Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1920, p. 5

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September 9 )930 THE FLESHKKTON ABVANCE \ Wheat Certificates Partioloa ifiitial rate of authorize 8 special f acili- •dting Wheat per bushel as 6Wheat<Board. TME STANDAJib BANK of $5^NADA «« FLESHERTON BRANCH ' GEO. MITCHELU - Manager C, p. R. Time Table. Irains leave Fleshercon Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7.52 a. m. 12.05 D.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.30p. m. The tuailfl are osed at Fleshei'-ton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; aud the afternoon mail south at cj.40 o'ciocK. For morning tram south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. We8 Armstrons returned to Detroit last week. Jim Wilson and Bov Patton spent the week end at kheir parental home here. Mrs. Jon. LeGard of Toronto is visit- ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Goldsmith spent the wKek end in Brampton. Flesherliiii fall fair and horse riees Sept. 24;h. Durham Presbyterians have called itev. W. 11. Smith, B. A, of Thorold. Rev. F. D. Goffand family of Thorn- bury visited friends here last week. Harry Bennett and company have been secured for the fair concert on Sept. 24th. Mr. Herb Sullivan uf the Standard Bank, Harriaton, spent Sunday with his mother here. Frost a conple of nights last week did considerible damage to tender stuff in some gardens. We have a i]uantity of Red Astrakan and Duchess apples in tirtt class shape â- for sale. K Pau', Eugenia. Mrs. A. Benlh^m returned to her home in Toronto after spending several weeks with reUtiv»a in this viciniby. Mr. K. J. Sprouie had a nasty fall ou Monday on ihe cetneut sidewalk aud is isontiued to his bed. Mrs. H. WiUon returned from Toron- to on Monday where she has been re- 'Ceiving treatBient. Lostâ€" Between Flesherton and Kim- berley, a finall brown suit case contain- ing baby clobhesâ€" Mrs. Fred Stuard, Flesherton. Miss Maybee has returned borne after spending two months with friends in Toronto and on the Gaspe peninsula, •Quebec. Mrs. Oscar England, who has beea visiting h^r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Breen, left for her borne in Orillia last C^idajr. Osprey prize list wts placed in the fa^nds of the tecretary, J. A. Kernahan. Maxwell last week. The society ha» made vjry extensive additions to the prizes this year, more particularly in Hve stock and ladies' work, and we trust the venture will prove a big success Gel a copy of the prize list from the secretary. The date of the fair is Tues- day and Wednesday, Sept. 2» and 2». The propertf knt»wn as the park has at last been secured from the Flesher estate and will hereafter be known as Memorial Park. It consists of probably four acres, but of irregular shape, and inolades the wooded hill aud several lots facing on Sydenham street, wiih au entry also from Darham street, and can be made a most beautiful spot. It also has water privileges and a never failing spring of oparkling cold watrr within Its borders. It only remains now to pay over the balance of the purchase money, most of which is ou hand, and so ahead fixing it up. Reeve McTavish visited the oxfcutor, Mr. Ainslie, at St. Catha- rines lait week and completed the pur- Miss Etls LeGtard ii visiting frieadsin Toronto. The Women's Institute has arranged for a monster fowl supper on Oct. 22. Dunda'k band will aupply the music at Flesherton Fail Fair, Sep*. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Best and |snn spent the past ireek with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Scott and daughter of Elora visited with Mrs, Cargo over the holiday Reeve McTavish visited friends in Rochester, Hamilton, Toronto and Osn- awa during the past week. Satisfaction is what yon get iuUobber. lin Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LcGard's Gents' Furnish- ings, Flesherton. The W. M. S. of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W. Trimble today (Thursday). Vis itors will be welcomed. Mrs. Joseph Blackburn returned from a four weeks' holiday in Toronto. Mr. Blackburn remarns there for a couple of weeks longer. Mrs Barker returned to her home in Hamilton on Tuesday after impending foar weeks with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Belfry, here and at camp on lake Simcoe. Mias Florence Caswell has returned to her duties in Detroit, and Misses Elsie and Ruby to their respective schools at Thornloe and Earltoa. The friends of Mr. Thomas ware much pleased to see him able to be out to church last Sabbath aftar an illness of ten weeks, during most of which his life was despaired ef. Mr Geo. Hutchinson of Kimberley met with a setious accident Monday last when a load of grain upset with him. Mr. Hutchinson fell across one of the wheels, breaking four ribs. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. White have been in town for the past week and a half shipping their furniture to Stratford, where Mr. White has secured a position on the staff of the Stratford Collegiate. Two little girls, Violet Louise House ind Ruth Rumtey, were drowned at Meafood by getting beyond their depth while bathing. They were aged 12 and li) years. Dr. Burt, specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Munshaw House, Flesherton, for con- sultation Wednesday, Sept. .S. Eyes tested and glasses supplied . Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Gaudin announce the marriage of their daughter, Frances Irene, to Mr. Clarence G. Honnor, sou of the Rsv. G. T. Honnor, on Tuesday, August the thirty-tirst, nineteen hundred and twenty, at Transcoua, Man. At home Cross Like. Man. A cash sale of farm stock, implements and household articles will be held un lots 6 and 7, 2nd range, li miles north of Priceville, ou Monday, Sept. lo, the property of the Ute Donald Kennedy. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. D. McPhail auctioneer. The Annual Camp Meeting of the Gospel Workers (D. V,) will be held at Clarksburg from Friday, September 17th, to Sunday, September 26th, 1920. Four services will be held each day at 9.00 and 10.30 a. m. and 2.30 aud 7.30 p. m. A good staff of preachers and ovangehsts will be present and assist; in the services. All are invited to attend and enjoy the meetings. For further particulars apply to Rev. F. D. Goff, Drawer 5. Clarks- burg. The Markdale Standard wishes t to know what Grey county paper Th» Advance man was connected with forty years ago. Can it be possible that Bro. K-utledge's memory is failing .' Surely he remembers the old Owen Sound Tribune under th* firm name of Thurs- ton, Pea;ce Jk Co, The partner was Arthur Pearce, a brother of Bailiff Charley Pearce of Owen Seund. It was our tint venture in journalism as a young man, and not of pleaaanc memory, either. The paper ceased publication in 1881. About 75 citizens of the town and surrouodiog country t<-ok pessession of Mr. H. S, Wjhite's residence un Monday evening. Mr. Geo. Mitchell was placed in the chair, after which short speeches from many of those preseut were given, eulogistic of the departing couple, who have endeared themselves here. An addre«8 was read by Master Willie Stew- art, who *Iho presented a cheqte for something over a hundred dollars tc the departing couple. Mr. White thanked his Friends very watmlv for their kind- ness and invited the whole bunch to visit; them at Stratford. Music and singing filled the balance of a pleasant haur. The Late Prof. Stafford Prof. John Stafford, whose demise 1*88 briefly noted last week, was the eldest sun of the late (Jharles Stafford of Artemesia, and was born in Kngland six weeks before hln paienis came out to Canada. At the time of his death he was 65 years of age, and wai on a visit to hia sister, Mrs. Whewell, at Ladner, B. C. The summons came very suddenly, he being found dead outside the house, where heart failure had overtaken him. The deceased gentleman was a great student. After completing his cooirooa school education he attenaed Woodstock Biptist College and Toronto university, where he took his B. A., then went to Chicago University, where he won his B. D This was followed by a course at Leipsig, Gerncany. Later he taught in a California university, then took up the ministry and preached for several years. In later years he lived in Vancouver but was not engaged in educational work. Ha never married. | There are three sisters and three brothers living Tho sisters are Mrs, ' J. P. Ottewell of Flesherton, Mrs. Wm, Wriuht of Maxwell, and Mrs. L. Whe- ' well of Ladner, B C. The brothets are Dr. Jiiseph Ststiord of McGill university, , James and Charles of Artemesia. i The remeins were laid to rrst in the i beautiful ocean view cemetery at Van- couver. , Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values ! BOYS' SCHOOL CLOTHING Holi(iay.s are over and with the reopening of school comes the need of suitable .school clothing. Our range of Boy.s' Stiits is very completa and includes some very choice patterns, made up in gaod nobby etyles. Boys' Suits with Bloomers, .sizes 27 c«35, from $7.50 to $22.50. Boys' Suits with Long frou.sers, sizes 38 to 38, froM ,$15 to $38.50. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS Good substantial Footwear, suitable for school, bub made up on up-to-date lasts and well finished, black or brown leathers, medium and hght styles' all sizeu from I to ah, prices from $2.79 to $6.50. LADIES' FALL COATS Our first shipment of Fall Coats will arrive this week and we shall be pleased to have ycu come in and see them. You will find a very nice seleotion, all rea.sonably priced, ranging from $29.50 to $5.^•,00. niLLINERY DEPAPTHENT Miss Collver has taken charge of the show room again this season, aud is busv preparing for the fall season. Any advance orders will have her careful and prompt attention. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Agen's for Hobberlin made-to-measure Suits and Uvercoats. Panama and Straw Qats, Summer Underwear. Bathinsj Suits and Boys' Jerseys reduced 2tJ (;er cent. The homo of Mr. Robert Griffin, Durham Eoad, Glenelg, formerly owned j by the late Christopher Firth, was coin- ! pletely destroyed by lire about 7 p m. on j Sunday evening. Mrs. Grithn, alone in j the house, in puttin;| her youngeft child j to bed let fall the lump which she was carrying, which broke and the flames leaped up and spread so rapidly that sho j was unable to extiiiguioh them. The four older children and two lady relatives visiting them were back in the bush at rear of the house at the time, lu coald not arrive soon euough for aid. Mr. Robert McFaddeu aud otheru were quickly on hand, but the house, a laige two storey dry frame, waa already doomod and a piano and almost alt conteni.s were consumed, A few chairs wore saved, but Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest \ notices. H. J. LEGARD I tittle else. We understand there is a small insurance. Mr. Grittin, who was in Hamilton, was phoned for, aud mot- ,' ored up, arriving about 4 a.m. Tliu j family spent tho farst ni((ht with Mrs. Flesherton, ^ntari^ Grithn's brother, Mr Edwards, Bunessan, â€" I aud now occupy tho residence of Mr. ENTER ANY DAY ! Robert McFaddeu, formerly vacant, opposite their owti place. Mr. Grifhn contemplated erectini; a shingle and saw mill un his [.laco soon, but the misfor- tune wiil niicessitate a new lioiue and furniture as well â€" Review. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" ENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade rnstruments . .^mm AT w^w Hivkijii's Photo Gallery and IMusic Stor FLE5HERT0N J Owen Sound, j Individtnl Inat/uctu Specialists. Adi Machines, Calculators, D.cajjhones, etc. Only School with a practical department. Giaduates a.tsisted to positions. Catal- ogue Free. C. A. FLBMING, F.JC. A., Principal G. D. FLEMING. Seoc^taiy. Menkioo this pr»por when wiitins;) For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 and 2t^, Concession S, Artemesia. Tenns â€" 81-50 for trades if paid inside of 'i m9ubh«â€" if not $2. Pure bredi $3.00. loct --ROBBRT OSBORNE. Farm For Sale 100 acres, 70 under 'cultivation ; bush has some good timber. Good stuck ar grain farm, well watered, large brick house, frame barns. Possession March Isl, 1921. Apply to ISA.AC SINCLAIR, Flesherton ©r Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Lemonville, 230eil<0 Oat. Farm For Sale Lot 15ri and 150, cod. 2, W.T. AS.R.. Artemesia, containios about 110 aorea, over 90 acres cleared, i^oud buildinsis, small orchard, well watered. App^y to ROD. STEWART, J24 Proton R. R. .}. â- â- ns^ They Don't Affect Us The proposed message rates for busi- De«.i telephones apply to Toronto, Montreal, Hamilton, Ottawa and Que- bec only. The active discussion in the papers of these cities have created the inipresiiion that such a change is intended to apply to business telephones here. This is not the case. The chsruos pro- posed for this locality are all on the flat rate basis as heretof'ire. " Good purses nre beiDi( ofiared for the horse races at Flesherton fair, Sept. 24. Cargoe's Grocery SPECIAL â€" Whilo they last we will giv* 3 bars of Polar White Soap for ^.Oc. If you Hant good, clean, freeh GfoimimS or Caatfetftieaary give us a cali. We carry notbiae; but Mte bciBt. We have also a full line of all tlie leading TtHMaoes. All ktntis of Friaitrij iu svarsou . Catue in and visit our ice cream parlor. We bandl« Nailaon's ice cream . Try \ tin of ElkUocn Cbe«ae for your next ptenic. We have 8 diSereut flavars. Highest ymaaa pai«l for all trincLi of Pnnduoe. Phoae itj your oris*. Wo will debver it to any {»rt of Lh« village. W. E. CARGOE. PheuSej. FLESHERTON, ONT. I BOOT5 & SHOES 3 In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men*s Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. •••• ..•I •••• •â€"• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ I •••• ••• Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO * • v^* •>• v*^ ••••* •.•«•«.• •â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢( w^^k.^^r^

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