Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1920, p. 8

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I 8eptembeiM6 192« THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE \ WW" Flesherton Fall Fair THURSDAY & FRIDAY Sept. 23 & 24, 1920 Special Features on Second Day o! the Fair Speeding Events Sept. 24tK FREE FOR ALL, Purse $125.00 1st $60.00, 2nd $40.00, 3rd $25.00 2.30 TROT or PACE, Purse $125.00 1st $60.00, 2nd $40.00, 3rd $25.00 C< >Nl»IT|i <N,>-. Knlraiuc fee f> liCr tent, of imrnr, with fi per cent, additional fioHi winufitt. Fiiur to i-ntt-r hnil thriu to kI.iiI. Best throi' iii live, mile heats. Ui;,'lit rescrvpd \i< chnng* order of pro^tiani, li> drcl.ire otl" any class ncit hllinR .satisfiictnry lu th«> C'onnnittwc and to rctill without adverlisinj; and to (Ifiltii- nil ..II arrnuBt uf had waatlior or cillivr iinavoidalilo tuusus. C.N. Ilules to j50\-eni. GRAND CONCERT HARRY BENNETT AND COMPANY OF TORONTO have been engaged for the Concert > to be given in the HIGH SCHOOL on FRIDAY ^ EVENING. Don't miss this Concert as it will ^ be the best of the season. ADMISSION- Adults Ollc. Children :i5c Ucscnea Seats TSc Rfoervcd Sent Tickets un finle St Itichnrdson'H l>rii]L; Storu Do.ns i.,,n at 7 "0. Concert at 8 Ou o'clock. Dundalk Band has been engaged to supply the music on Friday, September 24th. » $1100.00 offered in prizes. Write the Secre- tarv for a Prize List. ADMISSION TO GROUNDSâ€" Adults :i.5c. Children 20c. VcJiideK and .\utof> t.")C. L. A. FISHER, W. A. HAWKEN, President. Sec'y.-Treas. ESTABLISHED 1872 r-, Iff iHEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Tlie owiitT of u hunk aecoi'.nl enjoys llio roBpect odiis acqcaiiit- iitiecs. Oppominity comos to tlio liiun wlsn iii [jrcpiircd to Ukn udvaiita^'C of it. If you two thoiixlit to jirtvo a jjiind balanoi! ill tlif hank, op lorliujiiios will hti iiiouglit 10 yon whn^h woul I otherwise puss you i).v. BANK OF HAMILTON l)UNI)AI.K^nWANCIl-A. M. Cartiicw.'MniUi^cr SL»-liUvNCH PROTON C. .1. lor.ster, Suh-Ma«aitr BUSINESSCARDS Societies I DHINOB ARTHUR I.OOaB, No. â- HKI.A.V.lc \^ AM, lueHtH in tlie IklKBOuic hkll. Arui B'>IK}U({'H lUucK FlHHUertoD. t)vnry Vriiiny on or tiotore tta« lull niuuo. T. Claytuu, \V. ' M., A. R. BdlUmy, Ke.;.retHry. iJliNTISTUY (tr. B. C MURKAV L. O. K , dental Kurffeoii " bi.uorRruduato ol ToronQQ Uoiveritity f%U(t Hoyal «.!ollu«u ol Doiital Kurt^conH ol Ontario, GaBsduiieiiiiatered tor teetb oXbractlou tUcu at ruBideuoa Torouto Ulreut. l°l»»liurtoti. Medical Dv \V, .1. Henry, Mt li., ^raiuatonf Fiicnlt) , of Mtiiliciiiu, Toruuto I'nivuisity. UlHct) â€"Dr. tiittle'H latu rubid«ucu. Flesbuitou. t V OTTKWKLL ' Veteriiinry Harf^oOD Jrndimte ot Ontniic Veterinary ('ollett 'eHldonco â€" Bocond door Houch wfiBt.on Wtry Rtreot. TI1I0 Btreut roos uuUi ^roHbyterian Ohnrob. Legal I UCAH, & hENRYâ€" liarriPtera. rtolicitorp, *' eic â€" I. It. LucHB, K. 0.; \V, D. Honry, H. A. OillceH, Mtii'kiialu l.uciiR BIock« Fhoue 3A, 'iaiiclj ol]ic68 at Duudftik aod Durba • . fI7 KiaUT. & TlCIiKOUD.Itarrietor, Solid. " torn, &c, Offic«fl. Grey t Itruco Hlouk, Owen tioiind. Btaiidtird Hank ';• .'KleftuT- ton.