Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1920, p. 8

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Doeetaktr 2 19:10 X>&E Â¥LKiiU&ii£ Va ADVANCE Financial Strength THE support of a strong, well estab- lished Canadian Bank is a strength to any community. The Bank of Toronto, incorporated in 1855 (twelve years before the Canadian Confedera- tion), offers the people of this Town and District the full service of a care- fully managed institution, with every facility for meeting the banking needs of its customers. Savinrjs, houselicld and business accounts invited. V We will be pleased to have you call at any time you have business to transact in which we can be of service to you. Feversham Branch R. P. BelUmy. Manager "BANMOIONTO Incorporated 1855 ss g z.xazN D ancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and w^ithout expense if you have a Victrola wrA. ARMSTRONG '^^ : DEALER ^ FLESHERTON ON i NOTICE For Service IlRineniber the Old Heliablo Sincr Sewing Machine. Y.m can liiy on ' Onn |i,ir« brrtd ,Sh..rUi..rn bull ..ii Lnt teriiii to nuit yf.u at a very r. n>ot)KbIe, 2« «ncl i.>!». C.)n.;H«Hmt. S, Artoinci!i». price 10 year gu^rantae. I THriiH-i!1.5(l !„r uw.io- if i.Hirl iimrle of HUGH KNOTT, Aaent, ! •' '"-â- "^•â- ^ - *' •"" '-• I''^"' '''*''" ^=5 «"• M 1 1 , r. '!"«<• â€"UOBKriT OSBORNE. T. OitMon of the Gaatrtl buUI, Walk crIoD, was linfd 91000 for hiviof liqaor on the hotel prtmiies. Uuor^e lidiohei was fined $C0O for his ^art in eonoecliiii with the stiipmsiit, and Fred Nattul. ' whuatatfd that the ci<ntiit{uinenb had I bseo forwarded in hi* naiiis wilhdut hi* I kno'ledije or eunse'tt, wis let off on payment ut costs. * ff^fe^'Htl'^.Vo:- ' -.^-X* J iii. 'â- '•tV^' 8USINESSCARDS SoCIBTDSfi pKlNCB AKTHUR I^ODGK, No. !)a3, A r.A ( A M. iiioata in the Masonic ball. Am: 'B'ronK'a Klock KI<wbarton, ofery Friday uii or l)efor« tho TuM moon. A. S. Muir. W. .M h. a. Holland. Sucru-.Ary. J^ENTISTOT UlB. C MUKRAV li. D. B , dsotal â- u'geoD h*. nor Knulimtu of 'I'orniiio IJoivrrPitv <ii.i (i ya <V>lloK<) n' neniaJfimnieaniialOinaAB, B '.a aduiininiiiturud fur teelli e)Ctra(!|tloii ilioti atr JAiiloncu. I'oronto hiit^tic. t* luutierton. Mboioal I "f%r \V. .1. llciiry. M: li.. i:r«'lu«toof Paonit) I '•^ of Moiliciriu, Turouto Ui)iv<i)9lty. OtHcB I â€"Dr. i^itllu'u latu rufci<<«ucc. Flehliurton. f 1> OTTKWRLLi ' Vaterioar; Borgcoo )ra<1nate Qt Outatio Veterinary Colleiie oKidenco â€" Beoond door eoQth wbntlpa Vkary street. Tbia Btreet rans outb Prsebyteilaa Ohnnfli. Legal , L'CAH. 4 hKNKYâ€" Unrrlstflrs. oolinltorR, '-' L'-lo.â€" I. 11. LuCRti, K. C. : VV. r». Ildory, H. A. OUlcoH. Markilule Iiucis Block, PtiouQ 3'V. laucti oUlcbH at Oundalk Riul UnrliH . V UIGHT. & TEIiJfOKD.iiarrlBter. Solici. " tor:^, &C. Oincc'H. (irey X liruct# HlnrU. Owen Koiinri. Btantlnrd Hank ••^'/Kleciier- tou. (Saturdays). VV. H. Wngbt. W. PI ruHorJ Jr. B1JSINE.SS Cards lUM. KAITT1N(5, iRonnod Auctioneer loi '' tho conntios of (irey and Hiniooe. linn and Htock aaiefl a fipacIaJty. TarihB tvMlerute. Ratiiifaction guaianteiafl. Armge- I •'Utii for dutcs may bo made at tba AdvODoe 'Ljff.', or Cenli-Hl tolerlioiH' ofliort i-nvarBham >r by addreBBiua ma at Fiivei ham, Ont. f» MoPlTAir, LIceoBod AnoMonoB for fli '-'• Co luty of Groy. Terms laoderate ar SIMS action cuarautood. The arrangome ; dn^l ilnt«;M of isfucs c'uij IM. Inn'Kiut 1 il . ,-,.... " ilfne. ICesMencebud I'.o.. l^uyloii. ToiojJhop h joanactiou. Ugo. 0, "â- ) Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE 18 hbieljy t;ivoii that RoCEKT Iinvi.v, i.f tlio City (if Windsor, in tin County (if Essex, i:i tlie^Frovinci- of K.iLnrio, Salt'Hinaii, will apply to llie P.irliari>eiit of Caiiad.i, «t the ticit Sjshiiiii iheruof, for « Hill of Divorce from his wife, Maky Mahtha Biknktt- Irwin. <.f llio VilU«e uf l<'l«hlierton, in the C'liiity of Grey, i'l Iha ProvincB of Ontario, oil the ground of .adultery. DATED at the City of Windsor, in the County of K-si'.\, I'roviiK'u of ( )iit»ri. , thia 1st, day of November, A. D. l'J20, Frederick C, Kerby, 211 Davis Build in-^. Windsor, (,)iiLari((,;Si)li<;itor for the Applicant. For Sale U For Se The pi(iptrty'kno.cj as tho Ashdown ri:siddiioi! at Ceylon, an i>i[;ht roomed du.