Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1921, p. 6

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CURRENT COMMENT TWO KINDS OF MERCHANTS A MYSTERY MAN OP EAST. People who have not read Marion Orawfoixl's "Mr. Isaacs" 'or R/udyanl Kipling's "Kim" have two great treat* in store from them, and H may en- hance the.lr iplcasure ta know that Mr. Isaac.* i.i .it' first nairned .st-ory and bunyan Sahib in the second were ir- fmynls morn or less SLocura-te of a roil man. Ho was A. M. Ja-cx'1) and he 6>lcd r'x-ently in Ronvfoay. Hl3 career was in fr.c-t more wcnd'erful than either novelist dari?d to sugg-wat, becau?" truth is M> imuiii stringer than ?>ti.>n :lu-t tlio reality in a nov?l would M3<-iii far-fetched and t<j> impiv.ba.hlo to bo artistic ( r cmlib'.o. Mr. Jacob !>:;..: ! i!) the malm of tfllfi 'Ar l)';'.n X'-'h'.s." ard he V.MS born in (Vn<U:i!>i.-;no:>!>, thmy;h >ni" KI d he was -i l'< > or Armenian. He a!d htosejf .he was a Tu/k. lit- \v i.< a ittlo save boy at ten wlvum 'liis r. TT dock a f;i::cy to, giving h! an o;>i> iv:ii!ill.r for education, encour- age his studies, and eventually set hi:-.', fro.'. Ho deaM in joweh and precious stone?, and HUBMeo won- is wealth, some J)oiif>vin.'< Jv Irid tho ?-crct of tho ph'llTs-rpiiprV H went ttr> tew with a d^'lquent pur- chaser, and accused of fraud. C'.IM ! Irci'Tiir- -in!) T::I ^'"l. I'-' appears to hive Joat h-ls secret or the power tt inip'rlcd, add lh log*'- expenses <rf his trial haviiv; dis.-'ip:'''. . <! his for- tune? he 'bor-ama a. p>or num. and a.;>- parcnt:y kx t :hi< pcwo.r hn h ul cx-r- cized prnriously. Students of oc- cultism cons.idor the p.-ssfjs-'.on of weal>:h mui as this as merely a ni '.ns to a-a end, and Ur: eiul must be entirely self'.cs-.; ami hum.uiU-ir- ian, otherwise- the power automatical- ly d'aeos. Wh.-n ho apjifarc-d first In the paife* ol Mirlon CruwMrd's rxm-.ance Intprrwt was just li>iirz aroused In questions oi supBruownaJ power. It vris :ited at the '.Urn- bl*a.t these powers were UeW by men of fllie name rac> as the ret of s. who had evo'red somewhat further r developed gVts beyond the ordin- ary. This Idea ha.-* been taken up by th spiritualists an-d thes? pow- OM hire been allesi'd to bo pcasessed toy mediums of their control". While tills is'.-i9 is l^rsotten by mo.-t and OYir'.ooked by some who ghouM In- fanUliir with it, it rnmajins as one of tlio most important in antlmixitosy. The w'.ur'e DMt df'Clarrs T. it only it-' belief but Its direct k:i<nv!c Ue in the exjst?!ice of men with powers mich &s are attributed to the anoient prophets. The West, is generally In- c.rodu'<jus, striving to believe that moll m^a lived prior to 1900 years a^o. Jisioob seems to have been one wlio foil a-way, like Gcbajri. from the straight paiUi. through ooveUtuwness. NEW ZEALAND WANTS BETTER PICTURES. It has romiined tor New X xtland to make the much-needed pr3tn:-rt aaliiKt tfi crlniP-s-.-jggesUnK moving picture* with wbtch some agencies h.ive been f'..