Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1920, p. 5

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October 21 ]d20 THE FLESH EKTON ADVANCE i SERVICE.-Tliis Bank, for the past 1 45 years, has done its share in the development of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ^^s THE STAND&RO BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH ( GEO. MITCHELL Manaocr tfANADlAN C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station as Trains ollowa : Going South 7.52 a. m, 4.27 p.m. The mails are Going North 12.05 p.m. 9.30p. m. osed at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Norman McDonald is visitinJ! his uncle, Mr. Mark Wilson, A large number of Flesherton peopU attended the fowl supper at Eugenia on Monday evening. Misses Ruby and Posrl, and Mr. Joa Eadlay, Toronto, spent Thaaksgiving Day here. Mr. and, Mrs. H*wken attended Erin fair on Monday and pronounc- it a big svent. Mrs, W. Laver has sold her farm on the east back lins co a Mr. Smith for the sum of SlO.OOIt. Reeve McTavish was at Feueloii Dalls last week looking into some oil interests he has there. Mr. iind Mrs- Herb Smith and family, aud Joe Alexander, of Owen Sound' sp^nt Thanksgiving with friends here. Messrs. Reid & Gower, who recently los their big evaporator at Meatord, have cakeu over the evaporator at Thorn bury. Wm. Park, a pioneer of Artemesia township, died at his homo near Proton Station on Thursday last at the age uf 80 yeara. The remains were interred in Flesherton uemecery on Saturday. A bee was held on Tbauksgiviu<r Day to improve the park front with plows and Bciapers. There was a gucd turnout and considerable work was done. It is pro- posed to form a bowling ^reen on the park front on Sydenham street. Bills have been issued for u fov/1 supper at Maxwell on the evening of Tuesday, October 26. Supp er from G to 8 o'clock. A good program will ali<o be provided. The admission is very reas- onable, 50 and 25 cents. Mr. Holland and Miss Bunt of the public school staff attended a teachers' convention at Barrie on Thursday and •Friday of last. week. East Grey teachers combined with Simcoe this year to ho!d their convention in Burrie, The Flesherton Women's Institute will uivo a fowl supper and entertainment in the Presbyterian church on Friday evening of this week, Oct. 22, in aid of Mt'inorisl. Supper from 6 to 8, after which a good program will be given Adults 75c, childr-in 50c. The Womeo's Institute has arraDc;ed for a monster fowl supper on Uct. 22. Mis W. I.. Wright attended the winter millinery opening in Toronto this week. Mrs. F. U. VV. Hickliogand Mrs. W. .\. Armstrong attended the wedding of the former's nephew, Mr. Wilfred Aikea- hcad, yonngest sou of Mr. and Mrs. T. Aikeiihead, Toronto, on Wednesday of this week, to Miss Klla Boyc^ The ceremony wsi held in the Tima';hy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. â- satisfaction is what yon get iuUobber- Uu Quality Tailoring. See new styles and woolens at LoGard's Gents' Furnish- ings, Flesherton. The young auto thief wh# cleaned up some stuff here on fair night and who was arrested in Collingwood, where ths Stuff stolen here was recovered, was tried in the police aourt at his home town, Chatham, and senteucsd to ak least one year in the reformatory. This was the fourth car that the youngster had stdeu, and he was out on suspended sentence for the other thefts. Tha Flesherton Women's Institute have arranged for a monster fowl supper in the Presbyterian Church on Friday, Oct. 22nd. An effort is being made to form a joiiib stock company to start a hospital in Shelburne. Now will soma of the c:ip- i:alistb investigate the possibilities of starting a sanatflifium here. We htiva the healthiest climate in lh« world. If Shelburne has coal to heat its hospital, Flesherton will probably have coal oil to light a sanatorium. Roseate, eh? John McWhinney of Olenelg sued the C. P, R. for damages for the death of bis wife, which occurred at. Cairn'a crsEs- ing, a mile and a quarter north of Flesherton station, last winter. A freight train frightened her horse, with the result that she died after ahijhtiug from her buggy. The oase wac tried in Orangeville on Tuesday of last week and resulted in a verdict of $3000 for Mr. McWhinney. Prof. Colemaa cf Toronto says the only coal to be found at Sheltiurne will be found in cars at the railway station. In view of the fact. that the same gen- tleman stated a few years ago that the only silver to be found at Cobalt would be dug up from the pockets of investors, or words to that effect, it looks as though his proneuncements went by contrsriep, and this very fact will make Shelburnites more excited than ever. Wish we had Kot his opinion on Flesherton as a coal oil reservoir before operations were be- gun here. Markdale fair directors have apolo- giz^ad in the local paper to the public for the nature of the show put on there fair night. The apology would h'ive gone | with more force had they stopped the show and given the people their money