r :*(^;'**«l|P â- â- ii w 'i n" w ia'i L ^p i i I i|)»l it^« i>a«itl<i»^t[taj|pgipp,|lMi»w«tfwiw>wW>w|^^ 'â- »'â- iii»>» M i' » 4 ij . PWiilliffllMBMmiiPmp T mm / Ootober 7 1920 THE FLESH EUTOX ADVANCE )i 1 1 A Bank Account For Your Wife More and more, are the wives of today running their homes on a business basis â€" systematically and efficiently. Many wives have a monthly allowance for household expenses. This, they deposit in a Savinf?s Account in The Merchants Bankâ€" settle bills by cheque â€" and thus have an accurate record of bills paid. Such a business-like method also g-ives a woman the feeling of happy independence in having a bank account of her own. TH€ MCRCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, CEYLON & FLESHERTON BRANCHES C A NORSWORTHY, .... Manager. Big Shooting Match A big Shooting Mutch uill Im lieiil nt Slliiiliiw)>l'i><ik K.ii Ml I'l^iht" aflelliiinii iif Monday, I )ct.il.>r 18th. 1!)20, (Tl>.. ki- )>iriiiK Day) H" I' l»ruHt uu>i i.m|j stiuutiiig fur iiljout H)l) i{e«*i>, dtickH, cliicKeua and lig (>ii« hiiJ one nprin'^ IhiiiIi. li.illi iitl < ikiid Hhul t;uii iiin<{>-N. IIkio iH a chxnutf for a lii^ nftciii'xin's f|j(>n. Cuiiie and juin thu utuwd. II C. ll.ADLKV&SO.V, Klf>lii'ii..ii, (),a. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New i'lilmhif 8li:ir[)l('s Sepurators JOHN HEARD, MPL^IMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Flesherton Tri Shopâ€" ^^^ r have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, NickeKvare and Agateware for domestic Call on me and get your supplies. use Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. g ^^*!Si?X*XtZS£?XTZSS<^XT.»,TX^ SSS^?So:^ I I 1 m B B $ I I w i Repairing of all kimls promptly attended to work, for Clare Pipcfitting, including piinif Furnaces installed. Agent Furnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRJSTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON i^. ONTARIO. PRIZES â€" OFâ€" FLESHERTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HORSES DRAUGHTâ€" Brood mare, 1 and 2, J. Henry; Spring foal, 1 and 2, J. Henry. AGRICULTURAL â€"Team, Wm. liaker, W. J. .Meads; 2 year old, K. Richardson; Brood mare, W. Meades; 1 year old, W. Meads; Spring foal, W. Meades. GENERAL PURPOSEâ€" Team, P. J. Sullivan, T. J. Stinson; 2 year old, .A.lb. Stafford; 1 year old, P. J. Sul- Jivan; Yeld mare, 1 and 2, J. Henry. CARRIAGEâ€" 2 year old, R. Rich- ardson; Single driver, T. J. Stinson. ROADSTERâ€" 2 year old, T. J. Stinson ; Sin^lu driver, Dave Ring, Wm. Baker, R. Svvanton. Lady driver. Miss Stewart, W. Baiter. Simpson's special, Dave Ring. Merchant's Bank special, Wm. Balcer. Walkorlon special, J .Henry. Standard Bank special, Wni. Baker, J. Henry. CATTLE SHORTHORN â€" All prizes to J. L Graham. Jersey Cow, J. P. OttewelL Holstein Cow, A Thistlethwaite. Heifer Calf, A. Thistlethwaite. GRADE â€" 2 year old steer, BEEF 1 and 2, Wm. Stewart; 1 year old steer, 1 and 2, \V. J. Meades; 2 year old heifer, W. Stewart; 1 year" old