{8ttturd»y8). W.H. Wright, V/, l^.Toirorj Jr. , Business Cards fy-JI. EAITTINO, iceuBod AuctJ' ueer ioi â- ' tlio comitK'B of (irey (jntl Kiraco«. â-  ttrxu Mid Stock floriefl a spociakv. TeriiiP no'lorAlu. eatiHfuctioa guarHuUed. Arratit;(<- u<»ntB lor dates u.av be made at t)iA Advniu'*- ifli'-i\ cr CentiflJ tulfti'lxvDn oDicc* tevL-rbhaii) •r Itvarldruaalut: uie at KeverBbmu. ODt. OMoPHAIC', LfcouHod Auot • Ca-inty of Groy. Terms otfnuee for th« a cjOfirrKro n-i)d ^atiH iiction (,'»mrsntft'd. 1 he arntiiKi'ttiuiitu â- iiid dat(>H of ealt-scttn \m niadu ut Thr Advajiw itUet*. Ilr-bidonco biid I'.()., Ctfylun. Tnltipliuiif* TODQliCtioil. IX'C. )"•, 70 ^ MAIL CONTRACT SKALIOD TKNDKKS addivKHnl to th Postiiia»Utr (iuntrul will in- rro'ivel at Ottawa until noun oh Friday, the 1st of (K!ti>bur, 1021), fnr thi; conveyanise of Ilin I M»je.'<ty'« MuiU, on a prnposod Coiitmct f»r ' fuiir Jiars, ni,\ taiijeji \k\- week on the rout*' ' MA.WVEfJ. It. U. V». 1 from the I'ostnnistor Oenerari' I'ltaiuro ne.\t. ' Piiati'<l iiotifps oiiutainint,' fuithcr informa- tion tis to contJition» of jtropoHud citntract tnay , liu dfcn ami blank forms of Tender may be o'otainc'd at thn I'ofC OlHcs of M.-»\woll and at the olliuj of tlio J'lwt Olficc lusuisitor, , 'i'oronto. ' A. .SUTIIKULANI). Post Olboir Inu^H cti>r Pout Oiii'e In^|;l;ctor'^^ OHice, T )roiito. AuKnMt IStli, WrUd. , ROAD CLOSING Notio" in hiireby oivun that 'hi- (Jouii- cil of thi! TiwuHbiji of Ar-uiuenia will. afl.3r oiii- month from tho (imt puUlicn- lion hoiiMf III Tim ['"li'i-h.frton Advance, till- (latu of wlii'.-li lirsi. piildicatioo is ilm 1'J'lid.ivof Ani,'»8t, 1H2II, procaod to pins a liylaw to dim.- U|) an I dLspiLSUi^ of ihu ur.di'riinintloiu'd oiiL;iiii»l ,ill..w such fjr ro.id, hi'oiij ill the Township of Arto mcsiH, viK . Tim' p.«vt of ori.!in>il allow unco lor ro'ul lyluy Iuvivi'imi luts l.'iOaiid l.")l, ill ihi) third raiii/i' S VV I' .t S II, eoniMii'i'c'ili;; at n |H>li)t In lju< S W iKiiik for roAd lic-twH.jii the 2nd ami .'iru nun.'os S W of till! T a:i.l S Ko;id, thuiioe iS W HL'ven chains and tjfty links, lutiru or liws, to ihi> iN K limit of duvintlon roFid over^saiil lot fiO All piTBoiis intortsU'd' aro LiTidiy m- ipiind til lake notice and i>ov.'rii ihoiii- s.ilVHS arci)rdin({ly. â€" W. ,1. BELL.'\MY Dated Au(;^!lt 12, l!t20. Farm For Sale I LolH l,ii), lUO, and U.nne, W T and .S I U, ArtaiMBsia, 100 acreH, i{ood ouibiill.l iiiHH, fiMini! hini-if. woll waiereil, orclnril, I fiirlv K lod l.nsh and wt.'d funei-il. Smi:«I1 ; ptyniont down. MARK STKWaKT, 1 An'.;'i.">if U \\ :i, Pr.itoii iStaiimi I' I' Ficsnerton ^ara Aijents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars •^ .^ /I Mr. Ford Owner ^ v^:^ WE HAVE INSTALLED THE SUN RE-CHARGER FOR FORD MAGNETOS A Car With a weak magneto costs more to run. \\i\ will ro cliarj^'c your Ford Maf;;iuito while ymi wair. All work ^'uaraiiti-t^d. Call a»d Ipt ii.s t;.\ plain. Wo test your car free Our large garage is now fully eqi*pped with the latest modern atppliiances and we solicit your patronage. H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors Your House Need Never Grow Ol CERT.MNl.Y It con h« kept as £ood aa new throut,bout the life- time of Us ownerâ€" by proper paint treatment. To preaer« Its surface you have two aftematlres -that of palntmn It f- qutnily with ordinary paint, and that of palntinB H "•/"^•"'"'.v with Hc^. ,„„ »» 70*4 ?iir»Wille l«3 English JB!jeW.r^ JL tOOr. Put* P«lnt Admittiiiil â€" as indeed you mustâ€" the Imperative need of p:ilnt for the prottction of your home. Your neit rtioufthi »uould be, ••Ilovv can 1 paint it lo be SURE it's wtll protected.