buck, especially In vioiV of the fiict that the director^ aleo refused to pay the tnleut, which was sent them as a substi- tute for the original talent, thus protiting doubly by the affair. Stories of the shameless vulgarity of the attdir are still ouraiug to our ears, and it must have been pretty bad, judging from what is told us. A runaway in town created consider- able excitement one afternoon last week, when a horse belonging to Rev. Mr. Fowler got frightened and ran away from the manse gate with his little daughter under 4 years of age and babe under one year in the buggy. The ani. mal ran nearly lour blacks with little Nancy holding on to the baby and screaming, beforo it was stopped. For- tunately no damage was done in any way, but it was thrilling and exciting to the many who witnessed it. Little Miss Nancy is considered quite a heroine, owing to the way she protected the baby during their swift passage through town. Mr. \nd Mrs. R. Shaw and four chil- dren, of Lions Head, motored down on Saturday and spent Thanksgiving here. Among the visitors home for the holi- day were : Kendall and Geo. Boyd, Toronto I'niversity ; T. Chawl and Maud Bjyd, touchers in Toronto ; Ada WHght, teacher at Lloydtowu ; Shirley Murray and Lillian White, Toronto ; Elijah Ben- thain, Hamilton ; Ralph Belfry, and G. K. Jamiecon, Toronto ; Ray Belfiy, Guelph ; Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin, VV. J. J.imiesoii, Dr. Fred Murry and wiff, Toronto. Anglican Church, Flesherton Holy Commvnion will ba celebrated the Hrst Suudoy in the month, Nov, 7tb, in the Town Hall, Fleiherton. As this is our first Communion Service it is hoped that every member will be piesent. Rev. W. G. Blackwall will take the service, Srrvioe next Sunday as usual. DR. F. C. NIXON Optametrist and Optical Specialiat Hnrontario Street, ^tiear Third Street. Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : â€" Dailyâ€" 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged. Telephoue 01 1- W. Box 1066 1 JIv 20 BOAR for SERVICE Purebrnd Taraworth Boar for service on lot 187, S W T and S B., Artamesia,. Terms â€" $1,50. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. Feb 15 â€"T.J. STINSON, Prop. HEN'S SPECIAL WORK BOOTS $3.79 An assortment ot several popular lines, sturdy, easy fitting, good wearing, tans but mostly blacks. All sizea from (i to U. llcgular $4 00 to Special $3.79. Some $4.75, FALL niLLINEPY Come and visit the Show Foom whether you wish to purchase or not. will be interested in one of the best displays wc have ever offered for your tion. Our prices are reasonable. You selec- For Service One pure bred Shorthorn bull on Lot 28 and 29, Conces.sion S. Artemesia. Termsâ€" SI. 50 for iirades if paid inside of 9 m:ulhsâ€" if not S2. Pure breda S3.C0. loct â€"ROBERT OSBORNE. iitiifiirfs tJarefully Corrected EboIi Week Bntter 48 to 48 Ryes 58 '-0 58 Wheat . .' 2 20 to 2 25 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 Oats 05 tu 65 Barley 1 40 to 1 45 ELLIOTT Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Kiijuya an excellent reputation for high grade work. It is no wonder tho de- insnd for our gradu.ites is five times our supply Enter any timo. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prinoii>al Boar For Service Registered Chester White hag for service atRock Mills. The father won drst at Chicago Fair. Ternxs $1.50. do 5 19 â€"L SMITH Prop. PALL OVERCOATS ^^ Our range of Fall Overcoats is specially attractive this season. The styles are from the latest accepted designs Every garment is made up from dependable wool fabrics, well tailored and finished , Full assortment of sizes in fall and winter weights. Some snappy young men's styles are worthy of special mention. Prices from $18.50 to $45.00. HEN'S FALL CAPS New shapes and stocking designs in all wool tweeds, all good colorings, with without inside bands. Sizes 6f to 7 J. Prices from $1.75 to $3 50. or / F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON . - ONTARIO Small Ads. FOR SALE For Sale- One yearling Oxford Ram and si.^c ewes. W. T. Pedlar, \t lesherton. Good Span of Horses for Sale, 5 snd (5 years old â€" Walter Akitt. Flesheiton r r. For Sale â€" 1 two shear Pure Bred Leicester Ram. Fred. T. Taylcr, R. K. So. 3, Flesherton. Phono Dundalk, 71 r 3 2. Gents' Furnishings The Small Store with Big Values Don't buy your Winter Overcoat until you see our new overcoat and raincoat combined. They are real ni mey saver.s: .\gen's for Hobberliii made-to-measure Suits and Overcoats. We have also a line of inniufkin coats, black rubber coats with sou western ha's, and tall and winter rain coats. Come and loik these over and sitisfy yourself. Cleaning and Pressinij done on shortest notices. H. J. LEGARD Where your dollar learns to have more cents. Flesherton, Ontario For Salrtâ€" One pure bred Ram Lraibâ€" Samuel Pedlar, r erton, phoiu! 