>odin thn world. Af- ter May 1 New Xenland dnc\>r<"S they wl'il no longer be to:.Tat<!d In 'the aoiftJiiirn DomlrJon. It is an il'.vin- ot.mmentiry on tin- nclniis aJitl anl nv>ral Btandardi of the pnxJuce:!;) t.h-a.t 8.) mucl' ; >f that a irt of *hJni? has boon t inl'tted in (Jie plc- turi jiays. Melodrama U not n?ces- sari y criminal. It c:.:i bo he.rotc. Hilslory cm be thrUCIng and our swat l-.n is full of scenes as dramatic as that h.u-1 .been iput on t'ho Oan.ad\ Is vc.ry much under the <!lrt:'.!ion of Now York In this re- Bpotit. and it hi* not been to her ud- va.rige. A little education, and sim- ilar .pains spent with dram- as on the wcreen as are apent on UIB dime droadtuK and tihe di'.fferoivce wouU soon bo noted and appreciated. Probably the most |K>inilar clasic.s in tJie Kniglisli laa- guage are "Robinson C'-rusoo" and Uuyan's 'I'llgrim's Progress." Uoth nua.ko astonlsflityy rlr.h and o. ;:''! r pictures, 'but who lias aeon taorn? Tdfl tropical boamty of Cru-'on's Isilaad and all his odvon- turifl there, aire only a part of ttvo im- mortal 'tale, from hta estajpo with Xuiy and bis adventure, with Mio Li"]], down to tho later iwlventures In Ruuis!:i, and Friday's encounter with t'.iv hear. The Pl'igrSm's Progress, wi 'i ttio City of Deslrnr-tlon. 1hr 81oui2;li of I)?p(Kid, th Kurniii? Mcunt'iin, the Wicket Gate, the Ar- hour, Mi In: rpreter's House, Mi" I'.HIS- I'.i t;ii' iMth tho 11 din" Homti.'ui Var.i'or F.ir. l).i:hUir< Co^ipt.', awl n s<;oTe of other scon-es wiv.ild m:iko tli most p".(."c*sTuil pic'uro over w ecroenod. Kut our pr:)ilu<"!rs liav no Imiaghi-atlon for tlieBe things when gun-play and sex-problem.3 can pas tho censors. PUNCH'3 JOKE ON UNCLE SAM. vpposed by scan' 1 Amor can r.p:t os niX to b,> .roiily funny, and Mie ipoint* of the UriUMi Jokas ara i alleged to be so 'blunt or broken that th.ey cannot :i>eaetrait3 a.ny ordinary sense of humor. British Jokes and it ntust to re.niBniibprod that "Punch" draws on tho three kingdoms and the princtpaldiy -niprosent something n: r,' than Ihe work of U:c professian- al jakosmiUi wlio silts down wiiih a dictiou'.iry und trios to tortures i-i'o wit or waggery or evolve a new slander against liis m:;;hor-i Tho i;-;;i-'h hunr)r arises out of acter, ctit of experience, out of know- lr-dgo of il:'(\ and it represents au/at- t''tudo of mind flavored with a mi- t -:!al c'.Hi!-; i(ntsnC'S8 and set in a racial environment. Unless iu-.iiiaiia.riiy with tlwsp tilings exists :!M' pubtieiy and e^-cnco of the joke la last Many of "Punch's" cartoons a.re sat u rait ixi in tins w.iy with cen- 'urii's of lii : sl:>ry and tradition. Uu- - . mi" Ui. tvn th '. b.ick'Jtrsund the I> .'i! is 1,-jst. One of llie bt.-it of the recent carbons show.-: .-':iin as a musical hill artist ; tlio popular succeas of and tli.Tivibi:.:r a^ "The Great Vance' .1 I it: "\\> don't want to Uuc'e Sam's vorsicn if !i -htly modified: "Wo d?n't want to . Init, by D.uiic!?. if w.- Jo, Wo'ro DOS ::! " : ''ii *. w>?'ve sot tile ID :.. wrt'vnR..t the muiiey, to:)!" And Jclin 1 u. :. ratlier bored, sits in a sta'<e box i -. ! (iidar.-'s "Vc-ry quair.':, th^se old- MXjrM aongs: tbqy take inn bnok thir- ty years ar.d more b?fore the w.ir." Mr. Pitn-C'h adds in a iu>te tint lie Is very Ktotl to -hear tho report th-t this ":urn" is llkoly to bo cut out. Pro- l> -a'.s are said to be under dob it 1 which wcni'd briiiT t!-.' V'nited Staites, i .:i anil Hritsln ints aco-ord on a iir. -ir-'nni" (..' :IP.V;'J! rKn ivhnir>nt, a;id if t!i'".i' tiir'' ]:'iwers iin.li to rule tho is -a. in lixrim-r.y the world wcu'd 'b? nearer tho mlil^riiini t'han ir, any tim.> t-.lno:' Noah's Ark was the sole naval strength cf the na- tions. A WAY OUT FOR IRELAND. It ajvK- ir.< pr/.-bablo t'liat the Irish s:Cua,tk)ii la reachins i settlement. Tli" iiutrafti'.-! Hrii very slightly ! 