Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1921, p. 1

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/leslicrton Vol 41, No. 33 Flestierton, Ont., January J 1921 HOCKEY The hock.y match played hsr Thurs- day evening of last week between the Fl*herton and Owen Sound teams was the most keenly contested p\m seen here in years. The ice was soft, but that did not prevent a good iihi:.iri. n of buckey No goals were eeorsd in the first period and in the second one goal was scored by Flesherton. In the first ball of th third period the hume team teemed to lose their wind hnd Oven Sound scorid three zoals. In tho last half, however, Flesherton "came to" and gut in one goal and another htch the referee failed to nee, a'.tlu ugh it can be sworn to by cczens. When the goal umpire tor Flesnertcn claimed this goal tb high and mighty Umpire Miicbell, tpecial friend of the Owen Sound coach, and who was visiting hia f ri nds I here on the day of the match grabbed hold r>f the umpire's arm and ran him uff the ire Some autacrasy, eh '. This goal would h an tied the score arid the rrferee had no time to fritter away on a tie, as h wanted to get away en the night trail) to Owen Sound *ith his fnei.iis. It was a raw deal, but it ia safe to .- >y f bat Mr. Mitchell refeees i.o more games on the Fleihertau rink. And ether teams will do well to make a note of this little idio" synchrasy in this referee's mako up. Outside this one important factor in the game, the contest was a clean one and good hockey was played throughout. But Ihe S.VTK should have been a tie, not 3 to 2, as it was. Owen Sound defeated Fiesherton on the former's rink on Monday night by the score of 10 0. The local* were very unlucky iu shooting and the score i- no ind.tutiouof -. !;. ,:..y. TLu (lives U.S. the group honor. Notice Re Friceville Soldiers' Memorial The executive of the Priceville Memo rial Society wish to secure the complete and correct Hat of names of those from Piicevilln and the c. m:nu:;i y who fell in the great war, also the date, so that the names may be arranged in proper order. The following is the iiibcription. and the list of names in pussessioa of the commit tee, but the committee asks th e nearest of kin to kindly write the eecrc- '.iry at once in every e-v. AK . if any one knows of any omission please notify the secretary, as the monument ia ready to have the minus cut. P>a*e note tho spelling particularly. DESCRIPTION In booor of ll who served, anil in loving memory of those who died, in tho cause of freedom and Justice, 1914- In the great war-lSUS List of !.'Bies Irvine MacArlhur, John U. MacDjuatd, Henry C. Macin- tosh. Archibald A. MacKinnon, D'<imld S. MacKinnon, Robert E. Maclean, Robert MacMeekin, Neil Muc.Millan, Aley MxcVicar, Thomaa L. Mather, Goldwiu Patterson, Isaac A Plnkerum, James Whyte. Annie Harrow, Secretary. The Taco Range A R.ui ;o of pleasing and handsome appeaitnce. The plaia smooth castings are very easy indeed to keep clean. (Large perfect baking oven, smooth silvery nickel, large fuel saving tint box, clean dust proof warmriig cleset, dual pipe damper, a*h pan door with slide, reservoir trnk[enclosed in c>s in.>n casing. The " Taco " will appeal to the most discriminating bnyr as a leader in its ulass. Dun't oontent yourself with tho knowledge of a " Taco " [euperior- ity you gain in reading about- it but make it a point to ie the value in this range with your own eye. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario Old Durham Road \Vm. Meids, our Reeve, attends the County Council this week. Born To Mr Bnd Mrs Donald Me- Einnon, Jan IS, a son. Miss Ruby Muir vi.