-ollini{, u'lod cnlhir, s'uhlo, vtz ; about Hti acre «f land ; would make a «nnH lioinn for "a rotired vent!eiraii. Fm unns and further purtioulars apply to gJ â€" W..I. BEFiLAMY, Fleshort.m Snp2«2() Boar For Service Kbuisterfid Cliontor White hoi.' for sdvici) ntUock Mill.s. 'I'iio futhcr woo lirst lit, (;i*ic.vuo K.iir. TorniN SI 50. dc lU â€"I. SMITH Prop. MR. OWNER Now is the time to give your Battery Careful attention. Bring^^it in and leave it with us for the winter. If itiiSnnot right we will make it right. If it is rij^ht we keep it so. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. H. DOWN & SONS, Dealers FARM WATER SUPPLY Practical Pointers About Install- ing Suitabte iiquipment. I^nttlng Rnnning Wnter In tJie Homo and the Ram â€" Bow to Develop the Natural Water Supply â€" Severn! Sy.items Suggetited. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) IN penning this short article the writer desires to stress two main points In regard to this subject, first, the need and Importance of securing an adequate and permanent .supply, and, second, tho Installation of snitablo equlptnent for getting the water "on tap" in house and stables and about the lawns and gardens. In regard to the supply of drinking or hard water. It may be said that of late many of the old shallow wella of the Province have been failing ser- iously, thus Indicating that the wator- table is not as high as It used to be. It is to be hoped that this Is only a temporary condition and that many of tUeee weUs will soon become ser- viceable again. However, the shallow well can seldom be relied upon abso- lutely, and BO as a rule it is wise to .sink such wells deeper. This usually means drilling. Sometimes there is Kood reason for abandoning the old well altogether and choosing a new site. A careful survey of the cii.sting wells of the district in respect to depth, supply and character of llio water will usually prove useful in re- gard to the advisability of drilliiiK, also a knowledge of tho nature, depth and dip of the underlying strata or rock formation may help too. Instru- ments for locating underground water, so far as our experience goes, have not been a success in this Pro- vince, although much is claimed for them in some other countries differ- ing widely from Ontario in geological formation. Some individuals claim Ihat they can locate underground water by means of a forked twig from such trees as cherry, plum, and oA/el, and because we have known good wells to be found in this way, and because prominent scientists have ifiven the matter considerable atten- I ion in recent years, we are not in- clined to pooh-pooh the idea. In :;oiiie cases old wells go dry becau:so the water veins feeding the well hav(^ become clogged. If so, a charge of dynamite in the bottom will effect a remedy. Sometimes an old dug well will supply plenty of water for all time if it is dug a few f(!et deeper, or if tho formation is sandy or grav- olly (fine) for some depth below the bottom a special lllter may be sunk into a water-bearing layer of sand or ,','ravcl with good results. It is well 'o emphasize the valu(! of a good I'pring. If one exists reasonably cioso (o the building.'! it may be made to .-.upply them with water if certain condition obtain. In every farm home there should be a large cistern eitlitr in the cidlur or just oiil.side tho cellar .vail and beluw the ground for stor- :'.ge of rain w-iter. This water can b(> ised for wasliing purposes, bathing .11(1 lltisliing tlio closet. A large cis- tern at the barn and connected with •he cavc-lroughing thereon, will sup- ply a large portion of tiie drinking water for the stock in the rainy per- iods. It is very essential ttial the supply be ample and never failin;;, and when this i.'