heifer, W. Moades, V. Brown; Heifer calf, W. Meades, T. .J. Sled; Steer calf, W. Stewart, W. Meades; Cow, K. Brown, W Stewart. GRADE DAIRYâ€" Cow, A. Thistle- thwaite, W. Meades; 1 year old heifer, A. Thistlethwaite, W. Stew- art; Calf, Chas. Stewart, W. Stew- art. G. M. Leeson, M. P. P., special, W. J. Meades, F. Brown. Canadian Bankers' special, .1. T. Sled, L. A. Fisher. SHEEP LEICESTERâ€" All prizes to J. H Nicholls. OXFORD DOWNâ€" All Wni. Patton. Ewe Lamb, W. J. .Meades. William Patton. SWINE BERKSHIREâ€" All prizes to Chas. Stew^lrt. YORKSHIREâ€" Sow, affed, 1 and 2, W. Stewart; Sow, 1920. T .J. Stin- son; Sow, 1 year old; T. J. Stinson, .Stewart. prizes to W ^^m'xi^^^^ . iSS^mt.'mfi.-'^^-^^^-^r^mr^^^-^^Sal^'I^X Children'.s, Ladies' and Cents' Sweaters jind Sv\ cater Coats ill all .'shades. .Swiiaters with or vvilluuit collar.s ran^^iug al (lifVcrciit prices. Men's New Tweed and <!\' Fell to 't Hats foi' Fall. Sizes FALL OVERCOATS ("ail and see our fnM range of i.adi(;s' and (Jcnts' ()ver(!oats in (loloui's of gray, l)nj\vii ;iiid tvv(>(!d. Kvery garnicnt i.s uuidt^ in the very latest; designs â€" waist, line cofits for inen, griiv id.'-tcis chamois line , imitation luiflalo and I, mil) coats, etc. W(! have Jiisi received a dill assortnittnt of fingering yani.s lor .'•wcatcis ;iiid .^carf.s iiial seasonal)le shadas. criti till! new H hH bB OR 9) dH W si S si 9b 9 HH S GH oH fW F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario DOWN WITH THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 1 find that with cliniatiiig the iniddlcincn's |)rcfit I am alihi to giv(> tju; potiplt! of Flesherton and vicinity clieaper bread, 'riiercfori' on and .if'tcr Scptcmlicr J st all Itread will ht; sold at the iJalicry for 25c. per loaf. Any customer desiring bread delivercil L'fic. per loaf. MY MOTTO IS CASH AND CAKIJV FRED FINDER, Flesherton TAM WORTHâ€" Boar, a>red, 1 and 2, T. .1. Stinson; Sow, 1920, 1 and 2, 1^1 ''• â- 'â- Stinson; Bacon piL', 1 and '' w' \}\\ I Stowart. M ! POULTRY Barred Rock, male, J. Heard W Stewart; Female, 1 and 2, .T. Barber & Son; Cockerel, J. Barber, W Stcw.-irtr White Rock, male, 1 and 2' 1. J. Sled; Fi'mali", T. .1. Sled, J.' Barber; Silver W.vandotte, male, 1 and 2, ,1. Barbt-r; Female, 1 and " J. Barber; Cockerel, Barber; Golden Wyandotte, male, .1. Barber; Female 1 "ml 2. .1. Barber: Cockerel, Barber;' lullet. Barber; White Wyandotte '";i e, 1 and 2, J. Barber; Female, I and 2. Barber; Cockerel, 1 and 2, Ifarber; IMlk-t, 1 and 2, Harber; \xn . Wyandotte, female. Barber; White LcKhorn, male, 1 and 2 Bar- ber; Female, ] and 2, Barber; Cock- ere . 1 ami 2, Barber; Black Minorca, male. Barber; Female, I and 2, Bar- "â- r; C.ckerel, 1 and 2, Barber; Pul- <;l. 1 and 2, Barber; Ancona, male, ro«ley; Female, 1 and 2, Crosslcv; ockerel, 1 and 2, Crosslev; Pullet 1 and 2, Crossley; PartridJre VVvan- ;l"tte male, 1 and 2, Barber; Female, 1 an. 2, Barber; Rhode Island, S. C emac W. II. Thurston; Cockerei'. an.l 2 Barber; Pullet. 1 and 2. Bar- l.er; Rhode Isl.