Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1920, p. 8

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October 2i 1920 THE FLESH EKTGN ADVANCE SATISFIED ! THAT Fs what over !OCj users say ahout I'.iOO (iiavitv wiifilicrs supplied l)y S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1000 (Iravitywashors and wringers Klectiic and gasoline po^er washers . ALSO Notice to Creditors Jr\-l'-'l \ \i for McCor/wioV Binders. Mowers, Hay U»k^.^ ^^^^tr*'^ ^r^^* liny LoMlfTC, Drills, Cultivator, I'lows, iSlei-1 gg W -^ ."»i«11k. Ilartcws, Gasi.lino KnKincs, Branlftrd lA iiHuli!« up»rctl «ik1 KUto i.ilod â- iiniiotor Wind MUIn, Boiilty H«y Carriern, Hay Forki, SUtii?s, Manure CarriiTK, Watur Bonis, Water TaJiks, Vui'I' •""' l''P'"^'- SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One thirii inure w...i tiil witli muu; (. 'ivi r «1,,.|, lituil witli my patint. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. 1 In the matter of the Kstate of Duncan Muir, Ulo of the Townsliip of Arte- niesi.t in the (-'uunly of Urey, Farmer, Jeceased. Notion is heieliv jiiven, pui'Buanf to "Tho Trn»lep Act,"' and ainendmoiitH thereto tliul all creditors aiul otIierH huviiji> c'ltMiiK uuaiuHt the eulate of the I said L>iinc«n Muir.wlio died on or alioin the tenth diy ot Juiy.lil'JO, are rei|iiired I on or Itofole till! 'J2nd day of ttclober, lOlitJ, to Henil by post |)re;»ii'l or deliver to L).ii.i-1 Muir, Ceylon I'.O , iiiid ,)olin iiilewart, Fl.ihlicniii i'.' <> , Adiiiiiii^lrHt'irs of the estate of tlie(mi<i deceased, their Cliiisiimi and Sum- auieK, addresseH and descriptions, '.ho full paJli iiUrii of their tlainiK, the Htiitenient of their accounts iiiid ilm iiatuto of the secuiities, if any, held hy thoai. And l!»ko notice th«l nfter such lust imiilioncd date the said Administrators will i>roc<!ed to disirihute the assst!- :if the said deceated among the parlii'S entitled thereto having repaid only to llie cluiiiis of which tliey Khali lh.ii have nonce, and Hie Mtid Adiiiiiii«tiator will not lie liiiMe ior >lie faid asiets or any |)art iheroof^io any pcrion or per^oiis of whose claim not i»e shall not hivo heei. received hy 'hem at thu time (rf suc-li dislritiuliun . Dated the liOth day of Septeinhri, A. D. 1920. WltlfillT WXFOUD i^ BIKNU:, Owen SoiMid. O.itatio Solicitors for the Administ^aior- Flesherton Garage Agents for Ford, and Gray Dort Cars Mr. Ford Owner WE HAVE INSTALLED THE SUN RE CHARGER FOR FORD MAGNETOS A Car With a weak magneto costs more to run. \\'(' will re-fhar};e your I'di'I Magneto while yon wftit. All work fjnaianteed. Call " and let ns e.xpluin. We lest your car I'rtJe Our large garage is now fully equipped with the latest modern appliances and we solicit your patronage. ^...1 f ^"^Z ^'^ ^'\/«^*'\/ ' H. DOWN & SONS, Proprietors OSPREY PRIZE LIST (Continued Fioiii Li^t Week) ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes, Rose typs, W. .\. Haw- ken, Alex. Conron; Potatoes, Hebron, L. Atkinson; Potatoes, lonK white tvDc, Tho8. H. Brislow, Alex. Conron; Moffutt; t-intrer cookies, G. h., Green Mountain, Alex Conron, .1. ham, Mrs. Wilson; lea or Kernahan; Irish Cobbler, Alex Con- 'akes Mrs. W. A. Ilawkcn; ron, L. Atkinson; Man^'olds Wurt- zels, lonjr, (;. McDonald, I,. .Atkinson; Mangolds WurtzeLs, ^lohe, (I. E. Culhum; Turnips, .Swede, I,. Atkin- son, Thos. H. Bristow; Turnips, Aber- deen, L. Atkinson; .Suprar Manjrohls, G. E. Culham, I.. Atkinson; Blood Beets, long. Win. Hodt'ins, V/. H. Conn; Carrots, lonn, ^. W. A. Haw ken; Blood Beets, a. o. v., W. II. Conn, Alex. Conron; Carrots, early, home, G.' McDonald, Alex. Conron; Carrots. field, I.. Atkinson; Parsnips, W. 11. Conn, W. A. Hawken; Onions, from seed, 0. McDonald, J. McKinnon; Onions, potato, W. H. Conn, W. A. Hawken; Onions, top, L. Atkinson;! White