Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1920, p. 5

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^Fm â- ^ np ^p October 7 I9S0 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ^l QERVICE.-Our y \ lii:-fiiiy-developed *'â€" ^ service is available at all times forthe beuefitof our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded business man appreciates the •importance of theco-operttion, r.iidance and information on linancialniattersof his Banker. 285 THE STAMOARD BANK OF CANADA FLCSHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . - Managbh Mrs. Edw»rd Whitten of New Toronto is visiting Iriend* in this vicinity. Mr.s. Georgo Uackisi^ and two little dauitbcers of brirish Culumbia are visit- ing reUtives here. Born â€" At Eugenia, on Friday, Sept. 18, lu Mr, and Mra. John VVickens, a daue liter. The Flesherton Women'd Institute h»ve arranged fur a monster fo*l supper in the Presbyterian Church oo Fridiy, Oct. 22nd. The receipts of Osprey fair at Kever- sbini on WeJiiesday of last week were : Gate $301.30, concert $231.15. The prize list will uppear next week. Dr. F. T. Uttewall of Ladner, B.C.. We a re agenti for the T.jronlo dailian Leave yuur orders at The Advance ofic« Mr. James Kadley of Toronto visited friends here during the past week. Thos. Lewis of Kimberl.-y died on Saturday last after a week's iliness at the a£;e if bO years. The funeral took plaon on MuDc'oy to Flesherton cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. P. Loueks received a letter recently fruni their son, Waltar, who has been in Russia for i:he p«st two yeare. He is now at Le Pas and expects to come home next spriair. The 27th .A.nnual Convention W. M. S. i.f the Owen .Sound District will be held in Flesbertoa Meibodiat Church on Friday, Oct. 15, commencing ac 9 *. m. The principal speaker will be who has been visiting friends here for a m„ j^^.^. Hales, Secretary for China, few weeks, was a caller on The Advance - jj„ w jioo^^ ,^f Flesherton is Sec. of one d;iy Use week. Heia Ifaviug for I billetting committee. The report of alienidt.s, who have had W'.X^7^:^v^,>;friC-^<.*; r^^Ka^^^^^ sxpects ; •*/ ef th,j,g Trains oUows : Govng Scuth 7.52 :». ni. 4.27 p.m. The n>ail» are ANADIAN : p. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Going North 12.05 o.m. 9.30p. m. osed at Flesherton sa follows : Forthe north at 10.40 a.m.aad 7 p.m. ; and (he afternoon mail south at S.40 o'<ioclt. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous evg. The Women's Institute has arranged for a monster fowl supper on Oct. 22. Mrs. Albeit Gillespie and babe of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Doc. Fairey and wife of Toronto visit- ei his mother, Mrs. Jos. Clinton, over Sunday. Bornâ€" In l<' lesherton on Sunday, Oct. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norsworthy, a daughter. The Owen Sound Sun Times will publish three times a week, commencing Oct. 5. The Eugenia W. I. supper oil the evening Day, October 18. Re v^ McAieer of First Church, Owen Sound, preached anniversMy sermons in the Methodist church on Sun day. The h'S snow jtorm of last week will give some ambitious prophet the opportu- nity of foretellina: an early winter. Watch these columns next week for news of the Wc entertainment at Price- ville on Oct. 20. Service and Sabbath school were wilh- drnwn in the Presbyttrian chureh on Sunday owine to anniversary services «lsewhere. Satisfaction is what yon get iuHnbber- lin Quality Tailr.rinif. See new styles and wooleiii at LcGard's Gents' Furnish- ings, Fleshertoji. Mr. Jim VVjlson, who has bean in Toronto for a couple of years, retnrned home last week to take charge of his father's butchsr shop hero. The Teachers of South Grey ami Ka>t Bruce meet as a union In.