-.nd, R. C. cockerel. I hurston; Pullet. 1 and 2, Thur.ston .Sdver ork,n>r, male, Barber; Female ,'•'"'' - •"•«•••: Ci-ckerel. 1 and 2, Hnff*'''=n'-"'':^' ^ "'"' -• »â- "â- '''â- '•: iulf OrpitiKton. male, Barber- â- emae, Barber; Geese, a. „. v., male,' 1 and 2, iMsher; Female. 1 and ' Fisher; Duck. IVkin, male. 1 ;.nd ^' Ravber; Female. Fisher, Barber J liKlian liiuiner, male. Cro.sslev Fe- "'iile, I and 2. Cro.sslev; Duck " ' male, Ilarber. W. Stewart ». Stewart, Parber. GRAIN AND SEEDS .Spring: Wheat, red. W. McLoukIuv r .1 Stinson; Barley. 'P. .L Stin.son; White Oats. L. A. Fisher, W Mc LoiiKhry; IV,ts. .small, Stin.son; Peas iirtre Md.ouKhry; Collection beans' ifrcssley, McLouchry; Timothy need, Stinson, McLoujfhrv Msike •lover. W Stewart. McLou^hrv; â- la.x Seed, Stinson, McLouehry- Buckwheat. Stinson. I VEGETABLES Cabbaure, red. Mcl.oiiphry Mat Kutch, Fisher. McLou^hry ; " Hcninjr- s edf, I awken. Fisher; Cauliflower. McLouKhry; Carrots, short red. A Gilchrist. Fisher; Carrots, lonir' awken; Par.snipa, Ilawken; Celerv McLoUKhry, Fisher; Tomatoes, red! Gilchrist, Fisher; Beets, lonp. Mc- I.myihry, Fisher; Boetji, turnip, root- fd. Hawken. Cilchri.st; Onions, from seed. Fi.sher; Potato Onions. Mc- I.ounhry, W. Stewuit; Radish, black, •isher; Rndish. u.o.v.. Fisher; Garden herbs. Crosalpy. Adams; Pumpkins, .vellow, Ilawken, (;ilchrist; Pumpkins a.o.v., Fisher; Hubbard Squash lisher, Crossley; Squash, a.o.v.. Ot- t'well; Citrons. W. Stttwart. A. Gil- chrmt; Cucumbers, pickling; W a.o.v., Female, Stewart, Fisher; Cucumbers, ripe, W. Ji. Thurston, W. Stewart; Corn, a. o. v., J. I. Graham; Corn, sweet, Fisher, Ottewell; Rennies' special, Fisher, McLoughry, Hawken PLANTS Collection cut flowers; W. P. Crossley, W. McLoughry; Table bou- quet, Mrs. Wilson, A. Thistlethwaite; Hj'.nd bouquet, J. P. Ottewell, Mrs. A. Wilson; Double Geranium, Mrs. Wilson, Ottewell; Single Geranium, Mr-,. Wilson, Thistlethwaite; Fuch- sia, double, Thistlethwaite; Fuchsia, single, Ottewell; Amarilla, .Mrs. Wil- son; Rex Bejjonia, Adams; Begonia, a. o. v., Fisher, Adams; Collection foliapre, Adams, Crossley; House fern, Ottewell, Mrs. Wilson; Hanging bas- ket, Ottewell, Adams; Hydrangea, Ottewell, Adams; Single plant, a.o k., Ottewell, .^dams; Collection of Begonias, Adams, Mrs. Wilson; In- stitute special, Ottewell, Thurston; Collection of Asters, Hawken, Cross- ley. EDUCATION Free hand drawing, L. A. Fisher, W. McLoughry; Northern Business College special, Laura Boyd. FIELD ROOTS Potatoes, Irish Cobbler, L. A. Fisher; American Wonder, A. Thistle- thwaite; Potatoes, a.o.v., Hawken; Swedish turnips, McLoughry, Fisher; .Aberdeen turnips, McLoughry; Car- rots, white, McLoughry; Mangolds, long, Fisher; Ensilage Corn, J. I. Graham, T. J. Sled; Mangolds, a.o.v., McLoughry, Fisher. FRUIT Cayuga Red Streak, Graham; Duchess, Ottewell, Graham; Blen- heim, Graham; St. Lawrence, Gra- ham; A. 0. v., Graham, W. Stewart; Collection fall apples, Stewart. Gra- ham ;Winter apples, .Vorthern Spies, Graham, Stewart; Ontario, Graham; Baldwin, Graham; Spitzenberg, Graham; Golden Russets, Graham; Roxb. Russets, Graham; Snow apples, Graham, Stewart; Kinrs, Graham; Greenings, Graham; A. 0. V., Gra- ham, Thurston; Collection, Graham; Ben Davis, Graham; Pippins, Gra- ham; Collection Crab apples, Gra- ham. PE.