3 RS than they \-rc. but th?ro is a differ- ence <mm in tltis respect. The pro- CP:- of e!i:nina.tion and exha::M i'jn, must have its effect oven upo.a the si'ipi>ly i>f New York and ( hica^o CTinnteu. Tho !rb>h .pnnplo, us such, ;ia\i> no mind to the deviltries tliat h'vve bo.Mi crnirniWed. th3it.?h t.hey ire no WDr.-i 1 fl!:.:n tin- d".cds of 1798. llo N'.ili'r.i^ liowovor, lias a.t last stat- ed t'ho conditions on whidi lie would abandon the Idea of a rnpublin Tor Ireland Hail ho not intrxluced tills lili .1 at the I:wt:i.iu-e of Ampritiiii auh- sxliTors tlw tra,i!rt>.(lii of the pat yi r or ill': re mlKlit haivi> bwn avoided. Ills <!fir.:u} iuw is f-or the sama aneasuro of iiidopcnxinaco granted U> South ACrica, AuMCr:iih>.. <Vuyu!o. It is said tl'/ait ho projMisfd this bo I.U>"d Oarge and tJiat the Ifrittili F'T^nilor refuswl '.t Ot;,t this iixiHt l> taken with riwerratlon. If Do Valcra ih.ia Soath ACrlna. In view unnk-r :i (J-nneruI Hert- a>S he may lie s^iro that lie i on th" wrong tr<wk. If he is willlns to take uii tho burdn of empire a Cun.Mln an,J Aurtra.ll-. ha-vp d^n-*, lio will have j'i ni.'.Jtn Hc/mn ex|i!anit.!i n 0*1 In why rhl vi(w dW u<;t. appeal to litm be- fcre ho comnrlttixl Ireliuiid to the per'od of iiifa.im>iis inurdor and assas- sination wh!c!i we tnt-M. ! WAV draw- ';iic to a closp. It would appear not t) b.i unrea</ni U)'.e, c")ividerln.g the Sinn Pein rucord, to ask that th.ey fall in for tiho pri'-sent with the op- ipation of Uu! "Qovernnicnt of Ire- ai'jd." Act, and <Kt up the SiMithern firMja/men t with the ESIIIIH willingness !',-Tp'jaytxl 'by the Nopthcrn. The Sinn 1'Ylners oould l>e niaklas no more of i oonensslon in accepting tihe South- TH P.:r'.la.incriit than the Ulter men ire In accepting a Norlliern Pa.rlla- meat. It Is rarely o.bvlous that -M aro nece-ssuiry. The in- a:wl operation of Uie two nrliamenta would afifo,rd a Iwsls of M-'p^ratlon and eventual union. If . tin i ted Ireland atked for Dominion ':.xtais it oould ararcnly be refnsod. 'f I>H Valera Is in earnost ho will ta.ke lie road that i* ripen ami wliow Ms roa.d faith by doing so. BUSINESS |S NOT AS <?OQ|> AS ROTTEK!_ AND IF IT WAS,- OF COURSE Wi i^ GOT TO SUFFER A LITTLE FO^ A SPELL BUT WE-VE GOT T BEAK ruPTLL CO.ME BACK- IT DOESN'T PICK Ui> VERY SOON, THf WROLE COUNTRY WILL GO TO SMASH! I KNOW.. DONT TELL ME!- I'M RIGHT I ISSUE NO. 9. 1&21 (\inad.i proiinci'rf only about 7 per fint. of t.ho sugar f.'ie iiffs, and pays out yearly about $90,000,000 for rarvv niiplies. In Ontario List year 10,000 acres wore sown to nnxar heots. The total Mold was 178.0W tons or about 9 1-4 tons prr arro, v.ilurd at $l,78-l>,00. WANTED Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacture rs. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet and "IV - of of Conception" on request. HAROLD C SHIPMAN ft CO. PATENT ATTOnNEYS OTTAWA. CANWA INVENTIONS THE SPICE BOX HOT STUFF GLEAN ED FROM EVERYWHERE. I i .V srli(!i>l boy de^criboa a nrcen groc- er j'.-i bu'.r-; 0110 W!io ?'.V(> crodlt t') :!>!>< ily wli;> ;i-l;s f ,r it. ;' Tim.'.- Ji uirnal. A Xrw York co:nmutcr f.'!! in fr< nt of a tuln> tr.xin. One car pas.--f>il over him. nr.d hf oimo out alive. Tlial iva the tiuio hn was p'r.d he ni!H(d the train. --Victoria Colonist. Uni:e.:l Sta-tea' >pnxiiblt>:oniats " ' : ' i". Hquor la private cel- !.i.-!>. C.'.rtir.,? i: away shou'd 'help m.Uerhlly to s^Ive tJo wieniplcyaunt pril)!em.~ Pcitcrl).To Examiner. Packers probably nvfike very small Iiroflls, hut know how k> nwtk i cr.ds mat. - \Vinnipi Tribune. Olr.h? f]i:otes t>r. Jowott: ~In the Ions run we turn our fwt n <tie <i:reotloji of c ar SAXIV" Tilrf <li?Kmi U nw-ommtMidnd u a lino t<f d>fiao to crofl.