Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1920, p. 8

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September 9 \%2$^ T'HE FLBSHERr©N ADVaNGE ne Kghway of the Great Divide In Caouiida, opening up an Alpine r»- ^on of entrancing beauty. It will b* poeRtble to motor from Caigasj to Windcrmero between minrise and siia- »et Uirough a hundred wiles of th« rooat glorious scenery in fiortli Ajn«r- tca. A good automobile road runs Boutli to Port Steele and Cranbrook, attd from Cranbrook thore are exoel> lent poa<ta to Spokane, or ftastwards through tho Crow's Ne&t Pass, and back to C-algary. Th« Good Roads AMiocialiou of Alborta 1b enthuslastie over th» prospect as this will mean ttie advent of many tourists from aU over America. The new road will also be of Kro^it l>cneHt to Uie Upper Col- umbia Valley which lias many attrac- tkjos for sottKTK on a/xvount of th« forti.'ity of tho soil and siritabllity for injsed farming. This valley is served by the Kootonay Contral Railway, a rocontly con"^ructcd branch of tbe Canadian Pacific. BotTTowi lianff, tli« poptrt«r rummer Tceort In the Canadian Pacific Rcck- loB and Lake WtDdennere, the head •wnlers of the groat Columbia •Rivw. • lies aa Alpine ridge of epcctacular Iwjauty, fomins; part of the Great Divide. This ridue 'te penetratod by two cam,parsUlTe1y -easy peeBBS, the Sfanpson, and th« Ver- jinSWion wWCh lead into the VaWey of iOJe Kooteoay a»v«r. a r^on »»bound- 4bb in rame on tuxoawt ot its boimg l<vell soutl) of the msin line of th« Canarttam Pacific RatJway. Betw«iea 1^ Kooteoay MTer and th« OoiJomWa BHiouglj wfefch th* 9toc1«<.r PasB and t^nyon provide an eab-y road. When toerirst survors wv.n^ inudo for an I^WmoWle ro»d between Banff and â- Smferiaore it was pAsnced to oee the Binnjeoo Paai. aasned after Sir Qcorge â- hnpraon, Gowemuw of the Htidsoo'e tay Companiy, w1k> made Oilij cnoesiiiK iB 1S41. But the ro«te ov«r the Ver- wae tnaad to be easier and at ^â- M* tteeaaome be&uctfol, and cma- ^^wdmi of the Htettwa^ at tbe Great [^Mie Mi wir a tn te tfate ^rtcOoD. At Bw «M>e tlins tbe rood f^«cn Wknter- Beve ffri i i ^ l i (be GJteoMtr Oaorm was itoo on i wnanP BH oBd at tb« tbne of lheon*S»n««k oif ymr a grap of onlv thirty miles aatporatod tbe two roude. W«r pat aa end to comtracitiDD, and a great wutioat deBtroyed severBl BirUeB of tie iroBtem end, eo tSiAt th« jiroject aasknad to h««no been, abandoned. )No^, huMUNtf , tfie DoniioUyn Onrvwm- KaeEBtfaeB tnute am azasizgeDHsit wKih jtte BMtJBh Cbia3B9bia Go^«-mtnent by (Mtiich tfre route of tJie road cean^ vm- ^rloB, ttad a tmhii>Mitlii(l &pvr(v<iakion beon aHottad to flntth tJie work. In. this way thene to every ppoBpect of â-  early ayofAtHatm of what win be ' •ff opdeft ui ai{tQ(Q2j](td3e rwvd '(ly S'mdair Pass, Higlway of th« Great Divide. ( 2 ) Sincla|r..C^B«Mi;, Hkljw-ay. of the . Cir<;at Divide^. MAIL CONTRACT SKALKI) TK.NDKlts i,.l,iru-...l