^titute it Hau- ovwr Continuation School on Thursday and Friday, t)ctober 14 and 15. Mr. Mark Wilsan. jr., who is about to remare to Durham, hai sold his frame residence to Mr. Robert Fisher if Rock Mills, who will soon take pos.sossion. Miss Dell Thurston, taacher at Cooks- ville, is home for a couple of weeks holidays owlns to closing the school there until their new .»chool is ready. The season for shooting rabbits opens on October 15 atul is good for a month, wiih au extra week at Chri8^ma^. It is Stated that new game laws may be Issued shortly which will lengthen the season. A disa.itrous ftorm »et in here on Wednesday evening of last week and continued for three days. Friday m»rn- ing it turned to soft enow and ('urine 'he day nine or ten inches ef snow fell, load- inft down iho trees lo such an extent that many limbs were snapped off. The Diaple shade trees in town suffered great- ly, as did also fruit trees and ornamental shrubbery. In the archards apples were unpicked, the foliage still remained on the trees and with the added weight of (DOW many trees were actually destroyed. The damage in this manner cannot te estimated. The oldest inhabitant does not rememlier such a fall of snow is early as October 1, Last year *he tiisl snow fell on October 28, and in only a small quantity. hamo this week. The Communion Service will be held in tl.e Presbyterian Church next Sunday, October 10;h, at the usual hour. Pre" paratory Service ob Friday, Ocober 8th, at 8 p. m. A grand entertainment will be given in tile Presbyterian church, Priceville, on Wednesday, Oct. 20, by four popular iiiJ ralented eutertaiiiers of Toronto, Full particulars next week. A Toronto subacriiier writes : The Advance is becoming qtiite popular m Toronto, especially in the west end, as it;e.Tis extracied are placed ou the screens in the movie shows.' Tiie Women's Institute and tea wil be held at the home of Mrs. VV. Moore on Thursday, Oct. 7. A full atteadacce '8 requested. Remember the change of date. Dr. Burt, specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Muushaw House, Flesherton, for consul- tation, on Wednesday, October 13, froni 9.00 CO 12.00 a. m. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. A credit sale of farm st 'ck, iinple- meuts, etc. . will be held on the farm of the late Duncan Muir, between tk:s village and iha station, on Saturday, October 10. Sea bills. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Two young men from Cedar ville were up before Magistrate Creasor of Owen Sour.d, in the town hall here, on Friday last, charged nith being drunk and dis- orderly at a threshing. One was tined $10 and costs and the other $25 and costs. .\ considerable amount of sickness exists in town. Mrs. James Patton has oeen dangerously ill for the past two weeks and does not show much sign of improvement. Ruth, the tittle daughter of Mr. John Thistlethwaile, has also been seriously ill for some time, and J . will hold a fowl 1 H. LeGard is at the point of ieath at of Thauksglving i Mr. Hartv Wilson's at time of writing. Reeve J. A. Boyd his purchased an interest in tha business at North Battle- ford which he wenD up to secure. The new tirm will be Sallows A Boyd, and will conduct a large furniture and under- taking br.siuesj. We are very sorry to lose Mr, Boyd from this district. He was a valuable citizen. But; we wish him the biggest kind of success. James b'eiris of Eppiiig had the mis- fortune to lose foar head of valuable i-attle during the recent winter storm. The cattle wera pasturing en a farm where there was an old shed used only for storing implements. They took shelter under the old building when the storm began and the wind blew ft over. Two valuable cows and two young cattle were killed. It took considerable work to clear sway the debris to free the cattle that were not injured. The weather bureaa at Toronto must have an amateur on the job. Last Thursday he gave out that the day would ke " fair and ceul, " when as a mat'er cf tact It rained all day long, fallowed by the big snow storm, and this wa« general ever all of eastern Ontario. With a big storm like this only a few hours away the weather bureau gravely informed us that the day would be " fair and cool ! " This country pays a big price f>-r infor mation as to weUher prebabililies in the immediate future, but if the weather clerks can do no better than this a reor- ganizition of the staff is about due. We ,hive known rheumatics who could foro- teli the weather better than that. A case that attracted much attention and some cmnnient was tried before Magislrtte McMu ien here on ThorsJiy