-iud friends OD the Durham Ruad recently- 3 We are sorry to report lhat Miss Maggie Currie has been ill. Miss Margaret Richardsc.n, teicher, spent the week end at her home in Proton. We are glad to Announce Mifea Annie McMillan is improving after an extended illntsa. John Mead? lout a valuable horse lately Thomas WaUon is under the doctor's care at present. Robert McNuity has recently sol<? his farm ir Proton to Joseph Oliver and intends moving so> n to Ms new home at Swinton P*rk. We are sorry to see them leave our neighborhood but wiab them th.' b<- -t of lock Quite a oumbet are laid up with severe colds. S. Bemphill h t- been engaged buzzing wood for some f the f.sruitrs hers lately. No one can play ' pussy wants a corner" when lit! ia cuttine wood. Osprey Council Tho inaugural treetin^ "f the Council <is held at M ,\ - nn Jin 17, having ojti postponed from the 10th inst. iy advice of the 51 O H, After unkii-g the statutory declaration of iftice ihe D>W Council proceeded to dispose of the foil- owing business : McKcr.z e - Toole That the following flection .i:l nomination expenses bs pid : D R O's E Bar* rave $-4. I. 4, Ti ..< Comon $4. Albert Edwarda |4, GHO McDonald $4, Ed Cunieron |4, Wu N -HI in f 4, John Lougheed $4 ; Poll Clerkt-M McMillan. Albert Heron. M [>..I;H I-, Willis Netf, A Mclatyre. M McLeau, D M:iclcm and J U Seeley, 13 each ; Polling Booths, W S lukstsr, Marshall Kertoo, Tho* Conron, !;*.- 1. Neff, Mrs McLean. J Kite. in, Thomas II H.B.JII. and Percy LoOKhsed 93 a ieh. H!l for nomination, Marshal Ksrton ('{, McKenzie PooU That the CUrk order teveo copies of the Municipal World for use of t he Council, Clark and Assessor. Edwards Pools That F**eisham L L be paid {8 > J Siuzhainpron [.'> $6 for meetings he'd by the Council in their respective h*ll during the yc-ir 1920. Ross McRrnzie -Tha- the follourinx tccounta bo puict : J McKen^ie, sheep valuer in I .-',*." 75 ; D 51cMi!ltm,i2rnt>l 8223JTI10J Bevty, postnga in 1920, (l.3o: Eli Robinson, padlocks, fl.4U . H W Kermhaii, post. !>', $l.l>t)Kud expens- es tlelivcriujj ballet roxes II ; Edward Taylor, for error in levy in t' S S No 2 M & D, $113 1!> ; J A Kernha.n,ex press mid cartg>, $1 2O : Flesheiton Advance prii tin? account, $-4539; Htrb Neil, hcep rliiin. SIO ; Municipal World, election supplies. 913 (iO, and supplies for assessor |'24 (W. The following sheep valuers wcro ap- pointed : Willis Norf, J S Winters, L Moore, Fred SporTorJ. A Hutchineon. Standing committees : Roid an^ Undue Reeve, Depu'y Reeve and Com inissioticr of the division. PrintinR com- mittee McKecz-e and Poole. Finance committee All members of the o uncil. Treasure's secuiipus Messrs. Taylor and Edwards. EJards Poole That A McGtrr be l> u 1 fS.50 for services aa school attend- ance officer durum 1920. Ross McKenzie That the following don ** k' rufumled : Q G Thompson 12. \VHGuyf2. MoKtuzie Edwards That the Reave and Deputy Reeve investigate the con- dition of ilio Hop Back liil. oo the Dur- ham Road ond lake action as they deem Tho folio wing bylaws were read the required number of tunes and pasard : No 685, appointing Trios Beatty Assessor for 1921 ; No t'.Sii, appointing A J Con- ron and C 11 Field Auditors for 1921 ; No 087, appointing Dr. Stephens, K Pedlar, L Moore and Wro. Andenoo M School Attrndtnc* officer* for 1921 ; No, i 689, authorizing Ihe township of IMprey [ to borrow from the Bank of Toronto s j iiiin not txcoediag fSOOO to meet now i current expenditure. On motion the Council adjourned to meet at Kevcribam on Feb. 14, 1921 ROCK MILLS The Reck Millr Baptist Church will hold a necktie box social and programme on Friday evening, January 28. Lodita with bi'ies free. Admission 35 and loc. Leirig PedUr returned borne on Satur- day night after spending fear weeks in Toronto. Mrs Th'js Howard viaited iba pist week wilh her daughter, Mrs Ruber: Cmft. Quite number from around here attended the hockey match in Fit-shert.'a on Friday night and report a goc;d game. Sam Croft has s.-'a his team to his brother a* he intends goinR We.st in the spriui{. Mrs W T Pedlar visited recently w:th her daughter, Mrs J Wtokens t Eugenia. Born On January 16th to Mr and Mrs Ned Croft, a SOD. The Rock Mills Ladle*' Aid will hold thuir next nieetii'g r.t the homa of Y:s Robt Clark, on Tuesday, Fb 15. MAXWELL Too Lite La*t Week Mt.-s E'sie Small of Shelburne. who haa been v siting her uncle, A. Moriison, ainca Chrstma*, returned huoio lal week. ' l!i-s Margaret Heron ia ill with in- fliuiinauon. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mist, Allie I.iwlci visitfci with her S'stei. Mrs. Chard, during <be past week. Lieut. Col. Carmichael gave * splendid talk to the UFO members and adh r- enls en Ftitiay iu the ileu.o-lut. hall. After this talk a discussion was held dealing chiefly with Education, teachers' salines, useless lexcheis ind how they should be trained in order 10 teach the UFO pupils, when the present standtid ifl coastdered ton high and too expensive. PORT LAW The special service* whic'i have been conducted by Mr. Patterson the past two weeks in Mounc Zion church were brought to a close Sunday evening last. Much interest was evinced in the meet- ings and the result is a manifest quick- ening of the spiritual life of the .cominu- niiy. We all regret to learn by reports from Collingwood hospital that Mr. Lewis Sheardowc is i- t improving as well as hoped for. His recent operation was >]uito successful, but other ailments hiv developed which have rendered hii con dition more seriouf. John W, Uanry h is been laid up for sraio tune past and under the doctor's >.are. We arc glad to hear that he is somewhat improved. Kev. Mr Fowler coiiductid pnyer meeting last Friday at the homo of Wesley Plant t. F. H. Thompson was in ClusVy last woek I. ukum after property recently purchased there. William Fletcher of British G>lunih:;i visiud recently wuh Ins brother here. V ANDELEUR Mrs. Will Buchanan is a'tei dinu the Eporth League \Vintrr Si-ho. 1 in Din- forth Meih"dist Church, Toronto. Mr. Geo. Slinnnon and sister. Miss Lizzie, spent n fw days w th friends Ht Corbetton ud Notta**. Mr. Albert Buchanan spent tho week, end with his sister in Owen Sound. Tiio W.MII n'.i Institute held their monthly meeting at Ihe home i>f Mr*. W. Elliott, Markdale. A good pivgiaui wat given. Dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The Ejiworth League are having a social evenicg at the home of Mr. Joe Buchtnam and family on Wednesday evening of this week. J J Morrison, Secretary of the U. F. Co-oprative Co., Ch? McCurdy, V, F. U, Live Stock Commissioners, fr< m Toronto ami others are wipectcd to b t Harkdale on Thufuhy, Card Of Thank* Mr. C. N, K.'itou wishes to convey heartfelt thinks to the L O L No. 666, Mtxnell, bieiheivp, acd nuny friends, for their kind sympathy during his sad bereavement. New Grain Competition A new seed grain competitioa haa been instituted by ih Ontario Departmeut of Agriculture, and one which it is believed will attract a great deal of interest. The competition has been tken up by the Agricultural Society h^re and entries can be made with ihe stcrec.iry any tin.* now. The grain choien tor ibis contest ia liarley. There must b fifteen entrias, and five acres of barley must be sown. The stan<tit.!{ crop will b judged tirjt, but in tbis competition the thic-shed grain wilt also be judgnd in the I i: s or sacks f iht> competitors, the combined scares determiuing the trial a*tird. The cleaned seed will be judged eithei in the s-tck or iu on the premises of the com- peti'ur i/ncr before J*n. 15th. Tne seed used by the compe:i:ors mu-t be regis- tered feed or. if thin is nut available, see i approved ty ihe Provincial Seed Comini'te.'. There rujst be at least To b'j^kels of barley iu the bin. eieven prizes will be offered. 1-t ?7j, 2nd W), 3rd f45, 4th $:!5, otit S30, Glh $20, 7ih $10, t-jtal$275. Ail L-..ui(.e'itors must sow the same variety ct b:ir!cy and arrangements b&ve li.en midd far supplying seed at reasonable pric* where necessary. Whtie registered seed is sown by a competitor tho Canadian Seed Growerb' Association will accep'. the field scure of the tield cr<>j> c mpet.tn H judne and wi.l issue certiticates if rcgtslra.iun providing tbo field score warrants this. la other words the competitor I'tcamcs autoaiatically a member of the Canadiin Se*d Grower's Astociation and nny have his ietd registered <nd catalogued, pro- vi led he has any ;', r sale. Tlielii^e prizes offered f'ir this cum- poit'on are to encourage the p oduction of huh class seed of approved vanetirs acd in substantial quantities. CEYLON Ruby Sione