till ROAD CLOSING Nd'ici' in I'.Hre*^ n V'.'ii lliat tin- ''ouii- cil iif ihii 'I'liwiibiliiii •'( ArioiiiL'siii will, after (hk; iiioiilh fridii ttie tirht pulilic'H- IJDIl llt'llMif III 'I'lu' KlcKlllTtiill A(lv.tllC», , till! (I.ttu iif wliic'li tir,it (jublicitiioii is tho Pimti.iaiitfr (iriii-riil will Iw wmivel at 12th (Uv iif Auyilsl, 1U'20, |llâ- (^c••tHl OtUwa until nnipii on Friilsy, tin; liit cif p,,.ss ii l>ylnw Id cIcihh up mul disiinH.iiij of OctolK-r, llriU, (.,r the c..nvey»ii.-.t .,f IIi,:,|,„ ,„.,i,., ,iu-iil i.-ii.-.l ."li;in..l h1I.«ii,c«. Mnje.'ty'it iliiilK, oil • |jrii|»ii>i'il (.'mitirHct fm four yeurii, nix tinu'H iwr wufk <hi the niiiti- .MA.WVKLI. K. R. No. 1 from the PimtniHiitar < Jeiier«IV Pleimiru iif xt. Printed notitiH contaiiiini; fiirtlier iiiforinn- tion art tn coiiditiutid of |ir<')»iit>t<l «r>Titrai;t iiiitv fur rimd, I)«iiii4 '" ''"' lowiiship nf Arte- iiiesiH, viz. , That Jiii't > f (iniiiiiHl hIidw- ; H ncH for rotirl lyiii^i heiKi-fii iwls l.~»() .-iti'l i 1.">1, iti iliu lliircl raiiL'" .S \V [' ,V S U, i C'>riiiji('ii(.viit< Ht H point 111 ihf S W liniii ! for i.Mcl ln-i\VH>ii ilu( '.iiid mid .'Irrt 1 be it^n ami tjUuk forin" uf Tmiilcr iiiuy Iw i r»ii!"(>s S W of ihuTHiid H Kond, thriiie <>Uaia«<l at tbe l'o»t Ufliwn of .M»xw«ll jS W hpmjii rliniim mid liity lii.ks, more: !iir UiKu, to 111.- JN K limit of deviation' I road over nai 1 lot 60 and at tbe office of th* Pint Ufticu Inniwjtvr, Toronto. J A. ST^TIIKHr.ANl). PoHl titiicM IiiM^nctnr Pout Ofice Iniipertor'i! Oflic..', Toronto, August IVIh, lOilU. All ptTsoiis iiitMrenird are kereby re- ipiirid to 'iil»e notice and a"v>*in ihein- Im-Ivh. aicoruioKly. â€" VV. .J. liELL.A.VtY I Dated Aut;ii»t 12, 1«20. I For Service Olio piirH tired Short iioi-ii IJiill nil lot BOAR for SERVICE l'«rebr«d TamworoJi Bnr for service 30, con. !», Artoiii..nia. Tenivv «1..W for lot IW.S W T and .S K , Artememii,. ! , ». . i • .. o. v ., ./, ' i(fr«di'N. Mint he pmc wit Inn U" monthH OD Term-â€" »l.f>0 V«b 16 -T. J. STINSON. Inp Froni date of norvioe. n». I« â€" U. o.Tl RNKI", I "THE ELDRIDGE" Dopenduble .Sewing jM;it;hiiu« jir, iModerfite Prices. SOLD 1!V W. A. ARMSTRONG KLKSHKinON, (tNT. Flcsherton Garage Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Mr .Ford Owner WE HAVE INSTALLED THE SUN RE-CHARGER FOR FORD MAGNETOS A Car With a weak magneto costs more to run. Wo will rc-clmryc your Iwnd iMa},'n(>to wkilo you wait. All work guanintcecl. Call find let us explain. We test ytmv car free Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors Feed your land with Harab-Davies Fertilizer and you will !iave a bigger and better crop of Fall Wheat ' ri^-A •^•v^r^^-).??- THIS is no arm-chair theory. It's a fact! Harab-Davies Fertilizer con- tain.s available plant food in the form of Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash. Fall Wheat sown with Harab-Davies Fertilizer can be sov.