! assured steps may be conlidentially taken to install water :;ysteiiis in order to have the water convenient about tho home. The second point, nuinely, the dis- tribution of tlie water supply, is a very big one, and one about which a good deal might be written. Space will permit only the very brkfest Ij-eatuunt, but if more dcttills are ro (luircd write the Department of Agri- culture, Toronto, Ontario, for Uul- letin No. 267, entitled "The Farm Water Supply and Sewage Dispo.sal," or the Department of Phj-sljcs, O. A. College, Guelph, will gladly advise regarding any problems received by letter. (1) If the -well he shallow, that ia the level of the water is never more than 25 feet below the surface, pr say llie level oC the pump cylinder, tho pump may be located inside the buildings instead of directly over the well. Greater convenienct; would be the result of such a change. (2) A small water tank in the at- tic of the house will make it possible to install plirmbing flxturt^s, as sink.H, hath and closet in the home. (3) Better ihan the attic tank sys- tem is the compression system. A strong steel cylindrical tank is locat- ed in the cellar or some frost-proof place, water is pumped Into it from well or cistern against air pressure v,'hich forces the water to all points where It is required. Tho pump may be operated by hand or bettor by gasoline engine, windmill, or electric motor. (4) If electricity be available tho compression system can be operated automatically and tho storage tank made so small that tho water Is drawn fresh from tho well instead of from a large storage tank. (5) If a Eood spring exists on ground level with top of house or higher, a pipe under tho frost-line be- tween spring and house is practically all you need In order to have the spring water on tap. (6) If not high enough for a grav- ity system tho spring may possibly bo advantageously located for installing a liydraulic ram which will pump tho water to a tank in house or stable or trough in yard. It is worth whilu having pure and cool spring water always on tap about the huilUiugs. The fall would be a good time to put in a system so that you will not be obliged to carry water anoliicr winter. First bo sure that your sup. ply is ample for all reduire.iioiiis, and then go ahead with llio i. stall- ing of some suitable water .system, • ind do not forget that we are nnxlou.s to iK'lp you. â€" U. K. Graham, O. a. Colleee, Quelph. â- HP"-!*" Choose Electrical Gifts This Christmas We have the largest stock of ElectricaJ Supplie.s north of Tor- onto and can supply your every want promptly and reasonably. We invite your inquiries by mail or phone. If you have Hydro ia your home you should make your (Jifts thi.s Xnias of an electric natureâ€" they are the mest appro- priate and pleasing gift you can hiiy. Phone calls will be paid by us where order i.s given. Let Us Have Your Order By Mail or Phone We Guarantee Satisfaction W. J. McLlNDEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR & SUPPLIES 976 2nd Ave. E. OWEN SOUND Phone 337 (t Broncho Buster This is a $3.00 This halter has a guarantee tag attacheci to it. If you have a horse that can break it inside of one year the makers will repair or replace it free of charge. It is made three- ply, with a tough rawhide centre. We have a halter for every horse. Come in and look themover. O. W. PHILLIPS, Flesherton W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. CJall and see these high grade insti'uments M^ AT wmw ILiwkaii'.s Photo Gullery and; Music btor FLESH ERT ON •It Bull For Service Pure tired Shorthorn Bull of the Villaee FBinily].f.ir service on lot 10, con. II), Osprey. feims S2 50 for Kr-idea. $5 | be chari;td same aa those id pig. for pure breds. j Fob 15 â€"T.J. STINSON, Prop. Jnly If) â€" Mort. Sayers, Prop. ' BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamworth Boar lor survice on lot lt57, S W T and S E., Arleiueaia,. Terms â€" *1.50. Sows not returned will V / SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over lOCj users say about 1900 Gravitvjwaahers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1000 Gravity washers and wringers £lectiic and gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stall*. Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford ^ dciublo (feared «nd auto oiled airraotor Wind MilU. Bealty Hay Carriers, Hay Forkt, Slinss, Manure Carriers, Water Bowl.H, Water Tanks. Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ-SAWS One thud more w.>od cut with same IK)wer when titted wiih my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont.

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