\RS â€" Bartletts, Graham; Flem- ish Beauty, Graham. PLUMSâ€" A. O. v., J. Heard, W. H. Thurston; Collection, Crossley. Brown Bros.' special, Graham. DAIRY Honey, in comb, L. A. Fisher; Honey, extracted, Fisher; & lb but- ter. Heard, Moore, Gilchrist; 25 lb butter, L. A. Fisher; 15 lb butter, Fisher; 1 dozen eggs, .McLoughry, Ottewell; Fruit cake. Heard, Fisher; Jellv cake, Hawken, .McLoughry; Buns, McLoughry, Gilchrist; Tarts, Bread, Gilchrist, Heard, Ottewell; Sled, Hawken; Pumpkin pie. Sled, Heard; Lemon pie, Moore, Fisher; Custard pie. Heard, Fisher; Apple pie, Hawken, Gilchrist; Raspberry wine, Fisher, Heard; Grape wine, Fisher, Stewart; Canned Fruit, Stewart; Pickles, Stewart, Fisher; iMaple syrup, McLoughry, Fisher; Collection cookies, Hawken; Home made soap, Stewart, Fisher; Working- man's dinner, Hawken; Eaton's spe- cial, 10 lb butter, L. A. Fisher. FANCY WORK Quilt, knitted, Crossley, .-Vdams, Quilt, cloth, .\dams; Quilt, cotton, .Mrs. Wilson, Fisher; Pillow slips, em- broidered, Wilson, Fisher; Pillow shams, Crossley; Dresser and stard cover, Crossley; Pair towels, em- broidered, Wilson, Gilchrist; Pair of towels, a.o.v., McLoughry; F'aiuy work bag, Wilson, Crossley; Quilt, crochet, Crossley, .-Vdams; Sox, fine, .McLoughry, Thistlethwaite; So.x, coarse, Heard, Fisher; Men's mitts, Stewart, .\dams; Women's mitts, Fisher, .\danis; Bedroom slippers, .Adams, Ottewell; Knitting in wool, -Adams, Hawken; Crochet in wool, Hawken; Darning, Fisher, McLough- ry; Button holes, McLoughry; Work apr.oii, Wilson, Stewart; Fancy apron, Crossley, McLoughry; Child's dress, Adams; Crochet matts, Wilson, .â- \dams; Tray cloth. Heard. Wilson; Tea cosy, Crossley, Wilson; Quilt, crazy work, Wilson, Stewart; Tea cloth, Crossley, Adams; Centre piece, embroidered in color. Fisher; Em- broidered in white, Fisher, Wilson; ("entre piece, a. o. k.. Wilson, .-Vdams; Sideboard scarf, tirossley, Gilchrist; 'fable runner, (iilchrist, Hawken; Niu'ht gown, Gilchrist, Wilson; Corset cover. Crossley, McLoughry; Crochet, yoke. Hawken, Wilson; Fancy hand- kerchief, McLoughry. Wilson; Pin Cushion, Wilson, McLoughry; Quilt, tufted. .Adams. Crossley; Sofa cushion, embroidered , Gilchrist, Fisher; Sofa cushion, a.o.v.. Otte- well. Hawken; Collection of sofa cushions, Crossley. .-Vdams; Pair of curtains. Hawken. Gilchrist; Hard- anger. .Moore; Punch, Moore; Cut work, Crossley, Hawken; Battenburg, Ilawken; .Netting, McLoughry; Tai- ling. McLoughry. Hawken; .