42 r 3 Leicester | r 3, Klesh* i For Saleâ€" Nice tired buggy with Apply at this office. driver and rubber | top, a'so harness. Julylti Mr. Wm. Paton, wU* recently si Id his farm on the South Line, has pur- chased the Boyd residence on Toronto str«et, laiely vacated by Mr. H. S. While. The price paid waa $3,500. Mr Paton will make a desirable citizen, and we sincerely welcome the family to town. Anniverasry Services will be conducted »t Salem Methodist Church, Kith oon. Proton township, on Sunday, October 24: h. R«v. C. A. Belfry of Flesherton will preach at 2,30 and 7,30. A sulendid program and supper sre being prep«red for Monday evening, Ootobar 25th. Musio will be supplied by the choir of the Methidist Church, Flesherton. The following speakers are expected : Revs- Fowler and Upham of Flesherton, Capt. Andrews of Dundalk and Rev. k. , Berry Admission 25 and 50c. Property For Saleâ€" Two lots in the ! Village of Flesherton, containing six i roomed frame house, barn and driving ( shed, H. C. Hadley & Son. Flesherton. Fertilizer â€" I am agent for Gunii's Sure GbIu Fortilizei's, the beat on the market, and am now taking orders for fall delivery at Flesherton Station. Send in orders | by mail .'or jihoUB No 21 r 2 3. W. J. Meads, Priceville P. O, 1 dec , Thomas Long, a pionebr merchant Collingwood, died last week. .f The act respecting dog tax and shei p prntectlon, which comes into force on April 1, next, makes it compulsory for all owners of dogs to procure numbered tags, to be supplied by the Council, and for killing dogs without tags. Th« minimum pen alty for not procuring a tpg is $10.00. County Councils are author- ized to pass bylaws requiring all doK tax and license fees collected after 1920 t o be paid to th«, County Treasurer at d from a sheep protection fund all oloinia to be paid by the county, for which pur- pose county valuers are to be appointed . Sheep are certainly of more value to asy community than dug) and should b« protected. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST Good Paint cannot be made to mnet a price if the makers wish to remain in business any length of tims* A good, article is always worth a fair price and the man who buys the test without being extravagant is the man who practices the right kind of economy. Shorwin Williams Paints may cost mors than soiiio other paints on the market, but y^iu inny rest assured that yi.u get your money's worth every tiiiii' you liuy,.aa avery can is gimranlood Pnro White Lead and Oil and will cover more surface than other paints. .•\sk us about your paint pr.iposi- tima. A Pamt or Varnish for eveiy purpose -inside nr outside. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paiats Ph*ne 30rll Fleaharton, Ontario Boar tor Service The undersigned has a thorough opod Yorkshire Boarfor service on lot 11, oon, 8, Osprey. Terms 81.50. FUKDSI>OFFARD For Saleâ€" Cockshutt 2 furrow riding plow. Has only ploughed 25 acres. Keason for selling is that owner's place is needed down. Terms cash or time. ! H. C. Radloy & Son, Flesherton. Strayed â€" From near Kiniberley, on Wednesday October 13th, fsur Leicester ewes. Finder please communicate with Wm. Haines, Kiinberley. __^ I For Saleâ€" A numbei of rose and single comb Rhode Island Red Cockerels. Mrs. ^ John Dand. Keversham. j For Sale â€" A good young Briod Sow i Apply A. Hughson, care of John Dand, ] Feveisham, (Jnt. j Lap Ru<> Lost â€" Supposedly near' Maxwoll. Los Chard. Flesher'on P. O. Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdari and Saturdays only â€" Graham Bros. Uucenba ; Ootl9 I Heifer Strayed â€" Two year old heifer j red and white. Infoimation thankfully ' received by G. C. Graham, Kugeria. j SPECIALâ€" While last wo will give 3 bars of Soap for 25o. White ymi Mant good, oleau, fresh Groceries or Coufeetionery give us a call. We carry uothiui} but the beat. We have also a fiUl Une of all tho leadiug Tobaccos. All kinds of Fruits iu seaaou. Come in and visit our ice oreatn parlor. ice croatn . Try a tin of Elkhorn •heese for your next 8 different flavors. We handle Neilsan's piouio. We have Highest pvicee paid for all kinds of Produce. Phone iu your order. Wo will deliver it to aay part of tha village. Phone 30 J. FLESHERTON, ONT. I MISCELLANEOUS (li'hiMt pric.i for butter Graham Brcs. Eugenia. and eegs at June 26 Try PevershA.n Pastry Flour, the bast or your cook, All Ontsrio whoat Chopping every Saturday only â€" Gra bam Bros., Eugenia. ' :ti •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• NOTICEâ€" Trespasaini; on lots 17C, j 'IU 177, 17d aud 179, S. W. T. & S. R., li;:: Artcmesiii, is strictly prohibited. Any ^ '-llm houudR foi.nd on this property will be j::*! shot at alghfc. T. J. Stinson. I**?? ••• BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. Boar For Service M •••• •••• THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARI© Pure bcsd Uogisterea Yorkahire Boa for HiervioB â€" Waxwell Jack lot 167. S \V. T. & S. R,, Artemoaia. yiim Terms Sl.GO. Sows not returned will be KtS* charged same as those in pig. ' i "^S 10.4.W T. J. sTiNioN tilfmf^tfSiiiimmmHHr???:^ f????H??:?5f????»??f????

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