-n late in order to avoid the He.ssian Fly. It gives the gro'.vinfr plant a good root .system. It proiiiotes quick and .strong top growth. It practically eliminates winter-killing. It hastens a harvest with long straw, and big, plump, meaty kernels that grade high on the market. The Fall Wheat photo alongside was taken May 27, 1920. In the Spring of 1919 the well-grown portion of this field was sown in oats, fertilized with Harab-Davies Fertilizer. After the oats were har\'ested the whole field was disked and cultivated and sown to Fall Wheat without additional fer- tilizer. The difference between the fer- tilized and unfertilized portion is amaz- ing â€" and it incidentally proves that Harab-Davies Fertilizer will show re- sults the second season. Price List For Immediate Delivery Where little or no manure is to be had, use 200 to 300 pounds per acre of: â€" Available Phoaphoric Where manure is plentiful, use 290 to 300 pounds of:- Ammonia. 3 2 2 2 Acid. 12 10 10 8 Potash. 2 2 Per 125 lb. bae- $4.3.=5 4.15 3.70 4.00 Per Ton. $G8.80 6.5.75 58.50 62.90 Ammonia. Available Phosphoric Acid. Potuh. 12 10 16 14 Per 125 lb. bar. $3.35 3.60 2.95 2.85 Per Ton. S52.65 57.00 46.45 44.65 Freight prepaid to Goods shipped your station on orders of 500 lbs. or more, in 125 lb. bags (16 bags to the ton). Terms â€" Cash With Order. r FILL IN AND MAIL US THIS ORDER FORM WITH CHEQUE OR BANK DRAFT FOR AMOUNT r>0 IT NOW AND MAKE SURE OF A BIG, PROFITABLE FALL WHEAT CROP ORDER FORM ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITED, Dept.27 West Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: â€" Please ship imniediately the following: Name P. O Shipping Station Railroad I enclose $ , to cover the above. Victoria Corners j Mr. am' Mrs Th'iiii'is RaiiiioH are , viiiitinp; in ^Tort iito and atteiidini; the luhiliitioii. Mr.s. liert Hiidjerow »nd baliy Ilelpn ' visited at her parental home, Mr A. Stiii^oii'.i. MarKuerilo Sliiiauii ipturnsd homo with her for a few day.s. Born â€" .Aujust .'50, to Mr and Mrs. U. Mooro, a son. The ladies of the W M S and members ; nf iliK OrKHuiz^d Class mot at the l<all at , IniKtiooo on Tuesday mid nud'od two <|iiill!>. The VV M U Ikdiea ({iiiltrd the ipiilt pieced and doniled to them Vy Mrs .Inims l'attor.siiti, Sr. The girls ipiiltid the not) piecod by lliemfelves. TliB bale is to tie packed at I he Sept. m'etiiiK. Any donations for the Rmne most thankfully reeeived. Boar tor Service Tht) uiidersigiied has a tboroui;h.>pod Yorkshire Bnarfor service on lot 11, con. 8, Ospioy. Tor ins SI. 50. PRKD SPOKFARD BUSINESSCARDS Societies PUINOB AKTHUlt LODOK, No. :ti3,A.K.i» , ' A M.inBntilin tbe Maaonw ball. Arm I] ti tonic's KluuK KlRHbertou. eVHry Kriday o« || iir b«(oT« U>e lull uioon. T. Oluytaii, W. 1^ M.. A. H. BoUamv. Se<.r«t.arv ESTABLISHED 1872 n If 8 5; isESEl nrE-uii^rirJi' ,HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Many people only recUon tlie money tliey liave to spend by what tliey have iu their pockets. \Vbat they liave iu the bank is iroie or less secared by the fact tliat th«y put it there with the intcniioD of saving it. A man likes to keep tbe proirises Le makes to bimscll. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNUALK:BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR»NCH PROTONâ€" C. J. Forster, Sub-Maoajer Dentistry llr^ B. C MURRAY L. O. R , dent«l â- nrceon f lienor KTaHiiatv of Torouia tuiferaitr and '\ayal t'oJit'pii nf T>nnfat KnrBi<on» of <>ntarkj. iaa aduilalnletared for teeth extraction •iWf' at rMHliloiiini 'I'ororifo Strrr't.. KloHfivrtor. Mkdical Dr \\". J. Hpnrv. M: 11., i:ra<1iiat«<of Factilt) of Medloir.o, Toronto V'nivpiaitv. OfHco â€"Dr. i.lttle'a latu ruFirluuoo. I'Meeiioiton. I f C'nfiWKLI. ' Vvtortnary HnrijaoD >rai1iiat« of Ontario Veterinary t'olleRe e^lilenuti â€" aauontl dncir aoulli weBt.uu Vary atreet. Tbla atreet rana otitb xoaWiwrlaii Ohiiroh. Legal I UCA«. * laiiNHY-Harrlatitr,*. JiollcUora, 'â- ' 0'4i-.-l. II. I.iicaii, K. 0.: W. 11. Hiinry, II. A. (lltlciia, Mai'kilale l.iioAe Hlnok, Choue ilA, oanrli oflirin at OuiKtalk and I'li'-ha r. U HIUIIT, A TKliKOIID.IIifriilatar, Hoi ^ tora. 4o. Oincfii. (iirv »: llTiion Hlo I lot. Hlook, Ownii Monnrt. Ktaiolanl Hank nl ."Kleahpt- t>n,(HaturdB>»l. W. H. Wrijlit, W. 1'. l'elfor.1 hasiNE.ss Cards M \\TSU KAIT-NNO ** tllu ioenaeri Anetirnei-r ^i counpli*H of I4rav n«'t ^llllooo arm and Stock aalea a a|>eoialtv, T^o itih tioiit>r:ite. oatlNfaotlou i^uararit* c^. Arianflt*- iienfts for (latei ntav tiiiiiiMlnat the Advnnnv <ll\co, or (.'nntral tolerliottr affioe I* nvnrRlianj i( r bv ail'IroRBiuii raa at I'eviiraliaiu. Ont. OMol'IIAIl, I.i'-i'naoil Aiio'ioiioa Un the i • {"cMiiitv of (iii'V. Terma inoilerain and >ati* Hriioii tUHiniiti'H, 'l)i« arrniii'.iiginnta ; iimI itati'oif aali'i. tniii IwinaileKt'l liK Aiivanoa ''flue. Ui'fUeiicoanil I'.ii.. (''oyloii, T^'epliono .ooDuctloii. iMr. 0, TO Q_ _ _ J.. Touch a match to tho bnnunand it is Opc"Uy leatly for use instantly, just as speedy .13 a ^as stove. Qtoarlw ^'^'^ ''"' ""'"*' ^^"''^Tw you want it. Yon OLcdUy'eau always see it through the mica door nnci it stays where you sat it. Plaon '^<>^'s not Iilacken potsand pans. The vltJdil'lon}^ blue chunnev turns every drop of oil into cookinjr heat. None of it escapes in smoke or soot or disagret>able odor. IJ_x I'or every cookin<r purpose there is always rlUl";in abundance of steady, clean, intense cook- iiii,' heat directly against the utensil. nuon '^'''*^^ door, will not steam or break. l/Vcll"P|ii-ee point look device saves heat. Scien- tilie heatcircidatidii, all steam ami moisture carried aAvay. \o sogjjy food. Call and let us show them U) you. Mado in 2, .3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON :-;3SS23t.

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