\fter ilolh, Gilchrist, IhAvkgn; Embroid- ered handkerchief case. Wilson. Haw- ken; Crochet, plain lace. Ilawken; ('rochet in cotton, Gilchrist. Crossley; Collection of fancy wm-k. ("ros.sley. Ilawken; Nap rag, Fisher; Patching, .McLoughry, Hawken; Embroidery, rambler rose, Stewart; Hedibo, Mc- Loughry. Crossley; Knitting in cot- ton. Ilawken; Sun bonnet. Wilson, .Moore. FINE ARTS Painting silk or satin, Hawken. Cro.ssley; Painting china, Thur.ston, JMitchell; Pencil drawing. Hawken, McLoughry; Crayon drawing, Haw- ken. McLoughry; Sepia. Wilson. Hawken; Oil, fruit, Wilson, Mit- chell; Oil. landscape, Mitchell, Wil- son; Oil, animal, Mitchell, Hawken; Water color, fruit, Hawken; Water color, animal, Wilson, Hawken; Painting on velvet, Hawken; Pen and ink sketch, Hawken, Fisher; Collec- tion of photos, Hawken; Painting on glass, Hawken. E STABU S HEDieva It BffBl Bifi S mM-B t ,HEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Some people liave fortnnes left tliem. Mogt people have 10 make theirs. Everything must have a corainencemeut. A sav- ings account in the Bank of Hamilton may be the commence- ment of .vour fortune. It :a certain that if you never start, you never get very far. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALKIBRANCH-A. SIB-BR*NCH PROTO.N-C. , Cartliew^^MaiwIer Forster, Sub-M»a^r Overseas Trade Keeps Canada Prosperous â€" Workers busy â€" Wages good â€"Farmers affluent To Win World-Trade We Must Develop Our Sea Heritage Our Men Our Ports Our Ships Trade must flow East and West and Overseas â€" Shut off this Dominion from the seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a nation. The Navy League of Czinada g amaBa a jwia i U ^tm Find Out About The The Samson several teams tractor is of horsesâ€" a rest Samson stronger than â- it never needs Working expenses on any farm are cut to the minimum by a Samson. It is a common sense method of hauling â€" costs you little -when it works and nothing at all when it is idle. The Samson has the same reputation for unfailing service as the Chevrolet car. Come in some time soon and let us tell you why the Samson is proving such a good buy for the farmer. D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO â- ♦;:^'i^-2>'^i^^-j^^A>'^'"'^-^^^ Farm For Sale Loi ihTi <tii,) loi;, ,on. 2. W.T. 1V.S.R , Artemn'iin, contaiiiliis Hboiit UO ncrrs. oier 5(0 MCrc'« cl>>«U'd, now I biiildiou'. xiiiitll i.rchikid, wtll wiktaiid. Apply to llOD. STKvVART, "*'''^< . Priitou If, R Fall Fairs KLMSF KUTON Sepi -iaâ€" 24 Cliosli'y Sept 80â€" October 1 ("•>lliMl.'»OIHl f^dpt 14 â€" 17 DuiuUlk S.'pt ;iOâ€" ( )ot 1 Durham Sept oOâ€" Oct 1 KuverHhikiu Sepl 28 â€"2!) Hmiiiver Sept a.'5â€" 24 Maikdnle Oct 5 6 Menford Sept ;tOâ€" Oct 1 Pricnillo Sept30-Oot 1 tlhalhuTNo Se|,t 21â€"12 Mourn. Koreat Sept 15â€" 16 Oiangeville Sept 14 â€" IK NOTICE "THE ELDRIDGE »» A« it m|Crt.m Separator smiod »nd { Dependable Sewiiitj Machiiies you want the lieat aiul nmot reliable | Separator on the niarkut ieiiii>mlier the D« Laval was iliB firitt ioveiitwl and is "till the leadinit arparMor. More ofl ttieiu iu use thsii all other iiischmes Sold by HIX;H KNOTT. Anent, i Markdale.Ont, at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHEUTON, ONT.