Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1921, p. 3

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THE MAELSTROM By FRANK FROEST. Late Superintendent of the C/imir>a! Investigation partment of S Gotland Yard. De "Well?" said Hallett quietly for the third time. "You were at the house. You saw who killed the old man? You would know him again?" The man did not wait for an answer. "You must keep your mouth shut. This is for a warning. If you see him again you not tell eh? There are many of us. You will bs watched. And if you split " A prod with the pistol finished the sentence. The theory that his molester was a reporter had long ago been abandon- ed by Jimmy Hailett. It was evidently thought that he had see 1 . 1 , the face of the man at Linstons Terrace Gar- dens and he was to be terrorized into silence. He had sense enough to reflect that for all the audacity of the hold- up, the threat of surveillance was hloiff perhaps even Uie concealed pistol was bluff. Not that his ac- tions would have differed much, even had he supposed them real. He took a quick step backwards and sideways and a bullet that tore its way through the cloth of the other man's pocket told that that part of the story was reliable. Then. Hal- lett'a knee was in his back and H>il- !tt's arms were woven in a strangle told about his throat. The man collapsed gurgling. The whole business had occurred ia barely two seconds of time. As they fell there was a third arrival. "Hold htm uo-wn 1 minute, Mr. Hal- tett. Til-it's all right." The third man possessed himself of the squirm- ing captive's wrists and twisted them behind his back to Hallett. Then he methodically and quickly ran his hands through the prostrate inan'3 clothing, possessing himself of a small, still-smoking revolver and a sheath-knife. "Thank yon, sir. Now. this gen- tleman might get up. We'll run him alone to King Street Station and see what Mr. Meniies has to say about it." Then Hallett noted that the man who had come to hU assistance was the UverrJKi functionary who had ac- cepted his five-pound note to put off the reporters less than an hour ago. But he no longer wore livery. He was in quiet, unssnuming tweeds, and his manner was not exactly that which might be expected from a Baiter to \ hotel guest even in the circum- stances. He surprised 'Hallett's look of In- quiry and smiled an he locked his arm Into that of the prisoner. "De- tective Sergeans Royal, sir," he ex- plained. "I'll- let you know all about it Liter. What's your name, my man?" He shook his captive slightly "Smeeth William Smeeth." cad th man sullenly, and Royal winked at Hallett. Thai's a good old Anglo-Saxon name, 4 ' hs said. "Come alan*." It was In the criminal investigation office at K.ing Street, while' they were awaiting Menzies, the. Royal gave his explanation with a certain apologetic tone. "It was this way. Mr. Ha'.l-ett. You see, Mr. Menzi<*s asked me to keep an eye on you when you were sent home yesterday. Of course he thought you were all right, but it doesn't do to take any one's say-so In our trade. This ia. murder, you see, and though it seemed all right, you might have forged or stolen the Introduction you had. We couldn't be sure your name was really Tlal- tett" "And candbagged myself on ;! back of the head," interpolated Hal- lett, with trony. Royal gave a shrug. "Mr. Men- ztes doesn't take any risk*, sir. It couldn't do you any harm. They know me at the hotel, and that's how it was I was able to gt Into livery and walk Into your room pretty well as I liked." A new light broke upon Hallett. "1 get you. I thought perhaps I was a bit fogged when I got up and had forgotten where I put things. You've been searching my room.' 1 Royal's face never shifted a muscle. "I .don't admit it, sir. That would be illegal without your permission." "Illegal or not, you did it," retorted Hallett. "1 hope you're quite sat- isfied." "Oh, thenvll