Osprey, on Frid.-iy. July 30, a dark brown driving '. mare. Anyone kuow'ng whereabouts please phono or write Andrew Fawcett, Kemrshaiu . Lost â€" Between Flesherton and Eock I »•• Mills, two drv aooda parcels on Tuesday ^IS of last week, about the nooo hour. 'Iti Finder please leave at this othce or with ^j^J Walter Akitt, Pleshettou, Oat. |b«| Lostâ€" Ou Jnly 2S, between Mrs. '-â€" Thistlelhwaite's aud K. Benthsm's, a iStS camieo bar pin with ene whole pearl at :2S (.ach sod. Finder kindly leave at Mrs. Wilcock's. In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. Lostâ€" Between Maxwell and Rock Mills on Au:;. S, a paranit ha* with -.^ black silk hand. Finler please com- ^J! niuoieate with The Advaooe Otfice or F. ::Xl Spoferd, Eugenia. I 35r THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO

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