-" If you use B-ll there's a Juarantee on evury can of It -to make you sure. That guarantee â€" our word of honorâ€" assure! you of the 109% combination In which the chief initredient is lJn:ndr.»m's <,cniiine B.B. White Lead. Famous for nciirly two centuries and recoiini^ed r all -na»ter painters as the standard white lead of the world. For Sale by VV. HICK LING Flesherton, jOnt KOMOHTOH '/*lr4Ni»C& VANCOUVER FARM WATER SUPPLY Attend to This as a Safejuard to Health. PoUute<l Water Catuscs .Much TyplioW â€" Got Your Drinking Water Test- ed â€" S<'ptlc Tank for Sewage DLsiKisuI. f (Contributed by Ontario Departnient ol Aifriculture, Toronto.) WATER pollution Is respons- ible for many outbreaks of tj-phoid fi'TiM-. This is iliK! to the fact that the typhoid bacillus is frequently present in sewage or surfae* «e«ptiso with which tUe water supply is so, easily containiiiiited if prop«r cars is not takun to pirrent luvii cuntaaiination. Typhoid barilli |;«i info .'<ewuge fruui two source*, viz.. typhoid pa- tt«ats or coiiTaleso«ut.i and typhoid curri<»r8. . Thn exrr*ta, both solid and liquid, fi-otii utich indJTklimte is Itubl* to (XHitain iutlli»us of the typhoid biwiilli, cf>nMe(|ii«Rtly anythinfT that geta •oiilniiiituktad th^i-cwith. particu- larly fofxl materials or water, is li- iible to spr«<Ml the (ttaoMSu. In (xM)n<ea<roD with tho water sup- I<ly of towns a.rvd citi«a'il«pii are us- ually taken by the authorities to t^m llwt s«<>f>a4,'e coiiiaraiMvtiou does not oeMir ox-Ut H«« that the water in puri- fled alHMiltl rontaiuiii»ti«n tjiKr place, H.s it iH'ttatfkMtally does, even wlien grofct uM-o is laken to p\-ev«i>t it. Fre- quent ImctotToJogkial anal'fserf ar« inado ot siioti w^Hir sii.ppl'W'S and these roiidily show ihe i-rewanot) of â- â€¢â™¦ago b<ii*m-ia, shoiiVd coDtaininu- tioii' occur. Tli« water may look bright and clear and Kltll hare many «««wa'gp littBtoria, iiwludInK tha ty- plioid l>»ctlli, prewem'in it. If theA« are foun*! the water la puritlwl, ni- iially by chlorination.x In (XJtiiMictlon with th« private water •upply on tin* farm and in •nialJ rural ronirnuivitiee where dt^ p«ml<>iw«t in largely plH«ed on wells aind'spriiiKB sh Boiire«« o€' water used for hou»elu>ld purposes, it is essen- tial that adequate measures t>€ taken to prevent <H>ntan>iAation of these sonrcBH of mipply. AKaiii aixl again (>utbr««aks of ty- phoUl ferer^harfi orcnrred on fJrniB wIkmo Iho well or sprinR from which liie hoti.Moludd water is. obtained has Ixx-onf*' contaminatBd. In sucli^ases the lionbld doe^not usiially remain oonHniHl to the liiriii. a8 the contam- inated water, when used foV wasli'lng dairy utensils, milk piiils and cans, and' for cooling the milk is liable to contaiyinale the milk. Then wh«n the typhoid bacilli get into the milk from Iho contaminated paHs,' cans, inilkeis' hands, etc., they niultlply rapidly and the consumers of such milk are flable to develop typhoid. Many outbreaks of typhoid' fever in towns and lilies liuye been traced to the contaminn.lert vvelNwa'ter on the farm fio'm which milk hax been'sent for ii.so in Buch towns aad cities. Hence-(h« necessity for'tti'e strictest care being,, taken' to prevept contam- ination of tlie .sources of.water supply on the farm. Should contamination occtii, It means danger •hot 'enly« for Iho l'aniiei*and his houselmld »nif for the 'entire coinmtinity that useslJlhe products, especially, the milk, from the -farm. Kvery.care'Should ,be(tivke« to pre- vent Burfiiee'draihasc.or seepage