be no more trouble about that. -Mr. Menzies told me on the telephone just now that he'd cabled to the State*, and they've put ycur record reputation straight. Be- side*, there's what I learned about J'OU." "I suppose you read my letters," ventured Hallett. "No: don't worry to soothe me down. I'd probably have half-killed you if I'd eiught you at it, but I'm quite ci!m now. By the i way. there was i fiver " A flush mounted to the temples of the detective, and he shook his head I in vehement denial of the implioa- ! tion contained in the broken sen- tence. "I had to take it or you might have suspected something. I passed it on to the servants and told 'em what to do. I never saw the re- porters myself. Some of 'em might have known me. "\Vhen you went down to break- fast I changed my clothes- and slipped a phone message through to head- quarters. They told me to hang on to yen till Mr. Menzies had seen you. You'd wver have known a word about it if it hadn't been for our bird down below." He Jerked his head in the direction of the cells. a!l<>tt b?ga.a to appreciate some of the realities of detective work. Before he could make ajiy comment. Menzies csaie in. He nodded affably Lo the young man. "Morning, Mr. Hallett: not much the worse for last night, I see. I've pot a little job for you presently. .Meanwhile I want to see your friend down beJow. Like to come a'.ong? He made no apology for the espion- age he had s?t on foot, and Hallett did not think it worth while to thrash out ttoe subject again. "William Smith," it seemed had al- ready been searched with care and tiicroughneee. Royal explained to his chief that nothing widoh would serve as a hint to who he was had b?en found on hilsn nothing but the pistol, nin-e cartridges, aaid some money. "Have you looked for the name of the tailor on hits cootlves the brace bwtons. thie inside of tin breast pocket, the trousers band?" demand- ed Menzies. "Ot course, sir." said RoyaiL He was a trifle offended that it alwuld even he thought that he had neglected so eleanentsiry a. precaution. "There's nothing nothing a.t all."' Preceded by a uniformed inspector they went down to the o^ll. Smith looked up sullenly from ttie b-er.ch on whit* he was seated and met Jten- iaes's gaze squarely. The detective chief was no be'ievcr In Uombroeo's theories of psyeir^somy. but he- stud- ied the face intently. In pjint of fact lw> was analyzing Ch?i feuitttres to discover if he had seen th* man before. He wanted ooo. to gft some clue as to die man- n/r hio tJiouild adopt authoritative and otKcaal, or fajuiliarlty and and persuasion. "\VelJ, sonny." he said gontly. "You've tumbied Into a mews. At- ::'.;>; -l murder IB a eeiricua busi- ness." Smith Elaaiced at hto biackly orrer his shoulder. Menzio went on. "Of course w ; < don't believe the cock and bull story you told Mr .Hallett of ther being a gang of you " "You don't eh?" exclaimed the pris- oner? wheeling in sudden passion to face his visitor. "Then you aire w!;at fhijl I say wooden block- heads." He pointed a long slender forefinger at each of <iham in turn. "You and you and you I te'J you you will be mnxked. I failed but thiere an others who will not fail if you persist.'' Royal turned wwy to h.id'e a snig- ger. This kind of m?-iodrajua failed 'uo impress him. "No doubt, no doubt." nsseirted Menzies sjoth.ta.gly. He might have been calming down a headstrong questioner at a vestry meeting. "But there are a good mooiy police officers in London. Lt will take a long time to kill 'em off. Now, why don"t you be reasonable, Mr. Smith?" (To be continued.) H3W P SAFEGUARD YaURJiG[STION THE BLOOD SHOULD CONSTANT- LY BE KEPT RICH AND PURE. If you suffer from any farm of in- d'i?es.tion, your diat should be care- fully chosen. Over-eating it always 'harnuTuI, but at tihe s-iaie time one must take ejiougih food to supply the needs of the bhiod. It must be re- membered that uhe blood has to carry