of Toronto U visit : og hr perrnti. Th.imsi Cook and wife of Kbordals visiitd at R. Cook s last week. The L' F O unloaded a car < : alt and flcur last itet-k. It will be learned with reprtt of the death of Mrs McLiren, wife of Rev R J McLaren, who died t her homo N<> 6, at Ca:im-ille, Ont., tn her 54th year. The remains were interred in K.versiJe esrue ery. Ouelph. Rev. McLann hnd shrge of Flesherlun and Reck Mills and Ceylni: field six yours ag.i. She leaves a loving husband and two daughter*, who have the sympathy of their many liieods hero. Clarence Muir spent ihe past week* in Toronto. Mr. McWhincey of Hsnover his daughter, Mrs Aicliihuld, Is-t Usury Turuer, the young ui-iu who srole CUrence Muir's car here U- f . fall u: : drove it t . Millbr.'ok, was sem. -need Ht Colxuru to five months iu jail. Mi; (\ili-min of Owen Sound it visit- iug her daughter. Mis F G Collins^n. Muriel Spicer cf T.-ryiito spent > few dys last week with her mother here, who ill FINE JE WE LERY Bates BurialCo. Committed for Trial An imp rt:int magi*! rate's inv. tion s hekl luro Moudiy ever.:: i; be- fure Magis'ra'e Orussorof Owen . v; ouni1, when U. L. Weber was cb.irijt.l ith fulsifyiui; pay sheets for his own honetit last sum iner or fall. Tbo accuse. I hid charge of cenu-nt work on coun'y badges and culverts lat summer. C'Uuly So- licit' r M.ddlelnohtJ charge of tht> pros eoution and Crowu Attorney Djto nlso wat:hed the case. Mr. !';:-., i Wright, Telford A B rn:e, "attenJ^J for the d ; enc?. The iccused was comuiiued fjr ttial > the next Assizes, an.i bail was accepted in ill* sum cf 8400"). Mr. Weber is confident that h.. c*n c'o >r hiut- self of the chargo when the proper tiuis conies, and we sincerely hDe that such will be the case. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Biiroutario Street, nnr Third Strrer, Collingwood,, Ontario Appoint msuta : Daily- 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings and Holidays arranged . Telephone till- W. Box 1066 1 My -jo Come in and =ee our fine Jarf;e stock of Jewelry, WatcLe?, Clocks, etc, and when yon have seen tuem jon will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing ;i specialty. A full line n Photographic scpplies Including developing powders, printing frames, dark lantetns, al sizes of kodacks acd n'rrs. 1BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embsilmer* Phone Hillcrest 26 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddlock, President. Manager ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, pbone Qr write _GEO 1 . W. K05 FLESHERTON, ONT O*prejTel. system Maxwell P. O. House of Quality We are out to show the people the bottom of the market. We handle wrapped 'Canada" Bread from Toronto. We have a complete Stock of New Fruits and Fresh Chocolates, mixtures and pack- ages, all kinds of Nuts. OUR TERMS ARE CASH AND TRADE -NO CREDIT. FEED Oats, Barley, Peas, Wheat, Oat and Barley Chop, and Oat Chop, Ontario Bran and Shorts, and Low Grade Flour. J. R. PATTISON & SON, Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries end Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario We Wish lo Announce That our Bread price still remains at 20c. per large loaf. 75c. Tea to 50c. per pound. St. Lawrence Sugar to $ I 1 .90 per 1 00 Ib. And one thousand other articles dropped which I haven't space here to mention. Just drop in and take a look at our goods. Everything new and up-to-date. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton Increase Your Etrning Pcer by taking a course in the ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto One of the last two students to accept positions commenced at $2*2.50 per week and the other over 9100 per mouth. Write for College Circular. Enter any lime. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Toflserial Parlors We Aim to GITB Entire Safctefcctfc* LAUNDRY-Etaskrt closes Moad*, night, delivery FitAy ev CLEANING audDYEJJHG- W ar ( agents for Parker's Dy Works Clotal j cleaned and dyd. fenthecw 're;uven*d T FISHER PROPRIETOR

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