beans, L. Atkinson, W. H. : Conn; Butter beans, Alex. t%)nn, I., j Atkinson; Table corn, Thos. H. | Bristow, Alex. Conron; Cabbage, ^ Winningstadt, W. H. Conn; Cabbage,, red, W. H. Conn; Cabbage, a. o. v..i W. clear, .Mex. Conron; Honey, amber, (i. E. Culham, Alex Conron*, Home- made bread, yeast rising, d. McKin- non, Mrs. Spoffard; Home-made bread, brown, J. McKinnon; Home- made bread, fruit, .1. McKinnon, .Mrs. Spoffard; Home-made liread, nut, J. McKinnon, Mrs. Spoffard; Oatmeal cookies, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. ' Cul- drop :\pplo pie, Mrs. E. Hawton, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Pumpkin pie, Mrs. Moffatt; 'Sponge cake, Mrs. Moffatt; Lemon 1 I pie, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. K. Hawton; ' Buns, .1. .McKinnon, Mrs. .Moffatt; ' Plain cookies, .Mrs., ,1. A. Kernahan, )J. McKinnon; LiKht layer cake, Mrs. jW. A. Hawken, C. E. Culham; Dark 'layer cake, Mrs. .1. A. Kernahan, C. I E. Culham; Linht ffuit cake, .Mrs. ' F. Sp.flard, .Mrs. Moffatt; Plums, I canned and preserved, .Mrs. W. Wright; Canned strawberries and jiears, .Mr;;. F. Siioffard; Canned raspberries and rhubarb, Mrs. W. Wright ; Apple and currant jelly, , Mrs. .J. A. Kernahan, Mrs. .1. D. ' LeKt'fitt; Berry and Ki'aP'' j<-'lly, Mrs. ' W. Wrijrhl; .Native fruit and veget- able marmalade, Mrs. W. Wright; I Canned vegetables, red, uroen, white or yellow, Mrs. W. Wright; Best display baking from one batch of H. Conn; Cauliflower, Alex. Con-' '•""«>', J McKinnon; Drop cakes, ron; Tomatoes, Thos. H. Bristow, W. ; A. Huwkefl; Siiuash, Mrs. William Wrijfht, Alex Conron; Pumpkin, W. }L Conn, W. -A. Hawken; Vegetable i Marrow, Mrs. Moffatt; Citrons, (Li McDonald, L. Atkinson; Cucumbers, Alex. Conron, L. Atkinson; Musk-| melon, Alex. Conron, L. Atkinson ;j Winter Radish, -Alex. Conron, W. H.| Conn; Vetfetable Oysters, L. Atkin-| son. FRUIT AND FLOWERS APPLES â€" Talninn Sweet, (L Mitohell & Son, Geo. McDonald; Ben Davis. .1. Mitchell, G. Mitchell & Son; Duchess, Geo. McDonald, Mrs. E. Hnnton; Alexander, G. E. Culham, G. Mitchell & Sons; Wolfe Rivar, G. .Mitchell & .Sons, J. Mitchell; Snow, J. Mitchell, G. McDonald; Rusaett, J. Mitchell, G. Mitchell & Sons; North- em Spy, G. Mitchell & .Sons, G. E. Culham; Pewaukee, .1. Mitchell, (L' Mitchell & Sons. I Collections of Plums, G. Mitchell & Sons, .1. Mitchell. ' Collections of Peape, .T. Hitchell,' G. Mitchell & Sons. I CoWeclion of Fruit, J.Ahtchcll, G.I Mitchell & Sons. DAIRY A OTHER PRODUCE Onck dairy batter, 3tt lb., W. II. Hull; Crock dairy butter, 10 lb., Wm. JlodKins; Crock dairy butter, » Ihs., Mrs. E, Hawton, H. LouRheed; Home rendered lard, Mrs. Moffatt; Maple syrup, .Mrs .L A. Kernahan, H. Loupfheed; Maple RU(;ar, Alex. OoBron, Mn. V. Spotf^m-H; Uaner. iran tind (irahani fhmr, Mrs. W. A Hawken, Mrs. Moffatt. SPECIALS Best 5 lbs. butter, Mrs. E. Hawton, H. Loutrheed; Best l.'i lbs. of butter, Mrs. .1. 1). LeuKatt. LADIES' WORK USEFULâ€" Quilt, cotton, pieced, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. ,1. D. Lejratt; Quilt, crochet, Mrs. Crossley, II. Loutfheed; Quilt, any other kind, Mrs. it'rossley, Mrs. Wilson; Fancy bed spread, .Mrs. Dr. Guy, Mrs. F. Spoffard; Rac floor runner, Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Mrs. Crossley; Hooked rug, L_. Atkinson, Thos. II. Bri8t;iw; Braided run, L. Atkinson, Mrs. Wil- son; Woollen socks, coarse, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. W. Wrijjht; Woollen socks, fine, L. Atkinson, Mrs. F. Spoffard; Woollen mitts, double, .Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. .1. D. Lectiratt ; Woollen mitts, fine, L. Atkinson; Mendinjf worn woollen hose, Mrs. Dr. fiuy, Mrs. Moffatt; Mending worn cloth Karment, Mrs. Dr. Guy, Mrs. Moffatt; (ientlemnn's sleepinj? suit, Mrs. .1. D. LeffBatt, Mrs. Spoffard; Ladies' home-made house dress, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. J. D. Leprtratt; Service- able work apron; Mrs. Wilson, .Mrs. J. I). LeRcatt; Child's dress or coat made from old garment, Mrs. Mof- fatt, Mrs. Dr. CJuy; .Machine made cotton garment, unlaundered, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Crossley; Hemmin); on table linen, Mrs. Dr. Guy, Mrs. .1. D. j Le^'tratt ; Laundry work, Mrs. Wil- I son, Mrs. Moffutt.; Ilame-made soap, .Mrs. Cro.ssley, Mrs. Wilson. FA.NCY â€" Sweater coat, ladies', .Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. .1. D. Le^i-'att; Embroidered blouse, Mrs. Dr. Cuy; Caniiscde, haiid-niadc, Mrs. Spoffard, .Mrs. ,1. I). LeKKi'tt; Embroidered niKht robe, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. J. Kernahan; Boudoir slippers. Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Spoffard; Lingerie set, ;i pieces, Mrs. .1. D. Lep;iratt, Mrs. F. Spoffard; F'ancy tea or van- ity baK, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. .Moffatt; Combination suit, embroidered, Mrs. ('rossley; (^invalescent jacket, Mrs. .Moffatt; Hand trimmed handker- chiefs, crochet and tattinp, Mrs. Wil- son, Mra. ,1. D. LeKKutl; Pair hanil towels, crochet insertion, Mrs. Wil- i son, (i. K. Culham; Pair ftuest towels, embroidered in colors, Mrs. .1. I). Le>;natt; Pair jjuest towels, Swedish ' darninK, Mrs. Crossley; Pair pillow casos, fancy, Mrs. ,1. 1), Lefr^att, Mrs. Wilson; Day pillow slips, embroider- ed, .Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. W. .A. Haw- ken; Day pillow slips and sheet, scallopeil and initialed, .Mrs. Dr. (iuy; Bed room curtains, hand trim- med, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. W. .A. Haw- ken; Dresser runner, white, embroid- ery, Mrs. .1. D. LcKtratt, Mrs. Dr. Guy; Dresser and washstand runner, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. F. Spoffard; 'Dresser runner and pin cushion, washahle, Mrs. Dr. (Iuy, Mrs. Cross- ley; Tie or towel holder, Mrs. Dr. (Iuy; Tea cosey, white, hand work, .Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Crossley; Pair tray cloths, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Centre piece, maderia and French embroidered, Mrs. Cross- ley, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Centre piece, crochet or cvochet trimmed, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. iW. .A. Hawken; Ladies' small fancy apron, Mrs. Crossley, .1. McKinnon; Table mats, other than crochet, Mrs. Dr. Guy; Table mats, white embroidered, Mrs. Wilson; Table mats, other style, G. E. Culham, Mrs. Wilson; Tatting, :i liieces, wljite and colored, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Buf- fet scarf, hand work, Mrs. J. .A. Kernahan, Mrs. Wilson; Cloth and serviettes, initialed, Mrs. Crossley, .Mrs. Dr. (Juy; Library table runner, Mrs. Dr. (Juy, H. Lougheed; Fancy cap, crochet, .Mrs. ,1. Daud, G. E. Culham; Specimen embroidery, modern cross stitch, Mrs. .1. I). Lej?- tratt; Spccim«i embroidery, conven- tional, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Speci- men embroidery^ Roman, Mrs. Cross- ley, .Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Specimen embroidery, daisy loop and French knots, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Dr. Guy; Ladie.s' smovk. Mrs. Dr. Guy; Soi'a cushion, sik, emhroidersd, Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Miss C. Seeley; Sofa cushion, washable, Mrs. W. A. Haw- ken; Infant's pillow and carrinte cover, Mrs, Dr. Cuy; Infant's short dress, hand work, Mrs. Dr. fiuy, Mrs. Wilson; Sinirlo piece white eiiibroid ery, not listed, .Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. W. A. IlHwl<«n; S«nrlc pifCK; ctlored nn- Farm For Sale Lots 159; ItiO, 2na lliDge, W T and h K, Arterneaia, lUU acres, good outbuild- ings, fr.>mo house, well watered, orchard, fairly good bush and wud fenced. Siniill payment down. MARK STEWART Au<«25 tf R II ;i, Proton Station 1* O Farm For Sale Lot IBi'i «nd I6«, con. 2, W.T. &S.R , Arteine>iia, containine about 110 acrrs, over 90 acres clraied, i^ood biiildiiii;^ small f.rchard , will watered. App'y to ROD. STEWART, .1/24, . Proton K. R â- *»â-  rurniiure, floor and Woodworlc all Transformed BY A LITTLE When the floor, woodwork or furniture gets dull or cracked, there's one easily applied remedy that both beautifies and protects the surface. China-Lac stains and varnishes and gives a tough elastic finish of pleas- ing lustre and yet does not destroy the natural grain. There's a suitable China-Lac shade for every piece of vv'oodv(rark in your home â€" also a "gloss white" for kitchen or bathroom, arid a "flat white" for rooms requiring a soft finish. Try Ghina-Lac on a shabby table or for brightening up a floor â€" a few cents worth goes a long way to make your home beautiful. Covers up scratches completely and supplies a surface so, permanent that you can wash it with soap and water without fear of damage. F. H. W. HICKLING, FLESHERTON, ONT. R RANPRAM -H ENPERSO N ilOICINt MAT •t..lOMM TOMOMTO WIHM1»M^ coMOfaoN vANeowvmaT broidery, not listed, Mrs. Dr. Guy; Sinfjle piece colored crochet, not li.nted, .Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Single jiiece white cotton crochet, not list- ed, .Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. W. .A. Haw- ken. Single piece fancy knitting, silk or wool, Mrs. Dr. Guy, Mrs. W. A. Hawken. SPECIALS Best collection of fancy work, .Mrs. Crossley. ! Most prizes in Ladies' Work and' Fine Arts, Mrs. W. A. Hawken. ] FINE ARTS I OIL â€" Laiulsiape, from nature] Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. Wilson;! Marine, copy. Miss N. Taylor, Mrs.* \V. .A. Hawken; Figure work, copy,' .Miss N. Tavlor; Fish or game, fronts object. Miss N. Taylor; Still Life,' .Miss ."^^ Taylor, Mrs. Wilson; Any original subject, Mrs. W. A. Haw- ken. Mrs. Wilson. I WATER COLORS â€" Landscape,! Canadian scene, Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. j W. .A. Hawken; .Marine, from nature,' Miss .\'. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; .Animals, from life, L. .Atkinson, Miss N. Taylor; Fruit, grouped, from ob-| ject, Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Miss N. j Taylor; Flowers and vase or bowl,| .Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Hand decorated china, single piece, lealistic design, Miss N. Taylor. MISCELLANEOUSâ€" Sepia, Figure or animal, Mrs. Wilson; Sepia, any, original subject. Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. | W. .A. Hawken; Pastel, any original | subject. Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. Wil- son; Crayon, architectural design, Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Charcoal sketch, Miss N. Taylor, Mrs. Wilson; Pencil drawing," not | copy, L. Atkinson, Mrs. W. A. Haw- j ken; Drawing from casts. Miss N. i Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Black | and white sketch, L. Atkimson, Miss; N. Taylor; Metal work or wood carv- ' ing. Miss N. Taylor. FLORAL EXHIBITS I Alters, best four colors, G. E. Cul- , ham, Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Dahlias,! collection, Mrs. W. Wright, W. H. i Conn; Gladioli, collection, Mrs. | Crossley, Mrs. W. A. Hawlcen; Sweet peas, collection, Thos. H. Bristow, Mrs. W. Wright; Best .3 varieties an- 1 nuals, Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Mrs. ! Crossley; Ifcst .