nourishment to every part of the body, find fuel for its energy and defences against disease, as well as the requisite juices for digestion. Henca wJen the Wood bacomAa weak and fails to do iu work,, indigestion ..riv-es; also when inUfeestion begins the blood aUH further sufifers. There- fore, to safeguard ycur digestion, the blood sfroird be kopt rich and Cree *rom bnoniirities. For more than a third of a century Dr. Williams' Pink Plula have b?en a favorite tonic for enriching the blood and stre::gthen- ing nhe nervea. If. taerefore, yo-a find 1 yourseilf tirouib-ied witth indigas- 'tion, or otBier ailments due to weak. watery biood, you will find Dr. Wil- lianas' Pink PilLs both safe and effec- tive. The value of this medicine in xrns^ of stomach trouble is shown 'by the experience of Mrs. J. Lewis. Lake George, N. S., who says : "I suff- ered very severely wi_li in digest! an. 1 hdd sfevere paios in the stomach after every meai. I had a loathing for food, my rest at nMt wus very much disturbed, and nay gsiiera.1 healtlh was decl-ining. I was under a doctor's care, but did not find any improve- ment, Reading of what Dr. WUtems' Pnk PilSis hid done in a similar caae I decided to try tlw.m, with the re- sult that after giving thtin a fair trial, my general heaiHi woe im- proved, aad all symptoms of tile indi- gestion thai: had atfCioted me disap- peared. I feel very gratc<ul to Dr. Williama' Pijik PiJls fcr saving me from so EMich misery." You can get Dr. Williams 1 Pink Pi!l tihrouijh any meiio'ne dealer, or l:y mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. WHlbme MJlcta8 Co, 3rockville, Out. IS MY HAT ON STRAIGHT ? I'M GOING TO VOTE Vote! Vote!! Vote-!!" would be -i rnosc fitting oaintpaign song ijir our femaile pcpulaUon in urgir.g their sex to get into line and make ie of the ballot. There's no doubt at all that worn-en will oae: a big influence on the results at the polls. Ha*n"t wouuou ruled (?) Ui homo fwr many a yea.-? Well, tihiuis of llie power h,8 ha.s over habby! Will he vote as ahe wanrta him to? ll^w will shu \-ote? The pret=s p.iragraih of AmeTioa have treated this timely sub- jjict htwnorcuisly and some ot their kvughaib'e quifle iiaivo bewi preen i ted oa tne motion picture screen in The Literary Digest "Topics ot the Day" film.-. We h-avc cbasen Ihe follow- ing comic caanpaiga chU'Ue-r to amuse our readers: : "Oh. mother, rn-ay I go out to vote?" Yes. any darling daughter But vote tor that pretty candidate, who inneils of toilet water." Cleveland News. The ladieo are herefcy reminded tihal when they go to votie there will be no alterationc-i. etpprovals or ex- changes. Newark N<ws. "How y votiin' tiid3 fall?" "Th" wife hasn't decided how we'll vote ye*." Hudeion Ob&crver. girls wM'l know h.w to make X's on tthelr ballots r^tw all tliese years of practice on love letters. Exl'.iibitors Herald. hoop" skirts were worn by those who first asked the druggist, and insisted on having the genuine Golden Medical Discovery put up by Dr. Pierce over fifty years ago. Dress has changed very much since then! But Dr. Pierce's medicines contain tha same dependable ingredients. They are standard today just as they were fifty years ago and never contained alcohol. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the stomach and blood cannot be surpassed by any remedy today. At this time of the vcar some people feel "all out or sorts" their vitality is at a low ebb the blood becomes surcharged with poisons! The best blood medicine and tonic is called Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It puts vim, vigor, vitality into the blood. Try it. This is what folks say about it : LINDSAY, OST. " Doctor Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery is the best reedioiue I have ever taken for stomach trouble. For many years I suffered with gastric stomach trouble and nervous indigestion. I would be so bad at times that it was necessary for me to be in bed two or three days at a time I fciv<s di'Ctorud and taken many different medicines with little relief. Just recently I begau taking the ' Golden Medical Dtacorery ' and it has given more relief than all the othor medicines I have ever taken. My stomach does uob bother me and I have not had any indigeetkra since taking this medicine. I | cn hjghlv rt)C":.,rm>nd he ' Discovery ' to othew who euffer with this ail- ent."