get- ting' Into. the well or spring, ^kecause such- drainage or Beepage, may con- tain the typhoid bacilli that have been given off by lyjriioid convales- centa or carriers. â€" I'rof.'D. H. Jones, 0. A. College, Ouelph^ Look Out For Him Ueport lia.s it lit a a uian giving his iiHint> a.s Douglas Haii; is goiny ihiougb the neighl'oriiii; counties purj>ortinK to be seeltiiii! heirs to cer am piopettics left liy lueu who felt in thu Gi'ual War. It IB reportitd alsu'that the man professes til have found c«itaiii heirs ; also th^t the " fortBi.atu ones " w«to not putting any too aiiich faith iu thwir pioims-ed ;;iH)d luck- PruJunt peop'c will have their suspicUiiu of such H-jeiits and will not sien any papvis for them iiur place any ducuuit-iits uf valus iu ihuir keeping. .At thu liauiw tune they will iiiakv no cash advances. IJewari: I Kioctirdiue Rc- vitfn-. E. G. Member Married A <)Uiet tveddiny took pl>ce on Wed- nesday, September S. a"- the iiomo of Mrs Grace Devereau.x, Oollinsiwood, whun her dsughter, Bessie, was married to Lieut. -Col. the Hon. DuUiJall Oar- imchael, D. S. O., M. C,, son of .Mrs. Mary Carmichaell The ceremony was conducted by the Ivev. Hubert Fotvlie, ill the presdrct! <.f the ituniediate rel- ativeu. Mr. and Mrs. Curniichael are spending a fortnight at Alj^nnquin i'nrk. .\ little kIx year t>ld sun uf Angus B<11 of htijliiurus I'-'l ott the toiijuu of a water taid< uiidvr tho \rhuiil» asd was so badly injuied iha'. hu divd without ro.;:iiuiti.; cii.:.-.c;ousu«»h. Secure a prizi list of FUslierron fal fair and niaks j'our entriis eatly. \V. A. Ha ,vken, »eci't t iry. Avery Oil Tractor Sales ' We hxvit for luimtodiats delivery stvertl 8'lti .\ver3r KeroKenv Tratturx ihak must b-.^ .'^oid below CL>st. D •n't tuisM tiiese biiga>ra, Wtite and ^et 1 ur prices and Cit.iiueue. r. SMITH & 80KS, Diirhan. In Memoriam In proud and lovitif; memory of Grin Earl Parliament, elde!,t son of Mr, and Mrs. .lacob Parliament, who was killed iu iction September l.")th, I'JIO •• Faithful lato Uealh." â€" Father, mother ana sisters. Farm For Sale Lot 15."i and l.Mi, con. 2, W.T. tltSR., ArteiMuHia, cuntaiuios abbut IIU acreSy over !10 acr** olfaied, >;i>*-'«l buildiiii;s, siuitll eruhaid, wk'U watMMd. Appiy Co UOD. STKWAUT, J24 Proton R. R. 3. BOAR for SERVICE Ptir«ii>red Taiiiworfh BiMr fur service OB Iwt 1*<7, S \V T and S K., ArlwtBi«ia,. Tsruw -§1.50. Feb 15 -T. J. STIN80N, Prop, QnoQil*/-'^*^"^^* "^ march to the burner and it is Opc"Uy"n>ady for list' instantly, just as speedy as a gas stt>ve. Qx-^J.. S;'t tlic Hanie mIktc yon want it. You OlcdUy'caii uUvtiys sih^ it, ihrougli the luica door and it stays where yon S3t it. Ploon ^^'""â- '^ "f*'^''''^' '''<'" ptftsHHtl pans. The V/ICdll"loni!; bhu' cJimnify turns every ilrop of oil into cookinfj heat. None of it escapes in sineke jjU or .soor. or disagreeable odor. |J_i. For (!very eooking purpose there Ia always nUl'an abunofanee of steady, clean, intense c»ok- iiig heat directly against the utensH. riiion ^"''*^^ door, will not steam or break. UyCll'Three point lock device saves heat. Scien- tific heal cirewlation,' all steam and iTioistnrcoixrried away. No soggy tooil. Call and let, us slmw them to yon. Mado in 2, 3 and 4 burners. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE. FLESHERTON . ? ^ XXXXXM^iSXXII ^IXX )€ MXX .^^XX i nbUiMauiMMk«Mi**wh - .JLâ€" lltftll.

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