Mrth 17 1121 THE FLR3H1MTON ABVANC1 Small Beginnings MAXY a roan has laid the foundation cf ), altii and prosperity, by starting a s -.vines account with small suras early i:i li:e. Evc-n the saving of your twenty five cent pieces may start you on the road to a successful future. A. dollar will open an account for you i:: our Savings Department. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ssa Capitol. Sarplns and Undirlded Proiu BRANCH MANAGER FLESHERTON GCO. MITCHELL CANADIAN '- PAOIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as allows : Going South Going North 7.62 a. m. 12.05 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.45p. m. The mails are osea at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 f p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS A. H. WttyU has been appointed travelling talesman for the wholesale house of Bawlby & Qluen of Windsor. A. H. Wbyta and sister, Mrs B. T.iylor, of Sank., are visiting with friends in Toronto and Brampton. Anglican church, Service as usual in Town Hall every Sunday at 7 p.m. Rev. G. Blackwell, Pastor. The Maxwell Methodist Ladies Aid will hold a. St. Fatrick social on the aven- ing of M.ii'.-h 17, Lunch nerved and a good program. Admission 20 and 35c. When cream time conies get your can at Beckers, Proton, agents (or Walkerton j Egg and Diiry. You gt an honest, test, hii'hes.*. price and tha money, Bags A few selling* nf R. I. R,d ea<;*, either coml>, at 81.00 per setting of 13 At this office. F T. H;il A Co. arc putting on a big stle of goods (1-iiiiiL'cU or slightly daiiiaK- ed hy Hiiioku and water. aeu their advurtiucmuut on our last page. Mrs. Douglas, wh-i baa been viaitini; her mother, Mra. VunDusen.hsre, dur- ing the past wii.ter, returned Situtday to lier home at Chancellor, Alberta. Dry Boods at pre war prices at Backer's store, Proton. lOyaida heavy factory cotton l.(i!), 10 ynrds family sewing liicachud for 81.70, 31.50 cashmere hose for 60o. Insure dry feet by having new bottoms puc an your leather tops, a pair rubbers ovrr your shoes or a pair of Pilgrim long rubber boots. Get them at Becker's store, Proton. Tne laerameot of iho Lord's Supper will he administered at Chalmer's Church ou Sunday afternoon, March 20, Pre- ' paratnry service on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Eisifirst, 5 Ibs. for $1.00 ; best Sock- eye salmon, 45c.; best green tea, 2 Ib. for 75. : tomatoes, 3 tins for 50o. ; St. Lawrence sugar, this week $10.95, at Becker's store. Proton. Mr. W. H. Williamson, Prioeville P. O., is agent for the Harab-Davies Ferti- lizers m this district. Fertilizers for all grains and roots. Get prices and litera- ture from him before purchasing. If W. G. Thomas is prepared to clea* and repair any make of sewing machines and organs. Satisfaction guanntaed. Drop me a lino or call and sae me at my ret-idance, iha V..n Dusen Block. Flesh- eitou. Small Ads. Reduced prices no alt suits a-n4 suit ings H. Alexander, Kerttrshani 20-1 21 Gander Vor Sale Apply to Georgu Rons, Maxwell. Try Fevtwham f-.i i y tflour, the beat or your oonk. All Ontario whuat Faroj Fur 8sl 100 acres, lot 7, 5, Osprey W. J. Mormon. KIT Sale Driving mare. Apply to Dr. EJ enry, Fleshvrtnn. Chopping done on Saturdays only Graham Bios. Euj^enta OctlO Fire and wind Insurance in t.'iu beNt companies fur tarrr. and town property \V. O. Fawcett, agent, Cylon, For Sale Cow 8 years old, due April: ; r | 23; alxo heavy oolt rising 3. Will'rf^ Johnston, Proton. | ^' DL H!e at i '-ft Pure Bred Durham Bull for onci 1 Roht. Ojbnrne, Eugenia P. O. I Seed Oats For Sain Canada Pride, '; frea from noxious weeds. 1000 buahel \ t 50u. PIT lui'lii'l while they last. Nat. ; Caswell, Proti.ii P. O. Fur Sale Horse 6 years old, harness huguy aod cutter. Rev. Gr. Ufhnm.i Flesherton. Spring Millinery Opening Thuursday and Friday, flarch 17th and 18th We are pleased to announce that Miss Colver is in charge of our Milliaery Department again this Season and has prepared a beautiful display of the season's novelties for your inspection. Easter is early this year leave your order in good time. Corset Special This week we offer several do/en D.