Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1921, p. 5

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March 3 1921 THE FLfiSHEUTQJf ABV AMCE Cooperation KZ Victory Loan campaigns served i a rnutup.l good by bringing the public in such closa contact with the Banks of Canada zs to realize their huraan side. It is. the orw desire of this Bank to be of personal s.rvice. Make it a point to remember t.i.'-t we are always willing to extend you friendly and authoritative counsel on financial matters. THE STTft l A ARD BANK OF CANADA asr :' -,lt..:. Surplus and Undivided Prrfta JS.360.537.W. r-LESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL MANAGE* ANADIAN P/kCIFIG C. P. R. Time Table. Train.-! leave Fleshercon Station aa ollows : Going South Going North 7. 52 a. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.45p. m The mails are csea at Flesherton -t. follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Apprentice wanted to the blacksmith- ing. Apply to H. Wilson, Flesherton. Reeve Meads shipped last week six inmhed cattle which weighed 78 bundled pounds, all told. Three of the antmali weighed 4100 pounds. N.iti v All accounts due ma must be settled by March 15, M 1 purpose to remove from b' f-h-i'iir and niau have all account! squired up Dr W. J Henry Maurice Wright, who for a year past has been working iu Datroir, South D:ikoU and Saskatchewan, returned to his home hate on Ftiday last and will remain for a time. Irwin liorriion will bold a credit auction sale of Farm Stuck, implement* and Household Furniture on lot 31, con. 9, Osprey, on Tuesday, March 15th 1921. Sale at 1 o'clock. Oeo. McAllister & Son, Auctioneers. See large bills. The L*die*' Aid of the Methodist Church of Fleherion will give a play entitled " An Afternoon Tea in Friendly Tillage 1862' 'in the Assembly Hall of th High School, on Friday, March 11. omniencing at 8 o'clock p.m. Admis- sion Reserved seats 5Uo. , rush scats 35o. Reeve MoTavtsh and Councillor Welton wera in Toronto last weak attending a hydro convention ccposed of repre- sentatives using hydro power, which met lo protest against a proposed tax uf $3 per horsepower on all users. The dele- gation was a large one aud oaly one man roted in favor of the tt and he did it by mistake. Dr. Henry hai decided to remove from Fletherton and will take up practice in Toronto. Since cotniug to Flesherton the Dr. has worked up 4 good practice here and has won the contideuca of th* people. His sole reason for leaving, h e lays, is family consideration*. Ho has advartis<* his prac'.ioe here and we trust h will secure a worthy iucet>a*or. Th Dr. ex peots to leave hire shout the tirst of Aprii. The F. M. P. Dobat \og Society held a debate iu the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday evening of last week when Markdale- and Fieahertun Guilds wure the contesting parties. The debate was on "Ohurch Ui'ion" and th affirmative was taken by Mrs. Morrison aud Miss Leslie of M ivkJalr. The negative was taken y Mist Ednt Ferris and Mr. Ftauk Stewart for Fleahertnn. Both parties produced strong and convincing argu- ~BBautand it was ou'y after considerable thought by the judge* that the decision was given in favor of Markdale. Much favorable comment wan passed ou the plendid defence put up by the two yoDog debaters from Flesharton, While await- ing tha judges decision the large crowd wera favored with an excellent program, consisting of recitations, tolos, duets aud quintettes. The ladies served an excell- ent lunch at the close. The collection amounted to over $20 The next debate will be held iu Priceville an March 9 h, when Flesherton aud Pricaville will be the debating parties. Wa are glad to report little Ruby Akitt alraost recovered after a severe attack of bronchitis. Mrs. VV. L. Wright is in Toronto this week in l hu interest of of her millinery department. Anglican church, Service as usual in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p m. Rev. G. Blackwell, Pastor. Offertory Story of the Cross. Tha regular meeting of the Ceylon U. F. O. wili b* held in Clayton's Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, March 4th, at 8 p. m. Roy Pipor, Secretary. The ice h&rvest has been in full swing dui ing the past week ani the quality is good around 14 inches trfick and quite clear. Flesherton is fortunate in having good ice supplying ponds. Dundalk h*n lo get its supply in by rail. A credit auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements will be held on lot 2, 3 and 4, con. 3 N.D R., Oaprey, OB Tues- day, March 15th, 1921, the property of James MoClennan. See bi'ls and list elsewhere. Wm. Kaitting, Auctioneer. Thomas Grainger, a well known . nis* , af this section, passed away at his homt | bull, n'fteeu months old. J. I. Graham Small Ads. For Sale One good Maasey Harris |j Binder, 6 foot cut, in good repair ; also! | one new platform canvas binder. Will' be sold cheap. Apply to John J. Meads, ! Lot 31. Con. 1, S. D. R. ArtemesiJ Phone 1 r 3-1. Now is the tiire to choose the wall Daper for that room. I have just receiv- ed iry books of samples of wall papers, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc. and am now ready to take your order. H. Carrinaton, painter and decorator,!