-MH8. tico. WBULUNOTON, So. John Street. n>-ror?:!! An Inc'fan law re- quires ois-lvteen imolies or the voters' 'es to stoow been.t!i tl;e ciwtein in tie vot/.ng boo'Jvs. Bosttwi Globe. S''e h.rieke.l ajr.i mtxwed and tore her 0"-". And cried in de?p dejec- tion: "M<? n*w dress won't 1* fin- iyV.i^. And tomorrow's the elec- fi -:-..;" The Uin Dial. th^py go tlte p<jlls women ?a!n Ivuntfrs t'lKu'd romomber Unt ttiey cr.n get only on? bai'ot a.piece. To'edo UlBde. Rem'stnar "How old are you ma- dam?" Vrter "I have seem nine- teen suniim.er." Rei^tls-trar "How lone have you been b'Vnd?" Utilca Observe^. S;>:i-imon'9 wives would h.ive made an ait.raet.ivo proccesaon. mirohir.c; awoiy to the pole on elec- tion duor Toledo Blade. bet fhe ladies undprstotnd, of course, chat lip sticks Tid eyebrow pencils wnnot 'be Tieed to niartt a toallot. NVrtti v-.l-i.tus i Mist, i Herald. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SUN LIFE CO. RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENTS AND GROWTH STANDS ALONE IN ANNALS OF LIFE INSUR- ANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA. The year 1921 marks me ..n. -,:h anniversary irf fhe Sun Life Assur- ance Gompajiy of Canada whitji in the liflif century ot its exigence has grown to be one of the Largest and most successful life insurance com- panies in tflia world. A comparison of the growth of the company's business by decades is per- haps tile most convincing prcof of tile strength of its management and of the steady development of public cooifl- dence towards it. One y?ar after it VM organized, in 1ST:;, tine company':, income was $43,- OuO; its assets. $6,461, and it had Britten policies for a total of $1,04.- 350. By the year 1880 ths income had grown to $141,402, with assets ?47U.iS2 and insurance in force of $3,- 897,139. Prom 'this tame onward '.(he development of the company, not only In C&nada but in stretching out to many otiier countries of Uie world, proceded at a rapid pace, as the tables fcr the next four deca<!es indicate: TS90 Income Ac sets Insurance in force 1900 Income In&uranoe In force 1310 Income Asstts Insurance in force 1920 Income Assets Insurance in force 889.000 2,473,000 16,759.0ui 2,789,000 10,46.000 57.980,000 9,575.000 38.164,000 143,549.000 28,751.000 114,839,000 486,641.000 Sudh a record stands alone in the annals cf life inMirooice companies in Canada. Nor after such a great icli.evement is there any sign that the coinpanyy has any in'.en'tion of standing still on its laurels, for dur- ing the post yev there was written in new insurance upwards of $1<)6.- 000,000 which in itself exceeds by 120,000,000 the high mark of 1919, which up to ttiiat date was a record for fihe company. It is interesting to note ihat during it fifty years of ex!st?nce tie Su-n Life has paid r>ut tx) its policy-holders or their beneficiaries over $100,000.000. De- Mils of the finanoia'. svatem*n.t of tihis company for the pa?t year appear elsewhere in this issue, and will be studied wi.h more nhan usual tater- eet in this its Jubi'.eo year. Artificial Digestion Quiie Useless The Temtx>rary Relief of Di<jes'we Tablets is Futile My expfrie^ce and study indicate (!: .it ;n:i< > per cent, of dyapeptics have slow liver. weu.k kidneys and constipated bowels. T1i8> important organs get out of gear, ttorow 'on extra burden on tihe stomacti which it osn't handle and Uie result is indigestion. My remedy will oun> you, I cull nvy rwmedy Dr. Hamilton's PiUs oC Mandrake and Butternut, and can reouiiunend it, because I have proved it .1. w cure chronic srtonuich trouble. Wlien you look at th formula of Dr. i lamiiXcin's Pfjlu you will ne* that they contain vegetable extracts that every pbyseciaa admits are splendid tonics lor the kidneys, liver aad bowels. Everyone knowe Uie virtue at Man- drake, Huttwrnut, DaJideiiou and Hyo- s.