&A. Corsets from some of our best selling lines priced from $2.50 to $3 50 per pair, perfect condition, sizes from 19 A-| to '2!) waist, but not all sizes between. Special to clear *p 1 Young rien's Suits Colt For Sale Coming 4 years, suit- able for driver, sound, will he sold cheap for quick sale. Apply to John Wright, Fleaherton. Mrs. Herb LeGard Is visiting frinds in Toronto. Mrs. (Re.) A.. P. Stanley of Markdale vi-ited with Mrs. Down lait Friday. Heavy sap buckets ?ei our special price. Becker's store, Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Scott visited over the week end with friends in Eloia. Robins, blackbirds, bluubirds and crows were singing and " crowing" around during the pail week. Messrs. Bert Sparks and .1. D. Moore visited friendd in Toronto over tha week end. Mr. Dm Whyte of Toronto is spend ing a few days with bis son, I. B., of the 0. D. R. Rev. Mr. Upham of the Baptist circuit has resigned hia charite and will ncct pt a church near Toronto, the change to take effect the end uf this mouth. J.iM'ih Crawford, lot C, con. 13, Osprey, will hold u extensive credit auction salo ou Friday, Mnrch 18. See list in this issue and large bills. Win. Xa ttiug, auctioneer. Mr. E. Binningtou of Maxwell points out to us that our report of th trul where two Osprey young men were charged with reckless driving was scarcely correct, tie says " They plead- ed guilty before James ileMulleii, J. P , and had tu put up 918 in fines each and received instructions to get the cutter repaiied as irood as it was before and pay the doctor bill." The Mission I', m.l held a very inter eating meeting in tho Mstbodist Sunday school room ou Monday afternooi. A program consisting cf music, recitations Fit Sle 2 Hereford Bulls, 1 year', old, suitable for service; also some' Hereford Beifera. Joa. Watson, Price- ' ville P. O. We pay highest pried possible for buttsr and egita and have orders foi large quautities. Bring it alonu Onu price, ciush or tiade, no difference here. Beckor's store, Proton. Sewell Bros., who intend to remove to San Jose, California, will bold sn extensive auction sale of farm stock. implements, household furniture, etc., at lo 1 3, con. U, Osprey, ou Thursday, March 24, I'.'.'l . s ,;,. at 1 00 o'clock. See largo b.lls. W. Kaittinoi, auctuineer. Fertilizer I am agent for Gunn's Sur Gain Fertilizer*, the best cm the market, and am now taking orders for delivery it Fli'Hht'rton Station. Send in orders by mnil IT phone No. 21 r 23. W. J. Meads, I'riceviile P. O. 1 apr Mr. S. J. N. Glazier, M*nagr at Owen Sound fur lie North American Lif* Assurance Company, was in town this week aud appointed Gmi. Md'av'sh ttfant here. The North American m one of the oldest and bent companies, known HH " SoliU ua the Continent." Molds Knox On Satuidty, Match :i h. 1 !>_'!. at the home of the brido's parentM, Swintun Park, by tho Rev. C. SincUir Jones, Priceville, Annie K i.' i lifth, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Robert Knox. to Willam R., son of Mr. and Alls. \V. J. Meads, Arteuiesu. Now is Iho t .ii'i- to choose the wall uapur for that room. I hive just receiv- ed my books of samples of wnll papers, oilcloth, wall coverings, burlaps, etc., and am now ready to take your order. II. Carrini<toti, painter and decorator, b'lesharton, Out. The L i'iii's Aid of Eugenia Presby- terian Church will hold a measuring social in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Friday, March 18 There will be short program commencing af 8 p. m , after For Sale Good frame house and lot I in Ceylon, a number of ftuit trees, half! acre of land, fairly good stable. Apply tn S H Mniiiiill, Ceylon, or Wrn- Hemp- hill, 54 Humbly Ave., Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE A six roomed brick residents, barn nnd orchard on lot. Fo> particulars apply to John Wright, Fleshertou. FuR SALE Wyehoff and Guild st rain of S C. Lfghorn Rags fur hatching ; also Gies Shepherd's strain of S.C. Ancnnas t $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs H. E Karstedt, Priceville. nilOtf Some novelties in nitty suits tor Young Men just received, including Blue Serge, Fancy Worsted and Tweed suitiug9 in different shades and weaves. Beautifully tailored, welllinad and finished- Sizes 3:j to 37 Based on to-day's values. Priced from $20 to $40 Novelties in Easter Neckwear F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO K Sale Heavy horse 7 years old, top buggy, open buggy, wngon, wagon noz u. .i tup bor, 2 buy racks, 2 wooJ racks, 2 cutters, set uew sinu'io heitvy linniHtd, net new singls dnvinu harnes.