â- ? varieties perennials, I Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Mrs. Wright. ! CHILDREN'S WORK Collection seeds, Millie Coulthardj ' Amateur kodak views, G. E. Cul- ham, John Robinson; Collection of leaves and wood, Singhampton sehool, Millie Coulthard; Essay, "My Idea of a CooJ Citizen," John Rob- inson; Penmanship, Lillian Ottewell. Oaklyn Hodgins; Drawing, boy chas- ing butterfly, Oaklyn Hodgin.s; Col- ored ilr'iwing. onion, iiear, cucum- ber, Lillian Ottewell, Sinthnmpton School ; Ligl>t biscuits, Doris Taylor, i Millie Coulthard; ,'> piettr school j lunch, Dorothy Robinson, .An»;e Rob- instn; I^ia ••pWes »nd ta»te, I Dorothy Robinson, Millie Coulthard; Cross stitch embroidery, Millie Coul- thard; Hand-made apron, Millie ('oulthard; Doll's sweater, Millie Coulthard; Button holes on white cotton, Millie Coulthard, Hilda Hallam. SPECIALS Boy or girl, under 15, who won most prizes in children's work, Millis Coulthard. Easl, West, Home's Best ll bus hem Raid thai The Yoatb'e Coun'ftiiinn liH.H t'.aW umre readers per copy tliiii any i.lher piil>lic*t»5u in AmviicH. Ttiere i« a gowU reaaon to l-elif»e ihlh Hue. Bui tlio impmtatit thinu ia that the intluei.cs <f the papei iip.>n itii iinlli< nti of teiiders has always been direcicd to building character. " Euat, watt, h niie'a titsi," hii b««n it* uiiuttereil (login. In it] articles, edi- ttiiial ami (ilherwise, it has dwflt upon lim ini^iuilance tf liood cinivBahip. lu all Its conlentK it hai a!iue<l lu ttive uv% only entertiiiiiuiHnt,but "ktvppiiiK itnuts to higher lhiiit;s." A yeir ef The Voukh'a Companion ttriugs a iieiiiaiiduua tido uf deighlfui and divvititivd rradinK ih^t •aiinot be found elsuwheru. Tke .^2 issuvn of 1U31 will b« crowded with serial storiea, short aiories, etiitori- alf, paetry, facts aud fua. iiubicribe now and receive â€" 1 Tht Youth's CcinipauioB â€" 5! istues f.ir 1921. S All the mniaiBiag isauen of 1130. 3 Th* Uonipauiun Horn* Calendar for U)21. All the above far t3 AG. 4 McCall'a MaK*zina for 1921. The raoutbly authority ca fashions, 91 60 • year. Ruth publicatioas only 93 50. THK YOUTH'S COMPANION, Conimoawcalth Ave. A St. Paul St., Boston, Maas. New cubtcriptioDs leceivad at this oKo*. In Memoriam Tbisilethwaite â€" In loving memory of our dear Charlie, who entered eternal lifo Oct. IH. 191H A shadiiw restti upon our lives, A Toi«o we loVcd isitilleil ; A plact is Vacant in our home, Which never c*n bo tilled. The >hiick was Kfeat, the blow seveie. We never thought hia dia'h .10 near. SI- ep el', deir onp. and tike thy rest ; We inss y, u m >9* win) lov«;J yon best â€"Mother, Father ttn-X Sister. DURHAM BUSINESSCARDS Societies OKINCK ABTHUR LODGE, No. S33,A.P.4 ^ AM, meets iu tlie Maeoiilo hall. Arm a roMii'n KlucK Klnatmrtoa, every Friday oa or tiefort tbo full mooD. T. Claytoa, W, M., A. E.Bellamy, Secretary. JJentistby \ I 6. C MURRAY L, D. (5 , dental pnrgeon 1-' h noi Krurliiate of Toronto U nl very ty and â- \jy& CoHeco of Dental Siiraeona of Ontario, (j ktt admUiniaitorad for teeth extraction tiiou atr^Bidenco. Toronto Street. Fleabertoa. Medical Di- W.J. Ilcury. Jfl 1).. sra-luateof FacultJ ol MedlciiiH, rorontp f' iveisity. Office â€"Dr. i^ittle'a latu rebUeuco, Fleeberton. J V OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Rargeon iraduatf) '>t Ontario Voterin-ary College eBidfliioo â€" eecoud door Bou'tb weat'on \.,^ry Ptreet. This street rans ootb 'iPBbyterian Chnrch. Legal , UCA8, & HENKYâ€" Barristers, dollcitorg, '^ eic-I. B. Lnofts, K. C. -. W. D. Henry, n. A, Ollicea, Markdale Lucjia niock, Pboa« 2A. biBucb cllicee at Oundalk and Durtiaa. TT KIGHT. & TELFORD, liarriater, Solid. '• tors, &c. Oflices, Grey ic bruoo Block, Owen Bound. Standard Bank c!'