-Jiniius. These heeJ.th-giving juices and extracts are carefuliy oonxbtned with c<ii*r prlnoiylts so sa to produce a .pilS of wonderful efficiency that even children can safely utse. K yco teC heavy and dnU after meals. ue Dr. Hamilton's Pills. If your toogue is furred, or you have bad taste and offensive breath. ute Dr. Haml'lftou's Pi'Lls. If you liave a. full, choking feeling In die tihroit -aind chest. Dr. Hamiil- t/Ti's Pills are badly needed. If your head aolies, you feel dizzy, no appetite and a desire to rest, ycur UV<T is at fs.ul:t and needs the s'Jimi- Uticn given 'jy Dr. HuniJton's Pilte. Tliink it o\iBr. Dr. H'.i.mil<wi'3 Pills an- a sy*i.in t-'.iv'.n.T and health ':r::;ri-r cf untisual merit; and Jiey arc --.:':. i r y...ung and uld. My guarantee sta.r.ds bo".!i!ii) eaoh b^x, proving my gro.it i- :'- 'iilftuv in the remedy I recommended: -oc per 1> x or f.vi> i<-~ $1.00. at all d-#;i''.i>rs, .,ttii bo sure yo-u got the genuine Dr. l-tamllto-n's PiMs of Mandrake aJid Butternut. NECESSARY TO SELF-PR-ESERVA- TION. "Do >~ou kn-aw, H-eiury,'' asktsj M:-s. PiKgus. uew.i>.ij)cr in hand, evtny t'ime you draw yew scou>bL.ly *i^s?" "Wall, I'm sorrj'." retnirned .Mr. Piggus, "*ut U' I s*op drawing it I'.l d^e Italian interest* will develop the coal deposits of the Georgian repub- lic, which ore estimated to contain tm>n> Chan 200, 000,000 tons of good quality fuel. \Voiiipn because dopoei'tiiinig a vote In tihe tajk't <box is wwmxfhiirg nke Ui lout i T KTn woman enie your suffering. Twat **you to write, and lot me toll you d my simple-method of home treatment end you ten days' (KX- tnal. post- paid, .ind put you in touch fc.'th women in Canada who will Ri.i.l !> tell what m y method baa done for them. If you are troubled ^ with weak, tired ^Ok tions. Wad- feeling*, head- 1^^ dor wcLiknefS. che, back- ^t ' com*;ttfon,c- cbe, bear- %5C5^ tarrlial coi'i:iti"ns, kigdowa _fj w 5' pain in tile sidof,rcg\i- lariy or i rreuularly. bloating. SCUM; "i inllintor gana. nervousiitw, dcs ; re tu cry. palpitation, bat Un*iw<, I'.n k nng* under the eyp. or a lo*< . '"tert ia Hfo, writ* to mo n- ' \y (>' lrt> trial = ' SHE who beautifies her home with snowy linen, and keeps -*ier children wtll dressed ar.d h^ppy by making serviceable clothes for them, rave; money and profnofa comfor": hy the *}' <~{ l:cr needles. She it is who valui.3 1'rue cottons most highly. Fhe kr.ows that price !cr price quality for quality "IVuc cottons CJi the most desireblc on the market. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Montreal : Tonnio : H'innlp:^ DEFINING ADVERTISING. Hare ynu s good <Ie" vertising? Hero are some ,{ P. :i /...::.- written by studema of the Mibjws in Cincinnati. Q. Advertising is the sa ir..:;:'.-- in- troduction, tile business man's insur- ance and buyers-' Baedeker. Advertising is tfc< voice of business by which the mulcit-jlt' is reached. Advertising Is the father of good- will and eauriJ.Ex'e. Advertising is ihe tonic which mxkes business grow and prosper. Adverttsiiig is the art of making others ''-.ink as you ttiink about your product. -^ "- 7 ,- ' , NEGLECTED COLDS Lead to Consumption Unless a complete cure is effected tfae intlummaLion poeeee rapidly to | the tliroat bronchta'l tubes, and then i to Uie lungs. You csui't make new lungs any more ! than you can make new ttngers or a ; new nuse iuco oonsunKption i8 i ppaoticaiMy ituMirable. GUI Catarrh oan Ue cured, except in its final and -aiwaj-e total Catarrhozonc Guaranteed to Cure The purest balsams and the great- | eet antiseptks are senc tw every pot wlioro catarrhJ.1 fr:vaWe exiets i germs are killenl. four secretions are j destroyed, natiure te given a cliance j au:d a cure ov..:nes quidtly. Oolds and threat trou^l^s ctn't 'at if t!he pr*> heiiliug vapor of hozene is br3;ti<Hi i couciiing co^u#' .it. once, irritatiion is removed. t"-t> ru';-.rr... I m ' ' ":' u<> i'. to i'ur.