-reyf'd p9C'ple arrested on of drunkenness. Tr.ronta \ ikmuvillo, Ala, mule klrked a man on tlio hpsvi! and broko Its IPS in two iViacw. The man is recovering ami there is some talk of endl;ifi him '.<> oongros. KiingHton Wli'.g. It is MI ;>iH-ted that the exptxlition being filtinl out in New Y;;rk to frr Ih^. misslns '-ink is fl- hy tlie ssvusaig^ trust. Van- waver i'rovincc. There are now nine "vacancies'' in live Canadian Senato, but the de^pitcd! doesn't say who they nre. Toronto Stair. Reference is made to w.liat r-rs of wcmen'a wear "hav'e up their s'.envo." One of next summer's bulling suits parlw.ps. Montr eU Ilyr-ild. Friction m-skes heat, all Tight tout this does not apply to friction be- tween the landlord and the tenant Nuggot. The levol of Lske Ontario, it ap- l)r>ars, is Itelaw ;he ten year average, but what \vx>ukl you expe-ct? A lot "f I 'Iks \vli7> .sa:u.'iu drank Lake On- tirlo wativr now hp.ve to consume large quwtitika of it, bein uu:i,b'.e to get anythin with more of a kiok. Tcrorkto Star. A WbodHtook man died at the aRo of 1O. Time is no object toi tilvit quiet litt'.e city. KitcftcncT The Wai-den c< Sing Sing Prison nays his prisoners are better bnhavod tliaji the inw> number ol colleis* boys. If this saying much for Che prisuners? Lethbridgo UraJd. Wo laiisrlH d the first time we haaxd that J.>ko ab<>ut the rklh man having a twin six and t4i^ poor man having six twins. Winnipeg MEN W ANTED--$6-$10 PER DAY Spcc ; al 4 We-eks' Gas Tractor Course, $50. Special 4 Weeks' Auto Mejharsios' coura:, $50. Now on, ai HennphlU's Auto & Gus Tractor Schools, 13 King Street West, To- ronto. Write for particulars or come at once. 10 MISCELLANEOUS. A nvui in Wisconsin boqjjht the town Jai 1 . for thirty dollars. We will prcbafc'.y rent ti-a ca!Js as fjtu and clear ui> a put cf mon?y. Montreal Star. Sa many ipeoplo dislike this coun- try that the government may hive to appf>Jut a s.ptT.:a! body of poMcemen to keep them from settling out of it. WlLiilpes l-"ree Press. 'OSTP'INTO THIS BIG PAYING BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. The supniy or skilled motor me- i*"inics, chauffeurs and gura^u men is always Tac bei-:)W ths demand. Next 0>r-inig ti) business wiM offer more- opportunities than ever. As usual trainod men will command the high- est waces. You wi be one of these and oarn big mon^y all year round by preparing yourself for the job this w.ntor. The Interna'tional Automo- b:!o School his fl:.ted eciires of men u> make big success. Some are earning as high ae fifteen dollars a d*y. We can do the aiuo for you by giving you a complete practical course in every 'branch of automobile work. Our course consists of two to throo months' practical garafio In- struction, with individiMl aAtwition and help which will enable you to take a:;;/ rwpor.sible posltho-n. Not mere book learning, but sunnd teach- ing and experience under actual working coiwlitions. W e are the largest school in Oanada and th* only automobile sohooj iu Toroato which aHows tihe prospeoWva student join- ing to go th i outfit the school and talk with the man taking tile course. Call or write INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LIMITED & GARAGE, 211-213 Victoria St., Toronto. Adelaide 6676. Best equipped school in Oanada. 10 L.KI MK QUOTE YOU PRICE ON Dry Pine Stabs and Edgings for Suear-making ajid Summer Puol. A. Baker, Big-wood, Parry Sound District. 