^ Flesherton, Ont. < Standing Hardwood for Sale Will sell; acre lots i.i the Valley W A Armstrong. I jr^ m ct lath up next We are open far ihe purchase and shingle timber to work up next!' summer also bnlm of gilead, spruce and i poplar, nothing less thau five inches tops 52 inches ,'ong E Sargent, Ceylon. FOR SALE -Two purebred Shorthorn in Markdale U-u week at the age of 86 veitrs. For many years he lived iit Artemesia Mid for a tima in Iflesharton, later romoriiig to M.irkdi! . li- is survive,-) by his wife, but no family A credit auction sale of farm stock and implement* will be held un lot 19, eon. 8, Osprey, on Friday, March 4, 1921, the property of John Conn. See bills. W. ^aitting, auctioneer. The married and single mea clashed (clashed is correct) on the rink here again on Thursday Bight of last week. Th score was 4 to 3 in favor of the uumoust- acheu bunch. This makaa a game for e*ch and one tie. Of course the to will htve to be played off, which event takes pace this Thursday night. Those who played were : Mined, Dow, MeTavisb, Piper, Henry, Orr and LtGard ; Single. Jennett, Thuraton, Buchanan, WcTavish, Cargo and Muir with Muir aa auh. Rsv. L. W. Thoin, a former pastor of the Presbyterian :hurch here, passed away at his home in Barria on Thurdy lant after an axtedd illness. Th rev. gentleman removed from Flesherton about twelve years ago, after a successful pastorate of eight year*. He was very highly respected as pastor and citizen, Whileheroherutrried Miss Bell Chri8;o- who survives him. The remains were brought to Flesbarton by the neon train Saturday end after a short service) in the Presbyterian church, were interred in the csmstery here. Mr. Pearson and son Clayton, of Torcnto, attended the funeral. The County Council met in Owen Souud on Thursday of last week and maJe appropriations of 955,000 for nub- urban roads. The business took oi,ly about an hour to transact and the session willcusc lha County about f400, allowing to a littU lapse of memory on the part of somebody. The refund. 1 ) to towns aud villages in lha county, including govern- ment gram, are aa follows : Mcitford IJ.OOO, Durham $1,500, Hanover $3,600, Thomhury $1.000, MarkJale $01G, Dun- da!kft>66, Xeustadt $650, Shadow Lake $470 and b lesherton $450. The villaga of Chatsworth does no share in the distribution as all iti connecting road* furm part of the Provincial highway* which have baeu taken ovr by the Province. By a recent Act County Coinoili are empowered to pasa bylaws to take- possession of the dog tax colUoted throughout the county and form a county fund to pay oif claims for aep killed. At the present time ny balauie 'of these funds left o the trtnaury ab the end of tha year goes inro the general fund aud make the taxes much lightei fot the following yar. In the casei of towns and villages, where sheep ars not raised to any extent that you would notice, thai whole of th'sdoq tax gees i.i - v - the geoura fund. Would these municipalities be satisfied to hand over to the cuuuty this funii frue gratia for nothing .' As the boy says, " Not on your tintype : " Th county oouucil will discover a snag of big dimensions if it attempts to take in iv this little emolument now enjoyed ly the towns nd villages. Our dog tax helps to lighten tb general me of taxation aud is really only a part of our rate, even though called dog tai. Vandeleur. Reduced prices on all suits and suitings H. Alexander, Fevershaui. 20-1-21 Try Fevershaji Pastry Flour, the best or your cook. All Ontario wheat Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays and 1 Saturdays only Graham Bros. Euaenta' OctlS Good white cedar posts for sale, cut or uncut. E Sargent, Ceylon. FOR SALE Scotch oolliepup for sale good working strain. Harold Karstedt, Prieeville. This week we feature "Puritan Maid" Hosiery. This celebrated Canadian make comes in Cotton, Lisle, Cashmere and Silk and in all sizes suitable for iadies, Bo}3, Girls and Infanta. Made in Black, White, Bro\m and Colors, with seamless feet, re-mforced toes aud beela and strong garter tops. See our window display this week and the different lines specially priced on our sell- ing counters. We specially mention ''Puritan MaicTladies Art Silk hose in black, white and brown. Regular $1.25 value, this week $1.00 pair NEW DESIGNS IN CONGOLEUM RUGS JUST RECEIVED I I Size 9 x lOi Size 9 x i2~ $17.75 $20.00 Grocery Department Special Seville Bittep Oranges for Marmalade extra large size 65c. per dozen F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO Fire and wind insurance in the best