> y-.-'ir wit: .!: ll'.s it's ;v an*, safe. :uid ^var.ti <-.'u in every case. 1'w.i .I 1 . ntM trextnKMit, lr.-^o adn, -.xu- .;n teed U> . ure. price $1; RinaU size, 50c: twi'inp.e s.i;.'. -fn 1 ; 9i>id everywiiere. CURK3US PLANT Vegetable Bayonets Cstch Multitudes of F'ying Insects. In CiUxi is a ourioiw Sir \Va.; -r Sci.'.t was "jorn iu Ed burgh in 1771. In 1S14 he pub-ash the fhT: of Uie weCl-known Wave: ley novels. He - 'id Ms copyMit to the firm ol Constah'e. -wliUli ftiilnj i Cj'.v years 1-: . ., ^.ia S-oil wias beav- .lv involved. In -pk,> of ill heuttti ho wrota incf ssan;Jy in order to meet his bills and gave to the world <flie no- ols and poems wi;b. ;*uicU uJl a*w so f-miliar He died in 1S32. PATRIOTISM. Breathes tihere a man witb soul o dead \Vho never to hiine^if hatii said, "Tiiis is n:y own, my native iRnd!" Who heart i:i.:i ne'er witiin him humed As homo hia iootsteupe he hah tnrnerf r>oin wandering on a foreign strand? If such there brwwhe, go. marie hia well! For him no muistrc* raptures swell; Hlg^i tihougti his til.ea, proud bis name. I3oundle5e his weiiUJi as wisti can claim Despite those UCe*. powers and part. The wretch concwitered aH in aeJf, Ijlving. shall forfeit fair renown. And <iouWy dying, F^iall go down To the vile dust fr>cai whonce h s-prung, I'nwfpt, unhoncj-ed ajwl unsung. Sir Walter Soott. THIS WOMAN'S __MISEET EndeH by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Re- markable Recovery of Mrs. Church. wicb. ti:iy sh :rp pointed epiktd'tfLs up- i on wiirv-i in :ii:-i tniries of insects are ! inipai'ed. Th>3 wings of Uie victims | are PUM-C^I and entangled by tie b.vrbod s>pines. so tihat most oi tlhai .re ua;-.b to K?t away, and thus perish maserabCy. ifiveu a large, , LUiiitnoue so'ipping bt*Ue, waich is so strong and octicve tiia-t it c.\n with i I di.1fiklty be toeld in ih- a hand, falls ! a vietr.m fe> tili-eee vefratabJe bayonets. , U h a bo :\ observed, howcv.-ir. tihat ' t*wo specie ot iux ,. a u-->r bug, i Coba^ue, ajid an earwig, readiiy free rom ttte itpines. Minu'ta not oatigiliL Th'.> gratia IK* Appear t dej^r ajiy uour- i-Jhiii.*u .-;x in i;s pv.y It i- found elstMVir' In Uie Weet Indios nd In Southern Florida. Mr*. M. 6ummr. Box 8. WtMteo*. int women are fast gettins live repuHntfon of ln-jns tihe lieaders of Smiths Falls. Out. -" I suffered with falling of my organs, pains around ray heart and in bowels and down my lugs, neumlgia in >y face and nead - and that terrib'c sinking feeling. I felt that I sould not live ar.a would flx my house in order every night so there wuuii! be w trouble if I dropped off in the night. My husband went to the druggist to get the best remedy he had and he gave him Lydin E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound'. ' Uwk six bottles and felt a lot bfitter. I will always nxx-tumend the Vegetable Compound, and you can use these fpcis as a testimontiu. Mrs. J. i>. L::-.:CI:. Bo 845, Knaifa Palls. "che success of 4)*a El Pfekham's Vogetabie Compouna. made irom roota and herbs, is unparalleled. 5t may be used wiUi perfoci. confidence by women who suffer from nervous prostration, displacements, inflammation, uloera- t;on, irregularities, periodic pains, back- ache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion and dizziness. Ly*a B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouiid k tk.- standard remedy for female ills. If there are any complications about which you need advice write in con- fidence to Lydia E. Pinkfcun MwUdM Oo. . Lynn. MOM. . . t

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