9 Seamstresses s.-.y that you can oaly 63t one skirt out of t-hrep. yards, tout a clothesline thief got five out of one yard in Seattle the other nlg.ht - Kitchener .Record. It Is yet io ho explained whether Jnt. bill introduced in 'the Oai'^smia (MTilylutiiEe, prc'hiblting liip pockets, 1? aimed at revolvers or pockot ^Hamilton Hera'ld. One of tho natural rrusons why j r< :;i.idlans object to Clhlnose eggs 1 s j :hat they are not goln^ to 'permit . Truck eardoncrs in the east domh'.od their orders for ovbbaise p'anta whon they herd t'ho Kentucky tol>.voco growers h.ul docidcd to make no crap th.'s yeas- Winntp g Tribune. Toronto,, the City of Churches, but ;!?ioro is c.Yy 0110 established ChurtJi Tommy. K inca rdlno Kev lew. HONEST, REUAULJS SALESMEN to ."epresent us in the sale of our wejlil-known Nursar" Stock; com- plete line of all fruit trees, busihes, ornamentals; free outfit; liberal rate of camuilsslon. Maple Goxxve Nurseries, Winoni, Oat. 9 MAKE MONEY AT HOME $16 -rr $60 paid weekly for your spare l wilting stowcards tor u*s No & vossing. We instruct mid eup) you with work. West-Am; us Stov. caxd Service, 57 A. M. Cb:bjrne L Toronto. ^ 11 HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER, $16; firuitbloom and clover, $12; buck- wheat a:id clover, $10 for 60 Ibs. F W. Krouse. liuelph, Ont. 9 LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and iifa.t sewing at teome; whole or spare time; g<ood pay; work sent any distance; ohuTgr'H p.ud^ Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. 1' One thing this year's June bride OVBH a semblance to Ciiln.n impa' i ln? i need not fear tftiore'M tw no oW Ehow thrown at h^r. They'll al-1 be at tihe ix-.pair ahon ^Calsarary Hcra'd. 'fr yolk upn this country Ouelph Herald. Premier Drury slhould beware. If ' From the iwe.xse in juvenile ha broadeno out nvucih more ho may crima w>e're inclined to b^Hewo tihat not he able to got fch.roug*! t'ho door thorp hasn't .boen finoug-.h of the old of tho farmers' haCi of fame. To- f shunned bacJc t' '!e-wwilsht<l nv.ive- ronto Telegram. . raont toeroabout. Rogilaa Pct WANTED GIULS OF GOOD EDU- catlon to brain aa nurses in Wel- landia Hospital, St. Catharines. 10 KNITTING YARNS- -L.OVKLV COL >rs purp wool but very moderate prices Sample ghadea free Qeorgetowo Wniin Mills Ueorge 'own. Ontario 1> ^ E WILL SPIN WOOL. INTO YARN > ti ankcts \ddrp c^eorgatown ''."' ' U HELP WANTED MALE. WE WANT 200 MORE MEN AT once to fill positions In early spring *t $125 to $200 per montli operat- ing Kis tractors, driving motor trucks and cars, selling: tractors, cars and farm power machinery, or as auto tractor mechancfs. in city and country garages. Only a few weeks required to learn these trades in the day or evening class- OS at the Hemphlll Crovernment chartered Motor SSchool in every largo city of Canada. Start now and you will be ready for spring rush. Call at near- est branch for free catalogue. Visitors always welcome. Hcrap- hlll Motor Schools, 209 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg. Branches at 163 Kin-.?; Street West, Toronto. Re- gina. Saskatoon, Edmonton, 'Cal- g:iry, and Vancouver. 30 DOMESTIC HELP WANTED. UENERAL, FOR SMALL FAMILY, no washing. Wagas ?35 per month. .Mrs. Geo. (Virseallen, 6l> Arkledun Ave., Hamilton. 9 SALESMAN WANTED. GRAMOPHONE MANUFACTURER wan-ts agents. Sample gramophone and records at factory price. Cata- logue free. Voice-O-Phone Co., 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. 