last, Thomas Porteous works for Mr. Uarmou Kadley near the village, and W. Higgins, who works on the county roads, biiards at the same place. Pur leous claimed to have had a wad of 9200 in bills and swore out a warrant charging Higgins with the theft. The latter was arrested and taken to Owen Sound on Tuesday and Police Magistrate Creasor remanded him to jail, wherj he remained until Thursday morning, when he was brought down by County Constable Mc- Caffrey, and tried here. Porteous had BO evidence to offer, m fact he could not swear whether the money was stolon or whether he had hiitiself lost it. The accused was acquitted. Higgins bears an excellent reputation among those who know him, ai.d many ptopla think he wiis treated very hirshly in thu matter. Aruel Love under observation, wilt be | dealt with this week. It in reported that ! as a result of the tinding'of the aiienists, I I Love will likely be freed m the near ; future. The young man is said to have epileptic tendencies, and no p.-oceediugs against him are considered probable. A subscriber wants to know: Cun a hired girl on the farm take every Sunday ! and every Wednesday afternoon off ! A;is â€" This wiu'.u depend on whether an agreement had been made to that effect. If no :igreement she co^ld not. 2 â€" Can a girl claim a full month's wages when hired by the mon'h if she leaves before her month is up I .A.ns â€" If she leaves without good and suiticient reason she could not colk-ct anything â€"Ed. Grand CA^ncert, Priceville Presbyterian church, Wednesday evening, Oct. 20tfc, when the David Bros, of Toronto, assist- ed by Jean Greig and Malcolm Wood, al^o of Toronto, will be heard in vocal Hud instrumental music and recitation. Admission 50c. All seats reserved. Tha plan will be open and seats be on sale at • he postcflice, Priceville. on and after 9 o'cock, Mond.iy morning, Oct. 11th. Those from a distau::e desiring keats, may secure same l-y ma:l by sending am Lint of admission and stamped ad. diesseu envelipe to the Po-.tmaster, Priceville. If you have heard these talented entertainers before you will want to hear them again. If you hav* never heard theui a pleasant surprise awai's you. Reserve seats early. SALE OF FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF AHTE.\1KSI.\ BY TE N DER Sealed tenders addressed to John Stewart. R. R. No. 3, Pr-iton, or Daniel Muir, Ceylon, will be rsceived up to 12 o'cK>ck, uoon. on Saturday, the 23rd day of October, 1920, for the fol^owiUiHinds, belonging Cu the estate of the hie Dun- can Muir, deceased, noui^^ly; â€" Lot one hundred and fifty in lh» seooud conces sioii -south-west of the Toronto and Syil- euham road in the Township' of Avte- mesia in the County of Grey, excepting thereout those portions thereof hereto- fore sold and conveyed. This parcel contains 24 acres, more or less. This proueny is situate between the village of Flesherton and Ceylon,aud IS conveuiem to both places. L'poii the premises are sail to be a good frame house, al.so a small fiaiu<.- barn. The lands are fuiily neil fenced and well watered and in a go.id state of cultiva- tK'H. Terms â€" A murked ohen'ie tor ten per cen". of the lender must .accompmy each tender. The balance of the purchase niuuey tJ be paid in thirty days after accvpiance if teHo'er wilhoul interesS. The highest •â- !â-  any tender iiit necessurily accepted. The pioperiy will ho sold suLjeot Co a reserve bid. For fun her particolarM -md conditions of sale apply lo the uudersigued John STEWART, DANIEL Ml"IR, R R No. 3, Proton, Ceylon, Out. Oat. Administrators uf th« ptitate of Duncan Muir, deceased Or to Wright, Telford it Birnie, Owen Sound, Ont,, their Solicitors ! >;=! Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values >5 1 HEN'S SPECIAL WORK BOOTS $3.79 An assortment nt several popular lines, sturdy, easy fitting, good wearing, tans but mostly blacks. All sizes from 6 to II. Regular $4.00 to Special $3.79. Some $4,75. FALL niLLINEPY Come and visit the Show Foom whether you wi.sh ta purchase or not. You will be interested in one of the best displays we have ever ottered for your selec- tion. Our prices are reasonable. FALL OVERCOATS Our range of Fall Overcoats is specially attractive this sea.son. The styles are from the latest accepted designs livery garment is made up from dependable wool fabrics, well tailored and tioished . Full assortment of sizes in fall and winter weights. Some snappy young men's stvles are worthy of special mention Prices fron: -SH. 50 to S4.5.0O. Xew riEN'S FALL CAPS shapes and stocking designs in all wool tweeds, all good colorings without inside bands. Sizes 6^ to 7^. Prices from $1.75 to $3 , with 50. or R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ^^^^^sS Small Ads. FOR SALE For Sale- t)ne yearling Oxford Ram and six ewes. W. T. Pedlar, t lesherton. T v«lve good eives for sale. -Apply ta P. Loucks, Flesherton . (»ood Span of Hor«es for Sale, 5 snd 6 years oldâ€" Walter Akitt. Flesheitou r r. For Saleâ€" 1 Leicester Ram two shear Pure Bred Fred. T. Taylor, K. R. Xo. 3, 71 r 3 2 Flesherton. Phone Duudalk, For Sale â€" One pure bred Leicester Ram Lr.iibâ€" Samuol Pedlir, r r S. Flesh; erton. phoi-.e 4'2 r ;' For Saleâ€" Good young fox hound. J. Kenon, Maxwell. W, For Saleâ€" Nice ariver aud rutiber tired buggy with top, a'so harness. Apply at this office. Juiyli: i ^ W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERTIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these high grade instmments .Mmm AT ^m^ ''ii-.ii Pjj-.a Gallery >nd jMusic Stor FLESH E RT ON H Plums for sale â€" different varieties â€" will sell cheep. E. A. Graham, Clarks. burg^ ^ Shinglesâ€" Carload XXX Quality B. C. Red Cedar. Orders now taken. W. A. A rmstrone, Flesherton. Farm For Saleâ€" South half c f lot 3'.>, Con. ll, -Arteraesia, coiitainio!» .")0 acres, about half cleared, balance ia limber suitable for good wood â€" Mrs. Joseph Fenwick, Flesherton, Ont. Fertilizerâ€" I am agent forGunn's Sura Gsiii Fertilixers, the best on the market, and am uow taking orders for fall ieiivery at Flesherton Sfcition. Send in orders by mail {or phone No 21 r 5 3. W. J . Jleads, Priceville P. 0. 1 dec MISCELLAN SOL'S ftilhe-tt' prioe for butter and Graham Bros. Eugenia. eg)"* at June 26 Try Fflvershiwu Pastry Flout, the best or your CO )k. All Ontwio wboac Choppiujj every Saturday ooly- bam Bros., Eugenia. -Gia Cargoes Grocery SPECIALâ€" '{vhile they last we will give 3 l»ar» of Polar White Soap for 2oc. If yon *anS geoei. clean, fresh Grae^ries or CoQfc«tioDery give as a call. We carry uothiB? lint the bess. We ha-ve aisn a fell Lice of all the leading Tobacoes. All kinds of Fruits in seaseu. Cwne in and visit our ice cream parlor, ice cream . We handle Neilsoa's Try % tin of Elkborn flheese fior yanr noxt picnic. We have S difiereut davors. Highest pjcices paid for all kio^ of Pred«c«. Phene in your order. We will deliver it to aay part of tha viUaae. w'^CARGOE. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. Lamb Came .Astrayâ€" To lot 36, c«n. I 10, Arteniesia. Owner prove property. pay eqfenses aud take the same awayâ€" i Olivet Turner. munui i » • 9 7i i • 74 |k • • S • 4 Z^Z iSZZ Z.2W • «^ • •># • «»^« • •« • • «• • • Svim ••••••••••• "' BOOTS & SHOES v.-.arefully BtUitor . . Kass Wheat Peas < )at.-« Corrected Eiicli IVeeli . 48tj0 i.-* . . 5S 'o .">S . . 2 21." to 2 2."> , . 1 41) to 1 .50 90 to ;)0 Agents for Hobherlin oiade-to-measute Suits and Overcoats. Paoaiua and Straw Hats, Summer L'nderwear. Batbinit Suits and Roys' Jewey.s reduced 30 per cent. Cloaning and Pressinz done on shortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Flesherton, Ontario Barley 1 40 to 1 4.5 Town Plot For Sale a >: Town Plot at EuKenia, containing fouc ::2S acres, good oichard, frame house, good ;jjj well. Apply to -T. FENWICK. in .\ufi29laio Eui{eaiaP.O. :U* In Ladies' Wear "we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. Farm For Sale THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO 1 Lote 159, 16t). 2nd Range, W T and S ::Z R, Artemeeiit, 10<) acres, good outbuild- tJJ ings, frame house, well warorevl, orohard. â- *• fairly i^ood bush and well feuoe«i. Small '.Hi pay men t dow n . M .\ RK ST F. WART , ^ Aug25 If R U -X Proton Statu^u P O ^SHtfwIHHiHi:????!????????:????^ 'H?????:????????????????! ? ^V^H.S

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