companies for tarrr. and town property W. O. Fawcett, agent. Cy!on Fertilizer I am agent for Gunu's Sur Gain Fertiliz?rs, the best on the market, and am now taking orders for delivery it ! Flesherton Station. Send in orders byj mail or phone Xb. 21 r 23. W. J. Meads, Priceviile P. O. j a n r ' Wood and Pasture Lots for Sale Lot; 36, 38 and 39, Uthcon., Arieuiesia, and li't 7, llth con., Osprey, 100 acres each, good hard and soft woud and well wt- ered ; will make good grass farms when wood is otf Apply \V A Armstrong. Two Cows For Sale One due Feb. 1, the other Mwch tt-Appiy Harry Patton, Dependable BOOTS & SHOES Machines i :;:: . Farm For Sale 100 acres, lot 7, con. o, Osprey W. J. Morns,,,,. Mr. W. H. Williamson, Pr ; coville P. 0., is agent for the Hrab-Davies Fern- liz-rs in tins district. Fertilizers for nil grains vtd roi.ts. Get griefs auJ liter i- ture from him before purchasing. If at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY fij-j w. A. ARMSTRONG)! FLESHERTOX, ONT. i -Ui m'liuni Kor Sale Good friuie house and lot' in Oeylon. a cumber of fruid trees, half acre of land, fairly mood stable. Apply lawfully Corrected Encli Week to S Hmphill, Ceylon, or \Vrn-Hemp. Butter 38 to 40 hill, 04 Hambly Are., Toronto. Kaus :ia 'o 35 Wimer X\het- 'JO to 1 90 Spring Oats . Barley LOST Ladie's mitt lost in Flesherton Monday uight. Finder piease leave at this office Farm Properties For Sale The Administratrix of the estste of Win. J. Bnyd, Sate of the, Villsije Klesherton, decaaoed, offers for siile the full iwiug ftrm properties : 1 Lot 160, 1st Con. K K T A- S R. \n i-iiu'si i township, 50 acres. 2 Part Lot 152, 1st r*n{e S \V, and Lot 153, 1st range S W T & S R, Artc- meoia towiiNhip, containing 80 acres more or loss. 3 Lot 155, 1st Con. N E T it S R, Arteiuesia township, 50 acrea. These are all good farm properties and ill he sold at a reasonable prioe as tha Administratrix desiiva to close out the estate. For further particulars apoly to Mrs. Win. J. Boyd, IHeshertou, or tn Luca* A Henry. Banisters, E:c., Markdale, Out. In Memoriam In sad but loini{ memory uf my little grandson, Ambrose Findley, who depart- ei this life. February 28, 1919. My child, thou art uone to the home of thy rest Where suffarinu no longer c-in harm thee.' Where the song* of the aiood, where the hymns of the blest, Through an endless existence shall chnrm thee. Grandma. 1 70 to 1 70 50 u r>o 75 to 85 Pess 1 60 to 1 75 Buckwheat 90 to 90 Potatoes 75 to SO Apples ... 4 00 to 4 00 DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist Hnroutario Street, near Thir Street CoIIingwood, Ontario Appointmeots : Daily 9 . m. to o p. m. Evenings and Holidays '.irranged. Telephone 01 1- W. Box 1000 In Ladies* Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO .-*^ BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FISH S<lt nd Fresh Fish, including Tiout, Salmon aud Herring. Try our Smoked Heiring. "* HONEY Firs: Class Clover Honey in 5 and 10 Ib. pails. DRY FRUITS Currants, Ra'nin*, Fijja and lines. All Kood quality, GROCERIES A full line of Groceries i(uaraiiteed to iilese. APPLES Spies, Baldwins, Ruuette and GreeDJDgfi. All good stock. FLOUR Great satis faction is obtained by usinn Ciuani of the Wesi f.ir bread. Fovershain Pastry make* the best of Pastry. .DIU51ILK Ask us about tlie prcp-iraMon. A H'.ud subotitulu tot- milk. CEREALS Rolled Oats. Wheat. Corn Flakes, ShredJed Wheat-. Wheat Kernels, etc. CANNED GOODS Tomatoe.<>. Corn. Peas, Pork an . Beans, Pink, Rsd and Socke> i Salmoo, Spaghetti, t>oupi ar c Aiuaragus . TORONTO GLOBE and MAIL & EMPIRE for sale Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc, Our stock ot Hseful, fancy and ornamental go<3s will help you solve your problem where the above is needed, MUSIC We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones Victrolas, etc., and Records cannot tail to please the most fastidious. Sheet Music and Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the White, Watches aud Clocks Repaired. Eyes tested and fitted. glasses W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flesherton, Oat. ysyss^iygyjisgigyyy^^ For Sale NOTICE The property kno* i as tlia AhU,-wn R U )einbu: the OW Reliable Siogc/r ('residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed Sewing NUohme. You can buy on duelling, ood cellar, stable, etc ; alwut terms r nit ym at a Tiy reasonable ;!', 10 year guaraakee. HUGH kN-JPT, Agent, an acre of laud ; would make .t u.,od home for a retired geatleivan. Fvr erms and further particulars apply I o W. J. BELLAMY, Flesherton Se 282 MaiMai*. Out, Boar For Service Poland China Boar For Si-rvice- 30, coo. 4. Arteiiu'.sm. '2 u WALLACE ! Farm For Sale Lot 34, Con. 4, ArtemoAia, 100 acrea. l ,85 screw cleared, well fenced, and in ft iipod state of cultivation. Apply to -K. D. MELDRUM IFeb 9 I.i (tor, Ave, Toronto

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