12 MEN IN VILLAGES AND COUN- try We know you want to earn more money; so do we; let us work togtther; people in your neighbor- hood want, to make money; they ci'ii do it by joining in our com- pany; we own large completed mill' and hundred acres alongside Cen- tral Ontario Railway, without, a doi- lar against it; we need additional money in our business, which they can provide; we want you to tell them about this opportunity and we'll pay you well; take pen or pen- cil right now and write us asking all about this; It will pay -you Molybdenites. 9 Wellington Street East, Toronto. 9 HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR an energetic man to be Indepen- dent and free from the worry of un- employment, representing a strong Health and Accident Company. Lib- eral policies, good commissions and opportunity for advancement to po- sion of District Manager. A F Stolz, Manager, Merchant* Cas- ualty Company, Royal Bank Bldg , Toronto. fT,' POULTRY WANTED AND FOB SALE. I WILL PAY YOU 24 CENTS ~A pound for live hens, any size, F.O.B. your station. You can ship C.O.D. for full amount if you Hve within 200 ruiies oX Toronto. Crates loamtl free. Eggs wanted. Al- bert Lewis, 666 Dundas West, To- ronto. 9 $7.00 Per Day Profit. OUR HENS PAY A PROFIT OF ($5.00) each over and above feed bills. (500 hens will pay you a profit of ($7.00) per day. A Cock- erel of our strains will pay you many times over in extra eggs from your pullets next fall aid winter. . Our stock wins first place In the Sas- katchewan Laying Contest and second place in the Canadian Laying Con- tost. Write for beautifully illus- trated catalogue. It's free. L. R. Guild. Box S. Rockwood, Ont tf. BABY-CHIX. FROM OUR HEAVY producing Barred Rock, RJuode Is- land Reds best strains. Live de- livrry guaranteed. Chicks 30c. KS^B $2.60 per setting. Circular free. Al/riston Poultry Farads, Currie's Crossing, Ont. 11 MEDICAL. FITS STI NSON'S HOME TREAT- ment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testi- monials. No ca*e should be con- sidered hopeless. Free booklet. Wm. Stlnfion Remedy Co. of Can- ada,, 2611 Yonge street, Toronto. 27 RHEUMATISM ROUTERS -AN EP- fective, scientific remedy for Rlhen- matism, db.il Wains, Cold Feet, Nervous Troubles. No drugs. Con- venient to use. Regular price $2.00. Send $1.00 for speoial lim- ited Introductory otfer, or write for particulars. Rheumatism Routers Co., 96 HUledaJe Ave., Toronto. 11 FARMS WANTED. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A COR- ner off your farm* about five acres? Must have trees aud good creek and be on good stone road, in vicinity of Toronto. Hamilton, Milton, Oak- ville, Biumpton, Plokening, Cwhawa, Whitby. Write Advertiser, 34 Kiue William St., Hamilton, giving exact location, full partieudare and price. jj ARTICLES WANTED. PAISLEY SHAWL WANTED, IN ood condition. Write Mr. McCann, IS* Jameson Ave., Toronto. M. (BUY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN 9UP- ^plies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs ttorea *-----"-"-.. MONEY TO LOAM Loans made on (arms, tint, < ; second mortage*. Mortfacw . purchased. REYNOLDS, 77 Victoria St., Toronto. 52 --*"*- >> To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mother. > They cannot be healthy It troubled with worms Use Mother Ooravw' Exteiminator. Minaret's Liniment For Burn*. Etc,

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