*. 3 logging chainH, plow, get heavy hamcs and in.'-. 2 L!'":I| horsw collars. Apply .if --r 6.00 o'clock Flesherton. p. m. to S. Setuple, Death Of Mrs. Geo. lud!ow ;^j THE ELDRIDGE A gloom w,s cast oner tho community Dependable Sewing Machines ,:::: wh"n it wa learned that Mrs. Ludlow bad passed away on >.-M night. March 5, at her home at Victoria Corners. On retiring to bed on Friday night she complained of a huadnche and *. 3 00 o'oli'ck in (he m run _ -h.. called her husband, when it was learned that she wi seriously ill. Dr. Martin from j Dundklk wa summoned hut in spite of I i I thnt kind and willing hands O'iuld dol she passed peacefully away. Tho fie- 1 i f i>ure bred Shurlhmn bull on Lo hoso m ii i.-M name WHS Misj 28 and 'M, Concussion S. Arteinesia. Florenco Ri.-hardson, was well known Terms 81 50 for urades if pajd inaxle of at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG $ FLEaHERTOS, ONT. For Service and a dialogue, was well rendered. The Easter thankuffering was received and amounted to over fifteen dollars, which no duubt will be doubled. Fhia Band, under the able management of Mrs. W Armstrong ranked first in the Owen Sound District and with Mrs. Murray at the helm we feel sure it will nuintain the lead At the regular monthly meeting <-f th e W. M. S. held in the Methodist church on Thursday of lait week tha following officers were eleotoJ : Pros., Mrs. W. H. Thurston ; Vice Presidents. Mrs. H Down snd Mis. Clinton ; Rec.-Sec , Mrs. Geo. Mitehell ; Cor S*o , Mrs. Hickling ; Treas., Mrs Cargoe ; Supt. of Clu m inn Stewardship, Mrs. W. I Henry ; Stranger's Sec. , Mrs. Holland. Mrs. Henry was elected to attend the Branch meeting with Mrs. Holland as alternate. Th Easier meeting will be held on April 14. The ladies of the Methodist church put on a play in the high school Friday evening of last weak entitled " Afternoon Train Friendly Village, 1862" which was an immeuse success in every way. The hall was filled with a very aympa ihatio and appreciative audience. Some fifteen ladies took part in the little dramn, and the stars shona very bright indeed, but our agronomical reporter feaa not yat supplied us with the names of those of first ma!(nitud. In fact, we tolfi him nol lo do so, as wo did not wish to gat into any trouble with the- influeDcas which try to control th afore Slid luminaries. Asido Irnm joking however, the talent exhibited b? some of he ladies would kav* done credit, to any stage tn the land. In fact there was none of tha s'nge struck consciousness so frequently found among amateurs . Mrs. (Rev ) A P. Stanley of Maikdale added very greatly to the plsasure of tht* evening by contributing a chnrtniugly rendered recitation. A young man named Bernard Morton pUyi-d the D:ano very acooptab'y. Th-< proceeds of ihu evening amounted to 1122.00. which games will be played and lunch served. The admission will be 3 cents for every font in height rfter which 1 cent for every odd inch. Come, tall and short, and enjoy a pleasant evening. Anniversary services will be held in Rock Mills Btptist church on Sunday, March 20th, morning service at 11 a. m liero, having taught school for somo timo in No. 4. She war a women of many I sterling qualities, a gord neighbor, a kind in ' lovin mother and a friend of every- body. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, two children, -,inn i. aved 17, and Robur', nuad 'J, who have the deepest sympathy of all. Mrs. Ludlow wan a regular attendant of the Anulicnn Church. Tlie funeral rook place to !! cemetery on Tuesday, followed hy a lurga cnncourne of sorrow- ing friends. Rev. Blackwell conducted service at the 'i M.B.I The Howers were m "v and beautiful a wreath from her husband and children, a cross frnrn the sisters, a crescent from Mr. Georere Ludlonr, sr , and his daughters, a star from Mr. and Mrs W. Ludlow, a broken circle from the Women's Auxiliary, a star from the neighbors m ( a bpautiful 9 mjnths-if not $2. Pure bred* J.OO. loct ROBKRT OSBOUN'K. Bull For Service Pure bred Shorthorn Bull of the) Village Family for service ou lot 10, cun. f 10, Oaprey. Teims 82.30 for grides. $o\ for pure breds. .Inly 15 Mori. Sayers, Prop. BOOTS & .SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ... .! . MARCH 29ih OPENS SI'RING TERM at wreath from Flenherton High Schonl. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. Riahardnon mid Mrs. Hicks, Clinton ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mo- Clure, Toronto ; and Mr. and Mrs Will Ludlow, Woodstock. Tha follow/ing and eveoing servi.e at 7 80 p. ra Rev. , f rmer "?** a ?, t9d M ?? llbe "7 : m k. rn . ' Ludlow, Chas. Moore, Gao. Best, Elmo Stavsns, Milton H union and [R. Moore. Mr. Vowieruf Fleshurton will take charge of both ssrvices. On the following Monday evening, March 21st, there will be a good program given in the church. A play is bainti preparad entotled " A Scrub Town Sawing Circle." Admission 35 and 20c. The Chinese are shipping millions of gg into this country to compete with the Canadian hen, aud wi are asked to send millions of our money to China to keep the Chinese from starving. An inquisitive correspondent wants to know why the Chinese don't feed their own <>Ks to their own starving ? We cannot. antiwer, bub probably thu Chinese would rathor (itarvo time eat the eggs snipped to .. It seems liks n incongruity, but perhaps not. The F. P. M Debating Soeiety held a debate nt> Pricoville on Wadnasrlay evening of lust week when Flesherton and Priceville were ih contesting parties. The subject of debate was: Resolved that the Orientl People should not be admitted into Canada as mmigmntft." The affirmative wastaken iv Mrs. (Rev ) Fowler nnd Mr. James garrison of FMesberton, and the negative >y Miss Hanow and Mr. McConkcy of Prioeville. Both parlies brought >.\i strong and convincing arguments in support of their side bnt when it came to the jn l".-x tn in-iko a decision theynould not. agree and the m if or wm left over for the decision of th Executive nf the The nxi d"Uate will be held ln on March 21st. when Kl'.- lii'fiTi will take iho aftii-rati\e in support of " Resolved that a tax nhnuld he p'acod on all liaohelors." Mutkdalo will take the nat;ative. - Business, Shorthand, Farmer's nnd ' Preparatory Courses. Staff of Specialists. Catalogue Free, C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., Principal G. D. FLEMING, Saorstary. Mention this paper when writing) Owen Sound, Ont. Wedding Gifts, Presentations, Etc. Our stock ot useful, fancy aud oruuniental will help you solve your problem where the above is needed. MUSIC . We have it in abundance in all its varieties. Our line of Gramophones' Victrolas, etc., and Keeords BELLAHY'S GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits FISH Silt and Fresh Fish, including Trout, Salmon and Herring. Try our Smoked Heiring. HONEY Class Clover Uoney in 5 and 10 Ib. pail*. DRY FRUITS Currants, Raisins, Figs and Dates. All Kond quality. GROCERIES A full line of Groceries guaranteed to please. APPLES Spies, Baldwins, Ruatelts and Greenings. All good stock. FLOUR Groat satisfaction ia obtained by using Cceam of i h West fur bread. Feversham Pastry makes the beat. of Pastry. .DUIMILK Ask us about tha preparation. A good substitut* for m<lk. CEREALS Rolled Oats, Wheat, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Wheat Kernels, etc. CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, Corn, Ponfl, Pork an i Beaua, Pink, Red and Sockcy Salmon, Spaghetti, Soups nr c Asparagus. cannot fail to pleasa the most) fastidious. Music aud Mouth Organs. SEWING MACHINES Sheet TORONTO GLOBE and MAIL & EMPIRE for sale Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. Our line includes the world famous and aristocrat of Sewing Machines the "White. Watches and Clocks Repaired. Eyes tested and grasses titced. W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 1 3 and 28. Fleskertou, Ont. SB^ffgMjiggSggg^&SiSgfti For Sale NOTICE as the Ashdown . an eight roomed The property kuoan residence at Ceylon, dwelling, j. 11 nl celkt, stable, etc ; about an acre of land : wou'd maka a good home for a retired gentleirnn. For n;-;iis :iinl further particulars auply to -W. J. BELLAMY, Flssherton So 22 Boar For Service For Service Lot Poland China Boar 39, con. 4. Artamaiin 2 , n WALLACE FI?HER, Prop. Remember the Old Reliable SingQr Msohnie. Yuu can buy on tn'rnn to suit you at a very rm*oubV price . 10 year guarantee. HUGM K.NOTT, AgBt, Out, tarm For Sale Lot 34, Hon. 4, Artomasia, 100 sores, 86 aorna aieared, well fenced, and ia A ; u'll state of oii'n ivniioii. \pply to -R. D. MSLDRUM I Fob 9 Lipton Ave, Toronto