.;FleBher- tou.lSaturdaya). W.H. Wright, W. P. i'ellord Jr. Business Cards WM. KAITTINO, Iceuned Auctioneer (01 the counties of lirsy nd Bimooe. ''arm and Stock salea a speoaJtr. Term! â-¡ oderate. eatistactioa guaranteed. Arranga- iienta for dates may be made at tha Advance ifllce, or Central telerhone oflice Feversham ir byaddrcsaing me at Fevci ham, Ont. DMcFHAIi:'. Liceneed Ai!ct»anee tor th â-  County ot Grey. Tertug moderate ac saUe action guaranteed. The airangeme s an 1 dates of eftlee <^n be made at Th B Aova^ ca sltice. Residence and P.S., t'oylon. Telephone cSonectioD. Dec. 6, 70 SALE OF t A R M IN THE TOWNSHII' OF ARTEMESIA BY TENDER Sealed tenders addio.«sed U) John Stewart. R. R. No. .'>, Proton, or Daniel Muir, Ceylon, will be rsceived up to 12 o'clock, noon. 011 Saturday, the 23rd day of October, 1U20, for the following lands, belnngini? to the estate of the Uto Dun- can Muir, deceased, nimely: â€" Lit oue hundred and fifty in IhH seooud conces- sion south-west of the Toronto and Syd- enh.iiii roid in the Township of Arte- mesia in thd County of Grey, excepting thereout those porii<ins thereof hereto- fore sold and conveyed. Tliifl parcel contains 24 acres, more oir less. This property is situate between the village of Flesherton and Ceylon, and is convenient to both places. Cpin the premises are s^iid to be a j(ood frame house, al.s 1 a small frame barn. The hnds are fairly well fenced and well watered and in a <,'o(id state of cultiva- tion. Terras â€" A marked ehenne for ten per cen". (if the tender must .iccompany each tender. The balance of the purchaae money ta be paid in thirty days after iicoejitHnce of tender withou* interest. The liiwhest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The property will be sold suV.ject to a reserve hid. For further particulars and conditions of sail! apply to the undersigned JuHN STEWART, DANIEL MIIR, R U Xo. ."?, Pro'on. Ceylon. Ont. Ont. Administrators of the estate of Duncan Muir. deceased Or to W'riaht, Telford A Birnie, tjwen Sound, Ont,, their Solicitors Notice to Creditors In llie matter of the estate of Donald Kennedy, late of the Towii*hip of .Arteiiie.fia, in the County of Grey, Faruier, liecea.sed. Nutiee is hereby given, pursuant to "The Trustee Act'" and ainendmeiits thereto that' all creditors and others h.tvmi; clHiina against the ebtate uf the said D,inal(2 Kennedy, who died on or about the 2-lih day cf July, AD. 1920, are re,iuired on or before the 22od clay October, A. D. 1920, to eend by posB prepaid or deliver to Donald Campbell, Pricuville, Ouiario, or Alexander Stewart, Priceville, Ontario, the Executors of ihe last Will and Testament ot the said deceasrd, their Christian and Surnames, addresses aud descriptions, khe full par- ticulars of their claims, the statement of their acrouuts, and the nature of the (•ecuritits, if any, hold by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the aaid Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re^ard only to the claiiiM of which they shall then have I otice, and that the said Executors wil not be liable for the ^aid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been receiv«d t>y them at the time of s'lch distrihution. Daled this 20th day of September, A, D. 1990. -WRIGHT, TELFORD A BIRNIE, Owen Sound, Ont. SoKoitors for the above named Executor* Came Astray Came to the premises of the ynder- aigned about October 1, three yearlinii c»iile. Owner {irovo property, pay e» penses and lake the same aw«y. -JAMES PEDLAR Maxwell P. O. Bull For Service Pure VireJ Shirthorn Bull of the ViUaiie Faniily^fir service on lot 10, oon. in, Osprey. Feims 92 50 for tirades. 95 for pure t-'icdn >nly 15 â€" -Mort. Sayers, Prop. r

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